Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1921, p. 3

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fflj jvrum jffrcp tyrea jlluhtjdav novi mill h iii iuj1 y ck s k dltlyant hillb always ntlci- viiii ul h hi dwltidhi dully nlitli nlilln you hvllflllo ftnt havo b i liiiij in vulli yu tui rod y lit li litu liuu h uk u i fnin nflnr ilnv iiltliu illll i li ii 1 old mil li dliiliml lilll v iry ui hind alum found win 11 forth wi lnii en i diem miliuly dorm lit iilllii urn nlwayu idei i why tit when hiiro in work fnr yon why mini it from tifur md ulght it may mil lm no luiril to do ir yon hut priini nhtnd ami try wit in iir vr i when upon tho linlfiht wo lit our in in u backward uihl at til hin manila sloiwa in ulght- llui tllulmit hllhi urn nlwayu ntji i 13 kluor uncertain hicheb thorn in u familiar unying that ruli on havo wiulu iii tho umallnut rltlnn hit rii urn famlllrm who initio w n winllhly nnd iuw nm reduced to pov erty mi that wo umi mliltllineil mei nnil women who in tholr youth wen urnifitomed to every luxury afar ling out to mm tlmlr living ami caiually familiar ugurou hi nvory onmuiui inn tliouo who i m if an in poverty i hy ml i id 1 11 u iii havo uttiihiiitl wen hlclimi are utirnrtnln pnnuetuilniuf lio wealthy tn ilny in no auaurain li hut wfalliy nt xt year a huulnouu limn n m lie ml mi appli cant for n position on the utreugth of tt voiy cordial recommendation from a former nmployor mix month later o urn until ft hff tha inuii who imd thn retomiiioudntlnu he complained of thu in lul nailing tonn of thn letter von naht lawrnnro wax a young mmi excellent prltjdptftm ha uulil krotn my niiuorlutloii with him i ahould utiy that ho had only mm prlnupla mid that wuu to feather lilu own niml a irnod ileal tnoro wan uahr in tha na m n atraln tho ijeutlemau luttennd iniutly for no in o limn then interrupt ed with dm inquiry what wan tha datn of tho in t tor of which you are upeuklngt tho data tho other repotd why i dont remember thn dnto tlm data lu ijultn imihirtatit hi thlu caitfl thn nthor man replied when laiwrencn work nil for mo ho wuu all i unld of tilm a young man of nxenlleut priuolplou i had every cnnftilnnoo in 111 hi and not in a ulnglt inutunco did ho betray my truut hut artr hn luft no hn mndo frhiudm who hull w mnut uiifortuimta lumionca on him worn had tomiianlouu it wuu hut u- ntnp to hnil huliltm t uhuulil not- think of rnoinmniidhiif him now for my iwwtl tlou hut whuu i wrote tho lot tor you iwitrrw to i not only mtuint ovory word but i um aura thu rttcommonil- atltm waa tlotttirviml uonuy lu not thn only form of wealth which miiul im cuirtifuuy liuubunttml in onlor to bfl tirititrvvd chaniotdr tot ran ho loat you n if molt of stood liahlla und iiootl reuutatlon mimntlmnm nre hi danjjiir of imlnif loo itro thnmuolvtik thny tnko iimmllean rlakm tmcaiiuo of thdlr uolfconldnnra i too ofttni iirova that it lu hot well found wonos op wisdom tho louder ptmcont ration uitould ih a ftiurt of th durrloulum of avory collasd thn tin nut ivooplo in thn world arw tliauo via know laaut altout ha uuro your hravnry la not rtara foollulinaku man lu llko a fountain non iianful oh lonif tiu thoro tu nomthln in lilm if wo alwoyu uald what wtv inoaut w wouldnt way anything 1ut yourutilf on n lmyhik bumlnku- hauiu m if youvo jnut ot ovar uomn nok- tmua ulvo tho ilnutlu to tha ikjulrroln in tlii wotitlu and uat it off your oh out if your ttset ara not hlron nnouvlt to cury