Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1922, p. 1

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ikjmtmm r css jl fortyseventh ycatwno 27 i oo 1iaii yiflau acton ontario thursday morning january ti 1022 is 6 in united btatefl single copici iiva conta till mktiiodist church acton rev i m mbyerptor parn willow bl 1 1 l ih l hi milliliter hllbjeot iho ilrokoii llnx 2 10 p in uinduy ftthnol 7 p m l ho mhttuli r hubnct ufou ttiuleut ynk iniiniir mono muvici you auk invittd c1mi cto1 n 1sa1tist ciiuiech i a k tyler pagyor 10 a m hiimray iohnol anil ltlhln clnuu it a hi tim milliliter tt til tim xfhilutor you alllo coiidiay invitbid mzksbyteiuan knox church acton mlniur rev a c ttwart m xlumin willow ltlioit ukuviclzll 11 a in trim milliliter ililbj why wo hutw 7 p m tho mlniulor iluhj ifow one mull xud u hucchm f ilfo iluuduy hchonl and luhle clauu ut 3 i in lint chilld monday evening at h oclock hi ranger- irnvi ng a ild rerwl t ll t lin uuhiirw will ih culled upon by tha puutor a1li aim3 cordially 1nvitkd new advertisements 1 for bale four toot wood liuech mul maple 7 00 ii r cord ut tlm 1uuh auo a uumlier of rwlur fnnro poutu o f collnku fl3 oit 7 hth ijnc krin dear madam wedding invitations tho job dvpurluinnt of ttm fua punul mperlnukeu hi wedding invito- tlonu ami annoiiurcmontu your order will rotclvn careful utiontlon 2fl3 1 klthan utnvo ff coal oil utovo kitchen ohulru 1 kitchen tuhla 1 entail tuhle apply to mmx ghillooud ivot of ffrhool iann main ht anton maid wanted young girl wanted to uhhihi with tho hnuuawark and tint cum of two chil dren apply nt onco to mhh w k graham 7 kniik avdiiuu j better return at once party u known who took black goat i rolm wllh green lining from car in front of a w v a community ilnuua on tho nlsht of docambov 38 upturn to fkxm lnnui onlco at 01100 jiml wiva i further troubla card of thanks jo t thatfom tremtu hi compll- mtntx to tho olootoru of aoton ami ikikm thoir kind moritiiioo of hl mp- liroolutlon for hit uminrotih anil iroiiff i hunoort kiviii lihn 111 tho nlvctloi u und mlnvamly triuiu thut iiln work in thfl i connoll will ulwuyu mot with tin ir i full undronioii at the tlumo time h liuml to nil hont lnhci for u llrlk and proriwrouu 1923 card of thanks kor tho oontltloiicft utul lilwrul hui- imirt ivlinool ly uio nolfliuh1 voto uocwnlml hio at tho munlrlnal uloctlona nit monday x iwuncl tny oonllal thanka to tho qlnctor of acton i oati uaun you all that my lmt imrvioti will bo 11 von in i ho fulfil mnnt of my munlclimtl diillaa my inlttmli uro tu acton i will lo all in my twwer to udvaiioo lior ttroanrity iiautiy ititnifeom j councillor sheep lost bvantion ahoap and ittinbu with taff i imarlntf namn in wir itowuml lutfl tarad oxfonl down ram lamb an j altert twoyourom rum for ntif calvtu hornoa tt wantml for fol maat hay for aalo ukb vanatticit lvrt 3 con t krln ualllnafad i htt 1 phono oei3 ooorstowi a o deforest im iimiwred to do hliclit oiiiiik am ull kliulaj of aanltary vu ttuhhlnlt ridovtl all kltiil of dry wowl for walo iioft mlxhl und no 1 hanl at s3 do up cut 1 foot umuthtf und m ttoard 343 if you want to ituy or tt real estate au kerr h know it houae rnnklilf tn yrlco from 600 to te000 only 1100 deposit 00 homo a number of bulhllnb lota il jr aaiut 1hoiio la acton looacre farm for bale looiicro farm wit half lot 4 oon i 3 krln towtimhlu good hank barn comnnteil tituhloij undoriiouth oootl driving- mhod comfortuhlo ilwollhi luiuimi kool wull about bffvoniy acrorf olijurad bulaiico bimh und juuituro land ktmcea in e roiuiir vor further urtfoulari and turmw liddroiui aucx mocaia 11- ii no 4 hookwood im10110 10 r 14 ltookwood nttrfjuiyrjanunryscvmtkvfllmjon itur hlurewldo january clearance bale though tnany ulmllar announcement have reached you mm uhln the wwl ihht one tacqna more to you many rcahoiui warrant ihht remark hut hut mwt notnhle one ht the unneamonahle wcauier that made tho early belling nf winter koodd much hower uian uhuul am n rctiult our tilodba ore a creat deal larger than they would he ordinarily therefore more deci sive action in nccchhary if we are to accomp lish our clearance in the name length of time an thohe of other yearn tliui predicament we and oumelved in mcaim greater opportunltiefl for you in the way of better choice and still larger havlnga ilian would be the case if we were just clear