mr lr ilt wbly nwnr aniwb i 1 iiruhhia novimiilh 3 101 jim alohikii i iii ia 1 illiaht 1 vy tltmrklay n m i u at mr i lr 0 it 11 1 it mill irerl ann ouldri 1 ih s iliwil i in o l mit i ijlt lln 111 i wl i li ill ulwlli jm uah- naiilmt u ivoluournl 1 1 emu r d t i 1 iitili i 1111 1 lw lay uvrmolfh r i ul will im 11 ii iiiwili t mwnwiiill i lit iil hr i oll 1 linn y j u0o1i1 lliir k i i uiiuik ii i i i iklnr 1 lit flil a i h oil iiw uli 11 c i ibdltolual millie itunkhivmi iteul uur national i liiinkjivmk ooy n fixed tor next monday november i if i iood to live in n land ufivn tin- juuut otu bountiful heavenly trtther 111c iicknowletlicd and tin- people ot the notion lira olllcinlly cilltd upon to jjiyc llianki for the blcssingi of the ytur but thiinkinivmj ni in a tense n failure it it u confined to the one dny publicly procluuucd ui tlmiikfjivinj day wt cannot be yniteful spm- modically finy more thun wo tun pluy beautifully on the violin one day out of the year and not touch the instrument nt any other time gratitude n a grace and niu3t ho practiced like any other art if wu growled nnd complained through tlio summer because the weather win warm if wq have been grumbling through the fall over our work uud the difflcultici of ufa in general if now wc have u now grievance in the approach of winter wo need not imagine that our thankjriving day iu likely to be a success the regulation turkey may grace the home table and friendly faces gather about it but it will not be thanksgiving day if the thanksgiving spirit is left out riinnkfulncs doc not spring up in a night nnd grow tall and imposing any moro than the ieed juit dropped into hie earth at once bears flowora and fruit gratitude should be cultivated tlio dayu move by ench with itu burden of bless injj it would have been well if wo had begun to practice it long ago but remember that never again will wo have as good tune to begin us tin- very thanksgiving day of 1021 the ilusirusiu influence of the race track the merchants of the city of windsor in which city the raco track and ho attendant race track gambling are rampant say tlio racing there is detri mental to business a quest 1011 a ire was lent out last week to the merchants of the oity by the secretary- treasurer of tlio rctnil merchants association ask ing their frank opinion of the effects of horce racing there on business over two hundred inorchants re plied and they almost unanimously stated that the races sorlously interfere with business the reason given is that customers hot thoir money and lot their bills and other accounts run all oxpress tlio belief that there are too many days of racing and also too many raco tracks that the city derives qny tempor ary or permanent benefit from the tracks is denied by most of tha responses somo of them declaring that the benefits derived by somo few merchants is norc than offset by the losses of tlio others litis ccohomic view of the question is highly interesting the fact that enquiry was not made through any social reform organization or by any church or min isterial association renders tlio situation all the more bignircnnt it liiowi very conclusively that the hard- headed business man is weighing this question as he did the liquor question from the economic stand point hie effect of tus investigation will bo viewed with keen interest it u confirmatory or the position taken by the attornoygcncrul it is hoped ontario will soon bo able to hce it to bo a moral duty to follow the example of iho neighboring states nnd purge the province of this moral and business incubus many a promising political future has bccn mar red by too many promi i tlio present