Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1921, p. 3

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ijr jrimt 3rvce tuijttiina ticnminn i vjzi kindmtug 111 i ii iiiw flit till i lj 11 uli uu y fir din il on idiidly j uliiitul i i wny id tollu wltli i lliilll ilfiii dixl omr mil pluyoil llw lyimul w iniimt iiy whut lliu un uk i jiraluliiu wo ciinniit nil wliiiiio iiniyom iiuu cml to uitinl iiji wrll j iii t l i ml imjju uvitji lioyiinil llw mumori of tilm who ilviu 1illliinl a eiutiul wmatdo yourrink oirrrr whii mm wlmt tin you think of it tin fa liter minimi hilukly wuirliliiu iho hoy of thlrliiii ujiiiiiliilnir tlio now niowinir miithliid iut hurt juut ilruwn lull thi yunl linuii it look uu tliouirli it would ut itriiiiii till vdii i uuun uo tint hid rdjilldil hut ho npouo orriiuml und did not look ii hii ifinir 1 ivofoot lltn fntlwr liiforniod looking pluuudd that tin hoy hnjl notlo- d it i rotltiincid tlo wider cut would iruro tluin iiy for ltnolf in tlu lonif run itu a imw inoilnl pultoruan liuuiit nold hut ono n mi or llko it orotiml horw i tlio hoy lookod up now itll toko nioro homo nowdr to run it q ro ll m tod miuiiklnir u lowly uu tltouuli ho tiui thlnklnu it out uiti hy uttin on lovol moiidowu i ulinuld think it would work tlnn our luml horn lu ltrfitty hilly und tho cum im llalitwolicht juiihlu to mo it tillif lit druu uomn homotlihilf thut uon tlin fu mi ll r iidmlttod with ihicoiiiiiib utuvlty tlio roof at tlm puddlnif im in the fcitlnif thouuh uu tho old uuy in if uft wutl try it on thlu iirtornooii tho itimilt or tho trlul wuu hint tho llvfoot bur mmlilnn wuht buck to iatloruon tho dcnilur nud tlio ono tliut umu homo in itu dluca hud thn rtiffula- llon cut mr ilauimttt wlttoitolloli oniiuiomt iirlilo tliut lliu itoy hud nut hlu tliiuor on tlio wuak point- linforo u winiur of urauu hud ihiijii out und llko tho wlw futtmr in won iu mtvo itohart full credit to hlu tuca for thluklnir it out pnuultily ltohiirt folt li llttlo wolf- important at tho lime but it wuu itrldo nf uu linnuut net ft und lin uoorotly in to mil noil to think out othor thlnuu uu ho hud tliouicht nut thlu mm thlu trillion in eld i nt hntuionnd a uood muny yaaru atfti und lloburt lliuoiott fu u- mldillttuuoil muh tow ournlnu un uttrurtlvo malnry uu oon- uultlnu inuluuor in a hlu ttuirillfua- tiirlutf 1 in lit lurliuim tliut lunt juut what ho would call liluiuolf tuchnlcul- y hut unyhow itu hu buulnom to olurovor tho mi4t of tho trouhlo wlmn uuy of tho uomnllcutnd mnuliluury in tho ilunt uoou wioiih und tho fuot tliut hou hoaii dolnu thut nliio youru in tho uumu iiluoo iirovou thut iioi thn rlklit muii for thn job lloltort hud u nutiirftl tauto fni mnoliunirm from lutyhood und hfl took an uiilntoriuif couruo in a tnolnilcnl itolionl but ho tnulutu thut whiitovor muccohii ho huu unhlovoil inuy ho trao- od muliily to hlu author juoutlon about tho mowing tniigliin thut minimer itiornhitf lonif ono am tho revolution liti foriund lit tor tn tlifhk thliiru nut for hlimiolf ho udhitrd to it fulth- fully ull throuifh iiim uohool couruo und ho udnllom tho iiumo rulo to quah- tloim of ootid not ami problamu of ufa thut ho upulloit to u knotty point lu tho ronutructlou und opomtlon of t ttuiolilno lroliably thut uroouutu foi tho fuot thut bou juut iui vuluublo a innii ut iiomo and lu tlio oommunlty anil in tho church tut lio lu in tho tiltf tihiiit wlioro lio oumu hlu naary whut do you think of itt itohort lltihuott put tliut uucmlioii to lilmunlf whllo lio wuu utlll iii liluli hchool trylntc to decide doflnltoly what to tuko up for hlu ufa work o had lunhluifu in two or three different dlrootlnum utul friondu advluoot him thlu und that but lio tliouht thn tlilnu out dnllborutoly ov and ovor asalu which o plain why ho fltu hlu iiiihiiichu to ii t ami lu huppy in hlu dully work later on itnhurt wan offered good liuy in a now voutiim nml under tho