ing away oddmcntif ho imagine the oppor tunities that await you there are varioud whyri of purchaalnfif economically moat important of all how ever hi to seize upon opportunluetf that pro- viddkulitanlial navlnfim on fiuallty merchan dise and though our clearance haled always offer juttt uuch an occaalon thb one k by far tho creatcfll menu womens and ciwjukns cit1hng waujpapett and roitnmiiincy fob the homk a awonderful sale to faring you to guelph this week d e macdonald 3rosj ltd gueuirs leading and laugest 9touk wyndtuuu carden and macdonndl strecu gudph ontl weekend specials 1 handrolate chocolates in bulk regularly 00c lb friday and saturday special 49c lb also our famous assorted chocolates regular 50c a lb friday and saturday speda 35c lb these chocolates arc manufactured by the same form wh6- manufacture tho famous handrolntcs burnt peanuts a cnndycoatou peanut regularly 40c a lb vlday and saturday 29c a lb mill stroet acton hwiles acton skating rink fancy droffl maukcd carnival and moccasin dahce saturday janljary hth ila1 ivikom iiivuium- uood coi- tunjit- hkatlnir ami dunnhiif at 730 1 hi oood lliind nobody allowed on i without funoy droum admhlaloii 2ko ofthilin i dtir 14 yur 10c akumna every nluht ibuid in uttuudnnoo uvory thuniduy n ik lit wondertamd friday january 6 the affairs of anatol by cooll ii doxfllht with tho urciitwt ullhbir hint ttvor iih- xomlihd horouii tinuonhoth no 3 uhowlntf inovln hturri in hnmo und htuillollf cotnudy rldo und oloom wltlv vonly luinkm oiin hiiow only hturthuf at 8 li ui jvlniia ifitr ii oil 27o saturday january 7 tim mountain woman wturr- inif 1 orl whlto commly tnooiym lllutr monday iatho tuesday january 10 tho muntiy chuiikun utarr- intf clulro ailnttii mid itolmrt mokm chnilr 13 of tlio avoiirihb arrow potho coin- dyj r l gregory some mens wives are often laid up jut through sweep ing and ousting- and washing the oldfashloned wife- klulnjr way ivk youh wlrts an apeic vacuum sweeper a miss simplicity electric laundress and save 1 her health temper and time babh oh ea8v payments acton hydro shop omill street acton ontario d7uo afi 1 i3 qd 1 sincerely wishing you abriglifwid x prtjsperous new year dc russell mill st acton new6 of local import v january maatlnq of o d e i tho juhuary ninotlutf of tho wait rhuntor of tho j o i il will h hold in tho odilfnllown hall on tuxaday jauullry 10 ut four lock a full tttlunditnro hi riumthl t dont liu drwlnd in bch jtutf a 11 ma rahallti mlllou uttat kd dirdidayluir rttuhihl jlillo u mdilhatloii wharf hw bit tirly ttuiuinnwl daitolui in thw milton illuh iiiojii many of ihn naronlw of llh uihmtl utudnnlu ohjiuit to dfuwliiaf in tho uhtool and wmit it kttopimml rxaliuuiia dupoalna of clovardala dairy hard ir vliif inimmid of tin clovorduk iilry in mi a m mtphrnon mr a i murray of llm unrond linn nour aiti will ufll by unction next monday hlu uilmill1 ilulry hord which fttruhih oil milk for tho dulry avn lino tot of fown uro ihittvd ltny iri ill uolocttnr for tliitlr dairy iroollvltlu i slnna that tha holiday ar ovr a hroktili druiu holly iouvam on thti imrlor floor forlorn chrlatmom trod in tho bnrk yard iwnjkil rud nml jiioiiti knltlnd mvcklltih u irofualou atrolirlutlititu ardii trom rolattvnif on from frlendu uu well timpty ivockti ilollhiii huiidkarchlnfm and luno follarw intty iiockotii brand nnw dolla brand now ulodu mty iiockntw brand now lilllw from ovory utor in town hnnid now bottla nf cuulnr oil knox church oholau cnlartalnad liiit wtwliieduy nvenluo tho uhlorx ml mnmhnru of tho llourd of man- hkrm und thnlr wlvna wro vary hoa- lillubly tiitrtalnd by it v and mrx htowurt ut ktioic church maiiuo a do- uiihtful ttjwlnl hour wa hiwiii und ru- frahhmonth wnrti nrvil a irofualon of tlownrawnh lirotmntotl jtt mm utowart a nn olortrlo urn to had juat immiii limtuhflil in tho munoo itarlova and knv mr htowurt ttwik orronlou to en- lireaa uiioroclatlon and thunka for thtu tlinuichtful addition to tho com fort of tho mauao th wartlanahlp for 1022 thorn uro vry vntromf lndloatlonm that tho wurlnnihlp of tho county of llullnii will iiiim yur im bestowed un- nit k a ilarrlm lloovo of lliirllnnton alitor of tha ouitottti lly vlrtuo of ihiiilluliin rotutlon tho honor ju duo in jiurlltiklou in vlow of itoovti hurrlu iiuoful work in ttio county council lilu nonulurlty with tho rntm- iwrh and itlu hluh