ta k stock f the candidates pledges tlunng the next six weeks ituy now and make industry busy tlio unemployment question is engaging a great deal of tha provincial governments time at present the advisory committee on unemployment which has been meeting for somo time past lias recommended that n vigorous campaign of advertising bo conduct ed in order to enlighten the people au to the very material cuts which have n i ready been made in the cost of various products and to educate thorn as to the need for starting to buy goods at onco in order to start the wheels of commerce moving ugalu this would seem to a vory logical plan unless tlio mer chants stocks are depleted requiring the operation of the mills and factories to provide further supplies there is sure to be btugtiittion in tho employment of the men and women who operate theto manufactur ing industries it is logically necessary therefore if unemployment is to bo reduced that a reasonable volumo of purchasing be mado generally by con sumer will stand by prohibition tho province of alberta has definitely decided to stand by her liquor laws the attorneygeneral an nounces that tho government will follow up tho gold seal liquor companys appeal to the privy council if tho company decides to carry the case already twice docided against them in the lower courts to that body in any case it is also btated by tho attorney general tho provincial government will nhk tho dominion authorities for certain changes in the amending act that will have tho effect of strengthen ing and clarifying the existiiig action ihls requisi tion will go forward in time for uction at the next session of parliament the milton reformer hlrtlulny the milton reformer celebrated its thirtyseventh birthday last week and gives ov id onco of continued prosperity tho reformer never tiros oviidvanciiig the best interests of the county town tho people there owe it much for its constancy uud loyalty it is ever on tho hlert to say u good word for the town its enterprises and its people the funis phim is ten years the senior of tho reformer and has watched with keen interest its progress development i and prosperity fc v ratifying increase in ifnllontt population tlio cuircnt statement so frequently heard that the citicj arc gaining m population at tho expense of tho t unit conn lie evidently doc not apply to hal ton a cen u report just received shows that tho population of haltou which is essentially a rural con ititucncy has incrcn tul by over 3 000 during the pii t decade i his i urely gratifying c pcclnlly v hen it 1 iconulciod liut our hor hra witluiiton to twenty mile t of three growing cities united stuw liquor man die hard flic mi 1 1 beer bill in approved by an overwhelming majority in tile ilotirc it is approved by nn over whelming majority in the senate yet its passage is blocked in the scnntb for weeks to come by a ih- burter of a tew mouatorn mr bryan putt it very mildly when lie tuys tlmt a filibuster by a majority to prevent the enforcement of a constitutional pro vision it about a undcmociatic a procedure us could be imngnicd specially n constitutional provision winch outlaws a criminal traffic nashville ad vocate a royajlrnmhy pnrcwcr the very aftcctionato rarcwell of the members of the royal family to the prince of wales last week when hejwas leaving for his tour of india whs pathe tic and demonstrated very manifestly that even the kingly homo tics are vory human the leave taking of tho royal family presented a touching scene all ol thcni were deeply moved princess mary weeping quietly while tho king with his arm over the should ers of his ilfcn the prince was talking earnestly