Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1921, p. 4

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ut arfcm 3ttt tytem i t r 8 i t miulllday novkmhlit id loil i u ul il i if it ii tf k1111 icl all 01m- tl t 11 i i ur yr i- uw i t ill j i ii i ll u hj tu tl i i whuh ul rlil n 111 u i lrli i- tl ui uih1 allvuni inc uati tb1bi wr4oti n- t mci l wltni- u irtvj pi- kllmibnllrf i r irn t u wr u a iv will l ut4 till fmut1 h 1 uoouk hlll knj lullul tmi11kw1 i t1 ioni i 11 ii uuh r editorial ir ll 1 ircirnxi nat oflen nccehmnry oonic people cdmplmn of the difficulty experienced jn lciinnj icjiil permit to carry revolver the action of our nutliondcs in forbddmj the promt cuoii5cjirrynii or po of firearm is a very dciirli- iitlj unrd and rcully plucci n prcmiuui on human lite which does not obtain in other countries in referrmp to this very tubject tho other day the nushvillc tcnn advocate suid one of the chief reasons for the cluapnc- of human life in the united states is the caw with which pocket firearms can be bought by anyone who bus the price along with the disarmament of the nations wo would do well to disunn private citizens i ortunatcty for us in canada this desirable course has already been taken irnc ileal ironning education it i nurcly encouraging that tlio registration at the three moutlit uourbo in rural studies in ieel county hiiti rouclnd 171 hon mr dohorty says that the three innnthv courses which may later bo hold in every community will bring to tho rural popula tiou n yrcat deal of wlm they could rot at tho ari cultural college and infinitely more thair could bo acquired through a months short course mr dohcrty promises that if the courae at llolton prove i iiccc he will oftci similar courses to all rural municipalities and will provide equipment and ice turcrs the municipality to provide tho students and tho accommodation for them wav iceducttona and lower coat of ituildlitg materials throufhout ontario there seems to bo a general acceptance of wujo reductions averaging ten per cent especially on the part of men in tho building trade there is a general disposition on the part of mechanic of tho building trades industry to fall into line with employers in their effort to stimulate building wage reductions are general throughout the province rungiug from five to fifteen per cent ho wove r the unfortunate feature of tho situation is the unwillingness of manufacturers to do their share by reducing prices of material which still remain high if industry ii lo resume nqrmal conditions and tho unemployed bo put to work at useful trades there must bo a generous reciprocity dn tho part of manufacturers m reducing the prices of the products of their factories this applies particularly to the manufacturers of building materials new buildings aro necessary new homes are needed now that the men of the building trades are willing to meet the situation with a reduction of wage it surely be hooves the lumbermen hardware manufacturers back and cement producers and all others engaged in supplying building materials of any kind to meet tho workmen with reductions of such percentages of cost as will encourage a satisfactory volume of build- ing activity without delay the war debt and prohibition an american paper raised u very significant ques- troifrcspccting tho proposal heard in some quarters that the uiihted states could well afford to cancel the war debts of tho european allies it says ques tions are ruiud in regard to the payment of war debts duo tho united states from tho allies sup porters of prohibition in this country cannot but believe that no country can properly repudiate its debt or ask to bo relieved from tho obligation while tho people of tho united states are saving colossal sums of money through self restraint in the matter of drink and tho debtor countries are indulging freely in the liquor habit franco was as hard hit as any allied country and her financial burden is an extremely heavy one vet according to u member of tho french government trance is devoting three million acres of land to the production