Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1921, p. 5

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acton 3ffrpc- jws0 iiiijuidai uiciimiiiat 1031 the old hawthorn ii imwthniu ut tlui turning of tli 11 r ail un ikil vi iiu ivy uml it hllln in tit wllk wi li hi f ut a and 11 in uvy liii 1 of intuitu lut mah 11 wiirhhra mt hi 11 i llluikllrdu mil thruuhm loved lo uhig llwlr uongii u jiu itu blnuunnnd twlgu lwunath tin in mining i ox iniiguiu uml fi run jnul prlmromu i hi thronr i 1 ntlwr d lomiuilu tin m whnn i whii y um alii 1 tin ilny will 1 havo h inuu my old almdo i think flrl an i hupi y frlrmlu t play ni ur tli ojtl lm ih ul mi tlio winding ran i 1 rom iruli uml canadian lnm t v 11 a llurtiilim with introduction ly f ii hum j u it imucd by tlvo mnlnrn i rlnllm co 3d iwil lit montreal lrlin fl 10 the sunday school lesson for oundav dtcwdeh 11- a tnnli whntin him i urn a it wun in tm- ifagn thn filer lea i hnlp fur u lurgn 1w r- rantlla vutahlhtlimeiil wnu lu nnnd ut u number it glrlu ti wprl lit dltfi r- uit klmlu f work lr n now branch to i mi opened by lilii llrin iiu wont lo 11 young wiiiimn who had jim i upwind uu agency fur tho purpnm ojeronour- intf poaltlnna fur girl uml jwumou worknru juut what do you axiwnt of tli glrlu hi your timplnyr unkml tlio young wonfnu why iinlliln tnoro than mi nm- ployer ian u right to nxpoct wau tho reply itut you ann i huvn juut opnnod my otnc utul i aw not iiuro that i know juat what a ann llko your would nx- iwct of n ulrl wo nxpnet nothing- at all mironaot- nhlo uhhougb wo now uml thon havo u ulrl romn to uu who htuu tiot imwim to earn to mnauuro up to our rntjulrn- tntiiitu lhf nlhnr luy i had io dla- tnluu u iflrl iwauuo it wuu prfwlly avlhnf thut ahe hml i10 in to rout in bar work ilhu duudlnd ovar it ami did it ihhirly whou xhn wam roiwbla of doing it wt ii if uhn wuniod lo do w hhn wanlnd tho llmo of othr m- ploymut hour hr by trying to talk anil laugh wittf thum whllo thny word do ing their work uml alio wuu lmpnr- uitent whmi muokuii to ulnut it an miiloyor iiuh u rluht to tixuoct thut un vnuloynti will ulvfl hr umllvldthl ut- tnntloti to imr work uml do it to tho vtrry hml of hr ohlllty anything unrmutonuhln in thutt cortuliily not nor ilu wo think it mtrdumumtbltt to mcimtot u girl to mown urn up to u carutln hlult titullilulnl whon it nomnm to ikmiurocy uml uuuttimu in hoc work wi mibo futtl it fulr enough to ilnmund peaonul lumttnmol utiil of lata wa havo coma to think it our hicht to havo omothlruf uf u auy whti it rnmn to a kuim dnui durinv tlio liouru whan u lrl lm ut tmr work thn oxtrornem of ilromm liuvti thmhiiila tfa ifreat thut th to m walnnltiif lo ls u revolt ualnat it on tho part of loran m- ployoc only tho ollmr duy tint liat of our firm catlod my attantlon to a now ulrl whotto dmiu wuu uo ok tin mo uml minuiilfluoui thut itr wnj n nuhjdct of commnt ami rldlcula i wan tom to no to tho ulrl uml toll lir kindly that hoi drsu wuu not aulluhlo for our uhlco hho ulilrm that it wuw no- bodym busliuii how fcha drouwl wo uakeil hr to twwk unothnr plac wuu there tuiythliuf unruwonnhla in that woll wo fwil thut on employnr iium u right to uxikact u ulrl to urow while wha u in hlm omploy a ulrln ahlllty in oton tnuujuriml ly hur twwr to promwj in httr work if oho riomi not progrnwt who hi uuro to jut into u rut then w nxjmmt n ulrl to ho waving of her unployur4 tlmo tho employer im apt to ha u man who workm fully um hurtl ok uny of hit timploytmu uiid th couwclentloum employmi will ulmit her employer in hi wftort to muko lily