Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1921, p. 6

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jllrthe miirrluc uml mhim urn now olituuil roi ut tlm following nili hlilliti tn mutiluitu win jl mini ctii mi iiiiirlul unlu on kin pur hiii i villi for iiiii tun 1 oi l i i if 111 hy v i i m a i hit j on klmt h nil- uliiilu lintli of sljlarln 3xvt irrmt innininw of loin if jn ioji brief local items into thin iur im go iliillimi h ii tit ft um ilin uiiluuui fftllriki tliulpiiut wot it umi iilin uluily liiuiitlful rin i i wt ro iiuty ii vn t ntrliii in urn hnty uliiw at lltrotftml 1 nil i olr fr good niiiiiim dixiii your 1 41t11 im 1 1 lulu i uliiiw thiit your iiutiurrlptlnn 1 paid 111 liilviltllll ii in iiimoieu tluit thnrtinni pmn ik tn tlnit it w kill ii i mill will nliortly lilt udildl ti arlonii liulimti inn oultvllln iiuii juut nolil f 10 200 ulx ii r n nt d in iitun n to dominion llo- drltliii conorutlin foi 01 70 llui il llvrliil of tnuilpfi ntluilo i in liitico 1 ai iiici ii urn dollvti inir l hum lurn frum nil tllrocllunu oiitutwii town liinnlnir ctmiuiliiiilon ii mi tlirltwitl to prohlllt ull liullrtliui lotn with liimi tliun in fnt riontuifi i ho uliiillil club lininio lit acton fluutlnir itinlc would lin muoli improved in mppouiuni i with u loulliiir of iituci u miiiii miiijnrlo mniilmll a t c 1 oruinilut of ht in mini church flunlpli in tuhlnir ml n i in in pliilin in acton no man miiilit to ulnnp uounil uv liuvfuwtitltir liuumii tliun ho who iiwiiii hln own farm uiitl lmuliln ilolitn nil iiiitil thi nun wnnthor follow i mr innt wookii iiilnn imlpnil tlm fur morn in icnttlnir up jliolr iiotiitoiu unci in ml vunchm tlio fall plowing a utlll wmi illucnvnrtitl in ounlph luat wotiu hy cuntnmn gill lor qnn j thorp ut tlio homo of p biinnot doriimt will ha trlotl totiny llvo jour farm u nuino nomlnu tlio farm ulvcu your plncn of luulnnnu a clmncn to unt nrqiiulntnil with tint world ut liiitfu rnrmuru tlun mr a jlyndu hocrofurytrouuunir of tho 1 all 1 air him had u hiluy limn iilnrn hut unlay hnmlfnir out prlno liinnoy to thu whinlnu uxhlhltoru drlvuin will lio very it rut of ill whim tho irruvnl or tirnlitui utono coatltitr in npplltul to thn nocond linn roadway from lomo hohonl to thn town linn tho clilhiron mo hivlnir nmrry union ovor uonflrosi of tho fnlllim inuvuu thorio il 1 hero nhhuld ho a llttlo mora pumntul uupnrvlulnn to avoid any il minor to ha ulddlou a ntimhrir of ptinpln wont from abton on monday nvnnlnu to irnmn ton to hour lion t a crorur ami irtuniler tinny ut tho cumpuljfn moit liitf of tho iroaronulvou tlwro neighborhood news- town and country ii hi i lal win 1 in n ofaiihh iiiiid uw liul 1 inn i la nioinliiu i ik iiiiiuu wnii a likitlni nf rf v i mrrtan linn if miirlln llliuit uallinaiad h i ii ik id in by i ilun hiuih on hun lay linr- aiiik f llwurl wan tlm i in r mid hln ii iiiioiui won in ally il mi mllni ii fm liki rlh ii wi i l hiiliti ii to h ivit him 1 i 1c nil okiiiiioii lvci1ton vi i ton in hool in lurtilnif oub oru oii mimui jik ikuilliii who won tin hi it uji for imlillo niiiilcnir at thn 1 in moil i hhoo i ih tit l mul ud ln iiiinty intuit at 1 rirrni and won ii noil iilun in iiollli miiiuliiic tin ri 1 hln i pi ilcu wnll foi an kvcrion hoy awinr to thn lllm i i or miim mlti hell tlmliir llrhool no 7 hail hn n r lomul fm nvi i it wi iik lumitou foi uii tiirni d out woll nt itoi kwood n