Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1921, p. 2

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v te- i lr artmt zftttcpteea 1 jlltiuunfy1 mill 11 hi mi good uutllnclin dill i linvo to fi n thmi ifluil im lollum nil willi dnoi in in lni troi llwu irnnd i u bmilnr lllilf urljinvror lin hut it ii oi i mul nuilumc nit i linlllvij initial to ha futt lit taufl olii mil 11 lr ii how mmh you un luhmimd ruriiltum mil fiw dnlluni a himl hunk no will win found ulld till imjihowu uu linrlly mul itlonhui iluruir uuin tn itluwu ovm hi illvliilim f tli triiltun 1 ik n tlin om inutnlut 1 riitlo limio udmlululrotfu fllnou lllh llinjlll ikllithl i t uy ur to iinl iiono or ih wmw i in fl irty umlo loijo miniiulil u luul t i mm n iiil uoml flml hitiuu mul nt tliiim mull i ul ul ullllilil jiift nvi i milk bourn mi i ilhir lkii- ll win in ui ulllld lit t llllt ll luul uui unit lunyoiin iimr llllllltmhll mill 11 11 it rli tin mr id j unix id atu tin t mo won in i tl y patron illi i p my ti mpm t iiim h in u a it i luul ilniifi hid llnni 111 iii wninif lly icilku r a guout w judsons first auction j pfc uy tlo l hnlrlou w3 bmmmmwm gudilbn imiyoiih ambition wuu r 1 tn liiiriimn an uiirtlunoor hut jh thoro wuu null l unity in jc wny 1 ifty ynaru an unyntiw who wluhod tn loam uulloiiaarlnif uminlly hutl to uorva hii aiinrnntlco- uhln uu olnrk ut tlio auction iiulou but iinlunu biciuid tlio lufluonoo nocoiuiary trt obtain uu umiolnlmnnt mlnro bu luul iiuulti up lilu mind howovnr lie uut about to ot oxnoriniioo hi a novl in n lino r a ho old iryor nlam wan on u uiiiuiiifiown trnuuroiidu wont of unoln lfliiiho chuimnnu farm tlio dllapl- liitnil bulldlntlm woro thn oulyouwi on u liulfmun ulrololi of road thut con- nnoud two main hlahwayn juduonu mo t lio r wnn ilniul und no cnin know wliut bad boconio of blu futhor jud uon aiidliu youtigiir ulutor 1011 mi lived wltli their mundnaronlu wlio wuro rn- tcurilail iih vory poor poanlo ovon in our no mm unity wjinro almoiit no ono wnu rlcli- n ono uftornoon 1n uoptambor wboif my iirntlinr latotinrit iinil i worn t- tjrnlnir from a liindnouu trip tn mun- ilnitui wo tlficliloil to avn tt im of truvnl ny tiirnlnu down tbo uttlnmtod 1ryor roml wn bud jnut ntnurund from tbo wooilluml went of tlio liouiwt wlion jnnurd wlio wan ilrlvlnif pull- od tip nbort wbutu ttoliik on bor bo nuke j willi a puxxlail oxproaulon no onn wuu in hlalit but uamn ono wnu wbmitliiif voolforotndy low muoh nm y orforod for tblu tlno old mntiiitfiiny lablortloiuo tnliflit nay it cimia ovor in tbo maymowor do not protond to know itu proolno blot dry but iinyonn ran mco that it u lit to adorn any homo how imicli mil i offorwl oratidma wby dont yon uponk upt dont you know lt your turn to bid ibrtio dolbiratbroo dollurn tbroo dollurut tir ii mabosany tablo that would bo ii baruali nt ton tluioii tbat mu oli wby iikiioii and icontlnmon do you tblnk tlml i mu bnro to uivo tbln propnity uway wont nnyono ay four doliitrut nolfour dollar 7 thoi tltrotf novontynvot tbroo wavonty tttvn lailou tryor linvo you gono to mloop wby dont you bl17 inmird and i llutonod oponmoutliod to tlio blicbpltcbod haramiua for tho nbaoncn of tlio promplorsi cullu mul of nomidm hint indlcato a- crowd wn hboubl luvu ti 111 nn ml tbat onn waii bolillnff an miction of iiouho- itolil foodm without upoakhik hfirnmblnil down mid poo red throuuii tlio boduu near tbo conlro of tlio iilrln yard judiion tryor wan ntiimllntf on a bok bobllnu u ntlnk in ono band and n llncitlotfiioil milklmr utool in tbo otlinr on tbn poroh old miu pryor and llttlo kllmi wtiro pnrlnir applou limy alono inuiitltutnil tbo uudlondii and from tlmo lo timo madu a bid tbopuh ottoiv or tboy fortcot until ubarply roinlndod of tbolr duty ioonard anil i x chanced uihumoii lirhii and then uomobow tbo ultuatlon