luuldlouu luro of raudy money wan for a tlnio moroly tmptod to ioavo uohool mid vol to oarnluu ut onco but lioro attain ho thought tlia thln throutfli und doollnod tho uttraotlvu nrfor homo of iitu frlondu mtld ho wax foolluh hut tho vn turo wont ti within n your und utrundod all thn fouowu who tiulmd into it while ltohtnt wont rlulit on in lilu chomni rouruo naturally il brliiht conipunlonabl follow ilka itohbrt xhiuuott hud tumpi tuttono of a mavur uort bupoolally in hlu oohoifo yourw hut ho nlwayu tacmi hliuuolf wfth thn qllotttloii what an tu think of lt7 for ull tho worlduu tlioukh ho wuu puttluk it up to u uocoiid ponton llohtrt did not hcpupi- to udmlt thut tharo wau a fund nation uhoilt tho hfo uomn of tho fallow ww iiviiik hut lu ihouuht out tbo othr kldn of tlio ojueuhon too and uhook lilu imad in ifruvo dluuunt ohnrlou t whlti the contagion of a umile mliui wp pornon ontorod tho uloomy llttlo oilluo on a dark duy dnlllierutoly hinllod a irooil noruln and watched tho uttoflt ulmout lnorodulouuly two uobtir fuoou mulled imok lteforo tboy rouuniikl thalr icloom a hoy uiiternd from tho outor oftuto to roport un ir- rltiitltilt delay in uomo work und tlio tuanuuw who uiiutiuy mot uuoh vo pottu with uu out burnt of impatlanoo rouhl not ifot rid of thn umllo faid ouoiiifli tn prod into tho outbreak i tho hoy who hud oomo lu frlhtoiv cd wont out amllluu und tho wondor- intr outer otlluo foroo rulloved it turn hinllod with him deuplte thnnloom ull u bo ut munuoiibru from tolkihorhii qjhoum bin i yltitr u vurlouu urnmdu tiuuuht thit tleotlnw umllnu und in turn onm- irlinlcatod olloory mplrltu through all tlio njtlno woild whiiru tliolr dutlou tooli them tlurlnif thn hour try a tttiillo today und boo bow fur you inn inako it ripple tho murky oulm wlnr you iirel a tree for a thee tfnmo paoplo think thoru uhonld ho a luw to compel loftier to plant a troo for every tree out down an it lu nooohhiiry to uturt tlvo or ulic uoodllntf troou to neon i o ouo full itruwii foret ttoo htrululit tall mid without llnibu htiuh u luw would hot work llnnldou hy tint application of ullvlulilturul nmttiodu tho forout ounhioor ondouv- oru lu many ouuou tu ooux naturo to re forout outover trnotu liontolf und toldunt only ux a lut 1unort in vlow of thoho fuotu whut tlm lawu of hiinin lcuropouti ooitntrlou du do- inuiid lu rouvrd to onrtoln non-url- oiilturul luiidu lu tttart uti ucro of oimu forvut for every norp out down a soft answer i noiv- olhoo lloyi a mull nailed hem to thrauh you u fow mlnutou uvo lodltor whut did you uay to hlmt wow ojrtoo hoy told him i wit uorry you werent in chlcuu uor- uld ipit luiuluor t think ituudy m brother of tutor und lliiuhaud itonuld wuu tho moid nrotcnnt tbbm ull ithouuht no youru niro und tho impriisulflii ullll iituyu with me handy wuu a iond and thouo corner ttoldu on lu- thlrd lino nml tho acton oniuu roud alwiiyu uoomnd to have tfood rropu muuy a puuuorby ud mired 11 whether they born wheat or oiiti huyor hurley they huviv uovr kr od to look no well to ma klnco my friend fluudy puutiod uwuy i think mr upd mm muliu hud four or llvif child mil but my old memory vail lo recall luoro than three very distinct ly thouo woro donuld thn umi xfru duncan mcortiltor und mru iotor uo- rtonnlil donald wuu a alio bltf otunly man tho prldo of hlu father who oxpoctnd hi m lo live for many yuara uu hlu uuerouuor on thn old place bandy lived to a good old ok but donald puitued away in hlu prlmu- ihmnld luarrittd h dauuliui- of hmkii mr- douuull who lived on tbo uooond lino where andy murray jr now huu hlu clovordulu turin threo uonii and ono or two dun if lit em wrro i kirn to thorn mru alunn died uhortly ufter lior youiiuout won donny wuu born a low youru lutor hur liuuliuuil followed lor then donny wuu cullod and in n your or un hnniilo who hud inur- rlod a c campliell by whom alio wam ureutly beloved wuu called homo only handy jr