Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1922, p. 4

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juiutomui fo artmt 3xw itea uiu wlly nwktiuper a tiimitlday january 13 1033 till aflon 1 uu i illll i ill ilwi vry tlm lntf kl lift te 1 limtlliiu mill i ac tn j ttirrlll 1 irl e u j 11 t yrnr in blvmii 1 u lltl iiim ldrit ii ll iii ulx ilia 41 in crill u ui- lull in lulklj ct ili mr in 1 advturi in uahv tiauilct bdvcituuiciiu il- auate ikimiir ll r frill i mlll u uii i rnt per lix i nt ioitii untraci 11 by vrluinri in i r i a lice milium if ecu in ill hill nuill inarttllul alive i i il ilirxll ii u will e liiverlll uii i fit in clmr 1 un t lii uly ii 1 moohf kjiutr il liluhi tim miionr4- kjilrial bik until offir in wuuic nj wl nu be editorial t fc itiif lian i lot eta do pay riic ncwnuirklt lin nvo nn interesting report of tile unnutil mtctinj of the khijj george hotel in hiitf town inst week iiiitl miyu llini flnt clntta rcitipcrancc hotel could bo pintle to pny interest on the luvctment m the i urjxrje of mimy pcopjo in the province of ontario hut ever rinco the king gcorfcc hotel in newmarket wnn purchased by tlto iciupur- unco people eleven yenni hjjo it lniu puiil a dividend of 0 per cent mid iluti year the dividend is 10 per cent tlio houid ot directors luiu u surplus of 2200 uftcr paying the 10 per cent dividond the lakonto ocean waterway the projected st luwruico tenwuy to bring ocenn ships directly to the great lakes porta u approved by the interniitioiial joint commiton reprcrcntinr the united statci and cnmtdo in u report transmit ted niinuliuncouvly to the united state sccretnry of state nnd the ottawa government the plan pro vldcn for thirty mi leu of ennui on the st lawrence the enjiiieorj estimate that fho cost of the under taking would bo metrfronrthe iirt1uopciccfric power developed nt various points along tho cannl the various locks would furnhh more than twico tlje amount of power now developed at niagara tall wow uiopriroi droit 7 newsprint paper uuoh it i uicd in the weekly cditloni of the 1 m i pin wcre- reduced on tho hrit of jiumpry nueunrtcr of n cent per pound mid he price now priiid nt 00 per ton at tho mill tin reduced price will only nicun tta reduction of one aid tin tc quarter centa per aubsqribor per year for the paper in a newspaper such an the im v pmsa set ngninnt thn itt tho hierentio of postnlvutcr on newt pnpen of 100 per cent to all subscribers outiidc the local zone in vicwof tltts the newspapers can aa little encouragement to hope for the possibility of l ny reduction in subscription rutes in the near future i ho education of uio boy on tho farm rcvicvingthc chiingcd condition of recent times in their relation to furln life at the concluding sens ion or tno 45th iinnuil convention of thodatrynvcrtt association ot eastern canada hon w r mother well minuter of agriculture declared that it was problem with parents how far to educate boys on tho dim he did not decry or dmcourago education but he thought there wuj niuch to bo mud for tlio old jyotem under winch many of them grew up when the boys were luught to work on the farm during the luinnir nnd to go to rchool in tho winter his ex perience vmn that boys so trained hud made the most jiicceisful men i to certainly thought this wni better than keeping boyn nt school until they lost any desire for tlte work observation and experience go fnr to prove tho truth of tins conclusion the orange th ifirtu to i lr a magazine itiproftcntuuvo of canada the caiiadiniimaga7na is a publication well and truly representative of the name it bears it is loyal informational and calculated to inspire canadian