Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1921, p. 4

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bht attan 3xtt praag uu c j wrlly nwtufi iujiunx ri ckminoit i 1021 rni af ion uii 1 in 1 1 i u nt it- iff- i ksit ii tiltdli fl la u nihil jl i ii i llu wi in duplin l air i ailvl uii in had frai llul 1111 1 lvto icli ins ml alvi ill till f ill i hi ii i woolll lailuf 1 ti i viiionj- i ul 11 editorial lurunlojiumiluiii highway commission to imj abolished lliu ontario government lius decided to abolish the loronto llnniiltuu ilijhway coinmiiuii inch member of jlii co in 111 1 jiou iiuj received a letter turned by frcinilr drury muting that tlio rciiiin lion of ach member of tho cuiiiiiiiuioii wus bemj requested by tlio government it ia understood that the government will make the llrst titep of the now arrankiiieiit tlio trunsfxrciice of tlio work of tlio present commission to a comtniion composed of members of tho ktiilf of tlio highwuyi department uiid ttiat thin arruiijemeiit will hold good until tho next scuion of tlio ontario legislature tho high way commission did tho province splendid service 111 tho construction of tho toronto hamilton high way tlioy built the flrut permanent highway uiid demonstrated that it could ho mauitaiucd i heir work having been accomplished it was felt tlitu tho highways department of tlio government can now mora economically supervise this provincial roadway nnuorwl kuilwayn deficit decreasing iho improved lluancinl iihowjnr of the cnnndnui national hiiilwnyti for the pnit two or three ni6nths has received ijcqcriu and favorable comment through out the country operating expenses hnyo been hroujht down mid earnings havo increased the canadian national ruilwnyn carllei in the ycary in formed the people of canada by scries of frank explicit nrtictca of iomo of iih problems and 111 particular of tho prcjil tig icod of more tratllc tho improvement in the relative position of the national linci has been accompiibhed not only by tho rctjuc tioiu of operating costsi hut alio through tlio co operation of the jnhlic that realized tho truth of the ftatomciltn mudo and who hovo mot the situation r praefical way iho taxpayers of canada generally will be glad when the management is able to an ilouiice that tho era of dc helta has been finally reached minnies good luck mlmil aid leader king doctmt like coalitions at 0110 of his campuign meetings tho other day w l mackeuzio king tho liberal leader expressed his dislike for coalitions in tho following terse sen ten ccs if there is 0110 thing this world is ick of and ought to bo sick oltit is coalition coalition means expensive government it means lack of decision in mat tors of policy it means costly ad in 111 istration tho only way 111 which wo will carry on in canada and got a sort of government that is going to help our country in tho future is by having one party so strongly supported in parliament that it will be able to iiavo a policy of its own and carry out that policy well now it uccms to bo tho opinion of a good many of tho electors that mr king may bo quite thankful if ho has an opportunity to assist in ihct formation of a coalition government after the bixth of december it is believed to bo good guessing thnt noithor mr king nor mr mcighon nor mr crerar will havo ulflcicnt of a majority to form an independent government teachers agreements to mean more present indications are that tho agreements ho twecu teachers when engaged and tho trustee boards employing them wilkbo in the futuro more effective aijd perhaps more satisfactory to all con cerned at a joint meeting of representatives of trustee boards ratcpapcra and teachers associn- 110ns recently held in toronto d resolution was pass d requesting tho minister of education to amend the public school u continuation schools and high schools acts so as to require all teachers to enter into a written agreement with school boards to be thec- tivo until the close of tho bchool year in june such agreement to bo renowablo from year to year unless terminated by either party on september 1 by at least 30 days notice in writing a resorption was also passed calling upon the minister