Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1921, p. 2

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i- qjif p jvrtmt jtfm pram llllllia ihcc1 llijl i doug it tav7 viij tli of in ill lllllllllll 1 til ml llf i of lii i i illini ill 10 hojio in it audio of imni or uny won tli imn lionu worth vhlln y sp a quaker detectives work in nil urn w13 vtrtt llvo i yjx mlildlit iiifinl unlit ionian quoin r in tho mlddlo niyimlf tin din mm in front i lit two luillcu mlylil liavo boon iimllmr unil dnitulilur aunt uiu nloco fciivt niiini ami outrun or mlirht havo iiiihi ihiiil mil oilmr rolntloiuil whloi inn i in it iniur for two indluu to truvul tiunlinr u mi 1 1 unil in u tlui mlildlouuod uiitliiui willi uiirlithlly uml tiiluntlvft iio noon litrnclt ill ihm willi tmico wihi tlio liulluu towutil whom in lilu aunt to do ho rulliui uvnnllil tint nurotnldo how- ilitf unit umillnir urid clintlnrliur ovoi lilu ulhhililor in u way imliifully mimjiui- tlvo at hln tliwi of ufa of a crick jn tlio node ho wuii iivldontly u cuy ithnrlo j ho qunltur worn tho uniform if lilu mot litul conllnou lilu rnmrli u many a tmrlluniniitnrl in would mivn hln rrodit tiy ilolnif to ulllljilo youii and nnyii an for niyunlf i malm it an invurlablo nilo of tho nud to ho umroly a looluir- on uiid llulunor tnwiinl ovonlntf i wuu iimuund from hint of thauo lovorlou into wlilnli u jiiitnu mini without bowr oltlior a i oit or u icvnr will wnmntlniou fall by uui ulruit iiiury from tho tuluatlvo jjoutlmtinii aro you nrinudf i am not i nuuworod iimtnnluhod rn doubt vlullily at tho mioutlpn i am worry to hoar it li ropltod mr linfoio riikildiiif our ulopiiln dluco it will 1b uovorul hitunj in thu lilulit and wn imiut nliw ovor a nor- llon of tho road on whlnli nioro than ono rohliory lu roiiortal to havo boon uoimnittod hid lu ill on tunuhl pale hut tin ntniiufur did llju bout lo rnaiiiiuro thorn not that i think tlioro lit tlio ulluht- out dariror at promnit ho rouiimnd only whan ono lu rohpannlhlo fur tlm 1 unfoly of indian yon know mi eh u tli i n if mi u nlutol hi rnurh would matnrlally add to onou eonfldmioo your prhiolphm my frlotid ad- lroutilnit tlio qualtor i prouumo nra no iiuiclt opiioufld to cnrrylnir a to uuinif carnal wdapoim von wan tlio rohponun iinvo tho vlllalnn murdnroil nny nf thulr viotluuit tho oldorly lady nor- vouuly inaulrod or hnvo thoy onntnntod thomiiolvon wtili with iilundnrlnu thorn tuldod tlia yoinftraf in tlmorouu volcn jlflnldwlly tho lattor tho imilnblo lontloman hnutuiod to clvo nufiuruiico and ay wo aro imho of nu proparud to hffor rflwliilumo in cnun f attack notli- llitr wonio tliun rob lory tnn bofall ua tlimi uftur blatnlnu big thonuht- inuuiiuuu in huvlnu unnfiaownarhy intro- duclntr u dluauraonlilo uuhjoot tho uoiitlomim nullo oxrolloil hlinuolf in tirfuotii to ruliio tlio uplrltu of tlio rum- luiny uud micnodnd an wnll by tlio tlmo nlffht uot lu that tu had uulto forafltton or only romtunlwirod tliolr fuaru to lauicli at thorn our inmlal rompanlon fairly tnlkfld hlniholf hnarmi porcnlvlnik wbloh ho took from hlu imnket a nowty u von tod rouuh randy and af tr luiuulnit- it to tlio ladltw hit holpod lilmnolf to thti imlmioo and iniinort tho pnpor out of tho window ji wiih lh tlio mldut of lilub oil- cnniinmu- on tho now luiittriitn innro tlnm lialf llm olllruoyof wlilah lm in- ulutodi dnpondnd mi itu bolntr tnkon by miuthm whoii a idirlll whlutln wau lmaiit mid alniflht linomdlutoly tlio ooacli atonpfld with two fucoii ono a oaoli window horry tn t roil bin you uald tho man on tho hiclit anknowlnduinu with u bow two ladyllkn uoraimui from tho hunk neat but banlibujjm bnuluiiini out otiru will hooii bn ovur if thlnita ro miioothly of rourno hoiitloiiion you wlllminro im far an may bo