thought itud olfort in a immnor helpful to our country and our people the current mouths num ber is u very worthy kiuo ltu monthly cnl6ndcr of important invent in cauudiuu hiitory with flag j days for canadian schools by w everard ed monds iiiiprcsiiioun of ontario by prof william caldwell of mcgill university tho univcmitys role by john boyd in the cauudiau rockies by robert carey a little journey in glengarry by aldcn grillln meredith prom month to mouth u survey of tho political industrial nnd historical arfniro of canada by sir john willisou wltli a wealth of bright uhort ttories bits of poetry and attractive ill ustrations of canadian scenery and persons render the magaxino nn invaluable publication from a national standpoint hal ion vrem mon honored the municipal elections throughout tho county gavo members of tho local press positions of distinc tive honor at oakvillo burlington uid georgetown at oalcvillo mr a s forbter of the star was honor ed with election as mayor mr forster has always faken a keen interest in public affairs has been about twenty years a member of tho council was several years reeve and two years ago occupied the honored position of warden of tho county mr e a harris or the gazette burlington who had foryoam been a member of tho board or education was tried out last year as reovo ho made good nnd was re elected this year with a handiomo majority he will probably be warden of tho county council thin year mr j m moore of tho georgetown horalt hai served- bib town for years both in the council and tho school board ho was reeve of tho town several yean ago mid did good work im n member of tho county council this your ho might have been the first mayor of tho nowlycreated vtowii hud ho so desired but he declined ho was however elected by acclamation us one of the newlyformed hydro- electric board of commissioners the purr pruss is greatly pleased to see thejo brethren of tho craft thus hletinlly given the confidence of the electors of their respective towns and placed in positions of responsibility- nnd honor no other men in any community spend so much time in tho best interests oif tlujir municipality us tho publishers of the local newspapers their services aro of real value and this is usually recognized by thapeople elccuon ttclunuj nnd prohibition votes the btutement has frequently been mudo that tho voten cast in tho referendum which sustained the ontario temperance act and in tho referendum last april on nonimportation of liquor showed such n slight intcrestxaiid represent such a small proportion or the olectoruto nn to dibcrodlt tho mandate we have now had n general election on substantially tho same voters lists ernest thomas toronto makes an interesting comparison of tho results in ontario as rollowii general election december 1021 lj0b7- 3w votes ensf referendum april 1021 012218 votes cant roroiondum october 1010 1137101 votes caut the figures for the two votes tfn tho rerorondums uro olllcinl and for the recent general election the bent avuilable and nppioxiniatoly correct despite tlio fact that throe political organisations worked thoir electoral machinery to its utmost em cioncy to brngout the voto in december tho vote pollcilhataprjl la almost ninety per cent of that which wus thus seemed more significant still is the fact that when tho ontario tcmperauco act was sustained in 1010 b0000 more voters went to the polls than in tun labtjgonoral election in the re fereiidum or 1010 the vote given for sustaining tho ontario leinperunco wui 100000 in excess of the combined votes of the liberal and progressive parties last month and tho nctuul majority by which the