of education to appoint a board of reference- for tho purpose of settling disputes between trustees and teachers that the school year bo mado to coincide with tho academic yepr from september to june instead of from january to dcccmbor was tho subject of another resolution thd purpose of this proposed change is to ensure more uniformity in tho annual reports some discussion took place in regard to teachers leaving schools bofore tho term was completed it was stated that certain teachers had accepted posi tions and afterword withdrawn upon receiving an offer of a position with a higher salary it was contended that there should bo a code of honor drawn up to bind teachers to honor their agreements 1n spirit as well d m letter this series of resolu tions incorporated in an amendment to the school law would bo beneficial jn several waysand would tend to elevate tho teaching profession very con siderably caiudva ncighborllnesd ond neighbor one evening inst week sic georgo poster one of our new senators was the chief speaker ut tho bankers club dinner ut detroit and in good natur- ed forms gave the financiers across tho line 6ome thing to think about he was introduced as repre senting the best neighbor any country ever had and ho mado tho best of this felicitous introduction ho was subtly sarcastic in his reference to tho dis parity in exchange between canada and tho united states jln talking of tho washington conference ho prophesied an international conference olf finance at an early data as the next move in restoring world equilibrium and asserted that the tendencies of tho futuro world aro dependent on the ideals and co operative action of tho two branches of tho english- speaking race you call us a good neighbor ho said bantcdngly t h years of trade between us we have bouglitseven billion dollars- worth of goods so if purchase makes itgood neighbor there is the proof you do not buy so much not nearly ko much from us and you must buy more so tho balance of trade wont bo so much against us every good canadian dollar has had a discount of 10 or 12 conts to you wo aro such good neighbors we take yours at par y congress at washington recently took upon itself to impose tho fordney tariff it put a barrier against agricultural imports which b pro hibitive or requires some agility to overleap so you put up tl barrier on the very imports twat would allow us to reduce tlio trade balances you go to much trouble- to oxpand trade on tho pacific and in south america our trade is youra without oftort v sir georges pointed references to exchange and tariff would naturally e tho financera vomo scrioud food for thought may their k ncrghborliness to a 7 good neighbor take a more practical and equable i ttirni 4ndjjb fhcicar tuute the young matijf self- advancement we are all more or less imitators of others for our profit therefore wo rhould look for jiclp from ho o who have themselves foujht lifes battles it is a food thing for a young man to keep a good book 011 biography on hand for readmj when ho lluds hmuelf getting lazy and ielf satlallod the ntory of a lifo that has struggled up through hardship and privation to splendid succci is a tonic that ltimu lutei our ambition and makci it seem impossible to idle away our time the majority of biographies are stimulating reading bccauio moit people whote livei rire worth writing have passed through some such evolution thoia who never havo anything particu lar to overcome seldom do anything worth writing nbout and there aro no hoqks depicting their lifes struggle and attainments it is an excellent plan always to have a good volume on biography handy then when you find your indolent moods com hi g on and you are not doing your best but the least possible tako it down and read a chapter or two it is a bad case of laziness which will not promptly yield to thlc treatment nov provincial folic plans a forward and somewhat radical step in connec tion with provincial police organization has just been taken by tho ontario government the coun cil approved plans for tho division of the province into eight districts and put through orders for tho appointment of six of the eight district inspectors