Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1921, p. 1

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efe t v forty- cvcntli year- no 10 3 00 1icu yi3au acton ontario thursday morning ocloilhr 20 if2 1 in xjnltkd otatkj1 single copicu vivv cents till methodist church- acton i1cv i m mover pior pa ruriu willow bfc tjaymrivtl hunday 11 u in mi i 7 m mr jnhn amuilrimif nuilili him mr 11 j h indlny nilclph 2 30 ji in ftmiiltiy llihnol special muio by 1lva choir oit alll 1nvi115d com1 acton iiaitlst church c k yvlin pa6toii 10 it tn munlnj rhnnl nml ituiln ciliu h u m tim mliilutiir 7 p m thu mlnlulor you ahi cohihamy inv1t12d -now-advcrlificmcnts- livc rowl wo pay 2fir u i fur ijood llvo fowl u htahicman ron galn iniiulnu inrnjiii for iiaht cum- roil bale clood wuu hi no murhlun lturtuln for quick ualn apply o hox c17 acton lost mothndlut whoit on wul- orlolhir c ii brown niidor plouiui roluni 1o riinn riiuin on ten arton iicuilay ami pluld rui find kanqc foil gale a kllrhoiior hmoko in fairly unod indlllou a lwrtcnln for canh itril a it drown j third lino juitt ouut of actnit fotl oale ilovoral w jnhorn ii orpington and ii hock pork nro lu for ma in apply thoh v mahtin ikix 451 anton wanted a naulduliout ilfiimu vnum to uiudut l lurliiu for tho ihlllroii und uulut with llitht iniuuokoopliur apply ictf ilox tlc acton out coal tlanqe foh bale a cwwl vial rnnan in rood condition a hnruuhi for cuuli apply lo w m cooibil wain htrttot arton help wanted ijuly id uwnhit in ruinly atom and iri rrnam uirlnr in town nf t 000 uihji yduuir muu to nwni ttm con fort i o no ry imultiuiui apply hojc 25 pnw 1ivh oblm childhewo hewing and auto knitted hqsieity foii men mru tilmpurd willow jllrvtnt in pranamd to nil ull ordom fur chllilronu tutwln und uutn knitting hoalory for in mi- iclf wanted to iient houmo furnluhnd or imfumhdifd uhnut ulx or iwivoii trnntnu modern ronvonloncnu innludlni tuilli rurnam ttnil running wnter will iay unod artilrttuu ilox 34 kiwi imuu ohira rant cattle 8tlavee fltruyd in lot 31 ron 7 nauuiua- woyo two twoyanrnld utccru own- nr muy mrflvr uum liy proving iro- iurty ii lid tmiyliik mfitniihfirt v oumii ibtf il 1l no 1 artoit for bale a trhy frutno linuiui on hnlf ncr niljolnlinf unorifotown golf xjnkn a room hiimtiiur ultchoti tmiitry kmh rxillur xurutumvliiu il mid iwirt wtttr in htniho oloctrln huhi nirul mull ad- i3 cuttil flmtrkotowii meetino op acton pahmerb club a meetlim urn iitmlmm of arlon ilimwr cliih will tm hold hi th rluh numi on trltltty nvaiilnif aint itmt at ilocl a knml uttinilimm u ri- lltthl il n imown kftirlary tiiaved krilii iioinn itmtduy oololwr 0 u unmll lirtwn innimrmiluti doic with iug mill rolluv with iiunm tuitily on it i will sivn inward tn tlm tutrmoit who ktvn m infdimiatlah att to hid whorn- ulioutm hamublj wiooiblh iu m no 1 acton calves astray wnir mirhik culvfh throo vm uml mm hluck ntrnytwi friiin lot e uorond lino iriit lumt thiirwluy klndnrwlll in nwmiliiil for infoniimtloii ludhitf to wwovory rili joiinhton it u no 3 acton anton imimin sheep lost kovoiitomii uliofip uml lumlkn with tuif bourfti unhid in ur lhwunl lllrt- trwjl onfortl llowu rum lumh und rntlutrd twoyourold rum fur huhi cuivvh linnvm tr wunuxt for foic mnut iluy for hulii iiiakij vanattkh iit 3 con 7 icrlil ltulllhufud mif vti dgrsi cirblowii if you want to liny or uaii real estate ak kerr 11 know s6 luiiihtm vujiuhik in prim from i too to gooo only fioo dniuuilt mi wibw a numlhir of tmlldlif 1j- it jr kiouit liiqtici 3 aolon wonderland pridav october b1 h kaan a omjidlim ih lui tltory by jitliich ohvif chrwooil coin- tuty hurt liiidu hturrli i luu- luf kouton pnlh nwu oaturoav october 72 mini nl lln woiuiiti iullif plotiirt dllwtinl by uniirt luiktoii jteuiiy hm tuesday october m wi loid fjoldwyu plotuiw kphuxln 3 of th avvnulnif amw lmthu tioniftuy r l gregory announcing an extraordinary sale of womens and young womens navy blue dresses at 1222 ivrltaiw tlic hale price la tut low lliat tnuny wlto irehd utlri announcctntnl wiino tcrapcxttit uiink uihittho drchn ihemhcivcti really dont amount to very tnucli if you could junt ulep inti the htore however a tew tnlmitcf inspection would koon dthpel any mtcli tlouibi an to the kcnulmmui of the lutrfrain values involved injc1 we arc not cxajtrcratentr