itundhuc tn hlu htunii town which uavu him cfil votoa to hla oiifhinftntu sou it inoku vary much aa if mum thn orcnnlkauon of tho county council thhi month ho would it aa nordnd tha cutoamixl honor of bolng doalenatod wnriun harrlu many vaara a mall carriai- xlr aiov modoiuild rommnnrinl an other torm nu uurul mali carrlor for lion to no 4 thin wek mr mcdonald in h oxiittrlonrnd carrier 1or many yonru itoforo tha iturnl mull illvry diilahlluhod ho curried tha malhi tmtwiumi acton und fljieyullo ami acton id knutrhbull ituroly luiu ha eer luaad u mill rain oruhlno hat or wild ho him faithfully dollvirl hit mnjoutyu mull mr mo donald lina lwon the rarrlar on 1 lout 8 no 4 nvnr ilnco thut dellvory wan oinmod ha comiuuru hla now torm ut a couahl- orahlo inomuuo in contract urlco but llll u 1m llko tho othnr routom hry too low for tho mile travelled dally what th toronto suburban naada vit iho toronto uuburhnn llall- way moat nueilaj to imt it on a lutylntf iiaala la il pro nor en trait co to tha contra of thin cly lucli an antranm can ho hud only ir conjunction with tho other radial llnou that ilkawua huvo tnnl nulu iiidum awiiy from the ilowiitown uct1oii if tho toronto tluburhun fuillwuy im nurchahad undor tho iiluu uuhmlttod hy blr adum litwik thitflmilratl enlranoo will im uaurd mul a downtown tormina i hnllt thn toki of which will iw iiroportlonalaly ihunxr by nil llneu ualnif it toronto aioba well tho toronto poonlo hav votod for tlilw vitry thhiu thn troail will lmvnittly moro zonular whon tho cara run to th downlown ttactlou with out chaiiifo a now juatloa of tha paaoa hlnon tho donth of william newton ami jumon newton tho community of which ilimnhoiiua ho otmtro liau boon without a juhhoo oft thn loac und thnro hau naturally imton a itood doal of incnnvoulonoo in tho mattnr of taklnir nlilduvltu mid woourlnu- thn niu nuturo of a jilalloo nf tha 1euoo whyi mwiii lunj lhoiirnulrvd thlu inoou- voiiltinco ban now botin romedlad mr william howdy nm tin trtr of thn tor- to umo comjumy ban rooolvml i oommlmhloii durlnu the iiaat wonk thin iitmiliithuint w1ijm very ivoniflmr and tho iooili of thit oommuntry flro much itleuuod that mr dowdy lu now tltltirto wrllo hlu numn william lowdy j mr oowdya fathnr lltr into thomuh oowdy tixmuyor of guoljilr wttm auu u juatlce of thu 1euoo s i ontario aurkultural and ewtxtrlmantal 1 union tho fortyuocond unnual moollnir of thn ontario attrlcultiirul und kxprl- uioittnl union will im hold nt tho agri cultural colloatt oualtili ontario on tho 10th und 11th of january a cor dial invitation lu oxtniulotl tn bvoryouu liitoisiutud la utcrlnulturti havon coiri llllttmm l caanrauvalxmriltmiili huvo tomiii active la tho workilurliiif ho immt year and ulx will riptfrt tlmlr ltmultu ut tho maatlnir coloimrutivo marketing akrlcultural oraiutatlohm wutor llutly hi tha vutm uatnti llouiiliryhiu thu country lomnatoud and kldlor luuttloiuont woro will ba fctrtmur fuuturo of tha annual maotlna lioturom uu cuon4iratlva mnrkntlnir aim to lm kivcii by hon munnlnu loherty dr thwuloro maoklln wlnnonmln mr t j muhoiioy jrlmttby and othoru traalo aceunt at north morning ton on luiuhiy ovanluir lit tho nlae of tho mrvlcn lu th north momlntou lromhytirlnn churoa ho ucotylvno ulaiit lu lhf bawment of tho dhurcli by which tho tdldro lu llghtotl ax lilotlotlniid u manner of jieraona wera mom or im ahockod jir ihjurnd thowa who aufferml moat werw jumna i-a- inout thn camlaknri wha wum luidly burmxl alhtut tha imud and foot and hv o n atkluuou tha iiaator who wmm liadly mi t lu thn forearm nml had lo ho iml umlnr chlontform to itavo thn tnndoiim and rnunolrul nowii to- hatlturilia won nlao badly abakan ti tlu church wan uorlovily dumanqd and an turpenriltura if mveral thouaand dtdlura will bo mnonuury to rimtoro it north mornluuton wuu tha luat chamo of itov a c htnwurt m a rhr lo oouilnif to tha pnatorata of knox tlturutf atftun in memorlatn midi mautin m khhy a fin r an utnnui of td yiur and a half from hlutt trouble mra martin m im of waterloo uauurd itwuy ut thn homo of hnr dauuhtnr mrm alherti ivkyuon wulluca avonuo acloii on nw year nv mru vrny hud en- durihl hnr innffoantlnund ihunau with uatlcilca-aailblirlauam- fortl tuav on friday a fw mlnutnm aflr her daugh ter had lw lu hr i rouveralnjf with br mr- vmy rooolved a mtioka from which tiho tiavni- rallied until attnut