who will be in charge under tho commissioner of police tho district in which this county is includ ed is to be known ns no 4 and will include york simcoo ontario peel halton muskoka and parry sound with headquarters at toronto the eight district inspectors will havo jurisdiction over all pro vincial officers in tholr territory whether those en gaged in general work or ontario temperance act enforcement when the plans that gen elliott com- misloner of police is working on havo been com pleted tho force will bo considerably larger than it has been for years und a good deal of recruiting will have to be done to bring it up to the proposed btrcngth the result should facilitate very greatly the prompt administration of justice throughout tho province and an improvement in tho general preser vation of the peace chriauniw shopping influencea the offrepentod oxhortatlou to do your christ mas shopping early has more in it than is perhaps casually wyjllzed early christmas shopping is ad vantageous to tho purchaser from the standpoint of wider selections and better service but it is a real kindness to tho salespeople who are almost rtui olf their feet with the almost invariable rush which occurs tho last few days bofore tho twentyfifth of december tho attempt to crowd the christmas shopping into the last few days before christmas is objectionable from every point of view buy early and post or ship early do all that you can to avoid tha cruel overworking of the employees of the post offices and express companies as well as tho sales people but quite unimportant as shopping early is shopping pleasantly do not scold the clerk because tho book you expect to buy for a dollar and a half costs you three dollarn she has nothing to do with sotting the prices do not lose your temper be cause you cannot match a piece of ribbon or n skein of wool it may bo vory important to match it from your viewpoint but tho clerk is not to blame if she does not havo in stock what you want a good many saleswomen will tell you that they could put up with tlo tardy shopper if it were not for the impatient shopper if you cannot shop early at least shop pleasantly everybody can do that try it kdltoltlal nqtes six hundred and thirty candidates were placed in nomination last week for the 25 seats of the house of commons there aro 211 conservatives 201 liberals 144 farmer progressives and 74 labor and independents you take y6ur ballot and make your choice next tuesday 4 last week was canadian authors week through canada and book publishers andbook sellers took special means to let tho public learn what a galaxy of canadian writers wo have and what these writers of to day are doing it is believed there were more books of canadian authorship sold last week than 111 any previous- week iu canadas history it speaks well fdr business conditions in milton that thero is not a vacant storo in town not muny towns tho size and importance of milton aro in a position to make that boast mlltoo reformer of course tlio reformer intended to say not many towns outsldo the county of hulton at present nbt a town in halton has an eniptyjstore tho shoe manufacturer at gait who labelled his good canadian goods made in united states just to tickle tha fancy of lady customers can hardly bo regarded as an ultra loyal canadian he belongs to tho class of american chcesemakers who label their cheese mado in canada so as to co mm rind ho highest prices in europe fthts is the way abraham lincoln put the tariff problem i do not know much dbout tho tariff but i do know this much when wo buy goods abroad wy get the goads and tho foreigner gets tho moncji when we buy goods at homo wo got both the goods and the money naturally we profit most by buying made n canada goods in vunn hmiiihiir in jtm wi ul in t ymi uml al n uku to u ut i i lit u hluu t r iu ujjh who i who 1m tryliiu to ntu kn urn minty vlowr kiut tw i hr i ut iillr ly xtlmilfl jtitniiotl m why li- w miid millll aii l ymi ttut tfiiiffmlmir oontlnu- i iu not u ixt tlki tho qufwit alio who mul i on with hi liu i i u iiiimt iw very u im to iml mei 1 hull wrcxlu tont ll ulad liftll r me hkiii liuolt an i it on with lad iwt- i uviour wxmi