bualnnwk tauooioiful again all m- tloyar ham h right to mepoot that u klrl khouwl lm uhhi to think for imr- walf iruiuud of bolnf told avorythlu tht aha should do uml never dolntf anything aha h not boon told to do fclho uhould bo ublti to ut tlmom crani th altuatlon mid mt uudilen urn- intncle- sho whould in ireaouiroefut and relf rulunt not a tnorft imitator or aonta one elae them nr tho cj- hsntla thlngh thut un vrtiployoi hnu u right to tfinct in any iclrl you think uny of thftm inrwuuiniihhft 1 do not wati thn rply and thin it would mom would in 0o reply of any thoughtful und futrmlmlod mr- twin called upon to unuwor tho uomo gueatlon utlurm worm iwdni ilaatroy womui without uny inooiivtinlonoo to tho child uml o notuuily that they luuta from thn ttody uliperoafvml thoy thoroughly nleunua tho utoniucti und bowel uml louvit thorn in u con dition not fuvoruhlo to wornim and theri will imi no revival of tho peatu u oclicvg in vou young itogttr llulln dud hud juat imimmni uway uml thlngn wort pratty cold unj cunfiiihml in tho boyt tnlml in hla time of morrow ltkgr found thut uunu worn not juat uu uymputhotlo mm hu mommr would huvo boon ltud aha boon ullva aii ho allppml uj tho road und tlirouiih tho htlgo thut btirroumloil dootor itwunu ralihinoo tho dootuf hlmielf aliippod out of hi buggy ii uma up ami put hu huml on th hutm uhoulder und uald i bnllovu li you llognr 1 m uun there ih u big vlavo in ufi for you ilavt murh llghtor thn boy foil homebody inillnved blm und hud told him uo t r it wuu u almplo thluif to uay- imiiiovo in you uml yot wo uo often lave it umuild imrhuim vwn whou wo do in ihivo lu tt ivrum who iw down itlmplo thhigx uuld ofton- tlmem nuikit tho knutiwt imiirohulou und curry thn moat luutluu tntluiioo thnra im thouaundm of boy who to day lieod that hand on their ahoul- der uml the murv iioum uplift of imllovti in you lu your own c i rein uinroiir li lhtvriwho wni wuverlutc who urt uuducldixl lutyn urn upt to lm nort ami doubtful ut tlma i liny um often mllnnt uuublo to reudlly dkprtju tholr thoughta tho lilou thut mo hui- und juttr no 0110 ixiunvai lu thani or undurutundi them coniem ovor thorn thn null imtwtwm thn lo of im- nuittirlly uml thn imiu of nkimrlanoo ih oh 0 wide thn rtuht wortt of on- oonjrugiimflnt of liolhtf utid ooiitlilnuco hpokeu at thn right time run turn thn mwlrn tor many u ly tin ro nro juat uu tnuliy imya to duy who wunt to lm bullivid ih oh jhorn vor wro tlioy hliuger to lm told wo tell tli m that you imillevo ih tlim iviji wkiiui ro a 1 iiiilnd 1111 in 11 vu h 1 lol li n ixt win toovor would hi itiht uiiimii ou uliull ho your u r vniit mutt 20 37 ltiun comminu rui b i in upiutlu to lmiihmon imu htini f ill i tlo muut ikouutlful of nil lit iliuiu 1 iilutlnu und thu mowt intinnly liiimilii it him in u r 1 111 hi hut thn iiipllvlly luplutlnu 1 ilirultiiiu colouhlnuu lhumon und i liillniiliiiiu wuro wrltti 11 from uotif tin 1 11 t from cumuinii tlunnli th ri 1 1 luimn urgmmnt fur thn lutlnr 1 lillnmon wuu wrltti 11 uliollt lu or as a i hllmoii wih iuuln f rl iui uml i mil wrlloii him lu iwlmlf of oiiqiilmiiu u ruuuwuy uluvn virun 0 1 mill wuu not uli ill man uu wo tlw tlio word agnd thn uppul n thn vurt of iu fulling uw ni worn ii tho ijim m tuirvlrn at nil tliiirj mnn huvo rullinl tlttim- iinlvna oil whtlll ttiy tult uo vrua it ontulinuu wuu ihllnmoil 1 ruuuwuy ulivfl hut ho wuu u chrlu tluii und 1 mil rullu him hlu uou n child in tho if 011 lie i v trni 11 oik itlmmi iimumi hnlpful or pnilltalili uu 1 hnro lu u- pluy upon thn word icvldmuly iuul miuldnrod