cnautut to tiimmn uu the pluco und tbo pooplo in it lonkod ua poor and uu- piouroiifilvo and pntbntln with tfrnv faofiu wo roturneil tn tbo wauuon mu drovo on tbo 1ryoru did not mo uu and wboii wo bud pauuo tbo barn tbn mniiolomio dltid away to an indlntlunt murmitr woll im id lnimrd did you ovor hour of anything llko tlmt j i uuniu tlinyvo awfully bard up no doubt nbniit it huiii ito nurd and u fow nuatlonoflrluff jnlm would bolp out now i oomnto think of it j ml baunt mluuod an unction 1vo boon at uln co i can letiiombor am wo drow noar bomo ionnnl upoko uifiilu i dont think wod but tur nay ntiylblntf about wbnt wn uuw at 1iyorn lio unld uamn of tli boynvmlicbt pnko fun at jud iorliupu tbroo wooku lattir unolo oikiruo romuruod onmutlly tbat bo holnu down tn contra tbat nf tor- noon to unijauii r kulkbt tn uoll mru larmalooh ftimltbru wblnb bad beou htorod ovtir our milk bonne for uovorul inoiitbu iio ald tbat tbo uurrouato bud juiit ordorod tbo ualo how tniiob will mr icnlht obartfat ionard aukod ton dolluru hu ton inuolij for tbn kooiltf arout llkoly to brlntf morn tbiiu two bundled dolluru but nono of tbo inictumoorh will work for i omit ihhh wby iut blrn jud tryoi v ionurd muuuontod what dooii bo know about miction onrlnk unoln aoorico dnmnndod iio can dn it mul do it wall loou- tiril ilnnbiiod nnil bod bo klud to unt llvo dolbnu rot a llttlo job hko tlmt all rlkbt uunui loonta aalit tln tilly jiidhim liu ojovur follow you go atut bun him niiij if bn wuutu tbo job ill pit blh liuiiio on tbo hllu tbo miilci lant of much importance itliliion oumily noooptod tbn offnr but dxprohhtid imonubmont at oui knowluu that bo oould cry a milo whim w wald tlmt w bad bnard lilm iinictlcliijf bo tlimlidd but tnudu no ru- liiark tim ittnimlmi mttoto of wblob unoln flioro wnu odmllilntrator lind bnon a bono of oimtontlon in our oummunlty for umr tlmo mm lurnioloa wan tbo widow of a wulltodn iron founder who bud dluil dm ink tbo olvll wur a tur iiim ilon th idh widow who wim chllillohh bad llvod ulono ton yourn iho no v hi- iuurinil to upand inlich monny but nodhtuutly grow poor or until hliu itl turb buhfiod away lurlnk br until iiuohu mho wopld linvo luukul tbu hlmplont lotnforth if nolrbborubud not taken oaro of hoc tlion cumo hij luihoomly crnmblo on the part of two nnphwu for wbnt llttlo proper ty nba bad loft boh bid it oon fragrance the aroma of to huvrtacdimiibiiod and piniund mi bin wlfo and ijniiln ooro dtivotud iinviinl duyu to o dlllunut uoarrh but withiiut itmilt mm ilirmnbo iml alwtou buon wirrotlvo mid towurd lllo luut bud mown finhlo mlndod tim ki in rally urrrplod tlmory wua tlmt ono or tbo ottmr of tho iitipbuwu knew what bud bnioiiio of tbo iiumi y j buclloiijwniult fortbo hint iiftfir ibo bill bad in on poiitml tnlitn prior iiimn to oui houno to comiillt unrlo qoorun hill idnco ho wan away juilimii liinlly lurnnd tn itionurd und mr tlmniii nomolblnu mlnbly nil uliniit tlilu inrmultio buulnmu lio nald do you know utovo llurpoi and imii llurkluy buvo both boon to itin mot aiitu mo t kniiok down tbn old biidroom furnlturo to lilm rn- uiirduhii of otlinr bldu ilnrkluy oryorud mn ton dolluru and harper iwonty ivu what did jou toll tbcm7 iioiiunl ilkeil not nuiili of anything cant do wluit tboy want wlintda tliuy nay tboy want it tor i onqulrad ob harkloy didnt nay but ilnrpnr id it bud bion in tbo family for throo unnorutlonii und uuoi to iwlouu to bin trontkmudfutlior lio uuld bo would im willing to pny tbrini llmnii what it iw worth uo uu to buvn it uu a knop- ituko im llko to uoq that furnlturo if in will lot om look nt it wo ot tbo koy from ait iuoy trumpnd up to tbo loft of tho milk lumuo and in ono cornor ound tho hnnvy fourpout corded bndutoad that had bon in tbo old indym room ho lt wnu u heavy buroati n uplndlo- ltwnd wuubhtand and a