Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1921, p. 4

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miilr rauullau wvy ncwairr atiocwiim tiiukmoay macyminnu a mat lutf ul iii- irrf 1rrn llmluilif mill mnl a tfili iluil lit iiiurmilkil niu iu j rr yjr ul ulvmn r iuiam it rliur tlliliiil i tilfioi in llic ilutl t i he iluln kfklilcli iijllii4 am im i liiiliakil ith bll inui adv1i1ii in katlvlraiiiifiil slvrllrnnuk hi cut tr lllr anhi mirriunl i rl iimrrllin ml s cut t ill- icr taili milibiinirut iiivmioii umn i luplay ajvrlitf ii for iu ii 1 moo it iditur an imtiliiixi editorial four iujr powers itcach agreement it i- urcly gratifying tlint some real progrevi it being made nt tho washington conference the four greater powers britain united states i mid jupim have readied mi agreement on the ntnltl hinc these momentous stops in world affair- tn ken by the great world statesmen mean tliitt the liicmica of tho anglojapnucno alliance to the united states is to ho removed that wur botwccii tho united states and jiipun iti to ha made nearly inipoaiihle and that tho hughes plan for limitation of naval rimiiirieiit which wrti outlined at tho opening of the conference ii to ha definitely adopted 1jducutlon when timcri arc hnrd li is surely not an unfavorable expression of the idiiliitionni iipirution of tho young people of can ndii when we hud the college nntl universities crow ed with muucnti during u time of financial dc jicion ruch an prevails in thin as well nn all other countries it really tecmn to indicate that at tucll n period there k mining the iiipirnnts tor hiithor educa- tioit greater activity and effort than nt other times tho explanation probably iti when business is active and unemployment tunnll a great number of young people and hiuiinci qpportunitics that thoy think it imdcsiruble to lot slip even for n college education that when businev ri slack and opportunities aro fow young people seek n college education tor some- thing better to do provincial uond programme for 1922 j about novcntynvo miles of permanent pavement will be laid by the ontario department of highways according to plana just given tcntativo approval this list upon which tenders will bocajed early in the spring is not uunli ns it stands but it represents sub stantially tho work of the government which it has in view and forecasts nn expenditure of at least 4500- 000 tho sections of tho provincial system chocn for next seasons work are lifted- it is evident that the minister or highways in likely to be as deliberate in tho construction of tho section of tho toronto to sarnta highway between brampton and guelph us ho was in deciding upon tho route for this section the published list includes tho 04 miles from cooksvillo to brampton and guolph easterly 5 rnijes but no reference is mudo covering tho thirty miles between these points on this highway do not evade iteaponsibllity our young folks who uro en taring upon tho realities of lifes personal responsibilities will do well to form tho habit of making up thoir minds for themselves responsibilities aro among tho chief factors of character making and winning success it is ns impossiblo to develop strength without re sponsibility as it is to develop muscle without exor cise tho farmer who encourages his boy to toko u load of grain to market or to mnko tho salo to n drover of a at beast or a half dozen store hogs is doing more to teach that son confidence in judgment und experience in business transactions than ho would learn in n whole sonsou talk or theories tho mer chant who gives his son or daughter nn opportunity to stock up when tho wholesale traveller is making his periodical calls is giving them u business turn and a practical sonso of personal responsibility which is invaluable iu nluking thorn good storekeepers 1 1 tho respective cases there comes a geutiino interest in tho fanning activities and in tho business enter prise which will encourage greater effort and keener