Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1921, p. 4

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fti tijutwt ttmsmiae whom mwiwiwim f 3hj artan 3fo fton iu1un wltly nawhor ammuiom twuhhoay kovlomiijclt iv 1031 uii arrow 1 lf 1 it i- j u i riturailiv tuorn- intf ml iii- if ir4y llilillloif mill itl ar ouuifo 111 x rlii t l4r yr ii uuu iiiuui ij r mmd lhlioml l lfl id 1 1- uiillri iu uiir lu wlilrh bull rl u m lull u ull l lli lli auv1 lltimnc harivlr1iaiiilt ivrllwntit to cl p lino auatp iiauitunii r lint hmlli ml j ohu p hit far it liliurnt 1 1 i kii uiliu aipuy xlvxluat i 10 tllnlil- wltl m7i lirjlii rilriillfhbitl anil 1 iiooitk ujior hn 1ulluur kliiru1 mi lliul illilrilc i olltca editorial tho women ohvhmfily want world pence i lie fact unit ilia women of tlio world ara taking iictivu tiicuniircii to influence tlio dclejatci to tlio pcnca conference hiiowh coiicliliuvcly thnt thoy de- lira world pence iutly pruncon ijulfoiir presided ut n inrjia mcotiiij in london i upland op pridny which wan attended by iepretentativcs of more than four million woiucu bclotiijinj to various organisation it wan decided to tcnd to tho women of tlio united state u mohac cxprcning roodwill and hope for the succcii of the winhington coiircronce thoy in turn will uddrcss thenmelvc and their influence to tho pcaca rcprcicntntlvcn i ian faith in canadas comciaek t sir george luwioii johntiton head of one of the great ilntish butincis intorcits in toronto on route to tho united states expressed the opinion that can sda would bo one of tho lirtit countries in tho world to recover from hor wartime untcttleineut a dominion prohibition law tho executive committee of the dominion alli ance have iiiucd fl manifesto to tho people urging thoni to vote for men whq believe in and if olected will promote tho enactment of a nationwide law pro hibiting manufacture importation and interprovin cial transportation of intoxicating liquors the county council would repeal tax exemptions at the bession of our county council last week a resolution was uanmioujjy carried that in view of iho serious taxation problem facing tho province of optario and tho munucipalitles concerned the pro vine in i government of ontario bo petitioned to re peal exemptions of private institutions in order that taxation may fall equitably on all persons or insti tutlons in tho province kx tending municipal franchise to women tlic provincial secretary has sent out lettera to nil the municipal councils in the province asking their opinion upon tlic proposal to extend the right to vote at municipal election to wives and da ugh tern of owners of property the matter was dlscusied in the ontario legislature hut no action was taken because it win considered this would result in a large increase in tho incuthernhip of every county council the municipal councils uro aiked to give their opinion upon thin question at their next meet hi us if women are entitled to tho franchise in provincial and do minion elections what rood reason is there tor with holding tlic same privilege in respect to municipal nttora r why an orchard will pav nrfuimlu ir in hluhly it 1 oiiimi 1 1 illttllt for tnvln orul luil innilix lnic niiouttli l iiml uiilom fm i in mo mi i ply hut lin- lioitii iiiuiimlly from nitvu htlti llrlt- iflt cdluiililu oriwoi wiil calirornlu j iliullhilloi hi ohikho in tiknly to full off mllll moo lmiunolio mm niitintf 1m liohitf iidiiu vnry loinlul jiiii dtnhwrdm linvn tint in i hi 4vivlkio hi qlruuiint i moj vn 1 1 uiiilu i i in tirfin hi rnllulih ourly i fnollnir mini iiii unlit hint if ii luvu tli ilillitk in ouulit i 1 tlllodllv llllv i bit i 1011 ot urn conscious civilization against armed warfare there must bo and there shall be the command ing voice of a conscious civilization against armed warfare in thia pledge uttered with the profound- eat solemnity on the third uumveraary of tho cessa tion of uchtiug ill the worlds greatest war president harding of the united states proclaimed to tho foreign delegates grouped about him in tho amphi theatre at arlington the spirit with which that coun try will