Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1921, p. 2

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v stye jvrtmi 3inr ipmjfi j illihlla nov miiijh 11 id21 vhluuoy fur uplrltu tin i wim t i rllk wiul to ii rl to iirdiicrilio f in if tin linniity wmihl iliiiitty u pint utii imlf fiiunil on return tlio vol liluyol lllm flllim o hnttln lonlulnnl only wnloi mill uiltn wi nt l llm iliicloi for rum for n hull it ilnr nniirrltinil imlnlmr unit uwoul ilniritlut wltli irii ny eu- i iidiudit u bliiul 11 itf nu litii only t whim it wiu raid od ho lantloil iii court i wnit o tlm jul for u mo nth mnj u rrul ihnuiilit wlimi n limiiait prohlbltl wnii liiu hi ulml to lio fnw from klnif alo hoi u jiowpr now ho uonit tlilruty or drlnkii esesjbsessm mfc ilti tnlmitn mitruifll mcmttiblml to a ulttlhtf lnilur in hoi 1i hhu tnumht tint oilor if cook i uk ulriiwlwrrlcul hhu dtiiw a lonif ilollolouii mi iff tlnm kiiva hor hhoiihl onf an imnitthiiit iihnur o lull hurl uhn nxnlalmotl thfino ihrimi rrtumi of utrawhrrlnh onmnl i ilont unit why mothor coull not havo wiiltoil until wo hail ntartotl for work boforo miio boifan to ir- uorvo tlmm him 1 nun ml toward tlm otltcn of hor lioil wlmt tlmn could it bot ail if tii muiwiir to her intuition a an on irotuioil for work nnonoi tha ilnor ami lutunl bur howl iniimo motlmr s lot uu cull you mnricln whan tlio rjut uot tin hnrunuo you worn out into liimt iluht uho ualil hut tii tiftnr inyon no i inibuliin yniul hfittnr liuutla ilumomhor you linvn to in puut tlio main llhrnry tlilu inornlnif iho twxt ml nu lit maruarot wnn out of bed uwl hail lncun ilrwmlnif al tlm whllo uhn iioowlnd how uhn oh h it xjj rnwhrrryrrintih tlmal ioiig i urtor tho mull fruit nuiv mm tha ciuikoil nreuorvou would ntlll lbikor inytojiil of imlllnu thorn ilown until thhy worn thick mid tlmn una huff thorn limntil hi to ly in cunu nu intuit poo pie do inn tnathor hnrnl thnm on ifroat iilat- lorn nm imt tlmm whero tha uunnhliin would thlckon tbonl itnoli ovonlntf nil of tho ilartlow cirln tookuumu riirrylntf tlmm into tlm kitchen a nil hum tmrh tnornlutr carry ing thorn buck nuiini to tint uunuhliiy nookn about tbo limine uooiatlmom thoy thouuht it an lrktinma tank hut whmi wliitot enmn uml tbuy illnil out jiniminfulu of tbo no lid luucloua iitruwborrleit anil utirnad them on thnlr liluoulth thoy nlwnyu oxolnhnitd bun uhlt proirtirvuu miroly do taut tho old fuxblonod holliiildown bind nil t it i o 3d ii wflrn wind you know how to niiiko thorn miiuihoy in tlm ultohun ifaroriit round hor inotlmr luilllnir tbo utrawburrlou and trinilnk thyn into hltf whlto crflokn ioiidy for wauhlnif mm jlnrtlow tnnlloil atinrovlucly fit her over tho hurikalow uiirotv uhn liad dounuil that hiornliuf hmrimd of tbo croito kimono who unmothnoa woro down to breukfuat mllilrnd wtrnlu lit omul up tho dluliirf room for mo hoforn aim wont to work uhn ihkjiih ho i jimt nut your broak fiint thhikh on tho ioniorof tlm kltohon tuhlo duur ihoroh frouh tocoa ii tho not uml your true and toaitt un hi tlit ovnn with luiiloulty martinrot kept throutonlmf aonwl nwuy from hnr foro- lioinl how uho ilhl huto to nut lit thn kitolmul hut tlio whlta towl on tlm oornar of tho tablo tlm flrlup bacon and tlm illuh of lil utrawlmrrli uinothonxl in tlilolc mum looked ho uttranttvn that hh yin pullad up hor ohulr aim had to mnllo at hur mot hor wbllo alio uto hor mother hulled bar rhih mid talkoil mumlo do you think you could huva tho ohlldioii with you at thn library t alio linked uiixlouuly it tlmyrit only out from iimlur my foot i can not tlm piahorvou nil done to day miiricuret nnililod hut a uuruo f loutmnnt roun in her heart mother never uukod auueu to jtuko tlm four ynuiiutitit llartlowu to hor olrioo or mnry to huvo tlmm at tlm lunik tlm cruft hruunh