Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1921, p. 4

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v artmt 3ttt tyxtm f i utjuhij i ocidiiiujo 1dji arroj t u v ii mi m i u u t advi iiti m vtk tr trll al t c 14 r i i i llll mui t uouul ul ij l editorial an omen of victory perhaps an olfcrvmit lender of tlio i ihcrnl campaign tawcn t tlint n miiullcuiit omen of victory war iiroiljjht about inst week prtvlmi to the election otlwhl winch re ultcd in tli o return of tlio laurier ndnilnui trillion and tht ilnwnof tlio 7 pro of pronpcr ity ror cunuda sir wilfrid latlricr was in chnrlotlc town addressing uiucctin when jhc word was hroujiit to linn that the date of thp cloctioil had been decided i ion mackeii7i6 king was in cliarlottetown wlicn the word was brought to him that tho election would take place on tuesday dcccnjber 0 time will decide if the omen is ugum a favorable one nonthcutfeb impression canada c 1 1 jllut iftiu ut uu hlvr it nty v urn or k imn iii llnymxn i r 1 n it jut iii loll runw irirtv a jin ullou wo linn lnliulu which rnt urine dih pout lo rvautit wllh in- u a w ii- a i u i itltf mllwuy which otl thn at li lit id to riipy f iivbi- 3 goo 111 wlhll mivi jx1 tl w mllru fiirthnr on ajjnln irnry umnlul iinr tn lv ymi inter tlu train lu tin i li nicy hi 41 about cm intc i uporw w of iff t ulflltllk lo lit lion imutlllflll cnck- muriitrit ciiiliou or tho initipany uthuuluuth domcrlptloom of tli ui uu twit tury through which ju ihriti li llr mllwiiy mow tomuil uu wlm liuvtt tint rrouued from utu the police mnkthlralcu kxperfencea tin milton cbimpioii ays haltons two county poiicl mugi trnt- nppoitited under the act ot 1021 linvt no lioimiiza neither yeli a salary both have 1o conic to milton frequently not only to- try case but oinellinc- inertly to order remand- thoujli local wagilratc nwy take informations and isue paper ihty have no authority tit open court or to order remand- the police mnijiqtratei have to pay their own truvollmjs cvpenacs and dont relish 1 1 jn nor tho lorr of tune another objootiou to the new urrunpcnicnt i the delay in hearings before the police majrtrbte which ii tiiiavoidalile for in stance norman william arretted last tli tin day in stead of be i u j hroufht into court within twentyfour houri vbi not tried until yesterday if tho county police magistrate arc not to receive salaries there is ho economy m making no appointment for milton itriuin never lclrt go too soon j seven yean nftcr tho hcfinniuk of a war which it wnt thought would he ended m three months the int in t lib roldicrs arc now about to leave prance orders have been riiicd by the war department di reeling that it tho nmnll hospital camp on tho shore of a canal near calnii all authority of the british pcueral lieadtiuartcri ihall ceanc on october 24 tho departure of tliti last uritish troopn will take place immediately thereafter and the i nit men in british uniforms will icuvo trance by november i in theso seven year britain and her colonies have proven indisputnblythcmirudfricrtdsmlpfof ontarion lunck blot all the statci contiimioun to ontario have made horse racinc and race truck jfniiibhni illegal and conkrci at wahuiton is criously coniidcrnijj just now takmj action to prohibit tho inaihuc of news papers winch publish beltini reports here in tho pro v mi co of ontario wo have race tracks galore licensed by the government which further takes a rake off from oil the hottiiik a total of 401057 was wagered ut the august meeting of the windsor jockey club alone according to returns which have been made to the provmtiul treasurer hy george m hendric of hamilton treasurer of that organization can any ono iay why the government continues its partnership witlr this unholy traffic which is largely kept k y crooks and blucklcjr from the other side the majority of the people of the province bh6r he thought of bemj partners m this traffic why not do uu o many of the