Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1921, p. 3

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mr ur cm a ilu wtotdr ntwuim am ti ll utunmiay ociomutia 104 iii a fd 1 iii 1 1 111 ivl i imll 1 vry ii ir lay s n i it ui ll r i irri ii iii lt mill rrcl act oil n 11 iii n i v tic7ini ui i r l u tir i l irl m llr hi 1 aim it 1 1 in had fra frill alvirlunur id lirif lirl ill i nmrnur i i t i rot t tml a i j inilit l it m i t l uf i m i i tract dim lay a vtrllmr uti i r io ii i r i 41 i f ml irr i i ucli i sold a ur ur ir lu wilt i l i llfrul will i i merit 1 tilt f i 1 i ttt i i air i i i intuit modltl un r si i i il iui tt llll uiov 1- 1ilu rial bi 1 ii cm uilire nw lit mr ll editorial church union mul the anglican church riiu luiclci of tlil anjlicun church arc now du cu ifl chin chuiiun m rent earnest hili stately church it becoming more and more friendly with the ollilr christian communion 1 lit- oiijjjrt ition of the lambeth coittcrtiict tor provision ot pulpit injcr cliiiiijc is bunrj accept td in canada ihc general synod in c in t week in hamilton puscd a re lolution favormj tin court o under proper uper vision jail for drunken mntorinbi whepo n mint in convicted on h charge at bunt intoxicated while in charge of n motor cur the imipiitrate ha no option but to jml lie offender fifteen ilayti in the county jail wir the penalty imnd ed out by miti trule watt on stimuli morulnft7 miko iiwartcnhurj a guelph youii man who wu convieted on a charje of drivinj a motor cur while tmtlcj the influence of liquor moil sljinnl triumph while effort are butiij put forth to make the people of the ilriti li i ici believe that prohibition ui the lluicd n 11 rail tire sir itobcrt w perk biir i wrltei mtbe firth h weekly that tfic c of the piohibition act in the united tatci wft the uioit lij mil triumph won by the force of chrrtinn pnjress in twenty year ihi- tutcment wa made at he ecumenical conference in i on don fnjland and wa entfiuinrtically confirmed pioneer mogill a tiundred years old -r-or- motherti pctmlon ijiw in tlic united slnlcrt louiuinnna i the firit tutc in tlio union to emu late ontario b mother i pennon inw in mod re ptctj ito proviiiort arc very r to our own excellent law any woman who e liu bund u dead permanently di mblcd or iiuprioucd and who 11 the mother of a child or children under uxteen years of age and has lived nl leu it ono year in the parish is entitled to a pension proportionate to her needs and the number of children thut oho baa she may draw at much iu 15 n month if uhu hau one child and as much as 10 n m on tit for each additional child but not more than 50 a month in all caniala s timidly in paver of measures to eliminate while slave truffle canada is one of the fourteen state a which have siucd the protocol of the league of nations con vention regarding the white olavo tralllc south am erica and i ranee which opposed the convention have abstained from mjjnmi it is remarknble that tomo women delegates who might have been naturally supposed to be deeply concerned in nupp resting thin nefarious trafilc at any cost had no constructive plan tor its extinction it n stated they t cemed more con cerned over the alleged indignity of curtailing wo mens liberty evert in the interests of their own elates noodles to remark these wore not canadian women government profculflls to relieve the unemployed government proposals for unemployment rclier during the coming winter includo nu olfer to bear a share of the cost of municipal work abovo the normal cost provided an equal share of the exceti is borno by the provincial and municipal governments t the government believes