llhrnry win had enouuh without hor iwhuc ohllneil to havo four ex tin children on her liamly hut hor mother who did not uuupeot mar- uarath foilntfu wan talkimf inyly on hho would 1 1 ii v ii ihom tnko mmiimlnon ami iiouhoru no that tbuy could out out dolla ut onn of tlm lotto lubb tho n nh on i hall jorbutu houio of tlm mothoru in tllut dlutrlot would uimo ciimilntf fruit nml would be only too kind to havo thnlr yoiniklen join in tlm doll maklnif to mako ready for jimt miflh an emorsoiioy hiio wihl nlm would nond a urimt pllo of mauuklneti and two or tbreo extra pair of wclbhor hont wniih your dluhok uhn ox- olulmul uu muridiiet rouo from tuhlii onn of tho little uirlu van o that if you liuvo any himro tlmn id rathok havo you wulih out tho hi rrlnu uml tho mitfitr foi ma im ho hiow nt dolutf thut muruiirnt looked tit thn olonk if him did hot uuw tlm huttoiiu on hor nw white lliion dnjiii ho that nlu nouhl wmr it tlml day ho would have tlma to wolkh out tlm bonloii tho bhin vollo wum nil rluht hut utm wan tired of it and heulihim all the iflrln ut tho main utiiiuy wura wourlnif linen rewit- jm hut hor mothm bud utrulnly bruiikht out tho mi ul m mid whm wait hiir nfiotiiutly ho to butfln weluh- liik it with too into now to rofuuo an hour tutor muriirt olud in the lilno voile miooiidixl thfi utoort of tho main llhinry kim found un nxolted wioup of the yontuf llhrarlntih biitherod loililil thn tooilvlnir ihiuk thu llbrnry luhpi utoi nu id ii ri ivu in a fuw mluiltok ami the tirl worn wondurln what loioiiimuiiiliitloiih for pnitnotloiin uml cliunntti4 in thu blurt miid would mukii iih a rokuh of her vlult alary murk i ii immiioulatu in uuroon linen dronm ntilud thn new arrival mar jlo oho tixolalmed why didnt you tnll mn7 jimt uu hooii uh i heard alio wnu comhik i mlod your hoiifia and told your mother to havo you cull mil the minuto ymi not ui uarart know thut umter tho trmt oik illohl both r- pi i lv li he mother mho ifh in od down it llow ill u v ii ill 1 hi k ili urn m 1 it y to in h i f i m w r nu ik in huf i in h uhl hi it if mild man nrj it i with 1 ii hohiif that tho luxpiit nmiiiinil that ymi hi iuo- biiinili work to th4 mall would in iiiirli funtu hnvi lu mm lji thorn lit huen louuhu for thn main llbrnry iiijiorhitid with uhr ut the ery nh h id hvmonov iiilldlnir chauoo to nine t i limn uhe would be it other llhriirluiih dm work l the htuutl- ulth uu tbniiuuiida unit lulu of iionkn wnu muih mora tiuutlm than hint in the poorly hilliied hrjiiicti llbrurlen whlrli for ii mout part were ututloned lu un lined rooniu in thn urhool liulldlnuw lodly out lf bourt ovei tho blue voile foi nho did uniit to mnkn n uood uiiieiiriiiicii uml win tho upprovul if the iitato luupector marynret uturt- 1 on hor walk to the cruft hrumli lei thntiifhtu worn rebnlllouu llhe oudomticd nil klmbi of uuiiiihlun pro itirveii mid other bnme imiedliunutu to hnr work noun of thn other ulrln bud to in no iniiiih work ut homo alio wag olillcid to do but nhip m of i be in holonuoil to funilllfui thut n tnhioil nlim children i cant hnvn thn chlldrt n thnro duy that ii ouo hi i nit uure mnruure diclured ut tho comer market tltrentu i ho minute i iot to tho cruft holldlnf i ii teleiilinuo motlm about thn hiupuctoru vlalt hho 11 huv to iiniul them to thn purk hut when munnrot urrlvml nt th bul id in if uhn found the four youuuiut hartlow cblhlrou wultlnif on tlm utepu ruueil in nloini iflnuluun frocku khukl uultu und laden with bunilh they worn a happy uroui hut when marwaret upoko dlumuy uottloil on their facon we ennt a to thn pnrk elht yearold katharine wulled mother wont let uu no tlmm ulono for fear hilly will uet drowned ob well nald mnmaret turnliitf her key in tho look you youuiottern muy nu well htny on hero then a few more children