you rliln wlahoa wear out with your clnthnu iama oftlmnu uonu hhahhy tho urtatout fulth lu faith in yniir- vwi your itody your houi will tlirlvo on it htudynhnraator your own llmt ilnforo rifiinntnif thn community ra form yourtialf iont hiiry yournolf iwfor you rn lkjk ynuruolf ui whnii you awanr you wont lw inlorruittail if you lot tho httla thlnkh worry you what aie you iioliuc to do with tho blk thhijiu full your frleua you havent ifot it youll lm dolnjf him u kood turn 1ut your trouhlow nn thn dumb wallor you cant win iiiiinw you tako ohanrn worry lu a cloud that darknu your day a lirltfht thnuiiht lu tho nunuhlno that drlvmt it uwy a mauvcllouo use op pintlcl- miiint evidence filiiir iirlutu ur known to lm tha uuraut prtmif of imjruoiull identity tliora nra no two ulwoluttily nllka ao that thorn lu no ciluiucn of nrrnr tho ic- ntjrtu in thlu atudy turned tholr wklll to ultl tin world of urt lutnly bynif- amlnlnk tint marka on a tuilutluff rall- tl th vlruln of tha luwku thl- pldturo had iwton bought by thn na tional callnry in iimlou for lifioon ynt ciltlcti abroad irot tint oil that it wuu not n iieuuliifl work of ionnnrdo du vlunl but u forgery it wuu known that much of tha work in uproadlnu rolom wuu doun in tlia tlftwinth cen tury with tha urtlut thumb inutaud of with u liruwh un mlunrouoopln atudy of ictinulnn ulflturou by da vlnol wtiro unit made to uou what wnm tho im- oullur turvou and form of hlu itniirlut thmthiita worn roniarnd with thnun oh thn ikulntlnw untlor ditto hum on thn murkm woro found to bo idautloul lliln would actun to lirovct itayond thn loukt lmiamlhlo doubt that tlo national gal lery iiwim a work of tlalft brat italian tnautfir ami that tho mo turn lu ttivt mio inudo ultout hob 1 dont laavit tlin atova whllo broll- intf lu litilnif done 2 dont tmnt walnr on burning fatr uaa uarth uand hour ualt or a natal covur s nnvor lot u utovo khi mil hot 4 ito oarvfiil nut to uo utovu polluh on u hot htovo wait until it 1m uold c jwmt into any kluil of utovnlkil uli uuluau yon know what lu in it buy tho ha fit kind i j iont luavn mwmtlnew in a itlnoo of iiaiwr liut thnin lu thn ntovt in olfiiiilutr fiirultum with oil writ utm only miiimii uuautltlnt ut tin i o and hum thu ihiuhhlnu ruicx if jhl n i- cr nit qi6 clock i i wfl illll t 4l iii hit i j ill- u 1 r tim iiicilou my w woro thrn in boyhood 1 h thnlr rhlldilit lu all ret nllorlii tho iluiuidi khurn lot of tin m tin rt urly tlayu of my of fumjiimi tmil a typn of nil up nlty rlnli a of llvlim and amiiiik whom any oiu mluht fi ol it to lm u itrlvilmtit to nnluhhor with thirn wiro thn itrowua and thn muuinr thn wjirriina nml thn qnnloun tho mc- ooualdu and mrlmnu thn ijiwhoiiii j lllblloal mntlnn lu mad it of nlnti- tii illrfnrnnt p reel out atoncu t uk nintolm mo liuudratl uinl four tnw 1 and ulaiilh thlrtyflva miltnalu tlilrty- tihia hlrdu nlic llalmh tlnvfim rtiiitllnx twenty inaufrth and olhnv umnlwr creaturom ml thn mllltiru tho icoiiuotlyu mid thn illiuwa tlm colt a and thn iamhu thn wutuniiu and thn wordoim and nthnru who lived in that locality a fow arn thorn down to thn third and fourth koimrutlnii hut u mukeu oven inn loiifuomn whan i wundor ovor tlmro in thnnn doyu of my own uonr and yellow loaf to think of tho frlondu of my youth who llviid aild lovod and lahnrod and lirotiuhtytip famlllou ami helled tn niabn thn community a moot domlrabln iilacc who havo unno tn iho taut vlutltfti jnut to think that to dny