Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1922, p. 5

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imimma lie art tut 3lnw itr0j0 1ii1ium11a fanijauy i j 103j tht valuc or a clnt kniw it laay furun r oncn lf litii t fuming now i in vi i ii l hlu hnran r liil t vt l in in ly ulnrv 1 hla cnwj i in v i till 1 lit i iv it dim mo null lint pay hlii ri tit 111 mu ill i tli ilu r t i uiilfi my imlhn i hn nri n t of inn ilu uliilud to liln l an i indo mo un ttt uli 1 inland ii ly iiiim juiil hi 4 llmi ii lulllllf nwlftly by 1 11 rjmil wl i aiwhuiiiiuiit uitfk u iiiiiiii iii liny llv lir til 111 y iiihuili u rou wlttr i t tl illlllll 1 llo u 11111 1 and tlm wl vliltn till iii ill km 11m va n o nut twcnyv vlai1q aqo tram tlm uu or thu fr prank of thurdy jatmry 1b 1dq2 i lui uaily moniliik train now rullu ut acton fit l 21 imitiui of g3h nil heretofore m huh hi w lltnik mul i u harding liuvu lint n r it i pointed uudltoru for thu turn lit jinr minium llourdmiiro co export in rornlvn over tli 1 1 it 0 000 rnrdu of homlouk lmru during tho nnxt thirty duyu llilu will inuun uomn lively iiandllng on luouday urtornmi mr adutn lluiiaru twini huultd tlio hlggout louil of hemlock lmru thut wnw over tiuuiiuil from thitd i u ntiitliiiitltoanlituiru ii co uvuntlory it wuu 11 ifunt long h fnat wldtt uuil h f 4 t high mftctly uovoti conlu iho loud weighed 4 duo pnunriu or nearly 7ui ton anton flour mnht will bo running attain in n few duyu iitnl hlu uon mr j imlmarutnn havo lei for u tirm of ynnrw thn vicinity uiul the will glvn tliu mdkhrii mnuhhr will no i nti at thn installation of tlui oninru of walker indgn a a m no 321 lamt wuek mr w ii knntwy who ium faithfully ptrformoil thn dutlou pnrtulnlng to tlm ouli o of sine rotary for tho nunt unveil yenru wuu proumtod ly tho iidgo with u handunmo not of nmhlnmntla cuff llnkw pin utul wntoh riliurm woruhlpful mutitor ucuaklmiou iiimlo tho iiromttn tut inn in u very com plimentary upoooh mahhied coiawmanwiaitiionn at iiutitm- vlllu mi clirlutxium lay 1001 by itnv mr mdvicuj- lmnbytoriun inliilmtnr wllllum colnmim of crw- ttorih cornoru to jonilln tlfth iluuli- tr of rhniiifli uiul uury wlrl acton 111 itn mr w mouhloi it momlilpr of oil thn iirnnorty hid fttrmorw of imhllu u rally norillal help vourtgelp to success thu hahtt nf hnlphur othfara hon ut tho huuo nt uikmoiuiful iirtdenvotlt i of tho tnoxt vltul lmnortaiico in nvory traiihuotloii of thu huullituut or uoclnl world lroiti tha vary lnmlimr to to tho hlahcwt diilil tiunltiabu peruon wt oiul that thu ilukrmi of help romlnroil ilatariiiliio thu amount of rcotfnltlou rimxilvml hy flaalt lcictrvmu wllllntf- tium to holp may ho nhowti by tho b- iflimor ami thlu in imlixxl u worthy uturt hut it 1m tho tixporloitotitl holmr who rocolvw thn lilifhoat rawanlh tho bouinnor 1 workhitf jut ou hum in tha effort to hall yut no tnutty of hi offortu uro mltllrotoj that ha waomw to ftchlovo jutle th ttntt thhuf for tin lruou lott- hiic into li until win mro in to loom how to hp niclently if working for an umployor hn in dayiutf you to hslp him untl tint mora lioli you uro tho julckor you will troicrnu tho rlsht kind of omnloyar utnrfliitteh coii- nclontouh erriclont hofp uiul you mlioultl lirovo youruulf to lut tho rlichl kind of umpluya by orforhuf it constantly hi your dully work no mattor what htm in tin or trortuw- lon you may follow doti t n iiltfht of tho fact that ifu holnlrta other that brlnum kulury or