om ulmuu worthy of finn iltturhinnnl vnrwn 12 how much how 1hiiiiii1 thouii ultnpln wordh whut ununlfluli jnulouuy of ronuclonro uml fultli on that of omwluiuul tho law iwrinlt- tnd imillnmiin to trnut onalinuu lu uny wuy lm ptouuod voruo 13tjuu1 would fuln huvo k pt oiujtlmiiu u hlu own ptiruonal com- lutuloii und uttnmlant luimtihnw thin rnnuwuy hluvo hud by u llfn of chrla- tlnu ulmhirlty inmln hhnunlf n rm- puulou and frlnml of thn grout utmmtln vnruo 14 it wmm onwlmuu duly to rntum nnd 1milu to glvo him up und iaul uoomii to havo known imillamuu to bn u mun of gi neral klndnnuit iuul uvtm ualitu to uilggnut that plillomou ml oiinulmuu buck to him vnruo 1c oitnalmua rnturu to i-hllo- 011 uu a chrlatlan nvfir ngulmit hlu inputturn um a morn uluvn u regard ml by thn upnutln uu u immii to ihllnmou in nthnr wonlu liocomlng a dlurlpla of juuiiu clirlut ilvu tho blghiutt honor lo uny ahnrurter vri 10 onntihmiu iwiuunwaoil thn iglnwt hhnrty by imbue fmo lu chrutt and thn wonlu u brothor hnlovad u dlmnt blow to thn nxlulniico of uluvtry tliuu chrlhtiunlty in tho f nutura of thlngn dnutroyu tho wholn liihlltutlon of human horvltudn vnrun 17 uy coniinnmlluif omialmuk to bin fornnr uuri er uu ho would command hlmuvlf thn uioitln drop- tho uluvery rohitloiuihlp into oblivion virun ib lining muiiunnlmnuu in yoiul thlu hlnt paul nvnu hmiuuimi auoh dohtu um onvulmnum could mot iwy vnrmnm 10 30 inaumunh uu i-hllo- 011 wum mutt nuougli to bo a por- aouul friend of iuul hn miiut huvn boon man tmough to won tho high plunn to which tho upoutlo lwckonod hfhv vuriin 31 33 thlu valran can not imift thnrwlao cnuhtniad juiuhut lhlln- iiouwill aurely munmputa onoalmua bw u lav brother 1orhapu thn word nmammputlou wuu a uttla utronu but ia til folt thut ihllnmou would un- dttrwtaud llluifuj truth kdllowuhlp in thn ifohpol chungnu our ralutionu with ouch otliar v 10 ilhiiitratlon whlln wo uro khortoil to uhow klndnoum to all nion thnro lu hivnclul obligation to thouo who urn of the houmohnld of faith a prlnro ho was mtnlnn from hla homo hi liaby- hood and wnu uold into nlavnry wuu by vurloua turnu of affair rnturnnil to tho royul liouuo at a uervunt tho identity of thn young- nrvant wuu dlm- covorfld and though ho wuh nt 111 in thn garb of a uluvo hlu father und hlu brothnr itaw him in a now llftht thny did not nnad to lm told how to trout him aftnr thoy raallitod that hn wuu i ound lo thorn by tho tics of blood topic for rat a rah ami dleouaalon i 1ailu drool xovn vu 811 1 whut do you know about iuul kputlo to ihllnmout 3 if iaul won not old why doeu hn wrlto lu rn uko i old inaiit x who wuu onnmlmuut ii iaul u umialtlhhnoiwi vh 1215 why wan laul wo greatly attached to oiiemlmuut el whut lu tho hoar- iiijc of iaulu on tho qunatlon of un- kjuul frlnulahlut iutllu conaldnratlon vu 18i3 fi whut doou thlu luoldnnt touoh um lo uluvnryr 7 how lu tho uplrlt of chrlhtiunlty inimical to ull unrfdomt ally raadlnla for rjaxt weak uomhiy wncomlmir is paul u imhi wordn 2 tim i 18 ttumluy iooembnr is- laul ij uutt wonlu 2 tim 4 0 31 w4lnnuilay nornmlmtr 14 clouo of unom ufn ftnut 34 118 thuruday uucnmlmr 1 e jouhuau luht addrouh joah 34 10 is ksliluy dcomliar 16 palthfulnoai- unto douth itev 3 111 tlutunlay domlkcr 17 fcinal vlo- tory 1 cor 16 6058 lunduy docember 18 the iii in of tho triumphant itcv 7 017 thn eohd with which corn and warty can imi removed ty ilnllowaya corn itnmovnr im it idroiigt rocommnnda tlnu it mnldom fallu aathm vlotlm riuvadto 1 anvt rt rinn of uathmu try iv a d kollnggn aathmu iterabdy it aplemlld rimhinl 