tlvo mniilhii u iwiink tu iii to ailimrlntend hnr own houaahold uf- falr ulm renldnd willi her mill llovj ii it froy who wau then ulatloiied na mlnluer nf thn meunonltn church at llrewluu after irani cotafernnc unv mr friy removed to zophyr end lilw mother ruinn to acton and upeit thn remainder of her duinj with mr and mm iceynou hhe wna i veil the inoit lovliitf iar and uollrltude mru froy wau in hnr mlxtyanvnnth year ha wbh thu mother of nine rhlldrm ueven of whom with hr uormwlnif llfou purtnur uurvlvo 10l- wln of 1ort alhanl it c llev u it nt epliyr in ontario county llani at cnlcury altu floyd at kitchener mru william mltrhenuon und mru d oood ut wnthrliuf and mru albert keyntni wo ahlorl- lnit chrlntluu ujid n member of the mennonllo church thn funeral ur men wuh held ut tho hnmn hero oi tueeday moriilnif llav i m moyer ronduiled iho uervloa and wua ulutod hy llev a c utowarl the iwnly wiim convoyed to kllclieuer tho 10 33 trulu aftor a uervlco in the church there interment took phion in iciirhquer riueery an octoqcnahians thidute tho lnut duy of the yenr hroiikht tho following vary kindly note from mr joueph iuttrell of montreal tin atom vuial vuusw diar mr llltur your kindly reminder that rounwal day lim arrived cauun mo tn tnko my lmn und uuy encloued plouuo und two dollara for renewal of n jouriinl which huu a i veil mo much uutlu- faction whlut true tn iti local uupnarterm it hua iwton ulwoyx mora than u parochial puhlloallon luallnsr fairly with opponentu and hroidly lowardu any ultb whom it tnlttht differ uaeklnir u i way at to ennouruife thn beat meuiim tu pn- uerve juiaoe and muni will every- whnro llu mrlueiico otuild reach uvoldliiu- dnifmatlum in r1linu uu wall aa in politic knowing that manvlnd lu entlthd to lllnity nf noniicleucn from hlu fellowu an i have jiow luiuaed my four ucoro yearn iiiim may he couulderad my vuledlctory wlahhib you a hnppy chrhitmnu und now yeuru ureot- liibfl youru truly johi3pi1 ijiittiiwu 1s78 aroeua ave weutmniint tho fuoat pauim ulnrerely hopeu thlu jturdy friend will lm nparetl to enjoy tiumlwr of blrthdayu yet anil that bin health will im rood und hlu hlniut- iuitm many pi rat thlna at tha dia blxuai dhd jim ilpcad who drlveu nnn of fer- ihjl broad waaoiih ilrovo tho nrat breuil wo en ii over tho now ulvteen brldire and wold hlu tlrut loait of bread afterwardu to mru fracman whoua milton saldura monumant no uroat protrua liuu i men made lately on aocount of tho election and for other reaminu but tho mmlttoo im liecomlna- arilva uiln thn inten tion im to erect it mnnumnut in milton hurmounled by a bronaa ututun moat if not all of tha munlklpalltleti will contribute champion 1 canon wootlaaelr lkuvinq oakvliu canon ii v d woodcock for ilv mirrf rector of uu jutlea church oak- vllln will muicoed itov ii a llrooka vlear of cjirhit church toronto in february when itev mr llrooko lie- oomem rector of lit matthewh cuuoh woodcock thirl up hlu pantorata lu oakvl1e luiti hoen active in all pub 1 in lovemeiitu i prthiltr druryu new ysav 0rlntja hon 13 c priiry ivcmlnr of on tario cava out thn following now ynara kreetlno to tha pooplu of on tario may tha cotnlnu year ba nun of abundant hnpnlnom vnil prouvorlty to all tlui pfioplo of ohtarlo may tho blchhliitf of unity prevail lu cunudaund oauvillaa m lin i dp- 1 rink thn new wkatliik and curllutf rink ut oakvlllw waa built within forty iluyu remiirkublo thnn when lu uibo ju coiihlderotl it wiih opened by mayor davlu hint we it m tha only munl- iliuil rink in cunnda and wllllto uued for oommunlty purpohoh bnuldea winter porlu it lu of fiamo conhtrtictloii mail tha old polka happy tr und mru itoy wanabrouuh tor onto mr und mru albert yomir und family lcrln m und mru frotl wll- uumuon und family of toronto mru w d and or ao n and family anton mr and mru johip wlhiuinhon ami family anton formed a happy family pnriy which celebrated tho llftyfourth uunlvoruury of mr and mm david wlllhihiauiu nt llielr immn on guelph illieet on new yeuru duy all tha membera of thn family wei for thoatovint kvero ut liama alton parm at rurllnatan sold wood la ml rami jiiht enut of luirllnk- tou huu been pinchuued hy col win llendrln of llumllton from dudley alton nml will bo uhvd for ralulnu- liurubnitl iitllo hhorthitrna tlw farm hi over 300 ucroj in wxtont wllh lunulntr utreum and plenty of uluide and ih ideal for