wlicn wo tell you that in our regular ituwrlw there arc no qualiuch uuntujul theo r even at h twrnlydoluir price i the tlremum wre a special purchaho at a hpeclally blft price conccflflion with the rwiuctioill thutl kccured in the wholewale priccm proportionately featured in thlrt retail mile figure of twelvefifty neat blraifihtlino tnodcuji in navy muo trlcollnc lavuhly trimmed with emhroiderei deflifttut ns bo hiucli favorwl hy la vofiuc all bizca in the bale from 1g yearn to 42 buwl n ft if you caifhot be in cuclph thk week and wish to order by mail you mhy take our pledge for it unit the value will be huch an to lrive you a moat agreeable and delightful hurprbe x d e macdonaw bros ltd cdkuirs lka0ing and lalftgkst stork wyndhant garden and macdonncll streeth guelph out newfe of local import wlir u bund u approutil onkvllh rituiiiin imiul luiu 1u iiuiuli ii ii ml th moinhrru urn riimiuut il to 11 turn till inutriimiuitu imiili iitiiuili and inilforniii 1 liu full all oillri m offir roo 11 ymir lowurd will r ntx a now jry dairy for aqlan miimik ii ijilniilll uml chorion mo ld own luivo ninilii nrrunuumniitu to n i m n tlm iniuiy dairy in ahon th int nnv nib r limy will mipiily pnro inrm y milk t n oiilur priim uml tiinliii hi llv ry hiilwttou four uml wu nvriy nftt nioon tunt crop itt thirty vur a riimt from i iiiiilimton ituyu cruiki iinimlpu itml rilny rtfi till in ttiu ifiinnul iititl rowli to uwoh- lklfululxuilotjiii r mhd to ovm ilowliik unit tho yt itr of lt3rwllt juiut liu iiiiiciiihcliil iii lliluruuuaa mill street acton ass russells st watch 0r windows -v0k- specials this week saturday specials avondofl handrolalert tho clmcolatcs you arc looking for juit like laura secorda try a box ot avondcs ilnndrolatc and you will agrco wit it us tlicy arc tho nearest to laura sccnrds of anything m acton saturday speeutl price 49c haxf assorted chocolates rep 50c and 00c per lb saturday special irice 35c burnt tcanuts rcg 40c saturday special price 29c assorted choco1ntc bars rcg 5c each saturday special price g for 25c a uttub lunch touches tho spot right after tho walk or the pic ture show of counjo you dont want much juat enough to stay the hunger for tho night we uro very conveniently situated and are always ready with something tasty to oat hot or cold drinks of all kinds h wiles acton hydroelectric shop mill street thlm shop will bo opened on snhmlay october 22 showing an attractive lino of jflxtltrca and shades majestic icatcrt iron toiimoni apci vacuum cleaners this daughters of tim emhiui will tlcrvo llorlrlcjuviinilft tmi mill cimkliia aflii- uml iqvonlna coma in uml nun un tlixilrla llunifu tn iiriitliiii cook wuiih iron sow and clean ilousb ify wire get the habit deal with d c russell mill st acton ordhrtuiknr fur tint urowlnif tun tho oitrly hnrvfiuthiif of tlm ixuit riiii h 11 rif in 30 ymim clovmrtlala dairy clianuad hunda a j mulhiy who lino enndnctod tlm clnvdriliiln uulry for novum yearn huu dhfiioimd of llin hiiulmiuu to a m mrlmhttuon mr mrriiuruon took nvnr tlio routo on momhiy during hlu ftlitiiutlon of tlio binihifiuu mr mnrriiy impplloil hlu miiiomiru with cihrnlhmt ilulry itroilurtu and whii p unc tun i uml ohllulfiir mr mclliunimi u u prouptir- oiiu ftirmor uml will no doubt iiutuo tho dairy huulnniim n miccnuu nu wo 11 hla know wher muahrooma ptouruh dr lurnicir in jint only itn union t illnilplo or luuk walton but ho lu un ixiiirt in illiicoverlnir tlm iboly pluoeu wlmm tho in ii nl i room urowu thin autumn ho huu jntlinrml ninny of till iiillblii fmikiiu whirli npmnlu no utrouu- ly lo tho iplmiron jialato am in hhi cuiitom whon ho comnu homo with woll fllid iril of limit or huuii tho dr divhlnii bin uuthnrhibu of tho uunrloii ktinnromily with bin frlomlu in town improviuu tha caxiaut craaslnaa rontrurlor torhfiu in lintllmf tho loniniit crohhhibb in bond nhupo ukuiii he v or til of tlio ut root u utlll ubow tho liimnko tn tho roailwuyu canuoil by tlio wiitnrworkii rontrnotorn nnd tho work men who initlillloil tlm uorvlrou church tlh out iiiih 11 niniibor of vnry bud ilo- drcnuloiin iimj 1rodcricu tltroot from mill to aurmtu huu boon very rnuidi ull mini mo r a row duyu work nml a fw lomlu of era vol would moutly improvo tint in tbarsa m tim limit owlnif to tho ooniitnntly inoronulnu