of grapes and other materials out or which to make a billion g of wino who didthfltanilthcn pleaded that his debts bo forgiven because of his in ability to pay them would bo told to cease to use his land labor and time in tho production of a com modity without material value to him and which tend ed only to vico and waste if that is true of an in dividual it is even more true or a nation until franco stops tho waste that is duo to alcoholic in dulgence and gets down to tho business or producing tho things necessary to life alio will have no ground upon which to have her debts cancelled we aro not wasting time land labor or men in tho production of alcoholic drinks for the sake of ourselves and the rest of the world wo have put an end to that vicious business f mtuna tho farmer with electric power the hydro flcctric power commission is evident ly making a real effort to enable farmers generally to get the advantage ot electric power- the commis sion ha decided to recommend to tho ontario gov ernment that the provincial vint of fifty per cent toward the construction of primary power lines in rural districts he made retroactive if the govern mcut approves of the recommendation and it is thought it can hardly refuse to do so it will mean that ultimately power users in between thirty and forty town who had hydro power boforo tho leiintaturc endorsed tho fifty per cent bonus will ultimately benefit by a reduction in rates it will furthermore encourage many other rural muntcl palttics to take the steps necessary to secure power for farm and home utilities wtrn anuiiuh 1 f tlnm 1 1 v tll ir fly huyu wlmt kin u m lia ny a hrthh ny qmilef1b lw il it ml uniilliim i in in iwnmntl n wlimi in inliia vry in unit utiuny intent uttoiitliu t a orlhm mnxuklnu ha hy urn iiimt hut ui wlut mm u hi tlyt tn u ny yi lit 1 uhbkm rmi iih ii jakui i i bill to full y ii j cln t f il lorn um nlm in r iiiwmatlimi willi murl 1 myrtl i nil iidully uiiuiiiiiiki tlmt tin kuklnllt it ilimr inllluul trluu 1 u huhu t hut youuif miniate wa tin uuyri the octroll r iroim hli ioll it won uwfiilly ulin in inuity wuyu went on myrtlu but ho wum liorrll ly julou mi i dink tin hm u 1 vmilwit uf hln 1 1 hiiiiih how wum tliiitt wwlluvtry tlnin uha hud un wkilioifiiiuiit to nigti r with uuma nthr inuii 1m wuiil 1 l ruy fur ntln tho prince of wales tour itearlng vrult cable i from wellington new2caland recently jiow that tho feature of a discusiion in tho house or iteprcicntatives there on the imperial conference was the emphasis laid on the importance or the king as the connecting link pf the empire even the labontes disclaiming any desire to exchange his majesty for a president this attitude is attribut able to the impression made by the princo of wales on his recent tour and general appreciation of the personal interest shown by the king in tho dominion in thii connection premier massoy stated that the king discussed government proposals in detail and sometimes when his majesty takes a different point of view he is able to induce even the cab in 6 1 to change their opinion to so mo extent there is very little going on even in the dominions with which the king is unacquainted united slalcfl war department ifeognlzcd sabbath an official statement recently issued by the war department contains a fine acknowledgment of tho significance of the sabbath m the life of tho nation tho document has to do with conduct of troops changing station by marching and is known offi cially as circular 220 among tho instructions pub lished for tho guidance of all concerned is the fol lowing the sentiment of tho nation concerning sabbath observance should bo respected and no marches except in cases of necessity bo made on sunday opportunity should bo provided for rcligl ous services conducted uirtba chaplain- or jbxough ifl ipp j adjmft oimn fliivlrtmial community co operation and dignified publicity of such services should be made this action publish ed by order of tho secretary of war and signed by general pershing as chief of staff is another heart ening illustration of tho new place winch the chap