tha purpoae for which it hiihbeeii nciilllred thorn urn aootl bulldfuua on it and it lu nuu of thn tlueut fatmu of llultou it huu immiii in tint alton family for over 100 ytiaru and hun the dutlncllou of haver huvlnif been mortbifund j unuaual but true a mlnlo farmer whouo furm ailjohim tlm town of ilnrrlailiil went into local bank tin monday to liorrnw umull minn of money to muka up the uiulount to pay bin taxem when h wiu inronnod hint ho had inmiqv ou dcpoult lu thn bunk ho ncolted uc- the iiumortlon of tho muimrfr who then turneil up the bunk bookh and allowed lihn a drpoalt of four huudrad am norne 04ld dolluru mudo live yearu am which tokethnr wllh tho coitniounrt in tvraat for thut lime b jrceve barber was reeleeted by two to one over 8vnckhamef notwutstand- w hlu puulahed iled ine dv ngducimo vour tax rate five mills and more ip possible the election for the lleevcuhlp wuh keenly fought on monday but the remiilt wnu hi no reapeot uuriirinlnff mr llwuckhatner hud uiient aevnn or eight ynara in tho council waa hoiior- d with tho hotvmhlp novcral tlmti lu tiucceaalnn uml wuu finally tfluun 10 uiulerutund that the town did not deelrt furtjinr to ronmiui upon iiim ibno und aervlreu thlu declulan wau furlher empliuulaed ou monday when hlu uhplrutlon to regain thu lteeveuhlp wuu in tit by a voto of only 124 to the yi given to lteeva burlmr for unme tlmd there huu lioeu htfurd thn cry uo fnwiuently uuod lu lioth muulnlpul and parliamentary nlectlunu itu tlmn for a chungtt what ihn iynl i would have lwen if mr llarber had bn coirronlnd lyaoinoouior opponent h lu dltrtcult lo conjecture it tu uafo to conclude however that tha time will inovltubly route aooner or later when a new man w111 lake the field for thn iteeveahlp und tho reunlt will he defeat for tha holder of thn ofrha who hau ulnlix to fulttl hlu dutleu faithfully for a numlier of yearu it heeuui an unalterable rule wllh iho public tn aliow that any man who iiiuiiiiuau anything ilka a propria tnry interest in wy poiltlnu wllhlu the gift hit tho electorate will im in vited uoouor or later to utep down and out ivenw ii btorey anton und one of our bout iteaveu recognued thlu und wblln alwayu iiopulur ro f lined in accept tho olrlcn jfor men thun two yearu coiimecntlvefy ltetrve ilarlier hau bud two conleuta und lu both hau been elected by largo ma jnrlleu twice ho linn baeu nlertikl by a cclu mil hon and by the end of 1013 will huvo been four yearn hoove h would thereforo aeem that if xlr llarber hau any deulra tn coutluua iiopulur with tho people of t acton who have repeatedly bonorml him in will hlu utmout in guiding thn council in tuuklnif thn preuent year memorabla for uomlcul udmlulatratlon and worthwhile acoomplluhmetttu and at km coucluulnn gracefully utep down when he going lu got id and thn glory of miirceua will lie a looting mnmnry in iho election for councllloru tho oldtime utoiy wuu repeated tho imw hfntded tho poll frank ilolmeu who tilled out tho torm of tho lata councilor mulllu for a few monthu headed tho poll hartley iiurrluon and w t thetfoni 1mhi new men ran k and neck with a gotl vote while councillor hell who hnu given two or three yearu of uirvlca wuu tho lout to bo elected though only a few vol en behind thn now men councillor den- noy who lnut ycur went into tho oouii- 11 after much perauaulan ami hgaluut hlu will wuu retired and jock nice tha den toll tomlmtoiia man who wau going to uhow the town how to run thlnjcm uu a innmlhir of the council of 10ss waa liowlm out of might with a pitiful en volou only about ono lu ueven nt thoue who votod putting the nppomlto hlu numn when they marked thnlr imllotu the vote for iteova und councllloru nu uu followu for rev town ifpolfttfn hall llhon total ilarlwr aoorgo 106 139 4i ewackhumer hiram fit ca 1s1 for councillor holme frank 135 ltl u3h hurrlhon hurtloy 107 07 101 thelford it t 80 117 sos hell jnnmiluh ho lia 100 denny j ii 73 106 117 nlool john 134 34 s the council for 1033 will therefore im compound ou followu rv auoiiau ifiaimbu co unci hera fltank holmmij ha11tlmy hauiuson ii3 t tinarkonn jiduiomiah uulu thtf memueru of tho hoard of uahool truntiem aro jamlca e1ymon social and personal juimm martha wlluou it oenrgolowui mru a metaviuh iver the hnllduyu mr henry if yjolu wau li toronto thlu week i pent luwt wmik iu ut llufoitli from homo from fltank oamulh