would encourage the crea- tion of work where work cannot he provided the federal government will continue to bear one third ofsho amounts aotwnlty rtfjwoitby- municipalities tor unemployment relief the plan of providing em ployment instead of unemployment rclier must commend jtelf to the public generally many honest workmen are anxious for employment and much prc- ror work than relier few indeed nro the men who would accept rclier ir work u available the average canadian workman prides hitnseir in preserving his independence why exempt native wjtu7 it ia very difficult to imagine any good reason for the governments action in exempting native winen manufactured by wmo companies and containing large pcrcentugen or alcohol from the provisions or the ontario temperance act it has been shown over and over again that these wines are intoxicating mid just us suceptible of getting people into trouble as any other liquor it wan brought out in evidence at a police court trial at nerval lust saturday that young men in their teen i have accens to thi harmful intoxicant when they havo the niqans sufficient to purchanc a dozen bottles and that atter imbibing this commercial nntivo wine they becamo so boister ous that n merchant of the village was obligedsto expel them from his store a citizen was annaulted and the chief of police of georgetown wos phoned tor to quell tho disturbance u the government la justified in prohibiting the ale or whhlcey and beer and othor intoxicant it surely to be con sistent should prohibitum sale or intoxicating native wines tho people ofonturio voted overwhelmingly in favor or prohibiting tho solo of all intoxicating liquors why ore intoxicating native wines exempt and lfcenjws granted permitting their promiscuous sale in casci or a dozen bottles or casks of live gallons tho rattlo of ilhvferlvhtght in tho ttvenlmp hero is atrincoiitrovertible ract that little fringe of time whichlengthens out the day and introduces the night which wo call evening is a flold in which tho battle or life is fought directly and decisively by nearly every young man and applies with almost equal foroo to young women t seven oclock js the hour or fnte nud here the youth decides nud on no other hour ot tho twentyfour depends no much between tho hours of work and tho hours or sleep after tho hist legtilur meal of tho day has been eaten boys and youths mon and women accelerate their pace toward tlioli destiny whether upward or down- ward tho three hours following seven oclock may bo used ho that one may got ahead grow to ho wlder- vluloued fitted foi leadership larger responsibility more congenial work a bettei paying job or this time may bo all frittered awtty in mere pleasure or worse iheio are m3 weekday tteven oclocks in every year of 7fio young man r young womans life nlmort thousand evening liourb between those boveuolcjocks nntl the rollowiitjj ton oclocks tho use in prlqpoi study and reading or experiment ot a tail part of thebo spare houni for a row years may mean real tuiccoii and poimaimnt bntlafnctlon in lire young folks what uio you doing with these soven oclocks into tho sccrot placoof will and purpose tlioy wait asking what willvou do with mo q hug them away in itllenois iwnksn nud onorvatiifg lb to bo yniutod nothing low tlmu failure when wo regard lifo and time in the light or their higftor f values t ii htartllng oxtont nseriilnebi liapplnev cliuriilter itscir dopndson tli0 huilrn j intelligent thought should thoroforo bo given them bubumrs directory in wortliy of emulation tho town ot hcpeler was the recipient a few day ngo from one of its leading citizen of a flno park property jytr