1 it bighorn ro oomemmtatloit uy rcliovlng llm ulr imtaaugew unit rnatoring tiutiirnl bmuth bn it hiftwtlvnly uld muttiro in cuw- tuning thlu dlntrnmulur uml linnk roilrl ullinunt to ninny thoiikuuil of ah- tlunu n apiiurnntiy ourirml v lot imu tlio healing fijiqim of lr kollogg m a kuunady hvm brought relief hammehino out gold leap clold leaf im very uuolunt it wu utmd in unnlnut timet to covnr thn utotuty or godh and for othrr nnm ironuil pitrionm jt wuw thim mud by hand it lu produood by ihn uamn itiuimtn day no much i no having- yut lionn invnntm that will do tho work luilufuctorily thn goll umml for tho 1iurpoo lw s kuritl lino puro nold imlng 24 karati mflltdd in a crucible it lu molded into un ingot svlilcb lu rollufbntwn4iu utonl rolhm until n riblton l fomithl two lnrliom wldo twt nly tlvn vnt t long- uml hofl of an inch thick tiiih however t only thn lwkhnilng uohcrlbhig tho 1 rocoum ttm ropnlm elclnnoo uonthly mi thut thn uhovoiutintioued rlhlxui lu nut into 300 plnrtiu of mpial uln nuch mm of which lu plucod lietwenn two luynrm of vnlluin und poundud with u twentymix pound luimmur wlmn thn plncnu huvn boon poundntl miotrttiiriilknwfnvn w ihnohe huam each of tlum i nut into four mukltii roo plncnu iheun nre pound ed with it llghtnr hummer lietwoen luynru of ox intnatlno until thny nunc hum flvu und 11 half lnrho uuure again eunh of thorn u cut into four und lhy um lhiunidnd out to thn wamo aun nguln 1 imro urn now 3 100 plenou thn mldtlln purt of tweh lhro uml threo- ighllim hn ho houarn im out out and blown htnooth with thu bmuth upon u mil ull hhnni of puimr tho hllneth kirn uiuibi up into u ihmiu with thu kohl huvo thitwnen thonl ultd 111 till uhnpo thn produce rim tli murket bnmn- thniu nllityrt um uddwl to the gold to glvo it color tto thlu lu it thut 400 000 iuuvam ri itw ut nuly un imh in thlok- hi excellency lord bytif of vuny governor general of cnnudit plncini a wrentli on montrcnli cciiotnpli to the unknown soldier arm itico dny 1021 general clinrlcs armstrong g 0 c of military district no 1 in torckround by court cy c p u lord bynp of vimy govcrnorgenernl ot canada attending the unvcillnit or montreal cenotaph to tho unknown on armntico day 1021 lord shntiglmeiisy is seen leaving the cenotaph after having placed a wreath by courtesy c x r vegetable ivorv 11 tho world nawndiiyu lu fnatt niiiu itn rlothlni with hiittnnu of vcgetabln ivory ucrtvotl from ivory mi in which are thn iiaotlu of a upoclnn of palm that urowu wild over vat ro- gionn in tho trojilcul latltudcu of ftoutli america hn troo imiaiii liodu thn l an of u mnnu head uncli of which cnntnlnu from oln to nlnn egg ahupoil inita of thn blgtioiiij of uinnll pntatona whou thn jwulu ore rjpo thn uutn drop out id oro plckud up fiom tho ground iccuiidor and columbia ox port 1m- mnnno qmintltliiu of tbonn nutu which uro gntliorwl by the uutlvea uml brought down tho rlvciru to thn conut canona wliirn ilrlid thnlr interior uuhutunco clojmly remd mill mi ivory bn- inu whltn fine nicned und oicirenrinly i nrd it tauau u high polluh und may hn dyod tiy uny color ivory nutu uro tnoutly utlllund for mauini huttona but thny nro nlno ua- 1 in thu innnufanturo of paknr ohlpu iimhiella hnndtnu drawer knolm and i great variety of fancy itrttolnii 1 or ynuro motlior qravoo worm icic- niilnntor huu rnnknd nu a reliable worm prntmirntlnii ard it alwayu main in itu rnpiitillnu a confidential chat imliy umo immn from thn nfllco early ono evening und mnthnr ltud not returned rrom twmo frloiulu whom alio bad iwhiu vlnltliiif for tna i ittlo