Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1921, p. 3

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lie artnu 3ffnp tytcsfo nnmiray noviainiru n toai i will uc worthy of it i limy not ii my imlrlnl rh r i nil li that plituu i i foil for worthy nf it itiilu poiik luonll no uovt i nil in ny palu miiy nut kiitip lh uffnrtn nt hi hut thnuich my in thlu tliniillit ihol it i i luhnr tli i hut lilu hhnr with i will in wuthy nt it lllli uolloll lm nf lovi unlit mm in v i full iipmi my wiiy my iilh miiy uuwiyu 1 thrniiifh nli lit iuie mimn ilonorloil liywiiy ilut thouiih llfi ii ilenrint jny i mliih hum hi ii a imiimlii jy l thin i will hu wmthy of h protection op planto for wtntcn a llttli pmtiitlnn will ofuu bring pluntuiiiml throiniu tho wlntoi- whim if tin y mi lift nkpmml thoy may either hi lillhil outrluhl or hmlly in- jureii nnil id thu nuo of fruit tho rriiiiiiiiy hu murh milneou iluiitu mo hiiio uolcltui fruni mim in win ter tin plunlu initially prntertnil frmn thn wuitlnr urn utruwhnrrlnu rnup- lurrjiu crnpou ami rounti it iwiu boon found by tixporlnnrn that ultliuiiul iitiiiwhorrlnu will oft on an i ifnly thrmiil th win tor without lm- hiif mulolinil thorn nro whitnnt whan it puyu wull to huvrt thn plnntn prntorteu liy u liuhh mulolt mm in muo1i wjnuru if thn mulch lu not thera thn nlnntu will lin ill hod in miilnhtntf utriiwhot i uii thn plan in to wait until hard front or jiliit before wlnlr uotu hi nnd than upnutd u light nnvnrlnif of looua iitrow over thn pi on to all thut lu nooohjiary in in nut pluceu lu enough to proven u mlil mi thuwlnir anil frhuf or jiiht onoiirh to cover tho plnntu a thick iiiulrh mny ilo more harm than tfooil thn nloauer thn utraw tlw leuil woru there will h hi uruillcutlntr wooilu no hu n hi or mil roh hay whom tt can bo nhlalnail lu iool an it 1m on mpn ra ti vuly frno ilf wood uumlii ami it will not n ton nmupnntly over hut pli whom rauphnrrlou u injured in winter they will ha mncli proton tort nml will taklna oho your wltl other rnuio tlirottith much lvntter if tho nanou urt bout ovor jnut hofni winter anlu in nml tho tlpu holil down if i th uoll ihii now will covor tlmin m minor tli mi if thny nrn not hont dawn whnm tlmro lu vory llttlo unow niil th win torn urn vory cold it hnu hoon found dnlrnlln ontlroly to cover i ho ruueu with uoll lcxcapt in dlutrlotu whoro thn brttpo rim ho drawn commnrolitlly it in aa- ouuury to iirotoot tht vlnuu to tinmirn a crop a fow ilnyu hoforo thn ktoihui ih nkpnatod to fmeao up the vlnnu havlnif honu provlouuly prunntl nra hont down nml aovomd witli uoll which in inft on until thn following may nu u lu ujirliitf fruutu whloli limy ohiiha tho inux of thn iroi kouou immt l proton til in mnut pluotm in cuuiiiln to holp onuiiro thulr comlnir through thn wlntnr nllvn und protaotlnn lu not itlwityu uticcouufiil thu itiodt rollnhlo method of pro too lion in to rovor tho plrtnt with uoll wliero tlilu ih tint oumy or jtouulhlo tho iuimo of tho plant run ho inouudotl up with uoll to a lioleht of twolvo inohnu or mom nnd tho top bont ovor and hold down with uoll thou if tioughu or uavitu nro thrown ovor tlm top to imlp col loot tho unow und uiva loat protoo- tlou it in lohlrahle in tho en bo of ohiuliinu rouoh a aood plan lit to rovor them with a box fllloil with dry loavoa tnnkliib tho top water tlsht ho tho iduvou will konp dry co nli winter