ihmiiml on tlm nilvortluliiu columnn of tho 1 hud iiilitiwo uro forced to ttuk tho ro miorntlon of moirhnntu uml other advrtiiiiru nulnir our pupor to iniiiiro rhniiiiu of ndvortluluu copy tho immn iibnuld ho in thin oltlco not tutor than moiiduy if nictru npnro la ilo- ii i roil pi on no uitvliio nu nt tho onrl lout imirtiinlty hi ndvorhuoinentu or iibort notlrcu y lio nrcnptnd up lo wo uro mulpa- vorlnir to klvfl jfior cent norvloo to our mlvurtluoriay nbnnklnff ndvflr- idiomontn wnoklyliuiilutlna in writing ttirm and plomililt upocla udvortlohut rampnliiim tba kiddua dlrthday i want two llttlo red wax candtou uahl a huppy younir f nth or in town whon hn culkd ut oiio of our ntnroa yontcrdny morplnff oh imlit tlio uliulhoarttiil matron who wnii hulilnd tho rountor who lovou thn llttla nnru dourly nnd who tailuht a primary clunu ouo of our flumluy tnhnnl4 laut tlundny a blrthduy lu your homo oh veil uuhl tho prmid futhor id woro colohratlna ami liavo a hirthluy ouku out iftduo lu two to rn nrrsw thin in tlio thlnif whtoh mukouitho homo u rul placo to iwtb nitrfliitu mid clilldrtm thn tilrtbday ivonmrlon r alwnyu worth m- dbaululnir thrro would ha mora bunny bnmon if thoy woro inviirlabjy oolo- hrntod t pretty cburoh waddlna ih toronto a iimtty woddliiu wan noiomtiuod nt it cluula aunllrun church toronto laut on turd a y uftornoou nt throo ilnnlc whon mr ioullo qtioruo icini omt mluu jouiiln whurtnn both popu lar younc pnoplo ot aotou worn unttnd tho homla of holy matrimony tho ooromony won norformsd by itov a j hold m a roc or of tho church tlio bridn wuu klvoiiaway by mr ltolwrt mnnonnld of toronto thn brblo wan bflwnwl in a navy travelling unit with muuvu phmh lint und wore a ooruuuo hnuiiuot of jilnk nurnutlonu und ronou mr nooruo dutchman of aoton aolod after tho ooromony mr uml mih kluif loft on a motor trip to ihifrnto and dotrolt thoy will ur- hnmo thlu wook tlia hurp olnuar n hut of the llvo ovonlntfu in tlio lorltiro condort ami mintnrtulnmont lifciiilulon cbaiituuth iimltotl uudor tho aiihpliou if otm o w v a wilt ho utvoii in tho town hull mi tluirmluy ovoiilnu novmhar uh in liitrodiiotmy oulortuhimoiit of muuioii will bo nrohontiul by tho l mluuoi ii whouo rtmortolro lu iv mfwuhliitc novolty fonturo which huu won inuuntnuwum fuvotv whorovor thon tuluulod ludlou liuvo uppourtwl iho i imp flhmorn ulvo vocal mimwni both uolo and tmuomhlu work with hnrp noloh unit roiidllikh thoy lirhitf tn tlmlr aiidlonow tho atinnuiitinro nml mini i o of u iitiuuo of uullun llfo rial of hull opon to uoauoii tlokot hohlurn at itrownu xlrilk btoro monduy onto hoi 34 to thn uotmrul nuhllo on thn ra il ay qotnlior a vtoniiu lokotu tuny ho hud fitim d v ilttoldti euicrolury a w v a tlia dprtrtlbktl btora wuu tjaalart a mnmboi of our uturt wuu in u local ut ii i o iniintly whon a party camo la diulrlni to purchiimo an urtlnlc upon imhilf nhuwii tint uikhiu and tbtt prlno namod tho oiiutomoi utatod ho could buy at loatnnri nhuuikir tho mer chant uiiuiil to tho oachuioii liimiddl- utoly priiiluooil an lcutnu riliiomti n nil mm i mid to linvti no trouhlo tn coivhinlnu hin ourtonii thut iiihiiouiiu worn tho hottivi for tlm uulo wuu nulouly iiuiihi tli ouiilomur ot thn koodii ami tba hliikiipnl wuu iitiktut to iihnro tho unirifi hr wuu vlnri tbo htmtloititoi foil down why did hn not tdll bin mihtomii that ho hail ounlly iiiit tho riof mid it wh up to tbo oiihtmnur to in il imrt imuully wall fin ixiforti jho ooiilil not uooiht from thn libt ilopurtpiuiitnl htotv niuiit hut uoiid tlm miiiiuy uml nuvornl jillvh pilwrt liofoio ot tlllkj hulvlfi whoikiiu hi itonlltik with tihn tin rt wu no dolay wluitcvut kit iiukliih i mm ohniit to mvitt latiiih nrlnuu don fomol to pay tlm i utih uml add tlmrol prihtim out of utiitliim ry ami tlm tho ummiut ti utiu nvwx wi p w fisrien lahirul cumllilnto llilllon u or tin li intcrealln mliuiiouary meetino hmiy dlal from aiinfph district at acton last thursday ntlon muh- moth tlm twonlyiilkib ummu or tho ounlpb ulntrlrt win ulouury tlorioty wuu linhl hi odhit riiurui u t thurudny tbo loiiviintloii wuu opomid u m with mru u it dulld llnalt- wodii imporintoiiiloiit of tho dbitrlct lirriildnf nml mi clifford jurkuon ouolpli tiu hocrttiury iivotioiiiil ounrrluiiu woro comlurld by mru aldpniou f norfolk ilroot