gcorje d torbcs was tho donor thr town council u accepting the gitt graciously honor ing the donor by naming the park torbc park any town would gladly immortalize beueflcicnt don ryttfcpjlhlt jti ttiiqw tin town would be lutppy torntmbirmodoriiwcll appointed public library building for the citizen who would bestow the means tor such a grcatlytieed- cd public building mcgill unlvorlty it will i iuil welcome to i in ion ncwhpapcrdom the oakvillc record has been purchased by mr w nchon wilkiuon of toronto mr wtlkiiioii is n newspaper ninn of experience an editor of ability a citizen of splendid parti and he will be an acquisi tion to oakvillc and the county or hal ton while the- retirement of mr flcuty after his able control of the record for fourteen years will be greatly re grcttcd by his brethren or the press of tho county in i successor will receive a cordial welcomo because of his real worth as a journalist and his general ex eel i en ce as a man of affairs shirking pcmomil itttipoitiilhlllty every iiewopaper knows full well how many people shirk rcsponsibilty in public nffain people come to a newspaper time after time and want the editor to fire rome hot bhot which they dare not do tho editor asks them to sign their names to certain charges or statements and it is surprising how ly they crawl back in their shells plenty of ardent men want the newspaper to criticize this that or the other person or thing but they will not do ft them elves brussels po tt and every police magistrate knows even better how many good people there are in every community who honestly want lawa en forced and peace and order maintained but when a trial is being made in court to bring to justice thee alleged to he guilty of disturbing the peace will hedge in their evidence and shield their neighbor whou they hnvfi positive proof its eye witnesses of his guilt our forest llevcnucfl revenue from crown forests are playing an in creasingly important part in the several provinces in new brunswick for the fiscal year ending october 31 1020 the revenues to tho provincial treasury ag gregated 137005 or more than double those of tho proviour year this increase was dub partly to an in creased cut partly to increased atumpugo dues and partly- to a closer scale in quebec for year ending june 30 1020 the forest revenue amounted to 2g04- 450 20 or 28 0 per cent greater than during the previous y it is estimated that during tho cur rent flbcal yen the forest revenue to the provincial treasury will aggregate aratmd 3000000 which may bo increased to 3500 000 during tho fiscal year fol lowing in ontario for fiscal year onmlng october 31 1020 the forest rovenuo wo3 2084 843 an in crease of nearly 50 per cent over tho previous year during tho cnloudar year 1010 tho british columbia government received m forest revenue a total or 2755730 tho importance of perpetuating these revenues to say nothing of increasing them is ob viously so great that nil or the provinces would be amply justified in expending larger sums than at present upon the protection of tho forest3 from fire insects and disease upon reforestation and upon an administration calculated to ensure cut over areas being lert in the besf condition to produce continued crops of tho more valuable tree species so far as that may bo consistent with tho economics or tho situa tion kditorial notes increased prices tor bootleg whiskey in on tario indicate that the cellars are gradually becoming dry prohibition hogind to prohibit daily globe it was definitely proclaimed on friday that the general elections for tho house of commons will take place on tuesday december 0 jthos0 candi dates who