Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1921, p. 5

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ffilje jvctim 3frrr ijjlmm i llilltliitay nov mill li 10 llui a piiayrn llitl hlluhr 11 mil t i mil i hi 1111 ii r t r- omphtor hid do no toll wllli tut mill i liumlli tank 11 dil li hit i im uuiiiuiuu diuth hiikim mi twlntv vcaug ago rrom tlto i sou tliumduy no i lid ivliiuii hlrlhd y nhiurvid lit n mi tho only pciipl wl wi ro dm liuuki i millrn allium of tin lull i it tho i in um luttiu fron ulk illmif lin u trim til i rv o a llll tl of icunuuu a ifruiliiuti cif ilio coluifo lit kunxvlllo liiim l in rlnirco of iki illuolplnu church li r mr m j nnwlmi nftlio hollywood hotel norvul lut mlu imvlnu a fraud ulxidthia mulch ut norvnl m ihunku- ulvlnu iluy mfly turkoyu und llfty ilucku urn to lm uliot for 11 v hmury r illil tit monro mil nrcuplud tho pulpit of tlia mothndlat chinch liint hunduy wllli mud c ctjilanfo mm j w lhwu of milton unity lluyaiul tint nlou of iarudluo utuhn nvenlnif torvlra ml draco llnuur daughter of llev jimi m iluuur m a hwu lcilvod tlm appointment of touchir of tlm now jlomoutln flrloma li iwnrtmmit ut al port column itallovlllo miuu hauar la u vruduiao f tho colli k of ijnmeutln llclouro hamilton xiium crultr of lt rmiu nnd mihu lokio clark of qunliili worn with mrw j u lloiiderunii luut weduouduy uml thurntuy uuulutlnu in rooelvlnu tlto uooroi of nulurii whi wiml to iiy thuir nuponlu to thlu churmliiu bride mr rimmuu ilnndornnu who in u utudtwit lit tlm loronto flchnol of hclonro wuu homo luut wook mr j ii ddron puhllo hchnol in- tipeolor viulkd acton public flnhool on luoudny tho flrut vlnlt ulnoo hlu th t croat ilrltuln j died hwaciaiamkil at hlu fatheru homo lot 1h con 1 luquoulmr an 1 rldny nnvmnlmr b llobnrt o iwnckhumir uliloat won of mr david llunckhamor ukoii io yearn mastekb op ouii deqtinv a blind mun mlht lm i oil throuicli un urt tl ullory every day of hlu llfn without ualiililif nny hupplmuu or im proving hlu tnutn myriads of people live uurroiiiuli d by beautiful boouory utul remain ilil mid unuppronlntlve l in not uncommon to hnnr tho idou txiroiied that our livon uro tnohlnd ly our onvlronmont 1ml au a mnttnr of fmt wrrrlfo mly- tilt roujvoimlvo llioiio who llvo in tho mtilift of natural uamity uro tan nlwjorhod hv iordlil raiott to itoto tlm uratklotir nf lliu mniintalnh tho nyhitntry tf tbo i innu thn lovulliioiui of tho wlitnrfull ami liomtitlmcu younic nnoitlo rtiuroil in a chrutlun homo nnnin unahln to up- niaduta thn mujouty of nn upright life tho lm mty of truth uml klmlnonu fnvlronmnnt in not ull powerful un inttuonro in llmltod hy our rcniioinnlvo- haiui elomotlmou thn mntt hiilpful uml inulrhi0 inllunncam ivoiir tholr lwmlen rnytt iiinn our mtturu without in- tliionalutt un hi the laiint diiroo hn- cuumo our will roulutu thotn thn fact la nncouraulna r thun tho iritveiriia it innnim thut wo nra tlin muuten of our iluutlny not thn nro- iluotm of nlroumiitunrn vor uu wo can 1m imntrvloum to tho litfliimiraa of huuty uml truth ami kjmlnoiiu no wu ran hho uuinrlor to thn influoiioe of ulflhiviut uil win thn mwor of our v livlronmont im ibrldnd by ou iimtniia totho uamu new ubc for a poodle a houlhum woinun uayu that nhn liovdr monti n whttn imoilltj droumii ti with rlhlioim uml iwlhi and wndilllnir uloiik in uiuitliutlo ciontoiit without iwluu luutuhtly rniiilmlud of a former mt of hnr own thlu iiok iiiyutflrlouhly dhmimmiuriw uml ulthouifh laruo rnwunlu wro ojfory d ror hlu rotum unthlnir wm hourd from