lains have given to religion in the army nashville advocate kditoiual notes tho united states will observe to morrow ar mistice day as a legal holiday we in canada cut our observanco of tho day down to two minutes the exchange of courtesies between king george and president harding on tho la bi last week may bo regarded as a small thing but ft is an earnest indication or the good will existing between the two nations it is sure dfscouraglng that wheat has again got down to tho dollar price not since 1015 has tho price dropped so low tho reason is however not one of any political policy inasmuch as the prices in canada and the united states aro almost uniform couibed in kdementnry agriculture gradually thecducatioual system of ontario is being adapted to the various walks or life until recently tho curriculum of tho public and secondary schools was arranged with a view almost exclusively to a university or professional course an educa tional movo unique in tho histoy of tho province will be new courses in elementary agriculture and house hold science to reach tho young men and women of tho rural districts tho four counties or huron middlesex wentworth and peel have been chosen for the expenmont of making practical education uvail- able to all those who were cut off from udvanced knowledge when thcjir daya nt public school came to an end beginning on november 28 and continuing o march 2 1022 gatherings will bo held in the public building of winghnm sfrathroy waterdowu and 0olton the leading towns of these counties vhero tho lectures will bo delivered tho munlci palitfes aro supplying tho hcfltlrtgaud lfgtitlng and the deportment is doing tho rest tho district agri culturist and his assistant will have so mo of tho finest specialists in these subjccti on tho curriculum tho list or subjects for the men is animal husbandry field husbandry poultry husbandry dairy husbandry farm management civics rural organization veter inary science bacteriology farm engineering birds in their relation to agriculture horticulture apicul- jlirc farm forestry economip entomology agricul tural botany and english and mathematics tho courses for tho girls is designecto make them better mngera of their homes such subjects as the fol lowing are on tho curriculum sowing 80 hours householdsmanagement and equipment home nurs ing 80 hours foods and cookery laimdry house- lfcald administration english and mathematics this l8urely a mo in the right direction and should wn much encouragement to tho young people clrcum8tances will not ponnlt a university the manitoba court of appeal has decided that tho royal grain enquiry commission is a legally constituted body and is entitled to proceed with tho investigations of tho canadian grain business this should result in much advantage to the grain grower nipted in the dud i m itnw im ul 1 hint tea wi ull m or ichm til ki tu tit hint 1ml that it i in t u ennui 1 for tour tho h rut nil m ii urat many liulu in or thut una may lvloi into u ti hit rtfwnr a i luiil with fuur or tivtt km juult bkuimy 1m worth mora limn if it hit i m iru tit inferior hll in it ta tifccumhury to hiipiiratm u numhr nt gltta in order in ulva any lisolal nn m nliaiwti wn muy not think of mirilvvtf un luvmily undiiw hut it 1m kdfe tit hay th t if wo ilnrtook to iluvatni ull mir ulftu nut of lhni won lil li auhlvaln to i nolnt whrd t hbra wault iki u uv- hitf in it urlul a balanced diet mvn hit 1 ri jh rtm or nin w or ull luw- lovi lo nl i i hll irpu in ur tint ui v hiim lltllk ul tlivxtlutl thoht fit iniltliiiiu un otflntlu in toronto xluolm thla iw not tx iuihi tl u ulii i iron hm ii t batting- miltloli nt foo 1 tut l uiiw thy ur nut iwiiih- ri i tlllttitly thoy urn hit knttliiw u in1ii1 lut in hvnurhiif f ir our l aiit 1 u i ulunm 1 ill wu woul i t lit nut ut looat half t our uihut i ntittimt lion mut hulnif tlni m ml otly urll la of 1lt wn huv ui 1 imriitui th milk fruit un 1 fili wnatulllvil jllll tllarwtiy tourfl miuh h tlr ixiuruliul fuinlly on u mnrti nu ml ul tmuu an ull viua 1 rovl laiioa haw inu 1i ohhiiiid u iiuiuiiimhi hut lav ull illmea in