dark und ol- lout pyramid aim pod cblffoulor wlllt u nuiiortmont of drawtuu luruo bolow ml browliuf iimnllor above till tbo four t tbo top woro no iarur than pout- olllco bnxom uxcept for a fow dniiucr- rootypon and lottoru tboy woro wmpty juduon rknmlnwt tlio bumau and tbo hlffonlor for u louu tlmo and llnully followod uu dowimtalru ihnktnir blu lo tbnn waited for unoln aoro and bud a brlof talk with blrn vlinu bn returned tho auction wait wo 11 nltondoil pilu- ipally booauuo of tbo uotorloty tbo quarrel ovnr mru ionimloou property bad nnuuad althouub tbn yountf nuntlouoor wnu norvouu at flrut bo upoodlly aalnm nonndennn und blu putter illlnd mo with wonder tlonuo and noniiuo llowod in a utrnain from bbt llpu mid tbouub a atraiiker mlcbt bavo wondor- od at bin boyluli npponranoo bn would not bavo uunpootod tbat tblu wau blu tlml auction juduon htood in an old waiainn clone bouldo tbo door of tbo milk bouuo linnard olid i hroukht tbo furnlturo down uu rout uu it wuu nooded nnd undo aoro actnd au olork wo did not touch tbn bedroom furnlturo until towurd tbo luut whim wo llftod tbo heavy bodideail into tbn wiinuon jud at ouoo called for a bid on it but stopbon harper inter- pouod tbo rolatlvon bn uboulod want lo bavo nil tbo furnlturo from aunt tlaraba room wold in ono loll thn udmlnlutrntor bollovou that moro monoy onn bo obtained by uoll- inu tbo artlolou uoparotoly juduon explained lunt that uo mr chap- sa1ada tea betokens the perfection o5 thejeaf famous for 30 years salada never varies the excellence of its quality xiitnlnritwilutitr tli n y wortbliiuu doddu to uixli nortbwoiit and oiiuully rythlnif tlior pulli ortluitu oro uoly loin ii thloiui mr- ilnir ut irk tbu old i inly wnu itruuplnir unit endu- until und bud hi on tho prey of uwlnd- lru but while iiim lived iibn hud ron- rrululjliii fart thn two noplmwii uti- douhtdlykuiiw of tbo iiirml ronipart- mnnt of tho old cbirfonhr unit bad our in hud thit ubo bud hidden tho nilmihiic i iiuupdctod thai uomritbliiu- wuu i- iuiii in tbo i hirfonlnr mild in luon that nveiiliur hut louldut und any knob or nprinir i puulmd und wruiili ml while liny worn yolllnir tludr dih at mil tin ii i buuuid tho uiidui uldu if tbo cover and you uuw what bap- mmd if wn didnt nend tho flvo dol luru no biidly mr chupmou i would not tuka it rnr tbo fun ivn bud moro that puyu inn udvnrtlulnu tlmt juduon rorolvnd wnu worth moro tbnn llvo dollnm dur- tbo uiiccoodluir winter und m prill if mil unvnra uuotloiiu uvery wnnk undo ooorffo noddori and tbn unla wont on to my aiitonlubmont harp er mndo only ono bid on tbo imilnlead and harkloy did not bid at all lira horaco carter sot it roi three dolluru und a half juduon gravely winked at uu na wo bnndod up tbo wnnliutund horaco cnrtnr ot it for tbreo dollwrw jfroonlu uuvontytlvo ooiitu than uamo tlio bureau judnon pull od out tbo draworu and oxhlhltod it from ovary unule loudly uxtolllnff 1u utroiirth and capacity tbo two uop- hiw actlntt very uervnuu und hi ot oauo liafcon t idd on it and ran tbo price up to ten dollar and uoventy- tlvn centu at that point harper wftbdrow hcnwllnif and juduon old it to llarklay who did not uocm over joyed at bu at that niomont ioonard appeared with tbn pyrumldfdinpad oblffonlor hero juduon mboutod hi u uon ulnn holrloom throo yonnnitloiiu old and rowinif mora valuablo ovory your how much am i offered aunt lucy who had takou u fanny lo the nuoor llttlo objoot bid two do lam nnd mm cnrtor rained her bid half a dollar then uurkloy onmo into tlih blddlnir und hurpor uulokly fol lowed lilm tbo blddlnir wnu brink aftor moment or an tbn two men olbowod tbolr wuy to tbo front and hujfuti to bid ttorooly at oaab other ruthor than nt thn auottonoer it wau npparont that ouch wan led not tlio oiitlro bed room uulto but tblu article ulonn ion mlnuteu tbo