him atjlumt mo day atttirvaiit nf tho limima hroiirlit htm in to hlu dlnrour- ukflil owner hi un imlaurrlhuhly dirty uml uhjuot condition wiwo in tlm world did you find hlui uho umuwi with a mlxtum of ditlluht and dlhunt uu tho dotf looked up ut imr with mullnloiih twlnkllnif nyttm from undor a kollcd drub frlnicn of hair oh mollwl tho umn dolnu hlu lmt to rpru a ihuoklo i dona found lat mophoy ikiut u m lli from hyar tnlwitiu you mo daro wan u triltlnif nhcuah hod uot kiopmoy hod on do oml oh u vol and h wuu iirojonkliib to uwah all jiu wlndowu wld dut dou but 1 rftckou lm didnt not mon uolmn or nllfht dnno mlugtiu the sunday school lesson roll oundav novcmtllh m 1airi 111 1 tlltl i 111 tclfah 1 1 iinou t i f 21 7 nliun i lit lliiilu i uliio ixiril ldf o illlvo li oii lulll void ilk frn muni 1 do 1 und mini ulwoyii i in i 10 i cut ni ri hi aft i ti hiiili itulru ho hud in kit fiom u ih m to ci iiuiiii whiw avir r i llx of jiid ii took him in rhuruti llv liiul 1 1 ii ixovoi nor uttout m v n in hi wuu lirnflllut itml i i llnl l tun ii i u ul hud hi in away from rui ilim live ilniu mid liuirli imi il i hi ioul1 not huvo htlrrid l li h ii dllloii in tin r mull imf ids virn u ianl hud hud tho itht u tt i and ih i ntc hut hud not dom ml 11 phi lnt j ul rvhlini ni h ih that i mo into m dm 10 if pi j im ndu r ul proof n arlu 0 3 i 1 tlm ip tlihl wnn f tilt ill hill jliiddiitiiii uollovi 1 in thn flop no did paul v or tin 1 fl i m word offonrn hnrn do not on injury or harm a council uro void of orfonio mint lm trained in tho truth uml roiuitaiilly artlvo vi ran 17 paul hud collictod money id tho hur hni ho had found d in macedonia uml arliulu for tho rollif or tho iridiron in joruuuh in 18 whllo in thn torn pi informed to thn i prlnrlpln of tho irlunnfi ul win id bo urauuuru furluit hud ucrupiilouuly law vonm 10 it wii komuu law that n j ml it oil without 1 him voruo 20 pmil challiuikoo tho pro ductlon nf nvliliincii vnmn 21 wo uhnwu pnllx that party jnnlouuy lu hark nf thn urruuatlona iilfiilnut lilm lloth ho uml thn hnd- ducnou tuliitht iiib rauurrnctlou of tho li ml vorudii 33 33 poll wuu not dnenlv- d by tlm llurtducofiu lfn had boon in juden iiiiik nnniiuh to ho uoquu luted with tl n rollblnuu purtlou into which hill mlllijnctu woru dlvnlodi voruo 211 dlic had poruuudol dru ullli to fornauo imr huuhuml mid como in hhn iln wuu a protftitutn of tho rnnkout typo voruo 3b paul proaohod rluhtnoiiu- uniiu no vividly thut tho unrluhtoouu pol lie won ttirriotid thn convoiilant tlimi nuvor cuiiii vtirmin jo j 7 kollx buioty nfinupnil nxnciitlnu by nnro tlioun two your wnro tlo moiit lunctlvo of thn upoutln iaiil thorn nro nn oplutlou that boar thlu dntn topic for ttaiirli hmj dlouloh i a pouroublo chuon vm 1013 1 what liapponni uf t r paulh ail- drouii in thn tomplo utalrat j who waa thn itovornort 3 what kind of flltlxon did paul prnvn hltnuolf to hot ii a 1althful chrlutlun vh 141b 1 whnt lu mount hy thn way t i what did paul aim to prnvn in hu upiorht awhiit bonavulont thins had paul donot iii a hkillful plnndor vh 1030 7 what nffnrl did pul u nddroua havn upon i nllxt 8 whnt kind of roan wuu polut 0 whnt could paul ix poo t from ouch a mun 10 wliy wnn ho nfrnld 11 who uro thn mon of tho 1 ollx typo to day dally ran dlt fofrjitjtwtotr mmulny novombnr h paula ap- pcul to cuuur acta 35 i is riionilay novnmbor 1g poutuu and asrlppi confor actu 2c 1337 wndnouday novombor 1a paul b- foro thn klnif anlu 30 118 thurndny mnvnmbnr 17 paul bo- forn tho kin anlu 3d 1032 1 rlday novomlmr