u wlnt r whan uruun vajiutul lta urn hi uri a in turner uto minna oruliifam h iiiona mil ui la uv till iiuutlful ui il hi th mi mi nor whml tlltihii frilltm urn mflurua urooii vuuotuhl a uiu ilutlful anl in ml it hi u lu tin milk tirautn aill hutur ur uviillul in all tint ynur urtiutur if wo wr u littlfl mor olutarvunt of th linivlaloiim of nuturo un i ttuturw a ool wu woul 1 huvn u imttor ootm roliaiiulon of what lkh moil hu i lu mlu 1 whan h mull in ull thy wuyw unkunwlnlu htm mil 1 will dlrnflt thy iiiithu tironti hnultli huluthi a chv op the heaht a htory u tohl nt m wchoollky who wan kvii un oi iwirtunlty to hear u iiroat ilaal alout noma roent tixnlnr hlloiih in africa umlnr tho aiimxwltloii thut tio woul i mi much hitornatud lu it hut who turukd front th wholu tint jeot with warjtiuaa don t ynu llk to hear uhout what all tltt iirwat cikplorra ura tlolntf t ho wu uaktml iarlly ulr unuwarml th hoy you ii okruoa mo hut it mm ma to mo that thareu tuouui baeruthy ul radyl too mawv bhottt cuts ijiurn a trail o tin 1 don t imi hi had ml until you huva ittaatnrel tho detallu utiil hm uhla in iirovu you urw a unna lulut ut your joti ono troulllo to day lu uhort outti aro taknn to iilinrtait mt- tlrontlrtiahliim mill tho reault often lu a twitch tunifwl nut limtaad of a work man tha uama tu of ton trun of uotiool mid nolloba llfn uiiythlua to uut in tho printer i 1mm 1 tlnm and au u rttuult u im of tun u ikmir utuh thut u tnudo at th xumlnutlaii tnutu you nan t brow mi nnk on muahrooin tirlnclplnu llnuuhila 14 wt the power op adjustment when wo cannot clmnto our euvlr unmont we hhoul 1 iwirn to adjuut our- fcttlvou to it icvaii thnuuh iiiiukh urn not to our llklnif it iiimm not pay ua ta lm unhamiy ulxiut it if wo am lmxtr tho chaiuma arit wo can improve our coiidltlnn in llfo mid earn minujth to makn uu aonttortulile hut if wo u0 ho way of bttlntf to thut nhlnt or whlht wu urn utittltitf tn it wo ahmill not iiaoomn nmhlttnrad or un happy nvnry tlma wo immi mir nulati- lhrn llmoiiulne or havo to iilvo up uonia ileuhiirti nothlna im jn aa tlwi iiowor to lit always abpirino a you n if man null to ut ollor oni vnu v uoromiillrfliu 1 wniularfu thluuu tl hivu thut w ul i h tvu wutluitt i nny miliary mini unit yo it hm ma to m thut inatouil of thliiklim- of your who ohmubh you ru ulwuyu looking ulnad i laiiuhiu for aomuthliiu olan aw i rluht uhont thutv and hl fri ud luiihl uu ha rn hod i hx k ultoa i wh munli uu i lid whun i ru your au va no tlm to want a on m- nucrowuau riio youiibmuii wont uwuy dniiraan 1 dur m ho until to hlmuair thin rnrlululy lu illwrou raging it a not likely thut i hill cvor muka u tonth luirt i f tho uuaaau mr ahhntt ha a ma in nnd ynt evnn tin lu illuaatlullnd an 1 it wan uomn thna lwforo ha could uhiiltn c rt tho f allnu of dprihmlnii ynt tho uiluu- wtilrh uoomo 1 no dlu roiirauinu to tho yoiititf man lu lu rtaillty ona of tho fluent trtiltu in human natliro wo nmiuot uallufy ouraotvna with l nut uuraunm wlmtovar wo liavn iinnomilluhd our inutlnct al wuyu 1 roinplu uu lo turn away fri m our nrhlovemi iith to what lu on ahotid not what wo imvo donn miittoru hut what wo muy do ami thut fact uuvoa ui from di conoratliib- into morn mo mi mimm to uomn pant hcihlnvoiniint an loiia ua wn llvo wo muut uoon trylmr a pseudonym v lady who wuntol lrdly thut alio took inn without a ro conimnndatlnn or ttvnn an introdurtlon hnm nun day to look into u tfook whlnh imilnnito 1 to tlio ttlrl and ini- med lately tlinreufter wi nt to liar with uoino unoualnoau oxpruumd in liar fuoo la thin your book hmilar alio uuk- nd tier you nj how lu ttilu thntit whflii you camo you tol i inn your nnmo wan eliiuln tltokeu hut iiota in thlu hook lu tho nutnn itrhluttt lufferty hu all rlaht manm nald the u that a mo nnndy ultima dills vocabulary day pa harry dnmandad wtiat part of tlm hndy in tho vocabulary t why jiarryr oh toochnr on id 11 11 1 elmlth hud a larifo vocabulary for lilu uo- united states and canadian ohlclals will co-oper- nto in tho eiiforccnibiit of prohibition on border points tho washington ohlclals greatly appreciate this action