states have done banish the mennce from ihib country community spirit ltoth on farm and in factory communities throughout tho dominion testify to the value of industrial development factories un doubtedly help farms and the farms produce neccd sities and comforts for the workmen and their em ployers izvery rural community in canada rejoices over industrial development they do so because the people of tho towni and of the farms know that factories and factory workers mean bettor trade for the community better markets for tho farmer bettor prices for land and hotter business generally for the district it is well therefore that the community spirit he engendered and the fellowship and mutual interest of all be cultivated whldl tll jim whicli iik i uml wlilto urtlrulurly utru m lilt 1ui iii i rlir xvul comiuiiiflit ar t turin plankn of the national ijlwral mul conservative party the election campaign of tho national liberal and conservative party heralds a thorough re vision of tho tariff with a view to the adoption of such reasonable measures as are necessary a to assist in providing adequate revenues r to stabilize legi timate industries c to encourage the establish ment of new industrie- essential to tho economic development of the notion d to develop to tho fullest extent our natural resources c to prevent tho abuse of the tariff for the exploitation of the consumer p to safeguard the interests of the canadian people in the existing world struggle for commercial and industrial supremacy the principle of trdde preference between tho different members of tho britannic common wealth should be maintain ed and extended from time to time to such degree as may be found practicable and consistent with canadas interests electric current for ontario farm tho farmers of this province are coming into their own so far as the benefits and privileges of electric current it concerned the coupling up of tho arms with the various provincial developments of water power has begun and will he continued untij ilia bulk of the farm houses in the power zones are supplied with electric energy soma five hundred miles of transmission lines are to bo constructed at once and along these lines contracts have been made or are likely to he made with at least 2300 consumers each of whom if in estimated will require about three horsepower to do tho work for which electric energy is udapted on a modern farm people who have en joyed tjie benefits of electric power in the towns and villages for years will bo glad to see similar privilege extended to the residents of the farming distncta tariff planlw of the progreimive party tho progressive party has formulated the follow ing as their tariff policy l an immediate and sub stantial all round reduction of the customs tariff 2the reduction of the customs duty on goods inr ported from great britain to onehalf the rates charged under tho general tariff and that further gradual uniform reductions bo made in the remaining tariff on british imports that will ensure complete freo trade between great britain and canada 3 that tho reciprocity agreement of 1011 bo accepted by tho parliament of canada 4 that all foodstuffs not includet in the reciprocity agreement be placed on tho free list 5 that agricultural implements farm machinery vehicles fertilizers coal lumber cement illuminating fuel and lubricating oils be placed oii the free list and that all raw materials and machiucry used in their manufacture also be placed on the tree list that all tariff conces sions granted to other countries bo immediately ex tended to great britain that all corporations en gaged in the manufacture of products protected by tho customs tariff be obliged to publish annually comprehensive and accurate statements of their earnings that every claim for tarjff protection by an industry should be heard publicly before a special committee of parliament tariff planks of the mbera party the liberal