thero lunt a gordon nor a ijiwiwii nor a warrin nor a oh aw nor a coin nor a mclouu nor n ijiniii nor a miller on any of thn old homoutundu whlnh tlmlr fathom howod out of thn vlrcin forest lhrtnfiuartrm of a can tury hko and thnrna irnolouw fow of thn hrownu tho munnii tho wat- noiift and tlm mcdoualdu uift it inoku mlkuty akimtrftil tno for any pernotuat- ln of tho family numnu baynnd tholi third ki intra thn i iho famlllou don i coma noma how likn thny uued to do in lilonocr day a and tho fow who havo famlllou lu their bonlou today of tho fourth uoiioratlon havo only ulrlu to ronrtuaiit thorn and thlu lu trua tno of unmo who havo eomn in from out- uldo ihihita and iiurohnund tha linma- ntoadk or tho orlunml ownoru tholr rhlldron aro aluo hourly all iflrln hut of co u run llioyro vory flno nnna and thnlr fathom and mntbru ara au uroiul of thnm or vory nearly ho nu lr thny had been uonu and hnlru whuu alnxaudor brown ieuij utunly unltod kmiilro ioyullnt enmn tn acton with hlu hrldo from hlu old honin in york illato there wountmuoli of anton to bo found iho law kim adamu and hlu hrothorm had built their mill on mll iltrcnt or what wnu after ward a named mill slraot miller ilnmhtront wnu runnlns ida onnvltl uronery on thn ueaoml linn now muln hiront in a loo cabin thoro may havo iwipn a blaokumllli whop but thero wtiunt munli of anything aluo hero mr ilrown built hlu ilrut bouun at tho corner of bin 200 nro lot whnro thn acton rroimroad mnl tho fourth linn intdruoct jnut aaroau from han- nnokburn uqiiooi hut tho nchool wnu not thnra tbnn nor for thirty yoaru afterward it ntoot at tho entrance to thn lane lentil nu into gordon hall an john gordon tlr wnu plnanod tn call hlu nutate whoro mr anil mrn clarrlduo and tholr family 11 vo now au tho country booamo tnoro and morn hattlod mr ilrown bornm leader in thn community ami tho noul found him a vury worthy friend ami valued advisor fclliortly after tlm townnhlp council wau oreanlieotl hv wnu nlttotetra inn in iter for thlu noatton ho later wan promoted to tho ilnovn- wlilp und 1 havo tho imnroauhm that imi wau dually warden of tho county beforo hn retired from his cltlonnlp ilutlou in inuulclnnl affalru hn popular waw ho mi a pulillo man tlutt hlu namn wnu pro po hod au a candida to for mem ber of parliament hut thlu honor wuw tleollned i fancy tho old eontlonian had nnoutrh eumptlon to ooo that thero worn not uuftlfllont torlea in thin com munity lo ulvo liltn a load ami wutoly droptwd ouu you know from tha early dny a hn wan a rod hot con nerval i vo undwhllo a 1 way a kind hearted ho never could lirltuf lilmnolf to think that a ulioral or ktnrormnr nw wacalltl thorn in thoho dayu otinlil bo tin i in au uood a man aw a conner vatlvo and hlu prejudices wont down very deep lu thlu direction ilia nonu and hlu uoiih nonu havo all proven to bo china on tho old block icvery motheru ann of thorn in a dyod-ln-tha- wool tory honin of thnm try to iwir- nuudn thmeuolveu that theyre uener- ouu onoiikh to voto for ho bent man or thn mnn or imrty with tho bent policy but theyvo novor yet pollotl a votn any of tham for a man who wuh not a tory hn may havo boon rumilnir au a uulnnlut but lm wau a tory and ifot tholr votoo ho may havo biteu in thn tlnld na a u f o wnmlnou hut liu wnu a tory all tho buiutt at hfurt and hn itot thn hrownu voteu if a lory wnu over available nt vollntf time hn a way could and utlll can count on tho ilrown votnu uu sunt rh num nu