j8 chrbit u prn mlho matt 10 102h elaturday nnvninhor 19 noldiirm lu thn jildumoht 1 john 4 if 31 hiinday nnvombor 30 wiiulnk on johovah p 37 7 14 learn to work caoilv thoro uro uouio poopln who mako hard work of tlm nlmploat tank what- nvor thoy hnvo to do thoy hpnud mora tlmn nnd ut run if th on it than nna would huplmuin uuuilhla thoy tuko tw htnpu wlinii hvnldidiiid m ptnnty thn nldor wo urnw tho mom eanlly wo uhmild work kor otia thlnir wo uhould loarn to work duftly clumul- liofiu wnutou tlmn thn nklllnd fuctnry worker aocomiillnhnu what uooinh u mlrnniilnuu amount to thn avnrotca novlon uometlmoii wo hnnr pnoplo upouu ilht- upprovlnaly of uhort outu hut nvory mm uhniild bu on thn lookout for uhort outh mid novor uuo a roundabout way whon u uhort out will uorva it im thn miuuii fiflma cut a that nr ohjoot- d to tho uhort out to wnnlth by thn wuy of dlnhnnouty tho uhort out to nn nlunutlou by icottlna n umuttorlntf of luforniutlnii nn nortaln polnta lhauo urn not roiilly uhort outh i hoy may ho uhort innitifh but tlmy do not loud to tho doulrnd roiii concoiltrntlon of attnnlloit lu onn of thn urout uocretu nf working oaully whan w allow our niliutu to bn illii- truntol by uttlo thlnk w lncrnno thn umutit of tlmn nocouhury for un- complluhlnc our tauk thn onn who cun kooi hlu mind upon bin work lu tho uwlftuut workor an ancient dlot machine it upihuru thut thn pouny-ln-thn- nlot muohlmil which in u ucoroof foinih iium k proud nil ovor tho nlvlllxod world iti not u iiiodorn invention uftor nil in thlu relation thorn mu lm rltnd description utvnu by horn of alojf- umlrl in thn third century imforn chrui nf mi uaorlnolnl vnuuj which llowfld only win u moony wnu intro- ducod it upponrn thut tlilu mnchlnn conulhtful nf n vmtnuhapnd vohhoi with n wllf ut tho top a coin dropped throiiieh tho hilt foil upon it plain ut- tuchod laa hivor an thn nlulfl 0n- unopdnd under thn wn1ht of thn nnlu tlm lover raucd n plun which ullowol lhiid tn how from a mpnut mar thd v imttom of tho vumi until thu oln hav- ihtf iillppod on thn ltiviif wnu rolnuhod uml tho pliiu- rtduui rlil in itu plunn punctuatidn lteturnliiu from ta html thn nlhoi iftorunoii it uttlo ulrl proudly infnrmnt mr mothot that ahn had lournml to puuotuato you nv mnlhnr xplaluod tlm lilld whim you wrltn hurkl you put i hulnhi after it mul whon you uuk tuohtlon you put u buttouhpoul miller t wnim pi oiuihly thu utomn worimi phhh from holuir iiotliil uml to tint hurfi i thor wdi rti ant lilo uml intihtluul tlm nhlll wlthuti without luooiivttn- i liny inn pal tm uud pirfuct lu notion inid ut nil tlmru will ho found u h ulihy nndli i ntn mttiutihi tho ipfinitttn htomncli uml inulntaluliik ii in vluiiroilm oi allnn ko tlmt la hid ell hi hni un in ttvn vkmilfuko tin y urn tonhal boultb bvlhif in tliulr nrfnuta an odstinate child tho dimr uttlo bnby on tho oldorly mun utoppoil to train mid nn pp lm ut t a him ynuuuhtnr tin mild to uu lo in uro mo tlm i i hopn you will lirlhk him up to ho nn uprluht counoloiitlona man k yow umllod thn ynunu moth hut 1 m ufrnlil it will lm u hit llftl- milt puhnwi anld ho an thn iwltf im hont no lu lia tunllnod i know it n jr i mid thn inutlmr but thn trnubw la thlu vu lu hont on indue u tfirl the alpjne club op canada the llvlnu room of alpine club t nf and lownr plotur taken lnb oluro of nil tlm tnilln tu mmintaln oupu o inoi l alhirlnir mid ouch your they call tn tlm mom era nf the alpine club f canada who hold tholr uuimul cutmi hi i minion ut i4iun o hut j tho limp known an tho o