Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1921, p. 5

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g art mi 3vst tyreaa iliimthow hjoiihitt 1121 talks with natuiil i think vrm ii funny i ntll l tli ilvo foi hlt ion v- a 1 nu m ihiiu nil ht timl tl iv an i i mi on y t you i tuy and j i in mouth in i fin from your in 11 1 i mil i 111 iii 111 i 1 ii iii lou lm huo i limit womb rfnl linw j itul ynti vr mull ii 1 ik fo t i hut ynil in vi r i mi nt on a ilium nr tin itjlo they um nn ut mill i main iitiitnlinif rlubl in u itriti lid llni blurry i mil i i know um uro iiimii wlirn you re r l n i you mi ii 1 win ii juii ii inn hi i in my wli it 1 m in i i iimttkli h 1 i fii i m i i i jul lil nli i mill u twenty vcanu ago rrom him uaue of th r thuriiy october 21 1wh it looked in miu lit l kt t hi iiitltrti tim ludhn pro ipilto taken wl jlliitlimuilllyvjlhijilll the 1 i il kir ml jnpnnr lit tiihilni hlu idotihlo hnu ho ot tin tornir of chbnh and willow hlrnotii inn puttlnu- nnw nlllu mid u ntonofnumhitlnn limit r it 1 ho niw military iioiii dully gray u did favorlto ull willi tlin whlutlluu llnf iji ru iibnul- own ut printout it in a vary pretty turn mi ahrumuuioryoiand family havo uutthd in limit tiowly rohiittt homo ut tint rnrnnr of cluurli anil vi tltiootu jhomnu khhuiri wiki for nliout forty luiru liau ilonn tliu inilk of llio pump huajuouu in arton lu iitlll rpunrdnd an tilt otd rollwhlo pump anil woll uport in addition to hlu pumpu unil cliitern trudn lui ban at curt d tlin ncoury for tho woll known aommotor which lu roitanldil tin out of lliti vt ry boat wind- mlllu muiiufurturcil a rurnleuu rondor ut ihn 1 rtio uli- rary kopl bin i wok out uo louuthat lilu nix whori iii loturnod tlio imok a wik mil amounted to 1 00 a follnw who wim recently uuknd to niiliurrllto for a minor ropllcd thut kin futhor wlin had dod recently lift lilni a lot of pa porn whlrh ho had not yol road inneoaod wliolvhik lu nifiumiry in tho 1 ro library t urrnmmniuln tlio hi- mt purohauou nf iiw iwoku whin romplotod tboro will bo provlulon for hourly 3 000 vnlumou maiuued krnnkovmitiljan at hhnrlmumo lltroit molhodbit 1iirunniiito toron to on wcitnondiiy luiptomla r jb by knv hnloimm c clnavor william v lcimudv to i ilnu only dumrhti r of ihomuii millar foiiunrly of aoton inindhikionaiimhthono at tlio homo of tlm btldnu unclo mr c 1 lyrulm h morrlm bt 1 oronto on wodmniduy oolober j3 by knv 11 a mik iilurumi mr llwld mlltnn iliindiirmon unn of i lloiiiltiruon m 1 anton ami mluu auikiu j arm- utroiitr of i oronto foroiity of anton died mollthon iii arton on mmiduy octobur 31 i mmn dnnubtor of mm anna mnrlnon watch them hurtling along ono or two ulorlou bavn imnn told of hiuthim amor loan tonrlutm uiohm tlm world ilnrou unolhor a tnurlat ilautiod m to tlio ilrltluh mnuniim in a tuxlcah run ill tlio utcpu uml uulil to the mun in uniform ut thu joor 11111 kot tbo iqiiclit uinrblut tuu ulr of oounio nlr rtipllod tbo uttomluiit all rlilit how about tlin annyrlnu wlnuad bulla ncinr tlin lutirli ixinijjt limy in nllll tboro ulr oerinuu nlr ralilntii ilurhitf tlin war tlldn t thtmano your nnnmiimmy dlu- plny nputulru i hopu no ulr not ut ull ulr hut won t you utop inalilo anil look n round for yourhnlf tlr no tbankx ill jimt tako tlmm uu per cutiionin ami wo rod lliw tourut you uao i vo i ot fit ivulu wxxt lohimior tlio kiwor tlio unutli icui- itlimton muunuio tbo wallace col ion- tlon to do thlu inornlntf ihiforo 1 catch tlm ofoi1 train ulvo tbo colhuiu tlin ntion ovtr utnl catoh u cotmoctlon with tbo ktratfoiil ompmai oo ua to uti llbaudhpoarnh bouwo hoforo illmur qhots f6n salesmen ilntfl uro u taw oponlnich uund by tbo ollloo jpilauy