deatlt nnd tniceu well- mr ilrown horwea tho conir munlty lu nthorwayu nu well au in municipal und county polluou ho wan appoint oil a juutlco of tho inoe away back in tho early dftlfln hn proved hhnaoir it vory worthy and judicium ofrtclal in tho admlnlntrntlon of juutloo nnd nreunrvatlon of tho puli llo jteace hlu polloy wau hwo thut of uomn of hlu nuoceuhoru however innu munlir nn hn invariably advluod pwpli lo koep out of court if nt nil ponhlhln itany a mnn ho uittled in tho farm kltoltmi or out in thn barn by hlu uuno and kindly odvicn and hlu fatherly couuuol and thero wau in thouo caunt no publicity no uuanemly nhareeu nnd counler oturktw in court uml no nouta tiv pay for lulkatlon mr ilrown wan ono of a minrtotto nf imiulhtrutuu who nrvodtbln com munity wall for many yoaru iiiu col- loauuuu worn ahu hnll alexaudfr grant and archibald campbell thouo tpnr worthy cltlkonu woro aooorded thn dlunlly of thnlr lilftli nlilon by behur invariably refttrrod to au dpi ire ilrown ivpilm hall hijulrn a rant and hiiulm campholl mhuctilnrly mi lhxiwn wau tha only conuorvutlvo in thn bunch tin othor thron wmii real thotloir luildwin ho cor mora and ttloy tm lee me i tlin globn ulmoat initial lo tin ir hlbleu well tlm homo of mr uiul mru llniwu wan hi emit tl will a foul otier- oum oldfanltlonnd family i think it wau four uonu and tlvn dauwhtt rm who bun by ouu tamo to take tin ir placet around thu family hearth und at tho wdlnilod farm table of thn nlnn only three now renin in no fur au i nan rrmnmlair jament of yom aiianlm california a ntf j mm 1 ho man hnmnrvllht mmi hlrot acton jalnou unewlat about ulidityhlx 1 thlnlt and nunoy 1m in tier olghty- third or englishmen comb mount temple they upont vlrnr hotnu riin party niont a holiday in tllo canadian lacldc riocklfa vlitltlnu- all lhn tlolluhtful upota uud were oharmnd with tho mountaliih lllr jotinu lion gilbert who haw junt won n achohirahli nt hallo with a friend j c jjinuton from mnudnlon accomiianled by mr huujlll not out ulth cuidcu to climb mount loniplo 11 030 llh at unnff and tho nn- companylnk phntouniplm aro inlorcut- luif uouvenlru of thlu me mora 11 cllmh 2 on tli paak of mount tmpl- 3 gaining top of mount ytmpu eiuhtyfourth year ftuy bow tlmo flleu i remember nniioy lu uunday icbool when alio wnu u nlrl and jninen wjiy ivn known jamen drown ovur allien i know anything thorn there lu aim nterlluir thn youubent who llveu at hldaetown i bono who hav pauuoi over aro itlchard william nnd alexander mra jonhun kraemnil mtji daniel rroomup and mi a john matthowu they wurn it nun family hlshly eutnomnd and liuoful members nooloty itlchard died when a ynunu- man and aloxniulur had only rnnrhnd mhhlln life- ua married mary thurtull a member of tho acton iubllo uchool utarf and orconlut of tho method la t church mho died nhortly aflor thn birth of her flrutborn who la now our uuoful ami cntnmod towns n aloxnildor thnrtoll ilrown ilrujf- uut hlu unconil wifa wnu mlnu niok- hn of puullnrh who uurvlvou him will iii m died when hn wnu between fifty nnd sixty and ornupylnif a cood poaltlon an am of tha htatlu of tho mall order department of tha t katon co toronto uqulro urown was on of tho found- on of tho method lot churoli hero up it mi luted to build tho flmt churoli with bin own hand i whon a buuilay flohool wm oraunlkod ho wan elioaeii tho flrut fluperlntnndnnt linr olffhteon yejiru bo continued in thatonhncxutv4i preim of hlu tadly and nterllnff