to him and wo all think the moro of thorn all for this touch of family affection even on a railway station platform the rural mall lloxcft during a drive of over thirty miles past the farms of the four townships adjoining acton last week it was noticed that not more than one in three of the names on the rural mail boxe3 wore dcctpcrahle when driving past the farm it is most interesting when driving through tho country to discover from tho names on the mail boxes who lives on the farnm which are being passed the townsman takes moro interest in the neighboring farmer when he cau place tho exact homestead whereon he lives and knows something about his farmland general surroundings it adds to frioiidlinoss and interest all round and helps town and cotintryjyfcblks to got better acquaint ed but what about tbl numerous farmers who per mit their names to become obliterated by the weather and fall to replace them this is a bit of carelessness that is worth while remedying furthermore the postaltlaw makes it ton offence for a rural boxholder not to keep his name on his mail box plain enough to he read a good example of how to effectively make known n farmers property is seen on the mail box of a j murray at the entrance to his farm on the second lino in bold black letters every passerby is able to read cloverdale farm a j murray editorial notes tho three men who are now putting up the big fight for the premiership of canada moighen king and crcrar nrc all on the sunny side of fifty and all presbyterians germany claims she cannot pay tho indemnity demands yet during the last year it is officially re ported that cougtry consumed 10000000 bottles of champagne and bet 50000000 at the race3 if the fanners suta would put a little more honey and n little loss vinegar in its editorials during the present campaign tho excellent cause it represents would attract many people who are now repelled it is naturally a disappointment to canadas civil servants big and little to bo advised by tho authori ties to refrain from taking part in the present politi cal comptitgm but it is the seemly course to require it must have been n now experience for new yorkers to burst out vaciferiously iu singing god snve tho king when admiral bcatty wa3 introduced last friday however they did it well and tho act was a gracious one the farmers sun lias real argument in this eleven lawyers help mr moighen in his cabinet to gether with u half dozen big business men and fin ancial magnates but not a single x farmer 1 talk about claii government youll surely voto for him at the coming elec tions said ojio lady to another on the street the other day for hes such a nico man now each of tho candidates vill bo wondering if tho conversation rof erred to him for theyre all nice men dont you know guelph mercury clean sportsmanship leads to clean citizenship that being tho case it w6uld appear to be tho hirst duty of every municipality to encourage the develop ment of all sport to lead tho youth of tho place into right paths it would bo both cheap and profitable guelph morcury manitoba is introducing a new idea to encourage the electors to use tho franchise december 0 do minion election day will bo u public holiday through out manitobat hon dr j wv armstrong provin- clalsecretury and municipal commissioner announc ed this last weekfollowing a meeting of the provin cial cabinet keep your job in canada the sltuutiou in cngland as regards trade and un employment is worse than at any trnio sinco tho end of tho nupolcouie wur declared lloyd george in tho houso of commons tho ipthcr duy at present he said there itro 1750100 persons unemployed ho declared