doualdu otdout unii ujid hubflrt of thlu hmnnh of tho mann family uurvlvo handy lvu on tho old inydo fnrm nppoulto iiim blrtli- pluotf anil flulmirt lu now lit- tho creamery hutdneiiu in kurituu handy manni dauithtor who wuu nwpouuod by ietor madouuld found lu him ono of tlio mout urdont loveru u woman ever hud i remember when ieter wau court lutr her lin wum workluu ut moo re u uh hmlo mill whom mr molvoru farm lu now lletnr would tuko hlu dinner wltn hhn to hlu work at noon ho would tuko u few inlnuteu to coiiuutnu thlu lunch und jhon lite him ucrouu thn roucm- uhm throuuh thn tloldu to tundyu to linvo u tlvwmluutn rhnt with hlu icirl and then back to work hy tho tlino tho out oclock wblutlo would blow and thlu wau not a very orcaulonul but a frormnnt oooiirronco in tho couruo of tlmn ieter and lduxu mann won married and tboy outablluhod a vory uouy homo hi nanuubuweya thnn a fow youru later tho xinhy farm wau maourdr- fhy prnapertul aiuiuuilr family krew but uorrow jramo ureat uorrow when ieter wan called to lay down tho thlnuu of thlu ufa and to bo to tho ions homo wlmro many frltuulu hud preceded hlni mru uo- donuhl and her two dauehtirv uvo in tho pretty homo ut tho corner of park and lake avonuoii ono dauh- tor lu mnrrlod and uvom at durham and thn yautitfout and itreutly tioloved joiutlo dlod a couple of yearu niio tbo uon jlmmlo hau boon in tlio northwout for youru mru duncan moqmtcor tlio oilier duuuhtor of my frloml bandy la aluo a widow i lor splendid family of nonu und duughtorri tiro uottlod within a fow mllou of tho old homo 1 am told that mru mooreitor and jeuulo uro likely to uettln tn anton tho old farm hi numiacaweya liuu been mild out of the family tho handy mnnn farm lu now lu tho liundu of vtratikoru damn itumor uuyu tho farm hail ohansod owru ut lfiuut twloo ulnoo tbo muunu kuvo it up ttouald mnnn ono of tho four uonu of thn founder of thlu branch of- tho munn family in canada took a farm on tlio necond lino iiour uiieyuuie lu tho oarly iluyu hero lio ralutul hlu family if whom i romomlmr allan donuld und marccnry only martcury im loft hlu murrlixl mob nlokllu icdwanlu itou and thoy uottlod in itrundon man hob dlod quit a num ber of youru toko and mru nlokllu nd their family of hay renldo in the wmi allan married iuoy tuuhlns- ham thoy lived for youru in anton hut mnvod went oonrico thiilr oldest tioi tl muldiiii in acton lio iu- worthy cltuen huu uu 1 intoroutlnif family and luut your wau chairman of actau hoard of icducatloii donaliv ietoru won wau itanuom adumu n- oral mnnauor for yoaru and wbon itan uom dlod ho loft mora property to donald hum to uny of hlu rolutlvou dnnuldu only uon oooruu huu mndo u murk for hlitualf and lu now the uu- ulutunt matiubor of tho hotel conn- uuuht hamilton old mr uunnh brother john uot tlod on tho lot ucrouu from mr gordon nn tlio crouu roud uo built hlu loir iiouho on tho hllhddn by tlia brao which renilndod him of thn imnnl hanku and hruou of autd tlcotlund hutlmr john and hlu uuld wife hud u flno family nf half a uoorn tboro wero i tor and cuthurlnn llollu and unufflomuritury mru artluiru and itiklo aloif and joiih mary mm mo- iiuun und jumou of thoutt thoro uurvlvo uo far uu i nun- juut now vt- tnomhbr only muuiilo of tbv hoyu ahw nud john wore tho luut uuawu var youru tboy woro tho lient broubarm lu thlu iibluhliorliood tboy know und lovod machinery und woro ublo ulwuyu to keep it uolnif llotli of thorn would htivo mudn buiibup muohlulutu but tholr work lu over john full in lovu with ouo of the dauuhtpru of thalr nnluilior john jluwunn and tboy word married throo uplondhl uouu and a olmrm bits dulikhtur uro ut hbniu lo mheer tho heart of tholr widowed motlior tbo uonu uro horn mat bin lulu like their futhpr and nothing huu urtiutor attraction for thorn tlmn a truutor motor our or a machine uhop tmlomu it lu a tlio horao qorilon hull uoroau tho roud from tho munnu wau tho