Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1922, p. 3

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lf arttm 3fae prm i nine ha january rnom one woman to mc hint limn i il mo on 111 i ulrrnt to tin lit r ill uwiimwnrii 1 i hur w crity i he viii ulmiu iihiit imr fiut were old ami iihuhhy liut her iv wuctt trlt uilly uu liut uiilnlln nkli and oil lu i nuilh- wait kind mi film puuuid 1 no ii ii the ulreul to day ami ix iim puuu 41 i rlt a rwy or iiiiniiiit ifuul i my very heikt i hml bun i ml uml tiit upurt j ruin hlr folk- i liutl been hlllll w1 t ho inn mid wltll uliuhhy j mjrniutoj mi i iiw her fuce j ton umllt why i tun too mtiifniunntnrniinininiitrwt itwy fc n wnni nnd icruy hint tmirhnl her life wuiil id it hud felt imil urt uml utrlr i ho vry iih wore rtnti ni hi it lit r uml id wuu uwmi ami llllttl w iii beer uml uiideulutl 1 xlnl i if w n ivir mitt 1 mid 11 ihluli ill- throne mi high will lift my vt ii tn 3 oil an nay with nil th li- nluntlliiu liy j i li pnujinil mi i mi tho utroit uml hullled platinum 1 lint jiliitltiuiii wuu ft rut dinovrd in llmitli alnerlu in nut u mat tor of i amnion knowledge nor in it geu- rally known that tho beautiful metal which lu now worth about ulic time im inuui uu gold wau nuca thrown ualdo uu it wnrthlouu by production rtulliium lu imt to uo muiiy ue that it nnemu utruugo that huropeun illtl not know of km nxlntene beforo hoc him k f i pan uh traveller lion antonio ilit uiioji wlu hud boon ap pointed to act oiupany u wwnch melon- title uxpodltlnn twmt out by th gov- ormiiniit to menu urn un aro of the meridian on tha plain of quito rind vlultoj tlm kouth american iluoonltji in whit lu now the republic of colum- jveh n wonderful memory of nil tho lila although ullou flrut publuhed blu nluiorvnlhium in hi kb lac bat i ii u tor lea tint vlojo u lu america uarldloiial luuiied tit madrid in 114s peel menu of tlm uiiw metallic ort warn brought to jciighind front jummlcn um early um 1741 liy wr clutrlnu wood uu kngtlwh motalliirclnt incidentally it lu lntorntlng to not tliat not no vnry long ago tlm grain of platinum that wero iduimi in with tlm nrifof rortuln icokl ml no lit colum lilu wnrxi rtturilatl ait a wuato tiroduot nml tli row n uwny dr floor co v kunjf tin nprt on lintfilouu utoiimj uml jinttnla tall of utrutiuo itunimiiliic in cotumbut tlwt oteiirrml liacainta nlatlnum wtmri it wuu miutrato from void by tho ilry or blowing iiyatnm wo ithor ct into tli ulrmit or thrown throiucb tninlw lu tho biilnllimr mhcr ui work wan tlona j xvimn iiuitlnum boatn valuablb mo touch of it wum illwoovorfhl in qulbdo cunllul of tlitf choco dlatrint wham much ffnm rullnlnic wum ilono that tba ontlm town of tlfton humlrwl inhabl- tnnlm wum turnotl into a ml no tlm uallvom worn omtiloyoj in worklnjf tlm ulriatu for thn oovwnmoiil und many prormtrty owmsrw mlnoj undr tltalr ilouwoh in itnothar cium a tnan tor down lil utoro nml found onouclt putlnurrt to robullil on u iuirkri mcula mmtl to oimut four tbouiwhd doltarm in koiii bitle it im wild that if kuatiui over km to work uiraln it will tlnd that it platin um i1ommiim un worthy many soltl liilno about ultuity p oonl of th world uuiply of platinum umod to ootoa from ural mono tain wherw t im relatively abundant und oaally worked jwl- um priifor it to uold or silver a mflttlnir ftir prcioutf utona cbemlatm malfir of urtontlflo inntrumanl dn- tlhtm iilootrlrlonm and makwi of in- candoaonnt bmp all rotjulnt lara jimntltli in thoaat two yoara platinum ha boon tuotod umblicti om eight time tha valuo of tfom and at tho prawint tlmo i worth about four tlm m much ituy i think it nimil ho tlm chrlumuii uplrlt whirl liou tmicomlrrfil uo iiumy kind