cliurh hiiollih hopoitii iiiii nlvon from anxlllarlou clirlm ami imiubi all of whlrh wuro mout oiicoiimjilnit anil uhiiwril a miirk- uil liirriuiiio in ini mhnrnblp and idvlrik illmilow of torovito comliirtud a pilot half liour which wnii very im- tho afternoon upiinlon wuu optmod ut j oclock mr liontiy or i oruuu noiidiirtdil a prayor ami praluo uorvlco tho uiim hm of otlluoni nmiiltnl uit fiillhwa an a miui of nmr cjiilloii mm odd lloatty 1 uruiui wan nlontoil llotioniri hupctlntmidont of thu dlu- trlct mm i it fliillil tlockwood hiiior- intnmlnnt miu a t llrown alton aiuilntuiit llupniflntoiiiloiit j clifford jiiruuon ouclph tary trraiuiror j c ii jolllffo of liiiflitiw china mtvo a mom hiulriirtlvo und lli- uplrlnk uililroiiu itnnllinr with ml lira mini work nmnnii womon addroiincn wore uluo ulvtin on motb- lu of work on auxlllnrlon mru w h dnnlola lloru clroh u mm ilutton ipbr liiinibi mm w mumiirtf anolph utllo m llouroru mm thomiiu itnckwood invitation from norfolk otrcot mipu tho primary object of thn uvniihiu khthcrlnif wuu lo murk thn upprnrlu thin of thn momborii of iho ha ml i thu i one routlmild faithful uml holpfill iiorvlcru of mr john c i1i1i ror ninny youru thn i unit or of tbo band aftor u hrlof udilrlu by n 1- mooro iho jtirrntiiry of thu lliiud rirnrrlnjf to thn nrffuabpithm rftinl ntfortu of tba nmiilii ru tbatiujluc rltlnouu for tbnlr riioporulioii pruc tlcul und nyni- mum- ujithollc und uollclllnu tbolr continual ur a t wuu cullml by iho chulnuun and rami thu follpw- ihuiddrouu tirllr j c hill our ilumlmuulur umorltuu aiilllhiry for ptod 1022 onvoiitloi y coinmlttuo xtnmlid hn bud nun int nd in innu- liib thlu conviintinii n iloclihtd uuccoini id loa worn uorvi il by tho indlcu of thu acton church to ana tventy flvu iloli untou pnohidltion law ouotaincd ottawa october ih tlm cuuo of cold uoal voniiin dominion ixproii wau dlumlnuod ty thu huprmn court if canada today coutit to ho puld by tho dominion llxprt un company thin mnumi that tho probihlllon luwu hrotmht into forco in nix of tho ciiuudlan trovlnqon under thn cnnnda tumpmancn act nro hold to ho con- iitltutloiiiil tba prima minlur t milton hon arthur mululum jrlmn mtulu- tor of cnnndn will ummlc at milton on uaturilay aftumoon jolh hint a oahl- mlnbitor will uccomiiany mr ualtxlivn 10s a tributa to lady uscu of loupoot to tho mumory of ijiily hock whouo bunhnnd hlr adorn hock linn boon nt tho hoad or tho lydro nrtlvltlrn in ontario thn uic- trlo power wtnl rut off for two mlmitio yontcrdny moraine tho hour of bor fiim ho ird wear a poppy on armlatloa day pnpplfii will ho worn by uohllnrn in iiroim on armiiitlco day ily ardor lunikmt by tho dopurtmont of mllllla t ottawa pormliuilon liau limui to iwrmoimot or tho cnnndlaj mllltlu wool a poppy in tlio cap or if thin impraollcahlo it may ho worn on tho jackot it will bo qultn nporitly pud hi thn uplrit of putrlotln romomhnuion for nlvillunh nlun lo woar tho uamti nblom ganaroua to tits uriel city clork koni tho niiwly-upwiiit- 1 luuuor of iiinrrlntio lloomion for ilnmllton lu both a phllnuophor and pblladlhroplut n prouontu u udq- pauo cook book with ovory mihrluun llconno ho iuniiofi mr kout hi ovlilent- ilottirmlmxl lo do hu part la on- rlmr ond luoiibi in tbo uowly-osi- tiiblluliiid tiomoti roalliijf tiutlutliid that happy marital nnjjohimcon will inevit ably follow whou hubby la woll fed taaohara rtatltuta opn tomorrow tlm inimml ponyoulioii of ilaunn ml v nlworth toanhoia imitltuto 111 bo huld in fhn public nolmil it flooriiolnwii cumviiuiklnix thlu morn inn uml iiontlimlin tnnioirnw aililnmuou wlir im ilnlivontd hi ii u amnii a d 1aod niirmul tlchool uml ntlioru ou thurudiiv iwonlntf mr j ii cluidy canada u ropruuoalplivn ut tho hi unuolii intocr alllod 1 inunclal coimoll will dollvoi un nihil ohm on tbo woililii pliunicltil hltuntlon which ulll ih of on po i bit inlorom juihja daiaicua far milton arana jinliiii llliituru jtnluiumit lu tbo mil ton aroint injunction unc which wan tiiod lu milton on niiluj f h pinnhor d foi nu injunction routialului thu clnfonilunt rompaiiv fixim m llm u i0 000 jiookoy tirunn on tho imparty opiinulln m 13 nlfcnnu uuldpucn mi ho couur of mmy und lliown hli lii wau lucolvd ut mllltlu on jmpiuhiy afu ilium hnlnif tbo notion with coitu to thitplalutirfii iuh