pontpoiilil fair i oth in iriiiiol to oihlhilorii and to vlnltoru i ho flini wiiithm on ilatiinlay ittid llunihiy toinptod nearly nviry motor unimlty to io for dilv will gmin 1 i in 1 ah him lino n tho nil ahiiorhlm nvt it of hie wunlt rui inlay and wi d in inlay wen hnny diiyu mr iullinu of ilamlllnn and mm n inmniid or ahortk ihy lltuilf vlnltiid at tlu iioiik of mi and mm a iluntl rnirntlj minn doinirliy or riontoii a formi t in hi i on lint ln nl in ipmii ijtuff wuej hit uui nl of frlnnilu in town ovor t wiiiuond hov u o aalnixlxir a who ii hi on in diaruo nf al ouintu anutlc riuirdi for thn lumnior nmtilhii loft ii tuomilay for teronto unlvnrn mikho ho will wliirt on tho ynnrn wnrlc foi hln m a ilixro mr and mm i mondial mid mr mid mm a liynrn and lltllu danuhtnr or ltinmptnii wurti hundiiy vlaltmu ut tin homn of mi and mm a lluntlo ml mi iiuiilo tjitli liuu iic0itod iiulmo at uxhrldirn mul ontorod upon inn d it t ion mi tuiiuiur thnrci mr hsirllu i nnln wlu luiu hoon onn of thn union ilnou utuff at uvjlulniib for a fnw youru luiu honn trnnnfrnnl to cumiihulirord mr iltrnry lnnn of tho uulh lino lu con fl nnd to hlu hod wo linno to una him ahln to ho nut nun in noon mliui irioru mccjiii of tniouto uiul minn gladyii nodwoll of acton tiuioh iru npont thn wookond ut llmlr homnj linrii advocato aghgnove i h oumo yi of poo pi intdudnd i mil i nod piovorhlnl rnln for krln 1 ah uttirduy u b uniiul ilutiilroilu of acton and vlolnlty wli to vihii tho futr worn clln- wlmii thn heavy uhaworn dr it a antiunion m i will opon tho cumpalun imrn with u pithllo mootlnir hi ihoiowu hull nnxt wcnu tiumduy uvtiiilus jrlth i nut mr hod- ulnu of ilrunujtiiit will nhio uddromj tho mnntlnir oidtvllln in tiilcluic thu rink bunl nouh very uorhuitily it in jnopouud to yoto tin u hyluw to npniid 12 000 on a tiuiilclpal hull in victoria park to uccoininnilittu iibntara and omhiru and muit 12 000 pooplu another daylight ibank robbery link of humlll i union avon wooo oi r cdllfifja mntl o- k toronto lot wdniny 1 ivo uvuioii hank liaiidltn foroln- ortf hold up tho lnilinli oliloo at thn hunk of hamilton collouo and on- i ulnutim avtinikiu toronto ut u 07 tiiouday ioiimxi tho tnlloru cauo of 3 000 h ouuli untl tncupnil aftoi n thrllllnif mm hattlo in u lilnhpowmod uulomlihllo in thn hank ut thu tlmo wnio jo a wuriuii 133 ilnnwond lloui ninnntror who wan in hut ofllco with a 13 dray of uliuhohnn llotd u ollnnt mluu v k irairlh 73 kotilo otront n youiift woman lolhir on duty j c owun on hiduom poroy ilillllpii jtinloi lodffoi kiioptn and mluu jtlla hull 47 main htroot wcuton who worn uiitluif tholi luuqli in a room hi tho rnur of tint hanklnix room lliuun worn all covornil with royol- xijim hy thn hatidltu ilmluir thn lootlnu miiiinyiir wftlnni uho lu tho turn of h d wurron ronnito formoily of llio clcnircotown 116iuld wot hln mvtd- vo und ihod at tho liaiidltn au tlioy wnn inavluu tliiilmik hi a hluh- ivnwtnirt nu llm rohhord nucaptwl xjnderwrlurn inspector iwnkch tent tit ttfluldnoy of th whtrwork sytt for pfr protbotlo titd vobtbrilmy yohtorduy niomlim thn ilro uhitm innu ut foi thn ilrnl umo hi mcinthu thn tiiumlmu of thn llm htluadn ro- uiinndnil niouiptly und thny found tnv mimotor wallur of tho ramidhin llro lliidnrwilttun auuaohithiu in ohut iln dhnntnd tlnli urfortu thn ira ptniiiih wotn pminiptly liiimiil tin honn hilt und llio ih oumn oondiiotud thn vuilotih tmttit