tionilito in thn uood puo1 who nud thiino coliininu ujul mlioy imvu kont rluht on in thut itolrlt into tlm now yoiir t thn fitlltnr liumlttl mo n in t tor tha othor day wlilrh hn uiilil wnu from uu outfunntitl oldorly imly uiiliutirlikr f many yearu utamllnc tho ltoyul city up htytiiitl lluro tlio part of hfir inttar hn tfuvo hid uayu i vould not tin without tho hoini paiwr it kimiiit mo in touch with xonn of tlio oltl tlmirn 11 uu myiuilf ami thoy utswiiauuiukfoul ouly-u- ft vj- latt now of tho many i imad to know and tho younger nntii uro llllliiif our plurtoi i mil urtiatly intoroutoil in tho riinlulh- roiimh of tho old man lu tlm clock mwnr jiko many otlutru i k womlerlim who bo run tw un hnu linpimiiilnuu in artou no many yfitr ubo and it im no lot omul inn i think tha im- juui lu one of tho lieat woakty pajhiru that ciinim into niiy family tho uuloft loim aro lioth witty ami rollnod auywny it juut uulta my tamio and what do you think tlilu apprd rlatlvti former reuldtint uayu at tha tuuaml of her letter juut mil i fmalomo id cd for my own ropy nnd ooplem for my two aomi far another yoar thuta what i call practical uppmolutlou if my old name wum on tho pay roll of tlio iiupcr i wouldnt havo much four of my wane not ltoluif fort lion m i mi llfiturtltiy iiiumm with a bin hut of uubmorlboru llko hint i tall you thn htond luy lu tlmnd n if hlonki l by ii fmlirht for ioui inliiilliut uiiil roiiortml to i imihltlllttl i bin wart n uiliiiitd iivr tlm tl illowttj hy tu ltullwity ait hut 1 mil lulnitti mild thut would ht din ni hm limn rutin r too clnunly on i itilnimn n tnl nukod roiiuuililk ry it n mi in on tho ufch luy hn found lfr4roholnr hltmkml for uitvi ii li umtluuiiuuh ii i in wiiu nmpli ii ii u to uhow thut ihi law wuu not niii ohm i vml nlliioi hi tho 1 tit in r tho miiirlir an lufttriiiiillon wnu luiil tho train noil of ilirt tnilii which liin iitnotl oi rouiiluc for tho nun uuouubli th of tlm iiiinom villi i if hlu t flvl ii nnd i n ohi iniitli mid iho c upounllilii fm tlm i wuu llnrd ten 10 tho times up tha alnao of a your makom um think of tho paaalna of tlmo tha following ntujflmu old and uaw fchoultl make um think of tha value of tlma any tlm rnoniia no tlmo mot time jl man who iloon nothing newr liaaj tlnitt to do kiiythlntit jio who luih i lion t tlmo ha tiono to nothing im mom proclouu than tlmo uml nothliur hm valuwl no ruwnril can rwlovsr lost tlma iu ulway in time too btto im u orlmo thn timo that iwarti no fruit ile- anrvum no iiumn ufa im but tlma wo to tba bittr and you red lie tba former you may have time aahi but litjvur tho tlma taka tlmo whtm tlmo im for tlmo will uway tlmo prejiant im tha only ttom you aai im ultra of moim call bn provldnnt of tlmo who im not prudent in uie cholco of hi comiutny was whonq denomination a rnlorad proaoher wum mo fond of tlio hymn what u xmtmd w llavd in j bn un tlut bn wum continually giv ing it out bonis of the boy tor tha liuif nut nutl patml in a ithoot from u jukm nana book a fow ttundoya la tor thn preacher unnuunootl the hymn and turnlnu ovi aturtttd to linn il you hi on the bay borub and ill toko tho j black- ha not tho rlrat four or tlvo wortlm out and tlmo kliuttlug- tha book with tlugunt aultl itrotharlnc lot nlng tho familiar koapal hymn haw in tho ann of jamum kointtonaa utolo our gtioil old molhodut hymn lunik and loft uu icpucalonlaii not sv a 1iim1ioi who wan on a iwo voyugo nunounturoil u vry uovoro atorm tlio pauutitur worn groutly alarmed and au too wum the buhop who luuttlly couviinotl u prayur inotlng in the hulooii whan hut ulnnn hud abated the mklimcr of tho lhior ohalyed tho hubop rogurtuuif thn matter t hbouhl havo thought bo uald that unyono