inuiiy trooo nre injurod itvyond rooovi ry in cnnnda hy mloo thli enn ho provontod by wrapping tio trunkii of tho treati wth building pnpor jurat hoforo wlntnr until in hav inu tho paper como olouo to tho it roll lid nnd putthnf a little oarth about th lownr nnd of tho pnpora no thoy will rot uat ut tho troo from bolow mlco will not uuunlly oaf throunh tho pa pur mid um n limit riixoh tliay nro olowo to tho round tho papar nuod ttioro than nltfhtoon inolifli to two foot hlirli tho pupnr olmuld ho tlod nftor wrapping wo thut it will not oomo off w t maroun dominion itortloul- turlut imiwfie iniildn t wl tli rou ah thu ptolully nu tl en i vo hoi n out thlnuliik thn pout w i i rou nil with tiny font of hirht itnuw cnunrll forlot to ului hat lioun ilonn no woll lu pmvlnuu youru and thut two duyu 1 1 low of unit wlnilh aot into my old himiu anil i found thut thn v ry bint plnon i mild firrot nut wait ut out own nxiildrt with mury i toll you did u lot or thlnldmr ami it wiimi nhout tho iiluotlouu olthnr my mum ory rovolwx in thn old ilnyu i full to utudvltim hn pnworu unif pleuulirnu o liiomory 1 oonrludod thut wo ma tmviir h iibhj to toll whlrh in tho mnn viiluuhln memory oc liopt nml ilohut ln uoclotlnu wll probably go on illu ruuulnu tho uunutlon for nil time illlt i hud myuolf jlhlnjr in vory fully whu nlil thomuu i ullor who fpialntly unld of momory it hi thn trinntirliou of tho mind whuroln thn inoiiumontu thoronf nro kopt anil prouorvod myuolf autonliihod nvrry wtiek ut what thlu old momory of nil no lu oapnhln brlnuhiur tip and i have evlilonoo that you folku who ronil thn rnmblhitf roltortlonu of thlu column oftuu won- ilor too how thlu old thinker of- mil callu up no mmiy inoldnntu af thn dnyu of yorn und how it untu voluntarily ko i nu n ho u i and oollontliiir nun i thluuu that bolotiu lo thn pnut ijuiiihi in tho countloun chnmljdnipf tho brnil our thnuuhtu ho llnkuil inmuny hhldon chain awalio hut ono nnd lo what myrlndu rluo icaoli utnmpu uu imnuo oro tho othnr llloii wo mny uoooi to foruot but ronlly do not fnraot what wo hnvo mally unnn or known i find that momory often touohou me with uad- noiiu hut ftu often hrlniiu ohnor nnd plonutiro oft in tho utllly nluht whon nlumhoro ohulu hnu bound t lond momory brinnu tho lluht of nthor dayu around mo thn itmllim tho tnurw of boyhoodu youru tho word of lovo tlmn npokon tho nynn that uhono now dim mud and kono tho ohoorful hnnrtii now hrokon easy joaa i wno tho fnrmnr milk n cow and 1 romurk ilaiihmw it thoro in no trlou to that i uwowjiuid unyoiia could di it ilut whon i try to do tho utunt my worku o ulow mid hiiltlntf tho ow kloku lu my marullko front nnd leavou mo uomormauitluir i moo tho blaokumltb uhoo a mulo and you may hour mo twlttor olvo mo tho proper uort of tool anil i could uhoo that editor and whon tho bluokmlth hnym juut try i j tnko bin nallu ujul 1 amnmr thtui throiudi tho umttli roof i tlyand ruluo a dnloful olamor i hdo thn urtlut paint a fonco and tailtter to hiy nolitlilmir oh any man of common ttonuo oould tin that uort of labor ilut whon i yot myuolf a brtuh and luilnt iiiy rottiiro portal tho noljfhboru to tiiy untoway rnuh and whop ami joor und nhnrtln vour artwork ulvou my tuirvu thn jumpu obuarvod ihn viiiuko woavoi it loolai llko juundlco and tho mumpu mlxod up with itanrltit fvor l watoh tho poot work lilu harp blu tlmlirol ami hlu