to koop in order w ohatmo thn lnupectorn opinion dowdy hie inulde thn hulldlnif ho told thm the liihpertoru com it if vlult ami wi 1 them to 1m oittrn ood their nyeu urnw bltr at thn howu in their littlo mind the luiipeator wau a pnrwm of pollcemniillko piipeit who hud power okceedtmf thut oven of the mayor indeed thoy would bo uooill i im lucky mother uent till thou clean towule uml placeh of i tured joun the old eat of tho quartette riret uhn put itomo in juut for uh und then hio ttald that thn other chlldi probably would havo dirty hniidn too und oualit not to handle tho hooka with them a fnw mlmiteu later while maruaret opened tbo wlmlowa ami put her llbrury in order th hartlow oblltlren hoattnrnil their tuuuaxlilom uml uoluaorii over tlm ion tablo out hi tho ball placed ahulrx round it und did nil they could iff muko it look like thn read i no table lu their uvipb room at homo whan mnrunmt nuw them uhn hmllnd at their con ten ted fuceu and thn urray of towela that jeim wnn hiuiblni over thn towel rui k in thn wnuh room ihlldrnn were nu moron u thoy nlwnyu clean and well trained mnr linrnt lookhitf nt their rimmed nallu and their attractively nrraimod hair decided that if all children woro nil clean uu thoy woro hranah library work would ho nearly rid of tho h pedal tank thut mudo it uo dboiroable tho tank that 1h of ropulrlnu looku niar noon n commotion lu tlm hull c aimed hor to leuvo hor leak joun whu inulhtliiu that two krlmylooklna younuutoru wnuh their haudfl before they went into tlm library tot lioaku aftr onrt look ut their bundu mnranmt uiiiuihind joan in hor declulon uhn watched tho children ifuthered round tbo lonu cuttlnc table how hnppy thoy worn on a cold muturday butt winter uhu had followed a hutfuautlon her mother hud made uml had uuod tho hull uu u temporury readlnif room now uhe bollnvnd nho would mako tho ohaugn ponmuiont thou tlm outer door of thu uohool hulldlnif opened uml into thn hull walked mium willie thn city head llhrurluii uml thn llbrnry inn pec tor mnrkfirot moved uhyly forward to ureet them important pemojia nlwaya uwetl ii tho ho ml libriirlnn cuve hor only uluntlntf uldowluo look mi uhn uhook hor hand iter main attention wuu fli uroup of children round tho read llik table 1 ho library inspector wuu utarlnif ut tho ttcfiiv in thn wauh room whllo who lookoil tho two children who hud had uiinli nrlmy hamlu oumn uklp- pliue uorouu tbo room to mirtrnrel now our humlm aro clean minn ijlhrai y teacher they cried n havo our luoku7 muruurot took thorn into thn tiny library ami left thn vlultoru in tlm bull a few mlnutoi later tlm head llbrarluu followed hr miiqh tnklnjr noteu uho told mar- tfirot proudly thatn a uood omoa how ulud i am you put hi tbo table lie picture oultlnif und ulurted tin of having tlmm wnuh thok dirty hardlm hoforo thoy could havo hooka 1 it wnu my mothoru lilou margaret uuld ulmply you ueo hiiou had lotu of nxporlouoo with children ami dirty little huiidu 11m head llbrnrlan unillod j uot lotu of my early idnnn from my mother there woro elyht of uu children mid wo nro nil rather imnoflhhful lvo al- wuyu noticed mluu hartlow und theao tilrlfty uttln niolboru who havo a half dnxnn or mnro children to train turn out tho bent worknru i wluh mor my hbrnrlaiiu hud that kind mollloru xlitruuroth oyou uhohe hho know that hor mother wan n uenluu even if uhn liorunlf did uomotlmow full to up- preolatn her mimm wuiim uho axkod oarnoutly did your mnthor ever louve miuuhliio htrawboiry prvhorvam why blnmh your heart yuu und lotu of them every year mikh wllllu lailifhod uo henrtlly that her u i threulonudto full from her nouo and uhu ulwayv put them lu my room to net tho uimuhlne linouiiim it pid bay window homo tlm tin whop thoy u mudo i wuh dlat with nil klndu of of uortu