fou ry oarold gwenulo ran up to hnr fathoru ul in duildy jilid crlnd lvb boon want ing to ho you for ii long tlmo when mother a not irnir why my 1iuu kirlt adknil hnr futlior woll dad on ii wo rod owounlo plcuiio don t toll mnthnr hociuiuo ulio n un awful dour but i don t think hhn know much about brlnginu up alill- drnn what nutknu you think tluitt nnked hnr futhnr willi roplliil lwnimln nhn makoii mn o to hod whou i um wldo nwako nnd uhn mnkom mo rnt up wlion i um awfully nlnepy the atmoophenc of checn carry with you tho uplrlt which mnwnii thoun ynu moot forifnl their troubliu which cnrourulo thorn to hi hilt that everything lu coining out nil rljit wear u fnco ut tlio night of which iibiiimu tlm wbino or whlm- inr out of oii0tlnru torn ii thn llow- i ni mid thn iiliiklng of hlrdn nro no morn wnicnmn tli in tho ono who f arrlnu with him tho atniniiplmrn of clnnr renews strength i where there is need or a build ingup tonic alter prostrating illness iscohs emulsion taken regularly usually i spells renewed strength i and vigor i a snjibtlii i rw al so m akkra op i i ki h0ids i es indigestiom notice to the farmers i tun alwayu ready to o to your plnon and buy your fowl apple potatoon onlonu hldnu uklnu and any otlmr farm produon iny cnuh top price i am waiting- for your call by mull or porhonally ouarantea qatufafitlori alex qlldoomd p o iiojc 100 main ut anion corn or tiohnol iano btop thn couubwcmtgbhiit lu tuuu ed by irrltutliin in the rvnplratory prhhiikn ulld i thn efort lo dhtlodgo ol hlrm tlnu that inu from innnln- mutlou of tlm mm ohm membrane trnutmtuit with lr thomiih kcleotrlo oh will allay the lollnmmutlon and lu romum linn co thn oough will ceaku try it und you will bo- atlbflml a christmas gift eoryoor friends and an investment for yourself tke farmers advocate the most rehabloiturrn and homo paper in canada 3 our own 200 acre expsrirnental form and corctnt years travelling among vrrncr losepa cjr dkcajn doe etor uioch vvitli tlw problems of th fwm the tfljw mwvw advocate k owned puhkshed and edited by fannferi s3xjo ed mamw of iwlr will bn tnwmmrl in aooa depaitam and all vuu onjoy mm- aethl unu our special offer new prices one year two years three years s1bo v2bo ajo in advance formkli pltlcx mo mm tkah in adwanos4 writb todays snl t mf 4 wloutuuy wa tfcu yw uucripdon n van ety lioal xbm numbar length or ou1i lives for nun point wommi llvo longor an mon tlmfr vltullly innunlnir uhlllty to mtrvlvo in gn ulnr tliev uhow it througb all ugou from lu fancy onward morn main bullion oro born than fnmalou but at thn end of thn drat year of life tho nurvlviiig- fo- malou oiitnumbor tho nurvlviiig maloii tako 1 000 main hahloa horn allvo lalf of tluun will bn ilonil before curbing thn ogo of llfty two iliit of i 000 fnmalou half will ha allvo lu tholr fifty iiovcuth year of 1 000 inulou horn 733 will ho liv ing it ton ynum of ngo 713 nt twenty una at thirty cog nt forty 1b at nrty 10h nt nuty 230 nt uovonty 80 ut eighty ami 7 ut ninety youru hum it uppeuru that lu an avorugo group nr mu cm ono in four will dlo 1 nfnrn reaching ton ynaru ono in thrno will din before iittitlnltig- tho ago of thirty nun ono in two will cot pnat nfty uml nix out of ton will rail to roach ulxty man of ulxty han throo chance otit of flvn to reach uovonty hut only chanon lu ftvo of reaching eighty your take 1 000 men nfty yoara of ait flnvtm hundred uml uovonty nf thorn 111 tin nllva nt ulxty 401 at unvonty 1c at ulghty uud 13 ut ninety it quality sail it thn fact that no many thouuumlu of intelllgnnt peopln