whlutlo i nbhorvo lho poot mharp roulru lend hrnlu tlmn krutloj ulvo mo a lyro und i will uhow thut makluir uonu lu ouy hut whon unmo ndou i dnftly throw tho orltlcu uny thoyro choomy i look down from my empty loft upon tho tollmw und or and all tho other johu look moft and mlno unomu hard uu thundor walt mauon a candid advertiben ior holoono mpimie our with plutoii vhik two roar whonlu oto front uprlntf lluu ho foiidorx uuut or plank humu lotu of mtu bard to orauk carbumtor inwtod half way thioiufh h i no niluhiu- bltu on two throo yoar old four in tho unrlntf 1um ybook ahuorborw and ovorythhitf uadlntor buhtoil uuro dooii louk dlfforotitlnlu dry you oau bnnr tt himouk toimpokuh muliik ltont nil boiitllroh blow- nd out aint worth a oont clot totu of upoodi wilt ruii llko tliot duoooj liurnu olthtr uumor tohlicoo julos tririm nil orf bion run on tho rltn a dtim uood our fo tho tihnpu rm hi lqxolmntfo marnied a natlve thoy woro looking ut tho kanicuroo at tho ictio whon an irluhman ttnldt llotf imrtlon nor phwut kind of n aroutuio lu tliutt oh uald tho iioiitlomnii that in a nutlvo of auhtruliu flood hlvhiul ukolulmod lat mo hlulor inuulod wuu o thlm himton irunuorlpt the deacon wab interested joo1 inornlnb imrunn oood ninrnlim iu invm oiulnif iilonk junt now i niiw a flaht botwooii u brlnillo hull and a muntirf and upon my word denoon mora thun fifty mon worn utandltih round how cuii pooplo tako an lliloiont in huuii tbluiiht f dumm pin uon whloh duw0 1 wollrihqactoor3vvnujci4amer iinunookbiirn an i oat imit wook and juut lollnd nrpund durlnn thnt oiiut ttorm i thought of tlio dayu whon donald mann thn father of thorn all camn out from elcotlnml oh lot ma aliout ulsbty varu uko or a llttlo tuoro and tiottlod on thn flnn fiirm whom archy and hln uploildld wlfo mury uvo uo hnpplly tootinr x uald donald thn fathor of thoni all by whloh i mount tho fnthnr of thlu branch of tho mann family hern aloxandnr iolor iluah and itauald i woll ro momhnr ikiiuit told you know that john bin brother tho father ofpotor nml matrtflo and john and alex and ioxlo uiho ramo nut from thn old country hoforo donald nnd uottlnd on tho farm n croon tho fourth lino from hln oldor brothor ill llknly havo uomothlntf to nay ahnut that brnih of tho family uomo tlmo latnr whon donald uottlod down on thn wellknown farm tin wannt uatluflod wltli one hundrod norou for hlmaelf nild htu luaotla of hhukylirthlaud hut hoournd thn linn property runnlnif through from tlm third to thn fourth lino until a fow youru nuo juut wo or throo hy tho way thouo 300 ocrouromaliiod in tho family xluxnnilor tho oldout won nut tho third una jiundrod and llvod thoro until blu iloath ii in uon donald uvoil thnro nil bin 11 fo tlmo and whon ho dlod a fow youru uko nnd hla oututo wuu wound up it then pnimod into tho liuudn of ntrniiicorn at tho death nf donald tho fathm thn family rotor wuu glvon tho hnmeutnud and hugh not a ftftyaoro lot on tho fourth lino uldo of thn pro perly potor anil blu wlfo woro blmiii- od with avoal oldfnuhlnnod family of an evon dnaan night uotm and four dnughtoru wo old folku rumombor thorn all john tho oldor who lu a mi uofuu ful farmor in laihi jnmos who didnt llko farmltiu and ounio tn town to loaru thn htonikooplntf with char- llo hymnn whon ho had uorvnd htu uppmntloobblp mid wnu a fullflodjod oountorhoppnr ho wont into huulnouu for hlmuoir it