but iilwuya when winter onmo i wnu hack in uood humor and ready to de vour luflntltlort on my bread nml but ter i ho library lnupectorn head uppniired at thu doorway hor nyeu acamiod thu luat llttlo llbruiy and thou tht brliiht- yed ulrllhh librarian hhe nodded to mluu wiiuh und tot other tluy loft the oiuft biiiuoli to continue their work of inupeetloii ouno moro muiurit wuh ulono after thut tlm day nuemed to have koldon wlnith when uhn wuu uot ro- ivlnic und haiidlnir out bookx uhn nrkort with tho llttlo cuttern at tbo reudlng tablo in tha hull at noon uhn hiutlort tha other children homo und helped tho ihtlo hart town up read out tlio lunch her mother had piickjud for thorn margie kuiii kutlierljlo tooklnir up at her nlntcr you uot junt tho way mother doemrio nlco and uwaot und mnralo lu nice hilly intorrupted wrlnkllnir bin frocklod llttlo potto in uodniuon tbo lady sold you votei tiraltv tniit pretty toot everybody enjoys el fine cup of tea sa1ada if you drink japans i salada tea delicious at all lmlmtisunhoto times 30 years re putation for line teas th bemt it japhnu what i ml v the llhi mart niuxt ith ury inupictdr hiuuh i tlldreif ilropp d 1 at her r iald i-awr- co war that iliectort ivhy the hartlow tlmlr itpiiona utiil uturt library lnumi an nmaiieil xo woman tho library in where wau her uulforii and thlu time it wau maruuret that fairly uhook with mirth lnif time enmn ut foui o clnrk but it wau uftor five liefum murknmt milt her llttlo pioceaitlon entt red the ilartlow tale and caiun round to the hank porch motlu r i took them pant tin park to una thv nlibnnln uhn nxplolrrd uu uho entered tho kltohon llut i kept hum cleun thoy look jimt nu iilut uu limy did thlu morntnn when they utnrt- ed out tlm kitchen wuu lu mcrulitlte ordr a frtiuhly iced nuke wnu on tho table and mru itinttow wnu mnklnu mnyon pulue hho turnoil from it to ileum nt her dauuhter i in uo ulud you did bapplhy nowithey wont havo tq 1m irenued before uupper but you will murtfle itur oyiu woro critical wo havo company com imt for uupper i want you to look nloe 1ut on tho dreuu i laid out on your bed when tlm niuyoiiuoluo lu done i ii ullp up- utulru to fan ten it murulo wuu ho nloo to uu mother aa hi kuthorlun who had followed he uluter into thn kitchen llhnu juat llkn you of couruo ulm 1h mru hartlow u oyou woro hrluht imeiint father nay uouery day muriiarefu urmu clnued round hi mother if i only worn jiiumuoy ulm whluperod uputairu uhn found two hltf plat utrawberry preuerveu on hor uouth window weut they brought a loiule umila to her llpu uml tlm memory what mian wllllu had unld of her own blrlhood dnyu on tho bed oppoulto them wau her now whllo linen drouu with ull tho hottnnu unwed in their placed that wnu onn of thu tldnuu mother hail munnuod to uot tho wuy martiuret hud it on when her mother entered thn room critically uho turn ed hor duuuhlor round und looked at ovory kmiii lie fore uho aim nun red that it wau n porfnet tit i want you to look ronl uwoet to night uha uuld with n happy gleam utlll in hor nyeu wern huvlntr t llttlo party for you tho tflrln from tin main llbrury vpu ueo ma rule mluu wllllu tolnphonnd rluht after dinner and told mo that follow mi thn library lnhpnntnrm recommend utlon you nro to bo flrut aiiulutnut in the chlldi department at tbo main library mutt yenr yn t i m i mi roimd- her motbern wnlnt nnd her bead lay on hnr mothoru uhnuldor o mother nho noli hod did toll you that it wnn nil on acrount you that i rxol it mother winked her oyen hard and then utrnlahtnned her trim nhnuldnru reuolutoly marjiaret hartlow uhn until pro tend in if utninuenu if you dont look out you will ho juut uu emotional uml foolluh nu i n m now you hurry and run to thn dnur store uftor uomn li cream to koop my cako company at