ho koon a your lord- mhln to gat to bnav4ni would not bnvn imioii afraid ofc a utonn lluuif it all rtortd tba hlttliop you dont think i want to go to liuavuii by wutur do yout digging a tunnul romovlng theeortb nnd lining tho wall with con ore to block u tha tunuelllnjf udvanoom aro all uorompllaliml by ii mlngla maohlni wkiir rovolvhitf arm at tha front nt a ultlng boud intiuntml lu a ntwil drum ourry tba cut tor which remove tha earth it i ilopoaltnd by buoketm on u loiivuyor bll which carrle it to car brought up from tha roar lo- hlntl thn cutting hfnd are tha gaarlryf of the out ltuck of tlila la the lining cxuntrunlor which lays concrete block lnmlgmnl ao that whan thoy are puahod into plucn thay axitand and lit in aplral ooufmoa giving a forward motion to uio mnchlnoj ivhlch keepn tlio cutting hnad in oonuiat with the tunnel headi well ivo immiii tryiiuf tor n month to got ovor on to younir tllrmit with my roolloctlonm and havo only raoh- nd it now i enouw it wont take long to do it up though for it liudn t many roaldanta until tlio liut genera tion canu along young eltroet lu not ona of our nldaut thoroughfnrn ita locution ami angling dlrortlon la duo to tho lino of the grand trunk hallway ileforo tlio hurvey of tho q t il waj uuulp tho hattlera from tho nat of tho humlot and iravollnru coming in from that dictation clitnn by qucon iltreet and uuually turnod at tha corjier to quolpb otreot at tba corner of tho farm whore ietor llauna father flrat tlvod and uftar him davo itydcr then dowit to church cltreot or mill lit rent on dowil to tha hoart of tho village at simoon andoruona tavern after tho orund trunk itallway wan put through acton alwiut olity5vo year ago jamen young uiirvnyor of oanrgwlown linrlo of ciutrla w young the publlalipr of the cornwall yvoabolder wan ongagod i think by ouo of tha adaniaea to tnaka a aurvey of that mactlon of farm land lying aaut of tho rullway una thla aurvey wum made by mr younir ha gave tin main artery of thla miihdlvlulou run ulng from mill to queen parallel with- the o t il hlu own noma 1 ittraat mintorly from thin wna named wellington for thn dukn of well lug- ton tba hero of tho hatlla of waterloo and tho two utroolu liitonioctliig tho urvey were iiumotl arthur after iviuco arthur iluko of connauglit then a popular little lad in tho royal home at iluoklngham palace wltll but mother- tho boluvitd queen victoria ami ieel for ulr iloliert ivel tho liopular irlmo ululutr of tha llrltuh parliament who n young fit root wan opened and tho mill street rroaulatf ovxtr tho rail way made another routo into tho village tbo people hud many unuoy- itig itorlencem in getting arroarf tho truck if a freight train happened to bo uhuntlng tho train men wro ap parently obllvloum to tho fact that tho crooning wnu a right of way to tho nubile a driver approaoblng queen tltreot might find u hiring of frslglit ear occupying tbo crotuutii he would drlvo to um mill lltreet croiudugaud by thl time tbo train hud uhutitod northward cutting off thatutmel often tbo rronalng would im blocked for ten or fifteen unlnutna at a time whllo local cara wcro itelng iilrkotiip or planed ttomntlnm if n driver would bquomt a bra k ii man to cut tbo train and let him through ho would bo mimworod with inaultlng roplleji nr profanity tlilu niiiinyauco went on for many ynara until it liocumn u delrlmeut to tbo bualuomm of tho town karmer from ouuterly aoctloin of tho country who preferred trading in acton went o georgetown or vrlit rather than mi tier thn oftreiveutod unnoyuuee tiim itutlon jpaulnrw cautioned iho trulu- niiii but their tnemorlum worn hifllil- featly uhort when tholr ronvenleiico mhuntliig wuu concerned