lu rnthiir a utrnuan comment on tho vlcluulludou of tlmn that whon tin built a atom for bltnuolf bo built it right lu tlm gardon whom lira uymnn hud hor haautlful flnwar boda whon ho wua a olnrk and what bliuluouu do you think lumncatnd thnro nowt why nono otlur than tboxloarn- moro coopnrutlvo whnu jnmoii mann uolil out i think j ii reunion bought tho propoity and improved it and thou win dotmittotio wovoiljvnmtho inoporfy now onouplod by cbau 1ark- or and kopt uhop thoro and then whon ho movod to hlu flno now iiram- luou far t hoi- up mill htroot juklo haltx tho tlrut jowluh mornhiiut in town moved in und thou mnrrlu luxn and following him noblou 1 loin und imod htoro wuu located thole am i uald jatnau wont to ouolph uud thnro ho dlod uovornl yealu iitfo woll aftor jiunou thorn nnmo matr- glo who with miu jumou qnautlo then murgory nnd donald unit atoxundor of tho hrlubtohl of tho umlly hut dlod hoforo ha i mil burdty rouobod iiim prima and tlmn ihoro wuu wiiho and 1otor uud dimcuii nml annld mm john mortal uud iakla id am iy t only throo of thlu popu lar family of phineur dayu now m- lu john nml ailulo nnd archy utor munn wan a ulnlwart cltluon a hlghmfypo ho wuu an oldor of tlio imuhytorlini chin oh horn for many yoam and n highly ouloomod oil lion ho lovod hlu ohuroh and hi mvfmil hlu mlulutor thlu wuk amply provnn whon ho opened hlu homo to tho hev dmiuld ciiinuion who opout iiih laat dayu thorn uu a ml i red mlu lutor and autlior of tiluohnjlml workrf in hlu hint ihnoiim ho wum miruod with ttliidorout euro in thlu honio lovory- tblng poumlblo wau done foi hlu ooiu- fort horo 1m cood hlu oyou in djath und rruin thlu liumnntead hlu ijody wnu conveyed lo kiilrvlew ooinotury about luartor of a century uuo nml tend- oily liild to imt in that luipiilouu city of doparloil lovod oihoi n a proud ilny to potor when aruhy followed u uon of hlu ighbor john fldrrlon on prooiitr in ih wllllum fhirdon o i nihil him won u woithy i uiioh tilluhlo old tluiltluh uu uiinuhi mhuw ltohoit uu i ii who hud innui 1 to tho o ulnglng iiu know ll lliotlu tite cittld immigrant linn iy wuu not iiiitlnluil u i llnne ntliig tho ahiglnif iiirnihu iimn ho ugaii ip thiy gui tlm ul iilnglng oc th nml hyinnu wuu n iintlifuoloi j ahoij iiimi illiu nml ml ho luii t i foil i nf 1 1 ii ttov mo on iihililn mm i up to hit i iii ll 111 not ol l ill ml it klut lilt mi iti u i vim i tin hu inlay ikhoul iiulihii uud nlil in inw km ally liupiovi i tlr iltiicini wnuhl tn- in thu nimdiiy ilrhnol rvlu with nu ornan llio ii mi hnirht mi hao hud a way with i mil hi i oiirrnlly got hln w iy with tho nridin wnu mini in tin hn i k himl noivlio und tin n iiliovul out of ulght dining tho chill oh iiiivlccu 11 uuut many mnnthu bowvi r l fmi thn orgnn found a plitou in tho rlpirrli nrvliii uothwlthiilanilliuf ihe uli mu ouu objnctlonu of aunt juiiut audi i oit aipt a few othoru illin hor arihv huh in hhi gluty then und ho muilo olil ktioj cliuirh iltiirwllli tho niunu ol tlio nruuti uud thu iilnglng of th mlr and utiirlc you tho himnii uml pit mu oiiiiudod juut tm royoroiil und won i p- fu uu lir lhi ilnyu vmion vo ntruuhd nlong wory which wny with on y u ihoooutor nml a tuning fork to loud uu woll atohy condurtnd tho choir foi yntru and yoaru until ho got tlrod and felt hod donu hlu whole duty and quit and thou wo kot a paid qiitutda leu dm for n fow yoam i am glnd