party announces its tariff amend- ments for the election campaign as follows that the best interests ofxapadii demand that substantial reduction of tho burdens of customs taxation bo made with a view to tho accomplishment of two pur poses of the highest importance i diminishing the very high cost of living which presses so severely on tho masses of tho people 2 reducing tho cost of the instruments of production in the industries based on the natural resources of the dominion the vigor ous development of which is essential to the progress and prosperity of our country that to these ends wheat wheat flour and all products of wheat the principal article- of food farm implements and ma chinery rarm tractors nling flour and sawmill machinery and repair parts thereof rough and dress ed lumber gasollno illuminating lubricating and fuel oils etc iiqts net twines and fishermens equip ment and fertilizers should bo freo from customs duty as well as the raw material entering into the same that a revision downward should be made and substantial reductions should be effected in the dut ies on wearing apparel and footwear and on other articles of general consumption other than luxuries as well as on tho raw material entering in to the manufacture of tho same that tho british prefer ence should bo increased 50 per cent of hie general tariff that tho liberal p hereby pledges itself to implement by legislation tho provision of this resolution whim returned to powur keep your nthuflbuim alive it is well for youu people to learn from the ex- pejiencoi or those who are older those who have made a success in life havo found that success in any sphere required that enthusiasm he kept alert and active when enthusiasm burns itself out almost any worker is in a bad way you can go drudging on without it to he sure but that sort of work is hard and tedious tho thing to do is to kecp- cuthuiasm ablaze to keep tho flro fed many a time enthusiasm burns out because the claims of the body havo been neglected a holiday in the open is a wonderful thing to keep enthusiasm allvo tho young folks should learn this there is no truer adage than the homely one of our childhood all work nnd no play makes jack a dull boy an oc caslonal holiday out in the open is invaluable kditoiual notes railroad rates retail prices and wages must take a drop was the opinion of leaders at tho national un employed conference at washington last week even mexico is waking- up to the evils of gamh ling president obregon has issued an appeal to the press of mexico tfl assist him in stamping out gamb ling in the republic in n report of sir herbert samuel the british high commissioner in palestine there ore now hard ly 700000 persons in palestine a population much less than that of galileo alone in the days of christ the zionist movement is evidently not very aggres sive so far governor john mtnnbb of wellington county jail has evidently solved tho h c l his annual report to the county council last week says that he fed the prisoners during tho year three meals a day at a cost of ib cents and they were well fed at that he said the election campaign is on now lot us all have a good time together though tho contest bo over so kcoii good fellowship up personalities no roor backs just a straight up and down contest well bo better neighbors afterward and the best man will win of course wintton spencer churchill british secretary of state foij the colonies states that more than hair a billion dollars has been expended hy the british gov ernment in relieving the unemployed since november i i0ih a considerable amount of tho relief was rendered necessary owing to strikes so far there are welcome evidences that the clash ing elements arc not so bitter as they were and that tho people have got back some of tho good humor that used to mark election contests lot us hope that this attitude of towanco towards thoso of different political opinions will