comimny in hitturil to their iinlohim n which buvo boon found to brinif itanltu and old arab provorb dlvlilhh hu- ttionlty into tbroo uluuuoa tbowo who uro inunovahhi tbouo who uro tuovabln and tbouo who movn ilhn mtnrv lu told of a unloumuii uliirtlbie on u trip who found uftor muullitf blh firt utoo that four rum- pvlttoru wro ahoud of him in roat unxloty ho wlrtid hu prlnnlnalu four tinvollnru uro ubftiri of inn what uhull i tlt hbnrtly llio loply rumn luiok tlo almuit thoro uro four hundrod 1m- hlnil a lady ndvortlsnd for it man to woik in bur uurilmi unil two mon up- 11 ml foi tbo job whllo ubn wuu in- urvlnwlnir tlm in on thu lawn nbo not- icoil thut bar tnothui on tbo jioroh wuu inukhiif itlunu for bir to oiioonu tbo ah or lc i of tho two nun which ubn lln ally did wlwn tlin ludlou waro olono tbo laiitfhtnr tahl why did you tdunul mo to obooan tho abnrter man mothort tito othur aim had it much bottui face irtonl rnturnod tho old lady wlum you ur plcklutf out a man to work in your union you want to ua by hlu ovorallu if thoyro patnhnrt on tbo knoiu you want him but if tbhy ra patched on tbo uout you dont seed q11ain disttlldution tho unnmil fron illutrlbtuflon of uamili of aool ulliln will ho rondunt- oil mi tihiial ut tho control lumwrl- inontal vmm ottawa by tbo domin ion ciirunllat ihn followluu khiibi of iimiil tiralu will h mutt out thin taauou hiuhux wheat in oihaii ii lb mimi hi wblto oatu uboiit 4 lb barby ialout r lb tlobl puna about t b ibihl hnaiih about j lb llnx about j iti only ouii uaiuplo can bo lauil to iippllruut appllaittlomi uilint uo on printed fornni whlnb muy lm nhtalnid by wrll- lillt to f lin ilomllilon cralut xpttl- iixntal 1 arm ottawa am tbo atonk of mod in ihullid farm- iih mo udvluoil to upply ury to avoid ituapitoltlllix t ihoiia who appllod too littlaut iiouhoii itio iiartlouhirly jiiiuumtiat to and in e 1 it lr- mimtii ut itou hit thut iipplh itllon tornim may bo oiwrduf tkthm no applhullon foi ihi will bo fnrnlmbod iif u r 1 1 briiury 1 11jj f 10 maliliiliim dominion ctirtalhit the sunday school lesson i roit uunday octoueh ej iaui ii i ami lotlltniv lf jl ii- uiiaiji i a la 0 1 jl 1 j flohh u 1 1 i ijt uo not ho vtuvy ii dol for duo fa hit not jul 0 lo cohmnl- n i 1 wo now roiiio to tio t loan i f 1 an u third mlualonnry join i 1h d llnlttiuui of tho ihtallu lit llio dumilpllnn of hi nrlliin ti vll iilii tin uiilbi nthlty of ii in iiiurntlvc iiiiki wan a i rw v rbt 1bo nli la hi tbo country f iahiithio tyri i tho ii la i tho ml i th ml untry uf whli h ilyrbt tbo nam lluoiihla wuu vt rni wlicu paul landod hi doilhtli i i liiulril in tho huuy utrmti win r tho dim ipuu roubl ho found tin in dlurlpli i wro tho mi ijibi ru ol tho iliiirib in 1ro 1 mil wao olmr forwaril ulthouili ho knuw iioruocu- tlon awultid him ovirywhoto hut tint ilpbit iionullmia d terrcl him v ru d tbo wbolo chriitiaii om niunlty nororlod tin upoullo to tbo ulioro to unn blm off j boy muit havo lovnd him vurunc xlmnicutlmnifthla uulnu- portnttt clrcumiilunro would not li hiip muilti by miiyf of tho wei no voro 7 1 lu ro chrhitluu hochity ii ah tlin plum lay o road by tlm roaul it vlaltml by iiiimii of tho mi huti u wltinoiii vaii tboroforn ftoh ma i a nluo i tbn front hluli wtiu n rtuln to bo irlunt preach- iiulijiich from joruuali ni after tint doath of jllophcli cirhniwwi wunttm llomaji pahutlnu uml tbo oltlrlul of tbo hi rodlan khiuu and tbo uovoniom of judou it wan nnmod for cu aar and viim uovonty mllou from jomiiiiilnm 1 horn worn two tiottd lhlllpn hi tbo nw toatnmont vhlllp tho ujioiitui uml ihlllp thu nvuiiuullal tbo lattor wau ono of tbo uovon doa- coun ut jonniuloiii vt nm 10 i bin lu tbo auma