observation young pooplo should by all means list en to advice weigh good counsel but thoy will err if they hand over tho i ight judgment and decision to an other they should accept responsibilities cvon when kind friends would bo ready to relievo theut from the burden for it is by decision and by shouldering responsibilities ns thoy come that character is fashioned citizenship now tlint tho time for tlia annual municipal elec tions aro apronching it mny hjivo tho effect of creating luudublo aspirations in jhe hearts of soma good citizens who havo heretofore ref mined from rssuming any citizenship responsibilities in munici pal affairs if tho following contribution is carefully perused cftizouship is a much mora considerable affair than registering and voting it goes far be yond tho taking out of naturalization papers to quulify ds ouo of tho body politic in the land of the bravo md tho free citizenship lias k duty for every citizen not simply on election day but tho whoje year round and if necessary us a municipal nominee ready to stand for elections to bo n good citizen is to be n goad friend and neighbor it is to manifest loyalty and integrity in business relations good citizenship acts to build up not nlono tho prosperity of a private concern but tho welfare of commerce mid trade in general tho good cltizcw singly or corporately pays his debts ho does not keep other waiting for the money they huvo earned and there foro own ho has an instrlnctivo horror of borrow- jng without u doflnite and understood prospect of repayment ho keeps his appointments ho re spects the riglit of other men to tho same considera tion from hint that ho wants from thorn he feolfi that an each man docw jus part is true to his own trust minds his own business is responsible and reliablo in his own portion the average level of credit and prestige for the whole community will rise citizenship means u rcaliziitioit on tho part of ouo mnn that nil men arc helped or hlndored by his in dividual performance tho moan ant discreditable things wo do that count against us react on tho rest as well as nn iirmy a judged by its soldiers a club b its undergraduates u community is judged by its citizens the patriot brings distinction on his homo town tlint is why wo do honor to u man who fought franco or propntcuvto go sluckurs ilrc a reproach to tho pilblic opinion tlmttoloruto tho bread that is why wo discountonunco tlic and would huvo thorn justly penalized citizenship in tho full round of its alloncompabsing circle takes in oven tho domestic demeanor uid tho prjvata life you cannot coll a manli good citi7cn who is- unfaithful or oven un- feeling in thoso iutinmto obligations of tho homo and the family that uro thdtcqt and the revelation of character jio is not to- bo praised if at tho banquet board or in the crowded auditorium or a church as semblage ho has much to say about tlio virtues while nt home behind tho doors whore tho curious world docs no obtrude hfs practices aro mean etud despic able tho gpod citiven wherevor ho may bo npd whatever ho is doing ban no rcasrm to fear 4he light exchange t x i r coiirhch for iarmcre nt tho unlvcndty gradually it ii dawning upon our educationists that the curriculum of tho high schools and the provincial university should embrace something more thun the mibjcch ncccnary for a profcssjonarcounc two cparute courtes ttf study arc now being offered by the univcriity of toronto in the short winter couno for farmers which is to be held from february i to february 17 1022 the hrnt contains nnglirli literature economic canadian history architecture nnd public npcnklng and tho second english litera ture economic hygiene psychology household science biology and public speaking thincw method will make the university of greater value to people iu the common walks of lifer r changqi in county counclla organization tho ontario government has evidently some im portant change in tho composition of tho county councils of tho