and thn ubiimo oontlnuod liy ubnut u ipiurter of it cen tury ago mhortiy iiftcr our preaeut police maglntrato recelvetl blu oom- mumlon uu a jiiatlreof tho poaoo an irato farmer callod at hlu oftlco and uugrlly addrefumi hlu woruhlp till way tlay mr mnglhtrato if theroa uuy law to top tho uulnaure of the a t il trnliui uluudlug on tbo croon ing mora than u reuiionablo time i want it enforced twice tlilu week lvo hoen held up thero on mill utreet for fifteen nr twenty mluutex and juut now after i bad walled uu patiently im y could for a iiunrtor nf an hour uaketl tha brakiimuu if bo would lut tho train and hit mo through ho coolly told mo to v to h 1 now it thla thing wtoppod if thorom uuy law tu utan ii tha mugutrutii judicially nitiuiutleil io angry farmer if ho could prove in court how long tho cromiliig had honi hlockutl yew of roiirmn 1 can ho replied it waa hfteuii inltiutcm or mora i low will you piiivo it wuu lift eon mlnutum mr t oltl you look nt your watoh whan you found tho u rowing blocked n lusulu when the train moved our no i didnt but it wan u long time h wuu ten mtnutea anyway will you bwoar it wan ton mlnutrrt mr t nti i wont mwour ttl it lu ioun hut i know it wj well aahl tha ua- glutrato im ufruhl your nvldmico would not mwiiui u ctnivlotloii hut well moo what can ha done ami ho illd1 mr monro went in tha iliwvfi i think it wnu ltmo iuran ami miild ho would llko to inivo con- table dun tlraham put uu duty at the q t il mill ktreut cronlng for a few day during tho bourn whon the wy fra gill were ut work in thy yartl lu gnlor to a i ear up tho ulineully if pomlblo coimtablo ormboni wavput that tmiviuinn ian uv imhd trouhut for from thut day to tlilu tl hnvu he it vt ry f i iriitini utuniiitir mir tlj niuuliu t n iinrt ndmiiililo ii njjtli of hint thou piiu ixoiilo iillll i ml one or u mliiutiu n ifimr tlmo to wull mid thl it iliutit im iihout llf an hour thin iituihnt timliiibi me nt u m try i icad tho otlu r ilny in one of thn a merit in imperii it lurid one of tlm divlidtni railway inleiidi it tu un entrt tic tvrltiihln little n nn recently reci ivtd iiiinioroim rr lilulnta unit fiolght tralno wire in hiihlt itf iiloiihig on it hivt i 1 1 minim a oortuln town lu new ilnmiiii und or blocking utitet tmlilc for 1 i mi j oil io luhiirtl utrlct n i aihiut it hut ii till tho comjiluintii uiuo lu i innlly bo dnclilnl tu lnvi utl liito the mutter hi penmn i in wont down to thn rronnlrur nnt there bo anw u long trelcht trail atnndhu ntiiare ucrouu ii a brake nun wnu ultthtg on toi of a cur move thut train on utliittorod tho little man qet it off tha rrtfualug no ioopo ran liami move it on i uuy tha brakitiunirlookod tlitr ttimptii mu utrniiger over q en you little uhhiup hn replied vouro uinull vnnuglt to cruwl iindir it im iieedlou to any tin llttln dhitrlrt auiterlntendnnt anw thut that brake niun looked for n job on luinther roui well uuy i forgot to lull you tlitjre waa u hoiiiel to that old mill lltreet crowning law utilt ttory after thn trial wan over and tlm rl flo nml ooatm were paid for the infraction of tin law tho mugiutrato found that the conductor who wuu convicted hla itrt trln with hlu train nftor upending three niontho ln bonpltal ut uratford for treatment uuconedlng nn uccldenl iblm knowledgn rixmo juut u few duya before chrlutmau tho muglutruto conferred with tho crown attorney for the county recommend ing thut onehalf of tlio milled tlilu wum urrunicetl und mr monro had tho uutlufuctlnii of tieuiliig tho conductor a choiiiio for 3g 00 to blm home at utrulford an a chrlutmau preuoul flayl home nf you aro wondering how i know the dntullu of thn rrouultig riiuu uo well wall it lu tit in way wan ono of