achwua sustained wus jueir almost identical with tho total conservative vote in this recpnt election in tho voto innt april the majority for nun importa tion wns twice tho majority or tho conservatives over liberals in ontario in december moreover in thip recent election fortyeight out of eightytwo mem bers are seated in tlto house at commons in spite or tho ract that a majority of tho votes cast in thoir constituencies wore opposed to theiri the progress ives nloqo have a majority or thoir members ropre- entlng n majority of their constituents this review of the electoral returns completely dlsercdit thi eftqrts to belittle iho clettornl bupport given to tho two prohibition measures modern highway hood making ontario is in no sen no alone in the matter of ex tenet vo toudbuilding programmes quebec is rela lively au largely interested and progressive the neighboring ntutes nro oven more ambitious in their roadmnking scheme i and heavy costs to secure satis factory niidjirirmuiient results are notalarming to their governments in pennsylvania recently the lowest bid for a sixty mile highway eighteen feet wide of rciuforced concrete iui table for heavy motor trafhc was 37200000000 or 53333 per mile in an other contract for a road of similar construction it was 54000 rov a third which called for a sixteen foot roadway tho average bids were 45000 per mile the highway department of several states are now turning their attention to installing uniform road signs to warn motor tralllc of danger it would seem the proper thing if not the absolute duty of the legislative authorities to provide road signs that compel attention ut points on all roads where there lb real hazard so far outsido of the torontohamil ton highway thin duty is left almost entirely to the ontario motor league ibis matter will no doubt hi time ho given more attcntibn canadian trade lit worth while to the united statu at the annual meeting of the boston chamber of commerco the othor evening president mitchell of tho national bank new york gave tho assembled financiers some real sane food for thought we bear a great deal of talk about the foreign situation be said and as that subject is mentioned our minds as a rule revert immediately to europe but canada has long been our best customer last year taking our exports to ho amount of about a billion dollars productn which wo are well fitted to produce and must find a market for canada on tho othor hand has shipped us principally gralu timber and paper product- to an amount of about 700000000 last year her timber nnd paper products have filled a vacuum in our supply enabling us to conserve tho limited timber tract of our own country her grains have come to us for nulling tho delivery from tho millsconstitutuik nsi choosoto viewit a part of our exports to britain and to europo while furnish ing additional tralllc to our railroads we have taken steps during the year to kill that most desirable trade by placing n tariff or 35 cents per bushel for instance upon canadian wheat by so doing we are antagon izing these neighbors of tho north to tho point where they are seriously discussing a retnliatory tariff we list stop pinching canada nnd canadian trade if we would retuin through 1022 our best and fairest cus tomer perpetual care of fnirviev conctery on making a survey of tho various outstanding matters which should receive the earnest attention of the council of 1022 the necessity for greater efforts to make improvements in fairviow cemetery natural ly presents itself tho deslrubihty for the formula tion and adoption of u feasible plan for the perpet ual care or all plots in the cemetery is