iloiun pdihi ju my opinion the directum of tbo dofmd- unt company wmihl hit woll inlvlnod to obtain tho ropinut of tlm cnrpoi utloii of mlltnii til thu piopdmod mothoil of cnniio nothin hnfmv ontiiliiic into bhxlliii onntiaiit to hnlld and it limy wul in that thoy wniibl hv wvll vluiit to lomto thu link on uuothtu uml olilnlnink tlm ootimont of tho llvluu lu clouo proximity thuruto lout u dllforuut oouohiiuu uhnuld wu romih- itd by utt uppollato tilbuiuil ulum nu uppal h- h in oi in vbw of u pitmilhln lldvf iho iliiultloii upon tho fa ot m i x- hdlnu whon tho rlhk ubull liu antpully lit pirullon i jolm c hill buiidinastcr emcrjuib scrvjccji for half a century uc- jrnixei by actitn citixemi hantl imitllcntation at the hand conciilit wcdneodav cvcning lint momltoru of acton cuunmi hand hub 1 vxry iioyuti rmnort in tho town hull hint 1 1 1 urn lay ovonliitf to whh h thn pilhlln wuu invito a lurmi umiomhly of cltuouu urc iiptoil thn invitation uml tho ttvcouiuit pro- irummn wnu much onjoyud tbo hut of numhiru pronmtitd wuu varied nnd imliiilnl hand iiolitrunmi lrninnnuilo numhorii roinmunity ulnif- inklfh hy llumluuuitur cuutull ultd tuj doulu by uui uliu social and personal dr w ci c lcniiii ho inlvtrulty tvr uluu iourl mrdomild of mini in vlultod inr mint mm win hull uunduy mini ijpiuu atdrroft toronto u fnw duyu lunt witou with br fr lluu clara luutk k iroliu mr uinl mru in ml worn it not moyir thlu wail 2iiirj jjrjiiiaii mrulj miu thtl jno uuddy vlultod dmr iviond mid lollow ilaiidumun ittnitlxliiic that it mi uhotit fifty yoaro nl nro yon inul u idiuro in thp-oruanlxii- tlou or arton ijiilid that you have been roiithiiioiuily counot tod with tbo bund thro uuh thlu half contury of itu hhttory uml holnir fully uwiiru of tlio fuel unit it bun imkiii laruoly ilno to your rontlniind pnrunuul intormt thronub ull thciiin yvuru that tho hand huu into a it n pi touothor wu full that it lu juwtly dun to you tlmt uiiino piihlln roforoiico iihmild 1m niado lo your lonir uml nnlp- rul uorvlrn wo cannot ouo r look thn furl that thn iiiiccohiiful trfortu you have muilo hi ull tho yiam of thn punt in lnliulf jtf acton ltiiud hiivo i ol you mill h in puruonol uo if aacrlllco in tlmn nml in mo no tiny outlay hat wu know tbul your luboront lovo of muulc uml your loyul intorout tn mulutuliiluif u baud lu the old homo town worthy of arton and of run i valuo to tho community liavo inlluunroil you lo do your lautt to onroiiraifti thn imiiilwru of tbo or- ifunuatlou from your lo yfliir to put forth tholr luuit ttrfortii to attain ont- cloncy ami to provlilo liund ntiiulc of a c la nu which thn pnnplo nil on joy muulc ban un liilluoiiro for unnd ovorywhont hhukouiiourn uuyu thn man that hath no imiuir in hlmuolf nor in not mnvitl by conco or in nt for tronunn utrntuifomu nntlujwllu that utnnsiu n until in uny no nun apply in yon 1 mm your hoart you would nnturnlly chant mimic oh iiou faint how wonk iniiitunho fallu boforo thy npolll why nhniild foollnu ovor unouk whim thou rati at brcnthn bor unul un woll rriondnblpu bulmy wnrdu may fnlim ijvoii urn oou mora fnl no than thoy oh tin only mimlnu utraln can uwootly iinotli iml not hotrnyl vou huvo by your fulthful loador- uhlp and yrnliilno provon omptintlcnlly that muulc in tbo innrtlculuto uimoch of thn bourt which cannot bo ram- prounod into word it ikicuiiuo it- in lilllnlto an your followhanilumun who huvo prod foil much from our uniioclntlnn with you in munlcul mnttoru unit httvo oujoyod tbo follnwuhlp of your frloully ami mttwrlonrod iiomonnlity wo foul thai wu own to you u nliiccrfl tlobt of urutltudo whbli wit can mivur ud- mialoly imy hut nu u momunto of our lovo and nxtoom nml n tokon of our upprttclutlon of your fulthful ufforu lu our behalf wo huvo plouauro in prn- titnthm you with thlu onny chulr und m you ult in it and unjny tbo tnoiuiura f comfort it muy brhijf to you wo truut that nu your uiomorlou of tbo yonru of thn punt count uoatluif dawn t you that imiiffullowii couplet inuy your nicporlonco in full iiiouiiuro and thn nljtht ulmll bo 111 hid with muulo and thn cnrtiu tbnt infont thn dai hball fold tbolr tcntu llko tho a nihil and ulloiitly uloiit awuy wn nro vory cordially your rallowllamliunon of anton clllsonu ha ml itandumon m v monro auc liloyj i orlwiu them camo