to bnai that arohy lu uuuln at blu old pout of letiiloruhlp uud lu now tench i nu thu mnmboru of thn hundiiy iluhool to ulnil iii tho i think thlu m in thlu iiou liooil thing win nu in thin i ild ii hay who uqou it or hoaru archy imvor hidden hlu tnhuit under a buuhol had a plnou in hurry fjlbbonu mnl nunrtntto for lwtyhvi oi thirty youru ami tieu playnil ft nprnot acton cltlxetiu hum well not nu long uu john hill hut for mora yojnu than i ouu remumbur it uoerned tn mo th right thing too hh i road in tlio nnpor a row wooku ugd that bo khonld ho tho ono who bad thomiouor of reading thut tlno oompllmoiitury nddmnu t joluf wbun ho wuu piounutod with tli euuy ohulr by tho momborm tit thn to ti nt bund concert yeu tlio dear old fathur wau ulwayu liroiid that arohy iiorvotl thn clnwcli with bin muulcit talent and if hi wau bora now hed ho pioud again tr uno hliu baik at hlu old job 1 hit v tlm old man lu gout ilo pauuod out full nf youiu lot mo uo about twenty- two yenru uuo if my ninnory in utlll right und mm mann bin boloynd nolpmnte about ten yenm inter wll now boro i urn nt tho end of my tethr i havent unjd a word about tho logclny baou ami the mnplo uugar annul and tho getting of ilau- uoouiuuriuhohnol away from john qor- douu front yard on to tho corner of tho potor mann farm or of jhnu llttlo ululer annlo alwuyu having n hnnkor- hig foi utorpkoeplng and how uhou in it nnw hail ovor hoelu with hor whnlo family working uko boavoiu to hnlp bar nnd war ho many othor thlngu woll i cant help it fclo long thn kuglluh word japun and tho jupunouo nlhon or nippon am alike oorruptlouu of ylhpon thn clilnouo unclatlon of two chataotoru mor ally moaning uunorlkln that lu tho plauo tho nun oomom from a nurno glvon to japan by tho chlnuuo on nncniint of tho poultlon of tho nrchl- pnlugo to tlio oaut of tbolr own coun try lfrom cblnoao ylipen tho jnpan- io derived tlio preuont nnmo nlhon it wnu nftlclally ndnptod aaoordlnu to hutory lit a 6t0 hoforo that tlmn thn uutial natlvo doulgnatlon of tlm in try wnt ynmato propnrly tint nnmo of ono of the control province yamato lu tho nnmo utlll prnfnrrod in poetry and bolleulottnru tbo iqnglluh uamo japan aeomu to hnvo originated with thn pnrtugnuo who apollod tho chlmiho yihpen jupnn tho letter j liolng ullont or ulmllur to ii nocordlug tn thnlr laugu- ugo tbiu lu tho way tlio ypuululi ami portiiroiin utlll pronounoo jupnn from japon on mo tho iqnglluli jnpnti people on pahmo live the longest llfo on thn farm lu tho beulthloht and unfoat according to utntlutlcu compiled by thn united fltnua uumau af labor uhow lug thn nvorugo ago at death in vurloun oaouputlomi tho farmer and farm laborer uvo longor than other workoru thlu dnou not uaom longor which it will bo ro- mambornd lu tho joint in tho old jnkn con oe ruing tho longevity of marrlod folk oontrnutod with bnoholoru and pliimtoitt it lu longor and oftlnlal ra- eurch rooorda prove it iirmoiu uvo to thu average uga of 6h b yoniu blook- ithh nro glvon throo yonru ohh of llfo and muuonu ami brlakliiyoiudlo uu avoraga ago of uu thn hut taporuijnwn to bonkkooporu und ofllro auulutuntu who am tclvou un averugo llfo of no mora than 3d 5 yonru uiddleq wblolt throo inttoru aro nf thn moiit uno to bnyu and glrlu lu tiahool a y 15 a wine bead why lu huculnchum pnluco uuoh a cheap plnoo to live int it wu ttought for n rrown and in kopt up for a