niqhj mcdonald oleoitol1 mann thn mnmhoni of tho hydro ulootiln chxnhiliuiinn urn okonau iiauiiuk momoio aionaia hyndb w j pouid tho memhorit of thb frea llbrury llourtl uro john cam1kon ii 1 mooma am nickun mav i m moywn inciovia iiamitcit mnomoio clmiuc paitmint lbxoihelo the municipal elections lflkin townhhil iloava juhiom mllloy ijeputy lleeve joaoph llnu- hani countillloru wllllum orahuni donuld fcrgnami j j hlnolulr by ncnlamiitlon ein viilao10 itonvo john wlluou councllloru floor go orllfen j h fllbuou j m ittoehi ami jumeu hamilton by ucclumullon ttllamoha rownhhh uoevoj w a dlcklewoni couurlllnru arch mo- nub william llurber oeortfo fanto und lirnct noughty tho counull wah elected hy noclumutlon uml lu thu uutun uu 1031 with tha exooptlou of mr dotighty who replnceu llonry tluuley aicoholctown muyor 1eiloy dale keeve ii ii heurtwel1 coun- olllnrm w c anthony w iloutf a duncan m near w horrliirton tiufaiiall iloiivd w j monloii ueelnmutlou ieiuty reeve dr j it johtminnn reulectetl cnituclllonj juiueu wnllbrook archie a oulbiultli aumtln lluck lqilqulchl no hoove john h ullfott uccliiinutlou imiutylleavo w j ii humliuhlro nuilahiathm t conolllixv col o o llrowi w o aoiilohy t iihlle nmi4jon 4mvtiw a irving- ub- cliimutltm jonputy ltnevn w j llreokou uclumiitlont counclllom o h muarthur w it clllin h t water nahuaoawiqya llnevo uoiuml chluhlilm counolllor k agncw flmi ilordoii thoinuh nenr w linnlge member of parliament for rainy rlvai at tho recent dominion election the member elect for ltuiny hi vol wau mr douunll konnedy of liryden mr ken nedy im a huu of thn lutte lul knnnody who went from anton to now ontario twenty yearu or ao ogo tho lrjnnl ught tho total inuaui lu iclud tn ueo acton hoyu thua uluu mamie maualnu intent imfld lyu mill rrlnndu in toronto mliiu myrtle hi mm wuu honin from toronto for new yeura mr icluifir hendoruon whn homo from toronto over iho holiday mru john frank lu uiumdhitf a few weeku with rrlendu n ounlph mimm uly ingram of oeorgetnwu vlulted anion frlindu thlu week mr i ii near of detroit vlulted frlnndu in thn old home thlu week mluwuu jean and anna ihiduiiy were home from toronto for thn holldnyi mluu murguerllo itnwart of milton vlulted acton frlendu during tho week mlbtj manila malnprlaorolurnnd her uchool dutleu at toronto nu tueu- duy ml marjorio hope of toronto vlulted acton frlnmlm during tho hnll- dnyu mr uml mru it ij croft of durham npaut tho holiday with mru i mc donald mauler itoliert utowurt of milton upant u few duyu in town during the holiday mluu annlo corrlglll mminl tho new yeuru holldayu with frlendu at klthenei mluuiui ilertla lliwlght and fern llrown upent new yoaru with frlendu at lainulng mr john wlluou of chwirgetown pent a few tlnyu thu week at mr ii h wilaona ml und mru hoy wanuhrough of toronto upeut tha hollduyu with acton velutlveu mr and mru j w mrlmmi and hi id roil upeut hollduyu luut week at mr il j kerr- mr and mru noll a mclcachem of preuton upent thn holldayu at xlr william milllliim xfluu olndya 1 orliau of london njieiit e holhuyu at the home of mr itolierl drone xluln htreet xlr lien xinckte of 1ort collioinn ih vlmltlur ut tlm home of xlr jumna mitokle church iltrcet mr and xirw ii u wlluou and fumll uiient new yoim at oonrgtowu at mr andrew anthnnyu llev i u moyar attended tha meet- jiifef of thn- mhiluterlal aauoclatlon at oeorcetown on tueatluy mimucu xiaud and ileutrlco koalo of preutou wore guoulu durlnu the wk if mr und mr il j kerr ml nu xhuguiet maloney or toronto pent new yt uru with her rrlendu xiiiaiemjeun nml anna llmluay xlrn jeuulo morton of oalt vlullett at thn hnmn of her pnreuta mr und mru jameu untthnwu thlu week r and mru jnmtui 11 doblo uro njoyhig their honeymoon tour to call- lornla and other latlntu in the aouth xlurte alma conway of toronto and irene of delaware taucheru apent hollduyu ut thnlr father homo horei xlr and mru william mcnabh and xfuuter cumnron of toronto vlulted frlendu in thn old homo durlnu tho week mium v mccurtney of toronto upent a few dnyu nt tho homo of mr john llrown willow btreot during thn week mluu olga moom mount pleauaiit ftirtti icrumntiu upent u few day luut wvk very plouuatitlyvtultluif rolatlveu in town mr icarl ilawaon of moolylllblo in- itltuto chicago vlultetl hlu iiluiti mra llnndemon and xirti itawaon oer tho itolldayh i unv t a moon d o of