Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1921, p. 4

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ttttwwrt iiwjohwi owl wwcrwrttt iivi i r 41 3ftu arimt 3te 100 ii r i iii ariom l 11 r 1 ill 1 ul 1 ll r i r 11 jl 1 advi in i in i j l i u i i til n 1 1 i iiohi tntfinai novi tuui hi i i it u i mini i ii iii if mill irct 111 ili in la in x mill i rll i al i nerll lill i rlil lulltor u 11 hi editorial r jiicirtc lircd of sunday ihuitraj f ollowmj n ulci ion rendered by justice gibson sitting ui hit cnnminl court theatre i which luivo bun operiulnj on sunday in the province of quebec for the inst two year- will liavo to cloo or pay fine of forty dolliir for each pcrrorinuyu when unreal ted anil even patron- may bo apprehended the liberty iisumtd of tnkinp undue freedom with divine law litii evidently borne fruit in the mtcr province 4 canadian unknown holdler lo rest at ottawa conitlilent with the popular plan of honoring tho fallen olilni htrotj by other countries nn unknown cutmrhah oldicr will m nil probability bo brought from i rupee or plnmlcrii tor interment with ntitloiuil honor it ottiiwn iheccntrnl i kccutlvc of til grout war s vein urn at otlntion have jduoud the niuttui before provincial command to ascertain the wiihc i of the vuteruui if thoy atk that it bo done nn no doubt they will the matter will bo brought to the attention ot the government it will bo a worthy reuiciubcrnucc and n reverent act ujhbl on all vehicle there ia a atronjr fedinj that bicycle j und liorcc drawn vehicles should all bo required to tarry light at idrlit uc well us motor earn for general rnfety the mmiitor of highways has been approached by the ontario motor leajuie but is very 11011 com in it tnl concerning flic probability of lobulation dur mi the coming moion the abiicnco of lightn on bicycles and horrc drnwn vehicles at night haj been the subject of coiidctuuntion and recommendation lately of numerous coroners und grand juricj the nnvul holiday n rlcafdno to canada si far as canada 11 concern til the proposals ut the washington conference would bo of incalculable financial henuit naido from the great moral effect at last cession of our dominion parliament 2500 000 was voted to maintain the navy the navy colleges and the navy docks expenditures many tunes greater have been in contemplation the now pro posal if accepted will bo provcntivo of ills to come rather than curative of ills already lie re it will roduce the expenditures during the coming decade by scores of millions of dollars i women object to street carnlvnlx at the meeting or the nutjonnl council of women at woodstock lust week a resolution was unanimously noised asking the government to for bid the street- caruivalu and travelling show which havo been coming into canada from tho united states lately it was pointed out that such shows have a very demoralizing effect on tho community in which thoy nro allowed to operate and speclul mention was made of tho manner in which boys and girls to say nothing of adults spend good money 011 the various games of chanco connected vtisuch sho s fere nee was also mado to the immoral results the expenenco of tho towns in which thebo perambulating street camivuls have been held in has been very undesirable beautifying the farm surroundings at the women a institute convention at toronto last week miss yates of port credit who haj frequently uddressed tho institute here impressed very strongly tho desirability of beautifying the fa on homo and surroundings her key note of beauty was simplicity and order i know tho diffi culty of maintaining a glory of color about the farm house is very great but ho said i think it can bo solved by bulbs with a shrubbery border rouivtt tho yard as it in called and went on to suggest that when the department of agriculture is uskod for vegetable sccdi a request for flower seeds might also go along everybody udmlts that any attention paid to tho farm lawn and flocr beds amply pays for tho labor expended in tho attractiveness and relief from bare surroundings thus accomplished 6 canada example in peace- making- tho position of canada in tho matter of peace making und the experience of thin country during tho past one hundred years is giving our representa tives at washington a proud place at the washington disarmament conference canadas example lu the limitation of armaments wan placed before the