tho driver who unnpluluod about thn mocking of tlio crniuilng wnu at tbo trial nnd gnvn my uvldenei with dan oral mm nnd tlio muglutrnti told me about tho chrhitimiu box whan i went to blu ofiloo at thn end of the year to renew my aulmcrlntton to th paptr bo ndltif am well an fulfilling liu ilutleu on thn bench and tbntu why t luiow it all uo welt well far a good many yeuvmj4ere wuu not much unlo fat tlm lota in youngw aurvoy iwirdoriiuf on young btroal up to fifty yonra ago there wero only three hnuueu on tho utreet unit none of tho other utreela mill ar thuu peel or wellington wero opened in fart dan uvlngutonnn houue wan planted right acroaa mill htreet facing tho railway on tho next lot a man a loudl lining i think hla name wau built tho largo twoutory frnmo houue whoro mr and mrs ifiliert qlhbonn llveil ao long then acroum from the old a t il ututlon jlm oarutang who was aectlon luxim bora for many year and thou waa tranuferred to itof kwootl built himself a homo then when hn left it thnmum watuon hoc t ion man gat poaueuuloii and ho and iiih family uvetl there for julto n numlwr of year they hail quite a family ami they made their mark there wan mary jane and xjxxlo nnd itob tom and aiy and porbupm ona or two lunro mary jano married jobnnb anderaon who uud t6 look after car- glllm lumlwir biiblnoim here llxxla lu lu tho went ltol 1u a jiroanerous old reuldent of tumpu vlorliln tom who uvea in itldgetown wau itayor of that town for tioveral year alex im mali nger of nun of thn big furniture fuo- torloa ml kitchener themo three wero lill tlio hnunoh on young bt reel until about forty yenrw nto now there ar aliout twenty five hut 111 tell you nioro aliout mil iiootlon ueift tlmo it funny umt thought when i atarted on young utreet id flnuh it up in aliout half a column ami bloiui you hero l um nt tha end of my tether and not half tiff toothlebo metal 0aw8 itupldly revolving wmoetli utnel dlukn urn umod for cutting molnlu with it lu atated and remultu oqually good und oven batter than thotai obtained by toothed uaw tho actual cutting lu not affected uu wau formerly undemlood liy ro movlng tlio matut but liy tho heut geuoratetl by tho friction between the rapidly revolving tllak and tbo metal that heat lu uo grout that tho motal lu ineltod at tho point of cnnlucl iho dluk hnw oonueiiiinntly only to diucanl thn molten meul and by doing ho cloitrm the dividing groovfi naturally tho utoel dluk uluo beromnu boated in tho operation but hm tha greater part of ita circumference lu alwuym out of contact and ooiitluuoiimly lielng cooled by air ami aw tho friction for ouch point of tho dluk circumference only lnutu a mlnuto fraction nf a uecoml own heat ritmiilum alwuyh below meltlnk lmlut wlion lint fact wutl roullitoil toothleuu uitwu worn uoou oou- ic tail which were able to out through nil melnlu ovon ho ut rouge t joimim in a ml nl muni of time tho iidvautngou over tho toothed inetiil uuwm uro that tho dluk do not wear out uo quickly 4 to fly hound the world l amumnoenimit im made by the oo mlulou air itmird thut ulr llommltli tho llrltluh ulr man who laut hiimmnr huw rrom idugluml to auutrullu lu contemplating u trip u round tho world lu uu ulrplitne thu ii lor will uturt before winter it im hold a route wltlt utopplug iiluce from llrltluh columbia to cape jlroton htui already i been mapimitl out ulid ut al ternative trull baa immui miiliplled which would bring thu uvaltar hi to tbo unit- ii fd hi me touching nt ut pull chi- rngo pittsburgh mid new york ulr ltnum llmith it im uiiildrutood im having a mmcliil hhlp built for iiim lolmielrclhtg journey how did she mean itt lie email boy wnrj being reproved by- bin mother why mtit