ua thn itimpnotni oi ih rod olilnf mnlltmald had 1im mtnr wull in huliil ulid tlniif urciiiuiiiii tliom- holvflm wfth timltt to thn tuiundn af tin tho wutui win lu nyiiti m hud iwiun tihd out with oomiiintlnnii nt vurlmih hydiautu und imvoiul ilium of hum tint utnitm ilro oimliio wnti oi d tn oil nut and itu valuo mi an uiixll- iury lo in wntarwtiilm wum uiho ton i oil jiminif tho ttnth it diivulopud thut 1 a w uiljuhlimmtm liiuht in mnilo to wlvuittuk an ii wholo howovdi thn tnut wnji vory nutlmfiiutory it in lltiltill thn topoit or thn illhh0t- tr will rrihilh hi the rnduulou hi lu- huiunio rutin whlnh tin oltlkoun wnm klvon to pxpntit whoii thu wuti rworloi uyhttnu wum bo i litf ojtploltud ihn tipjihi irowttru of thlu unction icot rid of thu crop thlu your without itrnulilo tho huyorn took tho oatlro orohardn at a prlco and urn do inn thn plrklnir nnd uhlpplnil without nukturx tlm fiirtnurn to tulto any nlinro in thn wink tin crop lu much uttiullur hi thu uvnruif mr und mni larl wllnnn havo now not ton vnry romfoi tulily iiuttloi lu tliolr imwlydncoratud and improved homo tho iploudld nikoii farm mr john wriualohworth upnat u coupln of dnyn laut wtiok with frlomli in toronto thn ruhior diiicpunnrlnit nxporhmco nomn nf our furmnru hud luut uprlnu lu noil i nit tho cuttlo thoy had wlntnrnd profltuhty hrnof iotorrtnctttnircrt putt inn lu iitnounra thlu fall mout of tho fnrmn will liuvo tliolr iiuual tpioti nuturully polltlui or rnthnr thn odmlnu linn oral nlnctlon in it current topic whnn furmnru or callnrci moot thuun tluya whilo u fow nt tho oltlnr run i don tu who huvo nlwnyn honn iitroncf n ty mnn wjll nt nnd liy thnlr old polltlrul prtidllttatlouu tho majority of thu farmuriiof thlu community whothor grit or inry pinvlounly will cunt thnlr votuii for mr i ord tho cuudldutu of tho iooplnu prourouulvo parly and thn womon folkii who now huvo tho f ranch iho will do llknwlun oakvillc tlio council him hit thn contract for mi ii i luff ii iioa wnll ntonu thn laun front from thn nant uldn nf itoynnhlu itiuot to tho wuut uldn nf dimdnif jlrunt u dlutunco of nvout foiu hnn- drod und foity foot nt u rout of 4 rk0 ihn tudlnu aid of icnoit churoh will uorvo u chlukon jtnppor hi tho uohoo loom of tho ohm oh on timiulay onlo- hor an muln lohuuton onn of thn udltnra of tho loronto htor wonkly hi now a rtmldont of oaltvllln huvlnu taknn tho sluthnrluiid rouldntioo on liuiidiui tltroot r a orutnr of huldtirh gornoru huil u cuturuct rnmovod from hlu ayo on tutiuilay tho nporutlnii wiui pnr- foimod hy hlu ronnlii dr rod 1 nr- htor of tltnitford wm h ifaliflnld of wlnnlpoir nr- ilvml in town innt wnolt having lioon allod to him hlu mothnr who lu oritl- ally 111 ldwurd mtauidmry hi opnnlnu ivuw uiihdlvlulon on korr htroot wot id do thu plan win huforu thn council und wan duly up proved thn mnthodlnt church wnti nrowtlnd mi muuday nvoulnir luut for tho uorvloo in whlgh ploturou worn ufiud to llluii- tiatn thn iinrmnii and atno tho hyinnn 1 ho uorvlco wan ilorldndly improhulvn and tho plotting wjuild uorvo to lonvo i nit linprouulon on hn until nuoo ur limtlhouoh mliui anna modowoll wan nauln thn rollplniu of u uuiuhar of prouuntm whnn frlnndu innt laut 1rldiiy nvoulnu at tho homo of hot nlntoi mm a ijiwuou nf thn foiictlv hn an on- joyuhlo ovonlnif wan hpont hy tlio vlnlt oru r alfmd muruhull of ootrnlt vlultnd tho old homo thlu wnnu und will lukn hlu luldn