roiiiilutmit with your dlmikrfloahlo duty tho fftollnun of thouo indlou iippoalnd tho pollto ihiwuonucir in hlu blundout innmiar oh oortalnly tboy miiiiii bo tlrnt attoiidod jo and ahull not lm roqulrod to hiavo tliolr pliion oi unbuilt to a honidi iinlnuu llmlr oonduot rondoiti it nupiihhary and now laiuoa contlnnnd th mbboi tlio imrifll of hlu plutnl honm- ihu in tho lluht of thn con oh- lam p ho ho uood aa to panu nut your puriiou wiittilion and uuch othar trlnkntii a may hi without no much troublo ihn ludloa oiimn down oinmliioinoly unil wii not fnitlifir ninhihtod ono by ono tlio toht of uu warn com- ikdlod to tot nut tint mlddloiiunil uunllomuuu turn onjiijiu flrttl ho tnihtiilttod with a- wlnnlnu- urano uud wan robhod llko a vary c bun i or hold my own iirfafi ilka thn film i lout wuh not worth tnimtlnnhuf tim r quaktnw turn ruino utixt iio rjlhy liniidod over lilu pockollinnk nnd wntoh and whon auuod if ho had uny valuahloii mild nuy a quakoru word in uood ovon anionir thlovouno a ft in a huhty uood- n lull t tbn loblior thrvlht tint plutnl lu hlu ltookot uud with bin two nonipaulomi ono of whom had hold thn roluii of tho tojuhiru wuu about takluir ida do- parturo htopi nxfdaliiiod tlio quakor in a tonn mora of cnniamud than roinioiit hlopl what for raturiiotl tlio otbor in dvldout uurprltio for at i limit two uood rcaiiomi wuh tho rtiply otiiplinnlmiil with a co up hi nf 13arilnoni noukotl and pro- mintd ilolpl ulioutod thn robbnr htopl tho qiinkitr nifitlu oxolalm- ul and if oim of thy nlnful opi- iiaulonti iiilvmoni u tttop to by rolltf tbo hplrlt will unruly tnovo mo to blow thy bra i ii ii out i tim riiblioi at ibo up poult window and tlio nun ut tlio hmdmn boudii tboiutlit it u uood limn to loitvf now not in frhiikl null thu quiikur iitlll uovorlnu bin num anil taku tho tnlddln umttj but llrut dollvei up tby ulhtol tho otbor ttlhltutivit tbvo liad hotter not tioliiy i tool tho hplrlt latiiinnluir o movo my iljjht foronnktiri tlio rtibtinr did iih ho wau dlrmjtoil ulid tbo quuk- took lilu plu o by hlu aide klvlnif tho huwoomoc tho middlo f of filrt unit of bin wltu u w uut furwntd ut a d mil itu n ly uutl mini hiiou 11 1 iviud hlu vlv i lty wit wau ti- im nil fuillimi on thn qmilni ii guiiki i ion an wl 1 xll ilnnt i idlu umlh a ml uli noi l hiiltlni- gualiii if iii lllllll 1 of till r nu mil in i p i idiinilil uny inithi lib ii in inm tho jliiili i jilapiilnr hit lilu umiul niiuioiiyl llll iitlnn ililu d iiilni i il unit iimi i tldin wo ox i l 1 h idopixd whioo wo w a 11 llllvii 11111 r and a chiiu of hoi an v luid llfllllll u kllliltll- bu ion of mil l in till wo iihoulil it i h thin placo in tho dim uirht of tin ooi ii lump w mild havn iiniliirid ho in on mi uomin hut 1111 ult h foid 1 won now inn maty hownvor that iilil m luoui i to i juvliil niipanloii hud prnvuninly tin- noiiiiidil lilu intfintlon of it ii vim nu at llilu point v propomd a poutpono- munt till nftor mippi r whh h ho orfnrod to no uni oidoi nay uri d tho quulior with an uipioa ii to ubruptiit nu and luyjnif bin hnnil un thn olluirm anil biuilnouii i i for plnihiiri and for liniillii tin tlinro in no tlnm like the pruuont will then bn uood oimujflf to uoirth thn prlunnoj ho mild to mo iitlll kmi- huf liu hnnil in a frloridly wayon tho imiiuimutirh arm i did mi but not mm of tho utnlnn artlrliii ould bo found ho miiut liuvii ot rid of tliom lu tlio ioiiou tho tfny ikiithnnan uuif- lioiitod anil liiinii dlatuly nni rod to co and iiour i ii ttop tlitiudoroil tho uuiikor tlulitimlnif hlu it roup tlio mini turiiid pulo and iitmuulixl to roluuiio hhi aim in uu liuilant ono of tbn lrrhitfrii wun invollod at hiu lu art liaiid or foot and you aro a ml mi j ho quiikur mimt havo boon awfully oxoltnd no mmplotoly to foruot both