uupper martfnret looked over her tnntlmri hhoulilor and wiw tho twti hiir platan on her window ueut o mothor uho hecand oarneatly cant wo have noma of your uunulilno utru wherry prouerveii iputoatlt uliniild rather havo tlmm for tho iiarty than leo cream or unythlnif el no dhewo odd wavo when drew came hack from camp on tbo river where he hud upont i it wecku of urn uummer follow ntr hlu itouhmun yenr lu htcb nohool bin hut net wau to bako a blir cake und ueud it by parcel pout to the fellowu utlll caijphiu- tbuy ornvo uomnthlmr uweet ho explained to bin umuued mother hut when ho hnppaund to mention tho clrcumntunco to thn imlahborhood boyu an tho tonnlu oourtu ha wau ruthor tauou hank ut tbo hnwlu of dnrlulnii which ureetnd thn reiunrk fnw ojuemtloiih hrouuht out thouo faotu from prow hlmuolf when ho and marian woro mil to umall juut htarthiu in hahool tbny ami tlmlr mother woro loft to innko tholr pwn way by the death of tlmlr father tho mothm wont buck to tbo iinlvor uity to prepare for touohliuf and tbo children boiciin to tuko tbo reapon nihil ity of thn uttln apartment in which tbny lived 1 hey hoi pod lth tbo bouuokooplnu did tbo murkotliuf learned to plan simple mnalu uolvotl tho mymtorlatf of u uau utovo marhm lliihtly older took tho lead hut prow kept vory nlouo to hnr whatrflim totiruod thn other uoon uoqulrnd when xrew not into blub uchnnl ho lid not fool thut hlu uoniewhiit niftmrt kiiowlodtco of houuekeeplnu burred him from mora utrominiiu phyulcnl featu- tutcumn u htni on the tonmu hut ha kept rluht on liqlplutf ut homo itorod fclin now in if tnaehhm wnu a uhoppni of juduinont und titutn und hlu oooktuff wau in demand at cjunp rluht nlotltr llbure nut oonoluded drew thut every thlim i onn do wall im juut ono more uuuotl im uohitf in forcom- orclal 11 fo uu hooii ny i tluluh uvihool and who knowu bit what i havo learn ed of homo tuuklnie will boottt mo ut noma depuitmout utoru or whohualo lfrocoryt im mim to uuo tho pruetlon and uklll thut neoonulty forced on ma tlejiulbln upd madly lu prewl woi dnr imw ntiy luiyu would itur- on u rime i iiimi the rubtinq op painted i hon it bi known thut iron oven whim lefully covered with n ooutlntf of pullit utlll ubowu a tondonoy to rilut u iiim iium uuuully iiduii attributed th nliiuto orunku in tho pulnt canned by thu action of cold and hint uudur wiiomo influence thu iron uml tlm paint do not expand und contract equally llut oxporlumntu in tdnland have led thn oonobntlou tlint theio lu uw other alike at work nnmoly that pmut when hwoiiuii by moluttire lu porylouu to luith waliir uml uuwou nder uliob olimumutnnt uh onldutloii u tnku plain beneath it inilut thut ooutuliih thn utunt pounthln piaiitlty of oil im tho bent for proootln iron yiit it ytlh for ltir- hi- ibtimun knhilttrlo oh miedu no tnutlmouu of itu powem otlior than itunlf whoover trlou it for ooiikhu or ooldh for mitt hiuluulonri for htnaluh or burnu tor pultim lu tho llmbu or body well know that tm meillcluu proveu itunlf and necdrt uo riiarauuin iblh miiuwu thy thlu ollu in ifunurul uuo inteucgtiwq facts about oea ribhett pollock urn polloik iiiptuied ixtimuivuly by our loop in ut hunk flubirnioii uloiitf with co n nd biuldnck lu for unue- coiintnble imiouu not popular nu u freuh comniodlly it iu rloiely plhnd to the trim ond lu of lino rlnvor und may ho ri ullly and chiuply procured in our crlnudlitf markutu tuipeulully dlihu the inontlm of jinm july auu- timt uml floiitcmher ono unthorlty eudiavorlnir to locate n r uuon for tlm apparent dieprnoled projudu a coii- ulderu it duo larltly to thn fuel thut thu pollock diiitroyu belli r llaheu 1 lu trim that the pollock in very don tiurtlvo to the yoiintr cod uiirround li if tlm uihoolj und drlvlmr uiu llul to the inn face where they full a prey to tlm