with him whim hn rolnrnn to mfnhliran im lohn knuimdy who him hotm lu tho ounlph ilnnpltiil tho punt thrnn wtiukn lu ulowly improvlmc und in ox- pnotnd hnnui within u fw uuyn lltllu io r inn mlttthtll lu ulowly con- alnutituu aftor htr unvnro uiiumu pnlllilk rontn hi tho oulnr of tho day iiiniikut tho farmnni jimt now a lino orop lu lopottud mr uud mm a dorhy of toionto npniit thn ynnk nntl with mr unit mi inn tor mr und mm hatty uinlth 1311 until und mr mid mm h ihltnd at mr und mm i qrtuitu linnnto inllno lroiou w wnll ip- pituitnlfml hin luut wtok whnn ii a uruntuiid mi 1 ollutt pulu n loiuhi lu vllluiio u vliilt mi m oowdy of horoiitu npniit muuday at tho old hrrttwt ihh ollvu mamhull ih miikhik prn- im owuid tnoovnryt hihi ahlo to kit aliout with t iiituhnn mm luiiidu nohh lu uihl q ho about fiilnjiflti hnlnir kiudtiud to tho hoinio r tm voi ul wonku ilallown in h mplilly npnrimoliliitf and thu ohlldiou m huuy nupiiitim in ii nontint to lu kivuji ut tho mubool ii 1 ilday oololni j mr mm mm it lto y hltdron r loiontn upmit tl o wuultud at im in poldovluw mi vm mumhult uud hulph uml iluu udwliui of iuiontb worn liomn for tin woukunit mm llti- oduh mi qdonqrtown oiiiii lu ikhoil alti ndiiiio olh mi uud mr i a t lloinciihy w nr ptl iu 1 nl tin oir f luh llmuiii tin olhu rvnnhiif 4j 1 1 vi niy m ilulilv fih niln who hai1 in i n injolii tin i i off llnki and pr i nti 1 with u pijiu tlful ntiilliu ullvn ti i jivlc thu ludli n in i ii d ii duliity hint ii and a ru t i njoj itili ijvi iii ur wan i pi nt mini ij- da irihdl li i i mlliic a month with film in ut 1 i tiiiiikvhiu hiv mid mm hillthnltli th mhm in ulxou and mr dlxim f ii nnlhlll wiin vhdtom ut mi 1 mruuy innt wi i it mr i a miiulirlon uud mini lutfv muiitnrton of i mull lllvi i vluli i liliuilu lu touii durliil thn wnii mi and mm 1 t coo htiv n turn id homo aftor im xtou it d vhlt to tlm i nun iitlnii mountiiluii monti ml ami ottawa mr und mm wihtoi ki ntui i of at ton wire vlultdm in liuu in it uiii tho ii i mar iaduii qnaittttu tul i nti d xiuiiu ladloii ulnr cm iihiif and play will ulvo tho uml of tin ft w v a intorlulniiuntii thlu i vi nil r ldrald ijunlinoton a in w ihrtrluil iiiipuliy in 1 i iiitahlliihid turn to miiimfik tuin nti iluid iliitrhul itoodn of nil k rwinty hiiinlii will hn nmplnyod at i ml r w i clurlio hail imiuod ihn nrnnrrntnttimtnrn-nluintttrr- umovod hlu uuruifo to thouo now mm p morrliuin of tluillinn upi nt ii fnw ilayti him ilurlnir tho punt woik with hti nliitor mm m 11 mrlcnnsin mlii n do re thy riiomuu of chiithmu in vhiltlnit ut thu homo or hor um it i- c i colomnn und othtr lolulhci in town on ihumduy hint mm choutor lt art tilltnrinhi hniimltnrofnfrhmiiu iirhntilmutnu in honor of mm j llow- laiid of vinvcovivor formorljr mary j dmilflan who huu foi u nhort tlmo boon vlnltlnu hor form or homu on itlnii u lumd uftor uu nhnonco of olnvoii youru ihnro will ho a mnuit mottliiu in tlm inun hull on tuouilny octnhor 2g for ihn plirponn of orullllalnu u liomn and tlohnol aunncliitlon in iliirllnuton on hullirdiiy nvoulnu un ovorlnnd rur holoniflnc to mr w r w i lulu r tho llhnrnl cnndhlntn for hiilton counti wuu ulolnu in ilumiltnu from wlmro it wan purkod on onn of thn utrooiu it wuu rorovorod on tho mnuntiiln on llundny mnrtilnu mi m la mckonxto local manaiinr of thn hoy ii i hunk of cuundn luiu rn ulunod hln poultion horo to rtcropt tho oltlnti of lilrnctor of