manifest to nil numerous towns and cemetery committees qt commissions throughout tho country havo put this scheme into successful operation through it all plots are kept neatly trimmed and presentable and tho be who aro nonresident plotholders are relieved of any nmuoty respecting the care and appearance of tho plot and graves where their departed are sleeping thin plan greatly improves tho appearance of tho ceinctory ns tho plots and graves which are often neglected otherwise through it are kept neatly trmmed and there is then a uniformity of neat and attractive appearance which appealsto all concerned nnd to the visitors who are so often attracted to a wellkopt cemetery the cost to plotholders for the perpetual caro plan has been found to be reasonable many uonrcsidoiiln would gladly contribute the sum necessary to accomplish this improvement somb have already prorcrred nulllclent sihns to the council to eitbtire such care nnd local holders of plqts would very generally welcome the ndoption of the scheme the council will bo well ndvised if jt takes immediate bteps to put such a plan into effect guelph has lately put the perpetual plan into operation nowj market has hnd it ror years reliable information may be secured from tho o ulcers pf either or these cemeteries us to tho methods to bo adopted and tho npproximato rates- to bo charged to secure this much- desired improvement n in mm or nuliimn intuit it oruiit j ilrn lontiiliix rhhl it a mimt dollolo unit tillrnntlvci form rcmly for i mm linln uhuttriillmi ntul utilisation tlio uinount of foml oiiikiiiwi in w hlllkln 1 f kit irutitt h mtmult mulvulmlt to iimt fimiini in a iimit nil r it lint it illrtorm tntm hrml in that it iwu do tllucuitloii will l broiul lfi it fj4ii ho uuul iii niiiitlititf ntul mtrtiiuf tlioiiltitf i hi- hoty niuut liiiilarso dicta tion for movrnil houru it u for thu roiuan llyt orntftf urn iu rfrjtli- intc u mi ikiiuiimi1 or fiwliln imrwui tim uwihiti r th ormikit tho grvutnr llu food vutiin hut tho oimritv vulim nt tlin oranx uhlcli for uu inrillnury ulu oramen timiuntu to rrom t to 10 0 caturlwi im by no iiitmiu iu duly vuluti orunieo j ii ira ui rirlisn imltu nuixwiully in limn initl nlkiilimi mbum whuli coimtnrnctu ll f y to iihiumih tlmt lu ul way tin ml ii i ui ucfladtni ihw1i itrurty moitt itf rw mill tltoun uilvttlimwl in jc tho frni uun ut orunicn julcn lu n viihiahln nuiiim or cumlmthic th in niiidu of 11 tht r 1 lm- uml tu miuo nn vxi kill nt mi mm of lintl lothitf to noino nxtniit tlio liul nttnetu of i ml mir t r ticdciiturj llfr oui or two ormiwu imken ut ldtli iiinloii r inline in lh inoriiliiif um 1 1 hi nt moiiiih f utlniulullnir linwml rl in oninnji tniij im tuki n im iv i i n wlfli in nt lwmint by r i ulit i n ii im uml tho n mirroring from ii tin tl null nt 1 ho ilrlijjilful riuvor uml iiiriil htliiuiliitliik in it u nro of nruiiuo jiilr inchiu onrlatnlu- activi ty uml iu tamlm to iirtvont tho uooum- uluhon of food rrmliliiau in tlia rolott miilrli 1c ml a to p a tr faction uml auto- liitnxlcullon 0hh1 iikhuii x canadian rtccond hen jjuty nit m wllto wyutjlotln linllnl huml no dj ut tlin lo- litlnlon iijutlmfniln lltatlon lnvi- mnrtt ii c rormilnlnd liny yiurly r- litrd on octohor 31 idurlme 3t ncb dilrllitf thn lirncodllitf 3t duyu film wnu liulrhniloii murrlt afi 1dj0 mid roiiibidin i to lay hi ortolmr klin wuii plurh in u itormmmiit luylittf jlfylmt mid frni iivatnd from nowemlin 1 tlio following u hff moiithiy vtc lirimluctloii for tlio yr novnmlmir ikni- mlmr i jiiinry il imiary muroh aiirll vwy juno july allullmt hi litimilmr ontolwr 10 tolul riiirlnif tlix hot nrodne 3c canadas natural neoourtceo