bid bad udvauand to unvnnty dollniu and wnu rlulnif iwi dolluru at u tlmo tbo intrluulo vnlu of tbo chiffonier certainly did not ox- coodalht or ton dollaru for it wau neither humluome nor well made juduonw uyou were uhlnlnic ho bad no need of rattllnir forth a ulrhiu of wnnlu tbo bldu name unuolloltnd noallntc with tbo chiffonier nn lio hnd limit with tbn bureau bo unou bad ovory drawer out of it and piled round him then ho huuun to up in tbo frumo tblu way and tbat in blu bandu roll pbt orowdnd uoaror woiidorluu and wbluporlnu tho bldu bad roaohad ono bundrod and twnnty ilolluru and hnrpoi bad mndo tlio intnuljiffer whon juduon utruok tbo under uldn of the cover a lououndluir blow wltbmho pulm of bin band inutuntly it lew upward llko a lid mid out from a narrow com partment between tbo two uelu of llttlo draweruut tbo top bounded a duiftt covered pnnknuo of pftperu whloli jud uou oatiuht on tho fly and handed to utinlo clooruo tblu kooh in tbo ndminlutrator ii uuld it iioeu with tbo old bureuu hurp or eulbid prouiduu forward five it to met i protwitt i prolout llarkley then hhnuted cmmbluu upon thn wuukoii luunlnt boon utruok off to hlml no uuld juduon blu bid wau one bundrod and twenty dolluru do you old ono hunilrod and tweniy-oiio- wllluliaw my bid harper rourod tbo hiireuu bun beou mlubundled mul in ok on 1 uuld juduon upi liiuliiir buck into pluoo with u touob of blu hand i moroiy raluod im lid you cant witbdruw your bid lokully harpei you wri bidding meroly for ibli nrtiulo of furniture not for itu iioiitontu they belubft to tbo ludulo aro you all dono ludleu and geht hi nt ono bundrod twenty iniflo o h il ltd red twontyrtwlool ono hold on mr auotlonoor hnolo leoma intorupted half luurhlntily ynt with a uerloun oxprunulon in hlh eye i uhnll havn to uop tho nalu for i ibid hero with other popent n will thut it im my ntiiy to turn ovor to the but- oiratn atonco im afraid ive no iftht to allow any ot thut property tei bo mroovod or to accept tiny money for it wo kball bnvn to toava that for tho jildi to deolda property nno m ion uumuu uuiif t bjtd of tbo dllupldutml houim und 1 the irate broke up amid treat x- th lot wbro ho hod lived urn old- oltomonu oav it with plowcna oil uomcthinc ijttlu mru fowler hurrylny homo from heiiinornlnif mnrkotlnu on whut ubo railed her huny day an if ubo ever knew any other kind tiirnod a corner und met iydla hurlowe and icntlo davlduou on their way down town morriliicr my dearu uatd mru powlor who wnu nothing if ulie wnu uotvfrlnndly to thn limit out trend rly arent yout nolhhm llko uettlnir thn vrenm n tbo moruln uu iny irluh wnnherwumun uityu whntu tho down tinthhitf that i know of mru owler uuld iydlu whotu tbo mu with yout ob iiolbhm vory much only i hoard tlio market that old lady uvunuon down real ulck aualn her ulecn told ma im horry to hear that wild katie oho u uuch a nloo old lady und every llkou her i am worry alio lu uo fiuld mru fowler thun uuy it with floweru or llolntf unrry for folbu lu lb in u but it coinitm for 111 you am icntlo ulrl homothlnu bettor than a lot mora if you uay it with thl n tf and old lady 13vaiiuou adoreu iloweru i am uorry too nnd i am holnjf to uay it with a biuhm of my now currant jelly becauuu i bavo no llowem worth uendlnu to nny ono tblu uuiumer you ueo wbu 1 am unrry for any ono i llko to uay it with more than juut word j au tho two blrlu wulkod on lydln uald la kutle flay it with flower nr uomethliic wnu nt it luut llko deur llttlo mru fowler tn uuy that hho u tbo klnd- out woman i ovor know hho alwuyu uayu it with homothlnu beuldou wordu whon ubo lu worry for nny one i don t tmllnvo tbat i will over uny i am unrry for nny ono uuuln without think- luff of what mru fowl or uald about unylnff it with lloworu or uomothbiir eluppouo wo uuy that wo nro unrry for old