that the causes of this sltuntloncould all be summed up in oneword war a movement is under way in england to prohibit the sale of intoxicants to any person under the dge of 1h years instead of 11 as nt present a petition to tlat effect signed by thousands of teachers has been presented to tho homo socrotary iho pvils of tho traffic arc gradually growing upon our friends in the old land one wav to help dublnebs tavry i mi n who ihvm hl ilnlit up promptly ll liiifliiiji for lilhiir tiu wll uu for ov lylxuly i 111m i u n tiu i ih rut in it wvll wortli ut lilinr hi mlitil hi iiiima iluytt wlntii infhy uu wl ii km illhok- llllll lldiiiidkloll tlllfllol wmhoh lliut in to tmy wrton hi tomtit imiiu huvn rlmil it in llin iu llvfl itoujir lliut unnpm iiiihiiixhm inovhikf 11m runt lliut uu 1h id bull or imulnnim in ilimi iiy linrlt uv u hi hm ij xt tttiiroo altar llui truth of thx iriuilhtf ill tit onto nt j im in u iniiut lt ituciktifl by vullhi uoiiitwlnnj umiio diiihi mtwuvm lm i hiiiuul it ml fur tl hitihiullili com innillty tin i ui rroillt it dm i ikil rfwmlrn tiny vuily lourn ml ilium i tuluui on nnii tiro to tdnvlncn vtry lintcllrul p moil tit ltn hvniy liuulltiiig iium known thti troth of it it mutlii to lm ooiiitli mil a duty tliorn- fori tit uhii iiftni7 mroplutinif nu promptly uu ixtuiillil if uviry inur rlmtit who dotu u crnitlt hiihlniimm wt ft to uliilpr up tint itll ntltin iltipurtmuiv to utt the iictlvo ilolhir- liullt tituri- oil in ttwii uttil tin ii piiuu on thn nativ ity in tho wuy of tllutmintliiir hlu hlllx or wl uttul titmllntf tim with ulolut prninplnihh it would iiakii n hlu illf- f inrt thn ltnnrul untlvlty of hu hi nt uu ihmt uud 11 ik n ittironler yiu i hc auncly had a amcvancr a imfftiir who llvi i rlohii to u rail- roud yunl in thn imhiirhu wrotti tho rohliwinu to thn rulliwrt nmpmiy conipliilnlntf uhoit thn rutkbt mail it iiy a uwltrli titmliif amillomeii why hi it tlmt youi uwltth niikhin him to dintf uml ilmiif nml nun uml uplt uml nhirrif uml hum uml hium and hi mm uml iinll nml wall nml pant nnd rant mid lutwl uml yowl nml urutu anil urlml uml putt uml hump ml clink uml clunk uud clniu uml mnnn uml hoot uml toot uml rrntth uud urunt uml snup ami uroun unit whliiiln ami wlinmo uml tuiuawk uml hlow uml jui uil i pork ami roup nml jlnicln uml twniitf mid cluok and rinnlilo uml junulu nnd rlua anil clattor ami ynlp and liowl uml hum uml wrmrl mnl puk ami itrowl uml thump uml huain ami rluult mid jolt ami joutlti uml uhnkn und urreticli uml umirt uml unnrl ml ulum nnd thrnh unit crlnk and nlvor uml rumhln nml rnnr uml ruttlu ml yoll nml iinniko uml umnll nml uhrlek ilka nil nliflit iohkt itntitnn qloho inlcirnnl lmrnnltga in tlio iihapo of thn utomiich nnd ho wo in of rhlllrtiri nup thnlr vitality uml retard phyulcul tlovoloiimcnt thtiy kafip tlio child in u onutunt ututa of tinrout uml if not utlomlntl to ouduintor lift ulm child cun lm uparml much u titter i nif ml tho mother much urtxlnty by imlntf u rnllnlln worm remeily unoh an mlll- wonn powonru which uro ultra ttoutli to worm it dv thv speech thev shall know you oiioo upon u tlmn no thn old utory imiiiih thorn wuu u mlllnru ilonkoy woodu ho huw a lioiin ukln und ha liiu in thn mip nn ono day ha run away am hu tlrow linnr the nduo of thn wootlu hn uuwh a honii ukln und ho wrapped hlmualf up in it and nil tha utilmnlu in thn woo tig fltnl a ho ap- lirouchtid ah ha thniialit thn tloukoy thlti will ihi nnnl ill j uu t roar lllw a unit ami nil thn nthur anhnahi will keep out nf thn wooilu and i ii have no traulile in rmillnjr nil thn faml i want tlion thn tlonkny opnncvtl hla mouth hut inntnad of mi awful tour thoro cama forth