take its position at the conference which seeks relief from the insupportable burden of- arma ments a better and improved world 1 dont holiovo this disarmament conference at washington can do everything i am personally con fident tt can do much i am confident that of the steps that are being gradually made to produce a better and improved world an international world this stop will be of all history the greatest- in that hope i go to washington thii wan the message arthur j balfour british oxprimo minister and present lender of th british deleg to w ton in tho absence of premier lloyd george gave to newspapermen who welcomed him whon ho landed from the liner empress of franco in canada last week the improvement of ontarios highways according to reporti coming from tho department of highways on the work of tho year tho total ex penditures on good roads in the province will not be much short of 25000000 this very largo sum which it is assumed and very generally conceded hi been judiciously expended must mean much in tho future progress and prosperity of tho province good roads mean hotter markets freer distribution of the products of farm uud orchard greater comfort and saving of time in getting about and in tho induce ment to visitors from neighboring province to vlsft ontario and it is a fact that tho presence of tour ists and visitors means tho expenditure of consider able money which finds its way to the tills of our merchants and tho pockets of our farmers improved highways will bo found to be a very tangible asset to the province a ileal incentive to attain knowledge there passed away in the city of hamilton last week a man whose personal effort and application won for him one of tho highest positions attainablo by a private citizen in tho death of henry b wltton hamilton lost one of her most eminent citizens and scholars out of his meagre wage as a carriage builder ho purchased books and taught himself german latin greek french and sanskrit as well as geology astronomy and biology in 872 ho en tered politics was elected und sent to vienna by sir john a macdoiiald prenticrron u special mission to ather information the attainments of mr witton should be an emulation to young people generally to aim to make for themselves a career of usefulness and accomplishment how infinitely bettor it is for a young man or u young woman to aspire by personal effort to tho attainment of information and qualifi cation for positions of usefulness rather than to spend all leisure hours in amusement pleasure or frivolity mr witton the carriage maker was a worthy successor to elihu burrltt tho blacksmith who mastered twenty languages while af his work how success in attained there is no royal rond to success in life tho sooner tho young folks learn this positive fact the sooner thoy will be prepared to apply themselves assiduously to attain tho end which every healthy- souled young person should aspire to a prominent preacher when asked the secret of lus power replied four hours of brain sweat every day and that express vo term deserve- careful consideration i there are college graduates who have never known the meaning of brain sweat often tho young follow who plays tennis or hascball or football in such a fashion that ho is in a lather bf perspiration shuts up tho book that is bolid reading with a glance and skips over what is difllcult in his lessons leaving that for the tea die r to explain in class next day but somewhere somehow itlj must learn to do work that fa hard that calls for intensd concentration and in tense effort thcro is no possibility of great achieve ment by anyone who has not learned the meaning of brain sweat dont flinch at the hard things under take them not in the spirit i can doit if 1 will hut with tho saner determination f can do it and jwul simplicity honeflly honor we harbor no fears wo have no sordid ends to serve wo suspect no enemy wo contemplate or np prehend no tonqueit we wish to do with you only that finer nobler thing which no nation can do alone president harding in tho spirit of these noble words we come to confer together president