tbo laiikuiiifii and tbo irinclplou of bin uniiloi iluohii thn othoi l intel hi my hand with dliutitloii i to llrg at thn unit of tho two mi n that inudo a uiiuplclnilii iiiuvumniil ho wont to work on io- thurlo from wlinuo poikutii in i oil thno tluiii it taljou to toll it ho produced ovory ltnin of tho mhnilnir propnrty to tho titter iimiiiumont of tho ladlnii who bud hnicun lu no moaiiurod torma to romnimtrntn nnnlnut tho uhutnnfiil trontmoiu tbo uont ionian wau roonlv- inir thn quukiir tinod uoarcoly add w t no qimkor ut all but a uhrowd iloloo- tlvo vlu liftl hou iiuuon tbo trnnk of 1 baud of dcupiirndiiiu of whom our inlddliinund frind who didnt look iiour no uilddloaucd wliuu bin wlu wail off won ibo chlof iho robhory hud boon adroitly planum tlio i u ml or nf tbo iiaiuf bud niton pnnuauo in thu narh and nftor innru- inif an bn nitppondd our dofoncoliui condition had ulvun tlm ulunul to bl compunlonii by tliiowlnir out thn ociap of pupii r nlroudy muntlonod aftor bin unolmctod rupturo of tin unit rob bur it wau nttomptod to huvo tho booty by nociotiy pmndiitf it to tlio nccompllno utlll bcllovod to ho unauu- pnotod who touutotl nn boltiir nblo tn uiako off with ft at tbo noxt ntoppbktf plnoo piioich riedina ia eqintial to winveil uqq phoduction if hutlafactory prof itu nro to bo ob- talnnd frm tbn kooplus of hone it lu ijocounnry tluit cuau to produced dur- intf tho uoanon of urarclty anil hlili jirlcoo ktruu laid in november and bocom- bqr will utniully fotch from two to tbroo tlmoo thu prlco of ouu laid in april mid may pciiltrymon ubould tlioroforo put rorth ovory offort to- wardn tbn production of winter oitou eiuooouu dopoudu vary inrtioly upon tbo rt ami food which thn hook lu fflvon thoro aro nthor fnodu bouldoa tlio jiraln ml wntor onmmnnly foil that aro ou- nontlnl if honvy wfutor produotlon lu to bo oxpootod tho mout impnrtnni f thouo nro tho jjroon foodh anil tho onlmni foodn nnd it cannot lo ton ti onuly nrnpbauiaod that thouo nro nliuoluloly nnofnaatry to hlh produo tlon oroon fowl may bn mippllod in form of uiaiikohi olnvoi hay up rou tod nntji wnutn cabhuuo or yeuo- tnbln purl new whllo unlinnl food may bo ulvon in tlio form of nillk irroou out bo noji laiof uorap or dltfoutlvo tank- nuo tlio follow iff method nf faadlnir ilmuld hlvo natlafantory loiuiltu mornlnif a ilulit food nf uoratoh uraln ncattorod in tlio httor noon n molut mnuh mny bo ujviui lu wbloh in mlod tiihtii ucrnpw or nro in cut bono nltfhf a full fond of horatnh uraln i nddltlmt to tho foromontloiunl n ronutiuit uupply of urlt oyutiir olioll ohnroonl nnd frouli wator nhould ho impt boforo tho flock at all timou aluo a ity tminlt ilihi iniihh muy bn mndo up of illhoixmt inurodlontu hut onn that will ulvo uood rouulta lu bran mhldllnkhi corn innal irriliniil ontu nnd moat nionl oipuii pnrtu if milk in nvallahlo or uronn out bono in boliiu lined thn pnrcdiilaiio of moia monl may bo roduced teed tho wbolo craln npnrlnuly no uu to get tho hook tn ron- iiliino a in run proportion of mnuh an it lu nlwayn nntlrnnbhi that tun eon- inimptjon nf inaub lu it rou tor when proiluotlmi fu nt iu iiiriiomi oooro ilohoituon poultry iliinliundnmn onn- tral lakporlmenlnl fnrm ottawa in iilvnorlmonlul 1 arm nnton the charm of alaba is in its unique flavour of rich delicacy and it never varies- all grocers sell saladst in sealed metal packets only an auto cquippgp with a tiuklcoq tihc i dont have to womk vpluiulnif yo dc dubincaslikg 10 yo dc couiltpouo homo younrr pooplu hnvo un idna that to bo imnlimuhlilm in to bo curt nnd uliort nud to dlhpnnun with tbo ordinary forimilnu of cnurteiiy noth- inar could lm furthor frnm tho truth many hlu drum pny liuudrodii luru ovoiy ynur for unhiir in liio buul- wux lottorn mioli toimu nn