press rush hogof convention or interchange of notes of the world bomi ofllclally tho other day tho noto now mbro than a century old wui cited as an in stance of what can be tono when there is the right dnd of spirit this convention it was explained kept both canada and tho united states from placing war craft qu the great lakes and the idea had been extended without any formal proceedings to the land boundaries until to duy there nro no fortifications worth while along tho 3000 miles of the imaginary lino defining our boundaries wo have reason to bb proud of our position from a peace standpoint ihreofourtliu of u century a newhpapcr the gtilt reporter tho only surviving newspaper that prosperous city has just celebrated its evenly fifth anniversary during till these yean ithnn been in tho hands of the jatfrey family and hiu been a credit to gait peter jafiray the founder before cornhij to canada was editor of tho shrewu bury chronicle in england while ho came to canada intending to tniragc in farming near goder ich he drifted to gait and purchased the dumfries counir changing tho name to the gnlt reporter und published hu first isue on november ii 1840 mr jaffray with his four sonn wore practictilly the entire rtaff the reporter has prospered and bus outlived all competitor mr j p jnffray the pre cut owner and editor tu chief is 11 man of wide journalistic experience and loves tho reporter now even better than in hm boyhood days not it ladle man among them in some unaccountable way the vu 1 pms municipal reporter misinterpreted the resolution of he council hut week on the question of tho granting of the franchise to women in municipal elections the pitir pure wa 1 no sooner lu the hands of tho readers fait thursday morning than the bachelor clerk of tho council called at the editorial rooms to protest that tho councils action on tlo suggestion uhmittcd by the provincial secretary was diametri cally opposed to that reported in thee col u mm why ho said tho proposal was defeated and unauinioti ly defeated every member of tho council voted against it and so it trunnplrci cvcry man jack of the council 1- down on tho women having n vote von the recentlymarried junior member surely this ii a 11 ill con idercd action the dominion parliament says let the women vote the pro vincial legislature says lot the women vote but our local parliament says no lot the women stay at home and wo men wifl do the voting well tho women may not be permitted to vote but tliov have n mighty influence on tho men who do vgte and tho present membors of acton council may just as welt rem cm tier this and remember it good and hard if the women take u notion therell bo things doing on tho 2nd day of jauunry next when tho municipal elections are held no vote for tho women surely tho days of rip van winkle are past the acton creamery will ihi itun in iuluni liy thou oni11 wiix pay iiighhst maltkkt mucfcr koh iiuttkk tat and lltlsh kggs notice wo jivo notice to he public that tlieartnertlup between harold wiles and ti101 oneil hut thl 1 day been disiolvod itud all claims and imhllitleti nj aiut the creamery will be itisumed by mr oncll hanoid wilrs thos onpil mr farmer editorial notes it will be no discredit to be dubbed a pacifist from this time forwnrd tho nntionn area luitfjffron that doctrine henry pord makes a sane proposal now viz to junk battikhlps nnd build tractors the money sunk in battleships would put a tractor or other necesnary machinery on ovory farm on earth it really looks as if the now year will sec canada restored very largely to normal businens condition prom all parts business optjmhm is found factories are humming with orders and unemployment is being reduced f l hero is tho prejjdont of tho ontarlo boards of trade saying that canada litis passed the crisis while all tho govommont orators and organs arc telling the country that it will be ruined if it is deprived of mr melghens services star tho ways of tho politicians aro veritably past finding out tho druggists of alborta are supremely tired of the liguor dispensing business removal of tho liquor vending business from the drug- stores ot tho province wasurgcd upon attorneygeneral g e brownlee by a delegation from tho alberta pharma ceutical arsocintiou thou in convention in edmonton tho great disarmament conforonce at washington is making fine progress it is generally conceded on all sides