a hrny nml all tho othrn nnlmnlu nainn hark uml hum hot und hdlil you cant fool uu ynu urn tha mlllorii donkny rhftti mjntftoun told tlio mlllnrwhnrn tho tjonkoy wan nml tho mlllor enmn ami rtit tha flonboy and nvati to thlu ilay tha donkey whihtm ha hail not alvan hlmualf uwuy hy nponlno hlu ith tin uearcliunlit cpigcopalianb pnopoac qet- yinq even arrhiliiaroii lcrwlit a whlto man and in iqplucnpullan wau dolnir work nmnnic nourooh in miami in horn monthn no ha wait turreil ami featll- ored und told to itiuvo thn city within u eorluln time iho complaint uttalnat him wau that ho had nxprouund him- toll in hl narmono to tha nonroaa an favorljia- raca nuuallty uo tlonlml tha home hut left iqpluropal uuthorl- tloh of tho aaut ilamundnrt that hlu uhiinllnnth lm hrouuht to juutlbo to fur that hnn not hoou dona now thn iilvhm church ami thn loplucopal itornrtltir offlolal kpluoopal pup em urn both dnmnmllnu that laplhoopal- i oliruy und laymnn rofuni to patrnplco miami hotolu or ovnu to vult thn city noil upaml monoy them lit any wuy until tlio aullty imrtltia urn pun- tahod dawl ainin oh in paue horn iu uomn information rtiifftrdlntf irluh wonlu much in tha noww tlmt uro not pronoutiooil an upollcul how it in hpollnd dull ulroanu how it ih pronoun ood dawl alrlu what dull mouna iloiiito of uapra- unittutlvnh wlmt it 1m thn irluh irmmn of com- monu moothib plana for tho olalitnvo itftprobon tat ivoii of ulnn train irnlaml it 1h now holtl in nuhllu hut can ba hold any plana iauifmnti by tha mfm- hwi in lcautor week 1018 it waw hnlj nuthltln nt nauonm pillar in ijuhlln whan thn iwimlmirtf utimnmbl6d to rai1 tho co tut 1 1 tti hon of tho irluti itepub- llo aathmw no lotior draudatl tha xmd of rmtwml attanku from autlmm hau nn hold uihiii iiioma who hnvo inariail to rnly upon dr j tt kalloauu ant lima tlcmotly flo itnfn do thny fool that oomplttta rliuiiod iu plaod on thlu trim upncllla with tha nartulnty that it will do all thut itu inuunru claim if you hnvo not ynt learnotl how uttta you ira with thlu prpnr4tlon utbutul uvt it totlny und know for yourwolf dettvs thankbqivinq wish film hold tho wluhbono tlaht with mo ami fiullod ami won exulttnuly now ilfltty wluh i huld fot whim vou kiit tho bluifuut half why thou thn wluh you wimii will ull noma trim now wluh ttouf uu wo told you to ihaii itfttty lmikiml with lonahiv vyv at ull tha iiikiuim iiuim ami plow and holiltutf up tit hit of hnnn tiha uutd with triumph in lmr tonn all rltiht i wlhh uimorrow than would bo thuukuitlvlnir idny hruih ilfury carolyn duviom whv popcorn pops you toll why poii t ru pnput if uu iiivit no uiillufiintnry ovplutiu- ihitif thp followhuf will inttrtmt jou a uiilu of popioni in u rtoptiiohi nilntt with uithtly putikl jitun h ifpilmi it inturloi in dlvlltid into u liiu ulltnlini it tlnllll 111111 lf which inuyi lm nnfriltnl uu u tiny mx with wuun ulroi u tiomiuh to li iilwt unnuld- 1 rah in prtytituni frim within w lit 11 huut in u mil lotl th molhtms pmmont in nh ii tlio ion in nouvorlnl into uttiihi whlrth ilnnlly nut uptm by rxpliinlon in mur to uooiirff m miitlufuotorij pnppliiu tier iu iiulrtd 11 vry hlitll littlt whltjli onllund moat of thn rnlln totixplotlti ulmullitikoiihly thn urutu of roru tlmn lurnu11trully lujl nut nnd im trnmtforminl into n ftllutlvnly li run in 11 tn uf uutiw whltti htun h hnitti tlful to ii 1 yn ihouch imlnlni in rut i y iu hulk iiy pupping thn uniln of mm in tiiiulliriilily in wiluht it iium i found thut ono humlrnd uvritu urn of iinpifiii fl 1 foni wtiluhlnif tlilrt uiiimnu nftnr pojiilnu wlich only invnii urumtim tliu tllrfrtilinti im thn wulwllt of thw avupomtbtl wului ml itltiiilly niiiitnlnoil