you 1m bwhit ill bn gihitl for u ulukel vaiil until tbn mother you want lo xttf brltkml you nhould copy your father and ih gool zur nothing- dolrolt kr ptdmi a li of op vihtuer claimed por milk iiillhiuiuiilcry rln uniiillinn hnu i un d liy n hie nillli dlel dm milk wuditii twin tho poiimui cmiultig thin uilnmul y mill in i ii iinro nyi i when ninue lu ntiuued by lit uliuui diul- 1 mlllt iililn ntton incmtn tti n mint u mttmi iiiiiiimuo nmllm were i kin i hiwiili i ii nn uml aftiii being fid iiimhl mlllt e viral imluu wire mhhtl to on ii lirjliehtii i milk pliui rnuli ulr uml uiimthlii cm t ii tuheriuldiilu l a milk ilhl oiluidvely will mlil isiiml ml i il lb eh l ii thlu poiiniii c jiiiu in rttiiiulxtil no thn gretil- t it ihotcrtlve foiidu known to man llm tnlluiiitliiic mini tu wtiunni hnu u iiulutiitiro to dliiuiiii nut pouui nut d hy uml mliot- ntiu milk iiitiru 7 iho ciiliiuip 1111111 lui rnrru lm li ive never know tlul dairy iniv tire lintlutulted uml hick lu- itliillvti it ut inn world itiul urn tin irinhiyn iiiliktf rtmlffniu ii it linnl olillilr n who urn rt iuln rullk uiieru t oilileti ho urijib u two xinii tihtnd nf lion milk unciu u mllllg to in i xi tu intent an rt000 ihlldiim in i nn atuclrn 0 in oil ittlili tin comiiutlllouu milk tlrlnknrii liivnrlihly win ovtr noil milk drltiktri 10 ml iu mtil pii well flivuloiiil tin mien uiminth hull bright oyii und hnillhy tloi 11 the uino lu milk imlltlu utrting litmcu 12 tho vlhiinlniii lit milk in aire imnttal growth 13 chlldtn who do without milk urn apt to ho iiirvouu irrltuhlt have li ill ifc ii i in n ma rtntluiiu at t luht and tnuii cold enully n thn ohi row in iho utitndurd inn mi fuel uro r of our ulllrmtorunt 1- t n mhieu 1c 11 tun tin uilldnn or ntuntod moil lonio linok mi a dh t of milk id arctic dcplorcru und unllnni on lanircni1wiirwlut huvt-ruiniutnifda1ry- funilq und ifrei n utuff nctually die of ularviitlou thoiidi other foodu ure to be had 17 ihn bnnt hnkiiru hread to lie bought today lu now mndn with milk hiulead of watt r thla couta hakeru thmiuninlh of dollaru more a year hut it pityu hernuue thn in end fu tail tier and keonu loupe r nn woll uu being batter for u u 30 flood looku everywhere una milk i unload of water in making thnlr good tlnhnu ilkowhie they nun butter ln- ulead nf lnrdlllto iiuhutttutou for the uuntii reanon nothing can compare with tho inl1ktunte u 0 qucot0 and thc dnv law tho country lu familiar with tho fact thut on tho day maruhall poch landed in tlm united htntuu hla iiliyulclan tundo il publla utntonient to the effect that tho muruhul did not bring any llmior with him did not carry llquoru bit blu travoiu while here and neither would hn t nil to ilminrfl whllo in thlu country thn muruhnl wanted ameri cana to iimloruttnd that ho would ro- upnnt tlio hiwu und cuutomu of the country of wttlili ho wuu a gtieul general dlau italy u grout military lender in the world war now in unit ed tllntoi uml only recently n guest nf uevernl ohio cltluu lu reported in tha wnublngton pout of october 34 nu uoyjiinr i luivn brought uo mtpinr with hie und i intend to drink none whllo am hero i belinva that while a gunut in nitntliei country i mhoiilil uhow thn an mn rounact for their lawu au i would ahow for thoun of my own nation huron admlial knto dnlagato from japan o tho dlunrniamonconforenoe together wltlt bin party xolnhrutod tho birthday of thn hmpcrnr nf jniian tbo other tiny it hi a tnpnueuo nuutom on ntich occonlnnu to drink to tlm hnnlth of thn laiilidrnr hut kato in id tlilu in a prohibition country and wo will not drink it tonnt bill cole brute with haukalu which in aqulvil- lent to threo american clioern thirdly amnrlcnnu nhould hnvn