on the t part ot the ontario government tho ofllclals of both governments aro determined to stop the trultlc tho query naturally arises why should british columbia apples bo the choice fruit on salo in acton stores and why should they bring as high prices as oranges when just as line apples aro grown within ten or fifteen miles of this town the ontario apple men are surely not living up to their privileges a few mouths ago president machin of tho citi zen a liberty league resigned from that office and said some hard things about tho way ho had been used by tho members of tho league last week mr t l car ru hers secretary of tho league tendered hs resignation he too is evidently tired of his thankless and unsuccessful job an increase in ontario of at least 20 per cent fa the school attendance of children between tho ages of 14 and 10 is protty good evidence of the value of the adolescent act this percentage is expected to increase yearly until as largo a percentage of school attendance is shown for tho year under 10 as former ly was shown f the years under 14 the thinking people of this continent will have none the leas of esteem for the delegations from the nations of europe asia and africa because they havo graciously decided to respect tho prevailing prohibitory uw uldiiavc their embassies and other quarters absajntely dry daring the time the dis armament convcfltloriis in progress the man of the hour in this hour of canadas most acute national criaib tho countrys greatest need is leadcr- bhip not class leadership not sectional leadership but national leadership a pilot must bo chosen posseisinc tho neces sary courage foresight broadth of vision and determination to lead tho nation safely out of tho existing economic uncertainly 1 ono man atnrida out hoad and iihouldoin nbovo all othora aa proominonlly flttod for tho tiuik born on n farm near st mnryti ontmio arthur molghon is n truo son of tlio poonlo n toikr who hab fought his way to cmlnonco by iihoor ability and force of intolloct entorod pnrllaniont in 1008 appointed sollcltorgonoral in 1014 min ister of the interior in 1017 and primo milliliter in 1020 at the imperial conference ho won aoclalmod by tho presa of great britain as a great iitatcuman as a strong virllo vigorous personality alort in mind keen and forseolng in judgmont and with a fearless determination to stand for tlio right iprofoasor a d skelton of queens university and biographer of sir wilfrid laurior wrote of the presont prime mintstor lie has already given proof of high administrative capacity ills personal integrity fa boyond question of himself arthur mcighen said to his consti tuents tho othor day you know where i stood 6jnjhis issuo in 1008 inildll and as in 1011 i k stand today a real force a real leader ccvnacja iecu 9heon tt ttw national filbert and conservative party v iubudtf committee pain is an indication of inlnriernitra with tho normal functions of tho body it s n men of tiroublc nnd if allowed lo continue cuaea it soil till futlhec disorder common sense kliil humanity nuree il that relirf from ii pin should he v the first stop in the trontmcnl ot mny disease whicli is punsont headoclie meyrltfi nhmimatic tlncicncke sciahc and ovanair hpains one or two dr miles antipain pills ant the pain is bone gunrnntnoj safe an j sure price 30c lor halo lit acton by k x har4aiti painpills hudachlsahqkhuchtric -we- sell foreign drafu and money ordcru payable in all parla of tho world issuo lottcra of credit malco remittances by telegraph th mcrchants bank hbj ofluft montl of can ada csubilj 1 8o4- 3lty dpuu bmrf lo if the jersey dairy ii dunnill ind ciias mckeown havo mndo arraiifieniciits to open a new dairy business and after november 1st will upply customers with pure jersey milk price 10c quart dclivdlled daily bctwcen 4 and 8pm parties benlroim of securing milk from the jeiscy dairy uay iave orders nt uie store of mclean co pkemisiss bettett equnmlsit the golden grain bakery the llread with uie three its luugwerh itest bttead having purchased tho store neut to browns drug store i have hotter and larger