aio successful will assemble in ottawa for tho opening of parliament on january 15 moro electors both women and men received tho glad bund at georgetown pair last thursday than on any previous occasion in the history of the fair tho three candidates for a seat in tlie house of com mons representing halton were busy all afternoon tho big agricultural implomeiit manfacturors re reducing the prices of their machines thin should renew the demand for farm machinery and bo tho moans of re opening the fuctpfies which have been clo several months i m bar go or no embargo camidjancattlo are in demand overseas a uhipmettt of 105 fat cattle direct from ontario feeders to glasgow last week brought 140 to 44 ror the best steers an advance of 3 to 4 over tho previous weoks quotation lord shnughnebsy of tho c p ft has just sound ed a moht optimistic- note respecting general condi tions in caiiuda he sayh the business outlook is promising the wheat crop about 275000000 bush els is the greatest over harvested in this coutitn pncourage boys and gllil to have mouuf for a dollnito goal for a hotter education and for the start in lifo on tho faruuor in business the older members of tho family can make it lanier tog the boya and girls to save help the young folks it pays moiilmil will w t f i r llv linn ui ulr tw iiiiihiioiiii umilin liiif if m hill univ hill vlin 1ia i fun ml nlly will in rolo i nilml it r union uf former tiuliutun u i ui i fifrit luuliu l 4fihy4ur uttl n lialf tirrnwc mmim lnvo iiajiii umlr veny ivy ii tiuiual rnmmltllfi t tho mtaill nrnilimlil ikrldty in rim run o tho on hi i jit uf thn iinlitm dvfljlt i nun nil ivor thn wnlrl i mrdlll nnmliiutit huvc ilinlful tholr lilni- lum of tnulni tit in tlilu iiiuinnrutiln i ithtiliik at tlm lirfuimit tlinn ilmri urn iflitiu on tint hluli acan frotii julian china mul imlln from auutritlla ilnuth africa mul tout it amnrlm to ho fol low i hy tlioio friim oroat ilrllulit nni i un it onijnr to tui nrtumit to roln- itrutn thn onii himitroatli nnnlvoruary of tlnlr alum mulir utul to rovlvo tlia omnrieii uf dtudfiit ilayu luvllutloim huvo itcnii inimnd to avnry rninuiil iinlvirully in urn worlil to in i n ronrnnnntutlvn many illntln liilltilm i mi u will mr tvn icurinuit ul u nioi ul ronvorutliiu 1 oikiwtinf u mult i ml i mi which will xuun nlum in iltrulhrtna hull thn initial t vi nt will 1 ii a uur u n iwrty on ho iuiiiiiiu fdltiiwoil in thn nvnnluif l u fotn lit null ihn tmrnhiiii of tlm t i will hi ihivokil la uiiii ha tin nu ii ul imiinti trittloiin hi hid vurl oiii f idillh i cf moth inn hi inurt artu ijiw mul thonlnuy at tttvnn in on thnnnroii i iliyn rjifrnl uiifltlnif of nil xlrolli uruiluulou will hjin 1iirft rouplt il tlmutrti mil in tin iirfiriinurrtlmitt will u acnuvnrjl tlmi ci mil dlnniru una nlunnnil for tho i von i n if nt wiilrh nil iluiun will mini nu uullu mul i it r nil ma uruhiliili i will uutliur f r it koimrjl utunlinr uio in ly uruiliintru huvh u it illunnr lit the iloyul vlrtoilu cotlnao unlvonilty iijinreti will 1o hold ul tho pnwlvul moluou mnmnrlnl lltnillnm in tin iirttirituoit of thn third iluy unl in tl n nvnnlnr n unlvi nilty n ci itloii mul il nice v ill un jilvim hy thn lroul ilont mil tlio lluunl if uovornoru on tho inornlnit or ortot or tho iftieiitli un xouruloii hi thn mnrdonalil altl iiliunil cnlhiti 111 anno io itnllfivyo hun can niriiniieil fallowetl hy hiu chfton rolumliiir hi limp for thn chain l h iiuhlh ruitl y luulh hitwtin mrcliii tin 1 i in uto vurhilty on lliimliiy 0 toh r iilxtinlli u e imral chuuh ur vim will ho lu1 1 ul fit jumiil atotlio ol t church a i inrlul imtvt ulr hulton huu im it llt i litol uny