muohiovod farm of the into john lordon mr cordon yau unothor of tho invumoru of thlu lotion who unjoyod ttm uutuom of op oommunlty uo und mm gordon worv a tlnn pulr und wor ut tho head of a lurrni family i cant for the llfn of remember thorn all llut i rocall how hood it lopkbd when mr ntulmrn dordou and tliolr hlr family of tutuu und daurbtoru tlltml into ouo of thn lonif powu in tho old froubytorlun church old mr oonlon uhnd to reach tho paw llrul opuii tli llttlo old- fuuhloned intvf door und thou whou fnrtlliy had ull not lu und mettled bo would follow and tuko hlu place hnalda tbo door ut tho mid of fho paw and ulouo tbo door i tho flordon tmyn wore ull hlb fol- iuwb lllll tho oldest wuu a man of a tmaliiimu turn ha marled jonnl i cbrlntlo uluttf of d d chrlutlo and i tlrlulttw of linn pavm ltendei ii they nettled in olnnuw whore lllll wont into tho ileeirlo lluhllmr buulnohii of ihut own miibolm bedim u irrmbylorluu ivihilnltr und went to tho htalii a let wuu a in mh rm un und utlll lu lu thn buulnxui with hi uduiurtrru lu torontt h m thn lattl t leuvotho form it to tbo wil und oiiutittod lu utoiekntiplnif but u couple or three uico ho dluil muddotily out thwro i ihink tlnre worn lie yen ortliebt bhlu futility thit of tboiu wnt lu kfln unit tif them imh oinlmr mru dr mtkuo tbni there wu hollo tho upleudld m boo tifii hur who tuiiiftit ih yoiinir ida how lo uhitnt in a number of iwhoolu of krln und 1mijiiouiiiir thou tlmre wuu mru william uiiouiild und mru or klliott who wont out to alberta and ouo or two othoru cordoiiii crek nu wo culled it run tbioiiieb mr qordouw futm thlu wuu one of thn he trout utrtumu in ihlu uootlon i romomlhir tho ttixut utrlnuu of u pcckled buuutlou wo uuod to t utoli pfly or uluty youru nun thorn wuu good fluhlnu there ulwuyj old mr oonlon wwitnod to like imyu to have a umui tlmn i luhod the doxouu of tlmeu und ho never uu to me ml re thut i wuu comlnu t often many a footlonu trout did i catch lu thut utroum with my old fuuhlonod 4iirkh thookll mo there utlll klod llublnu therj und thut tho u pec la frlondu mr clurrldbo ullowu to hull there lot bwhi rutobou i nt know uny thine ulmiut how tboj uro now my iluhln- duyu uro over my ullrf old plnu would never prinlt mo to trump tbo utreumu und rllnih the rail fenceu llut i do oujoy thn trout j which my kludhourtod youmior frlondu who oujoy nwhlilc uoud mo i traced to oomehodv a wblutlo mounded without anil nod kprauif up front the couoli whom ho ad ihhiii deep in a iiiubukiup wharou ny cupt ho cuiiihi uu ho wont to ward tho door fjnmabodym tukvn it oh bora it lu bo uddod au ho picked it up from the floor where it iiad fallen from tho hook on which it hud been oarulouuly hunif- i woudur where that hook huu none it i loft ou tho tuhw uald nettle ubo turuod ovr tbo baoku and puporu hurriedly itomaluidyu ul wuyu tukhik tlilniwoff thlu tublo i tupiouo tioineltt dyu taken thut itook im itwiktnb far a fow mlnutcu latr venmnu voice immiiiumi down tho nalrway 1 cu nt fmd my nwoata- omoholy muat bavn it do you know anything about u mnllmrr no i dont vornon uho reptloil 1kk throutfh your nlomt una in thruo mlnutou later vornon roino tolo ho room whera hlu mother wuu mowiiib i found it oji the thlnl hunfoio owned up do you know uuld hlu mother u uubwuutlou of a twlnkltt lu her eye tborou a divudful itomobody dulurb- inif tbo pea co of thlu household with in ton mlnutou ihlu unm uo me body haw tieeu acouued of curry luff off u cup a tiook a nwoutor thorn unt a day ivauuvu that thlu uomolhhly lunt inoonvjinloiirlntf or frettliib uomo mam imr of tbo family what aro wo bolnif to do with hlmt im sotting tired nf hoarliiu alhiut hlu mludomounoru vornon launhed tlint wuu inotlioru lilothoil to havo them find tho way to correct tbvilr own fan itu ill think it over mother whllo i am practicing huukot twill ho uald maybo ill tfet a brlulit idea how to dlupaue of thlu dliuibtooahla