province circulars have been sent out to tho muncipal couucili intimating that impor tant changes in the county council system are con templated being made at next session of the legis lature tho councils are- asked to express their opinion on giving women municipal franchise on tho name footing us men reducing incorporated villages that have shrunk in- population to police villages and using the niscacd value ns much as population in deciding the representation of a munici pality in tho county council if these plans ma terialize there will bo marked changes in the com position of tho county councils they all xlead the homo paper the local weekly uowspapcrs today havo a field all to themselves not in competition with miy other cluss our best weeklies publish outside of their cditorinl page practically nothing but local news local features and advertisements mostly local- our nowsis not world happouiugs with display headings tolling the latest scandals nnd tho misfortunes of humanity but tho real news of tho world that of mr and airs common folk and their family a local manufacturer said to mo wo tako three local newspapers nnd wo rend every word of thorn can tho same bo said of tho metropolitan press with its oceans of syndicatedfeatures the homo town paper is not bought for a penny nnd curclessly thrown aside but it is welcomed at every town and rural fireside like a dear nnd fatnlllnr friend there to bo eagerly studied by every member of tho household tho town pnpor is gaining wider recognition today ns n force that iu helping to build up tho rural com munity and in thus serving hii town and country tho publiulior is in active cooperation with local merchants members of tho local board and organiza tions these mon see what tho local paper is doing uud they uro already solid on its merits as nn ad vertising medium it is to local rather than to gen- oral advertising that tho town weeklies aro looking today lome a eedy of the walkerton telescope the unltcdstjittt- in a now iwuuon in a very thoughtful edltorlul iu tho last issue the companion of boston in speaking of tho dis tinguished visitors in that country at present nnd previously during the year makes this significant admission ono thing this procession of distinguish ed men cannot help impressing on our national con sciousness whether wo like it or not wo aro deeply involved in the fermeiiting struggling hfo of tho world wo are perhaps at tho very contro of the ferment wo grew rich and great in comparative isolation but for good or for ovll that isolation is now ended tho urticle furthor remarks never hlnce our country was founded has it had so many distinguished visitors froin overseas as in this passing year the remarkable invasion of americn by tho great and influential mon of europe is a striking testimony to tho importance of tho united states in tlio intellectual financial and political ufa of tho world- now york and washington have welcomed n throng of notables such as loudon- and purls only among modorn capitals huvo over seen to nil of them america hus given the cordial welcome tlint their great abilities and their distinguished services to the common cnusa deserve reference is especially liinde to focli lloyd george bcutty dinz mid prince tokugawa editouial notes 6000- year- old bd8 a kiwirolnir tlory wnl topiitoil i lv g0f ymru tlil hint iickii tnlni ill itnl- llnwir low iiliniioil hi tlm unlmt tit mru w niminitlii lolliini in oroon llrlntr vnlly tli n1 it met tf lwlv fouiul in llm liumt of a mum my of u yolinif louyiitlun till i which wltu loikitly tiiitrnvil tn tho itiillnil hlulfu tn of tho irilmjiuvi ttlroutly ijkiii lilunlxl uml il of lmii nriiihi- he qtoiled the batiy liohhy wu iiluyltiif wlihliut tlnli in n i hi miiht hnr ourruiti uml in fiilllntf uha rut hr fiun ullichtty with lior hiuiiu ului umiutruil thn lilooil ucriimu lirtr rliooku uml uniuy wuj4 frluhtxikixl lie iiti to iiim mothni- whlmitorhitf oh twiimim ill huy you n now huhy ivii