ttiun i vi r tv mliuilii imiikiiiki muytxi w hajlp n wltltu mbbit cimh on al i lor uutnr rom rullinr tnliiutnutly in wjnin kim wuu combing jfjtily atlohiiuu kolilnn wltm i think it m iiijky hit uuld uhn tlmrn ii i o hi mi uimonuiln tut you uriir whllu 1 tiiumnui alio huhvil mtutswlmt luttretihl tat thu hifi miatlou uli follows miimlo who wfau nltnti ly ut tlm ro t of thd muiou ubinmu wmlln 1 uu tlm two llttlo klrlu luuii nurml tlioy wnn am htiui ullko uu twhtm hi u id lw but h i no illnilulty hi iolllnif thorn ttiiart tlmt wttw bihiuutmt ulii wuh itihkninu out in tho uur inn tlii rhlblfoii work i ulluillly hiiitdonly uliinlo kilulmii oil alio 1 vw fouii i u fouirloiif rlovorl an t ulin iml i it ii i lot fully mun ivuiulim t it rhfofnliy it limuiiu mm 1 luru ulio ualil ulnwly i lu ur i ilrotlu i jim uuy un n in ii i in uluil i faun 1 it uulil ml u- nto ait i ui iiliuiml tli ii llltln krwn iivii rhio fully lu tlm ihuoiu of hoi roru aftar it httlu all yuwiiml uml laid il lo lmr trowitl i wtiilrtar if that uniiiiiailii lun t mow mmly tutltl uha oh w 4tavfn t in aii working hmu ill 1 xi i mi l iluxirrully w1i i m awful tlintl rtitiinmil a lire i imillovn 1 ii roitt a htttn win n lo illil not fply rho nun wuh wurra but ubtt wont mi wmxllnif val luntly ivoimintiy miim uualiml litu- utfn iwnim t imok uml looktxl around fa allcu but tlio lltttn clrl wan nowliorv ulclit uhiiila laokixl nt tlio uowtir bo tliam wow u lot of wmulm tlht ikiioii it kmiiiml u hbu in u to lou v tlmrn ilu uha wf tit on i ulllntf au tliir- uuxg ut tlm touab iilulku uml irwiitly um wuu umtonubrxl to ma thoy wrn mil ifotlv litu uubily jrlnwoi- wim hoi llnir up br huiil trlumilimntly juxt tlinii ulnuu lumnl tha bonk im hutonibli und than homebody cnllod uayly llxlln llttlo miintxniiiot ulrl wuntktrldnr illimlrt jutuimd uu and rati to tlin ta thnrw in th roud wumilotbi- jim willi iiih brand nuw cur conn on pnj uul 1 bi imlirt ills hurry ocuo of thought i mynr mrrlnu uu hulfwnv to ool rumlltuc irhiiim um to tin doliof iiiw alum un i almnilvliiif in ur u u wlmltmlmi itornii it iihu well muld tlmt tlm urdi- flatterer with will in all liftty tiut trm liv lntnlllioii t im u tnuii olf ucn tb i uudlmit tlilikf that luiu hofill ul litwlxin it liuin fulth n wiimnll alnntnict uniltli a rin unity to lu j o und joy lu rli lm n n to fur un i morrow hivrty lluirto own fool tu 1 u 1 ouicb but iho vain klowtiru hr lovo ti trui ul luniiiikti llnnjamhl hotit to wo to town with can you wait for inn t wu ob 1 d inva tn inn to toll allor lutrry bonny but i cun t wait aunt lttwu buu u liud lumdurhti aud i toll hnr id huiitld jump lu it wo a lovmly rlrfn to town und ilrothor jim told inir uunh runny utnrlfiu that ulnnln wau laughlnc all tho time and wblln thn clarlc pronar- i1 tha powuwu ilmthar jim lot ulnultt uu tlio tlfipbouo ull liarwalf and tell limmma wlmro ulm wan for miio inlsbt bo mci rod ml lip i a had ualil uravnly ulimi thoy uturtthl i shout int wonder id uk to kid nap you mytmtlf for keopm wild th oihnr laiitihlitu llion whan tbny wirn liiiek in tho car tharo wum m lwiic all tll with void cor i for mhtnlo oh 1 11 ulve ha to a crlad mliintn ellin truly nuht to imvo ninro n half rmino nid dldn t rt any lovoty rldd tlmy roaulkkl homo in itootl time and minn la ranod indoors cioger to tall lipr itdvnnturflw mamma wan juut comlnfif in from tit kitchen with a bl pltchnr of lamon- nilo juat in time ulm wuld at that mom out auco amuiarml ellin look nil very crofui you bad all that wood luck cmiho you found that- four- leaf clover wluli i bad uatin it first wall you ro kohifir to have wtmo of thn rood luck nrlel jj inula and slid held up tho iirntty imik of candy only i promlhod llrothnr jim i would not omii it till aftor illuuar you ran hav a lot then she added ilho camfully unfuutanml tho droop tiik llttlo plover and ahowed it to hiamma it brotmht mo nucli it loo luck dldn t it mntnnrn dearr momma utooned to uihm tha happy llttlo fuan i mm not nurd it wa tho fourlauf clovar title nald ulnula looked twwlldored why tuainmu what tthto could it hav llut tnulnlnu only mnimtl ju ibiooii a mildmanrjehed 8erqeant how dur yen romf o uuraile remarkwl an irlnh merauit to- a ra crult