fnrwunl with a hamlunmn nnuy ohalr uphnlutiund in innthnr nml rouolnd it to mr iiiii v ulll wan iioiiulnoty uurprlued llo had not rocofvod tlin ullubtnut libit ho wnu to occupy un prlimliicnt a piano in thn ovaiiiiiuu procmidliiifii ulu cntt- tluuod lutoront lu tbn liand for no many yonru wau h oca l mo of liln lovn for iiiuhil und bin douhti lu f on tor thlu vory nftrnoahlo nrt nf producbiu uwual nd jiarnioitlouu uouailu amoiik tho youiur moii of thn community ii up- pmntatod vory lilifbly tho vuluublo tfllt lhutowil ami uluo thn yry kind wordh f thn uildriiu ho would iilwayu ro- mmnbor thlu aiuinclullon with thn buiplumon of acton uml know ho would onjny tho hoautlful ultt tbuy bad lui- lowod tim rniinnrt onunlijilad with uluulnt aiild lamp hyno tlio out i rt cnmpaiiy jalnhiu- in tint ks it inii fuuhlon of hand clunpti in clrvloa njou tho hull u monro h m opouplml tho bulr at tbn cioko tl piomujfu of tbn baud tbolr wlvou uml tlw tnothum nf iho ynumr tnnii tnoinhaw worn invluul i o- tint counolt cbamhor whom u uuuip- tumiii luimiuot wutf londerod by tbo bid leu whoujtu huil ucu lmuntlfully norv- i uml oiijojod thlu funotlnu hdlid- uihidni cantoll in a happy mpofroh niovnd tho tlbinka of tho montbnru of hand for tbn uploiulbl menu which had boon uo tcouoixiuuly mirvnd mr i tin it auuow huppoittal the rsno- lutlmi which win uiiuulmnuuly out lud mru akiiow toplloil lu bubulf i tlm i j hhf upnocliott followed by m mirij i r mmnt q a 11 ii n uml otlinrn euohr social fit jokophu chutcb lliurnlay nv liyf titnluht mnithimiau hyrmi will ho tbo hoiitchii ihulnu ut h50 tndu i hn hailm uallownin i uchanl room monduy vi pu ha an iqrin party iohjuo will holil aloor nuidnii riirty in tl of tlm mothiiillm chuuh nlillf out oho r 11 tho i bt u voii foituuutn hi inxmrhik tbo uorvloiu6f dm pnpulur llttlo itadui mluu 1liylu llular 1ui- lh of oimlib und alo of mru v hlont of illiilpb wiioh viiluahlr nl- h wnu no niiali upprooluth lu bor iiulutitm ii tn tm iluilr at iho aiiul- vcruary mirvlonu u ouf as i mr ami mru wnluh uml mluu wolub of hiiruoiiuvlllo w wkiiid vhdtom ut thn motbodlut iaruonuuu mru wultor orunt of wfimlimif hau boon vlultlnu for a fow duyu with hor brolbor mr ilnrry mcdonald mouuru null oihltoau ami donald icnunrdy buvn roiauiud tbolr uliidlou at lit joromnu collin icltrhmmr woollen mill for acton is proposed would commence in the old power houkc and toe 10000 ttal- y of wiiur daily imphovlilnto tluogcotcd tly acton pimc hhigadc cniimil mot in r wulnr luiuiilun on monday ov nliiif with co unci i lorn hull orllmr ami ijinny proount uuil tbo hoovo in thu i halt llm llmiiio coinmltlco proiiontol tholr twontylhut roport and niom- uili ii pay i in nt of tbn following ur- ganarl account jan mlltu nnirlm oru ualury autiim 1 nu juimu pihitlni n hiardmoro jw co tlio ut llurboi ypoimoa til 00 r- fl 60- rur 2 ho mr john on f toronto wuu town on tueuduy uml mnnl tbn duy wltumru dr iruy und mluu juura mr and urn chnrlou a matthnwo uml llahy vulllo and mix jipilo uut thnwu of toronto vlultml acton rrioudu thlu wnok mm a anthmiy und mru w c ihituy und llttln uluu ijorlu of oonrkotown vullncl ut mru ii tl wll- uonu thlu woft mr und mru jurob komindy und mr hukii kainiiuly nf hamilton uiumt thn upokond with mr uml mru harry mcdonald mru vrud llrown and ubm 11 on of htuyimr worn in town laut wnnk m- nowlm ucipiulntaiionu with uolrfonn- or frlimlu unit ml 1mm mr and aim m u duvbluini uml wlbnor and mr auf mm w j hw nml mcrvln uiumt lluuduy with m und mra wm auttow ijiwviiiii mr jan llklnmr of isiturlxiroitvli and mr joli mclean of toronto upont tho wwknnil with mr und mm malcolm mclean howor avouuo mr and xtru wm dobbin uml luibo or hamilton iliuirb and mluu jouou and mr taylor of hamilton ufwnt tho wonkonit with mr and mm win hall main tit root mm iliwmcor huuliand willow htrvot huu linm ullo 11 tbn paut wonk hut lu now t imvuttuu liitf iliir duub- kr mm auduruon or toronto huu boon ntujlnii with bor mi iirl vi neurit j maklna vory uutlufaclory iirnercau hi tho bnupltkl at duolph ho hau croatly approclut- od thn vlniui of un munyof bin aoton frlondn durlnif thn wonk mr chnrloa 11 harkor loft ynidnr- day to attaint thn funornl of bin uncle jiimcii iarkor ut detroit dncnnuml wu i ovor burn a fow m on thu uo ul- tiiidlnif the burial or hlu bhdber