inoom thu jphyalolaii ourtm hlu too holiln u out of nick- mum alo hy ulvluif udvlco that liolp uu to avoid llko oocurrancou in turn wo hu him to kxtn iiih pi una in tho world by paylnu what ho auk a and if iiim hnlp provou to im iwnailnlul aro only too ulutl to hulp otliarw by tolllntf thnm of thlm phyulolana uhluty thu uam iromilud rulo workm in ovury profohilonul ami in u koiiorul way thronuhout thn onttni und of bumlneuu omlunvor tho rluht kind of umployar in junt um ijnlok to roward uu for urtlolont hnlp au wo urn in ulvlnif tho hnlp liuowimo iu will nhoorfully re- oommnnd uunh help of ouru to othorw junt uh wn paw on a rrommomlatloii of tho competent uhyulolunu nblllty to hulp thouo in uood of hid krvlci ltut apart from buulnnuu thoro uro olwayu inuny opportunltlom to holp othnru ad you ulao will routvo lmlp whlla dolnjf no uu now idoam and ob- arvatlonii iitranvtlion utul broudn your ability to uchuvn uuocohh ity lmlpliitf otht trii to uolvo thalr porplaxluif proulamu your bruin iiatu oxtmaltto in linw flalilu and rtiuminbttr thtu it lu far lxittur to hulp othoru to help thomhulvvij than tainoroly huxlut thorn out of a nrtanolul id itch ll nhowlntf thn way tliomi worthy of your hnlp will pronood to hnlp thnmunlvnu whuti buck ed up lu thlu maiimr 1 in thu pliroly uoolul nlda nf llfn wo nml thnt liolphitf otheru can bo mail proiltahln to all mutual holp lu umially tho hunlu of trtin frlnnduhlp und it u tlia uimoolollonu ht ttdd muoh to thu joy of llvlutr itrlandm uro ulwiiyu mudy to hnlp uuoh nthof to tho nxtoiit of thulr uhllltluu and it u ttupooutlly notlonahlo that uuoli puruouu uomirully tmooiuo no olouoly auuoolatnd bnuuuuo tjno uupplloh hnlp for tho frulutou of tliu other hut ununliluhnftiiu muut rulo uupromn in tho ulvlinr or unuino tiolp ahhoiiuh htmutltu niuy oom to uu throuich nrfnrliiu our unrvlonh wo uhonhl iqmo aliiht of uuoh rnwardu in tho untlhftiotlon of kuowlnif that worn hnlplne othora hut wluni tliny como uoodpt tliftiu and phhu thom on to othru who dumorvo hotpful uervloo ooolt hnlpnrh arn ulwayu buoi oimtul t ljon- jamln kuucittt tub sunday school lesson roil tiundav januauv 1k loiz itjiiaiilf cuaii i nu ol woumhltliiiii ih jo jt r fullh 1 toll f 4 umorlcl bttl i inn 10 it c lr ml tun laart comminu ni 20 i luuli had kulln ill to hrliiu thu pnlplititu ft i tin iriiihnlii of auhxruli to mount nml i hn kind hud nut tn dial audio from tho prophnti lljah t tuulutuoil of nilji vru 21- miil ahtth an jinflj h muni httvti bil uttruotnd to tha irnni mijuli did not nhifsn word i with thauo vuiiulutliitf tnoplf xhnlr ulhnro iiv tlm prtunnrn of 1 lljuh m d iiutiid ttnahh u uu to ilumuify thorn viuii 2s ritnrn may many who hnllnvud that julio thn turn clod but thoy wcr loo inwardly to di chiin jjhi munlvi u in thin uuiiitn tlm propbot wan nlonii vrumi 31 24 lhjuh a proiwual bud iinlhlnu in it that could hu ooiihtrutil oh i iklnir iiuporor advautaitm viruo 30 iti tlm vnrai u not prlutad in r v havo thn atpry of thn frmnchd c rfnrtu of hi i u iirophutu it una to t an niiiiwi r i ho lhiih ilonnanor of kujnli an in rnpalrnd thn hrnkou ultar contraatu utrpnuly with what thn ponpln had juut wltmuiand j ilu invitation to thn piwipln in draw nnur ahownd that hn had nnthlnir to hldn vontnu hn 37 lijijah not only r atorpd thn altar hut a i ho ohunrvnd thu rnuular limo for thn nvoiilnif orfnrlutr hn wau dnulrouu that thn pixiplu mluht hti coiivlncau that jxhovuh wnu ood in luranl mid aluo that ho