voi ac hum pollock uturkhij lelow and buulridu of ua ifiilla which with iiutnniuhliiir vorucity uml preolu- lou imtiiko in mi them from ubovn hut thlu cnniilhullutlo tendeiioy lu not tniiflned ttr thn pollock alone it h a trait of many of our eu nuhou iollock uoiuetlmen known uu tin coal flub oi ifrimiii cod lu common northwurd on both uboreu of tlm al ii title it lu caimht obiiiiduntly north atlantic huuku and aluo nlonu our cunudlnii coant where inshore lliheininu capture it ilonn with and hnddock lraqunntly tlm pollock come cloun in uboro and imicomn n- i iiuronv in netu flod for horrlnif nml other riuheu it run una uu far uouth ui irancn on tho furopeun count and cape cod or oven new lork on tho ameri can hide it reached u leulh of morn than threo feet und u weight of twenty flvo poundu or morn it in oxceodliikly produnllve accordlnu to an eminent authority u huh thren font throo und a half hicheu inuif wnlhliur twenty- three and n half poundu cuntulued npprouimtitoly 4030 000 uuu and onu thirteen poundu produced nbout 3- c70 0110 eu tho kww urn of couhm voiy umall und urn produced in uunh tromeiidouu iplhutltleu in order to pro vldn for nuonifouu deutruntlon by pro tlutnry flaheu ami miuianteo udoquutn contlmnitloii of tho a pec i on u oh- vlouuly lu uot tbo intentloii of nature that oil of thn cgou ubouhl mature tho euuu uro buoyant floatluif ut the nurfuqo where they hatch lu nvo or ii ix tlnyn iho pollock la darker tliuu tho cod nnd morn luutrouu und thn lowor jaw lu mnro extondetl with a uinallnr luirbel at tho tip them in n uood donl ulmllarlty between thn tnin pollook nnd thn whitluif no common on thn hrllluh count 1 wo clouoly relatml upccluu of pollock nm found in lnclflc wnteru tbo alaaka jiollock u found in holulnr ilea und an fur north mkftanrtvimutvoar tnofnvr5cratr runihiln i the niiiln uem in tbo diet of tho fur ncul in thn watoru of tlm canadian puuilc lu found tho wnll- oyod pollock it lu quito abundant nhount itiiot hound but in not muliod commercially an a ifotno lnh tlm true pollook or atlantic pollock hnu not boon fully appreciated in uomn looalltleu it lu u voruclouu huh taklnutho hook free ly nnd llirhtlni vlclouuly in muuua- chuuttu huy erent niimheru aro caurht with u uurfarn ball hut lurifer huh muut he uauubt at thn bottom ihouo who out pollock frenh tuttoem it hlbbly thn limited experience thn writer buu hud convinced him that tho konoral ailtlpnlhy to thn frouli pollock in iar mnunrlnted with thn name and not with uu inherent quulltleu homo mnnthu neo pollook woro broimht into a certain canadian nlty und offer ed for uulo the do ma nil wnu dlu- conratfliuxly umall but u few dnyu later thn rnhimrcofiil deahiri offered tho iiumo flub for tuiln nu hauton blue flub on the llrul ooi ulilon thn prlr wau nx contn nnd uiibiioauently nu hlueriuh it wnu offered for ulxtoen coiitu tho blunfhih wnu oxtmmnly popular and thn ntocli wnn noon uold out tho writer doou not intend juntify tho bliuliieiu morality of rtncopllnnt but it llluutrnteu oloarly that thn uverulou to pollock lu not uennlhlo onn lutililoutully jt proveu anco tiiruui that llnrmun bad tlm rluht conception of hiunan natiiro any jbiothod nued lu prpurlntf cod for tha tubln may lio employed with the twil lock with equally yood reuultw thn olitnlal returnu for the yoajr 1010 llualoun that of tbo total pollock oatoh of 1sh0x3 owtu only hi4bd owtu woro uuod fretih tho vnluo of tho total catch woh 1421400 ami tbo quantity conuuiufld fretih r6h0h tlm trent bulk of tb huh wau dried or tfreoii tiulted iclrhlytlva tbouuaml owtu woro tliuu timittod vahutd ut conuld- orably moro than half a million dollara the oizchct op good manneiio thnro wau n youuu lady who wanted to knnw tlm uecrnt of ood mamioru hho wanted to ho uo fjriialouh uo tact