in thottirn ursliim if thn litorii iu old uml dry it will not pop wnll at hiuit u tiw ctllm ii the rnntio of tha urulnil will burnt and til ti if unit in not uutthfuotovy a tlio hiiaa tint kirnilu whora tha lat tr nn utlnolioil to thn tth thn rt iu uppinr to ln dryiut uml it im notice i lliut tin im rulu in t 111 main rupturtul hi poplnir it muy ha uiut uiim iu why popcorn iu alwuyu iirnimrvinl nn uml uttldnm uhunknd for mtirktit km vnuiiu rvuiiftollut the man who ib slipping in thiiiin ilnyu many u man iu ullp plliu whnll hn ottttht to hn utiilullnu fimt horn urn 11 faw ulunu hy which you run toll tlin man who iu hllppluu hnok 1 iln uturtii hlu work u hit lutor uml utopu a hit iwoniir 2 uu iu fuiitiy about maintaining hlu illunlty lit would uaonar talk about thn puut thun pluii for thn fiiturn 4 1i in upt to hn critical and oli- utiiictlva 6 iln iu vyry wlun uml poiiltlvn on thn tlilriipi that ran t ho tlnnn i iln juiirou thliiu hy thnlr nttoct upon hlu puruonnl mm fort rimiin iilv iilunii iihow thut tho mnn in ullpplutc 1 itlinr nun in rrnopltiu on or ohio lm lu limiulna hlu urlp if thoroiu u iillppor in your nrm don t puali him out olvo him a rhunrtt fllvfl him k now job nml pay him iiy rouultu hluw him hlu dan- ifor ami in tul him u hand your homo mtllaln cht amnna thn ikiimliird liouunhohl romndlvu that uhouli nlwiiyu hn on huml in your in mtidlrlun rlmitt norm in morn im portant tlmn dr thomnn lcolnntrla oil itu inutilfutil uiidfuhinuu in rallovltift pnjn ami hoallnu ulcknouu iu known iiy mnny thouunnilu throughout thn laud alwayu liun dr ihnmuu lcolnc- trlo oil for rollovlnu rioumatlo and urlatln pnhiu troutlnu noun throutulind nhnutn rnuahu colli i iioatiln cutii hruluou anil uprajnu don t try to bant u train ovor a rohdlnu vnull lono tho argument avnry tlmn don t ujio u match to noo how muoh uii thorn lu in tha tank thorn am morn plflflmnnt wayit of kolnif to ilnnvfin dont try to makn yoiir car jump a fimco a lioriia cun take a hunllo but an too urn not built that way dont hurr your clrl whlln tlrlvtiiif unlaw you iifit ilna- tii faimlly phyiloiautho ijood loctor lu olwuyn worth bin foa ilut it lu no nlwayu poiiulbln to not n don- tor jiiut whon you want him in nuch cauau nommon iinnuo miuuontii tho uuo f roll libit homo ramaillnu nuch nn dr thqman icoloctrlo oil which lu won derfully ikoatlvo in onulnic inflamma tory pulnu nml in lioallntr outu iratebnu hruluou uml npi nlnn tho raunnoo of thlu ronimly in thn family oil i ohio oliont uavoii many a foa a chanc that l1pt0 little dltother a tllaantlo aloatrlo travalllnp crana lu una at a largo utnnl mill in pnnn- uylvunlu iavo a romarkabln ilomnn- utrntlnn of itu pownr lu uu olllolul tout hy lifting ixttllly from tho around nnd wwlimlng around with thn titmnnt nana a umnllor crunn which ituolf wnlghnd npproilmatflly twantyllvo tonu the umnllor crnno wuu only small in coni- puiluon with itu big hrohipr nml la f tho typo uonnrnlly uiioil for lifting liouvy plnoeu of machinery uml lonitn if utono or other matoilnl nnd which can hn ninvod about from plaoo to plnco on wlionla jcjic new y ouaeiflessiiiaftteass kecptwkrcmjplmaiclwir kiul komttfey wikci mm in bamiy cfc0 tl oku slmi cik- the jersey dairy it dunnill and ciias mckeown hnvo made arraiigomonta to open a now dairy iluiincsi und after november lit will supply customcrf with pure jersey milk price 10c quart delivcflco dailv ultween 4 and 0 i l parties ikflirouij of rccnrrng milk from iho jersey dairy may leave ordcrw tit uie store of mclean co war bond coupons cashed free tlio merchants bank will cash all war loan vcouimiibprjntcnsiit chequou w- prcaontation without mnkiiik any chargo