liear ellr wo uhall ou loom it n favor and no n if tbo lotteju woio rnmlenued no a 1o oomo to tho point without utiyl f tlumo coiirteoilii phraueu tboy would nn o tlio tlnm of iitonouropboru nnd no wnvo money hut no fn ueolntf huiiluoau imni connlderu thnt nimh iniv- lurf would ho rool ooonomy tlio tolo- phoiio compnnlen onutd hnrdly bo no on noil of beinu unhuiilneiiiillkn hut tlio tolibouo uirl lu tniijrht to uny not what number but nuinhoi phmuo and if iiho fnl in to iindoiutand yon ubo invnrlnlily liouu you pardon a merchant loprovlnu a clerk whn hnd bomi uliort with a eiiutthnor nuld iliafu hjid hnuhioun ami un it wuu to bn humtnofuiliko lu to bn courtonuu it doou not muttei hnw ubrowil u buul- i luuii may ho in tnkluu iidvnutnuo uopniilnu if i laokii cnurtnuyjio inokn to uomo douron buuliiuhm nuutorfwa you uiu thn wlrl wo rjilhir loudly for the in intiiroitiil muloiuir i dont rmlly hnvo to work i nthor u perfectly nliln to 1lvo mo a uoml lioiiio and lion ill i to do it ibit i rnu bivo into of tli limn by woiklnu that id havo to do without othiiwlim my iiiilury fu my pin mnney and then with a luiiuh ulit ondnd if i ifiil over my hnnil fatbm conn ii to my bolp hint irlrln iittltudo ih ipilto t huriie- torlutif of ipilto a uroup if itlrli nd woinun j hoy iiiiini lu foul dint t in uomnhow dlunredltubln tn work f r a ii vliilf end yet entirely riodituhlo to work for luxurleu they wopld not be wllllnu to admit tbot it wmi noroii- iiury for them to work in ordor to pay for tho foot thoy out hut thny ore nit hor pi mid of worklnu to ut ii fur coat tho ulrl piotuil in wrontf in novo nil tblnuii and unit of all in her nttltmlo toward lier work it hi no lonuei uoutfuinry foi tho ulrl wuireearner to tipnlnulxfl for it no iionulhlo peruou thlnuii luun of her dolnu her nharn of necniaiary work whllo a ureal many think ittuu of hor for bo in if a loafer it lu thn id in ulrl not tho ulrl who wnrkji who lu put on tlio dofunulvo never make imn of that phrnuo i dont have tn worli of liiurue not tminpii nud beuuurn inihiilut your nftor year without dolnu any work in the p rouont ulnluii of civilisation tliirpnra- ii i to lu not allowed to uturvn you aro not ohlluod to work hut your no- liiiilntaiiooh pay you tbn compllinent of uuppnillnu that you prefor it thn flint mlnlftko of the ulrrwriinvo jiiuf iimlflilv wnu lu tho iinotimptton thnt to e worker wnu uot ulto- uethoi cmil la til and tho in xt miu- luko wuu in auuuminu thnt if ono lit uoiuu to work at nil it lu uomebow bettor to work for inmoloiinnrythlnipi tbnn for ikirnmintry oneu tjie ulrl who lonku nu her wajton uu phi money in tnkluu a con temp tlhlo nttltmlo lu true thnt wlxin a wlrl hi oar only a umnll tuilary hor father may ho wllllnu o ulvo hur a homo loavlnu liov fren to nun her ualury for cloth and other nuconunry ovpouumi icvoti thin urraiibcment hi fur from ideal hornuuo a rorluln clauu of omployoru llndlnu that thoy run uot a ulrl who llvou nt homo to work for u umnll amount lower waueu no that thu ulrl who him in pay board cannot llvo her earnhirh hut uettlnu that quoo- tlnn nnldo au too hlu for thin column it lu eei tain thnt tbo ulrl who hi earn ing ubould into tho larcer port of her nalnry to provfdn hefnelf with tho thlimu oho uoodu real nolontiillon luiiirlon if tli lit worn not important from othor htuiidpolntn it would pnrtunt bncntiuo tbo ulrl w wtiuoonrnor nud dreuuen liko tho dauulitor of u rich fnnn exitonon hor- nolf to inuiiltlnu uuuplolonu if you uhnuld nvorhfcnr tho commoutii mado on tbo utnnourapber who roou to hor work in a fur coat and picture hat or tho chirk who woniu uovnral dia mond rlnuu foil would realism that in npoinlhiif your nalury for extrnva- uant nrtloleu of dreim you nro unfair to youmelf and to every ulrl