atfahiim of whom wo road in 11 lift klfloon or ni x loon youru hail pauand ulnro h bail propbtalrd lwfnro tho ohuroh ut nliorb vortki 11 imuklnti tho heroic uplrlt uml tho nhimluto dovotlon of paul uu ho took nl into tho futuro and now but dluuutor no lmpondlni nifortunn oould duuut bin lutruphl uplrlt or woakon hlu dntnrmliintlnu to preaoh tho uoupol of cbrlut vorao 12 paul a romiianlouu woru luko arluturrhuu trophlmuu uml othkir hrotbri n hi cutuurou ihvory frln ml prtuont jnhiftd lu plaudlnu and protoutlnu thut ho no not to jnruualnni vtrum 1317 paul ii ftlondu uroatly ad doit to bin urlof by tholr wootdnir but roll hi pot nwnrvn him from hlu ilukrmlmxi couruo tboy u the rod from tbo latmuami of luiit that bo hntl hluhor lia ill uu- than thiliu in wbut wan doiutf j bo amiiikomont for tho ontnrtnlnmi nt of paul uml hlu punlonu wuu both wluo and norou- nary iwciuiun of tbn utrotuf judulutlc ft nllnif lu joruuatom topiom for mnavarcli nnd duouialom i mllntuu to tyro vu 13 1 what than in pmilu nctlvltiou fa tln- crilxxl in thlu louuoiit 2 locate uml toll what you know of tbn plucnu born nioutlonod i ixporloncou ut tyro vu 4b what would bo iauln naturnl in try wbuti ho lunditlt 4 what con tribiitod to the5oy oh xpontleu vlult born hxpurloucou ut cuiuureu vu 7- c wliat plaoo wutf lmil tl main nbjfictlvo op thlu trlpt g what curly nt wuu reupouulhlo far lliuucuttor- inir of dlhflplno to uo many point a dally mdlou for nmt wk monday octolwlr 21 eltronu prink a natlonolifp hut sit 113 tuofulay ootolwr 2c woou of tbo wickoil luu ii is woilni uduy octolhir 3fl tho ilccha- toa jor 55 1 10 riiuruduy october 37 lttcirtil of otroiiff drink prov 23 20 35 iday ottoborail dnmkonlu iun- luluid luko 12 414r haturday oclobcr 20 ileluhnxxar i 1 ouut llian g 10 25 28 tiuiuhty gclolwr so ibo ltrgt of tho uplrlt qal c 22 is ckibp comment ilraua oollootlnjr in uuld to bo u now hohhy homo of uu havo ixwti ut it for yoaru hial will tbo jnkoumlthu do when uklrtu urn inudo lonffcrt norfolk lodcor illupatrh i ho hrhool of cktmrlnnro chnrffou mnut for itu ulrht roumou hay city rimoutilbuno am n hormiuo hoy city women talk mm tboro nro iiinrn loutrlbuno tbo world hnu too many crutikuaml not enoimh unlfutartani columbia h c ilonord homo uowudayu ih whom tho futil ity unto muy huptioii to lui parked i ho tyiollla reion no tflrl now murrlou a luuu for bot- r or worso ibo murrlou him for more or louul curtoonu miiuuhiuu no in un ought to hi oop uoundnr or ivo uwootoi droumu than ho who vnu bla own farm uml huu hlu lobtu ull ii id rami life homoonn with a annuo of thtwottir- nal fltliouu of thlilupf huu kliifiioutnd that tlio hijat wuy to keep woodu off what kind of u follow lu lllnkut woll ho lu ono of tlinun follow who tlwayu ifi aim tho ulnol whim tboro lu t piano to bo movud lit illtu bad diqappointment ho yon onmiltb i lack inlhltiudlntf nhil dhiappoliitliik why drurt well ho had mo on tho timtti hooka 1iim ulsbt in oxp otultmi that b wau wobik to nk m to u t tbo utiutw and it mil t h 7 j no ho only hhwihi mo to iihji thee planting llmo to plant xkiph ubniilif planlfd whllo tboy are dormant tboy may ho planted lu tho uprlnr da noon an tho fro at in out of thu urminuimtll tho irviii utnrti uinwth or in tho ouuo of hurdwoodh uml larnly of inulforu in tbo fall irmn a mild tint bo plant nl hi tho lata uprlnif ot uftor urowth utaitu in itounral hroudloaf trona uhoiihl bo tiauuplaiitod only wbon tho h itvoi uio on hull ltoiuliomontu ironu differ in thnlr anil mnl moluliirti toipihomiiutii homo will do woll on uiiidy anil oth- the empress of cvnada ii y lh miy c i 11 lluor thu nil burnluir of cauauii b bulll tuiiifirliilly for ho ilicldf in rvlno