lady uvanuon by aendlmr bar bomothlnc wo nro kolnir richt by a no and wo can buy bar a few lloworu nnd mnybo a little fruit down town that will bo iniylnjr wo aro norry in a way tbnt ubowu that it tbo hympathy that nndn oxpreuulon only in wonlu in well etinindi when it lu ulneero but it counlu for murb more when wo uay it with lloworu or nnmnfhlnir morrlu wude a bovo cuobitv ilttln thlnuii und uttln pooplo urn often reuponulbln for areut rouiiltu nm maylie you dn not know that tbn dlu rovory of tbat impnrtaut inutrument tbn tahuoope may he trurod tn the oiirloulty or a little boy tbn llttlo hoy i am talllliu you about wnu tbo uon of an optician who llvod in holland ho and blu ulutoru loved to play about tbolr fatboru wnrk- lieucb and ofton tlioy umuuod tliom- uelveu by looklnu at tbo uea through tho concavo ulaiuiou which fntbnr lined in hiu work now ono day it happened hint tin boy wltlln play in ir with two of tbnuo alanueu chanced tn bold thorn boforo hiu eyes lu minh a way that the face of tbo cathedral clonk noomod very nmir tblu uurprlned lilm ureatly for tho clock wnu uo far uway that ho crtuld uenrcely uou tbd baud with blu uulfud oyeu for awbllo lio utared at tbo clock and then at tlio ulnuheu each of which bo tried in turn but tbo clock wau nu far nwny nu ovor and nn it remained turn lliom au bo would until byaiauoe bo turned them both np tofiethor whon lol au if by manic tbo churcb utood lieuldo blrn ob i know i know bn orlod aloud itu tbn two tnunthnr thou lu ureal joy bo ran to bin father told him of blu remarkable dlnoovery tho fath or tried the elnuueu in hiu turn und found that tho boy hud wpokoti thn truth when in uald lio could brintr tho urwit oliuroh clock n nn re i tto tblh wom tho way people learned hint puttlrtff a couenvo nnd n convex klnitt tou thor lu juut tbo rlubt poul tlon would ninko dlutnntobjoalu ueem near without tblu knowledge we ulmuld never bavo bud tbn tobunopo and without tho toleucopu wo uhniibi hovo known llttlo of thnmni moon m utaru tto if you ovoi imvii u oliunce tn look th rou kb a telouoopa and hoc tbo wnudnru it hnu to reveal juut remem- boi tbo llttlo boy who ouoo lived in faroff holland ohina adopting an alphabet china im muklnu un nttempt to uub utltuto a phonetln alphubet for her pruhotit uyhtem of ideouruphu t primnnt tbo cblmnio hyulm of wrlthiff ooinirlhu morn than 40001 unpurutn uymbotu onob lopnuseiitltiu a dl rforo nt word und i ouuoitueully tbu tuemoh- liuf of ut biuut 8 000 wordulitiifl im iiocebhury in aider to load and write rim icovoruiiiuut bun recently ibivlueil juft liitrodiined an alphubet wbouo nuu promlnnri to be no me imlvniuul tbo new national ilionetlo hcrlpt oouuhitu of only ulxty dlhtliiot oburaeleru whloli ropronent oilob verbal mimifl at thn luiiktiuko and lu combination any word uooordlnaly it muulreu only a month lniunelvn work to inautor ii hereuh ito yeuru utility wuwforuiuily lieoosaary inhtruntlim in the now plan now oonipuluury it elemunlnry ohoou tht uncondidehcd tiiull hie und tbo ii iniriutitllo houun lu tbo city y iimn in ronponuo to a common ti hoy wautoil ndvertluoinniit in miinliiiu paperu but morn rare i liniial wnu takou in making u i hon in inuiio thn varan poult ion a utoppluir utouo tn iioipnlhlnu hlkhii nnd morn important nobody iv thin if ffiiiruo fixiiipt tbu firm nhi ru and tbu ucnerul tunnaifer ueveiiti mi applli until woro attract- iy tbn offer of employment nu it loud lu tho pi lutod column of tho iwupupti it mtcht bo rile rent i mr to lenrh mntbhur of th uovnrnl caiidldutuu id why tjtny fulled to muun a ood liruiiulon hilt uurb a utudy lu itoyond ir llmllu none or theili no fur uu i know bad uny indication or uuperlor hjlitiim hut ull or them worn fairly hrlubt und intellllenl uulioyu ua the iicniral mauauer who in eurlier yeuru hint hud fioinethhie