mark tho campaign to tho end guelph herald it is to be hoped the assertion of tho united press in relation to tho coming winters coal supply has warranted foundation it says there will bo coal enough for all this winter despite a long continued slump in mine operations if the railroadstrike threatened for october 30 materializes there may be a shortage in somo localities but dealers in most cities report a rcacryp sufficient to carry them through thq wlnter to ma hy thu murvil of uuirvl them in piirliniiu not ii viry urtxtt itfnriiort hotwncn c v 11- i i u ntil the other i iif rnllwayu tit thn worlil n uujiinl let tlin r mantle which how hlirliul unmowhero 111 tho htnlilflfct tlrltliillnr lint vary mudi moro power ful o fiirt roimulnu that thnro am fow jniirnvyu tikirn full of koitijtiio of hnnuty nf mlvendiro tltnii the ttiu w iuliiib thin wek iwtwcofi tor- lul vuiirfuivcir it lii luml yunht- hif it in ilnulilliiff cim iforti hi uu iilil wind jnimunr it l plonoorliik nttovn nil it in iilmionrluir riieuo trftmmiilfliiii trulnu run tlally from rojitit to count with thn name reirulurlty alumni with thn nuin lumclunllty uu thn fxortiafifh frottl jjiinlim to iciinhurali ynt evry me nf tiioin in in untthi a ilotmhir hlnco wn in ft toronto w huvo miu1 tliroiiuli country whlrli in exuntly the ha m n wllil uuvhiio tract at utoiio iiiiom mii i umnit rorltii uu it whm wlmii th i rut hlow at a lrk una uiinounrod th hlrlh of thn c v it nim hut dm wll1 nnlmuhi hy thorv iwinr hlanlf fox elk moopo uml iloer thn lubnu mul utroiimti uro full nf uu ami trout ami nlouerol u uort of lilir imrcli anil to you lonklujr out of tha window of n c p ii train the whole luiid lu it unortitmniin imrmlluo it in u fair iiikoii lcco of thn world whlrh hail not rhanifotl uhirn tho croat ioj holwcciii toronto mid culsnry you u u ovi ry unrt of ucoimry thn worl 1 can ulinw yoti you flnil norway llot- land thn unman cuinpukna thn canl- f which in that little city with tho bront union undlnlnn lint nnd nlonic ulinm of ijiue fluitorlor tho mnll tfjrrunnun hy thn j vouch itivnra and hllu of tho artlln hy corfu for mllnm nnd mllau on each uliln of wlnnlimig you run throuuh ilriltlauu wheal flcldu utrntohliuc out on olthnr ulda to fltn horfxon north norfolk imtirnlnod a tlinuuand thuou n italian of era in ij4nt nliiht i awnbn in thn small hoiim it won lint hocauuo thn train hail utninod hot hocatian a ullnncn uu titter alminnca nf uuy uart nf sound ttiwnlnuail ua it hi a cammnnplaoa to uny a ullnncn which mn lw fnlt hut it wim in truth exactly that tho whin world thn llttlo station of mooao jaw i tlilhli it won- lay hurlnd uoyond undar a cruulilnur ullenoe tha t huo of tho land u round uu thn iioiihq of uluinluto lonllnew itorn down on ua tiny utomil ilka thn atlantic on tho ihihlilnu of uu una floor ufo on hoard thn montmorency lit tremaly ulaawant tlilu la what alio lu llko outuldn niia in pain toil n rich orlmmm und hor llunu ulvo her iuut thnt dutlnotlon lietwnon n umart 100- ton yucht und a whlto ftoa trawlor llnth am tlnlluhtful to lmk at hut tho yucht linldu your yn thn lonar at thotoru lu homothlna ruutnr llko tho caiitulnu utemwitlu u uu old hroflilitcknr with h xrooit ami white tripod nwnlnif hen lu thn wuy tlio way in nnd ham you ult lit fair weather iauiuiik out in tho utentwalk lu tho- drawing rx ohiiorvntlnn comtmrtinnnt whera luttf n dnicou full hlaed liminio can ult in cnmfnrt nnd whom two of thn uame ulml nut uloon ut nlaht in tmdu which am no uort of rolutlon totlm noim hunka on tritnulcuroimtan tixumuuoh i lure too h thn uiwhmi indicator a mobt fumolnatlnt toy which lu hourly wntohod hy uu all uu it ollmtui nnd fa i in ho twee u koro and e5 mluu an hour i orard of thlu comn thrwt imdroomu ulmoly und routrully dneoratod nanh with itu tnhlrih und nhalru uu cup- liounlu dmmwiuiftnhlnu nnd wnuti- utaiidu l ollowu u itatliroom with n uhownr iloyonl ttifluo co moo thodlnlnc room whom noonlo can ult