ohnr- acter wnu loft for rtwiil upon the life of b co reii of tho younif poopl who attended that hunilay uchool during hlu term of onion in4ho nauy day mr ilrown and hlu family worn tjfton tho llmt to arrlvo at ohnroh in tin winter tlmo they brounht wood with them for tho fire and often kindled ft in tho oarly dayu beforo tho tlmo of pnrkh and half mlln traoku lioro thn nldo road from tho third to tho fourth llnea wnu kept in eood whopo fiy tho pnthmnntoru for trottlnv raou thin courno led pant mr drownn farm unte nnd hn wnu much oppnuod to uhiuu thn hlifliwny nu a raco cnurao ho had coniiclontlnuu ucruplou nsulnut homorftolriu nuywuy and ho rolluhnd tlin unholy rncon run pant bin farm if uo could arrangn it bin boyn worn nlwayu at work plowlngr or bar- rowlna or at hqiuo other work on tho back fifty when charlie iihim blood inoer mitl 1111 inmnndh moran itiaro and thn other morn or lenu monnrol nuifworo bolmr pub tlirouiib tholr puce on tho uldo road youll notice when you ttrlvn pant thlu fitrm that there tjultn a cloudy planted row of nlnin on thin front of tlm farm when thny worn amnllor they kept tho raolnu i nrttoa invunly out of view nf tha hnunn wolt mr and mm ilrown left ua well on to fifty year a uiro iholr memory in a til i ovoruronn lu tho hoartu of thnun atlll remnlnlntr alovauder iho niicond wau tho only mm who took to farmlnif iio got tho wont hundred nn tho third linn und bin uon itlohnrd now owtim thlu inn proporty and mm aloil ilrown hlu mottior linn rimo n bouuo on thlu farm mr nnd mm lhomnu flnmervlllo lived on tho old plaoo for ipilta a num her of yearn about a qunrter century nuo mr nlnlnn fltirrwrt llnduay noil of my old filond nlnlau llnduay thn uoventh linn another warden of tho county council bouulit thlu plncn nnd hero mr and mru llnduny nnd thnlr tlno family of noiut and dnithtoru rnuhlo in happy family ooniinunlnn i liny havo onn of tho fluent home jn tint community wltli beautiful homo uiiiitniinlhitfu thelrm in n iomn wher it in not folt to be a wnutn nf time and nnercy to fiultlvotft npacloua vl- voty lawnu aiul pretty uhndn men and abundnnco of fr boomlutr flnworu and ubriiba nnd a vekotnulo ilranlcn with a uuooenulou of nuooulnui voflo tablnu all through thu uuminnr wouuj that wn bad morn of jnut uuob farm ntlrnctlonu and no thn old in uiro hrnwu farm given joy and comfort to lla pi client uouunhhorn and ulathoru of plnanuro to tlm many who visit or ra- celve or itu bountiful prodtiotn mi 1 in tinny la pmuldont of ilalton rim inuurancn company tluy i dont know whether that edit or man of ouru will let nil thlu a tuff go thlu tlmojor not ivo jnut wnkened up to tho vnot that my old pencil huu run away punt thn niuiooibo rather in adlnuly allnwa mo to uuo for my mmblliuf loonllootlotih well nee mohe to be dcblimd onut you think ibey ought to uniid nine of uu fnritmih to thn inglnlaturot n nlr replied 1 armor corutnuuo t farmeru phi en in on tho fnrm a peek of oiilonu lu morn worth atrlvln for ttiiiu a hnrel of npopohou wanli- lugtoj htar thouahtlcaonego checked qui after luiuru iignlu hoy haiti thn father only ten mluulna into lepllttil bin wnll go at n u mi o your room air look youineir in uml bl lug inn thu key thlu thmiihthhmneu tutlut bo cliuck- thc cnqinecho otoiiv iot mn put my unmo down flrul i ennt ntny longl it wan ut u red rlhliou ineotlng nnd tlin man wan a lore motive engineer lironaeil and ntrong und having oyeu full of deep determination ln