luru mead i ww camp wuu uu opt n alpine miud- iw nt mi altltudo or 6 coo f 1 1 1 uhovn una lovol uay with inoinitalu hloomu aiplu icoui in whoun hrlnlit uurfuce will wlljty f f- ii ct i on lowerlntf niunltlit tim bold cupllvn with the hrlftht rcn nf fhn rimtn that uurrouml the uhor thlu alplno roulm in thn lifmih nf tlm ilncklou u roulm of cnik1 mid anyoau of eurlrclink uml overbaiiaf- inu poakn huu u variety of churma n novi r oxhnuated 1 ha irioiin- runitliiif from ton thnuuund to io vim thouaaml flvn hundrtd foot ia level include tho match tuna phturo of ifroy alarkr tlm ureal while poakn of vtrtoriu thn luaunlvn cuthndral cruuu htoppon odoruy and other ulmith nf thn itocklou icarli new view beckoned in frvull dellbbtu iln- low odoruy lu tlm ralln bumt by tlm iwliin kutdeu in which theru u ulwoya u ciinipoih cache in i00d thn alpine chili of cunadit upihid it a cluh hnuiin hindiuartem at huiiff nnd held n apenlal minimal ramp ut iakn ollara it wuu unlmia lu thut un invitation to at tun thlu rump nn i uiiitu of thn alplnu llub of nnuila wuu u ut to thn preulduut ami membuni of thn alplno cluh kukhtml a party of 30 uccoptud thn invitation the euoutu included mnunlalneoru woll known in muny partu nf thn world it lu intereiitlntr tn nntn that in 1020 the alplno cluh nf canada imcnnm fill i n i cd with tho alpliim cluh liaislmid tlm nldeiit and in nut fa moil a of ull alplno nlulin tim annual camp lu for thn purpaun nf on u h una mcmboni of thn cluh to meet tnuothor unild thn irri at hlllu of canada anil to anulut i raduatlnic mom lmr n to ouullfy for urtun mcmticr- mhliuuioiui ho havn mndo au au cunt of ut hunt 2 ti10 fiot ur nlluibl for uctlvo memburuhlp thnao din tlumiluht hi itoriiturt urt or mchmni tulathuf to monutuluu itrg itlveii ror- tiln renoifiillluii thn nlijicla uf tlm club uro tlm motion of nrlontllln utudy uud cxplor- mtmu nf cuiunllui alplnp nona thn tnltlvatlon of urt in relation to miip ta in ucenory the educutlon uf cuna- dluuu to n uppreelutlou of their camlluu lierltakii tlm uncourauemont nf mniintaln craft nnd thn nponhik of ni w rcchino nf nntiiuuj ulnyuroumh ilio procrvatlon nf the natural iienut- lou of tho innuiitalu ploeoa ami of thu fuuua and flora in their hub hut hi pro moted llto club ilouun of lid alplno cluh of canada optumd in 1q0i lu ultunt ed on hn ulopn of ftulphur mountain s0o fio uhovo ho lon of llnnff lprinl in viinl panorama nro opmlmip river threaded vulloyu of tho haw and hpray uml tho fori ut clad mnimtnlnn imyond with tholr unnwy pvaku alloton- luu in thn nun lrom tlmtnond verandahn of tho cluh ilouno nature un niiul ono bnrmniilouu tuna tho cluh ilouuo la rvplutu ulth hi tereut itinvlu utul luiiikntu nf niouti tain inwi ru worn in uttructlvo nr- lauumiiiit tho tlnn plctureu uf caiiu- illnii niniintulnu wi ro worthy of utudy uu woll uu lute ren tliiu phntorrnphu of well known uimintalnooru of dipnni ml cnnnda 1 lu tdrpup t lit ipul jwomnn vn foilmliml ihu alplnu cluh p ciiuiiihi iim plnlurod nt their tlrat ninpthitf in winnipeg in 1d0s includ ed ur profohmor colomnn of toronto uml mm parker of thn winnipeg lyea pnna dmro in n picture of hlr jiitnia outrnm thn flmt mun to climb mount anulnllxilne the mntterlmrn of cnn- u i u uud many o thorn of intermit iho ut ono 11 ro pluro in tho upacloiiu llvlnir room wuu built in mmnory uf wllllum fl vault n utiident of uluctoru wlin dlml in 100r tho drlnkliiu fquu- tnln hi thn hull wiui ulvmi hy tho latn 1 dwa whymi i thn horn of uni mullnrlioni in lu hiiidn in u beil of moon ijrowu