down to dlnunr in kill comfort anil ton can be rraiiroil for with a llltln uhi will tlilu room with itu fonrirutwimiowu ltto tho wrltlnuroom a wollnttod iluk of nromir uluo lntu down out of mnouh oontulnliiu overythhitf thn huulnut man ran iimid in two of thn oornnru me a ooilplo nf nivam immin hloh dlnnitpour into thn ivunollhuf in cnao yon fool hobitltahlo mid invito lttonlo in upond a nlifht or two on lumrd thin dolluhtfiil oar llint hi ana of thn charm of thlu tmmondoiiu run from una to mqo it in ona journny to you who imiifhi it ut montreal or toronto and hnluh within und of tho iaollio hmaktim hut it in lioi limm twenty or thirty to ihm1o ulontf thn lln4 during your rrulun thttrcfoin you can 4unnd tolbruniu throuuh tho mioncy uf tho c v it und invito it filond to join you ut way wiiiuiimx vnu tlu not uny do wtuy with mo on tunfidny nr wftdnowlay hut icnnn tlu comutiy itotweii wl- tilpnif and calgury or hatwon wamui hlvar nml imllan ilnud ami if tho frlnml lu wiho ho hautnnu in aooopt und coma iihourd with u miltcauo lloyond thn duilmf room comn thn luintiy mul tho kltflhmi whntmn luuiin dollclouu i mm i which uro ijuvor thn nn wrviil lu u iiulto porfmt muii- nnurly nyory day ut himrluo otin tlioma kindly hounltuhla cumullnti wiiyhhln hlatlnn tmihtxru or mi ukt of thn c 1 it lmiurilu llm our with it nm0it uf fmuhly tauuht itpucklnd yt or tiomx oi if you hupnen to ltn out of tho river lumlu with thn noxt uvwf and moiit vitliiod thluu an urmful of it own f with thn morning dow utiii on thuni at nvury hour you uru ilviii frhlt nioof of ihn kludhuai ithhinxm of cutm- ihhiih who no to uny trouida uml tmvl iy dutuil tu do you u klmpln klml- uh und wluh you ltiuk on your wuy ihu toiirtfity of thn r v uj onlolalu with h i huvo known unjl aiijoyod for iy an yurm lw tha proul und juutt- ituhtu hoht of thn company hut it in t of tourtnity which imkiiih with klmlllpmu all uloilk thn llu w huvw hud u mjiuolul tcleurulili iihwk- hlillulln hunt lu twlon u day und tlm dlvluluuul uupcrlntundantm havn lift nothhia umlonn to imtkn uurjour- iay u ploiiuunt uu linfutlhlo vr x- iirnph nt icnioru i wum tult n for u motor ttrlvo uhandouluk i thn mi 1 hum ull hoard juitt 1ho llltln fumlllur uu lncvu uihiiii th iii which niruli uo nun li mil whh ip nmonu uimlluhhrod fnlk urn lwn1 only ulmut mui thi if li ally ilk- ymrri uw whan cunudu wuu uimily u huso vuitiim inrrllory ujiruwlluif ho twmn lh ocoutu willi tiothhlif in llll it to or vivo thu mliihty do ml ii lin tvnl ihnli ii i hi who wi r rtfurilwl am ritm rur ih uuyluiu umo y hat oitfl day it uront ulixil muil would run nrnmu it from ud lo nut ilnl iflvir it what it iiimhlml mont ul rry onn of tlniha dnuiru wuu llulwor lytton who mut thn io hty morn thin sixty yourw uj j ii ii 1 llin rwtt worn laiitfln 1 til tihmi lit c ram ulomt and unsardliitf mount tiliiu uml rlvnra und huu liwl mlln loiiif rhulnu of lukt u ovwry iiiioolvuhli niiuimwrliitt oh luclo rhvfl cunuda uml llrltluh col iiiuhlu ihalr ii lu ht y mt ruid ovnr lhr4 thousand tulhu lou fin which tha wholfl mollolillo ufa of ihn doinlll uui dtiml an i thn whoto nf thn nxtruordluury ltlclucy whlrli mr utwk ih ik roloaiuil nrkuhlxutlon huu tiiirrtmf nartittnrnnirtutntovu 1i run hhutikhnoahy nilt iiowl w licutly prnul iviitu tif tlm c v 1l th c 1 it u nun of ihn urutnut foalw of nliirlinf in thn world a thliis- iwfom which u man uhnuld ataud limdiid amt the montnmrency hnr nulnm nit ovr it huuk and forth with tli uiiconctiru of tram wuy cur i una 1 1 utut muiiy womlorful tlilnifii i my lon voyk roun i thn worjd hut i do not think anything u llknly to liiiiirrm ina niorw thnii thlu nvo dav unrot u cjmllnent in thn hon tnomury copyrlwht lu unltnil utatcd nnd cunuda hy unllod new quarters i bin now tniifordihliy unllh l in ihn iifw miurlnru hi tlio llturliiiiuii k uml am uttr uhln to hnk ufter llm n u nv rytlilnif i rilaliiiiiir to f iot- i will lutvn uu nuuulnnt wllh no illwlly u ilu wilt urutly