toronto wau elected ilrut vlcoprelilent of tho lutei nutlonul purity conference ut chlcniio hint tburaduy xlr chtirtoh llllger of duunvlllo in- itpectnr of ha chlldrnnu aid bocluty of holillmuiid county wau a uncut at tho mothotllut puraonuuii thin week xlr t vtt clurkn uaulutunt konerul tuuiger of thn hank of xlontreal wait caller luut week upon muuuer hhorey of the liana of montreal bora it 1 a xuaioiiu and mnutnr hilly nf wutfonl have returned home after upending u tiw weeku ut ltietinmn of her ftithoi xlr win jnhiuilone xtr und mru w c anthony and xlr uml mru androw aiilhnny and xlr fl hell of onorgotown uptitlt a fw hiyu laut week ut xlr ii ii wlbionti llnwor avenue mr unit mru aeorga nolllw and family spent u very pleuuant week end nt lend i m tho until vcruary of thnlr pearl weildlnu at mr and mm thou hdwuout nerval xlr and xiru w 10 iwlt of wond- brld who recently purcliuued tho wood farm next lo mr clnrrldgou on the acton orouhroad are getting nettled lu thnlr new homo mfsum w 13 ijnimhlhon uml i i lliijfiiu of itevolulokn il o mid jomeph a iaiulry of thn college of phumiuoy toronto upent hallduyu u the home of mr and mru w a iihby mrn hun nub lloynold- of lnmiiiig xlltih huu iwen vlultlng thlu wueu lit tha home of poutmauter mlitthewi it lu thirty yearu itlnoo mru lloynnhlu vlulted iho old bbmu hho huu been gi out ml by many former rrlendu mi and miu roy wuimhroinih mo 1 oid tin xiuokuy und clilldrtii xlr haloid wamjliroujili ull of toionlo mih frank day und chlldrvn of llouk- wood npent holldayu at thn homo of it ii wiihubrouujh ilca avunlin mi xlurrny homervllln mlved bore rrom north llattlenird flank chrlut- triiim week to vlult hlu mother uml uluter xlru romervlllo went through lo nupunoo illutrltit to vihii rela- tlvoa theiv hlin will join her liumbniid into uhortly the hockey snuion opened hookey thraa vary good lu tha week tho opening gumn of aoawoil wuh pluyetl hein in duy night und wau between l rlu und hie total nun in i team the giuim wail fuut und while lucking in i ombinutloii und luum pluyu thoio wmu uumu good indi pliiyn on both uldeu j lnlntfora iwilng in thn jjuudfiiht acton utored the tlrut goal lu thn opening pnilod and uguin in die ueioiiil both bolng ucohhi hyjoo kent nor 1rln ucored her only goal in the third period iho hnoilu wnu uu followu lurlu oaul hnriu ihi fount lluiinilerii and huiih forward u tlniall llituiidiini ami dour nub iliird acton coal kennedy did mo xto- nally uml lurdcii forwunlu jtto und john kunduir and worrhion uuliu heaidmore xtauu knluy olbhtmu ij ii llhorey wuu tho referou iho giimn monday ufteriioon be tween kuunymedn of ioroulo uml at ton proved unothcr rlnnoly con- i on i oil oiiu llm loronto teiim wuu u little hnuvhr thun our imyu und their comblmillon work much luitter theuo honin pouiilhly uccouut for iho itifom of 3 lo 1 in thoh fuvtu they who u gootl cleun buurh of uportu mul a im i tli them uhould piovn a tlrawlng curd atauy lliiieiruipluy on monday ufternonu wau not uu fuut uu lu uomo- timnu wltiieitucd but condition will put ihn pep into both on mu tho line up wuu uu follow hutmyuiode ooul j hmlth dnfiiiice h itriinilnn and a kttlu forwunlu ii hunger p at- llnitou und it ltoblnuoii uuh w itlythc acton ooul keunetiy do- fnnca oanlou llolmta forwunlu joo and jack ifniiliier und ulalkbiirnn muhu jculny uml xicnally hoforoo qtorgii ilymlu iho junior o h a itum of milton diifeutoil the local intoriucdlulo team by a ucora of ojo 1 on tiiemhiy oviiu- ing llomnthlng went wrong with tha llghtu ut the rink und only ono row leupomlotl to thu turn of the uwltch ho both toumu played under u iiuutll- fnp tho toumu played fairly faut leiin hockey jtio locnl loom wuu uudly outwelghtetl but aa for thu rout of the hockey tho teuimi wero fairly well m itched milton went right to uork hi thu flint two por wnl and ucoretl a few goalu but lu tho luat i erld thn locul loan i ueemed ti get own to huhluoiiii und held theli op- ponnntu down and ucored thnlr only tally of the gume tho loiul hoyu could not get together thorn wuu too mil nh individual hockey uii hunlly any combination playing actnuu only coal wuu ucored frfun a nloo ploco of combination by xlnnii and mcdonald milton team lu very good they huvo a nlco combination and uluo u good defence btewnrl ut centre pluya u nice clean game anil aklnu our till nly pluyu hlu poflltion uplondldly