tluhlroiinury unchou for ho ptovlnoo to inanuuro tlio doponlt uyutom tlm iiiinlvoruaiy uorvloou huld nt wnut lliilnu on iiiiuluy laut woro a ureut ijucctmu itnv w k llradiihuw of ilou ruhornacln hamilton uud u fnrmor pnutor dollvnroil two uplnndhl uoi inonii a roal mimical trout will hn ulvnn thn nonicroifutlnn of tit tukou churoh on tiinudny ootohor 2g thn ontlrn fiuolr of chrlulu church culhodrul hnmlltou huvo onnuontnd to lilt pronniit and rondorn full mnultuil uorvloo dr i a ilnuhip votorlnnry tuiriinon of applnby mnt with nil sinfortuiuitif ncdlilont nt thn hum ho qnruuo on wodnoudny aftcrnoop imjf tho dr wnn huvliiir hlu cm ropub oduiul wuu uuuluttnic to put in u nnw uprlnu on tho rnnr or thn cur whon thn jack which hold up thu rur dipped nnd thn wnliht of tho car foil on hlu wrlut in- fllolhur a donp out aniotto forminq ooodrcadinq hauito if nurontu wlnli tholr children to form annd rood in if bulltii thny mugt fopn nuch hiihltu thoinnolvou and thorn lu no ixlttnr way to do thlu than to brlnu into thn hnunnhnld u porlotlu oal thaf will hn of into runt to ovnry innmbnr of it that will imp ply tho haul roudlntc for old and ynuuir amnnn tho porloillcaln nf thin iloucrlptlon tho youthti com pun ion hi unlqiin not only doou it ulm to nntnrtnfn unit in form boyil and glrln in thnlr tnonu nu itu uamo niibsontu but thoro in not a pnuo in it that pnrontii can pnnn ovor with indlfforoncfl tho t3 luuunii nf 1d33wiu hn crowd id with unrlnl ntnrlcu uhort ntorluu odltorlulu pootry furtu and fun tlub- ncrlhn nnw mid rncnlvo i 1 tlm yoiithn companion 511 ih- initu in 1032 1 1 all tho romulnlilu- uuuou of 1031 3 tho companion homo cnlnndnr for 1033 all for 3 to 4 or lncluilo mocull a mnuuxlnu tho monthly authority on fnuhlnnu uoth piibllcntlnnn only 13 00 this voutiih companion commnnwnulth avo and tlu pnu ht rioiitnn muiui now fiuhucrlpllnnu rncnlvod at thlu itlcu nowu your triondu foroot to wrlta in you nowu nlout tho folku yon urn lutnioiitntl in tho oiirrnnt lilntnry nt yom natlvu town it lu all lu your iioiuo town pupor thn iuui pnutn eliibiicrlho today klarjorie h marshall a t c m yaobr of iuno nd thory pupil or felix wltttaad london cnalnd i5 pai1k ave quelph will uccopt a llmltod numbnr of pupllrt in acton lrull infor- uinatlon uiippllod hy wrltlna mluu muriihiil at uhovo nildrouu dont throw your old carpet away tliy muk nw llvarlbl h xut fltnd for vatvtk tpoltttr 3 canada hug company london ont notice to the farmers if you havo any houii or chlnkunn for uuln oull mo by mull and it will n at nnoti to buy your fowl kuvluif a ooutruut with a doalor to ttupply 15 oiuton ovnry wuok 1 mn pmpinod to puy thn huchont prlonn to wot thf hiiiuhd uuiubin cull mtf up flht uwny uud you will do fui bottui ifxtni prim h foi fut honn now laid auw whnn luoiikht to tuy ulaoo iit mo know yout iidiliuuu or uuiubur of toliphtimi uud youll b lirti to huvo tho hunt of nut inflic tion alex ailboord 1 o hox 10 mnln mt nlon oonmr hohonl ijuio heal tlltatc iiou hi 1 1 uui llnl of fiinii hfoii iiilnn u ha unit niiniho to tun iii iii in ik xm 1 1 1 1 uui in fin un mn v nil r i in i iinphmuioi ii iii i iii iii uk i hill llll llouli ii i ii lu viy iiuuili 1 mni i mil i a hmii1 huil i itutn au nl mill mln t a toi pitmanq ailollthand taught mi w a nii ul wh uho lonwonn lllulluilhuiul und hi prnpuxd i nmll pilviiln uimiutjdiioutu limy bo ion in fm jiuiiiiui hi ihn ivdiiuux i or inn