party who lu upuottlnb thlnuu for uu tho next day wau rainy vornon cninlutf in from huukuthall practice found tnuyoorounilay tho uolo oc cupant of tlia llvlnar room tlhe wau down on tlio rdlr before tho open tiro her hand abuently utroklnif a very contontl kitten whu her uiouirhtu woro intent on thftad venture of ono of her favorite u lory hook people whoreu motberr uukel vornon au he pulled up a cluilr and nettled hlm- uolf comfortably done down to auntleu to utay until ifuppr time repllml ilay umtuiiff up ut her brother before uho went book to her utory j liy and hy stay flitluhed her utory cave a bumaa at the clock and jump ing up went out in the dining room to uat thetublo for uupper au uhe huulod boruetf urraiibing the dluheu and ult- ver uhe auug itay lnvurluhly tmaj uu uhe worked vernon umllod at tlrut au the word of the uonjf came to him then uuddnly ho uat upright hu buudu prtmiueil on hlu knoou a char- ucterlutla poo when ha wuu vary deep in thoiiffht at length h save a long whlutlo und jumping up from hlu cbulr took two or three rapid turnw about tbo room itay ho uuked whdti uho culuo back into the room are ned and nettle homo vex tboy uro out in tbo workuhop in lulling unit bookuhelf for futher whyt uhe added wondarlngly you vuy here itay while x get them ho uald w he disappeared through the door a fow mlnutou later the four were am u pod dioma to set her vertiou talk ing eagerly und the othor throe listen ing intently und occasionally noldlng their huudu lu underutaudlug or up- proval tho front door opened au ver non mdmonlnhod now remember not u word to mother hut juut utlok tn thlu new plan und dont let your- uolvou hllp imck into the old habit well ull have to watch ulutrp too the next afternoon when nod cam lu from uohool he utopped ehort tnthe hall und uuirfod hmollu garni in herel ho aitoliitmod oueuu uoinebodyu been making uookleu nettle just liflhlnd him gavn him n fileiully little pinch nild chuoklwl wuu hoi turn next uho had juut co mo from her room her face bright wltltumlleu homebody huu p reused my pink drouu luiuutlfully uo hu ull frouli for myrtlou party tonlghtl then tiptoeing up liehliul her motberu chulr a tnluchlevoiiu light in hur eyeu uho bent over und uung nof tly in her luothoiw tiar oh wuu thut uomebody youl ouo morning lay came down to break font u happy umllo curving her llpu felomebody ullpped lu my room thlu morning und put a lovely pink rouobud in the little vawo on my dnuuer j i vernon found a book on lib table nun duy that j hud linen niluulug for uevera weeku hurruhl he exclaim ed unmebodyu found tliut book ive limited thnjiouue over for and uo it went on mvon father cuught tho huppy habit and looking over at nettto und nod one ovrnlng ho uald upprealu lively homebody hau put in place a very convenient uhelf for mo itlunobe coonloy llleeulng the preflent ab the con structive dnncdcna opportunity with live ittjrk rurmlng noting ui it ulwuyu will uu the luulli routrl- bllllug fuotor lu tho llpknell of tb futility nf the bind und of n jki- nuiiieut type of ugrlculturo there iihould novel ho u tlnm when tb llv mtoek brejir need iilirlull hlu breed ing opiiortunllleu or ioii ulht of biu lioul miulhy llvn utock for nincuiit podu tlnn in perlodji of low trrou it lu uliiuktlitieii nettuiutry for i lio farmer to neuleot tbo future in order to tuko urn of tbo prent it niuy uluo h nucuukirv for a farmer whif lnrlil itipllul lo follow tuothndu whu b ho would rhuttuo under otberondltlonu llut in tonorul it lu udvuublo to follow u uyutem of uvo utork farming tb will euuitrti a utuady und rvorli ing return hurh re t u r na run not bo looked for when tho bleeder lu liu lulling utock of luohtlonublo pnuluitlvlly und work- i tug on utl hi und nut yutem ktlidrr uuch a uyutoiu ho lu uuually out whnu lin nhodld bo in und vice vvruu on the other bund ii cbrednr wl o huj ilgb uuullty productive utock und