ful no thoroughly preolimuud correot thut no onn could nnd fault with any thlutf uhn unld or unythlntf uho did no mutter what tho nonunion thlu youuu lady bad utudlnd honku mi otqnetto till uho had ull tho oomtpon and uo- rnpted lllleu of conduct committed to tumy vet uhn could not ho uure i uho learned that utlquotto or tho nu of fltlquettojcltuno uu reiiarly utyleu nnd fnulilonu thhikii tlint werti oxnotly piophr inut your may uot ha correct now uo thlu youiik lady kouicbt tlm ad vice of a wluo mini and thlu lu what the wlun man told her my dour you have aukod mo to re- t nl tho uomot of itood innnoru ileal- ly thom lu no ueoret to it all tmui- u nro uood that lonio out of u kind heart flood man lie m plouun bad muu- oru offend and that lu nil there can in to ituiu did tbo yountf intly i earn that ho michuuiluu ruin of rluht conduct mhrncoh thn ulmpbi uualltleii of klnd- u uymputlly ami uiidertuudlnu whgi1e the coat wab wuu warmluu ui to u uernion und hlu inu- nioro uml morn o my coinjre- a imuio puut oi tlm climax of i ufhlitnih weio wn i i wllllll liuuhun iixnliilmiid tho exhortur avithiiu yer iiuuiiihi do uln ttv hub tin i wulmu yi r iiwlmtt dv uln iiv whlukey drlnklu itnun uln of chlckin rohbju t wnhuu yor my biiddwru ukiibiut the uln uv melon idea i hi a duvout woiiihltipoi iu tlm baik of tlm nhuroh jinupi d to hlu fid and unapt hlu un ix tjxolttilly whurfo doeu yermy uibler rnr ui an unup yo tinuern lieu i hirnuk of melon mteiillut uhkud it pr uoht i icuxu yo jen mlndia i whelo i lr mab overioat inplltil tho dovotit wornhlpper um ho hurried a curiout dowldcr in hm myuterlouu in ami when iiut ubtcloru advanced rrom tin north vr iho northern pulnf cuuada and ho ljllird luit muny triinuo i oi ku mil lumulit tr tin rrulonn lieyond in 111 ijiwnjiu mid iho riu it l4iliii ml lift far down norn lhli phu of rl in iiintlnril miook the bill und pliilnu of npw 1 to hind und the olilo ml miihihuippi vull yu on of tliuu widi tempi mar ohnnhu i ohio mi t ynuiu ami nioviii in be puitt iluuly hitfiuiiw uiid tirlouii it hi ot morn thuii a fhit nnd a half in illumatti luit it ij plainly u rll of l iiiejul llmix und lithoily inn ml for nrlulii wlmiirn it limn j hero im no ink rmotulll it within buiidreilu i f nil h the iiiipi lu that fhn lie iiirltil ii from u point north of ijkn llirnii in thn place wliern it wnu fouibl lu mi n pju it km uhowu thut it wuu of olcuuln orlifln a btahtllno bxpchicncc to huv un animal htiddeiily hlu to talk to yon would be eunuch to miiko thn uhlvuru run down your ilnn iiiiuulun your bornn uomn mnruliitf uiiddoiily urealhlu iu wth ilollnl well rmtd tho followlnir from t i llawkiuu uiu i mil of un animal uo wuu plcud ui niiluit und uivm nn youuir rook hint hud fallen from itu ii ml ami buu been my de voted companion ever wince in noon liurnthl to talk und til upmk tbo fol lowinu wonlu qultn dlullnctly flnoil- byel whut lu uv kluu mo what itt jim crow i uovor anhiqlly tauulil hhu to tulk becaunn i hud no i rooku lould do uo but when i lift hint offer fiedluir him i uuod to my coodbyn no ono wuu morn nirprlued i bun nlyuolf when i lit urd him nay flood bye one day for tho t tlmn after i bat i tail id it him the other pbruunu t e gibbon get your comfortable old shoes made good as new w uiu hi i hit butbir und liiv nil tlli tali it lipiitlain rn u un u nut a hut rluuu job flitlrficlon guarantied wn have hi utoou n lliil hi a linn of nu n u ami boyu i ho u ill vi ry ri ii loouhlo prlciu mill st acton shop now lilllv i ool joruey 1 uou r nued with red iji lieu wool jirnoy urn i of tho hi clothe beautifully nmlaoldin 1 ijidlu wwd i luuix jumpii it in and utyl it if 1iilhi and jtfhiuiu wfl jluruj jinm llriu woollen lultti d urn i ml in nul thlu week only lirlii cauhnro un ink la brown mid llurtfimdy nlrnly