to do with rouud- liu up cut tie on u weuteru ranse call ed them a ifood bunch and uo they throe nf the ueventoen boyu were eiioiiuly con id du red fortho vacanry nut thorn wnu uamn dirfereuon or pinion between the junior partner and ho uenoral muimjrnr finally the three were rernllod and u deciulnu wuu thou oucheil by marking polnta much iu ciitllo and poultry nrn juduod nt a fair it foeu without uay in if that the n vitally important nuullllratlonu could not bn rated by innro obuerva- ii for lionouty trutlifiibieuu pa ce iniluiitry fidelity and the llko nhow only dimly on thn mirfaco ier- il nppeiiiaik a wnu imiuldored ueutneiim or drum rourtcuy of mau- frunkiuiiu of face and even die modulation or tbn voice nn bid tint mu tin bo ru fuvorllo by way wnu mloi out by a rather hnbitorouii mnniior or upoukliiif na il ly it wau a uood deal uuhdited lu proueuce of jilrnniferu but it had iirown into a habit from tho tlmo blu yo minor uln tor held hoi enru whon bn entered tbo bnuiio with o whoop and nh out tho uenerul muuuuer ad- iltlod that bin volco wnn overlnud whllo thn junior partner compared it i a fiiuhnrn to bo frank i dont know exactly what snuffed out icdwln wbeatutnnou bunco but it wau uotnothlnu uu trivial on choutor nohlou nvorloud voice porhnpu nomothlnir in blu drnuu hlntod c carolnnunouu nnd inattention to do tal for choutor wnu a bit inclhind to ha hoodleuii when bo wuu in a hurry know both or them rather intlmato- und i fcol confident that icdwln and choutor pniuieuned nterlhiff uunll- tlen which far mitwoluhted uny of tbnuo minor ileflcloncluu und dofactn t tho fart renin in ii that in thin ennf at leant tbo buiim of thn vculnu wuu tljiped by uncomildorod trlflou rurtburmorc tbnt ndveruo declnlnn wan ruthor a iiorlnuu matter for icd wln nod choutor if ono may jndun by tlio yoaru rnllowlnjr tboy werent fa huron by any meann hut they nnver fnrucd abuiid au did tbelr uue cciiufiil compotltor fmnk wnltoi tbnt rntncii tho inanition whotlier what look like trlfliaj m the outnldo fellow aro really rooted in morn unrlouu ilofuctn innlde did chouteru loud volco run hack to nn ovorbnurlnu din bouillon and won icdwln thouabtleau in thl nun moro important thou uhno iiiciw i cant bo certnln of that but feel pnrfnntly uuro that what wo c panu over lljfhtly uu trlflou aro uothlliif of tho uort lu tbo total rockonlnjt ft ufa mlrbolanrolo wnu onro rrlll- lined for wuutlnif timo on the delicate ftnluhlnu toucbeu of a treat mnutor- plocn you tbnuo urn trlflou to bo uuro replied tho fninoiiii nrtlut but trlllrtii makn perfection and pnrfortlon lu uo trifle thatu tho plain truth ami cannot bo repeated ton afton aenluu und only u few pooplo have ability of the commanding nort 1robahly to much laraor ontont tbnn mllut of uu ronlluo tbo uucoouu of one and tho ralluro or untriiilcnofin of another hluiioii upon uticnnulderedltrlflou homo or them nro reekonod trlflou booatiuo they never uro oonuldored nnd ludood wbnt wo any of a part mlffht bh well bo uuld of all for mout llttlo thlnuu prove luruo when viewed from tho rlubt unule n untruthful word lunt a trifle nor an impure thouuht nor i tricky trauuiiotlnn in triidlnif jack- knlvou uut uniuebnw jiuch thlniia eat into thn tluuuea of a healthy moral nuturn dooperjhuu ono imuulueu miu ulbln there 11 a taint of ueltlubnnuu lu a bnorlub mnminr and a dontcuro dluretcard for ntlioru in nn untidy np- lioaranoe a fellow who in heedleuu with k homo errand can hurilly bo rolled on to band lo a column of im pnrtant fluureu ho there you aro i in tbn nafent courun tn queutlon ovory uuconuldered trifle which comou lu our way fm inont of tbeue onco conhldn cd prove tn bn anylhlny but trlflou cluuleii t white ii ii ci pl iff or a good town pep ant filiib flnup kuoruy hi hnoln morality chmchon hurnmuy cordiality advei 