hi ilium npuly hy mall to hnx fliu oi i hoiii h or ul louldniwo if ddih d w a n1cou 13lf knox aviiiuo anton card or thanko hivlnu dhip inr of tin milk roiitu uml ion i hill or tin huulmiai or tho lovntilc ruin to mi a m mi ilionioii i ih hn li offi i my luut thiniliu tin ninny i iiiitinik ru who favokil uu villi thch iatromut dnr inu tin im i toiiiliktid hint hunt in uu i iiulli it fur my ullt i oiiuor tho iu in mritiiii iiupptnt a i miiilllav i huvo tulu n nvi r tin plovirduln uilrj imuliniii mil win ur ittly iipnro rluto ii ountlimiiiiri of tint kiod will nf tint ciintfunari ur thlu dahy it will ho my ulm uhuiyu to uupply wood ih an ihh milk lunl to diiuuvo tin putroii- iiici of iho i itlxuiui a m mdpiirltllon rvitamines ato an essential actor in promoting healthful growth scotts emulsion m tax richer in the at soluble a vitamin than cream holds grcxulh bulla lutalth i ay all drug itohm trice iaa ml ario owtt jk b yi oio also makers or- kim0id5 yabuu or cramtlm indigestion 31 mik unttcocnvcd auction sale hioiiclaoa milch cowo and btogkliio 1 hn mni iridium bun roiolv d in- iitriictlnnii from j holmc0 a qon to noil hy public nuitlou ut lol iiocoiul 11 no krln j in i leu wont acton mi rnidav octoucn so at 2 o clock thn following utock honn hulfi r ralf at foot a rlililro out whlta and r d cnwt ii youru calf at font rod cow 7 ytmnt dim tlmo of uuln uiih 1 luo roun tow n yoaru dun thno of uulo wolich 1 100 rud cow 0 youru duo limn nf wulu wolrh 1100 tonioy nitv it youru duo tlmo or uuln upotttd cow ft yt am duo tlmo or naln hohitoln row 5 youru dun in novem ber rod cow ynuuir dim lu f-jovom- hur wrlirli 1j0ii hrliulln cow yuuua dun in novtuvbnr woilh 1 100 rod cow youiur duo in novomher will wnlh 1110 rod mw youuu dun in novomlwir wfduli 1 3011 rod nnd whltu cow 5 your ii duo hi novomher cow ynurn dun in novomher roil cow 11 youru duo in doc o ml or cow fl yiuni duo in docomhor jnruuy dm nmhnr rod cow li younu duo in dicombm homriird row you hit duo in nnvombtir wuluh 1 30l hrlndln cow yoinir duo in nov- oinhnr out hluu ow fl youru mllktnir hliick fnw i yt aru nilllilnit wnll dim in murrh iho uhovo rnwn urn ttxtru choice iotu of tiuullty condition we luh l und rnudy for work i idianino arnnitn wo will ai null ii uuinhor of fondlnu utooru nt thn nnmn tlmo t13iim1i to on and nndor cuuh ovor thut amount 12 montbn orndit will bo irlvou on flunluhliiar lipprovud joint notou 0 per tout off for onnh pouirividiv no nutiiuiivn r j kcrn auotlonear lhonu 30 arton u ii hiiohky cluilt clearinq crcdit auction sale paum otock imilemcnto cyc rim undo nil no nd bun linou inntrunt- d uy w c cunningham to noil by public uu oil n u ut lot 11 oth linn icuipuonluu bolwnhii oooiotowil und norvnl nlop i0 on hurl lal oloua to furm katu on tucqday octodctt 28 1q21 ut nnu oclock uhalp thn follnwinit iiolinioh proportion jnd ir0 urny uhlru utulllou j yru dupplo moy mum a yru 1 100 ihu dapple ttroy kolillnir yru about lrno inu hay nam h it h yru ubout 1 000 ibu buy tcnldluu h d it yrn about 1 700 lhu liluolt icnldhm h d 1 yru hluok unldliiif h d j yru bay kohlljur a ijood think loud homu t yru blown uohlhiif uood iniddlu homo 1 yru hay lioldliiir iitandard broil n prlxn wlu- uor 4 yru hi own main nouoral pur- pono 4 yru choiituut main a oml dilver mid workm lo ru bay homo h d u uontl workor cattijo jnrnoyu 1 puwn loiuoy cow calf ut font fawn imuny cow calf iu foot dark tonioy