lniiortnnl ihi lihfory linrkl of- vln 1 iia btmhlrtlrvtnmil ln- t n in 1 in lurliih i ulrn t mrnl i miciliilir tic cbalrtnuij iituiii ii it hcntiry i ii tilt 1103 ijiilltir cuimnlttiu hi in i f kliiir arin tv mill mru c muuillun art i 10 i n trliitmmnl urlir ii ircl iy arlu oh ijiw ih uuii jim c kmi tlr oh lroniiortntlou ahncr itliiitmun r arlu ok uuil ii c fliott al in 00 lliiuilm a 1 cameron arlu 10 mul 1 ii common arlu ia imuruminn tr w n turin r ma 1 on 1 innnrn j q do ii lie 03 unit ii y itiinsjoll ile 01 ih l itriillou mi l i ulillclty irnir h ktltli lie 03 1 nctilty itn linloninllvdi mo i pr c i martin mf 1 3 uninr a 1 11 isin mud q4 cyril i mikmulliii artu 00 oordnii mrdouuiill ijiw sj qonurul dr j a nil holm ii arlu u7 llniny moruuii arlu 11 imf n n 1 vtnu he ho j m i iltltui fli 00 mil j w joaulnn vrti 13 hncinlaiy mcqill jruihiuti u horloty a uiintir liijn hi maill uulvi 1 1 rl iiraiiiiuujit inutiuiiralcil im t full i ut ttt ulurly miionu- tlm irrn luuti i at ihi i riiuilhlun ovur 11 v nilllluu il illni i w n i crl 1 to ca on thn woru if tttirciiu mul in unitiily u wnttiml 1 llilllil fll ull 1 t lllllll lit cllltllll llillll it will th row tli of thn uulyorlilty j hiuiucrtiuiduliit r in r hi rt innhi 1 1 y tlm vho ui hue il n tin uuccoau at llilu ill- v nt in thn hlutnry of u jtriut in lvinlty i o ruvnruhly hnown in rvrry ttu irtnr of thn iflnlui i rof in r cyriiu muumlllun huu writ in it 111 tm y of thn iinlvnriilty ontltln 1 l fllil mil liu htnrlmi wliuh h ii luu iy of tlm oxford unlvi rulty irn i oi onto hau i iililliihnil in tlmn for tlm union i hlii contalnu ktruotufroiii tuny hint rlo r cordii puhllulioit for 11m ur t tlmo mid tflviui u womlnl fully tliuf itcriiunt of tlm iirolron i of niltir itlon in iiwir cmiudu mil quo ithlu thn inut hundrud youni a cabc or conocicncc llnu im id mo too run oh t n d u nnlru w r rmihlly lurnluu ir two ry tlinto hlllu you iltrco dollaru loo murli ihn iitiiut havo tlmiilit ihlu ov dollar hill wiiu n two i hn oi nut in dm i tlmilhht i imit l cm- it u un morn than my rightful dun only i don t sot it 1wolvo dolluru u monlh toi my who in tlmn nut of nchool it domm l iiokiii to uy for ull i do mid i wo u i in t utand it if i could liolp myuilf luvi rylutdy uuyh ctirtlu iu n rciul arlnd of cnurnn i ii kpf thlu un uvo it to mn if lio huu inudu n inlutnuo unit u hiu own lohuout tliut mut lor in ull tinttlntl what uhnll i do with thin lucky wind fall 1 in to huvo jt linlf holiday tho hint lluliirdny lit thr month tlilu would tiivn mo u run down to tho ulmro i iiovor wt out of tho city it uooinu uu if tlilu had conin altout juut to ulvo mn n nhancn cum fully luylnu thn mnuoy tn u nafo ucn ntd quickly uluiorhnd lilmuntf utudy all thn wnnlf hn took uttln tlino for thouclit it wlm uuy to avoid for imtwotn wuru nnd utudy fnw lkiyn worn on tinny un hn nlalit found him un drud tlmd that thn untiuil uh op wlilch hlntmna injjor wan ida ricli nnl tlinm cai v t nht or two vhlrh ho hud to at linnl oanlnnt u trouhlonnmoi intrt mthoualtt nod ilurnar vou i j thief iuuulntc a mnmnnt itvlf tn fnmlllur isa lilnu nlf with thn uninid of hiu anlf uiiutlon ho ro an mlid hiu indlotmnnt von urn nnd you know it hint hi ynu urn uu uma an that monay la in your liundu h hi not yonru nnd all your nnn talk can t mukn it youni ynu ro on lha r lit lit uldn now hut in un day ynu wnul i hnvn hnnn nn thn rona nldo ynu would hnvn iwm n thlnf thlof thluf all your llfn nnth could ovnr hnvn tmt ynu hack iro ynu an now hy thn urnco of and ynu rnndn a mlntnka in your laiit imtymoht iiald nad enlna with tho monoyto hiu muplnyor ah did it whim did you and it utr i lio loukdd kconly nt tlm hnyu italn