tho homo team neotlu a- lot of good hanl prnctlco in team play before they will be at their iwmt the toamu weni milton ooul hill defence tulfor and morrltt fnrwnrdn fltewnrt allen ak lnu uubu itobertuon llruuh ptolemy aoton qoal jcwlng defence itoliert- on kuloi forwunlu m donuld rorheu qlbhouu uubu jiggliiu maun lions mnimlnii ilofcroo h llolmoa a candidatep ncceboaity t qualifications the 1 dtn- of tho acton paw phkuii li xluy i thro n jih the medium of your vnlu n bio pnpnr niik why ft thor- ough knowlodgo of the vnrioim linple- ineutu of huuhundiy hi ducmiml by many to bo an nuuentiul imallllcatlon for a uent in our municipal couucllt xlucli to my hiirprltio 1 have uoveral tlmeu ilurlng tho pant week heard with rognrd to a cuudldate oh hou no gootl ho dot unt know a rnlco from it 1 oo or othor word a to thut tiffoot now ulrm yield to no ono in roupoct for the man who cm nu hlu dully bread uth thoue impleuientu uu i know full tell from experience that uicli woik an hv m meuiiii bo regarded an mnro hlldm lay hut novertheloiiii i en tirely full to uee tho connet tlou bn- tween them mid u neat ut the council hourd i mtiht cnnfnuuthnt to my un- oplilruted mind thu reuuou for uuch v i uttltude lu a my h tnry to which i huvo uo fur fulkil to hud tiny uatlnfaetory mdutlou it utipeuru tn inn that tho uunrh t huch an urgiiment muut indeed bo hunl- lireuuetl for campnlgn mnlerlal cmrir bo puuulblo that they have luuhln hifonnntlnnnu to unmo im portant work whtoh will reaiilm tho pniuonul attention of tho inomlhirn of our council urmed with tho uforouahl iftoblt lu it thut thnytmuuhin tho council coutemplutnii dlgghiff truth out of tha well in which uhn lu populiirly uup- ikiiuhl to rcnide vr luayho it hi tho fabl ed pot uf gold ut tho foot of tho rain bow thny tiro uftci 7 no xlethlnku it hi more likely their bright milurn lu thut our nlvlo uuthorltlem httva rcnolvod to iijinikr tholr aparo houriiih rchahllltatlug thnen beautiful limiloviirdu which wero no badly wreaked whim the wntor innliih worn laid i now xlr icilltor i nm writing thlu willi nu unliluh motive ntt i nm not over hkoly to ueeu millilclpiil hoiiotu hut i think if thlil la to bo taken uu u prtiowl- eut for tho future it hi wull thut it uhould iht ue mini lly known in order thut uny win huvo iihiilriitionu lowaidu tnunluk imil ii fo hi tlm future may outer thu fiay prepared to dommuitrnto to all concerned thut they ary fully oonvem- nut with the gentle urt of wooing mother uurtl to bring forth und multi ply uji thlu iippeiin ncconlhig to unme to bo of mnrwlmpohiiico than uti intulllgeiit idea of how the buulumui ot the municipality lluiinchil mul oth- erwlue uhould be couduntiiil pcrhupu home nuu iimnugiit your miuiomiih reader can atlufy my our- lnltyy apologlxlnir for the lurgo aiuniint nt nptiun i nm imkliiu- ror i um lr s yoiirti truly lqnquiniijr aoton december 31ut 10j1 mavuvtsa acuvlsl ptvtauhitak mi mr mid im joueph kino illlluu and mnuter itegluald of 1 ton xtr mid mru lturtlutid c icrludalu and x1imm kathleen lit of toronto tlulveralty mlleilt now ftputru with mi unfl xlrrt ltobwt lum- nett uikw xwncio lviith of a prominent journalist w o ruraeym editor mini publuhar of tha dt outhurlna stunilunl bleu quddunly after it hi ier lllnimii which at tho niituot miemed to bo irlvlul william ihirlletl purjioynn odltor und publlali- ei of thu ht ciithurlnom hlandiml dlnit lit bin lioimt nu hatliiduy ovenhig xlr llurgilyuo vftui ono of tlio moat 1 itimlmmt ami inioful olllxeuu r hlu native oily ho wnu an outnciit udvo- caln of nniei iirlueu find uiipmvommiiii foi the lmitlermeut of ht cuthiu luiol mini it u ulllxnht homullmeu he hud to tilt lit utmout iiiuklnhitlided foi nnler- luliieu which hlu uppouentu today will udmlt thn city could nut do without gum of thouo wuu tho building of tho 1100010 vlailnel inter uiilued tho ilur- koyuo lhhllti illu light for hyilm vej uinoo it atuitetl lu well known lie won ifromldent of the niumuiu dih- ti lot itudlal union he wuu twee alayor nf the city und hlu uunie wm ugln ou the bullet at the election on monthly prhuiluuy hoouumi of bin uuxlety to nee the city adopt the wllutm ultn forthe new colleglnle ami voiutlouiiti fkthool xli llntgoyno wmi iilxtyllvo a wife tiud two iiulllion xlnjni ii my llnr- kyyiio nml xiihh clam liurnoyne kur-

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