cow calf at font i vn jomoy now duo november in dink jomoy cow duo duoeuihur ii dark jomoy hulfor dun 1 obruury 31 7 jomoy hnlfnm rlulnif j yru j joiuoy uud luirhum hulfom l youi olladioh j urudo durhumu calf ut foot knidn- iloluttiln culf ut font uradn hohitoln duo in lmhiuury uiado holutoluii in i lit i nil will litem l yt in 1ioh vyoi kuhli n now duo ootohor 10 yorkuhlro uow dun ootobnr w h yorkithlro pln about 1 tnnnthu ill yorkuhlro iilic 4 montlm ynrkuhlm plun about c moiithu impmamhnlll itjndor i ft cut m ii mowoi fi ft out poeihuii hoiua iak 10 ft nmulnir hond drill 13 hnou pot it i hamilton iipriuu tooth cultivator 31inmu nokon tliun j hi run 1 unit wntd dluc j lloruo noxim utonl hind lolloj doilhln fur row pjow cpokuhutt ii i n uli futiow hhuntu plow 31 uluulo fiiriow i hutry plow jl unt tllumoud haiiowu ij ftl j ami j homo i uml letrni ucnftut mhi krliiihitonlt itint pul- pori heavy lumlior wuuon tiutiu wuk- tjon j lu th ii tiiiiilt wuidfoh ji in the pair uloup ulilirha uolf wautimi cuttui hay lunk 11 ft iiow utonuhout hallnkiih lulc but hoavy team bin in uu not anldluo mounlod iiiwhlib llnuil hiiiuio huinoiui onlv uuod thnui tlinou unt heavy uhmlo hurutiiii enl- lui and bunion tint llifht uluulo hiti- iiuiiu uu vui ill hoi uu collaifi woollt n hlanltnt idiiulllh nialiu hl tuuliiu inj only iihod ii mw thiiui hnuo uiiuuiu blulikut ulitiomt nnw hovoiul iitabln bliiuuolu pull homo oovom iiilnpionf a iiiuntlty of muuiohbi itmlliint homo look iitiivo a uumhi i of foiku ijonti iihovnlu inkin i ha i mi utn lhu who hi in unt ho iold without rki hi rvo uu tho piopiuitoi in idvliiu up faimlnu 1 1chm1iaii mnnii of j0 ii mid ii nil it- naiih ovii thut umoiiul u mouthir ui dlt uu uppiooid joint iiolm 0 duimiit den petch auctlonw the jersey dairy it dunnjll auj chas mckeown havo mudu arriiiifcinontu lo oplu it now dniry ntiuueih mid amcr novcnihor int will upply cllltomoru with rure- jersey milk- price 10c quarl dclivlmud dailv hctwccn 4 and 0 p u vurtkn dimrnun tt 8ciirliii milk from lhu juraey dairy huiy ixavv onlcrh at tlio sltire of mclean co national liberal and conservative association a public meeting wiortitrhectniimnrrdwniraliracton wed evening october 26th at b oclock 1mpohtant quii0t1ong op the dav will lit diocuqbcd uy mr iiodgins of brampton imitor of tho onluokcv and dr r k anderson m p masons okchestita will pkovidi music geo hyiuli vtht clinlrmaii lvcrvonc will dc wclcomb god save ho king shoplnqw nit iiuullty wool juruoy in thu nnwoiit iihinlui ijjkiihu wool loruoy drcuiiuu of thu nlothn buautlfully umhroldurod 6i liulku wool flumifl lumpoi nreiiin and iitylou 0i iiulloii and mluiiou wool tlorjto lumpoi drouiii u qp olrl u woollen kutttt d droimou in navy trim mod with mil thin wonk only olrln cmihmro dnuuitu hi hi own and hiirirunily nlrnly mudo with ulilo panulu ulxuu 10 to ii kuril 1 hhj wock only all wool nuvy horiio uund wolixht oxcolleiit tiuullty til inchon whip ii inchuh wldo i nuvy wool ciupo 10 lnchnu wldo fo iso 0jj0 360 5103 11 so ottc ww nigltj nidttih oooub at talaphonn cd a owih pltltfl l starkman starkmal block acton ontario look look 65c ape records all tho ijiatcst 10 inch daublimildcd latest waltzes in sheet music when franclh dancejj with mo swaneo hlvcr mmin rt all in said nnd done mc knelt e k steele acton music storik mill st acton apptes i huvo yon tiled our northun ttpy applm u wonk pnnn without tuklnu