nu much reupect for tho 1ftwa of their country uu havo thnto forolgn vlultoru icxohange i thc uov wc likh tho boy who never makou fun of old nge tho boy who doou not cheat ill work or piny tho boy who nnver callu anybody hnd nnmet uo matter what anybody callu blm the lioy who in never cruel to oni- mnlu tha lwy who nnver lieu kveii white lie lenvo black upnlii on tho elm me ter thn hoy who never maknn fun of n companion for nomothlng be could not beln tho hoy who niiyu no whon nukod to do n wrong thltur tha hoy who la alwnyn coiirteoiih to woman and glrlu tho hoy who would rather bo light tlinn bo ptonilpr wishina wcll0 there im pilto a revival in thoun dnyu of tbo oldllmo cuufom of vlnlt- ing tho wluhlug well in tlio lllh- inudu qnp of tlm incut frequented of tlioue romnutlo nleu in tbo wluhlng well ultuatetl oliiuo to tha battlefuld nf cullodon it tw cuatomary for ptljrrlmm to dron a coin of tho realm liito the well bnfnro partaking nf thn water uml juut recently over 14 in different coluu wero titkon from thlu particular well and imiklod over to 1 or ui chnritleu rohhi liilliit njii iinenmoiiln ami fit lie r t omplululu nflnn ihiiiiiiue the pro- pmlltinii of xnllil iplihinlcu lu thlu tnimli- diirlnir tlm wlntir mimlhu if ion wnllt lo tie- lit during llm lomliil ulniu thn tlnu in uturt your iliiiitltiiut in nut win n every othir inunn uf tmighhii ulid um juliig liut hie rimd to llttifitu tun hn inilli utml in fiaii wmdii fimh ulr und i nert luu to ki lit you iilionll it vote t n iiilnuh it iiluht and tlprnlnu to hiihoih ex hlunihilimd to tioi the mum leu miiln nud tlm whole ih11h f oil 1 lion when poiiulbln you uhnuld mii- plimenl thlu hi wnlkhur nt 1 lut two milt u i very day tie i um i im i in i mil- lut dmplu iiffiiru i tu iniitiuicu htiftire imlllnir join collar on in tho moinlru uiicml u fi w mliiuteu hi fore un opt n window wi at lit r pi rinltllnie hihnhni di t1 liri nihil of tho fmili ulr tin it walk rminittitfniimrnni i nnnli t urn 1 allow jliln hy iiiiiortlug your 1 ndy hi iirmn uml feet lu ii rului d ioui tlmi 1 in n lowt r the body ulowlv until ni touch the iiniiud lhit it thin hulf ii 1niii tliiux another itood rvt rclun for pntiiln voiu wun t to it i i i lit hi n prut that or dinary iiwlmuiliift u troln ii whltut lying t ii tlio floor or on a hml i how he did it i not erf the into w k vniiderbllt for hlu tp let kindly wit uo wuu onto dint iiuuhig with no mn frlondu tho ear ner of u muii wbniie hnruo bad juut i won tlio drum prlic und a bunker until lllunku brilliant uucceuu in tho world lu a great nurnrluo o mo und everybody elite who know blm au a young muii of till tho dluulnutnd worldly retkleiiu chnpii i ever uaw ho wuu the worut it in beyond me bow hn hnu bien ublo to climb to thn top at tlio judder ail to hau done well replied mr vuitihirhlll you would un- tb rut u ml plunk u climb better if you knew mm luank 1 tlio u toadied tho indtlnr for blm you nee horse ailments of mmiy kind quickly rumodlml wltb oouclas eypt1an liniment nrrorfl nljekdlno inrtakrfy mikvkhth nuxin roihonino tiibuh tiiuiihk yimtiiia hrkains and tluliuueh th ut all nukia tjnlmmt fir tb kul u ka wall fur iuuketu ui itbkf it uany at mil dmiim hj drommuu llmifiiluri onlr w imvavxa j ro karantucol holiday goods for novcluut far tho holidays call on e k cook io will n imply you with tlnu lleltu arm ltantlu ourtara ilnnd- liorchlcfa qloveu cuff linko llanhnlnr lluttomt nnd mny other tblugu tho men und boyu no bot to have hit pniccb are low e k cook mlut htjuciot acton happy new year now in 8togk at c c speights gramophone recorfbi tatfto stock silvcrwnro ilrlilnl wrnutli old onlnnv ailnm nhorltlan droavfuior ituteiim toblowflm l took for