j hi uppolutiik utu will bo tho lm nt and in i ait luxurious jtoioiblt- to day with i articular regard to th c 1 ii ulun- jariuot uutolf t lib n ban uu ovirall unutli ut on foot in m fiiet d meh in hloidlb itbd kih ftiut in di ilh k thu brldai dioki ul bui a utralaht att m and nruluci ntci u tin t n funnola and two polo muutu 1 horn in u continuous ubollor dick with iriltfa iromoiiailn and boat dnckn ov r tho fonnor omlondlnir foi tbn full loniith of the uhlp two rompbto b- twm n iltrku ut tbn forn uml aft ondu tho i iiiprtiiii of canada huu a uronii tonnaun uf j2 000 touu alul lu arrauir co tir rnrryalout400 unit oluuu 4qq uilond claim 338 tlijnl rlaau and 03j aalatio utt oral liuuuonufu and crow of 1 17 of tbi i a lit o upaoi u a larifo portion huu boon hind formho rnrrlai o f ullh anil rtifrluoriitoil raruo her ipniifl lu ntkuli y kiiotu hho lu built o tho hlkkmtcbjitf pf lloyda nlii ti r full hoard of jruro fnngliremnnni tbo lrut oluuu accommodutuin fu r rmmnd on tbo nhaltor dnnk and lu ui lltlon to tho uluuln ilouhlo uml family nunnn thoro am noverul upnclnl roomu mil prlyafo uultnu which lomprhm hndrooinu lttlug roomu and hath ootnn ihn otutoroiima aro ntloil with tbo vory toloa tyrmpf npai ynnli in with a aupply or hot and no id wator tlm prihllo luvjinttorb u uml bath roomu buvo tho moat ipo lem tm- pti vo niu hi a in wnnltaiy miulpinant a iom h tii uyi t m of lilnpbonna lu cou ld li ivltb a miilrul ujcjliiitmo to tbo roomu liml lilllrpii tbo illiiliiit aaloon h on tlm upper dnlt tlito fi nr loon a luryo ucuftlon loom in ultu utod fuiwuid of kt itliiliuf uiilooni ho i uu in njit uio valor in at tho fdm i nd ou llio mumr link ht nluo a inrffo uwlmmlui ihhii id ft by 18 ft with iidjnlnluif iiy i il oatu ii in lud iciiiiliur inoinu alinilui to tbo himl oluba ipi ollu r publu rooupi ill hi llul l hi tlin luomunnih dptlt with lilieulul view to onviuhiunn tturt romfort tlm liiim limuito will provlda nmpla room fin conn rtu un i movliiu plcluro por- formfiiicia with conyiloto movlns plr- turn opoiallnn room- tbatu lu u bmif- uulhiy npoolully dnuloui d room for chlltiin drawltiif loom wrltltiif room ninojio room nnd vi ramlu cafu and ull uro luxiiriouu and attractlvo in every way ijoiiu promonuilou und rirrou- thui upuciu for came ii damlnu uml uportu aro reuorved for tbn mm of pin iioiiiinru ihn unriii oluuu iincoipmoilntllll t ultualml m ho hliplp u fl r- rauiiid lit two and f0u berth ooin x lit no utatnronmu nro fitted ulmllar t thu flrut cluiiu llio dlnlnk ualoon i mi the uppt r dock and will ucnoinnnidnt 100 pernonn i ho munuo in on tbo hrlili0 deck uft in ublllnn to ii liin iniindry illll- liniinniy houpltwl duik room tt yim ora ontliuulautu nc lioi utti initov- atlonu in tho utonratio food kllohou and nintiy norvlcu a pi rcini nyutmn of moobiinlourvtulllallou lu imitallnd and ull tho niinply and i hhauut fanu uro ca ablo of cliunidiiir the ulr lirotikliniittliniltlpnttirlifrminnnry an to amino iruomciy jupo ah nt ult tlmi n all tin t mot a ulirt unil upiily fami hnvo an uiiprovnl illalnmctlnif uiipuiatuur lkntllc iitdlatoru uro t- toil in tho unit nut mioond olaua ittnto loomn tho nurifii o mlpmunt lu of tbn mnut miuloin typo hh wi 11 ho turko di r i icku bo hie npnrattid by twilvo pmvi r- ful nlnrtrlr- wlnchtn rtio ntaam iitocr lint hiur inaniinuvrliiu and wurplnic inacliliifiiy aro alan hnprovnuioiitu on uninaiulnuua iluouiiiout llio ah pnrth ular nt- i until n hau ik i d voted to tlm fart that tbo lmiirimu of cunuda lu for iruiih lorlllu i ml uomltl apical ui vlco tboiofnro tlin roomu iftrijo and airy nnd -ipor-lnl- diiui tbn u i mpronu nf juudft litt lhm prtroihul y va obor v lihtt mm fmprtiuti of