mudo with iddo pnuelu uimii to to it ynini thlu wmli only all wool navy horcc irool wi luht enrelleut ijuullty t4 inchiii whin 44 incbeu wldo nuvy wool crepn 41 hirhui wide wis 111311 niuttiil qoodh at a iowicit ilucb telaplmn co l starkmin starkman block acton ontario- t viuiivluu lu troubled with t tlumf und thoy dnut know whut i with dm orutur iwmmmiimiimiwmmbniiynmiimiliilbi j n oneill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton 3 1l irishman acton representative carriage rubber tires we have lie heal equipment for applying cnrrineo hubbcr tins at keasonaue prices b autorjciobile tops wto keover auto tops and lit your aulo with door opcnine curtains we have ready for sale ono used dodge touring car en flrtitclabh eorulillon aim ono 490 chevrolet tourinj which wo will ncll cheap j n- oneill son georgetown ont j ij tvaaf crrar king meighen tlio head of n eroat trudintr orgnnis lfuettltiieo s political movomont ho atartcd and poitiiiblo poaitiona by claaa rulo extromlitii trading with ili politica a polit tlio political movomont ho aborted and iu 1 filler unites it 1 control of pivon into im- jaiunder tlio domination of wood tlio political baiii of albortasltio would givo offoct to froa trodo thuu destroying cumulu iduiitrial ftiid economic structure a vote for cerar is a vote for chaos so nvaalvo that nobody knows- whero ho actually titnndti on tho great isueii of tho day fita hia policy to miit hiii audioncoa ivillcn froo ivado to tlio west and protection to tho kant specializes in hightiounding phraseology ilifi party in pledged to n lartto moauro of froo ivado but failii to ituggeat now mothodu of obtaining nocosaary nutioiuil rovonuea a vote for king is a plunge in the dark eauily tho putntanding figure in canadian public lifo today and tho only real icadel in bight able forceful cotiragooua and upright in character a ntatosnlan of domonutratod aliility with broad national und imperial vision and an unuiuallablo kyml standi firm for tlio maintenance of a roaoiuiblo protoctlvo tariff und aima to provide tho maximum amount of profltablo labour for all a vote for meighen is a vote fbr a speedy return to more prosperous times ccvhxtxlci tlmcu tho rlnilon uberblanil qooaamtrrafortar pihudty oonubitt repair that leaky roof i i 1 ilfl f ii i 11 iv loofurll ij ly oj ll i vith i trow i no i run ii i li i umvji ni rr hhiutiuic i k 1 nt 1 iu aor c un ii i ui i fi io ni n mi mr in i r ii iilhi u r 11 lilnli or mtnl r r it i f 1wj itlalirk kdih pkmi nt im ifiilliin ii 3 r irll in tfljc iii ady lloottsfl fndo of kihi1 html unit nt up in rihn rontalnhiw 1jh hmuliri f nl inrhklluu niiwill mtll nihu fl illainti i i prlrcit nt 1 ft t2l 2 y hti 3 h it 40 ilin tl- lr i hoofliiir uon llalml ly 2 li 2 iy jts6 tho itond iiaudwakf co 111 phn 1013 ouelph this stores policy to represent goods ex actly its to their quality to adl to those who know and to those who dont know at m uniform fair prlco to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis take to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario efpvvvingcs ytoronto cawaiu grand trunk s the double track route iiutwtccnr mo nth gal toronto deyiioit chicago unoxcgllal illiln oar mirvlo vull information mom any orn iriinu ticket rgont or o m llornlt dlutrlot punntrvr ant toronto u a holmes agent acton ont ph sa- i r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station jiifil arrive cor no 1 peed ols a quantity ov hikd coftn and oil cakb just itkcklvkl fi0ur fkea noitvaii 11iun and shoihs peed 1loub r noble ltd hdunv awiiev manaaen when you ieed boots shoes at any time 1iuv 1uoh wwilliams mulfjtreet ihi acton st famous toh satisfactory footwear reasonable phichs l tasiviliiti wm ti66iosi i

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