wlgnod hlu name in a hold plain hand tied f led ilbhnu in hlu liulton hole and nu hn left tho hull ho wulil au tho iord lookii down upon mn iii nor touch ibpior attain havo you boon a ham tl linker iiunilod a man who walked beuldo tho ungliioer no fact lu i wnu uovor drunk in my life i vo nwnllownd lonuiileriibln wbiiikoy but i uovni wont fur enough to gt drunk i uhouldnt niloo it or bo tho worno on for un hour if nil tho in ton hint i nn drink in thn world wan urnlnod into thn ooojin hut you nnomod eager to ulgn tl pledge flo i waa and i ii keep h thrnugh thick nnd thin nml tnlk teiniiernucn to overy mnn on tho road you muut havo ntrong rcaoonut woll if you ii wulk down to tho depot 1 ii tall you a ulory oiitko wny it hnnn t bonn in tho pnporfl and only n four of u knpw tho facta yflil know i run iho night nxpruuu nn tho h i w baua-x- huiut twq hlp0oni nl a cnno nnil omp- tlinen wo have pa many nu two lum- tlrod pn into n gem it a a good rngil lovo mi a llooi nnd pretty iitrglght though there lu li ixul upn or two tho night cxprpini bilh thn right o wny and wo make fnnl tlmr it in un nuo thing for un in nklm along gt tlm rntn of fifty rojlihi nn hour for thirty or forty mllcij and wo rarely go bulow forty ono night i pulled out of po- trolt wltji two nloeperu two coqciiou and thn baggugo nnd mull curd nei ly nil dm heithu in both nlneporu wnro full unit mont of tlm iientn in tho coaoliej wcro ontiuplpd it wau a ilmk night thrcatonlng all tho hum to rain nnd a lunuuome wind whint1od nvomid thn cab nu wn left thu city behind wo worn novnntnon mlnutou into nnd that meant funt tlmo nil thn wny tlno ugh i verythlug run nil right up to mid night tlm main- truck waa kept ntmir for um the onglnn wna in good upirlta nnd wo 4iii into l- nu umoolh gu ion pi oft mti tho loipriuu coming cant uhouht nnvt uu ilftenn mllon went of d but tho operator nt tlm illation had failed to rocelvo hlu ununl report from bolow that waa utrnngo nnd yet it wnu not and nftor u hwio oon nultutlon thu lomluotor iient mo ahead wo woro to keep tho htulu track while the other trnlun would run on tin uldo track night nftor night our tlm had boon no clone tlmt wo did not kcop thnm waiting over two minutes anil woro generally in night when they uwltchod in when wo left d wo wont abend tit u rattling upeod fully believing that thn other train would bo on tlnin nino ml lea from d lu tlio llttlo vlllngn of pur to thoro wum k tolo- graph ntntlnn tlioro but the qporntor had no night work he clnnna hm olllco and wont homo nbnut ulna ooloak nnd iiilymcuhagcu on tho wlrea worn held above or below until next morn ing when i ulghtnd thlu ututlon i naw a red lantern uwinglng betwoeu tin nllii greatly nutnulnhml i pulled up the heavy train nnd got n hit of now that nlmout lifted mo out of my hoof it iyji god a merry nn plain nu thlu big iopo wan tho operator who wjin i iiwluglng he lantern hn lutd iteen arounnd front hlotm hy pm whlat leu nf a locomotive wlum lpro wnunt onn will in ton mllcu of him lli lppf tho toot i tootl toot while ho wjji drcualng nnd all thn way mi ho tan lo thp ntallon iblnulug ho had boon ulg- nglln ij1 hern wuu no tpiln iqverythltig wuu u nulof nn mm grave thn man heard hlu inutrmpentu gllok- nway uml leaning lilg far ggglunt tun window hit caught thnm wonlo ga liny wunt throijgi to d 1 uwltoh thn iciintern oxprouu fin mulokl idnglneer on tlm weutoril eg- proiti muut luie rnrnd for dig tom iho nken engineer lie dldn