who holdw ou through thlrk and thin rupu hlu lewurd when tho luw of uplllly i ml deinund iiuulu ralueu prheu to a intnunorutlvo level it lu nut lilllh- rlunl to utuy lu icvery effort uhould he hunt to incmuuo thn eulcloury of tbo llvej utork tbo brooder who did not get rtf or hlu inotth lnt uuwik i prlceu for moat were ut u high level mluued a goldnu opportunity hut it lu uo rouuon why ho uboiild lot continue to out tliolr headu of it would i u many cuueu tui econotnlcal to give thorn uwuy than to keep them it would 1m a bloomy outlook indeed if tho foregoing picture hud not itw uuy uldo un well au itu dark one uctlcully every improver of live nci muut lie continually looking mut- uldo hlu own lierdu und locku for new blood if ho lu to continue effecting im provement therein ilu thn uunny bide for even tbo brooder of hlgltcluuu utock hnn lieeu lilt though not uo hard au tbo hrodor of mediocre utock and bo buu bud to moot the falling off lit demand by a rihliiotlon of prlcou am co nunii u on co breeding utock of a uuullty tn bring about rupld improve ment lu thn uvorugo henl or flock can bo obtained ut reuuonuhln prlruu thlu in partlriiliirly true of uhecp and uwlna und to a louiuir ilogree of cattle and horueu any fanner or breeder who foelu or know that ho lu liondlrapimd under the pro sent condltlonu hy the luck of productivity or ijuullty lit hlu utock mb oil id tuko utopu immediately to noriini improved tdreu in put at thn bmid of hlu herdu und flocku doubtndly them im uo way lu which improvement can im wroutfht more thoroughly und more economically than through thn uuo of improved ulreu if you have been uulng wcrulwi rnpluco thorn hy purehretulu nf the hlgheut tjiuihty ohluliiuhle if you have lioeii uulng pure bred ulreu buve given tliolr progeny a decent chu und huvo not achlevwl uny improve- degtratile canadians humorous vtinulr eightytwo i 1m un wary tooth lu my heart uumej a th duy k ore luirn driver oklnnubuu to hlu home which refuhou to got up after falling well of all tho buy uiuilpeenu let ip will yea or oll drlvo right over youl didnt you over rut oil youreelf talk ing noneeuue when you were making a upoecliy vru replied heiuitor korghum you have to ulve uomo nudlouoeu a fuw ueiitonoou they aont umlertttand it imimwueu them with a eenee of iknorunon and ttinoi lo nwlio thom ort of dopoiiaent t thou the ptirihrelu inrn could rot have 1 tee n of dnulruhlo typo and uuullty dlucurd them end when pro curing othnru demand und get even though ut grentor coat ulmu from proven unceutry while tlio lino of topnotch ulreu lu ono of tho lient mothnda of improvement whore apltal lu limited tbo lull tlnn of a fow choice fomnlou into the herd or hock where capital will per mit will hrlng about the desired im provement much earlier ilnt nvory person then who ralla htmtjelf or hnr- uelf a hroetler of llvo utock than which thorn lu no nobler urt licnd every effort and group thn preuent op portunity to put tholr b ort in and ilocku into a ututo of oftlclency that will en able thorn to produoo economically throughout any kind of a hoauonal oi market uitiiatlnn hrlng iiack tudua- try hy being industrious it lu pouulble to ha tndtintrlouu and not ucoomplluli anything hut not uo with the ohlclent- ly industrie iiudoo w mulr animal huuhundmnn dxperlmental farm ot tawa what audition means ambition mnanu the desire for hoi thlngbelter and finer in your life it maanu that you aro alwayu trying your lieut ambition men nu aspiration that you aro vlalanlug tho holghtu and intend to ell mh thorn ambition meauu that you huvo fore thought that you are not afraid nf planting a tree although you know you may never eat itu rrult er ult in itu shade it meauu that you are not uimy that you will puuh on when you uro inclined to he down or utop work ambition flndu time for wolf- 1 1 provoment in the uputa hnure it mukeu you leave your comfortable imwi in the