wnuo onrner it lu not itlwayu iiooouunry thnt i ulrl nhould pay honrd in her fathori homo it all dope ml if tho fathor lu earnlnu a rntlior innall nnlary oon- hlderluu hlu reuponulbllltlou nnd thn ulrl a rather laruo onn oonuldorlnu that iibn hnu only boruolf tn tako onro of nud if thoro aro other ohlldrcn too younu to earn it in dqchlndly hotter that thn ulrl ubouhl pay board at louut enouuh to moot tho okpomio of bar uvlnu and it would not hurt her to pay more probuhly ut that nho will not itcntiomlao nu olouoly au hor mother doou whon tho ulrl wauooarner doou not pay hoard uho uhould novertholeuu contribute reuulnrly tq tho oxponuoii of thn homo if mother noodu a now doubloholler brlnu thilt hoino with you next ratiirdny whon you uet your pay if nho huu not hnr heart on an nlentrlo flatlroii put by n llttlo oaoli week till yqil nan mnko that oontrlhu- tlon to tho houuohold oqulpmont isvery now and then whon you know inntlim in uoiuu tn havo a buuy day tell her not to hot hur about douuort uud in biff bourn a brick of loo cream or uomo fmlt many a nirl who conv philmi bocaituo tlio fuiultiiro in hor bedroom lu hutloroil nnvor uoemu to think that uho mhiht roplano it by u now not if ulm puld roifiilnr rut en of hoard it would nnt bo hmu boforo it amounted to ounuuli to purohnuo a model ato priced net ienrn tn ui- pkelutn tbo homo by dolnu uomothlnir foi t by- iioiiib a pnrtlioi lunfond nt a paranlto a ulrl cannot well hnvo movo dle- uiitrouu train bur than wbon uho looliu upon hnr unlary an pin monoy mi ml nil that it hi her fatborn huulneuu ulort her mid to linlp bet out if extravasation rnrrloii hor boyopd depth ono nf tbo bout tblnuii uhnut u air iii enrnluu in hint uho lotirnn to llvo on n upoolrio lneouin no n known what a dollar lu without oni inu a dollar a ubl iny njteak very iiunlly uboiit limfnu en do ii am or ujiendlnu tweniyilvo illlt if uho tludi nut juut hnw tnunh work lu roojulrod tn rain olther nmniiut ton dnlbiru or twonlyrtvo tneauu uomotlilnir enttioly dlfforont from wiiat it did hnfnm hut when n ulrl unmulu hor woekly oarn- iiif for tilnkctu and iiminjomimtu no thnt uho huu ncfhlnu to uhow fnr ivor mnney at tlio end of tho month alio in form inu imbltu wlilnh ni jilmnut iuro to work illmmtor in her llf a homo wboim mintrnn upomlu in thlu finihltn lu hound to bo an unhappy homo thn time tn mauler tho art of wluo ftponiilturo hi in youi youth if you do not lenrii it whllo you nro oniulnu iho chnncnh aro that you will never lonni it hut will bo tlnlftlohh uud txlravauaiit and worried about money tutlto end of youi diiyu ilomlelta he hodl poo a tall it i it -j- llknown ilnutnn ii maine uml inn uiin t wlih 1 ho dtiicrlhd rot ihd will a little liml hhrpiiprr in kiulliiu in thn iulhnan ifentloiuun intnrnd uud 1 i puhl no nttentlon him did t evfui look nt him but i rluht on iiiudluu aftir a whllo it ulocldlyhiillt pfli- o of tho imrt juut bub- o toll nil ho known uud and uftur n minute mul- ddiiuikii n iiolubhor in yeuh riluy tafbr a w oil llhld nytbhiu ubou uet any lidoo in ut i dnuht lt it would very bllnu ovi who lm 1 uliulf ii thlu fiiuhlnii uny do yi i oidimil von judo a hu well im udvunro nmn for u uhow wo luid m bum liouue hi ilou- tnu nnd wo llinuuhl wnil ulldo down to imrtlund fnr tliroo dayu about tho only tlilnjf i know ubunt rortlaml hi tlmt i wau tliniu nncn in vaudovillo nnd met a do tor who wnu iiuppniiod to ho a uiitit iipeolullut on tho throat lint wlui turnrd out to bo a fake whit wau hiti name lvo foiuollen but iii iiiuwrllmt him tho tilnt uentlemnn nmllod i nirouiiljco thojnun ho unh iio l wnll ihouuht of thoro vi i inippnun lion uood onouuh for tboiio fimnwn down therr hut boil nevei doin my homo town new vork you know i kept rlulit on rendlitu novor n word i