t get a luc but wuu up and acroau tho hi ida like n deer urreaiiilntf mid nln inking llko a mad tiger it took en to hold lilm afler hn wau run nnd to- tiny bo in tho wo rut luna- tbo country u wuu it gootl follow rontlnuetl thn finglnoer nfter a patnte and ha iietl to tako hlu ulauu prnlty rtaularly never uaw lilm drunk but ibiuor kept working away nu hlu uerven til at inat thn tremenu caught lilm whin ho hud a hundred and fifty 1 1 von ba bind ida engine iio brokn out all of a audden tho fireman wau thrown on tha engine all a team til mod pu and thou tom dunned and dcrtamtal and carried on llko a fiend lied have mndo awful work air but for god mercy im tromlimng yol ovr tho wny hn rnma down fnr uu and ill never lilnk of it without my heart jumping for my throat nolwwly nukod inn to tilgn tho pledge but i wanted my nimo ther onn nuoh night on tho road huu turned mo agntnuc iiilnxlcat- ing drlnka nnd now that ivn got tills red rlblmnnn i can talk to tlio boyu with better fnoo tom lu ravliik tui i told you nnd thn doctor u io never get hlu re n hon nuntn lloott night ar my train goon cnnsy drunk and running a mile illuutql i thn operator ulgnnmod uu lit onoo wn had left d nlno mlleu uway uml tho manaagn onuldnt havo omigbt ua anywhere except nt 1iirto hx mlleu further down waa tho long nwltth it wnu tlmo wo worn thero limiting onn minute wq lout two or throe nil mi leu in undent tan ill tig tho tiltuntlnu nnd in rouhiiltlug and bud jnut got ready lo uwltoh in whoro wo tro when tlin headlight of thn nthor tin cinno into vlnw gieat bnvuuvi w that liiilu wau hying the boll ui ringing npai it a hying und thn whlalln nernatulng and not n man of lould i nine a hand wo ntood thorn thn main flunk upnllhouud nu it wcie lheui wtuldut havti linen tlmo lyhow elthei lo linvti awltched lu or got thu pnianingiia out it wituut nvni nlxty utooudu he fort that tinlu wau upon u i prayed o god for a bwmith or two nud thnii iituit my tyea mid wattnd for dentil ftfi i hadnt thn iilrnugth to gut out of tlm eotf well nh andg muruy wni revealed again koity italu ubovo uu that ineo- limtlvii jlimpnil thn tiaolt und wnu piled into thu illtnb iii un awful muuu honw t s thn t audit h w re inuiltlt ruhly uuiiihod and unmo of thn people badly injucod but no oilo wnu killed and our train oauapod nntlrlyv thu almighty cnvbtal- 8kv columns an explanation bf tnirlouw pntlonl idienoinonon aomolmnn wltneuiawl un front y nlghlu which in cftllfld tho piininuuroni a offered by a pro- fenjinr in onn nf our imlvcruitlo tha phunnmeuon taken tho fnnvi of lwntitl- ful oolumnu of nllvry light ntniulljig over electric ro lainpn anil other bright i luh tn nud nnmntlmeu npneflr- ing nlinnut to tho onlh ii lu hflld that uimeimon tlm vnn1nghar ha a bright ahnfl lie low nn well gu hihiv whllo bo rning nopn nlanila in g bragd column ot light thcnn appear- nucea urn dim lo lonllng frnut nryntaln which keep thnlr reflecting facts horl xnnlnl on exnmlnnttnn tho nlinervor found that tho cryatnln conenmed l thn fixhlliltlnn wtro thin nlnulim1 plalou nf ice nover more linn onn millimeter in diameter wlmn tho wind blown tmio llttlo plnten nro i- not aiul ho nolumnanf llffht rmmeit by ro hoc inn from their uurfuocii ibi- ppepr to detect changes of bpeed kugliuu uaeil in eloctrlo lighting arn reiiulretl to run willi great renalnrlty an inloroutlng devloo for dnfiitlng with extrenio nceuriioy liny eliniign if upend in such mi onglne linn broil tim- plnyod