a hnnktit homo yui- poi oaturday onlv wo um uffnrlmt thorn i in a imnrillrn hut wo want tho puhllo to iiuii thut oi ii r ml n nffoitnl thlu ynm if you havent your appluu rot thu h un and wo will do nuf limit foi you cull or phono uud wo will bo plnaued lo ipinto pi i intoi yet imivo your oi hy tho inn john moffat main 8t acton air vents made to order vi om tin uulvnuhtod h on tithur uhnnt mntlil wo build to urdu nkjlluhu l uiiluiu jinlceu inadeim ott i id mi llitino on ynm w wfi un ulvo you imtlnfuotoiy gultu uud puiluipu nao you u luonny p1ioni uh at ho w f mooney aoton ont free press advertisers are always reliable mclean co the store witt the stock closingout sale or him ladils iausn mtiisci after our iiiuioiin rliiihj of lion e drcc l find ah one hundred left over mirtly in lnre r we put tin on nalu ut lull r pnec tlint n a drcu ut 2 00 for ldo aidrenn nt 2 50 for slxi amrokkoltloo for 1 10 comr rahlr and gut youh coiikhcl buc grny rianuela nt military grny nt nuvy flannelette nt hdc70c nnd 7nc 70e 70c pa10nia scotch ringiiu yarn thebeiitseotch ftnjerntf yniilnfuuyin blilou y rod vlntc khnul y iti tor 40c l lb for 75c 1 lb tor wc always iiavc good yahns lro mclean co wfi bell pott cadhwl otill ton lc0 mux stluiiit acton ont another drop in prices w evans tho went end moat market submit the followini low pricei beep loin roist 20 j boiliiik beef 10 lcks of venl 25 1 hick uib roiiat 18 veal chops 5 i cholcb rib roust 15 lamii brmkota 08 front quarter lcji oflamh 20 hound slcak j5 sirloin stouk jui loin of luntb as porter house steak 25 lamb chops jo rump roast is cutted meats pouk back bacon 50 shoulder pork chop 20 sido jlncon j5 loin pork chops 25 smoked rolls jo boiled ham 50 60 veal bect loaf 10 stomunf veal 10 sausages our own make 15 front quarter roast j5 new potatoes per peck 50 w evans s main stbeet acton new phemises hetttcr gquipmknt the golden grain bakery tho hrcntl with the thrcu ivu luuwmts best ftrkao unving purclinnod the store next to browna drup store i hnvo hotter nnd inrijer promise more room in which to welcomo moro customers t will open in the uowpromnci on saturday nnd will hu ulud to have tho public cnll to aeo us thoro a full aohoiltmlijnt op i1read jluns cakes pics and pastry of all kinds i every day george brewer mill btjiiiet i saturday treat candy candy candy if you listen hnrd enough you can almost licur your body 1 1 crying out for augnr nnd the most plensnnt way to tnue rdipnr in by outing candy our candy is mnuo frcsli tlnily from lie very licit can dtignr wo citii buy note our sulurdny specinli lady cauamei 2ftc lit 75 uyi of our homemndo lntly cnrunius fiott creamy enra- mclj with nun in tliun chocolate nnd vnntlln llnvora rog 40o per lb snlurdny treat price 20c v wli3ki3nd crflocolatls h2c thin now low price hut hfcrciibed the tinlo io much thrtt wo caiinotmnke tliiti line fust onougli assorted chocolates sniur- tlny 12c lb saturdaysunday ciiocolatks 40c kox wo uro moro thnn plonsed witlithla new box and judging fiom tho big dcmnml om pntronu mo nhio pleased with it a noiit tittrnctivo box containing na iinrortnjjit of bottui choco- intoh worth 7sc snttirdny 19c light lunch do nou forgot time wo can tioivo you a voiy tomptiitg lunch nt any time yjy go hungry come in uml got lid of thut hutigty fuiling t h mgorehead i1kampton geoitgbtown milton acton v

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