llrllalu now bi aorvloti and bn moiitculm ybu it wum luunchcd lau yn ami will aot u niw pino in opulublo ii uutinkor aloulrt ohipn fiir pcmn uurvuo- i yn ithnru of thu popular mhoa ivo uro n couiho of rnnutiuolhm tt rill fuol hunkoru f ho rmprtim of canada luivp w nvnuiii wuority ot 4noo tonu of ull uoc poii wohthlhoo appltft what may prove to ho it vuhmblo illui ovory ban been mnilo ut anna- pollu novu hloiiii in a mnthod of mtrartliiix hy miduotu from waulo nd nthorwlan iiunlouu upplon it hnu un found bat uvon tbo moiit jn- teiinoly hold uml uniially wortbhaiu upifln muy be uo trittlnd by a uimpln pronuu uu to ylold uyrup whli h bliu boon prnnnunrod omlmmtly ilouliitbln a huulu for other conrortlnnu nut hltlurto uo wall uuppllod ami not only lu thin uyriip valuable hut an oier by iroduct hnu bocomn ovldnnt lu depoultu of gulclum imillto llio name artlcln hh lu derived from maplo wyrup mil known im uunttr uunrl llaforo thu vur ho aurmiinu houuht thlu up tx- nilnlvnly in quoboo nt nhout nix hiiiii- nnu or moro per pound uu a uoure of nulln and tho prpniuu lu bolnu tnat- od lu two oviilioratoru anil may i nnd to tbo development of an ontlroly now jitikmtry in novu ucotlu all moth on can put away nnuloty buiiiinu their uuffcrlnjr nblldren whvi tboy havo mother ornvou woi m lux tormlnnlor to glvo rollof it effcotu uro uuro nml inutlnir mans duty in this llfc o dlvlnloiih flrut uml tho oxiotlnjr i to do mon a propyl bualn falln mainly into thro to know thoindolvnn iitiito of tblnmi tboy li fliicoiiilly to bo hapiiy in thimniolvuu and tint ox la i luff wtato of thlngg thlnlly totitoiul thttmuitlvoutiutt tho klutfur nialtt of ihliiiih itu fill uu itber nro mnrrod or mondnblo for rhaumatlo ptiln tho palnu and aohnn of hrlntlca nml ithfipiirttlnm uhould bn treated with ur thomaa iccloctrlb oil jho miiothliiit uml 1-oul- ini prnjlnrtlna of thlu famouu runedy o boon 1 o ni miu tro tod for fifty yearn unn it nluo for inflammatory palnu utw urrittohou brulaou nnd uprahuf elthm in human holunu or tho lowor anlmalu the ouccebsful woiikei1 a mien uufiil workor imnit bo in lovo with hlu work if bo worku inillfforonl- y thlnkbiff moro of bin nnlnry than bn doeu of nocomplliihlnu uomnthliib woith whllo per hup pity luu- hlnuiulf bncutiiai ho lu oiiiiboi to woik at all hn cannot pomtlbly uttnln utty real neiut un hi fortuuato if bo koopu hlu plaoo acton granite works j nicol cxceillenced granite 0uttefl in proiwroil to nupply monu- monu of all klmlm with aklll- fully out dihcrlptloiiu nt 10 w plloeu ttaa uamnlau of work ami utylom of monument ut uia moiiumont work imamtymaw i1locic mill 8thbet acton ont notice to the farmers now havo your chnnrn to not your blub prlcou for your fowl if iiu hnvo ony honu or chlolumu fur uitlif call mo by mall nnd i will sin nt onto to buy your fowl havlnir a cunt rant with n dmilor to on p ply hi ornton every wot k i nm prepared o pity ho blghnut prlpon to uo tbn leipdruil nunbor dull mo up rlcht nwity nml you will no fur hi ttoi luntra prlciu for 1 at honu now laid ltnn whim liroulit to my plarw j ot mo know yoiir riblien op number of tolniiliono and you ii bn nuro to hnvo tbn boat of untlufaa- thin v alex oiluoono v q hok 100 mnln bt anton ciirnur hohuol la no l l mullin turnip ruycr acton ont will ulart uicnln tbn turnip bnn- miuii wbloli ho v oiutilbod in fur onvoral youru au noon uu tho oarly- turnlpu nro rondy for uhlpmont bo will bo triad t mpnt tho fnrmorn of thl motion halt look reduction halo tor one wck hula jrloo ovorallii rou prl o 3 to 238 work fllilrbi rotf nrlco tl go 136 iloyu comblnutln it hiiltu rmr prion 1 go hiuulkorobloffl 10 st 1ft m n ii oar torn jua arm ilaitdn ms and otheh