father skated for tlio itoy or uio grj hockey suckn and lupkif etc el c c speight mill street acton canadian apple exttimtton tho pmtl t which canatlian pro duct can b nut en the market in enolind wb atrlklnuly uminenitratml recently the ijeimrtmeiit of coloiiwatlon anil development of tlm can ail inn inclllt kullwuy retijptly ulilppod by do in in inn lixurum on tho 1 mpreiui ofiirttaln a oiiulgnmuiit of canadian npplt u for evhlhltlou nt 03 cs churhig crom anil thn other nlllceu of the compuuy lu luurojio tlio nppleu canio from vari- ouu cunudlitn provluceji nml it lu in- tnroutlng to note thut uome of them nt tiiully li ft thn jinului rr and wi re on nlmw in him thuu cli ht juyu lor initiinti the ontario t iniilgnliiont left liinloti onturlo at n in novt mbor 1 by c p h nrrlved montreal nt it a m lift ut 0 a in and arrived nt quifm it j p in they were -lni- imdlnttly iiliit id oh board tbo cun udliiit intllli llmr 1 iniirnuii of ilrl- talu wlileh ui tlvod ut liverpool op 1 in i ilu- una nliir nnvt inhtir it ho foi e the hint piiunt nifer wuu off the tihlp tlio iipidiu were dliicliurm il whluked in nomlnjon lit pri u motoiu to tho ill i in train to liiuton lltntlnn lon don which wuu icuched noon nftcr 2 p in tin um in d ly ilnxi dominion kxpuuii lumi ollecttid tin m und ut i in lock tluiy wire uu exhibition hi the wjnilnuii of thn canadian pacific tit cliurinr cm ii i with u turd read ing canadian aiiiku from prod u cor to cimiiutni r lu bun than eight iluyu i hntii it ctiiinthi hi three tiiouuntid mlhn front llnolunil our uyuttun of iiliit u rnnuportntlon im bringing u marcr lo thut tountry every day itn- cently the ijnipluiu nf llrltullt went to llvnrpnol und linclt to queheo in id iliyn incluilllig thn thtio token in einhurkhig uml dluoinhnrulug puuhoii- gtirp tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices the year jiwt cndctl hnu liccl a htwy nnd hurommiui oho ni ihu hlorc liut wo itnvo uio hiiuiifacuou of kmiwiiijv uiut low prices and fulr dcnllno havo cnintml uh many friends and prmainont cuhiomcnt wo hopo and cxiioct tho year now hlnhinir will with our onlnrued utock including many now inert of dry goods bo huu more tintiflfactory from our ctwlomcm nuindpolnl n ext week wo ex licet to open up new llne of staple dry goods which will will i tuild nt rloflo prices wo invito you to call and hevltut wo liavo and contparo our prices with others fruits and vegetables wo rliall innko a hiieclalty of thciio linl our prlcco will interest you cash paid for butler eggs poultry etc tannery cooperative c a conway manajfcf mill street a ajlow oven will not spoil your baking when you use efigo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocery acton creamery wanfsyour cream for which wo will pay you a good price our nhn jb o satisfy customers und ivo proniptatton fresh crtealheky buttk1 wufolesaus 3 oil ttetatl the acton creamery co i is 3 oneiu iropricur horse shoes for luck arc vogue at weddings and over racing stable doors but will not help to build up your sales volume business success or luck as jealous rivals call il is the product of wise plann ing a square deal policy of service and abvektising advertising keeps the public in formed of your business such knowledge breeds confidence and goodwill an ex penditure in advertising will prove an in terestbearing investment get the facts from the acton free fress alislofadverliselifroirrtiie acton free press in your handbag or pocket is the best horse shoe you can carry for luck in buying an advertisement is an ivlation y shop where you are invited to shop uiiim wumy nigklilx aauaiittldm ul ofhoo toronto cntimu

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