tho uttlo yellow mountain a trnniurn of tbo club ilouno in n worn copy of tho 1017 ronntltiitlon or tho al inn cluh or cnnnda frnmnd liuniihiif on thn wall i or thn library hiidir li tho raptlim 1 ouml in a oirmiin dun out win n mn canadian captured vlmy llidito c o what makes a goodfaiiucr it lu u blsrer th1iif o ho u rood fnrnxc limn aoino of ua think thcio are thoue who unem tn think thut if wo draw nn u pair of ovurallu follow llin plnuitli all day nnd worry a whole lot uhout tlm weather mid thlnnu tlmreforn wo tiro flnu farwieru i and uuktu n utovo plpo lint mid n hook un dor your mm dont muko you a proaoh- or tho thought you put into your work tlm million you net from tho i nrth whnn you tlokto it in thu rlua tlin real rood you do llinun nro the thin irn that inuka you a fan ilio ynunmlf up oncn in a whllo it will do you nnd tho rout nf uu loin nf tfond waychyrencxndmanks llm iiutliu nf ufa crlimcixma no hi- drdnltoli that it younu fellow muut wntrli thn landmurkj nnd ulirutt clnaely tn muko nurn jioii koeplnn on tho con mo hen mapped nut thn mikiiu tn triuit nrn homo church fjchnol krlendu qood i look u work itlitht itort nf flood thiien ami at oventldn n onml cnniinlonco nnd au upward look i ask for it 5s i expect to find tlto fulicmum uie math of supremacy i on very bottle of i emulsion tkat you luy i thwhifcanb that you will always ask for i sc0tts emulsion ttij nhnnnii vi kmfoid5 tabuts or oruijs e indigestion jnjk mother qiaveu worm lux terminator vlll drive wormu from without injury to tho child ta action wblhi fully off not i uyutom lu mild and wfl did i an lcnullnhmiin wi it happntind that thu proueut mumtnlllod oondltlnu well intiiiii what huppoiivd down with prohibit ion i nald thn lltm mild ihniuud poimiuuil llhortyl the wetii prohllilllou la uurnuutltutlnnall tm id the wo in iliiu lunt hihirtial uulil thu ynlu you iitnt lokiilate oui poraouul hnhltul uald tlm wetu aw dry up replied thn -anti- hainan lnauui and wo did riukii mnluki in llm llrooklyu nly 1 ikio th friend of ll 8urtrr r i hoiiuih koleotrlu la u vnluiihln remedy tn nil thitiiu who tiuffer pln it holdu out impi- in yoryiini uml jflen it by utlllliik miirfiilnw ivuiywlmrn it u it llnlmint that luj thn hhunlpk of liulf a nptluiot it ih on ualo ivtry- wborn und tan bn full ml wherever on- iiulrod for- notice to the farmers i um ulwaym reudy to uo tn your phi co und buy your fowl up pi hi piilatoi u olvlomi hhleu ukluu und uny other urm produro pay cuuh toi prlcou ti um wultlnu for your en ii hy mull oi pornouully tjubrnt batlilmollon alex qildoord p o llnx 100 main ml aotnnj oornen holmol i a no l l muuin turnip buyer acton out wllnutart ajcaln tlm turnip huul- noun which ho wnu onpmed in for ravoral youru aa noon nn thn early turn i pa nro ready for shipment ho will ho bind tn moot tlm funnora of thlu uocuon hak look reduction sale for one week ualo prion overalln roc iirloo 13 so 2j6 work flhlrta rojt prion ii co 136 llnyu comhlnatloii fjulta rer prlco 1 co 155 llanilkrnhleftj 10 18 mo na aartoni jms arm panda 18 and other goodo at simil arly low phiceo e k cook uikx imirkt acton albert d savage i iteutcrel optometrist nnd manufncturlno opucin bavaqb optical duildino rlakt at ihfc pt olfiee qulph wo mnito the only xntt sur face cirlndlnj machinery in thlu vliitrlct v kenney bros the shoe men mill btiltut your trudo lu uiillcllid for fnat- woar nnd wn will ondeavor to uii you thn bent horvlco pouidhlu we havc a pew lines ov womens shoes which wo uro ladllnu below cont thoy would lvo