morning when you would 11k to turn over and take another lulu all inliltloii enoourageu ynti to chooua gool frlondu und companions ambition knowu uo dlucourabomout his contribution a clergyman won making thn roundu of a certain industrial town on behalf of a deserving charity when en- countered uu over thrifty merchuut upon whom nil the clergymans elo quence wuu wasted at first i believe thlu lu a deserving chari ty admitted tbo merchant it de serves to uurcood hut i cant afford to give anything however you have lujr good will thakik you ulrl uuld the clergy man if that is- all you reel you uro ublo to give just ulgn your name boro and write good will after it und then the townspeople will know what your gift lu the paper wau signed hut the mer- chuutviuit bomethng more than good will it gainst hlu name mm its the tabte that counts it uuyu here cod liver oil lu rlmmt sgi times au potent in food valiiovslti butter remarkiml mru llrown look- lug up from the paper uhe wau read ing i thut may be all true enough us id mr tirowu hut maria my dear you keep on ordering butter from the grocery and let tbo drug alarku keep tholr old ood liver nil horsfe ailments bf many unda quickly remedied vlth dougtas egyptian liniment rtdrs blkkdtno inhtantty tnisvkntft bimtn 1othonino sltkhs til ull bit p1htuia ntainlf and bbiiihk8 ttw bwt all hhind tjnlrunt fof ik tabt tu v avnr bowtwu ttw kkkl it uakuv at all iwjsih snj dranuu enjjlirlt child fen who recently en mo to cniindn on hoard the emprcsi of rrnncclhoir namci arc tlio in un marshall howard sydney ashton john kincnid- luwtcnco ktiiu edwfit coteniaiunnd billy coleman christmas gift bar your friendi anj an investment for yonraelf the farmers advocate the most reliable farm and home ipaper in canada 3 our own 200 acre experimental farm and constant yetalrts trauwl amona fmrmeni kcep our edjtonjn data dqp touch with tho probkfra of tho farm tho famw rjk advocate a owned puhtished and oditedbyfarnkent 10uu each tnonur of uv liudw vvfll be ln j fat hum dtpiran und ull wtll enjoy eof aurul tktft our special offer new prices one yeah two years three years 1 bo s2b6 u3joo fonhm irioa xjoo wnrre today i- sj i vuti in advance m vm abvanciu wtrt vtdipu tlauy to inu yee itu william wau cn looaw onhds free press advertisers are always reliable the acton creamery wmnijttuii in fulure by twm oncll will pay highest ma11kijt iricis ioit butter fat anid rmcair iiaca notice wo give notice to tlio public that tho partnership between harold vilci nid thoa onell imn thin day boon dissolved and nil claims and liabilities against tho creamery will ba nssumed by mr onell harold wiles tiios oneil good buying at qspringe store itolow aro listed n fow of tlio ninny bnruliu wo have in our store wniis4 undorwoai 7y 100 to 200 iilt of monn ovornlla 18 itt of xjoum work hhlrtii mb kianiielottfi oood quality coo and 23a tar yanl uglit color prlntw 20o iwk colorwl trliiut 20a to jujo ifnotory cotton v 1bo hloaqliml cuttoa 23o icxtm anwloruy waune 6o airlu wool jctu 1j10 to 178 wool 1oailoh boo uuyu 1ullover flwoatnro t12f lloyu bwoutor coatii 2m weitu hwoatnr coutii 38 to 100 a good tlanqc of menei and b0v6 hioh uuuulilm at hiqhy priccs albo ladieb and childmcnu nudbclis oiiv only 4 humor iorfikitlitn oil hovi wili ovun 3000 thro only lorfootlcm llianru 87w oood llrotimu ut 50a two for oa get vourt suppuv op dm hcbb btook food wow and gave voutt feed we have- a good hange op horse blankets itodes halteh8 etc- at nea80nable prices a few qrobehv oleoialo a lloal oooil ittlmon 20o a lliu qoot lllitok toit for 1m com hyriii k ttiu50o to lliu for 100 laundry ftouii 13 vnwn f ijloo lui mutolinx 3 llimoh foi 3qo tiruitliluluil mtllfttl m ask0 mr owt all klildu of iff it rot- tliut aiiliilmuij cuko wltli kvcry order of 10 wo will elve a itrmm 1vce- r lj gordon qspringe to the electors of haltqn iturliiiktoil out nov 22nd- 1021 knowfim that