muillml thhi ono tdolld on farms live the lonqest ufn on llm farm iu i ho luult mt uml hufent notcnllntf lo utatlatlcm tutm- ullfll y thn dlllto1 htmlnii illllufall of tjihor uhowluu thn uvoruun iiun nt ilnuth lu vrlmm thunumlloiiii tim futmnr mill fnrtn horiir 1lvi luitrnr tliuti othur worknru tiiim iioom not tntttt liiikr which it will ihi m- invnihonxl in tho iuliit in tho util jokh luiiiuiriiliiu ihu lonifnvliy of iiurrlnl folic utranlnil with huilinlom uml mliliiuluru it in likr uml nmnlul murrh rionhi iirovo it kurmnrx llvi lo tho uvrnun uen of th x younj lihn k- umlthii urn ulvcii tlir voatm iakii of ufa uml muuiitim uml hrlnkluyoru illn ut un uvruun uro of ct thn hut lahrw down to imtftkltoniiiiru uml orltn hitmtulwu who urn ulvnll nil uvrilil llfij of tin iiinm ihun 3d x ynuru it wasnt worth getting worked up over was it wo had tlio right of the franchise and wo voted all heated argument was useless it made no vottfs uud changed no opinions except peril ups to mnko folks disliko us moro because we got worked up i i the now york state motor vehicle bureau has adoptodian ontario idea for next year wbeu a series of numbers will bo allotted to each county in order to assist the police in determining more readily in case of theft or accident from what county tho motor came r it will bo tho part of wisdom for nil to settle down to business now nnd work harder than ever to make this canada of ours tho best place on earth in which to livo rest assured the country is not going tt the dogs becatiso our particular party wns not successful nt tho polls canadas boon hero a long time nnd its history is one of progress notwithstanding the ups and downs of politics ontario lost ono of her prominent publishers last woekwhon david boon of jtje waterloo chronicle passed away thirtytwo years ago mr bpnn pur chased tho chjoniclo from thomas hilllurd the foun der when ho became manager of the dominion life insurance company mr bonn was a successful uowspapor man and a good citizen he ws mayor of waterloo for alime nnd3 director of tho dominion life insurance company his sops publish tho chronicle and the kitchener daily tfjlegaph the fairm ers advocate can ad a oldest mogt practical and kriost interostinaf farm paper and home nmsazine edited owntul and published by practical farirtcra who ofierate a 200 acre experimental farm of their own dcpartmcnu of interest far every mamber of the family at all acasons of the year helpful and practical articles on live stock including homes cattle sheep wlnc and poultry v horticulture frults and vegetables dairy care of cows and iumwjiiu of milk butter and cheese household dcpartmenucoouery health fashions literature education and a fine serial story reliable market reports with dependable price quotations from the toronto buffalo and montreal markets 3 years for 300 our special offer new prices one year two years three years s1jso s2bo s300 torhkii iwicrt rao sll hm4m abvancio the wihum wu co london onurio no rod joy of cnrtsitnas jiving our chrlstmdclub la a club unit makes giftgiving easy becnutto it meota tho money condition m of vrybody rgardlos of their agtf or circumstances you come to tho bank tall us howmch you wish to save each weak for christmas raxt year and you are enrolled as a member of whichever class of club you select your first deposit makes you a member and as a member the total amount you deposit for fifty weeks will make you and thoso yotrcara for most fifty times happier than if you laid not saved nt all yod can jain any on or num of th you hk th vbiioos rliiwi ran from th 1 out wok itv- ctulii kaynmat cum which gtv 1x7s m hi ml of tb nftywnk itol an to tli- iaoo wnk lvn tvymaat cum which wd lo0a mt tho knil of lh clab milad with ktuiubim ouim of kii in imwwa promised 11 paid i a ttn luimllm e offnnl mil chiium uki h iwnrml kiimik ut lin ulnjf icilwnnl oihintnuhitm j u ijly willi imihiiu nt xot4 ut ljmiumn huxib wi umiii ulalrxl tliut umt 4 loam twin huku wuulil ht an