1101110 t iornliitonoo puhllo uplrlt cooperation talk abiiut it mpouk wall of it heiilthy biditlon help to inipiove it advoitluo hi itu puperu onnd country tt unitary pitronlao itu mm oluinln uleot upod men to olllcn huppoit a uood hand the beat nil- eitliioiiieut fin atown lorp iep hattign op money mdrif i worn to propoun w011i1i rt the outcouiet ifldu that would dopend muoh on the tncoiiie kymm u tw tim itch snurt tw bum twrv sore lrrlttled in- iur ttcoflameaorgnuiuuted uytnooftett 8eethmliftin safe tot infant or adult atau dnijiguta write idmtbniioqk ihuaiiimruaup wiiln womc1n hnjovtzd a pipe hou lobiiiiu flrut murhr i iiifliind una uijoved lu common by bulb 11 in 111 iiovoittmil nullity 11- ii ur tn loin auhton it wnu not v 11111111i fin thn wiitni 11 to join tjii 1 hi 1 milium hilt in wa 11i011ii10 iblblkii woe limit 10 uihoot with ul in theh uutcholii mid tho uihool iter ulld irhult lii thuli at lid i 1 1i1 th y nil uinokid tin uuhlni mophyli ti iittluh worn 1 d njoy u ph h uf iiniff om nf thr ipllru of tli hlullulli ill a 1 mint of lliotluml puhlliilki in 17111 iiuirilu but 1 bo hi f hikiirlcu li tlm rural dfutrhtu urn iiimn totuii en mid wliln- ky tin mul iiiilar urn llttlo uiuid lilt tbu uue of whlulkty buu liirunn 1 ho mu of tohuiin muy liiuut bo ml i inlvc lully umoiiif tbo female a ttrurcoly a ynunr woniuii hi tho n alio buu been tuuulil to mill hill him uluo i oil rn oil to imuiko lipoklnu uiiiu tn huvn been introduii 1 on in tliloto to rbniimutitm and uiun ttn yorll ouenllon with iuupuuuto mo dbunuiii hail only produinl a inltr avidity tor lobiufo buccebo nugqtito homo peopln alwayu net uu if tliolr frlnndu owed tin 111 nonihtlhlnif iok pleiiuunt oven if you forcu u imiuh ilfo 11 ulwuyu ttiulinr your iibutourupli wo penman will not bo frlondn hum if tlioy cuiinol foridvo vuch other u llttlo fiifduitii iji ilruyoni oti bow hnnl it in to dlu and not bo utile to leuvo tbo world any better for nun lltlbi life in it abruhum un it taken ulxtyfour muiirlou of llit in 1 to mukn a fiown and only ttilr- 1011 to mukn a utnllo why wni k voithnot j lio lnho thut irntu thn honey ilciount hiiiitf urouud the hive get your comfortable old shoes made good as new wn tun thn bout leather imd llllvit 111 tttllltnrtt lippliullrfn to tin ii out a unit ilium job i iiljik a hint hi u 11 und liny u ulnn 1 onuhh prlci t e gibbons mill st acton shop now liu ifu wool jeriay lruii f u10 rlothk liuiutlfiilly nmhroldi red o iuulliu wool iliipinl lumpti 1 and ulylcu i iiidiiii and mlumu wool ho 110 in ulrl 11 wonllt 11 imltti d dniynn fn navy 1 tblu woelt only olrlu fiifthririi dn im 1 in la own nnd hun with uldn punehi ulaou 111 in ii imra tiln we all wool nuvy fieri o uod wolfli im allty wool jen r dreithiu tt y trmnml ilhn 1 r he 11 vldo nlroly mndo v quality ct it iiilioii wldo navy woo crpe io im in 11 wide wn iilld iibrrui hoqpii at a iowih piiici tuluphona go 13j0o 1 oft oso l starkman starkman block acton ontario mhriiirnirmommimibmimflif40ioaam j n oneill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton x 11 irishman acton ucprcucntauvo carriage rubber tires wo have tho tlmt iulumont for aplyinjf carriiiifdtlrililicv lirat at reafumulile priced atitomobile tops ijri wo k aula tops mul lit your auto with door opening curlalna we have ready for sale ono ford ton truck 8 ft x 8 ft box with uhclvlne good closed cab thto job g i la almost an gooaaa now will bell at u bargain j n oneill son georgetown ont ffomen canada x oil row ul th twpit ofchutja oh ril review oftu wt luua ufor ctuaja ojy j frtm mm ami mmm f calmi thoughtful cohiumiioh ofnut ufic aurtuauti ami to far at 1 amohcnudiuiflaanatiyinutfalm4u autliuit muigiiun women op canada tho oomulif gonnral klootion will bo ono of tlio lout momoutoaii in cunndlun hutory nntf arthur molrbon imkii you to