nttond i foit our frlond wan rlilliiu for a lilu fnli jaiijo liow bluiitnll h wan to ho whore do yon hvot wnu hhi iient mention dinlotid of rounio at our uoftvelred rrlend i llvo lu main- clin u folhn iortlnnd lie iniht 1 lie bind work what nro yon tnlklnu ubnut vou cnli uit bnnae jinywhoro uud i nhould think parth ularly in maine i dont think no not cunlly hnvo you boon nwny from homot pntrnnlulnuly i have boon down to hprlntjfloid tn u ronvontlon any rum thoro i didnt uon uny ihon it mmit havo boon a bum oniiventlon 1 batn nil conventlonu nro for unywny for a man to uot nwny from hlu own nojo t uanu nnd uo off on a toot it wun a uood lnnveiitlon it rouldn t hnvo boon uood without hooao now you know nu well aa i do unit there u no fun in tlio world without bonxo i dont drink hut you know jtlut tho unmo that it in pretty nttipld if uovon or eluht followii uot toffothor in n room and thnren uu hioe if thoy huvont booito tn make them talk they havo nothlntl to tnlk about you know now dont you that nftoi nil the real llfo lu to do ynur dny u work uo out nnd uot u drink of hooro uoj uood and drunk iio homo unil uleop u off and then uo to work thn next day our filoiid failed to nirrno no tho orator chuuuod tho nubjoot j not a mlto ho talked nboiif maine and boonn- miinlnjr tbroiiub thnt utnto nnd ua crooked iilioriffo nnd polltlclano wluit ho didnt do to mnlno that bo vlultod ouon wuimt wortli botborlnu nbouu i inally hocornlna mnro chummy lm loinied ovor and nnld lay what dn you do for a llvlllt thn quiot younu mnn nnuwered quite mnfloiitly am uovornnr of tbo utnto it wan iorrlval i ilavtor chief oxoeutlvo of tbn novoroltfn utato nf mnlno who linn bud nbout overythlnu lu tbo wprhl union ulunul jionw a clevcn clgnk tho drluer who wau ftlglitonod half i foot tho piopiletoi of a uliun nioro in now lcnulaud lu vmy ptoild nf ono of hlu younu uniiii wlm not very tnuu uuo entennl tho employ of hlu fathei ami thin prldo wun uiueli oulumoed by tho hoyji olovoi noiiu hi thn muttoi of u pnlr at miiooh hom to it iilriiuupr ihtt hut had uhowii tlilu mini il uatlm- fnelory pnlt but tin cuutomor mihl thnt bo hud not imiiurli money with blm nuklnu if bo could lot fifty con in un over until tho noxt duy ijoy coiihiuiod foi which nflnr nniuiu luid hrt thn mliop the father uovnrnly rnprlmandod tho lad roiill novnr uo thu hum nmiln ho hi in oonoliiufmi 1 oh yutf i will mild thn ymmuutor pbad up two nhaoh for tbo loft poweii to 8mell ohtiiuinhtjil okolulmnd iktlo ooi tiudo i can ujloll uothlnii uml tliutw a blir vord hurt itr a prtty hlir nun fnr a uttlo ma hi of your uue topljoil her nuitluvr how dn you upnll nulblnut xmi why darllnu that lunt rluht yeu it lu uuld gertrude omphatl- nilly i nnld to uraudmii wliut doou zxm upelir ami uho hiild nothluu iltolllrjltion inbllilthiu ij dm n turf hull milktu foi pnaoo mid pilot it tnuon tho bar from barleyoorn tho lyo all out o riot ituuuuu 01 ty btar dorfully lllui boui vc you your work 10 part op your lifc a ulrl who wiui fiopeudont on hoi own enrnlnuu wnu rouinuulrutod with by a frlond for ucnkliip tho rocreatlonu which kept her up very into nt nluht ahuniit murrlly the ulrl rnpllod dont you want mo to havo any llfo nt oil that 1 ml in mint mi out i on niiowu tho lulutakon iittltudo of many u ulrl wlm lu eiiruliut for huruoif hoi work uoormi to her unmcithltiff apart from her real exliifiiiico hho may nnt mi ono of tho noi t who wutohon tbo clock mid ready to uprluu to her foot nnd hurry to tlio cloakroom nu unon nu thn hiinilu point tn ono tiilnutu nf five muy ho eonnolmitlouu indiiiirhoiiu nnd en pa hi o hut nt tbo unmo tlmo iho rnmihlern that nho only uveu bo- twoop llvo ii id bedtlmn if hhi vbw were tho correct one llfo would be protty hnrd for mout nf iih vat whon tn tho