contlniio to uuo tr ihomau koloctria oil iipnaku volnmou for itn healing illtoloncy lovor uluro it wau tlrnt ntroducod it huu grown utnadlly lu public favor owing entirely to itu unlfolil unnfnlnnnn in rnllevlntr d pnlliik ulnknnnn au u upoclila for ouln hlinut uculilu uml varlnun otlmr lnflammatory puhw itu record 1 be ynnd ruilrxiach thcv aug puuliohcd tho youiiu innn wnu evidently hnneat in hlu inlcntloim hut thren ynaru of conutnut courting had fallnd to over- comn hi oxoouhivo bahlifului tlioy worn ulttlntr in oluilru at a reupnotful dlntauon apart tlnld tho young man imvliir- upnnt tlvn mluutoti in mouroh of a huhjnot how do you ant nlonc with your rooking 7 nlcnly reapnndnd tho young inlu i in imp roving womkn fully i run iiuuo uplomlld cako now can yout khiilil tlio young man in n plninuid manni y what kind dn you lltuf hoiitt i llkn onu muilti with flour nml iniwur ajid cltromi rnlwlnu and nurruiith i iiitm of thoue tblngu nnd a hnnutlfiil froutnd top rohpnudod tho young mbia why thntu u wodilliuc cnknl ox claimed the young mun uorvounly thny nro puhlhiliml why ship 10 feminiru a fihlp in invariably iipokou nf tv of thn r mlniuu uuiulor thin lu tracd to the undent arooka who onllnd all hhlpu funilnlno luitmn out or rnupnet to ahnio gnililnhu nf thn una 1 rldny in hnllovi 1 to hn nn unlucky day by uumnwhn mn mnnu ntulnini in itn livid rrom thu fact it wau thu dny n chi hit ii ciuolllvion an wnll uu thnom on wlitoh ailum anil isvn ntn the for blildiui fruit kew perhuph uro aware why a wntlini conk lu frequently at- tlnclinil to a elm re h htonphi ihlu lu hillnvid to rninlul iiooplu of l tor u ilimlul of olirbit it in u cmumou ho ller that pnalonuu fiutlioru nili un lucky thlu lu dun to thn tradition thu thn bhd opnnr i thn nolo of para dim to thn unrpnnt come to our store for bargains ijdhi iind ml oil wool uw ijiiiioh huu mi tlthlii hand i trlimiuul with row only rtilldnu nap uml murfu irmilnd wool it ui t only i laid i niton di un goo in ilniil li ry wiwil bluukutii lurgi uw ufliim llneen llnod uml rw ur in mnu 1 nuinaii k inuh rwm r win ilir un 1 iullovtru half prlct rlr i ih iiuly uml dark un i mi dunn i iiyj m filil yurd only i ulr only i i nit u ru i ubuib a gurmniit only nl ilnnu iitmciul u garment only 13 co a milt only ii 2f otic 1 1g th j iilnivn ni mil w f w of our i iln r lucllnmi wu mocic nitii it rowm ai a ixiwi t i men open evlningo ihonc 60 l starkman starkman block acton o ntario the acton creamery will he hun in vlturo by thou oncll will pay 1hgiikst maiikct prices 011 lluttfilt iat and iltksii kctis notice wti jivc notice to the public that ttie piirtucrliip libtwccti hnrold xxiiej and thon oncil liau this dny been dirsojvcd and ull clamii and linbilitics iifuiust tho creamery will he assumed by mr oncil harold wiles tiios oncil odeyinq ohderb the tout bf hud bmm giving hn olium a biiiion on nature uturiy now hilly jo iu u what lu thn out- ulln of a tun i ulliilt hilly who hud not 1 m n buying at ton ion of totimn lid not know i will irtvu vou ii n mliiutoii to find um uiimwor uald the ttiichnr at the end of tlvn mluutiu hilly wau mtluil iiguln i don t know tunlinl mild hilly timidly i hiirk boy bulk i uuld tlm luihir m or nly llowwdw ifuwwowl uuld itllly do you need range or heating stove we have ccuredthiytulti ri7ciicy for acton for tho well- known happy thought and all other duck stoves there nro over 200000 of the e nnicj in use now and tho quality cannot bo excelled prices uro down from lint year wu also caltlty qukukc i1eatkiis with and without oven at moderate prices