that offensive armament must bo dis continued it s the offensive urniamout that has aroused tho ire of tho world and this armnnieiit whether it be on laud or sod must beput in process of extinction oct the correct view point it is the proper thing for young people when they have left school and commonce tho duty of earning their living to be reasonably saving and judiciously economical it is well ulwuys to learn ut the outset that 11 dollar never contains more than one hundred cents but it is a mistake to think that saving money is the principal object of ufa hoarding docs notnmko for hnptfuess a miser is the least enviable of human beings and this is as truo of the miser of tnlout or tho miser of friendship as of the one who hoards monoy tlusro aro some gifted people who refuse to entertain or nmitso except for value received iherq are many who rather prrdo themselves oiibemg exclusive in their friendships so that instead or helping to make the world n sunny happy place for as inunymu possible they confine the pfllees of good will to a very limited circle money does not contribute to happiness if you keep it for itself but if it is used to scatter blessings it becomes one of the elements of satis ractiou jaloittod people arc no jiappier than others unless thoy give tholr talents generously whatever you try to keep ror your wu selfish enjoyment becomes an injury to mako jjiy possession a bless ing you must shuro it for to gave is to live a 1 wlse man who was askod in an interview if money 1 helped to make happiness replied it does provided gft i you do not keep it too long there is a profound philosophy of hfo lu tltnt pnrswor- little japan has evidently profit ted in spirit by association with the other disarmament representa tives at washington i hoy aro learning well the lesson that thoir aggressive imperialist policy is a profound mistake and would ultimately cost them tho loss of tho friendship of great britain and the united states councillor robert nelson a returned soldier lias given notice that j10 will introduce a bylaw at next meeting of brampton council granting exemption from taxation to tlto returned soldiers ihe veterans tuxei in brampton amounted to about 2000 or ono mill of the town rate i his action will bo watched by municipal authorities generally with much iu- terctt r your iwoiiey is safe from fire or theft when it la dopobitod in tho morchnnttt bank yok you do not pay n cent for this protection on tho other hand xho morclumla bunk puyn you intoroattwlco a your for tho privilogo of taking- euro of your jnonoy and puordfnbyou afifulnil loan dopoail your pay in n snvinph account 100 in thia bank nnd pay your billy by choquo it pro ventu loiiii th mrchants bank you should k uivto daib in the home as well as having upto date machinery let us instal a pneumatic watersystem lowest possible imces quotations ntke send sketch head office montreal of canada stfaty deoi ibua k eilbllud 1604 l h mtonev mw ii ii mimus wu- howard and mccarvqll 24 wilson st guklph phone 270w prohibition in the united states won a signal victory on fridny when the senate by a vote of 51 to 22 parsed the ant i beer hill which now goes tto tho president it pormitsby implication at least tho searching of storehouses outbuildings and auto mobiles for illicit liuuor btt forbids tho searching of homes byngovornuient officials unless armed with a search warrant the farm well ilin wall in tit uifua uourco of tho furm walor mitiy nnd a uooil wlr that lu mm whlnli uiithom pltmty 01 liuri frtuli unci wliotiuomo wntor tli ynar rou ml lu onrlulnly oiia of tlia nout iitunntlnl nml viilualiln niiuoui of tlio fiitin wltliout it no iiii colli i llvo thtira for lonir to auih no thi iir idifliit lirliiftinc til imnltliy family or hull line up mi t lllclont dairy liord tlio well mtiut lin tlinro flnit und inel 11111i nil tlui tlmo 11 ml wo cannot 00 it oolvo if 1111 into11ltnt jiinn huylna a rnrm wltliout ii ijoiki wolp it ho in tm jnil to ilva on it anil mului it pay luvlilmirin i nrtun itoly mnut of oiiinrlop fflmifl aro wall niniiilloil with wntor in fact it to a raro tliintr lo dud a farm whom oul 1 not ho iioonroit lu nufflcloiit qnuiitltlnn ijy ilrllllnn to rdanonajilo iiojtii 11 tlin 11 imply thoroforo will lunlalily nuvar rniinn nn any narloiiu worry hut judjflnir hy iv meant report on ntnilyulu of many wall watoru from thin province 0110 nnomu