harding has supplied tho conference with a motto simplicity honesty honor arthur j balfour vhon such sterling words of statesmanship charac terize tho opening sessions of tho great disarmament conference the world may well entertain with con fi deuce the hope for resultant action which will go fnv to secure amity ahdgood will among tho nations through all tho future days tho international lkarnuimcnt conference tho great conference of representatives of tho nations opened at washington on armistice day it is attended by tho good wishes of almost all tho civilized people of tho world and by the prayers of millions ovorywhore it is the earnest hope of all that tho great powers represented will reach a real agreement to abstain from tho ruinous policy of add ing armament to armament substantial and far- reaching benefits are anticipated it is sincerely anticipate that tho threatening situation in tho pacific anv the equally momentous position in tho far east will bo mot so frankly and with such good naturo that peaceful solutions to tho puzzling ques tions will bo determined upon tho conference is sure to provo one of tho greatest events in world history t may it provo in tho end to be the greatest step ever taken toward tho permanent reign of peace und justice among the nations eoitouial notes an illicit still set flro to a house in montreal qji friday lets see isnt montreal in quebec where they havo government control how could such a thing as a still happen there tho bank of england has reduced its discount rate to 5 per cent half tho amount charged when war broke out lit 1014 money is evidently plentiful and readily available to the banks it is very gratifying that during october the debt of canada was reduced to tho extent of 3400000 this is a good start if the reduction is kept growing it will bo a good thing for our country the recent enforcement of tho adolescent act causes soma ollnngcs in tho pensions granted under tho mothers allowances act for the ago limit of tho older or eldest child is now sixteen not fourteen tho farmers of this country ovidantly need to get together in considering their interests in pro duction and sales canada imported from tho united states in 1120 110000000 worth or foodstuffs of a kind produced on canadian farms and 70000000 worth in tho last fiscal year peel county milk producers are considering the feasibility of fixing tlio wholesale price of milk by butter fat content similar to tho basis now observed in selling their cream this will moan more equitable prices for their milk hut it will entail a more uniform and careful inspection of tho milk by the producers premier drurys plan of capitalizing tho receipts from motor vehicles licenses until an aggregate o4 20000000 is reached and thou use this for tho con struction of gpod roads bounds well the trouble is that a good many of us will have ceased using tho roads before tho improvements are made on that basis ilimmntklm of yimiiif liotm t in tim liidiii y ultra ii f ivno id loll luri n oioruini havn ulromly iuium- lilit ut oxlhloma ivubulily ixlt ukiii nil l jin i- mpit ut tlin trntf iilmiud tlnu unimf yonrw will neurit in tlio iniiinrlul roi1 nation of tlin futura il arwtnlv not morn tluni- 40 r ih of ilium urn ullvo util rnatilvliiif juiimtliln utluittlon tutlny i tim liimn r imrri will tiuvnr win lii ii n itiiimirtiuit rumor in oom- morolnl iil lumlikitlmi in tliu lru- vlinu imnuun it lu not iiirir enough to h worllt whltn in kmnm wlti ijciili ooktlyil i 1 1 in on u or vrlisii iirloo um ilnwti ixxuiihh nt u iiomw rroii tli idtiirn from lliu mimll diolmnl u not iiiiko piimihli to juit i fy urn nxtnim mill rluk in vol voi wlmn mntoii it ro unfit vnrulilu tlin umiill itrcliutil inniitou iiiliiuly into i utmta ut imifloot till i in why nniln irinwltiir in ontario in ut iiurli low ilt nt iruiiit c v mil lu un tin m nt la i iwirt of dint will ii it lu trim that lu ruu of nocou- ulty nnnpla uin llvn without it it lu illuo trim lint imultli uiinw- ini uu- trltlnnnl nooiplulnlu imninni muoh mor uoiimtil lu tlm uliuoncn from tlm illttt ry of fmuli frulu uud vountuliluu