houru upout in nctmtl woik we add tim houru ulvon to drouiiinu nnd ontltiu uettlnu to nur work and uettlnu liomo nuulu and thn rout of thn tlmo occupied lu tho pinro rout i no of exlutoiico nnly a fow houru urn loft bouillon thouo whlnh nro nnn- uoorutod to uleop unlfliiil our work lu u pit of nur llfo with iiouulbllltlou nf keen intercut and littonno hittlufilo- tlon our abnuoeii for nnjnymout am painfully limited tbo uflunlhlo thlnu hi tn look on your work un an important nnd in tnroutlnu part of- your llfo thoro lu nntbluu dlllloiilt about tlilu tbn nm- bltlmiu youth donii it in a matter of oourno many u boy lu thn llrnt your or two of hlu hiudueiiii naroor in huiuli- nd ut for lulklnir im if ho worn thn nlor momliei of thu arm inutontl of holnir n ureeii ohiployoo hut inu toad of holnu liniulitd nt ho nhould bn lonurutuliited thnt ho in nhlo tn tako thlu view wo hlu work hnu beoomo not a dally pi elude in tbo biiiilneiiu of llvlnu but life ituetf with untold pnunliillltlom nf oiijoyitiout wbon you jilt down t your dcule tomnirow wih your ilayn work i nhoad nf you do not lot yourxolf wihii it woio hv oclock jior thnt iu wlnh- inu llfo away llotwoon oluht nud live there mo opportunltleu not onlj foi mnklnu a llvluif hut for iiofloin- plhihmimt fins uelfdevelopment nud fnj uatlufaotioii nil tho fuctoiu that miter into u uucceiiful life loltoii i omiivinw bl iinotlid port mullv uml ililkly llmin uodliliii muy ho i in rird in tb ordliiiny unto tool ho uud the up op imt hi it ho n i fdvty pur cunt oi that of dm pm umnll thru ihn now tho in uluo rlnliilid to he uu umootli iniiiiiuu uu the wuulur inioiinmllr tli upm lul onutrurtlou ubuorblnu iibin liu no that uiihntii u purnnn kn lie would hardly uueuu even mi v road thnt ho wuu not ililliut the reuulnr tliuu nil m i r get your comfortable ihile yffvfi old shoes made good wmmt as new wo u o tho hint hiiithi i nnd inn all iho latiut iippllnn- n to linn mit ii ip it rlnuu job lmif sj5lhi otat bfictt qiijunlood hfe5slp w bae in iilnclf n flrut i imni hun of ini n u uml hoy u ubnoii t e gibbons mill st acton check up luut bo bniiu for u row mjmitoi tbdu rbuek up your rorhrd for tho hint month nu employou hoiuninlier now itu your moony mooting tho jmy- loll if you applied to ymirnow foi u job would you uot itt w ihtvo you tiroduroil mioikcji in thn mouth to inuko you a iirofltublu lu- voutmijuu tavo you uuknd uueutlnnu uud lin- prjiveil oj havo you boon too wluo to team liavo you uu employee filled your mm with prmlm llvo renuclentlnuu labor or have you boon too buwy watrbluu th clnokt havo you been heart and iioul in thn ork on tbo job every mhiutn with breadth of vlulnii that mudn of tbo deuurt of work un onn ik nf opportunity t chock up l truthful would you klvn youruelf u jobt air vents made to order roui tin iulvuiilittd iron or ollu r iiluiot metal wo nliio build to order ukylluhlu rocifu uiittoru iruleeii luadnru etc it uu fluurn on your work wo din id vu you uatlnfactory rc- nilltu and prrhapn uavo yob uomo monoy ihonu uu at ho w f mooney acton ont storm doors kuii iui the cold and cut down thc coal hill hi m il i il 1 1 i ioiii il hiiuuil mid i i tli i nil i uml rluil id the i tin on ii hi tn i 1 lm i m h that ii wl i mini wltlilmi tin mini in uiu hikluu muu tnnh lh nilhi unit ntllrii irh e niiiplnti 7g no ii uiuln i uoiir i lllod and vui- iiliihi d nth rivlu tlio unmo loi uu nur no t ilho innuiloli f b co nn 10 cnmliliiiitlmi iltnrlu uud hindi pnoi 1 infiilnil ntitural liliod nnd vurululiid a rombliiutliiu door lilted in nhvuiii in pluio irlro cum- pinto iltl ijooi miiilo in thrie iilxiii 3 f i n lm hbu by 0 fi u ii lticlu u 2 fuul inoh- iii by h foot 1 inch 1 foil by 7 font 1 lout kluu prbed nt pur not cod the 0nd haudwaiw co ltd phon 1012 