fill lluihuu hnvukad nnd had hnpnd in would not auk iir a mnmnnt ha thoiittlit of nvadlnc oiu qucnllon hy half truth then rjimn thn tlmuiflit llficnimo i cumn nnict door to lmlia l thluf i nnodnt corrm next donr to tnluff a hnr i uaw it unoii nftar ho uald ikn niinurh hn ii dliichnrifn mn wnn nod u conduulnii in tho mutter n wau not dlnnhartiod uttln hy lltllo mr ctirtlu iilucod innra important work iu hiu haiidu nud hy ulnw ilnarncu ind him to n itnultlon nf truut and cn fldonoa i havo kojit him lift nvitlulnoil tn it frlnnd iwicuuho i ilka a ynuna follow who huu a connclonco tloruld nnd i wait ifoh the mud to d1w 1wthhv orahum au nvnryhody in thn vlllnan callnd him wnn nnn nf th old fuuhlonod uiutlomon nf whom thorn un fnw htft itnw hn wan holovod hy nvory tmn und hiu inftuoncn hi tlm uttlo town wan arnut a younir mini in tlm vii1uli liad boon imtlly lnuultnd nnd camn to author oruhnm full nf unary indlenatlnn do nlarltir that ho wnn kolritf at nuoo tn inund mi n polony my dour y rnthor graham uatd aun n word nt udvlra from an old lull who invnu noucu an litutllt hi un mud it will tiriinh on munli imt tor whim it in dry vult u uttlo till hn and ynu urn hoth coot hsid thn thins ih ouully mo tid od if ynu ijo now it will nuly hn a qiiarmt it in plnuuaut tn tin ulilo tn udit that tln youiiu mnn took lu udvlon und ho foro thn nomt duy wmh dono thn tiinuh liik iioruon oaiito tn hctt forlvnno whv tiil 0ea 10 olud tho lilui of tlio not an in iqionnl duo tn tho rnfloc hon from tho iiky hut to tho iinltntuu nf thn wutnr nuwhoro in dm con morn hluo thun n thn modltcrruucnn whom thn wutor it ptirtlniilnrly tally for thn rounon thut it iu nut only n oiicd to lilmnut rophnl hint hut itucuuun romparn- tlvcly fw rlvnm pour rrcuh wutur into i around i nalluh ruunlu thn una vinljh imildornhly in un rolnr thn nnrtli a in uroon purtly ait u rtioiilt nf itn clnarnouu nnl inrlly liecuuuo or thn uundy naturn nf thn imttnm on thn lio u hi count it iu hi no toronn whllo nn thn wont count roon prdomlunliu allnntlo in ulmnnt uniformly for llio uamn rouuon uu tho north una j hit til u ii und it re en nro hy no mnunu tho nnly htina olmnrvnliln ut uoa 1 im und ilea pnla hn nnmo from u tiny wond llkn crnwth full rod in rnlnr which fovcru tu uurfuro tho yollow of china la iiojuilorly iiiipjtotiod ii un cullel ihicatuiti nf itu mud ii hut urlontlutu hnvn prnvcul that it dorlvon itn color from n multltudn inuta llvlnit oritanlumu in thn liny nf uianan tho wntnr hi hlnod ro 1 n reflection nf thn red imttnm noli fow youni iin tlio ucu orf tho count of california turnn 1 idark ihi whnln of tlunta crux hay muiumlni an inky hun tho phenomenon wmi cauu i hy rountlonn animal culnn known un whulnu fond ntonmor plylmr luitwnon hmta knna and yokohama ran into a unnw whllo una which wan un daxullnu- that it howltdnmd everyouo on iwiurd an- nthor chip unlllnir k thn cnaut of culnoa found ituelf in whnt innkod a n una nf nitlk oauund hy vnnt mhora of umatl whltn aiilmalu which for no mo linnrcnunlauln rounon had rlnnn 10 tho uurfaro frnhl thn tfroat iloplli in which thny unually lived muratirltn i umlth nhvctnd to tho now ynrjt lltatn anunmhly from tho nhintnonui now york dhdrlct hi twnn- ty flvo yoara old nud n hpnclnlllnt in ihynlial trulliliiu and liaro election in ulio hollavou tlm natural oiitarowth of tlio work ntio linn imnn doing in inunlty ull tlirouuh thn war hhn will not ulvn tip her work nn phynlrul illrnntnr in thn horn en mann plomon- tary flchoot whom uhn hi nlun nupnr- viuor of ulrlti ohdui in thn mimmnr for unvoral yoarn luu flmllli hau ivoun dlrnctnr of thn physical tralnlntr and daunliik at cump hntioiin a iflrlu ramp in