tlin ilt lu tlm mout imjinitunt uml moat ucfiil friilt nf tlm tomuflruto onn uutl from dm wlnmliiolnt of nulilla hnultn llu on i turn ulmum not ho ifllftclol w crow o a c ouolnti ii- tu irninnuiuiiil nimly from u unrvldl wllhoilt uloilou i iilmllu huiulm wui lliu lululitlui um rnr wma ouinnnnit iiiion wlml i liui ixtlluvud hi u miuuiu uluml- rl of i uu for 1 lilu ii ml ublnot i uul in dotroit wlitn- ho iimny of tlio autoitinlillcm urn munufanturetl tint aulinul wolfur aiuoulutlnn rttiiortu 70 000 lioreit a unlu over x917 of 10- 000 uml ovor 1011 of 10000 one side op the athletics question t ilnnt euro tor atlilitl nutilaar ufa eyni wuru illotliitf unit tralnlnjf tlm couch innknu you umlortfo uahl lniil wliou iitimuoli for tlin team in lilu now uflliool too much hunt work uml ton little fun it lu wait tliht not all hoym anil yoimif mnu tubn tuuim iiolnt of vlw that thoy loam ourly hnw rjuinuiy u run ih thn opai a timuol with tho vuuttlna 1m1au u qulok luirilfoiikht irumo lu rtold or ourl nn fliuluruiifo tottt with hlu lhmim lihyulcully uimi tnoiitully iiuioumii iiiuu- illlur uctlon roililnu tho lilooil with oxyanu and hmltli utinriuni tlm judtf- mnt truln tlm liody to qulok- nooiu- nlu riihionuw incrouiio tlio lioluht and klo of u uruwlna iwiy uud koon tlm wholo lkdy runnhitf llkn u welltrntntwl inurhlnu what if tho rulnu do raqiilro uolfihnilul put lo ii oo itarmrvaratio ovnrflomlua uuftnahut li fa rmuirmi tlm ituino and to fit nunu no if for tho huuhidhu ot llvlnif it lu wall to kt thn hndy ami brnlu into tlm nttout flondltlou cultlvutn th dlullktt out of your uyulomu net into tho outdoor llfo which lu mnklna yonnir won with unci hndliiii und milnl hrulnu how animals oleep iqhhuuth ulnop utunillntr up wliou r lionl u oataln inimber wilt nl- wiiyu utund wutch whlln tho otlieru uloi for li bltf hworful ixuiuta are tlmhl und cautloiiu at nljfht niul will jfttntrxn tonmitnrotflranwtiiot ilutu h1ao houd downward hmialiih- hy thnlr html ouwh illrdu swills fow oxooiitlouh ulnop with thnlr heaiui turnial tnllwunl ovor tho bonk and ttm ltuk thruut hoialli in whiu fftorlih uullu and othnr lonalekitnil hjrdu ulnni otinnlliiif on ono leff buoku ulnau on open watnr to u void drlftliik imhoro thoy keep nail- illlinf with ono foot thuu mnklntr them ova ih u nlroln kokoh und wolvau ulnep eurltxl up thnlr uohkh and tlm uolau of thole ft alouo totfothnr and lilmikotml by tlmlr huuhy talla xlonu tlrni ami cat uulmal ntrotoli thinnuolvoii out hat upon thlr hldo their mimolom twitch biul throh indlcntlna that thoy aro lljtht ond riit- tcuu iilnnparn owlu in addition to thnlr nyalhu havn horoaiiu that thny druw nldawbyn norouu thnlr oyaa to uhut nut tlm uieht for thoy ulnop lu thn duytlmc the dcot things aqout love you novor imllovo that anyouo rvor lovnil juut an you iln you want to lull him everything you imvn nvnr thought or uahl or dono you urti uurn that nvnry othor womkn lu anxlouu to takn lilm from you you cannot imaithio ufa without hi in you rouont any arllloluin of him from ntlmr ihiopio you nro jnalouu of hlu mothoi ho- cauim uh knnw him flrtit you count u day hlank in which you do not uaa him you urn miro that if you marry him earth will lia itottcr thnnnny pools tkurudluo vou would rutjinr llvw-tn-wnfftoom- wlth hhn than lii ft palaco with nny- oun oufl if you fall to fool llko oluht of thbua nine thlnttii innliidlns tho lnnt ilont marry him inpluence op a motor car tho motor oar hnu km dim placo lu wnlltlmod and approprlntn recreation hut it hnu lam uuffnivd to loom tar toojuruo lu our uoolul llfd far mora famlllom pouhamm mm than oan roanon- ahly afford elthor tho inltlul nxponaa of thnlr purohnuo or tlm oontliiuouu x- pnnuof tliolr linknnp mnroovr it iw uumiautlouulilo unit tlm prmmiualon of a our in vnry ninny ouuaii uumim nn to othor axuaiiihturou uuoll um thn ionum- nor vory oftnn can 111 urfonl to tho throwlub of moiioy ubont lu varlouu dhikitlonii wko the movlon tlm motor out lu worklnjr a ohuturfl lu peoplou olinrantcr und outlook nit ufa thu full nlioilnoanoa of which not many of thorn in all prohahlllty uilaipiattily riuillkn montreal journal of cam- 