quelph f like the old folkb a huoluilin whn lu foiovnr putt i nit in font lu it loeeutly vlultod tlio nud purcutii nf u now hoy tho mollipi hold up tho bumlh for tlio luupoutltm of tbo huiihtdnr uud i unylyi roll uu nnw frankly which nf un ijn ynu think lm lullko aflor a uaioful dmlmithm of thn ihlto iho bimliolor ainiwuunl well ooillue illtolllkelloohau mtt yet dawned lu blu fueo but hou won j n 0neill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton x if ubisllman acton itcpnscnhitlvo carriage rubber tires wo liavo tlio jbent kjulpmcnl for applying carrinsro itubbcr tirol nt itcasoiuiblo imccs automobile tops wo rotovcr aulo topo uml flt your aulo willi door opening curtains we have ready for sale ono used llmltlo touring car in llnitclnkii comlitlon aim ono tooilovrolct tiiurlnjr which wo will deli cheap j n oneill son georgetown ont this stores policy to represent jjoodn ex actly an to tlicfr unhty to ncll to tliosp who know and to tlioso who dont kiiow at a uniform fair price to fulfill all eunraiiteeg nnd clieor- fully corroct nilnils takes to deserve your confidence by always bivjiik you antjafnctloij savage co jewellers guelph ontario lgravingfo jftmouro clwam grand trunk ttnt the double track route illctwlckkf monthcal toronto dctnolt chioaqo juoifcnllod dlnlnu ear narvfc uleoplnif ram on nltflit trin ami parlor cnru on principal day trabu ltill liifonuatlon from ny omn trunk ticket ruent or o 10 hornliy did trio t iauunniior auoit toronto n a nolmka at acton ont plo what is to be canadas destiny shall it ho that throu tho dcslraaion ok tho tariff uu proposed by both cwrarwid klnjf tho ilovelopmcnt of canada i to como under iho domination of tho united state to bo followed by gradual financial domination mid as n eonsenucnce pollliail or fe canadah deutlny to bo thnt of n grtat free nation within tho british empire gnap of nntlonm dovcloplnif her boundless reuiurcci of mino river water power forest nnd cultivating her millions upon millions of acrcsaf limbic landt is her develop- ment to surpass that of nny other nutianr shall her manufacturijik industries develop her minerals and raw materials into im plements and roods for tho benefit and comfort of her pcoplo and for forofgn trader shall sho become a selfcontained nation within tlio kniplio her great railways intel chunclnjr the pioilucts of factory and farm among her own people nnd hor ships railimr every sca7 shall sho maintain her integrity within tho umpire uml protect her forms and factories against unfair competition from foreign countries if this is to be canadas destiny then canada needs meighen pfiisff fff m ulnpirt lr frran her hclorlw nl hw worliuen jlflliul iho uhkouhj llieory r le iwil- ami rtioum hold fl to her rauoiimo 1rolecllo trlff hocnallong enllly anil kr llrltlah coiiiikiioii raii inn oa luenibr in cnnj vlisiim ibdu willi no uncertain vol that alio will not lawalo the falo jraclo ibrorlea of vlalonarlm ami broup loailrru wmcli lend toward her uoiiimiic dealrucllon toward lh aeoarallon of her people ami the weakening r the ilea that bind canada to the urlllaji teronlre on deeeinhor olh canada aliould demonatrato unulutavably to tho outside world her fixed deter- ntlnation to keep canada lor tho catiutlun on december 6th canada destiny la at utake tlio national liberal nni cotidarvauvo irty lubhcily commlttoa l r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 d oats a quantity of fkbd corn and oil cake just itkcklve llour feud noltval bran and sh0iits febd flour rtwble ltd hcnuv awimv manaotih whon vou ncl boots sh9es at any tlmo o buy fltom w williams mill street v aclon pamous fok satisfactory footwear reasonable fkices ifei ii nrrnwwriwmwiiwrww

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