ooodd ay simil arly low prices e k cook mill ltitmat aoton marvellous eyeq in tiny insects on tbo top of u uy il bead nro tlirno llttln oyeu uut abnvu und liutwenn tho lui no compound oynn 1 heir ihofi ii uu hau louii boon a mali an a luuillt of locunt tiihhlnieiitol itudy it in hoi i n veil flip limy ur for unit diutaucn vlulftu the ruby nupplo iieiiliiix lie nopipouml uyi u whli h tip lioar to bo for clone toband ma mil flea ion tbo throe ocelli not in hhinilar arranuoimmt mo not pncuniir to hlou ur inlioy hitonlou of lnunotn hnvo thopi tboy mo ulhllilo you k ouru wboiiiii ihn pomooumt eyou uro mado up of thoiibetmla nf tiny oyou manam ouotllor uui h with itu own cornmre na and optln norvo htranifo it nut ma that naturn nhould provhlo n ly with a uooltiif appnnituu no lnrinifirtiliy moro inuonloun und amnion than that wub vblrh t hiimnn bolnu hi 1pilppuil it it lm duo on uuiipiiticil that tho ttmnouml oyou of a lly ure powerful milflgiu tbo inner t imnit ho nhlo to with dlntliictnoun thlnjrit which aro mado vlnltih to uu only by tbn aid of mini rnnroio it huu ofiou b on mild hint tbo hu mn uyo hi a vory innuufict nptloul iiutnimont- ho it tu unilonbtoilly u l hi un ikonlhint nil louml in- iitruim nt foi ulhuiil puipnuoa adapt nil lint if to a trout vnrloty of mien appinuntly of alt tbo mummalu mah huu tbo bont ionic dlutanco vluloit a rat cun kuo liottnr in tlm dalle owlntf to tbo wldo idipaniilon nt itu pupllu to take in ua tin i oh uu imitulblo of wbut htcht tbero in in titmolnto dnrkneioi u cat coubt aeo tip bolter than u man anybody who known duuu u a waro thut thoy uro nourulktitoil mr farmer you should 111 upto datk in tihj ii0mk a9 wlil as havinfj uplooati maciiinclty let us instal a pneumaticwatersystenf rwit ioamnrx prices quotations 1 uki suni skktcii howard and mccarveu 24 whjon st gueijpii piioni3 270w railway time tabids at acton t qrmt4 trunk hallway uylm galnu wt no 20 no 31 i no 13 aii tbiuday coin j e mat 1034u j jujl r oo p ii u p loata no 26 nd 3d no 31 ku 3u no j no j 4 iluuday fall millinery opening miss florence murray i ian opened millinery pnrlort in tlie roomti neitt to moorchenja store andjint on display all the latest fall models iiulr mint noil hi tbo hut of dlrftront uolla i lilit mandtjack plan htotth plmi lui pine miplaiu box oldoi hovel hmt pbio ihotob phui nor way hpriiin uhtutuiit- uamly loam wbuiyplne mil pjmt nmwiiy hpiuiti ii d otik popluiu and miipln ijiiiiii noiwuy iinuii wblto phui uro pom i lureb wblto nub oaww ruaplim but oil hi nvy uollwnliiiil hlokorlou uuli bummwonrt illv- r tmiplo hwitiuh null hilvfi miipb uyta- babiniu wliko nodal mlohluan sdrliultuiul colhvn hull notice to orcditop in th mmttdf of tlia eatutv of mur- uhrt ann dll lt of tba township of davsrlay in th county of want- worth widow dcommd notion lu bnrohy wlvon puruuniit t uootlop nri of tbo rmritno ant ii h o 1014 chap 131 that ull credit nrh nnd ollu i a huvliuf olalma or domiiudi iiknlnut tbn i utu to of tbo iiitld mar tiutot ami i loll who dlod on or ubout dm nth day of auituat nt tbo lown- hlp of ilovfliloy art totiuhott on ot bofoio tho jdtli day of ootobei to hoiiii by pnat piopnlil oi dflllviu to obiiiua tjtwriuio ijimbur 1j houkiiiii lltroot luolph hoi i ult oi for tbo adnihihilia- tru thnlr chriuthtii mimou uu i uur- mimoh nihil oanou uml di am iptltuui tho full partlouluiii hi wrltlnif it thnlr latmu u mat emeu t of thuir accountii a n it tbo uaturti of tbo neourlty if any hold hy titm ana lakn ptillun that uftor ininb hint minlloiiid dato tho uuld mlmlnlutra i trlx will promd to dintrlbutii tbn ml nita olt tbo hold ibioiihiul umtiuif tint pithluu tiitltbd tlutito havliif loumd only totho