8apetv huleq por rubbibh 1 icoop thhittm tidy dont allow riihhluh to hocintiulalo anywhorn in tho iiouua or tioar it 3 if you kwip oily otothm put thnm into ainotal liox or ouii with a- cover v dont plla iltiatl loavoh aualnut nliythlnu- thut will hum tlmy uoma- tlmnu imiltn thiimuolvou 4 itury loavah dont bum them r dont havo old plaaeu of imnbr oluttnrlnif up your hanmont ifiivn thnm cut up into klndllua then pllod in m proiar plur- financial exports are now raising the alarm that germany by hor deliberate policy of depreciating tho value of the mark is not only trying to plead bank ruptcy as a reason for escaping reparations but is putting hor trado in a position ofcompetltlve advance over other countries though german national fin anced are lu u hopeless mess her industries pre prosperous hon john ollvor premier of british columbia complained a few weeks ago that tho tax on whiskey imposed by tho dominion government was taking away from tho people of this province many mi ii tens a year which prcsumablytho people could ill afford tho obviotit remedy is for tho people to spend less on whiskey and thoy will ttion have more for tho neces saries of life toronto globe a trial of the theatroas a satisfactory educational feature fails to convince london england educa tional authority as to its value in the paarkcar 1000 was expended in taking children to special theatre performances of shakcsperlan plays count ing such visits as school attendance tho auditor hold that such payment from local taxes was illegal and the lord chief justice on tho appeal has upheld the auditor doino a ru0hino uuolnebs lift hud juut tuinir nut hlu uhlnult thut morning h utrahimr oulloil tlm dootor uukod to ua exoumud u ho hui rind to thn phono tuklnif down tlm rucnlvor hn uuldf ynu i will uu raudy for you ut two- ttm thlu ufternoihi utit iiiauha 1m prompt for i umi vtry buuy two hundred tlnlluntt ynu thut wuu tho euthunto i uvyou ilunitlnu u i tho roculver im turnnd to tlm utruuifor ui1 ruhhlnif iiim hundu iiukad now ulr whut run i do for yout nothing ropllod thn utrnniiur qulntly ittitno lu only to oonnout up thn tnlniihoue itnudlnif hpoolul- tinu i u xfrt9 imlorfitl thouiihtu oomn whut wmn thru two uhhivlut1i prlntnd lif nlldwm i torn whut liitmino huiuimi liiturtimt thni porttiiy in thn ootiutiy woakly paper thoy tkn wm nun hlk pluiiu lu ill itmuu from tho hkiipia vllt o rauttlvtim to thn lumer mutioru of human ufa mr and mm thn krapt uowa ltaiu of thu uulvumn j ho brluiief of rooilloallonn to tlm luuu fur front jmnm who tnkfm hlu old homo town paper uud rtiudu thu horn of mr uud mm lu knoo punlu und hall wo nuy uhoft uklrth hu tlm littmn town pupur woak lu uud wok out lu o know tho rut hftp- pbiilntfm of tlm worfd tlm dnlna of mr artu l uotilul notion to uuyono who wuu inlv ml lip in w uuihoioiik illvorco mini uu rnfunud to miturtulii mitlm jorky wlmu tho iuomiuii vlulll tho unltol fttutnu uiooinpuuloil by u lady who wi fur from being- hlu wlfo while valitia coiutnluulouor h now york ho luulutnd thut iiinii who worn urruwtml lu ruldu upon dlxruputublu lniuuuu ahould locnlvo thu umim puululililkut uu thulr womon rompuiiloiim tlometlmiiu hopin who mot him for tlm ilrut tlmn thouuht hf would mijoy utorlsu u trltlu off color hut whuuivei nyotm would uturt uuoli uu auoutloto im colonel would turn hlu liurk upon hn um wulk uwuy thlu wuu hu irmllvuleiit to quihui vlctorluu dnvuu- lutllikl wu urw uotumuuvil of whldli lyttou lltruohey huu told uu onria im ted it jfiiuuuliiu oowhoy with thu roiuurk jlin i liku you hut you urn lli uuutluuttulklnu imiu i over huurd jim liwteud of luklnu u potuliui ut him lu uuld to imvo jjuulujd und upol- oulktid au rutiunln hlu rnllulouu lio- tlnfu hn uuldom dluuiiuued tboiu on occuulou 1m wnu found pray 111 if owr tho uiuvo of form or 1nuhlo mcklnloy itid iiniio of hlu huthifu wuu llntiflr thuu thut in tho tihlrnny pray or childrens savings account it ian plonsuro nofc a trouble to opmi savlngfl accounu in tlio nnmca of yourchildrun kvon if you intend to deposit but a dollar at a timo in each account wowolcomo tnifl bujiinohti becauso it la nn educa