wlintovcr for tho uorvico u you hnvo not n suvlnnrit account why not uno your intoront iu money to optin ono witli tins jbunui th merchants baj4k hud oihci montrcl of canada uly dw4 uoh la eilbllil iuu4 w do- not orina n n with m oorjmkrkuona tly ifm many invnfaior wiio iism bar- cttmuutf rluumd ueouhllru frmn uu in ilut brt hv uo rvuum u kxpmi our mtlvlcn in uliort wltnn tjty bought ittvutmoaui avom um ttmy imonlvnl j wlimtnvnr nt topuiailavi tuuturlly uhi ktwwl ju1gnwnt uvi nmbodbl fa uui uiutui at w a mmeknitido comtwny ry our wndtirwrltlmi r tlii h convtmilbim tuhaturri of hub mount ilnyul 111 cabnuiy xinilun w imvii viatnwitnl hut aui opfc3 tap by u lit bnlllnie tlkfl kcourltlnt or uui wiaj luulwttinl hotnl cttnwuuftion oouipmiy uroltnt juiforfl wt umlrwinil4n tlifvui mouiit ltoyl oou- vertlhlo lllhiiiliir4ui you ny he uur w utoroaclily invatlxakml nvrry pluum nl llb tinuirprla hud particularly tlum titoun p- tmlulatc to uur ucirlt utul inunt aud divided rutrmlute powru of iim lintnl mid itu huuucnauw w uro oativlutvnl no fnr a it lit wltlilu liuuui lwr to ronii coiivlctlouii tliat vvnry itivmtor4 uutuay in tills mtartirluo ulll ha uutn yiia icunw iwinltlwftlj uiul lu ua tothw city ol canjulm ht thfiro an cnlnjr a ntm for luvtal ao- mlilbuhuiiuh we kuow tmmiltlvoli flint no other city in wad lum ouiwjuarter or tho tourlut anil conibuirciul truala luumlntf tlirouifli it montreal ut cuiikuurt ifroiaumt anaart jlu it traiiicoiit i urutal terminal ttud tha kivoul alt met ion and dlutrluutlnff point for taurlut trujuc ottuvaiitlouu uu uluiuar uouroam of wlvoiluo uto lolrmtoratn of tito mount ilojal u ulroag it cotuprluam nrtroit of iho ttuwit auootaiful buax man lu oitimda bo aldn m croup nt mm would uavr itixniit in or mulaculti 11aniimilvwi with m cabipany tlui uuocam of which mlslit ha lu doubt xu uhnri you hiy tnvut in tlin h oouwrhiuo vldlknuturfk of l tin mount itayal llotol couhmuty ijinluul with tho a aura nca that your ttttuwy im iutfo your h intercut rmuln ami your pro wctn icood for h ttrotlt front your coummit btock itobuu brim prtci of tlin iwlmnturnm lu uar and laltnw carytilt a jwi conmuut btock kiohuh hrtul your order now or wrlto for full arilulr addrtew j- i to w a mackenzie colid 138 klnjf street weqt toronto kwiar rlrwj hlruui bond uui n noiiy of thn olrodlar tltwrruhys trm h ooiiortlhlo iuiitiitvw of mto mount 1 loyal llnlrl oouiimiiy i vj ml toil ami oldie nanm in full m vull iulllrmu u h llu write durly tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices why uuiytir from nornm wvioti limy cun lm iiuliilnkhly rootoil out hy iibiiik itouowayu com llnmovur a at ron k niovoment i on foot throughout tho dominion tt nmulgninuto ull tho returned floldiors organizations in ono harmonious society it is pro posed to form a canadian legion on a basis similar to that of tho british and am or icon log ton repre sentatives of tho committee interviewed tho returned men of acton recently with a view to their cooper ation dnayothe phofle dont you huta to huvu tha phono ilnir ut 3 ii in on u colli mornliik und uot uv jliut to h6ur icxovihti it tilnuuo 111 wiyd ilo foi my runiarkw im uu ooounlon ilka that ulwuyu uwulttiw hiiurluttu uml ttnm i havo to llutan for an hour to iomurltn that tin not noiniil iiiiythluir h ltlmho sleep oku yon u tt wnll v jimt ona or iw dowiuofim milkb nldtvink 1 20 wllootha tho irtltatqil ami ovor triln ed uorva uuarahtsoilhato ami hiiro bold in aqton uy 10 j haetaiu ouf iirlcca on groceries will bo found lower tluni the lowcal we have junl kocured licfore recent wlvonco another inrfte hhlpmcnt of our rnwoua tea nt ilflc tiiih la rood fioe value fry 1l j j see our