altmitlon lu now lulni dlrontd to- wunlu tlio roimtryii natural rcnaurcch nil nnvnr tmirorn ulnro it im imitamlly rncoiciilkad that nly by a mam wlilo- uprouil iillllxutloii of cfiimdiim umlo- vuuitl la ml u iiiliiiui forutth wulnr- ihtworu mid llhlmrlom mil lreacat ilay cohoinlo jirotilnmu 1h moivwji tim nuturul llwoiirc4m liitllltir llrandi nf mm limrtmut nt tlio in terior iiiih iiuiiiimikiii a map uhowlntf tlio ittmllntr natural rnuournm of fuinli lirovlnro in novo- tlcotlm mivud runn- intf mlnlnif uml ttuhtu unmlomlnuu in irlnrn ilwttfd imuiui rurfrmlub mid aurloultum now ltrunawlck hm uivit nroum tf titular whlln ntlvoil fnrmlnif nnd fruit erowliiif an out- utunillntf intnnvmtu in quolmc may 1m found h waiiltlt of tlmlmi tar puln- wond nlito mlnnrulu nurh um umimimiam lrntdiltn uml molybdenite wiiiik hi on tario uomawlint iilmllur oiiortunllii mkimi in tho ivurln irovlnrom th hroho- tlva hattliir or invnhlor may obtain mln- quatn rtituriih nn runlui mid laflor lu itbor ruln krowlnii iuuimi funnlnif or rnitrliliitf while hi ilrltbih columbia tliulmtrhiif lluli i me rrultkrowlna and mliiliitf aro mnoiitf tha inadlne induii- tvicm i udilftlnt to information on natur al vnuouron tba mail miiowm tilt rll- wuyu uml trailo routm an lnuirtlutr nml valuable foaturo im a rtt of coinnamtlva dlasramm uluhtrutlnif the production anil nximtrtm of tlio varloum lirovlnroii a cony of tlio map may 1m obtained frao- of obaruti uioi n- tulcutltm to tho natural lt4oiircu intllenco llrancli doiiartment of tlio trlnr ottawa 01 to op huuoh your balr wanta cultlntf iwdly air ijfttd tho imrltor hihlnuatlnidy to a itamnr mo it dooant ranllful tlio uian hi tlio cltnlr it waiitn cuttlni ttloaly you cut it badly last tlnin wlfo did you notion tlio elilnehllla coat on tlm woman nittlne in front or um tlilu inontnit uumlwiml zr no afraid i wau iloxhtk moat of tba time wlftv um a lot of kood tho w vloo did you m j a vlallnlht fi tile red a loiullm mlllo uel1tiru alioii rwrit fcittotitrtinn ittomjui im rmarkml to tlm cbntlamaii imihlml tho counter protluclna a box tlm lativr mold would you mind nlckin onn nbtfor ynurftlf nlrt i ardly known tuwaa from tlio hlimit tlm tnrmlnal examination won on at a ttamom uchool ami a liuddlnif nhlloao- limr co no hul m1 it in wumy on mothor ioaitui with thu htartlliik htatemtmt tlm earth rovolveu on on ttw own oxim sc5 tltnom in 34 itoura thu rapid motion through hiar rauum itw uamt to nnraplro thin u rallnd dow u tu phi if jnto a o m part m nt um tho train van moving llmuly uat iinavlly on unothar traveller hat you rlumuy idiot njamilatad thn owurr of bo hnadnlnoa why dont you look lioforo you ult downt elaiidy rouo nnd plrkod up tho hat ah woai ho remarked mntly it mlcht boo iwrnn worw worwiy ftxoliilmetl th wrathful onn ilm nil nml tuunl how could it pohhlhly hava tiooii worir it mlcht ban bwm tna bin anvweic ml laudy thouchtfully edltoittalu notes caimda is at lust to have a nickel coinage of her very own the american uamo or nickel long iipplied to our canudian five cent coin has been n misnomer now with the bcjst nickel in tho world it live cent coin is being minted ut ottawa in presenting h most lifelike portrait or hon w l mackenzie king canadas new premier in the january number tho canadian magazine has this characterization it was the keenness tho courage tho strnjlbutforwurducs the sincerity the absolute integiity of the- mjha as hero depicted in his coun tenance that led to his great victory as leader of his party in the general cluctttiub to save troubles a northern ontario tdltor tell of an old indian that cutno into mm othoa to nuhucrltw for tho papar tho odltor took tho