tion in thrift and vo aro flod to assist you in tcnchlng your children to pitvo si opnntt n savinga account dopoaibj of 1 and upwards aro woicomodl th mcrchants bank hl omen monlraal ok canwda 1lly flathuil 11um ll eublulmkt 1004 l n euorev h p m1uus muu thn mora dnhtu morn thuy unpuud gentle hinto ronlructod tin nuturn lu uuld to ho lnfaulin yot ulin kbvo tlm rooutnr u onmh hut no hall u lu hard to kqi u dyupojttlo to imi- llavn thut thn inlllenlum will ovor tlmro will lut lit tin nhanso in tnnnu car thlu wlntnr partloulurly in tho pnntu pookel a mndnru mnaajlno lu u umnll body of lltnruturn uurroundod by uu ocoun of ndvnrlluouiautu ho tlmn iiiih miiio whim to unt nn thn watnrwuuou lu oqulvnlant to icut- tliiif lto thn bund wiiuon tho tom- nirji niuuo 1m nuroly oomlna to itu i iu change voui1 eyctjuowo t do you ilka your oynbrowu if you ilnni you may now havu thoni chattrod icynhrow traiiuformatlon lit uu pulu- ful au it lu novel hut it lu tho latoht baty orauo aiunna cortuln womnu chlotly clnuma aotriuuinw how lu it donot rirut of all tho nhupe of tho fuca lu tnkon into con- uhlorutlon tlm eyou aro mnonurod for oorroot uatthiif with reaanl to uroater omlunnr and npnratlonu aro baun tlm oorroot uhupo of thn brow tu pnnollletl ami tlm uuruluu hulnn um pluokod nut a hauty kiuirt doclnruu it lu juut au uuuy uu pluckliuf u fowl jftfihtmitnikmlil j iwfthmrjujlfcyrajlluui py rawmii low mwoaoi wtlm fg praaltwcuvook air vents made to order irrniu tin hal van i mil iron or othor uhuot mntnl wu ulnn build to ordnr ukylluhtu roofu n miltoru corulcou umloru ir tut uu lliiurn on your wdrk wn run ilvn you hutlufnclory ro- uuliu and porhupu uavo you nmn money imionh uh at 80 w ft mooney acton ont the weekly newspaper addressing the dry goods sec tion of the retail merchants asso ciation at its annual convention t m humble a well known ad vertising writer of toronto placed emphasis on the value to mer chants of weekly newspaper ad vertising every reader of a newspaper is a possible customer he said newspaper advertising costs less per actual thousand of people reached than any other form of publicity not counting the pres tige of your name appearing in a reputable newspaper there never was a time in merchandising when newspaper advertising was more necessary or potcnvin its power to get business newspapers are the safest surest and the cheapest means of reaching the greatest nuhiber of people the vital issue what w have to jtcitk u thu- are we going to continue the prolttiroe thai wyttty of thl country or are we tot t that is the question and that u the whole question and the great big uctsary tbng fy wf in thu country front the vuion to halifax knows that thu i the qtutlum he or she ii deputing when he or she itotet in this grtat contest arthur mhigkq this vital isauo in tho coming election in fact the only isstio la tho tariff and to every clear thinking canadian it should bo readily apparent that a ero- tcctlvo viscax policy la absolutely essential to stability progrcaa ond development kvery important country in the world upholds protection an un essential eco nomic principle kven great britain so long the btrongliold of free trade hon now udopted laws tlutt conatltuto pro tection of tlio moot nuctlvtj kind in fact tho present policy among moat natfona in towards raising their tariff walls not lower- ing theiiij in tha face of thesa facts it would bo suicidal for canada to do exactly tho reverse and discard tho fiscal syatom which has been respontdble for its brogtwm during the past fortythree years free trade would mean death to can adian industry it would ubto result in the immediate closing down of canadian plants of foreign firms with consoquunt additional unemployment there drotoduy 650 american factories alone in cunada similar proposed ventures would bo aban- king a policy if ho hnv one will result doned new capital would refuse to coma in tho destruction of tho tariff mdghen standi four square for rononablo protection protection for fell the ponle and asks for on overwhelmina mandate to give both industry and ogncultur that assurance which will apell prosperity