stmpbd pijanneunie no 1 quality yaftl wide at 22 this is a luhgaw aix wool and fleecellnefi underwear at vertt cixse prici special deal in soap any one of our cuittomeru fho retunm to ua tlie greatest number of wrap- ncru from quick naptha soap will 1m kivcii free 500 wtrlh of kroeerlefl offer open to december 3 w1ct our prices on overalls boots shirts underwear etc befork purchasing elsewhere i highest price either yiash or gooix4 ixit butter egga etc- tannery cooperative c a conway manager mill street acton busincbb directory mroical dm j a moniufcw- w and oiirotoil offlw uml ilndlnir u r luvtt v nut unit 1 iliii iuil uu ivutd i rormrly avu 1 hj n y j iolt1 out dr l j nllgon ihyclan ourgor outlrioian acton ontario llucrtuuor to did lull ijr utuy olilrn ami 11 u 1 m ol rniurlrk it olllro ilouru2 1 t i and 7 to 3 p in dm c r w noon physician and ourunon mill tit gorutown plion 22 icxhfiuao uurtfon qr iloaiiltal 1i0 lul uttontloii to dlttnuuon of vjo- iinn and chlldron and infant ledlnu ihono no 33 y u i hut 3sh harold nash farmer m jl uarrutar rtohollar notary public coiwnynttor i ie pcllltymam nlock acton ont monijy to ioan houru 0 10 oin to 6 p m dental dm j u bell d d b- l d z dntit flonor oraduata of toronto univer- ulty th utl hnoutlmtlr iiitl u wp rlunr conr mill ak4 bvtlrltk htrvmu dr v a gollop d d 0 u d b dhtl burijaon onica ovir hunk t t vova ijootl iiouiul 0 30 to c 30 kvontncn hy aiolntmont mibccllancoub phanci8 nukian omkblmidr account boolu of sill klnda j- j t unlar lnjrlttllriu of cvry ctiy lion rarafully bound itullntf natl and rroiutktiy aanm wymlltam utrt gulph out ovr wllllama fltnim r j kcrk llenad auctiontsr acton city nf oiielph ontario ikloi may m urranlol ty niall ov at rnaltlenoa at acton or at tlta lvo prtuta ofllca acton tha ilsroury offlri ouolph tha newi luconl lomuo or with w j gordon i unload uakw ulluhurif aalaa antrmiujuto iu j krr r- calvo attantlon from data of untn ta data or aula lint your nolna with m rahljanc bowr avnua aetoh diona 3 aoton cull at my lckpn roy hindley auctioneer conaohuaud phona crin 4t 11 n r 3 acton j k cdeevers book binder qub gi cat qualph oftt hooka and mnirazlniw liotnul lu irainluoma and lluliatantlnl cavort naincvm lauarfttl in oom on iiililam hymn ilooku anil othar hookk all work promptly uautad d alex niven and civil uurvaytf bulmllviulona plaint it- iwrtk ijauorlptlonn llluoprlntu etc cart irt en ten for murcluiiifini and tiiorttrasoan tlurvoyu for archltocth uulldorx ami umilclnol counollu ijralnaifi ltutortu lcullinntou itc molban building dauoua st qu10iail phono 1001 oni crwultliur enkluecni jame ivoctor retlferu lttl c m proctor baqo mmiauar 30 toronto ql toronto cart llriduou ruvumiintu wutorworlim llnworaiffl elyntoma uiolnarutoru llahoolu ruhllo lltillfi ilnuarfiuh fauotorlaa arbltratonn utlifutlon thooidandltollablo g rani to and matbio doalors w ra mmnufaoturom und tllroot lmmirtira nf all klndn of moiummutai hiid lloudatorio work we wull d i root to our ouatomarm ut wholtjnult tulo thita mnvhik our anhtonmrri 40 iar oant wo havti tho ittwt aitplluiimu und th fculy hiimhanltit in tha ijomhilim who cau oiiaratu inmumutlo toobi lronrly wocan klva rofamnafea front innulroda of our auatalnora hi tvirnilto mill othar ii in oca wlmru titlinru huva to hnvo law aulu in ortttyj to oollrot wt havu tha laritaat wid liimt atook nf clranlto in tho liotnhiltni or tuoro tliun any throa dnahtra hi thn wuit wo am logltl- innte doalnrm anil mtiloy nu nntw nnd do uot untioy or ttoat auntomom hy hondhia out immrant aironta o 11 du ll itf ordora- wo omitloy only in ootiui ileal and dnry oompfctllfon hamilton sons cor norwich woolwich bbj auolpl