ourly fluln on io ihuiik illlw itrltnilmt lntm ni flllnlloj tind uwi icilltf laiwanl litunmunjkijctt jjwj luw uniltirvml km urut dlvliliul nt tho nun or 10 lf umttint nn uu uimiiillii kuxtk iimm who uhiu iiuflulvlfyi ullu imhtlfht lmfnrnmtl mjwu wllli h twimtu f cktiimirui nuw ilavo hii vuiihhwi ylnhlhtu 1- w tru urrurliiu ihu nt cimvnrubut ibitur r llio klount ktoynl iiotl tvumny yjmlut b will htknihi of 10 of common ttl ummiih ulllnuttolr in ivciu h ixittw litvtmtinmit uuul thti i ulac lulwurtl oitiwrumilon qt tat mm nut m mount itoyul kninl uutwtiy hut n iuuaii kraufw t fioixl for our nor4ai drmthu mmm wmm bmi hw mm w h a mm m m n to w a mackenzie co ltd i 38 king htreet wewt toronto iltrmr lllrw kliuuwi mmu uui u ooy of tlui ntrmihu- l4worlllu h thn sj6 mivrrtililn kilhinturim of tm uotint klnyiu llotnl comfmuty i tlnaltml tetul oblluo w nm in full i h bvil luldrum rim whtn rjuwiy v bvcn payment classes in which th uim mount la 1polul mcli wl for so wmv wc w4kly touu 12js0 30c wmlly touui 2sqo 4l00wakly touhi v 3000 300 wtwkly totahl loam ioowimkiytoubi- asaoo- liaoowmkly toltilm 30000 30oo wmkly touu looaoo increasing tpaymcnt classes in which incfmhlitp mognta hm tlpwtl ch wk fotso whicm lc nd uxctmmm loubi 1373 3c mul ihckhum iotu 55 j 0 sc iiiu incrntm tolav 637s joc iul hctak total 127jjo vou cn join wtvom cuhiumi u yon wluh acton branch jlu hhorey mnir mercnaws bank christinds club goodbuyingat store below aro listed a few of tlio many bargains we havo iu our store mdiih unhtrwotir ii do to 200 ilot of mon iot of llmi ovorallh work tthlrtu lluhunlottd aooil quullty xjaht colored irlntu dark colnnxl lvlntt kuatory cotton s nioacbml cotton iflktra aoaii orwy lriamml olrlh wool hu wool toinmu uoywrullovor hwoaturm lloym uwutttor coau miin twoutor coutu h6s 20rumt 23o i ytotj 20c 20o t 2o 1bo- eo 1jk ott7c fioo 12 j2jj6 12fi to sfijbo a good hanqe of mbns and bovs hlqh ilubdens at hioht prices also ladies and childrens huudens ouo only 4 iluninr iorfiifitlon toll ntovo with ovm 3l thtdo only vttrf notion iiuitturm r r fi qiunt llroimiu ut soo two fur i oet vour supply op dr hess byock pood now anti save your peed we have a qood ranoe op hoitoe blanketb robqs halters etc at reasonable prices a pew ailocery specials a ueul good hiilmuii 3 nm 1mh liuik tiu for cant flynio ton koo 10 in for a ijiuiulry houi 13 oiikt fir uuii mutdlium 3 hofum fni urutililittoil hiikur w all kliuly of liut for tlnil oliiiuluiiui citku with every order of 1500 wc will give a ltroom free r jc gordon osprihge 20o woo si 00 si do 30a s80 par owl air vents made to order from tin kulvnnwutl iron nr othor uluiot molul wo aluo but i1 to order ubylluhoi roofw uuttnru oortilcfiu louduru etc irfit u u 1 jf uro on your woik wit crn kivo you uatlffactory re- imltn nnd inrhnpn huvo you union ikonia un ac ho wa f mooney aoton ont has your busi ness reached its limit do you think it impossible to sell more or your eoodii in your territory if business in gcncrnl iti depressed must your business be depressed are you roinp to wait for things to pick up or ire you joins t0 mnko tilings pick up well heres a point fivo yearn ago tho literary digest had reached the limit of its possible circulation iu tlio judgment of many thoughtful observers ic fiction magazines can go farther they said for ten readers seek atnusomoiit to ovory ono who thinks but n weekly review of news continents and public opinion cannot hope for more than 500000 circulation that is n maximum business mill wavered in uncertainty at that time only tho fow understood that uncertainty is opportunity for courage and for faith tho literary digcjt rejecting tlio counsel of timidity nnd doubt entered upon tho largest most costly campaign over undertaken by a magazine to widen its market a campaign of continuous na tional advertising involving tlio expenditure of moro thaiiouc million dollars a yonr lts circulation when the advertising began was 435030 in nine months the circulation was