yon iiru deeply interested in the pending election for the hon of common i nm iolicitiii yotir sup- poit utld in mu en cc on my behalf in tlio liberal candidate the coiikcrvative government has been in power during the pnbt ten y carts und we und ihe hiiiinent of the country in a state of dcprcvion not experienced nhicc prcvioun to oim when con- crvntivc government of tlint day hnd to ivc way under similar circumrlanccn to the will of the people nn expressed nt the polls airniti in no unctrtoin manner tho people are demanding a cliaiifionfgoveriikiicjit i will support a revision of the tariff which will lessen tho burden now carried by thore eupafed in agriculture mid all of our natural industries as well uu by the common people thus stimulating production in ull legitimate business and industries willi nil reasonable dciuundi of the returned man i am in fullcit accord feeling that in many instances the meighcn government ban not dona them justice as you arc doubtlcsi aware i nm und have been through life a farmer by occupation and am therefore in fullest sympathy with all their requirements gtill i do not feelthat the best interests of the country may be served by an undue prominence of any class in the cabinet should i receive the confidence- or the electors their inter- citi will receive my undivided at tent ion si nd i shall do my utmost to nerve them in every posuible way to whatever class they belong on accepting nomination i reserve tho right to exercise entirely independent judgment on all questions coming beforo the houic for consideration in view of this atatcment of my position ss a true canadian who beliovcn iii the ultimate prosperity of tho country under the true and democratic principals of liberalism i appeal with confidence to the electors of halton signed w v w h3i1ek has your busi ness reached its limit do you think it impossible to sell more of your goods in our territory if business in general is depressed must your business be depressed are you going to wait for things to pick up or arc you going to make thin p j well heres a point five years ago the literary digest had reached tlio limit of its possible circulation in thojudgment of many thoughtful observers fiction magazines can g farther they said for ton readers seek amusement to every op who thinks but a weekly rovlow of now comments and public oplioncartriot hope for mora than 00000 circulation that is a rnayimum business still wavered in uncertainty at that time only tho fow understood that uncertainty is opportunity for courage and for faithj the literary digest rejecting tho councl of timidity and doubt entered upon tho largest most cootly campaign ever undertaken by a magazine to widen its markets- a campaign of continuous na tional advertising involving the expenditure of more than one million dollars a year its circulation when the advertising began was 408030 in nine months tho circulation was 055030 tho advertising continued in eighteen months tho circulation was 050000 jthe advertising continued today tho circulation is 1300000 mid tho li terary digest continues its advertising do you get the idea advertising continuous and persistent will do for you what it diihfor tho literary digest and the medium in your locality is tunfmm prhiis rx it stands alone in itsduss in canada 22 cents an inch on ti 50 inch contract it is only comjttouseuko to advertise continuously to those who are in a position to respond thin is logic it is sano business it is economy jt is the direct road to renewed prosperity the courageous wl ttikothoir faith in tholr hands und begin tho timid will bd deterred for atlnieby circumstances 1 i circumstances exclaimed napoleon i make c i rami a tun ecu 1 ask for particulars the acton free press acton ontario -i- send your friends the free press for a christmas box i iiiiisiiihmai

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