you are invited to call and inspect them stovepipes toade in our own workuhop of the cod old hlnpie english iron oh klltowii scutuefl shovelrf charcoal and other stove- accessor cleaning and itepaiuing stoves and pollnaces of any mark promptly attended to give us a trial and we guarantee a satisfied customer j w kennedy son hardware stoves tinware heating plumbing wiring main street acton phone 95 mother youre a good judge golden grain bakery george hrewer top for quality our spectoln for the week maderla fruit und royal city cakes a real treat all kinds of pastry and cookies fried cakes fresh every day ctiocolato fcluirs cream puffs and mince pics our home niado bread is a real treat just liko mother makes it sweat as u nut ah first class grocers sell our bread notice we deliver at limehouse tuesdays thursdays and i saturdays uud carry all kinds of cakes our goodfl are the last thing in the bakera art mill 8theet george brewer next browno di1uq btoi1e ftlitltt i mil iii l castoria for infanta and childreix mothers know that genuine castoria hwajys beara the signature of i sl uxoct copy vi wrapper for over thirty years castoria t ctntaun ooanun mkw 1 0 it a ni 3 32 p m moo ii m ikfzh ill n 36 p m 0 ta p m 7 4s it in p ni 4 ill i m 0 sb n m in p in r ro p m railway time tables at acton qrand trbnk railway byium qoinq want no 2d no 31 no 33 i no 36 no 3d no 56 hun lay go ni 21 nn 3d no 31 no 30 nn 3h nn 34 lluuduy h 13 am id 34 umv jd p m r tin p m n 3 p m id 34 am 7 oh aiil 11 ibam 3 3c p m fl 17 p m h oh pin 0 oh p in to qiibiirbun eloctria hallway guinu wnl m liilly nxrnpt inn lay m hilly txciipt hun lay m uully ukuniituunduy in w fiuiiiiiy only uuilny nly n huh lay only cnmu ct i illy ckcnpt ilunday hilly txnit llunlay dally nxtupt ilumlay i lliiiilny only hun lay only ilim lay only i 1 which left lornuto at on liliirdayji during thn lonflm now l avtu ut 1 4 krnlghl lollvorwl ly upiclnl nxprcuu freight 1 might pit kcil up nt an ml- drtihu in loronto a it aqniw agnnt aaton l l mullin turnip buyer acton onl will ulart again tho turnip ininl- liauh which ho wau ongngwl in for hovnral y uru ah anon au thn marly turnipu nro rnady for ulilpiunnt hn will lm hid to moot tho ramwru of thlu unction a ttouaiti nioai in ouit mo fi o jwvvfmg cliiiiciiuoho jr wvir tioiionro car a chevrolet agency wir ii ii wilaon baa unciirml th ognncy rir acton for clmvrout motor cam xlomaiintrallonm ar- rangml call and hoo tho now modolu nnw cara always on hand h s wilson doweh ave aoton ont ntonia so why vou should start at guelph businessgollege hrij dija qualph onl uecaubl our liuitructlnu lu oommnrnlal law will nave you many a lawyoru foo bccauoc our training- lu writing- huiihiiw lnltoru will ouahlo you to wrlto lottoru that cnt mnultu micauoc our bonlcunnplnif training will citablo you to know bunlnohm ao that waato i ollmlnatnd and uront mnultu because our wtonographora couran pro- parnii you to occupy poidtlnna of rohpnnalhlllly nml trnot wlilch pay ouvlablo ualarlou oorit b m mlolit-hav- un staut on monday 5fe acton bakery coll phono no 77 if you want a delicious lonf of broad or brown bread or a boston lout stonm loaf buns and rolls jmefl and all kinds of cookies hnd cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced rrkadlsuttbesljgqqd eat more of it llumo 77 the wokgn will call nt your lioar m edwards co tlav and baturday at 8j10 px bura cloaad evary nltlht kxopt pfl acton ontario castoria for infants and dilldrcn in ue for over 30 years alwaya iwain 7

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