g5503p tho advertising continued in eighteen months tho circulation was 050000 the advertising continued today tho circulation is 1300000 and tho li terary digest continues its advertising r do you get the idea advertising continuous and porslntont will do tor you what it did for the ljtcrury digest and tho medium iu your locality is tim fniin pims3 it stands alone in its class in canada b 2 cents an inch oira 50 inch contract it is onlycomuiousenso to iidvertiio continuously to thoso who uro in u position to respond this is logic it is satio business it is cconotuy it is tho direct road to renewed prosperity tho courageous will tako their faith iu thoir hands and begin the timid will bo dotorrod for a time by circumstances i circumstances exclaimed napoleon i make circuumtancei t f j ask for particulars the acton free press actpn ontario business directory dr j a monlven phyaloln xmt surjon otfloo uml lumldmifla- conitr llimur avuiuo und liuln hhiuj din iilil iiflo formerly ooupliil liy n m -tii- ilurm acton out d u j ntltlon imtyioun ouruon olilntrafn aotqrt onurio bncomjor totliulutu dr oiuv otiloo uud uciiiilonro 1rodiirli k tic i i in anil 1 to dii c pw tjouu phyalalan ml gilrunn v1 mihst qoiutown pltoh 22 ixhoiihn tliirifiion grnm iliiunltal to run i ci ilorlnl nttiuillou to ninoiuiuii ofwq- moii nml children ami in fun l touillnc ledai v llirmi no 33 i hox 33s iialtou nash vahmiiil ma barnaur uallallnr notary pohllo convanyatioar etc peithvman ulock acton ont u onu vj a n iloiirii j 30 nm lo 1 p m 0i j m dell d d u l d c i dntiat to dodrul oltlco at rmtldonov cornoi irrtilorlck ntroetii dr p q go l lop dd 8 l d o dntl ouruaan olrieo ovnr hunk of nova- ucotta iiouh10 10 to g30 lavfliilnifu hy aiipolntmoiit miboellannoub ile td mrlp- nouthf prancis nunan bookulnur account tiooki of ull klmlu w onlnr itirlodlrau of ivory tlou mrnfully bound itullnjf kiid iiroiiitly donu wyinlliam fltntat quoljih ovur willlunim htoro ii j kliul llsanad auntloiitaii iror the conn tlou of llulton wollhia- ton vmi and diitfnrlu atul tlio oily of flnolnli acton ontario lulna may ikj nrranifinl v mall or at ramldoiioo at aoton or ut tlio itoa irua olrtco aoton the mnrmiry omen otiolpli tho navrmltaooril liorjrun or with w j aortlon ilarnouu maksr iilllnhurb- 1ft i o ttjitrimud to it j icurr r- olvo dttiintlon from diitn of iiiitlnir to into of bain ilutt your uuloa with mo naltio dawn avnu aotan rtiona 30 anton call at my klviam roy hindiey auctioneer liviq btocic u1qai- khtatm and mumcnandisp con phou erlnt 11 it r 3 aoton j cheevers book binder quabao bt ewat oualpli out noolcu and maitaaliitia touud hi hmidoomo uml flulmtmitlnl oovnrm nomou lotlitrad in bold on illhhm itymn llooku and other hookw all work promtitly cxouud d alex niven ontario lund 6urvyor ttnd civil enuotr uurvayu bumlvlulonii piidih jto- itortw tmmcrlutloiiit uluoitrlntu to cortuloatou for nurchuiinru and mortuaicuam uurvoyn for architect nuiklorrf itd ucunlnliiul coiuioiimj dntliiotfj lloportu icntlniatom oto malean uuildinq douul bt auiarit trtiono ioim oni jcrivfkgg naftjcnuoniiljrvttr tftmowro canacu tho old and iloliablu granlto atid marblo uoalors wo ura triuiiuraaturom unit ii root houortort of ll klndh nt monuniaiitul and lleudutona woilc wo mill dlritot to our nuutoiuurw ut whohmale uric unm vavln our oiimtomoru 40 iar ouiit w huvo tlio hunt itjinhtiikiti ntlil tha only tiidohuulotf in thngkwiiuhiloit who mil oitnratn inmuiimtlo oybi tiroiwrly wo cut ulvxi rartomnoum nni jnniiii of our auhtouiirllu toronto uml othur lilncdfl wltnro otharw huva to imva law miiiim in order to oollttt wo huvo tltrt inriittat ntiit boat mtook at oronlto in thn ikmihilun or ttipro tliuti itny thra dnnkiirt iu thn wwit wu nro lo inuto iinuluix nnd tuiipiny tin uuuilttf and do tiol uunoy or ot niihtomani hy itniidlnir out luiwrmlt njxontu nollclt- ink ordttra wo omtiloy only meolmnlpu and dory nomnautfou- hamilton sons stkkiui

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