juntlflod in con clii llntr thut tlinro u utllt noml for od no itlon of tlio rural nuhllo in ro unl to tlin iirotfictlhn ami euro of tho farm woll llio fouowlna jujrjjentlnnn iii bo to u ml liolfil to any fannor mlronu of mubfnir hlu wator aunily iiafti 11 mt inii t inuoililo inultirkronni nnd nurfiico cnntnmtiiutlou in drnt fitnp in tho tioliitlnn of thin iirohlom of purer wator nuptily lit tho location of tlio woll tlilu uhoiild ha i y all innaiiu on around hlelior thnn any iiouroo of contnmlimtlnn uucli iih harnynrd ooumoo or outol lo privy if tlioro iihouhl ho 110 oholoo in inoii ttfln und tin 11 ran not ho do no thou tho woll nliould ho kopt a conulitorahlo dhitunro from uuoli con tain inatlouu at loaut 100 foot in olay and 300 foot ae noro in uindy nnlln nnd tho orlhbluir ml top of tho woll npoolaliy protnotod nu dolulli 1 intor uualiint tho ontrunoo of any uoopnirn nn i hiirfnno wanlilnau in tlin hoooml pluoo tlin arlbhlna for nt loaut nn jaot lolow tlio mirfuoo uhoiild ho irndn linporvlouu to wator that contumlnntlnn lu uoliitlou roncliltnf tlin woll would havn to vauu 11 tlnouili thin oxtra dopth of hoii ro nottlnir into tho woll whun in all pro anility it woull ho taunn up hy tlvt noil und novor rnaoh tlio woll wator llilii mny ho do no in cauo of an nl 1 woll hy puttlnn a wall of pu til loit cloy 0110 fm t thick and ton foot loop arouiul tho woll nrlhhhnr nnd in cfino of a nowly ilutr woll r roorlh bin if mi old dint hy uiilnir tnrico con ore to tlto for tho orlhhlnir and no ulna tho jolntu tliorouahly i rich oomont tlofoio tlu tun urn place 1 in tho woll tho nutflldoh uhoul t ho wuniioi with puro lomoiit wnntor in onlor to till up ull pnrcu and mnuo tho tlio nbinluioly linporvlouu to mill watoro thirdly tho orlhhlnbf nliould ho oxtondod nt tonut ono foot nbovo thn around lovol nnd tho noil ban und up to tlio top of it to prnvldo cool uurfaoo dralnna away from tlin woll fourthly tlm woll nlioul 1 ho provl tod with a atronif and tight ttttlne covor mmto of hoavy plnult or onncrotn uo that it will ul- wnyii ho unto for mini or bfont and proof utcnliimt thn antrunao of dirt mnall iinlmftlm llko rrouh uto lavon bltm ntlll tho pump tnny 1o pliiifld fivor a hlmllow dry w to onn utito uutl tho top of tho foul wall nado uhuohitoly haht hy a oonoroto oovor in llilii rutin the wall nlioiihl lo vontt- latol by piittlnir a uniull iron plpj with tho oxnouod end tununif down- wurdh tliroiitrh tho top or novor and fifthly tlio ii look hhnuld not ho allowed to tinmp about oiomo to tlio woll what him boon mild rofoiu oliloily to diiu woliu hut ovoti tho dilllod or ilrlvon wellu fthould ho woll drnliidil nml protootml at tlio top for othor- wimo flontunilniitlou mny work down tho woll ctiiilnir und ftnoh tho wntor oiiptiolnlly if tlio on ul mf lu not tightly ilrlvon tnto tbo rook holnw u to mi nit muttorii of oou- nttuutlnn nml protootlon of thn farm woll om in ro dotullod nnd nn oooa ml puinplnir out and aloauhllitr of tho woll with a little limn will iihmno a ptiro und wholiuomo wator mipply 11 it aruhimi o a o duolpli tannery cooperative the store of qivihly and low prices jijst arkuvbd new california secdlcs raisins new cnhronila seeded raiains anyone who has not yet tried our 38c ceylon ten should do no this tea at present market value could not he sold at less than 50c new valencia raisins new orange lemon and citron peels new figo prunt- alj kinds of nuu etc in riannclctto 1 yard wide best quality nt 22c yard call nnd get our prices you will be convinced that we can hi your needs at prices that defy competition overalls working shirts boots un dctwiar etc nt especially low prices special prices on sugar in 100 lb lots rurders all uepuccd to 7c katt surprise soap comfort soarr sunlight soap white nnptha soap quick naptha soap tor men women boys and girlfl either cash or goods paid for butter eggs etc tannery cooperative c a conway mmubm- mill street acton whoa w u ranoy attorney general makes spoocli ho always handles his subject in a mantorly innnner butiiio man in politics is more roundly nususod thnn he this is largely because of his stand in favor of prohibition- and against race track gum hlmg his stand on thoso two issues brings down upon him tho dislike of those classes in tho com m unity who are most fluent and gifted in tho uso of invective toronto star heal dvhpathv a onn try mihnnhu inn hoiu win- 1 onn mnrnliik thut oh