olalmu of whtoh aba uhull tbi n hnvo uutloo and that tho uiud ad inlabilliitihx will tot bo llublo foi tho mild uiiuiidii or any pint thuoof to any pnraoii oi in raouu of whoim lulin mitlio hliull not hiivu bom nielwd by hi r ut tbo time of uuoli dltitrlbiitlon iattd at nmliih thlu lui duy of oitolni a l 1uj1 if tliaulntl lawu1cnoh ollnllall hollultor for tbo unld admlnlutriidlx 148 j keimey bros the shoe men mill street our undo in aollohod for fool- wiar ami wo will ondnavoi to ul o you tbn bout not vlco iiouulhlit we have a pew lined op womens shoes qlx 2 3 mini zva wblob wo aro uolllnif holow cout flboy would ulvo oxo limit wear foi klrln kiilni to uolmol we are well stocked in mens and boys heavy boots aiifl ii4 tho hnyu willi need ironil i oolu fot tbo fal uaml them lu and lit uu lit thorn up nt wuuioiuiblo pi lorn adieu ulvo uu il hlul for foot- repairing promptly and neatly done kennedy bjros mill stneet acton ont an cducxtion not pound in dq0k0 tbn uilurutlon that lu aluml from iichuiilii la valuable ynuuu iicopli iiliould ho ntnhltloiin to not nu muob of it uu iiouulhhi hut tlio education that lu ucqulind outuhlo the uohoola la oil nun tla 1 ou ciinmlt do without it tbn hluhout poultloim to tho inml bavn boon bold by inon wlu nevai haw tbo luuido nf on 11 em lhenldontil vine prohldoutx uiinuloru conuroaiimtin cov er porn of ulnton hnvn all rliion to ponl- t in mi nf dluitlty utid ronpnimlbhlty without tbo jiolp of a ooiioko dlplonih lbo diploma nnd tlio knnwiodro it iitandu for invalunblo nu thoy uro aro not a ii melon t nlnno to not tlin ponnobu- or nnywhnro thoy munt bo uiippla- mimttul by an odocatlgu that lu not found in bookh flolf rollunco truntwortblikiiai ulu- coi ity tact tbo ability to ot nlona with poopln oournb pomlntoncn nil tbouo aiiulltinu nro found in ono who uttalnu tlin hlifhout iiudcohh tint tboro in no chub nf uoltrellanon in any unl- vemlty nnd no ooiigro diploma nl- lou hint tbn pnnnaiihoi hnn mnutorod tho art of truth tolllnff all tbouo thiniiii and nthoru of tho uunw hort munt bo lnnrnod outnldo uohoolu and thoy compriuo tbo oducatlop that lu indluponiiuhlo par both houac hntt stibu theio lu a niid ileal of u tin 11 1 ur ity phyul- oully aihuklnif botwoen inimnii bn- limu and tbn lowor nnlmalx hnth uro mibjiot to many ullmuntn nilwlnu front inllammnttnii and to all mannoi of outu mid hiulntiu ilr tliumuu folootim oll lu au untlnly loltnblo re mod y for iiucb nllmontii uml mlnbnpu in both bumun hnlnuaaml tliu lowor orrtoi of miimalu i sweeter than suoar i n ui onuboimo in ictiw aunlomi joudnn noclaiid thaio urn mnwliir tit tbn ptttiiont moinont tliroo now phmtu which muy pniihlbly piova lideiabli tooiiomln valtio hi i futnio i hoy hnltinir to n iipnointl now atyhid h lev i a ithauillmui wblob wau dhilovinid nhout twi nty yoara uo by uu indian boliinbit r lloitonl lu iaiukuny whno tbo havnu aid inmd hi imllimu tn uvvyntint ton iiorfee uml uthni biiviiiuiiu ibo iciivcu uio n- inui kulilif foi theh i utt am dlnftv v iiwi ntm an uldto in about j00 tlmea kiiiitti ihiin that of miuur ami tiny iirolihlly inopmod dm ml of aitbmm inaliuu t oiiutlnun tbninijnibi mliaiahlw nluht aftni nlitht tho iitiukil utlllli and oven vbou biluf iiuiiho lu kiviii tho mlud lu utlll in tot munt f i nm ontljiuul anticipation h 1 killoau ahthinu uoinody huutiia all thlu llillnf cotiiih itml at mm whllo fntuio uttuckii uio wiadnl off linvhui tho ufflhthl ono lu vi ntatu of piaon and happhu in ho opoo h- iiivlii lm oulil mwii i n joy luoc- uuiulvu uml uold ulnuuit wvuryvbot a cordial invitation to all to call wo ilea to announce tliat wo hnvo itecelvi a full line of fall goods ladies wool anil velour coats for fnll