fuollltuto uhi iiompt ropuirliiif t nil work loft with inn hn lalrlnif hrlcuu hovn bean rolitnoj all urudnu of llhnoit in mi n and lloyu llmw in m t pgibbon mill st acton p dowe take slmall adcounts 9 do 0t- woinvilo thom wolcomo tliom unil tako tfood caw of thorn if you wluli to opon a bnvliikii account for nny particular nurpono or wloh to cijjipmldrcnto byhnvinu acton boanai ceoftctowm bkanai ilnnd i corti who am i morn i n wo r fill thai riulnu of thn world i urn morn deadly thiui hullfltu and i havn wrtrkwl inorn homiu than thn inlkhllcijl of ulun id mi i uteal in canada alolia ovnr 130 000 0a0 riirh year i kinrn no oim und dud my vlrtlmu nmniijr thn rlnh uid mnr alike tho younir uml nhi thn ulrnnif and the wtik wldowu ami orphnnu know inn i muhuacm thoiihundm iimn thou nandii of wuafl nrurm in a ynar i lurk hi mnitiktn pluofm und do mont nt my work hllmtly yon urn wurno i urnluut w hut you hfied not reltrntlfiio i um nvorywlmrn in thn home on the atrnnt in thn fun tory ut railroad rrouuluku uml on tha i hrltiif utokutiuk dnfiradatlnn ami douth und yet fw uok to avoid inn dtroy cruuh an i malm i iflvo nothlnir hut tako ull 1 am your wo rut nnnmy i am caiucm hhninia liy diuairu palm oil as fuel a mirlom of nitporlninntu kjrun lu 10h hut intnmiptod hy tho war hau recently hnnu ruumiu1 in itruuuolu nh thn uuo nf palm oil lu internal com- huutlnn mot org a hwoilluh two cyoln unml dlnunl entflna wan found whlrh would run huocniuifully on piilm acconllnu to uiialyai hy hold inn aliomhtlh pimm ol h n hilktuhi of lialniltutn mul qhuita of hlvofflno wlh homn vurlphlp quantltlnn of lulniluo ami ouic acid i routqlnu nhou oci par ennt of fatty flrmn ami opivonra nu h pauty nuiwtannn of ydlowluli or pnl- mon color itu rnlorln uiwor in ohii- mntod a 0 13d oaorlpij harthfllot- llnhlnr nnd it iii turinuuhio at st ilcsrcou ntmtlsrailoi hc hab ttlh ptl5wond a lu generally known a irani col lojro wau nulahllahnd umlcr uomnwhat imtcullar condlllmih tt fact which civoa point to thlu ulory kiniilian a irani founder nf o irani cnllnuo in thlla dnlphla utlpulatml in hla will that no alorsymait uhnuld ovnr lw permitted to ontnr thn eollnga irrnnmlu onn day riwmntly a man wnnrlutf an imiimcu- lutn inaklutf whlto tin and a vary hlfih- mit hlark vnnt it art oil throueh th cat ou hold on ttorol hhoutnd thn doarkcnnr vou cant ontne in 1mm th 1 can tl thuiidnrl thn utruur oh usm thn iloorknnpnr oxouim me ulrl conln right in ulr inqenuitv uttln jackie i want uiinthnr tax of plllu ilka i rot jfor mother yoittnr- doy iv johnston did your tnnthor ay thoy wm iroolt llttlo jnoulo no hut tlmy juut nt my ulr ifiin tho klsht way maca- xlnc qrounds poi1 it itu tnu ynaru now win no ho loft i uald thn driutrtod wlfn i m- mlmir it juat uu wnll nu yoiitnrdiiy how hn utond ut thn door hnldlnif it npen till four tllna jtot into tho hnuuo jcxclmuun h you have 300 or more read this t 1 wf 11 to havo tatauny in w tuwlafm kunk km4 ut n oc 4 on it nobody wilt udl tmuu wltli yarn truoluot lint wliftrt you couultlnr tlutt javwnuoiut mxrt lmmrrowiar hmminy at tt uul liihn jukol kf tlior uxi miurprl in wltlcli m uu la with fmituj umlixy uul ul h on your taonny uumly it fu um ludelit of vnuuuoo to look into uucli invaauttont nffnrioicu a cjuto lt iiolnt nml nun worthy of your imsuw dll altonuon la uto ft oonwilbit dwbo- turoa of tim mkint lloyul moinl ootunwr brtilu iiuintrlj ts tltn inrgml at um kind iu thm strilhiix ikntfflfa tlutro j no city in ouu whotyi tjwr homi of hucu un hoj h krauiar ad wlutimi tli ruuntlnjt owni of ju ikotel u hum certain tlutm in nlontk shontrojtl lu our rmtl oomtn parti u u ota ktfmlrt ttiuutooittlnohtal tfratiluu tunl ihn ona- jtwt of m1 caniullan tourlut trmi from u kt torn ttml houthnro kjnkoil huttau sm um wuwonji tlinn wn nvoiiiliifl itomt who hvd um ttumny to oomaluvr lititiknllhtwy tlm fawnt- mnttt of m wwuon of it in th h ooonrubl nolmuturoii of ttw mount llojal hotl oouuuty jlimltcy