vonttnnt and hau uimd uupnrlntondod thn nlrlu hlkcu irntiuli thn whltn mnuulalnu when uha wnn hi u tianhorn col loco mluii hmltli wan pmnldnut nf uio rith- lotlo nhnnclnttnit for two ynaru and m- cnivnd thn hluhont inllvllual no nro for athlntlch in tier uonlor your i novor had any lettlnlutlvo or im- lltlcal plnnu for myuolf uhn nuyii i tm von t now hut i want to kop on working for tho pnnplo or my own ooni- mlty hi whutnvor way i can not the ancwcil due cxpcctcd thn inanhor wau ulvhttf i louiion tn itniitul urithuintlo and wuu tanking thn oluiiii all itnrtu of intuitloiui johntiln wau hnrod und luattmtlvn ila novo did hkn urlthtimtln mtywuyt nnw johnny until din tnnrlinl ntnrnly if thnro worn uovmi hlnu 01 tho inhlo mil i kllhd two how mmly would thorn hn h ft only tho two ynu ipul klllod uuhl jnhitnlu qulrkly and iifti i ull hn wuu qulto rlutitl not a hatch eithch a pninpouu niuiitifui tmor nf ina- ithiinry wuu uhowliiu n iitrunuor over hlu funlnry i i plimn of work lunt ut hn imld liidlcutluu nun tiiunhliio vnu xalil tlm vultor hut yhtl null lint luilil it iuni1hitn thn unda wo am tu ml nu nut hid it and what im your ii mil lunpnwdir 1 intuition tlpoctator wige and oyheiiwige a lltllo uhim child wau nitlnylnc hlu ut klhitpuo of a pnntonll ufa thn noltlnif tiftn wuu cldlnir thn urn no mul ronnu xi f tlio old faiihlonod unrdan und nn n uttlo atonl hn ant heuldn tlio farm era wlfa who wun pluck hm a nlilcknn hn hud wn toll oil thn nporatlntt iruvo iy for unma tlinu rhnn ho upoko do yoruiikn off thntr olntlmu nvery nlbht i hly niluhty i nan unvor nlonp in a ntruiiuo pin on thn tlrnt ntitht thun how do ynu mnnnsol i wait until thn uoonud lilaht ilouton lruitnorlpt ilrnathhuiu vluttnr doctor can ynu help inot my nnmo in jonou idofltnr no i m worry i ulmply can i do anything fnr that uydnoy lhlllntuu the satisfaction of safety yourvalutablea aro novor wttlly itafooutiiidd u saf oty boposit box thoft and fird aro not tho only dungorii thoro ia ulwayu tho ikmjiubillty of lotinp or mioplacinp papom jowoln or plato a safoly dopooit box in tlii bank affordu protection for your vtiluubloa and the yearly ttmtal la very reasonable th archaht5 bank of canada cstnklloliqu 1004 haou omce montreal uuly depot i iktiiaa lc ld siiqneyhuaf ii u mium3 maiiutr fall millinery opening miss florence murray has opened millinery parlors in the rooms next to mooreheads store and has on- display all the latest fall models a cordial invitation to all io call c estabushep iu7a b usinessjinrometers seem to indicate that tho period of easy money and high prices ia noanng an end a dollar saved now in tho form of a snymk bank deposit will bo worth much moro ih tho next couple of yenra after tho reaction has set in bank of hamilton ukohgktown nuanch g p mndkny mnniuor si mr farmer medlial dr jj a monivgn mliyitlaiaii mid i ru nn otnci mil it ul h mi- ii i wt li nu i 1 uw jkmt i i forim rly n i ui it 1 i i dii i j nl ullon iliyn chin elllrtiuon ohatatiiaian acton ohtnrlo i ic o t tin in hay oiu in 1 ll lihm rl 1c lit nitliii mourn t 1 j tn ml 7 tn on c i w no u physician a i 0 r mill lit canruntnwii llinu 22 m 1 1 1 1 uttc ntlon tn di i in i of wo- iinii nud chlllrm und infant 1 oilln r legal ilinjio no 33 i o ilo 3 ab harold nash iarmkit m a nrrulr qolloitor notary publlo coiivnyhniur eta peiiuvman dlock actor ony mcfnr to i oan i lonrh 0 ih n m in fi inn the cannv ocoy again id murk lizard hi tho olhr rcmitly w 11 1 doi t nmokn hut uomi mm in hlu joint lit fi re vi r uiiltliik mh tn hud thini a mulch whlnli rotttndu mo of tlio nil jnkomti llio ihkir old hcotcli ii an kuidluhmnn mid irlnhimm und u beotnlimini ho tlm utory uooii