money thtm tho itittluti wanted a relpu th ndltnr trlnl to talk htm out of it mr indian imiliitod on uvttluk tt roonlpt jutar makhitf jt nut um editor nuked hliu why ho wum ho paralatant in wtuit- lutf h roolitt tho indian uald u6 die uonm tlay nnd iro to blif uata taint iotcr auk if i imuiii uoiul indian i buy yo ha way did you pay your dnbtut i aay ym lit nay did you pay odltor for patvort i nay yen ho nay where 1m rixelpty i not hav it 1 lmv to trui nil ovr it 1 to find you and bt i rooolpt pino wohth a foittune r ah tlm rowult of a tmw dlaoovary vnluuhlfi hyprodurtu uuoh au oil ino- tormplrlt mid dyumtunm r bvlna pro- duood rrom ooul alaok nayn an fccnsuah tiawuputr kluoli ton of htuck yuldm thr al- itinm of motor uplrlt nhout ntun sal- ioiim of humlnc ami lubrlcatlna ml thousand ftmt of um rourtoen hunt drwl welsh t of domnatlo fuel and a 1 iltiantity of hulphato of ammonia th1 i domumtln rutil la cutmod to yield twloa tlm heat nnoray of urtlhtnry ooal to burn without nub tho valuo of tlm dlmooviry may ho judrd from tlm fant that about third of ttm c4ial mluwl li icnulajid la i hluok which hlthnrto hom hoaii rertt- m um of llttla tmiinmarolal vulua four whiter moiitlim ijuly 1 10h titu whlrh in mora ulh x4 do lnn year from auicuht 1 to ortoliir 17 wimu ubo iill inylnu x uld 78 in 711 duyu cnyum mlna oh mny if uud rontlutl- inr tinth orlotwr 17 a ynrtod of 1113 ilnym mho producol ico ntfuh jnly dot did not m lnwuly lurlnjr tlm itii but romiiitird tn moult on or toher 11 mid ijuit laylnir on 17 uu rortunnthy third in no trmi nimt m- i rd of lmr km prior to novoinlmr 1 130 otlmrwimi in r yoorly reword mi id huvii lntn iiori am uu individ uhi mho im if anything wiiiull for tho brand hut im tlm momt nrtlvn bird lu i ho tthu jnly dot lu from uu lcxmrtnmntal kami nork that avrkil 1b7 b lu tbnlr i lillf t your and im tmrult of yurw brncdlikf uml hlwtlon lcvporlnmutml vunti notm cxchanoc and uailtbii alitlrlu im taut rrovnrlnu to the un int nymioih of hurtor and imrhniini illorn ilfmnilhiijmohiethllltt mora mih- untlul tlnin dm aumtrlan iwimr crown dortom uro rliuruluu- liulf u loaf of hrnuil for a roniiultutloii with vnullhv piitliiutii wbltn ojhiratlonii uro paid for i potutfmu tlm icrorxr dld for want of breath iamptfl ten npuratlnum and um im luy uwultlua dfath llurrouudd by relutlonu huvn ui will hit told ttmm all i levo you not a rent my wonlth lu koiia imyond rttcall i or all toy douuh im mimiiil tho miirbon look a haif of flour and my uppnndlx too ho oimraloil for uu hour ami drank ull my homabrw 1 bn doutlut yaukd my molars out and united a modtmtt f a era tn of tkk a uuurt of utout and two uly iioimdm of taa atintlmr tloator wutitm a hx of patent bnutkfmat fwn ho rurtwl yon of tlm clilrbml una for half a cord of wood and ho with thlm nxtramn expomm 1 m rulixhl ho cumped to thouo around ilulld round my uruvo a picket hh clmuper undor eround he had his doubto an eldrly man wau imirnuadtwl by ono of bin aoiim to ko with him to a boxing exhibition tho hou iwld for two 1 hata mow ilad ma id tho win joyfully roull lum moro excltinent for your s3 than youva var aan in your ufa itnrri iva trot my dnnhta nliout tlutt ha nnld kloomlly two dollum won all i paid for my marrlajca llcanao what sort op a man b uct whnn a uhrow imnlnwim man lu mak ing un lnymtmnnt in any anuirprhui tho nrat uhtlon ha auku im what uort of a man lu liack of tlm ntarprlue or tlm lnutltuttout- kvorylhln da- liondh on tho nort of a man xm hi nt uibjmitd nfmiy thing thoquallly of tho head will trlrkla rlrar down throiirh from tlm top of au organisa tion to tba vary bottom bttsinesa training lot o bnt fr banking by mail thoim living