umothnretl from head to foot kium un pipanlay amwfir mo whin i upaka to ye the youiikmter wan prooeedliuf to invent uinm xuue when the ar- kount utopimxl hm short dar yen to nnhwoi- mn when 1 putu a fiueatlon to yext jlould yr lylnr tmibue and open ye face u yr peril what newer havo y been orawlltt tiirouuh not u ward or 111 dap y in tha buardroomt whan i u yex unytblmr an yea ypukex 111 bnvfl yen tried for inooleuca t yer tdiuiwrlor officer but if yo done an- hwer wluih i quntlon yen 1 ii have yer pimhmed for duohedlenoa of or- den bo im iauerti 1 ii hava ye both way 0heenfulne80 18 towr otiferfuhiflii im power when you aro leu nil u w to tuko the hotteful view when you ure tralnlna yourelf to wukii lu the tuorntiib wlthu tmilla on your lliw you urn tuuklna yourself u ikitontlut coikfueror eonriie4m tud hudnoss una mlnuu ojuuhtlmi they suti tract juut uu much from thn ra- karvo of power they make u jut no much harder to win the reason you tlnd uo many uaur- fuend deprtuidd iwoplu kuuokia tha fullureu lu not uu you may havo thftuuht fauuo rallurtf wum th du hohltlnn but lieouuua a otir nature lirmllhioaii to fullur cultlv komi clioor rratii yoitruelf to take thn optlmluna vlaw jotvtilop a ivoiua that will he proof uuulnst mall vnuttonu irritations for ull tliwsn thuik mean power thk aohicultunal missionary in china thn mndei n missionary no 1onnr lliultu himself wolnly to vuiiu llatlo nffort lu china foi tuutunca uia uif houlturuj mlsmloiiary lu toduy onu 01 tha ureuteat foroou for uootl in tho wlmlo hind tv blm eutulillult modal furmu im miiowm buw to rofornut tmr- rui hllluldem mill liow to provide puuue uti lakuu 00 in mil ill ii imi with mimtury drlukliiu- witter at the unlvprailty of nuuklnif u rliullunil tnlunloiuirlnu um carrying on bydtrliunutw in mulberry primliui- tlou the develnpmaiit of mlk worinii tlin introduotlou of new uuids of not toil whnt rlo nnd oom rho inapt hniiorluut thliitf for ohtuto ut prfuent lu to i iiri how to food her poopta unl the iiuileuhitrul mlsslonury u polntlnu outhnifcthlu limy b doiiu through the liilrodnctlon of nglnutllla fannlna wm ijloaafetcm4utm ty that uiu it will thiut uml wt ro it 1 qod blmuwlf tk rruhlik u dluboiii riwtinwtpt 1 f 1 eruoiu frlmids uu wntl uu u uu ulblit wnul 1 olmut gvo lluticroft tha liurl mint to tho ilnwuru lu nlwuyu tho tlrut to im toucho i by the thnriiu moore ond htiu two dwdlluitu nun in beav 1 und thn other lu u iuek uml thuukful lun- inaak wulton nilinlnil un i tlmt moat b thny ara tha wauknut- tne harlot inutriwl men love fihautti ituskln thero lu s tnurh ureathduu of mint ut acknowledging u icool turn an hi dnlnif it ilotiwra a tuterul tlmtiiht towurd heaven lu of itwelf u pruynr leaiilntf onowinq rimbttn on the pakm rimlwr lu ntihaiitlally u iwor laud croi luon 1opau whir uoll rooky luml uuuallul roninru anilllftd ull i wnndel trwtli ull tl oue nffonl nppor- tunltlm for krowlnif tlmlir pronllabty a rurnful kiirvny of tho avurouo firm will inviul u surprlhlnj uiujmr cf unolu of ihlu hort which cun im utlllxn i to udvuiitak if tlmy do not ulr udy have trem pluntlna them with the pro 11 r varieties will materially lu rrcuun tha value of thn land war bond coupons cashed free tho merchant bank will caah all war loan couiiona or mieroat cllequcu whori duo on probontatlon willioul making any clinro whatavcr for tho horvico if you havo riot n savinubraccount why not una your iiitorobt money to onon ono with thin bank 7 thc mcrcmants bank hed office montraal of ctahjada bly twjl ttoma clubllljhl 1u04 l r fdloray uma ii m mluiumu business directory dn j a mdnivun pbyaleun and bur ouhtw uul hnuldiiu 1 ci riu r ilowor tviiiu und klalu htr tu tin ral 1 tue ffirumrly 01 mil h 1 by d m lieu- araiiu at ton out mr farmer you should hi uptodatk injihk home as weix as having ufwbapmaciiimeuy let us instal a pneumatic water system lowest iossnile prices quotations miee send skktcii howard and mccarvell u wilson st fiukull wione 270w freejpress ads bring results tannery cooperative tiiq store of quality and low prices just akuuvbd now callfoniiu seedless roiaina new california seeded fiamina anyone who han not yet tried our 38a ceylon tea should do no this ten