were nhourd uhlp uhon thn f rot hkii to thn luullmtihliiu lnd tun u mutch tn which ho mpllftl x dont umnkn tumliiix in tho irluhmun hn uald iiuvi kill a mutnli fu mn nnd rtci ivhik tlio rtty i juut mud my luut nnn well imld thn lent i iiuoim 1 ii havo to uto uim of my uln you should bi3 uptodate in tub home as well as having uptodate machinery let us imtal a pneumatic water system iaiwest possiuj2 p1uces quotations 1 ree send bkirtch jthose sudden noises do you atari at budilm hbuwi r jtutonoortwu dwwuaf iht ui1lkb nkuvink91 tto witt kootha tha trrit- ktad and uvaratralnnd unrvm ourn toa4 bmf and hum boiu in ac j on y u j hhuaun a dtmbubli new allov pk0mibe8 much a unw inuunoauim uhoy iiiin 1 1 1 n ilhunvrtd hy u nuttul imipuny in montr ul llio new ullny in only two thlrdu tlm wdi ht nf aluminium mid tit idruoif uu tut uxpirlmnlii huvo prov 1 it in upi dully uilltuhl rm ph lou und i nimi i llluf imlu of u in mi 1 mnlm whom mtuilifili and llifht howard and mccarvell 2 wuon st fluelph r pjionli 270w dhj m dell d p 0 l d t dtitlt honor oradtinlo nf roropto ui ivor- ilty thn imtcutu niuwithotlo tuuir if innlrot dn f q qollop d d 0 l d dantml curflaon ojllcn nvnr i lank of nova eiooiik houiin 9 30 to g30 liivonluipi ly appointment miboellanlouu maiirtlaqe liccngia h p mqor liur mrru ltorioo prlvuln o 11 od no wltueimos m- miirnd luuiinl nt riuldnucti in nv nlntf i nktf iliuin oltleo anton ont ptlanpm nunafj doakblmur acoount hookh nf nil uludn mads to nrdor rnrtndlcitlu of nvory dnunrlp- tllm carnfully imiind itullna uautly and promptly dono wyndham otroot flunipli ont iovnr wlllliim hi 1- tt j kcmi lamtd auotiomc coiintlon nf ilalloii ieol nud dufforln i city nf atiulpli a0y6n onyario flaloh may hnarraniiod by mall nt tit rohldauoo at acton or at lha jfrno irobm omen acton tho maroury ouloa ouolpli tha nnwhliooord foraun or with w j qordoti llumoun maker llulitbinir tlaloa nntriintod to it j knrr r- oaivo at tout i rut from data of llntlnif to data of nalo llat jour nulnm with ipe ilbvljanoa dowr avnu aotoh rhona ia anton call at my loxponw roy hindley auctioneer canaolldattl pliona erin 4y 11 n r 3 acyon j e cpeevers dook bindeh t qulo qt llaat guahih ont hooka and mutual nou hound in ilnhihiomo and unhntantlal oovorn mainoh iftttorod in uold on ituilna hymn uonkm and othor hooku all woru promptly euaauud d alex niven ontario lund ourvayor mul civil englnaar nurvov bubdlvlulnim imiiiib ilo- pnrtw dnnoriptlonii ulncprlntu oto cortltloaloh fnr purchunorn and mor tirauoou j flurvoyii for arcliltortn tlulldorit and muplnlpal couiiqum dralnakii lloportu jmlhnatou ntc molean duildinq douu 8 auwyu dhoiio 1004 ona tho old and itoliablo granlto and marblo doalow n wo nro miinufnotilroru and dlro impnrtoru nf all kind of moumumitaj and llnadntono wnllfmlvq illnaot to our ounlohiorii at wliolfnalo prlom thun unvlpk otir oiutoiuoru 41 por odnt wo linvo tho boht itppllnitotn and th only tnoalutnlou in tho liomhilon who run nporato pnnumatln tnnui iropnrly wo nan iflvo rofomnnau from huudrodtf of our ountoimrm fit lorniito and othor pluooii whnro othuru havo tn havo lw huuh lu order tn oolleot wo havo tli lurueut und bout utnclc of qiahttn in thn dominion or mom thun any thwn doulnm lu thn wont wo uto uikui- mutu dealorm mid ouiplny no uuunu ami do not unnoy or pout oiimtomom liy hondlnif out lutnunt nuontu fioliolt- tuu otdoruwo ampny nuly mnohmilou uiia ddfy nompotltioi hamilton sons cm nnrwlpj wonlwlcli utu quulpb so free press advertisers are always reliable castor i a for infanta autl chlhlnm in oste for over 30 years alwuytt beam feltfuauwoc hj r r i

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