premises more room in which to welcome moro customers 1 will open in the now premises on saturday and will be llad to have the public call to iee us there a tultj abiontmiant ov bread mjn cake wesand pastry op all kinds every day i george brewer mill street ttoitrt t ihn cjiinr next quown3 dilug ototte the weehly newspaper addressing the dry goods sec tion of the retail merchants asso- ciation at its annual convention t m ilmnblc a well known ad vertising writer of toronto placed emphasis on the value to mer chants of weekly newspaper ad vertising j every reader of a newspaper is a possible customer he said newspaper advertising cofete less per actual thousand of people reached than any other form of publicity not counting the pres tige of yotir name appearing jn a reputable newspaper there never was a time in merchandising when newspaper advertising was more necessary or potent in its power to get business newspaper are the safest surest and the cheapest means of rjeaching the greatest number of people l buainefea directory oh j a mcnivm phylolar anil uur fltni hid ul1ir r r 1 w tvl li knl i lull lit ritri 11 i i it ii riy ii i t 1 i l il ai ii i oi l oh l j wclbon pliyblelan llurttqn olalatr el aaiom onuna hui- r ti it iji tr tliuv int un 1 lnl i ir irirk it fjfflf llinri3 t 4 m si 11 la dh c f w roiu wy clil kl suruaon mill ci aartl1wrt fltn 33 llirkaii flrar ji i ul iii a al atuntln la rjlaabn4 ft wiv ill n n i 1 ii 1rn m 1 far t fr alr lcoal hiiann 1 i j 1 i ji harold nash farmfh m a drrtur saliettar ndtir poiilm colvlyhar llatt pcrrvman block actoh jmy movky to ijll llfour 9 jo bit tn z or- dh j m bell d d 8 l d f dntut ham r orjjuat of tnroino lrivf hlty th ultt bnothttlr j u 0 171 r hi r iijadcji cornir mm i aad vrdmrlek iltrt dr r c collop d d o l d 8 dantal curao ofilro ovor hank of vov llcatlm nouna 030 to c so vonlncu y appoiiitinant ulscellancouu pflancis imunan a coo nut booktf ot hii kin ik v im la onlr lorlodlcnu nt ttwry o jorlp- tlon erbfolly bouml uullittf iiaktiy and iromptly dona wymlliaio lllmt oublpji oat ovtt- willlamm iltara it j kcrrn s llonu auctlontwr ror tlm countloa of hilton avolllna ion pel anil d itforln anl owt city at ouotiili acton ontalllo elalim may ho arranced t y mall o at nwtlilaiico at aolon or at tl eyb proaa oftlm actnn th uariiry odlco auolili tha nawh ltaoortl jrimii or with w j gordon riamoua uakmr luiuimra oalm antruiitad to it j icnrr r oalva attatitlou from date at lutlmc to data or aala lut your aaloit with me itsrildanoa dowar avinui abtan pliona ac acton call at my kiii roy hindley auctiotieer livb btoc1c wsxu susvtxtxl and ulancitandlbb coiuoiumuj phanaerinat 11 n n a acton je oeogevers i book bindeu qubo qt- eiat quelpli oru itookh and innitaxlnru imuiiii 1 1 ilandaomn ajid lintwtaiitlal envorn namiw tottaral in bom on blhlm uymn ilookh and otlmr iioovh all work prowplly cxoutil d a1ex niven ontario land 8urvyor and civil entjintmr elurvovk fiulhllvliilono plnim ilo ikirtm ijwcrlivtlonu illiiorlih via cnrtlllcalau for i iircliaitom ami litortuaaooa flilrvflya for arrliltitu iluinior and munloliul couiinllu dralnttfci ltoporth lutllnifttt n nln ualean ouildino douquit bt aukmu 1 hoilo 1064 oni 0vlqsyvvln coriciiuohobrwrtr tfoholsno canahav the old and roliablo granite and marble dealers wo ava maniifacrtumra an 1 dliwl itnportora of all klnda of monumanw and iiultoa work wa ll illrw to our oubtomara at wltoltwalo lirloo thua aavlnjt our cwtomom 40 iar oaitt wa havo tho baat appllnkicma atia tha only maohanlpa in tha dominion who can oporat pneumatio toola pniinrly w oan aiva raferaiioaa rrom liumlrml of our ouatonwr in toronto m 1 othar plnoea whare othora have to havo law nuit in order to oollrct wa havo tha larsaat and bt atock of aranltn in tha iomlnlon or mora than any tliraa dealapi wat wo aro loitltl mata dalera and employ no ouonta and do not annoy or paat cuutotitera hy aondlnjc out lamorani ajfontn aullclt- ln ordara wa amploy only mttohanjnp and dafy eorapatltlon hamilton sons cor horwloh a woolwich sfm qtnlitb sflill

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