nxnollnnt wear for tflrlu ttohik to uohool we are well stocked in mens and boys heavy boots and uu iho bayu will mud tfood ikiotu for thn fall in nd thi in in uud let uu lit tin in up ut nuhoiinbln prlct u ijidleu iflvo tm n trial foi fuot- 11epaihinq promptly afjo neatly done kenney bros mill btneet acton ont pertinent queotion it wan tlm ill ut mir thut 1 armor ndiiwii had taki n bnnph vu ui ul hnuiih lm iionuuh ntlouuly tried to a rvn tlinm hi found tho tank nhnout lejoiid hlu poweru they worn fantld- louu uud uvlii funny thiy uoemed dutermlued to he mom than comfort- ahli and hud no houltatlnn in com plulnlni when tlmy were not nu hut evidently tho andrewu farm did not ultouflttiur dluplnuuo horn for thoy not only rtnluhod thn ntimmer but utuyed nn ipto thn fnll then tholr cry in it urlovunro lmciua not the thlckiumu of cream or thn unit nimi of buttor but thn dllucully of kuopltik every corner of tlm ohlfanlt lonnd rnnmii uu warm un troploal hum mer one thiy parmor amlmwu wan called in from thn wnod pile whom ho wnu vainly irylnir to do a forenoon a worlf 1 hlu wuu thn third tlmn lm hnd m- llmpilnhod nice ami patience toitothnr mr andre wii uuld hln imardnr i onn what fructlouuly iiomolhlnif muut really ho done about thn tempo return of ny chamber thlu flrnpluco in tint uultlrlent for un luruu a room tho f armor utmkod hie erualod hoard and tried tn apeak neronnly pui yu up u utovo mnaml maid lm hut i don t want u utovel x want thlu open flrn junl nu i hnvo it now only i export it to hint thn mom juut look ut tho thermnmotorl it hnu brou imiitcliiif over heni by tho window und j runt cot it uhovo ulxty nllin flhe i wept forward with tho tolllalu uluuu in he i baud nnd nt thut moment farmer amlrowu felt hlu putloiico nnnp and lly over hy tho winder ho rnpeatnd nlmiiut weeping wtb thn vevntioii of jmo who huu boon iibjuutly used over by the winder why under beuvenu don t yo not it hero in a warm piano t frh oupplls in dmand whur- over dr thomau icoleolrlo oil huu linen introduced liicrouaoil niipplleii have tienn ordprod tihowlntf that wbnr- nver it oi u til hi nxcnllent nil imprenuon itu power on tlm people nn mattor lu whnt latitude it muy bn found ltu pott any lu never impaired it in put up in most portuhln ulnipo in hnttluu d can bo carried without tear of breukuuo caught in the eddy iihortullnir tuioplnmot only in ml vnrllnemt ntu tim mun who never outu hlmuolf when ilio iihuvm llin fuiiblmuihlu hrldiu who tnkn thu wvdillnu iiunidu into thn kitchen tn tlm mm utnve tho uronm unvo her thn moturhit who utnpu un thn road tn u ml you hlu vuhunulnif outfit 1 ho mini whoue nlnlheu never need pieuutllir l tlin h unhand who oliattt ru tally ut tlin limiikfaut table tlm lioilnty matron who nrlually i mitt ii win ii lohh pn imiilu hei with u whiihlnu niiiclitim foi lit r hlitliday ilio thlldieii who iimiii rnmplnu ffi fitiin iihnol with huu da uud fuceu nuilu nitty i lean pint woman wlmua hnuiiewnru lu ul- wayn flnlulied by nlim u m unufo of antln nn au nny hat can m u tlm i uliililhililhvf of uuthniiillo conditlomi lhiut fiom thu tfdm i fiom ihiwi ia finti ipuiii und vm limn olht i hiltaulu may mi t up u lioubln inlpoinillil to be ii lh vi 1 i hi i pi tlntkidi a uuio pn pin iitlun iiuih mi lb i kolloki au- ihniii ibuntdy ilnti itiilnly muy i ulnt uu lo alum hut hum rifii lm no uil- tittululy uuiiidlpit a itipidy whh h inn to a ktmiatlon of uu llumitiu vi tlniri of thlu uuaurim of thn broitiihlul tuhoii it lu unh ovorywluno mr farmer you should m uitodaii in iiii homi as