iioc- tnr futhor of charlou dr kiinnor rorolvol u cuhlonrum on tuouday nnnouncliur tbn uufn urrlvnl of mm 1 armor nnd tbnlr dauuhtor mru wllbni ut tho unltod htutnu conuuluto nt iludupnut ii unary tlmy loft acton ulmut a month nun ml mm jnuoph luthomnnn truruluar nimouiicn tho uniruknmtitil of tbolr unwind daunhtor joul may lonriio william clifton only noli of mr und mru john cllftoh of itmnb- vlllo tbo marrlorrt to take jiluoo tblu tnontli irt the police court lorman wimiama who aaaaultad nml rnbbad auwnmlar lm at milton bant to hurwaall athiut n hi tm tbn tlh hint alox- mljjk lhi nlsbt flrammi ut tho mll- im npritiumhl slrlck cnu worku wau ctuhltod and roblmhi of its co pay which bo bud mcnlvml on wln4iluy nvoii- luu norman willlumu an indian bud lioon employed ut tho worku for tw yvum hud quit work on tueuiuy m- ivhi bin pay on wailnouduy uml rt- owd on thuruday to culodoula whom h hau 3g rrrpu of land and it bouun hlu wlfn ami two cblldntii had koirn ahoud nf him hart hunk loft with willlumu and hlu hmiuohold tdyoctw for culodnpla in it molor truck an information wan laid by iton wuiiamu wuu urrviutod vm tlio trunlrw tnllou rrom caledonia und brought batik to milton by cbhf conutuhlo cbupmau ijiut wnduojuloy willlumu wuu trlml ut milton bv4olloo miiulutrutn moom tlm nhurtin of tbott with violonoo iofi hwwii lo llm rohlmry hn mild wuu ulttluif mt but at tbo kiln muo doom whnn thn olnclrln liisbt wont out und juutt uftor- wuwlu u rnitii upiwjurod lu rnml of hhn bramllultlnir club niitblnir wau mild y olibor limn but within two mlnutou jeu wuu litruck tlmt on hlu loft unit ml thon bit hlu htuttl bohlnjt thn loft our yhorn painful wound rnuultad wuu utunnud on iiiatnlnir hlu iu bo found that hlu tnouny wuu ii thn robltar wuu in working clnthon uorn u hlu ok fnlt bat and libi rucn wuu blackened orcovorod with a bluok cloth an noon nu wltaonn uaw him hn thmiuht from hlu build and inovoiuniitm und uonurul iipimurunc that hn wnu willlumu hn utlll thouidil whim willlumu wau urrotdod ho hud hog t0 on him in ilonnmluntlouu ulmllar tn thnuo puld out at the worku tho defonoo wllllamu uwom ho had lieon puld vcgt5 nml hud uavod e3 from laut tlutw imy ihuugti lin had novor provlnunly uavthl any momiy ulnrn hn mnvod in milton ho bail uold u plir for 20 tn albort hrlatow form erly of acton on woduoiiiluy nvon- inu hn bud cnmiifrom tho briok yunlu to milton uml bail uotthnl uovoinl ac- lountm totnlllpif isslbcj- rblii ucchunlu for till tbn jmmoy nxcopt u fw noutil llin uuforttiuutu fuulurn for wllllaimi wn that thn ntiioiiut of hlu allotfoil huvhupi wuu within too of thu amount utolnii tlio tuatflutruln ouvlctod him ami romamlitd him for a wank for iionlmico tho maximum pmtulty for roblwry with vlolmno lu imprlunu m nt for llfo with wlilppluir crown attmuny dlok prnuonulnd and t a lliitohhiiion dofomlud tb prlhonor on tuouduy mornbitf isdlcn mukiic tiifto moor hold llm udjouruod mlttliiu utid whon willlumu thu prlnnimr wuu hrouisbl imforo him tlkod iln huutmcn at ik tnonllih ut ttuiwuuh wluon i arm mr iiutchlithou thon uppllod to thn lollc muktutrutw mi lav to apply lo tho kupn mi court for k paw trial wlllluiyu huu lutihnloron luirnn lilt itmoollciit ohuratittir with hlu employers ami with mlllmihukimuoi m who huvo lvnn him nvdlt und uuy thoy buvn found bint bailout puyhitf up iantually watarwnrka account inrluhnro ihomuoii co plpo hi 00 thn roport wan adopted tbn union of cnniidlaii muulclpall- tlod rocpiotitnil that thn cnrpiirntlnu of aoton coiitrlhuln 130 00 in tlofray thn oxpomiom of lluhtlnu- tho notion of thn hull tolopbono co for lucrouiiod rutou 1 hn mat tor wuu laid ovor until mnct inoitliiir tho clork wnu luutrubtnd to wrltn mr j it murkomtln riiiucutlnu tbnt bu ropulr tbo roof of tbn ubn factory which hau boon loukliuc durlnif thu ut alnu tbo mattor of coiitrolllnu thn ilumn- in if of rubhluh ut thu park wau diu- cuuuod nt liiiiun louuth but no ilnflnlto plan wuu liottlod upoli iho dumplnif nonr thu drill bull muul couuo how- over iho itoovo ropnrtod that tho tiro ilrluudn roipmiitnil improvouioutu in tbnlr uyutom by tho iputiillatlou of pat ml laixiu oti a louu dliaiuuubm followoi in rouat d in tbn i outrol of thu vloclrlo pinuiiu and pump lunitnt lp iho tivotit of a fir it wau i ouuldorud that wbatovoi ulnjiu worn