uovcrolgn which lu thn bout xldh t nn npplo thn uhlu which lu not eutou what aulmnlu do you tako to bod ovary nllfhtt two calvou why lu a uonrot uko ulloncot lln- cnuuo you cannnt knnp it if you talk about it what lu it that liiomuueu uu valila iy uno half whnu tin nod upuldo down iho llguio 0 iglibor johnl oood sleeper un wau a good worker but hu could nut got up lu thn mninluir at hint ho iletormbiod that ah hour u wfok would bo tho mlmt bo would ioho whmt ho woke nu monday tho clonk hhowod 0 30 whloh wan too oinly ho ho tin nod in uuuln ilo nekt wokn ut 7 90 und thought bo would tnko an other hulfhuur ami gut in liy uluo oldook at thn third tjnio nf waking hu di ouhod himtlly uud uii intod to thn gutom mony hnuu that ive hmt uu hum ho oxolalmeil hour bo blow- odl uald tbo foramuu whom worm ytni on monday und tuoudayr irritated and annoyed ato you i irritated and annoyed by tllfuor jntuu or two doi of 1k milks nkuvjnb 1 so will ion tho tho lrrlutod mil bfocitimluod taptten tluarauuod bofo und hum hola in aqffon uy j0j jiabaltd a group of pretty ohlldmn ubourd n c l n liner on tho way to cond camilla ban romplotn iiinthi iho rimut urrivi c v it iitiniimr of c lilld immlgiuntu into uga i u uftoi ita war m l he iiuuiiirdii ii wu ulli niton nnow itlriuni of juvoul luting tin it quobor on ii on vii nil hundrod u of lou thlu 1m mmltfra inn du hon low rliillji that a total of 76 000 ohlld immlgruutu luivo uutuvod tlm dominion iilnce tlio unit uhlplnnd rnmo yearn ago it iiiuidlly glow in vnluma until two thouiiiind a yonr untorod thn roiiutiy uio iiunibor manhlng high water ninrk in nuo yonr with 3 211 who nro tin no hi id iiumlgrantu7 rboy comn frnin ulovon llrlllnh ln- utltiitlomi ut a philanthropic cliaraotor niuh mi tho lliiiiiiulo the qimrrliir tlm munpliiiruiiii and thti national chil dren u llomcii in whlili uu orphhnu or iioml orphunu thuy nro lotiaiiod cured for uid trulmil for theli adult ufa only tho bent ihiunlly mentally und mm ally uto mint to cuuuda and thtii only ufuir an thoiouuh prouar- atlon na can lie given tn young bnyu uml jclrhi tho fact thut uiivoutyuva i or cent of thouo who comn to canada follow ulrlrulturnl purriultn and thut over nlni ty put n nt of thn total ar- dvnlu miiku good in thulr now lioinn mukiu thuui u hlithly donlrablo nddl- tlou to tho population thoy nro not only undtr olunn iiupurviolnii hi thrnn old country hi intn but thn aorntad pnrtleu for nvriuin urn accompanied by trained worteni on lauding tbov uro 11 rut taliou to ono of tho urorn or piore n del villi mid dlutrlhutlnif bnineu tn ho found in thu i hint cltlnu thin inuauii thut tin placing of the child lm ml grunt ii in fouler hnmoit lu oon- ducted with uu milui earn uu thnlr truiiiirir iioinini tbo atlantic it lu a luriurknhlo fn t lu thlu roiniootlon thut for ovury hoy uud girl tliiui hrouirbt to canada thtro hnvo bom u donuii up- lilhuutfi ihlii duiniiml oiiuhlou thouo who urn riuponiilblo for thn rhlldrnn u woll being to ullorntu them with groat i im thoro olio wit loin inn pile t ion nnd iiupi rvlulon of thorn fitr unmo tlmn after thoy am plnred and thlu nluo tenda to keep high ho nvornga nf uiin- i luful adnptlnii tn now cntidltlnnn lu u nw landv 11 ulmulit hn rnmumborod that bun- drdu of thouo on me lioyu who ramn in inrlhr yearn oullutnd voluntarily in thn war and imrvnd with thn hlgheut illiitiiictlon proving