unil winter ladies wool jersey dnirtc ladiea wool sorjjo drcatcs lidiea wool swentcrs in ncweat atylca monn nnd boyn wool swentcra chintz covered comforters in attractive do nil designs rinnnclcttc blankets largest lizo nmy and wlute it will iny you to buy at our store wo stock ilelter cootbi nt a ijwcr irieo l starkman starkman block acton ontario children cry for fletchers cast0ria tflctcueru cnutorla la tlrjctlya remedy for infants and children voflds are spaclnlly proparod for babies a babys medicine is even inoro etcontlnl for baby remedies primarily prepared for crown uih are not interclmnttoable it was the need of a remedy for the common nilmentu of infanta and children that brought caatorlu before tlio public after years of research nnd no claim hau boon made for it that its ubo for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria cflbtorla lu u liurmloi substitute for castor oil paregoric drops nnd soothing syrupn it is pleasant it contains nolthor opium morph no nor other narcotic sulmtance its ii co is hu funrauteo for more titan thirty years it has be on lu coiieitniu uso for tbo rcljof of coiidtlpntlon llntulency wind colic and diarrhoea itllnylno roverlshueds arising tierefrom and by roulntug tlie stomnch and bowels aids tho tudlntlnn of food rlvlnfr honlthy and natural sleep tho childrens comfort tho mothers friend castoria always in use for over 30 years uk cmoaum coupahv nhwv acton creamery nioiiist maiotet pwce taid rok nuttkb fat any smaix amount or ciibam will klcuivb atienlion ccish paid for eggs creamery nullcr now ijild kkku mul ivwli llullernillk always on hani 01i3n ittlday and saturday lvknins acton creamery co oles onidil proprictqis toronto duburbkn cuctrio llituwiy got a j wt uully oitropt lumuy dully uxctpt jluuila daily oynpt iluuday tlunduy only iluuday only hunduy only 0 17 m i b on p l 11 03 a t 93 p ti 0 54 p i go in 7 4h u in 2 0j pm 6 ih p m 5 lb a- m tub p m h s8 p in dauy exotipt ilumuy dally nxcopt fjupiloy daily nxcept ii mi day iliiuday only iluuduy only i uuduy only krolifht dellvnriil by upl clul i pri frnlnbt i n iubt phlita up ut uny ad- droun in 1 oronto a il adniaw a kent acton uptodate goods ar c c sieigirra silverware in tnhlcwaro plnn variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite waro bid assortment pandora stoves nnd ranges pamous heaters small stoves oil stove j evehv a11ticle ib op excep tional valle c c speight mill street acton chevrolet agency mr it t wlluon hnu uorurod tho ononoy for acton for chevrolet motor cnrw drain mi tratlona nr- runjred call and unn tbn nnr modilbi now earn ulwayu on band h s wilson qowcr avp aoton ont piionu na why vou should btatit at guelph businessgoliege harmltl bmu gulph ont i decaube our inolruntlmi in commercial law will imvo you many a luwyoru foo uegau8e our train ina in writing hunliiniim lettora will i nabln you to wrlto lottoro that cot rcmiltu because our bookkoeplmt tralnluu will luiuhlo you to know hunlnoum tin that wnntn in nllmlnntod and profit ronulta decauoe out utoiiouruplioru cnurnn pro- parou you to ooonpy pnultlunu of ronponnihlllty and truat whlnh pay envlablo ualurlou dont lim m hlodtbavebm btant on monday acton bakery call phono no h if you want u delicious loaf of broad or brown broad or a boston loaf steam loaf buns and rolls pies nnd all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best pood eat more op it phone 77 tho wngffoii will call nt votir door si edwards co tuv j saturday wt 6 jo x w btor clod every nlpbt exoapt frk aoton ontario castoria for infants and children in uso for qver 30 year a nya lwr kuivhv of i s

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