in a now knglnnd fnalory two metal plnten nro plorood with fior- roupoudiug nlltu ami plaeoj in front of the nthor no that when din biuh nra in linn thn upokou of tho flywheel or tho onglno can lm unen piuuilutf them on of tho plnteu a cuetl to owe i hale by mbgiih of nn lectromag not at nunh n rntn tbht um two hilt aro in uuo every tlmo a upako i phd lng if lb ore nru ulic upokfth in tho wheel nml thn wheel tumu 400 tlmnn a mliiuta a ruovabln ullt muut eucillaie 2 400 union in a minute if tlm upoed of tlin niiglno in perfectly regular upnku will ulwniu bo uoep directly lu lino with tho allla if tho ape oil varlu thn upoko will npiienr ahead or behind itu propor pin co according an him rate of tlin wlinelu revolution lu lnrrcntnl or dlmlnliibod practice this lcuf lean irntho piorn talk puu tliluk mora jfliln louu wiflk mora clojhn leas hahn nirn worry ipnn work morp wflftp lhi hvo iporo reail linn piclqe nmrfl victomv jim void victory brings o wauv of uu thn thought of annleu of floating tuiiiueru piul ban tin playing nnrlnl muulo hut victory lu wul u only mm ttort it would ho woll for uu f w oould nnlln thut vlotory lu a lwrnojutl won uu evorydny word a word that ilnen not concern general hnlg or general pnrahlng uuy mora llmii it oonoornu uu victory i llmt lu the gout to which wn uhoilld gnplre not lu uomn ilutunt future but hern uml now mukn today u day nf victory triumph over tho llttlo olujtnolftu und unnoyojiceu of thn hour mauler tha itupuluun to uiiger or to irritation a uiicoomurul ufa in only un other uumn for a vlelorlouu life and avlolorlouu life lu miidn up of majority nf vlo- tiirlimu daya wn aro chentluif our- aelyeu when wn let ouniolvea think of vlttury uu a military word it la uu everyday wont a puruonul word our won any pain or the body loftvueva noliralgl- itlinunjktla lunlt oha tjalntla rjul ovarlaa ralab ono or two hit uiiktl an rl laim imfiljl mill the pain la gone odnr aiiloutl hmta ami hare irjiw soe uofud in acton hy ut j habhjuu1 tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices our psieta on groceries will bo found lower uian tlie iowcml we havo just secured before recent advance another largo bhipntcnt of our famoud tea at 38c thin is good 50c value try it see ocb striped flankeijrtte no 1 quality yakd wide at 22c this is a babgain au wool and pleeceijned undiaiweak at very close prices specialdeal in soap any one of our eusloincra who returns lo us the ereatcat nuntber of wrap pers from quick naptiia soap will bo given free 500 worth of croecrlcu offer open to december 3 get our prices on oveiuixs roots shirts underwear etc refore purchasing elsewhere highest price either cash or goods for butter eggs etc tannery cooperative c a conway manager mill street acton the tires we sell must give satisfaction we cannot afford to risk our food reputation by bell- ing tires of doubtful value it isour policy to handle tired of demonstrated superiority only tirs which we know will give our customers maximum service and lasting satisfaction thats why we feature partridge tires came as their name in ttese litres none but tlio very bust rubber is useirl the processof binding rubber and cord rriakes the carcass and tread inseparable the resisting com pound of the nonskid tread and tho thick yejb elastic sidewallsr give tho endurance and resilence necessary to insure strong economical easyriding tires fred blcwy

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