ut a dintnrtco can do thoir banking- by mail junt n aafcly and conveniently mi though done in ponton many farmorfl nave tiiomuelvoti special trips to town by luloptinp our syatem of banking by mall the i monajrer will explain this holpful plan ui wnto or neo him tint next time you aro in town th mcrchants bank head omca montr l of canada sjly dhwlt ttam citabllalwl idd4 ii r miuus 1 tbe earnings that earn tiie interest and dividends tma uanar ut hmm hnpreannl uxwi wlia lumi imiimiimiiii1 ttm mount 1utmi hotel oom- kmuiyhl h ooavrrrtlbln lnbfiuiram lu um hmfebmit dt uf coocc u ondu awrji w a a ii- tot canada of tlm htnlutd kfotjut oom- laj at annifti mm ooatoumwl in ipnla chr- b tul m rally into enmry doiall mt ln- d mtlnuuod jm tu tm vol- toot vuoauory tntt or haaad dpi 1 niparlcaoa olnnd in opcnulaf trolt- ua w i boanlm plim tho udtcalaao off hv- inat mom foo- lwwinulwt paryowm nt tlo mmaaatilated ateitutom w tba unltml uoftelu iota- kmuay of abmrtr mud tmr efcaha oi mixtn tnttmttitc koaaaa llw flawnm dblrih am undnrmtaiod hatlm llaam t will kknlp yot to kindwwandl ww hmoauna ounwlml wltli uibl m mmqpoaatbillty in tminlbt ba- nibui n m nyi tn tlon and mtndg of v w a- mmuu oarapaiiy umltnd pta ffk tw tklm iui rm tiwant www oar dw m hdnml had ttstukum taoooamnnjuulort wn wnlmnattmuajrly nwnndinhl umi tiqan of titnmtt oabtwilbu idfifcfintnmm vmrwjiax a kr- of w oaamw euook and i it au wr w1w vflv uiac mbauumu froau aboald umui rroaa tba w oiiwiinil ntoek wbidh lu k dnn away au m baaam i to wamackenziecoltd s8 kinir street wwt toronto i bou- furai 1lwn uraul kna a oopy of uha dmlar tartblnm m iuialtnd and obuxo tarr nataa im fall v- k i ll mdomu g la writa rlorly m great dollar sale at ospringe i you will pct better valuer hero for your dollars doubt if these prices can be equalled iry gooan 1 1 1 6 yardu uttlilaaohod cotton c yardu iloacbd cotton g yurda irlnt for t yardu tlhlrtlii illuo utrlp- ftd tor 1 u yardu kunnolfltto 37 in wldo for 1 t yardu fuumeutto s4 and 3 in wldo tor 1 lloi nuntiolotte llbootm laruo niio for 24 4 yardu gingham rial da and chwku for j1 3u yardu alttu for 1 o kpoout far it fnum overalls for vat ubum qhlrtu for 1 ajnu iviniiiriiii vlooco- iukmi undnrwaar beo alanu ivinmanu itlbbod wool ion iltidarwoar 1 sjtonm natural wood un- dorwoar 14 alm mid chlllroii un derwear at rduoftd prloen menm ami lloyu ttwaatera at itmlttoad iricm ono only mmiii fluuhnwn- tlan ovorooat reuular j37 for onn only meiiu cloth owr- ooat raular 133 for 23 10 comk eaulv onn only meua qlittophkln ovorcout for illix aimortmont of mens nnd lloyu mlttu 7 tti for groceries a corn liut toinotou 1 iackuroa u larch or corn tllnrcli for i rucuinnu kflodod italulna 4 ibti bowllmih italalnm for 3 llm flonmil curruntii for vj 3 lib tina kudo or masla unklmc powder for 5 itiu iclntf uutcar or 3lbu 1aitka aalada oi mluto toa for 3 iba haiti tan hulk for cnkoh hoap for 3 tina llod halmon rocuur 1 1 1 i cc 3 for fi tlnu ilnk oalmon or hardware 3 only perfection hnatnra tor onoh homo illaukata ijoo par hair oft clrnnlto and thiwaro at ila- lunod prlooh lantern dlaiu 8 ror dr it 6n tltoou lvad 35 lb im lhi for r l gordon ospringe ok timninibiintfimimptmnrmiammraimmmilmiikrinffbtn speed i the hohhohs op disarmament mrt hallor murohlnif vainly for hlu i ulitp utter u w houru 1avawhut aha wum v mbnn wo wont oshurti wount i mit kcoiid bailor 41m thorn htokaa nt 1 wumbhikloii tlmyvo aiartad aorap- i you are matched against twentieth century speed today the sailing sliip was matched against the steam ship and passed away the courier was matched against the telegraph and passed away the stage coach was matched against