xly ull tho mtlmmtfm whlrh turt vtittnd lotht oompjuty of anuthcn ltv nint tha ora lnftu will 1m not only hinpln to tty uu lntekt oa tho lkoltnntunin but thoro ahouhl lxt vy hubnutttihl mjutfhi hvidlaldn for tlildouhi tapo thn oomntom htork which lu miw gim mm h houuu var kmuiitahnc ktn hklwuil tuiul oomtnoii htock wiotjtnf unltcxl unuttt nu- tnrhmi 1m now imwfmr itvltllcndu at the kt of imr aitnute anhouah it too wm auo gim away aj w bonuif thrno ymtm ao lu uhnrt you tauy invmit ju tlio h oonwniihlm iwibokiturtm of ttto mount ttoyal xlotol oontpanji yjmltotl with tlm aiwuron utat yow ntonoy hi aaf yow b9- intonwt catitalu and your ko- m pnetu nootl for a nlco piroat rna vxr obonaom mf w lhoo of th wwnttiw ht mu- onylna m t bo common htock iumuu tum yow onsv y or wrlui for full battioularri addnmmt to w a mackenzie goltd 38 klnit street weal tfokmlo i i i i business dixectory i medic at do j a mcnivln fhyalamn fetid burnauu ftlro md uoull i avuniin uml 1 nrn foriimrly nt tpln 1 yn t n doruoii ntoij out cm n iiownr ourijion aoton out nlldon oi nlotridiun rjn fllk mor to tho into ij qray oltlcn nml ilnulih r j r nrl k 0 pln lo v ni and 7 to oh c r w nouo miylouii mnt curoon mill bt corulowii p m iclal utjnntloii in dlnanmu of wot on i children and iprunt iroodlnir 100 i li i iiiiu ilium- hxultul will h l allldt to th mcrchant5 bank had ofrcn montreal of canada eiublujwd 1u04 l q s1iorey uuuiu jl iuuush hj3 pq m iiahold nash vallmeu mtat hurrlaur goljcllor notary publla convnyuncr etc pghkvman dlock acton ont uonjuy if ixam iloiiru 0 30 a in to b nm oh j m bell d d b l d x dntlt m toronto umvr- ic corn- uhi i i- b tl v q go l lop d d q dantul gurgnon hn ovnr uantc of nova ucottm houmi d30 to c30 ivanlngu 1 y appolntmont mihcellaneoud fhanci8 nunan dnoublhdr account hoolui of nil kinds mud la order pnrlodloalu of ovcry dmtcrlp- lion oam fully bound llulln nautly and promptly donn wyndham ittrtt ovur willlninb a ul out hnr it j kerr llcanud aucllanvor lor thn countlnu of ilallon wolllnu- ton pool and durfcrlu u a thn city of quoiph acton ontario salrn may in or- muud by mull at at mouhlouro at a toi or at tim lron proon odlcn acton thn moron ry oftlco ounlpi tlio nnwu itncnnl i oroiia or with w j oordon llumouu ilakr iiiilbliiirtf 8alaji nntruntnd lo il j icnrr r o4vo attnntlnn from data of llatliiff to datn or onlo lint your unhu with m nuldanc oowtr avnu phono ib anton aoton call ut my icxnanu roy hindley auctioneer livic dtocitt itlcai hfttatw and uianciundiaid allduud phtmn erin 4t 11 ii r 3 acton j e ciigevers uook dlndcr quba st east quslph out qookii and mukaxintu bound la ilandaotrio and ffuhatantlal aovru nmtn lattomd in hold on nihla uymn hooka and other liooku all work promptly xnuud d alex niven ontario lund surveyor und civil enylnaar clurvoyu eiuhdlvlalouii plana ito- port pohorlptlonu lllucprluth ota cnrtltloatou for piirchuunrh and morturuffoau burvoyu for architect xlullilam und munlolpal council dralnuaii ltnporth iwtlmntca oto mnlean building douul st aifulpii phono 1064 ona albert d savage hecbjterwl oiitomotrlht nnd mnmifucttirjitii optician uavaoe optical uuildino itluht ut thn poat olflca qualpli we operate tlio only luiw sur- thcu grlntlliu miicliliiry lu thli dktrlct thooid and iloliublo granite and murblo dualors wo urn ttmunfitntnri our ountomom lit whnlnualo prlom thiih uavlntr our nuhtomnnt 40 por onnl wn havo thn boat uppllahoea und thn only nanolianlom in tha dominion who can opnrata pnamiiatla toolu proimrly we can alvo rforonomi from hundrwu mufta in order to oollcot wn havo thn larcnut and boat utookrof oranlto in the domlnioti or mora khan any thrne daalara in thn wnit wo am ulti mate deaeni and omploy no aacnu and do not annoy or poat auatomerti by bonding out ignorant uunnttf nnllalt- infet ordnra we employ only meohanlo and defy oompatluon hamilton sons cor norwich wonlwltili stv quolph

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