ut presont market valuo could not he sold at j leas than 50c now valoncin raisins now orange lemon and citron peels now tics prunes all kinds of nuts otc a gennojnlttbangain in flanncletjc 1 ynrd wide best quality nt 22c yard call and iet our pricci i you will he convinced that wo can fill your needs nt prices that defy competition overnlls working shirts boots un derwear etc at especially low prices special prices on surar in 100 lb lots uimiteiw all reduced to 7c ratt tor men women uays and girls surprise soap comfort soap sunlight soap white naptha soap quick nap tlm soap either ensh or goods paid for butter eges etc tannery cooperative c a conway mnnaear mill street acton the tires we sell must give satisfaction we cannot afford to risk our good reputation ly soil ing urea of doubtful value it is jour policy to handle tires of demonstrated superiority only tifds which we know will give our customers maximum service and lasting satisfaction thats wliy we feature partridge tires came gs their ndtne in tlieso lirosnono but tlio very best rubber is used the process of binding rubber and cord makes the carcass and tread inseparable qfi the resisting com- pound of thejnonskid tread and tho thicktfyot clastic sidewojls give the endurance and rosilonce necessary tojinsure strong economical easyriding tiros fred blow limhmlu dll l j nclbon fhyalolan ouroori olitlroln aoton ontario tluciniior to tliu lulo ijr tlmy ofllw mul htiitl lotilo 1 rmlrlrlc uu olllou hourt j tr p m and 7 to 0 uy dm c r w itobu phyalolkin ur 0urjoo jt garualown fhuit 22 llioclrtl nttnntlon tn piuoujuik nf wo- iiinri mi i chlllrixi uiid in fun t lrootln leqal i liona no 33 l o nx iu hauold nash tailmeit ma- burrutr qolloltor notary publlo convnvhof dto pehrvman block acton ont moni3y lo toan hnurm d so mn to c pm dcmtal or j m bell d d 8 l d t dhtlt llnnnr anuluuto of toronto univw- lty th ututm ui6thttla uad u ilmlrd olllo mt riaano canir utll auid pvwlbrlek htreta do o goulop d d q l d b dsnbtl 8uruon oilloo ovr hunk or nova ftootltu llomiu 30 to c30 1c vii i nun liy amioliitnunt miscellaneous phanoio nunan bookblndr aooount ldtly of ttll kind tiad to onlnr wrlotllcalb at ovory t orlp- tlnn oarufully bound ltulhir tuy and promptly tfotii wynlhnm htrt aulpl ont ov r wiuiaiiih htor r j kerr lloatttl auotlon iror tha codiitlori of halton womtia- ton inl and uuffcirln kiid the city of oualph acyon ontario tiiny iio irranbod by inull at nt roaldaiioa mt anton or nt tlm vvaa priw othoo aoton tlio uaronry onioo ounlph thn nawalteaonl vnrritisi or with w j gordon itumruim uauw iiillmbunr liaxfta entniatwl tp it j kerr re oalve httantlon from datu of uutliib to dato of ualn i ut your unlnti with m raljnoa bawar avnut ato phona is anton call nt my lgxpeium roy hindley auctioneer conaolldauu phatta erin 4t 11 r r d acton j e cteeevers doqk dinder quabm hi east guiph out xiaolui und inmnxino bound in ifaudmoms and uubutaiitla oovr nainea uttered in told on illblm hymn rookh and otlior pookk alt work promptly exaeuud d alex niven burvsya bukdlvlaluuil j lain xla- pflrtu domorlptlonm illuoprlntu etn iartinout for purchnharu and mrtirauam elurvaym for arohltectsi uulldttrx und municipal cnunolbi lirmlnukj hoportri lujtirnaton wto molean building douuuh 8t quidpii pliano 10114 oni coitichuownjjf cartr t tfbnonto cnaim tho old and itoliablo granlo and matblo doalots w uro maiiiwucturr- and dlr imitortorx of ull klnd of mommwmul mid htindhtono work w nll dlw to our ouatomar wholoanu prlov ihiim waving our ountomord 40 nr ooiil w hitvrt thn ivuat nppllano and tha rnly inoatmuloit lu tlio liinnlulon vfho run opurnto pm umatlu toout priiprrly wo cun lv roforoimori from ittiudrndri of our niibkntirrtt in toronto uml otlior plnoom wham ptliorx liav to iiuvit law autu in dnler to cuurnt wh hwvn tha larnut mid boat atonk of tlrnnltn in tho uomlnlon or m6ra than liny thma daalora lu thn woate wu uru ibkhi- mata daaloni and employ no usonuft and do not annoy or pant ouatumara by aennlrir out lonorant mconta twllolti inir ordon re employ only moobknlo and doty competition hamilton sons cor norwich ftv troanrnfi bt trrarph

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