io wau uuffi rlrur fiom un ajdiik tt niuuuii tlioro wnilld in no moikioi thut duy ijilo lu tho iifturnium tdio rotiolvol a lutifo boil i u t nf wild flowom from inn pupllti with a notn uttuohod wliloi loud l ui u plojihii winy ulok to- mmiow too und woll timid you un other humh idutoh iiuuntnlpt wsifsl moraw ely if they tire itch smart or hum u ir initatml la- ftnnunl orcronulated uaamurlnenf ten swibfttw sfoor infant or adult atalldnugilal- writs tavimlfbmdc hdmbksckch- why wiry wa partridge tirw incrcnfiing in popularity among our cuutamcra why aro we ho ciiuiuflinnue about partridge tircfl nnd why do wo htrongly recommend them to you 1 i because in actual uervlco partridge tinw nro demonstrating their grealnata what we have hcni and heard about these sturdy hand built urst convineca ili thut for all round economy they uro unsiunasilofl partridge tireu nro not only huhsbmually reducing mllti- ugo coaubut their ruggl wearing qualities eliminate freuent und exuensivo reuajra l partridge tires came m their jome w1m avtoud vou complete satisfaction fred blowt bushiesb direcjlory mldickl bit j a mcnivrwt chyalolun mhj ui roto1 ohi 1 1111 rni iluwo avnuo un i u lllr i m ui nuia m u nut rly 1 1 r ii l d l y u m jiou- di rnon at to i out dii r j nll0on pltyltun ouruenti obstotrlolan aoton ontario fliikl ir to tlm into lr dray oltl ui 1 ho i i i lovlou uu ollho llauruj t t i p m unl 7 to 0 p in on t r w nouu phyalcimi un qurgoon mill gt caorutown plic unijiut i k homo fiirui ji or t rout i hi i rial nttonih n trtul i 1h1 of wo- i n uti 1 ohh iron nnd it fi it jcoo 1 honn no i o h x fljg harold nash parmer ma bifmir oojjoltor notary publlo convanytinciar etc pcii1vman ulock abtom ont onl v jo toan itoiiru d 30 n in to 6 pm drt j m bell b d o l d t honor ormlimto of toronto umvr- mlty tho utoittn i oathtttlo ul u dthlrd lt p o gollop d b o l d 8 dhtal ouroon onico ovot ilunk of novn hoot uouiib 0 30 to e30 invonlnsh hy at polntmoilt miijoellawiiouo rr phan0i3 hunan pookblmlar account tkooilh of tiil utndu p iri to order 1nrlo lleal nt t vnry t orlp- llon narorully imiuud ltulliiu noatty un 1 promptly ilonn wynilhum rtrat quo1pli out ovar wllllnmu ktoro ii j kcnn llaaiimad auctioneer itor tho coimtlnn of ilnltpn wolllnu- tou ioul unl dnffirln anl tbo city of auolnh acton omtaiuo 1 1 ht t thn jtroo promt oflloo aoton rim morcury onion ouolnli itlo nnwfl irttpfint irprgnu nr c with w j clordon ilurnoau maker llillalinrtf baloa oil trim tod to it j icorr rt oolvo attention from ditto of llutlntf to date of unlo llut your anlou with m rid id lie bower avamia aoton phono so anion call t my idxpenu roy hindley auctioneer liviq tirocic ninai lufiiatia and midrohawmhld conolidtu phona crln 4t 11 n n 3 acton j e cdeevers book bindbh qula 01 knit ouiph ortt llaovtt and matoalrjoi itound in iianilnoino and duhwtnntlnl oovorrf namoti lottoro 1 in sold on hlbl hymn hooka und ntlinr bookn all work promptly kxioiiud d alex niven elurvy etuh llvlulon plaun itn- poru xtomcrlptloiih llliioprltita ta cor t lit oa tow for purtliuuoni and mortiotfooh hurvoyu for arcliltrcto llulldor and municipal connolly jlralnaifi itoporui icutlmatou ota mtlean nulldinc doiiulna si omnzlmi jhnno 10h4 oni cotmultlnjc ijiufluccru jauit proctor rixlfcru ltd e m piioctor uaoo hanur 30 toronto ot toronto cn iludum pavomontii ntoiworkii jloworaiin uyuloiuu tuolni nttnrti hohnolii pnldlo llullx unuvlnau 1 aototrlou arhltrntloiui ldtluutlou our pet uaimlly pltl out of tint rnonay w knv our o i loot a tho old and holliiblo g rat 1 1 to and marblo doalors wo are inn niifaotnrra un i dlroot imixirtom of ull kludu of moiiinnontut unit lluilutoiui work wo woll dlroot to om oiiutotmrm ut whtthiialo prion thum iiuvhik our oilutoiiiuru 40 if oant wo havo tlio bout nppllauoon und tho only tuoohunloti lu tlio dominion who run oporato pnnlimathi tuohi itvipirly wo ouii ulvtt roftmnottf from inn dto of our onttionlfra lu lun ntn mut otlibt- phxem wluiro otlion havo ti havo law hultm in ontcr to cnlti ot wo i uvo thn luruoxt an i 1 out mint it of oninlto in tlm iomlnlou oi hit ro thai any thiw tlaler hi tlio wo it wo on loicltl muto doalorw anl mpiiy no uuonta htid do not annoy or pout niihtuman hy win lluii out itcuorunt hkhihh h ilk it- line indru wo employ only moolmnln iitul dory competition hamilton sons cor novrtn mjirtm htl ootldh i

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