yivc uio uuuo fair uiuiikhmhi coimldoratlon women and men allko aw called upon to tleclilo whotlier imlitlcal induntrlal mul seonnmlc ntnlilllty iri to lio replaced by claoa mlo polltlcnl and intluntrlfil cliaoil and poiialblo economic tiunkruptoy- tho fuctmurpjlonr niut ovory canadlon womnn will do lior own uilninp alio will not 1h mliilou by othorn sbo will not llhvlly follow family political iu3codont neltjuir will alio bo cnrrlod awuy by uio falno tlieorloii or empty inmu of tlicnrluti and eit- tromtntu uvory woman will arrive at a iiornonnl incision by tlio application of practical common nouno tlio jfrout ifuma in tho tuhff und hero aro briefly tlio facta the present cuiimlbin tariff uo fur au it nffoctn thn necennarleii of llfo is ttvery motlorato one it lu nlrnply n tariff mnlntainotl to vp canadian fnctorlon in 0nwl employing a n tout lly incrohuink voluina of canadian inbor and dovoloplnp canadian rouourcou4- i mrlffjuo stuiidii flrin for tlio eontlmmnco of a rennnnnblo tariff il in now even nior imiwrauvo than in thtniast all othor important countrlou nro rotalnliik or incrmsliitf uielr turlffu in order that tlioy inuy hold tliolr homo ninrketii for tliolr own paopk vmlov orraru pro trado policy canada would bo nwnmped with foreign aoodn principally from tlio unltod statoa canadian induotry would bo himod tltouaanda of luon and woman- would bti nut of work with all thn hardiihlpu to tliomuelvou and tbolr clilhlroii that muiit roiiult tlio farmer rrroat homo murkot would bo bohously uffoctod taxon would bo incronned and canndlun workliik bioii would hnvo to go to tlio united stnton for omploytnont whllo klnttv tariff policy la wobbly t novorthhomi toftilif towawl uitf deatnictloti of tho turlff anil would lirlntf with it pructlrnlly thi iinmo rciiulu mhiflmnq 10ucy ivihylinnv knowh it intlo only meann wboroby confidenca may lio mulntnluod nm omploymont rivou to all cliumon of tho pooplo tim forogolnje in u plain utntonjnnt of logical concluiilonii arrived at from tho facta think uio matter oor carefully without favor but with fulrnow jtfuka youf own docliilon aland by it unmovetl and uo uuro to cxorcluo your vote canada needs your vote and tlio rational liberal and conservative party i publicity committee stainless steel cutlery 1 1 in i iiinh of ililnhu 11 will tllllhl ii tl ill tin v in i ll i 1 with u uoft inn ik on ii indfi hoard or lu linojilm would diulioy thilr up- utrinio lyhhh otbiwko would bn ilnlnid for arw lid ild tin iinlvi1 ihiokio dull with u tliuy i in bo on hit in thn uuuiil ii y irlre ii uui rt 1flw doinn tubl flu 00 doxrti nlrkid handle hi ihih i i li i jclllvrh ivumrt klilviu and 1nrkii atjoo lojiii luhh hnlvii and korku b7js0 lloitl i lcijul llliitcd iijuiiujulltiiinlcua htnl killviu hi mart knlvii 1zjw luhlo icnlvlii 14 00 doxeu ro mild buy u rolluldo muko lhfl roni iiakdwauk co m phr iow ouelpm thiis stores policy to rcprcncut pood cx- uctly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer- fully correct all mla- takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewcllerd guelpii ontario jgkavfngg tuiiuaiuohosrwar ttoftonto canaiu grand trunk the double track route nidtwiacn hontncal toronto detroit chicaqo unokcnllnd dlnlnft car uurvlo r villi information from any orait- trunk tlckot rucnt or c w hornlt dutrlot xauuotikar asont toronto ii b boijubs aet acton ont 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station jiwt arrived car no 1 feed oab a quantity ov hsbd c0kn and oil cake just itkceived otjouk feeo nouvat iiran and siloiltg peed fluh r noble ltd hcnrv awhcv manaoeb i when you need boqts shoes at any tlnote t huy wiom w williams mill street actou 1 iamous rou i satisfactory footwear huasonauli imtlcus ystmwft tjrttljt ffissaiijis

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