themuolvnu tn ho uu loyal and bravo uu tho bent of cana- dlnmi tho 7t 000 child lmmlgrantu havo long n nro linen nlmorhod into thn ufa of canada and nrn plnylng their part in her development i hoy hnvo boon tun dutiful in all rankii nf llfo nnd uro toiuid hi all the prnfeuhlonu ami other lliun of woik homo hnvo found tbolr wny tn lihihltlvn lllilhl uomn nrn iii tho ml nla try and n largo uumbor oro equally uu return fill farineru utook growom nnd runrhoru icvory provlurn haa i tn minta and hundredii of toutl- mo nl n in am on ilia an to thn high iinulltloii of thouo youthful hmnlgrnnltf wlm urn rooolveil into the llfo of tho dominion in thnlr plant lo youru and who by kindly rare uud ov might am guided into a uno rut rltlxnmiblp in addition to thn nlanu of immi grant children uhovn duucrlhod ninny itlldrou of okonlleut ilrltlnh fumlllou coma to cnnudn flnina come with their parentu whllo othoru utrlko nut alone or nroonipiinlod for thin cnuntry lu their early youth t y cream kwksr flour the family eata more bread since mother started us ing cream othe west klour it makes loaves of ex traordinary white ness and flavor buy a ford the car of economy comfort service new prices ttuiukoul 00 00 coupe v0jo0 tourinit car fii000 slnn 99000 truck cluuwlil 70000 prices t o b rord out includes star tor but not tan or canada limited h a coxe acton ontario established lq7a i i- business imrohiutcrt secni to indlcuto tlutt tbo period of caay money nnd ltipli prices la uearinj an end a dollar saved now in the form of a saviiira bunk doponlt will bo worth much more in tbo next couple qf yoare iftor tbo ro net ion 1ms sot in of hamilton ue0r0i3wn bltancii g c mnckay mnruure mr farmer you slfoum ii3 uptoatb in tub homb as whil as having uptodate machinrky let us instal a pneumatic water system ixvvbst possiiilk 1ltlcia quotations ikisk skni sketch howard and mccarvell 21 wuson st gusuh phonkow tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices our uricttf un grocertai will bo found lower uuut uio lowcal wo hav juut secured before keccni mlvancc another burgo hblprnent of our famous tea al 38c that la good k0c value try it v seb ouu striped fijwnfjjgtte no 1 quality ya11d wide at 22c this is a bargain all wool and ikctotned underwear at very close prices special deal in soap any ono of our euatomcrfl who rciurra lo wt tbo crcnteal number of wrap pen front quick naptha soap will bo kivcn free 500 worui or groceries offer open to decenibcr x get our prices on overalls roots shirts underwear etc depore purchasing elsewhere highest piuce either cash ok goods for butter eggs etc tannery cooperative c a conway anaeer mill street acton when customers ask for the best wlion u cubtomoi comoa to ub foi tiro advice and asks us to furnish him with tiros which wo honestly believe represent tho heat value on tho market unhesitatingly we recommend partridge tires came as their nome wo know that uiwio tirefl nre recounlzl everywhere for their unfailing doiwndabuity and that tlio tumrce of tlitfi depond- nbuity k tlio unoxcehod quality of huttcrinln uktd workmahithi whlch tmttr into their nrothjctloti coiwlant teat nnd rigid tn- i hpectlon diirlnp manufoclur guarantwi u tire which u tltc top notch of nchlovemcnl t tirchwui tcwe you ficrvloe beyond your hlgheut expecuiuunif fred blow ofiwjufjjffl

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