wkil as having ui magiiinuty let us instal a pneumatic water system igwrsr possidlg mticns quotations ruii sum skircn howard and mccarvell 21 wiiiifn st gukuii 1iionh 270w halton summit ranges oiulppctl for wooti or conl willi itcflcrvolr or water front oven ihermometcr it ml n patent syplum hue tlmt miikcrt cooltln u plciuure t f guaranteed for 3 years 30 4ayn free trial poouu r t heater quebec typo all cant iron longer life uo rorrohloti creator heat ratllntioii neat and itaiulkomo lit uppear- uncc tiunrantcthl for 3 yearn 10 dayti free trial now on sa1k at 1975 jas symons hardware store acton ont sola manufacture geougctown roundhy co gcorcotown ontario 1 ftjll ttahtnlttoyorlajjl- kljsysjsl illumilyproiiios i ftmact copy of wrapper castoula for inranta and chihlranu mothers know that genuine castoria hwaya bears tho signature of in use for over thirty years castoria ittt oantauh oomhmv mcinoak crry railway time tables at acton grand trunk ft nil way tlysttn qolmj wt nn 2u nn 3 3 i 5 3upni no 1 r no pin m au a hsiintu nu 2 fluuduy id 34 am gono et mo 30 11 ih a in no 31 3 31 p in no 3u 1117 pm nu 1h flnupm no lm flu duy cchpm toronto nubiirlmri llfcttr c nallwuy cloino vi 9 17 u lu unity- opt hiiiidny j 23 p in unity vupt i in in lav h 110 p iii rally tikrupl uuiidmv 1 1 03 a- m 1 imdiiy only c 33 p in llun lay only d c p m lhinday only colhu ebbi 7 48 um dully kc pi mumluy 2q2 inn dully xr pt luiiday n ih p in lilly qkiept tluuday ocll am fluuday only a nu p v 1 niidny only a to p m tlumluy only l7utn no 3 uirlvii ii acton at 3 31 on hulurd yu in itu id of 1 1j un nn all other week dnyu irrelnht di live red by npeclul evpromm freluht 1 nil ht plckid up nt uny il- drouh lu toronto a il aoniav aunt anton uptodate goods atcc speights silverware in tublowaro pino variety also tiiio cutlery hardware tmwuro and oraiutu ware bij a pandora stove and ltunics famous heaters small stoves oil stovt every article lit of txcep tional valine c c speight mill street acton chevrolet agency mr ii h wlluon huu unrurod thn uunncy for acton for chevrolet motor cum demonutratlomi ar- rniikod tall nnd mm t new finnsiuwu w rtntst wuytfr nvif ff h s wilson rower ave acton ont tnony 80 acton creamery highkst mahket prick paid pott butter fat any small amount of c1u3am wiu ileciiive attention cdsh paid for eggs cnmncry iliittor new ijilil euc uud frctih hultcraillk always on hani open 1riday ano saturday evenings why you should start at guelph businesscoliege hrld dido qu1ph onl recau8e our inuf motion in commercial law will uuvo you many a lawyora fen because our tralnliia- in wrltlm buulnnum lottern will onublo you to writo lnttnni thut ijot ronului decau8e our iwiokkooplik- trolnlnif will onulilo you to know huulnouu an that wauto lu nllmlliutetl ami profit rauulth uccauue our htotiographoru couruo pfn- parem you to occupy poultlotiu nf rojipnnulhlllty and truut whlnh pay onvlnhln halhrloa dont ha u miulthvbn dtart on monday acton creaipery co wiles omtl proprietors 13he acton bakery call pliono no 77 jfyou wont a delicious loaf of bread or brown bread or a boiton loaf steam lout buna and rolls plea and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best tooh eat more of it phono 77ti0 wiiekoli will call at your door m edwards co clv nil btlmlv t 6aa pn btw clol evary nlaht gvopt ft acton ontanio free press advertisers are always reliable castoria for infants nnd children in use for over 30 years alwnyu bomnt tlm btjfuaiuia i

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