takuu w j hold tbo wutorworka inupoctor nhniild bavo control it wuu roporttul that tho 1 irolhluuilo iilmi injlilorol it would bo lu tho intoroutn of tho town to have u iimnll uu i ll i n tf o rut lud in iho unit nml of tbo town naut of tho q t h trauku whom u piuntlty of bono mlubt bo avu liable lu cairn of tlrn in that dis trict a prnpoaal wau hnforo tho co mi oil from mr anion muuon of allan to loano tbo old powor houun for a woollou mill ho would loipllro ulhiut 40000 uullanu of wutor por dny thn oouit- ii folt that it would hn doulrnhlo to bnvn n pomonal lutorvlow with mr mauou rolutli to bin icqulk mnntu tbo clork wail imitriictml tn wrltn him to thlu effect thn mattor of tbn onituuomont of a carotukor for thn own hall for tho winter montbu wuu dlunuuund it wau thnufiht it wau nncominiy that a chanui lwt muilo o whiff tn thn imjuirtnncn of konpino tbo uro on uluo room continu ously nt n tomporuturo which would itnuuro itu boliur frout proof movod by il cord i no i nocniuloil by j holt that thn clork bo imitructoil to notify it llrown lmt hlu uorvlonu mi carolalioi of tbn lown bull will not tin required uttur nnvoinbnr 30 car- rlod tbom will a hallownnu inrty l tbn purlah hall of ht alhunu church to common ro nt h bctock on ootobor 31 kurt bor purtlciihini noitt wook itockwood tvir n succetttt hca attsndanoa t tba poatponad dttta ltt thuraday llohlom huu llnnkwood 1 ulr boon bnt- tor atuiudodmiuii wuu tbn oxpurlonon liuil xlturuilny tbo dny to whloh uin nutrlou tor tbo oululiln nvblbltlnn wau pnutpouod owlnif lo thn ruin tbo woathor wau mout propltlauu u brltibt hiiuuhluy autumn day wlui ita onikoiiu uottlutr of uutumnul tltitu irrounilluk tho fulr around llhortly aftor noon orowdn houun to blither nt tblu popular nxblhltlou which by hn mlddln of tbn uf tor noon praiaiittoi a nlht plounlnk d to tbo fi lomlu nf tho ubow iim to llm dlrontom who had fonrad tbnt tlm ponlivonummit nf tint wook boforo hecnuua of tbn ruin mlifht provo dhuuitmiiu whh thn opinion that ltuckwooll had vkcollod bnniolf in tbn quality of hn utnek prtiiumtod thurn watt unver u inmor or hot tor exhibit nf cattln and bouvy horuou in thn lone blutory nf fair nnd tho coutwitu for thn pruon worn koon in all nlauneu in thn lliht iou thn unt hon nlun woro many ami of a nluuu tbut won iivnurul approba tion liu uultln nntrlou hnnrolary olb- hnnu ropmtoil with u ileal of kouulmi wutlufuotlon worn tlm htiavloat lu itockwoodu hlntmy thbrn woro tlmt itnlmalu nlmout tniuitl tn thouo noon tbn wlntnr iali lu oinilph und probuhly by tbn tlmn tbn fluolpjt fair lu npoiiod uonin of thouo unmo imlmnlu will tin pmnintod in a tliilubod oomll- tloii ami will donhtlouu appiuir in tho covntod ribbon olauuoa ilbuoii uml uwhwi worn in fair num ber uino wlmilim cnminouilatlnu on tholr rood itpponraucn tbn utockinoit of lciunioua urn tn bo en nicratuhitnd il tholr nyblhitii which worn tho tijual f and lu many iniitancna unpin lor to iiany ut tbo ntlior fall film of on- tut in hu mldwni wuu ono nf tlio foaturou pnpularly piitrnuuod tbo uulvorual kowplo huh much lu uvblonoo and no fair in complito without thotn nown- duyu thn llttln fnlku ami tlm hlu foluu nu woll trlod and tried nnd tiled vin otto of tbn kiluiiluir ilollii nnd tbuy uomitod tn onjny thn iplltn uu much un the i had thn tbbiun for compotlthil it wuu lpifnrtuiuttiv that tbn oxhlliltu in thn main hall could not bo kept ovor for tho nononil day hut thlu wuu itn- pouulhlo nu limply of tbuiit worn nntor- ml on olbnr uulu inothoi fuhu of thn dhdilct thn bull thmofuiu wuu dn- wi twl and tin iitldway and tho butlio link worn hn only uttianthmu upait fiom thn oxblbltu of cutllit anil ntlmr llvo utock tbn novulty ruco proved u nniimo of muob phipmrn to nil piu tloulurly mm of tho hoi nun hint did nlmout vniytbhur but what it wuu kpiu4 to do ami no lout thn raco u tbo pnlltbal dlibdhlutun wm on tbn utoundn iioltlnic aciiuulntud with thn olootnru mont inn miimt tin muilo of tbn hand thlu youii inuhlonl nriiit nl tut ion umbn tlm dhoi tlou o itaudluiuitei jorcy mllm huu maitn unul utrblnu lu tlm thnit tlmn ulucn iirmiiulund and tbn nublonlii or hookwool have imod lon- iioii to bn pi oiid of it un thoy uiuloubt- 1 udly uiu tho oxiuirlounn nhtiviilii vlin potlthmj- f im

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