for all indi vidual prosperity depends upon national prosperity your personal interests and canadas very emutonco hanjf upon your vote tho nstlnnal liberal and gonbewauve party publicity oiomlttss to a country lacldnj adequate protection and present industrial enterprise would bo promptly strangled by foreign competition the preservation of the homo marlet by a reasonable protective tariff is vital to both city dweller and agrarian ullko now as never before more capital la urgently needed for tho development of canadas enornioun loboiircea which will result in n lessoning of unemployment and an in creased population moro work and merer workers will pioduco un enlarged home nunlot for products of both city and farm and tho exodort of canadian men and woman and tho dollars thoy earn will be precluded tho united stnttm iuih ulummod hor trade door lnthe faco of canadian farnlers by adopting tho pordnoy bui and tho farmer is consequently now oven more dependent upon thu home market tluin in tho past yot crorar usjts you to destroy that home market by voting for xree trade business directory dr j a monivcn thyalolun uml buroiu onion uud luuldtnif foriili 1 owi rtviiiliw mini hirslu lltritutw iho iild uiiou fiirnierly oiiiup d u hnn- duruou aoton out dfl j nclbon pliylolun ouruaon ohittrlolun aoton onturlo hnouiiuhor to tho luto dr fliuy oiupo and itouldmiro 1rndnrlck lit u fw on c r w itobo fhylolutt mnd ourgo mill bt qorotowti floi 22 inxhoiiko duration drum hnupltu toronto iljmrliil attention to niuouanu of wo- limn und cltlhlroii nnd infant fuiultiitf legal phono no 33 o ilox sib haltold nash iaitmeh ma ourrltr balloltor notary pub i jo conwunyucr cto fcnitvman ulock acton ont uon1cv to loan ilouru tf 30 am to c pm dtl j m dell d d b l p c dntlt honor oraduiitw of toronto lliuvr- ulty the ltit nthtlo uud if dlrnil dr p q qollop o d 8 l d b dantul guru on oftlon ovor uunlt of nova fjootlm holiito 0 3d to b 30 levnnhitfu hy appolntnumt mlbcellaneoue fhancib nunan qoouhiml aoconnt hooku of all klndu ui- t ordor idrloilloulii ot ovry d mo tion oarofully hound itullns naatly and promptly don wyudhani ltrot oualph out ovor william horo ii j kcrih lleanud auiionr tror tha countlau of ilultou wnlllnn- tnn iool and duffer in nd tlio city of aualph acton ontatllo etalam may b amlnicd hy mull oj at roaldauoa at aoton or at tha lrtv iv orloa aoton tha uoroury ohloa oualph tha nowhltooord vnrftuu or i with w j aordonriiaruojiu uakw illllahurk- nalou ftntruatod to il j icerr rw- tmlv ntuutlon from data of llutlntf to data of ualo llut your aaliui with ma hltlno dowar avanu abtoh imione 88 aoton oall at my iqxparum roy hindley auctioneer livid flxocic illttaij wfjtatw and uunaixanrwin conolldatad phona erin 4t 11 n n 8 acton j e ctteevers book uindeh quabao bt caat oualph out vaovu and mouaxtnoa houml lu ilajidaoma anil hulmtantlal oovorw nanu lottored tu ohl on nihhw hymn dooku and othor uoohh all work promptly ekoutad d alex nivbn ontario land burvayor and olvll gnolnar burvayn eulvlulnnii ilanu u porta ijounrlptlnnii llluoprlntu ota cortlhoutom for purchiinort and mnhsaifoiim lurvciya for arohltrctu ltiillnrrf and munlolnal counolln drulnuum lluportu limllmntini olo molcan duildino dounlaa 0 aumlpit ijiono 10b4 oni tho old and lloliablo uranlto and marble uoalors wo mr nmnufaoturoni and ulrupt importer or all wads of uanumonua uud llfuulutono work wo ull urot to our ouatomwra ut wholoiiulo prlowl thus uaviuk our ouutomuru 40 par onc wo liuvn uia hut applaon and tlt only moohunlou u tha dominion who pun oprt pnoinimllu tools vropriy w oan lvii roruroucow fntm hunuroda of our euatoinort in toronto uud othm plaoob whoro othura huvo to lmvo law nuiu in order to aolleot wo have tha larsoat and iwat toak of drainta in tha iomlulon or mora than uity tnrm dealer in thtf wl wu ar liui- mata daalara and amplay no nuuu audi do not annoy or uaat ouhtomsra byoudlns out lnorantbntii nollolt- iuk ordara wo employ only moohanloa and dory oompotltlon ton sons cor nwmlkn a woemrltui bht oustph 7 a blilliahttiiist toiiianj iis

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