the rail road and passed away the mail train is matched against die airplane and loses ground and you arc matched against men who adver- tise they will pa8s you according- to tho immutable law of progress unless you advertise j business directory or j a mcnlvcn phyioun uml duruaou qtrinn nnd ltumhloiinii form r llowif avniu uml iljikih llirilu tho n uid mti fornmrly oooiipl i hy u y doruou anion oiil dii t j neuoon phyulolan ouruaon obmufrlaln acton onlrlo llmciumor lo tho into dr oiuy onlro and himldniien 1 mdnrlrk iil dh c v w noaa- rhylcimn mad onn make bwimmino casv tho inventor ut a iw buoyant imii- hf dlatnim it will teaoh a pron mwlm in tan mlnutou au it allowu haatl to fall in a lialum pnaltlon and mbadm wator from hh nywi r mouth aritl bava lfse acton free press columns to speed up your business hmmi mill bl gaoruatom iujuuh iini llniillul hn rlnl atti itlloit to jiliu natm at wo ol tint chlldn n nn i ii funt imilinu do w o laird oi tun i nj un vvoulwhh htrmt i j in muni and 1 hr ut i vi ry v im ln at holdloru i loin lccu ihonn no 32 p j lion 336 hahou nash iarmkh m a durrutar solicitor klotury publlo uyn ir ctf pcnjlvman ui ock acton om hon y to i oan ilourn 3 3tt mn iq b pm dn j m bull d d 0 u d k dsntit honor o rail data of lornuto uuwmr- ulty lha ltfmlu u diio uiuz u duulrad otrlo at rmldnr cornar uhi and cij1 trick htrpatu v dr f q qollop d d b l d 8 dantl buroaon olilco over hunk of nova be oil nomm 030 to g30 lvaithiicu by appolntmant mibcellaheoua franc1b nu ian doakblndar arcfliinl bnoliu of all klo lu ma ti order parloillralm of ovory d4crlp lion carafully bound ii line naatu and promptly don- wyndbam lttrt uueloii out lovor william m r n j kei1h llamd auotionr for tfia countlm of halton walling ton pool and diiffurlu an 1 tlio city or onolph acton ontario llalra may li arraniiod 1 iruill of at riidone at acton or nt tba wa irsii oltlco acton thi marrury oftlrn ounlph 1 lin nawa ilacord ivrcuu or with w j oordun llarnou makur hillhburir italm entruntod io it j lcarr ra cmiiva attanthui frni dati of llstlusr data of main i lut ur ailr- wtl ion hacltlanca dower avinu ac taw phono 31 acton cut t piy icxpaiim roy hindley auctioneer utvk rtoc1c ulcai peitatw and mliitcirandlbp ifllldatad phon erin 4t 11 n n 3 acton j e cheevefes book hinder quahao ut et qualph ont itooka and tnauamluont bound id handuotno and huluituntlal covaru namntt laltard in wold on itlhlou liymn lloolim and other booku all work promptly cuaouud d alex nlven ohturlo land ourvayor and civil cnylhaar qurvayu bulhllvlhlmin plana ilo itortu odmorlptlnuh lllikiprliitii to corllhoalom for purchttuoru and mortkukcom murvayu for archlurui iiulldaru und mntilolpnl roiiiiolln irahiift lttprrtn piillmatoh oto molean uuildinq doua bt aululph phono 10h4 oni phavinlg 2 133lltchhohtiiirwbr ttoiionto canaiu tho old and reliable- granite and marblo dealers wo ara tnanufuoturoru and dlraot mta lleadnton work w aall fllraot lu our fiuatmnaru at wliolaaalft prlnau thuw moving our ouloinnru par wo havrt tin bant upiiluutoau n only maohmilau liitb uomlttlon who rah oporal- pnalimatlo teolu proparly w can klvo rvfomuoeu from huiidroaa of our ountaiiru 111 toronto and othor pbiaou wharo otlmn bnva to hava law nulla in order to collet i wo hava tha lunromt and bat utonk of oruiilto in tlm ivomlnlon or uior lhati any thro doalaru hi tho wwd wo lootll- tnato douhiru uml employ io asaiita and do not mitiny or pit oiihtomara by moiidluir out ikitoruiit lufentm mounlt- i inc ordiruwa oiuiiloy only mo run ilea nitjl dnfy oonirhitltlun f t hamhion sons co i norvlrh a wonlwlolt btri quvlpb

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