hluutolf mlifht hn vludlcatml v ho 38 walnr had inmii pourad upon tho altar till thn trench around h wau itlln l with watnr 1 hn anuwnr wau tnrrlhln and ronvliiclntf to thn fulthlnuu ptopln vonw 30 with itwlftnnnu ohuraninr- intln of thn orlnntul tiny wurn rnady to dnnlaro for jnhovah and uiculiibt ilaal it wau wult for thom to rraiikljl avow tholr muot in jnhovah but it wau not to tholr ormllt that thny had to havn thlu mpanui manlfnatatlon of ulu pownr illutrud truth iltouo of uu who urn of tha common run mbtu our opportunity whon wn allow thn inau who lu bravo nnouali to land out uuulitnt popular unrlklilouu- iiohh to knup op ikiiiu ulotin au louif aw htuuu mum to bo in doubt vu 31 30 llluutratlou 1 hut unanlinouu ul- inuco on thn part of tio pnopli whbn iglljuh callnl on thnm to tuku u utund had tiunuuh iold wutnr in it to havn put out ux lira in tha hoart of tha laau nouruunouu man lhnlr niithuuhimtla uhoutluw aftnr it whu ull ovtr did not inukn up for it whon after tho world had aonlilmnd tho wright brothoru maatnru of thn air thorn wuu a mlshty dtiiiioiihtration in tholr homo town it miiut imi vary uratlfyli- to ninu who havn won outto bohunorod lu tha wnniumfllinlr utruuulnii uomn ona ro- markod y wnu tho rnply but in of thouo folku mluhnd tholr rhuuoo when it wau ull utruuklo und no mi- cnuraemncnt no iruttnr how tlotor- mlnad it man iw in hlu ciourun lia donw not roluh tliu thniivht that ivnopln aro wnttlntf hlmjlown um u cruvy crank topic far ttbmbiroh uhd dladuialon i idolatry challouund vu 3024 1 how lind ftunh itlvnii nvldonro of hla faith in jnhovuli 2iiow did ahab nimt thn ohullnnktrt 3 how would you nxplulu ahahu aliamplon- inic haul in pmfnrnnoa to jnhovuhy 4 what worn tho detail of iciijahu prohouil7 c wlutt ulro uomn of tho in e lil on t in coimnotlbil with thn at- tnnuiu of tho prophet of jhmlt ii tho altar hnpalrnl and iteutnr- iwl awlial um thn prohahllltlnu coikmrnlnu thn altar t 1 what wa lailjahu ohjaot in inviting tlm pooplo to ooino nuart 8 what wow iii objnet in pourluff wutnr on tho ultar t iu jnhovuh vlndlcatod 0 how doou idhjah maniinr eontrant with that nf tlm prlcutu of haalt 10 ior what two thliiieu did hn ukr dully rndlna for nat wk monday january id tho iroplmt triumphant 1 klnu ik 414b tunuday january 17tho vroplint dnupoiidnnt t ichm 10 1h wudnoailuy january 18 thn ivo- phet humtorod 1 khit 10 bia iliumday january lb dhwouraifnd in hnrvlon num 11 10lc krhluy juntiary 30 uwipprnclatod hnrvlon uxnk 3 37 hut unlay january 31 tfocurlty in hnrvlon aotu ib 111 hunilay jnnuary 33 qur inspira tion und our hnlp r 42 6u bevutuying 1tte railways 1tho butlan oartln nt milton ontario zth fourttnln in thn biktlon ourdnn tit meadnm n b s thn gutlnn ni offcn at wondatnok n d at thn pnuoiit tlmn nf tlm year whon tho iniow covuru thn u round opn dn- lilndly mluin a thn ututlon and nor ii on itnrdiina alouff thu cauudlaii pualflo itnllwuy with tholr profusion of uhruh- lin ry und flowiru it lu tho policy of tho canadian arlllo hallwuy id outnhlluh im nil ail nt tcardnuu und tlm c i it irioral commltton kivoh ovory ponalhln uualfl- tnnrn in rarrviiik on thlu work tlm tvirxyae 11cu1 ull uioioaao in thn umhor nf purtnntinnt uardnua laid out in uirrylnir out thlu work u kmat numhor of troou nhruhn und pn-nii- nlnl plil ii to urn unnd unntially hult- nbln truu uuoh nu mill olm maple ml poplarn nrn uupidlnd und tthruh- hory unci i nu hnnoy aurklo til to hnr- hnrry nplrna nldnr wolcolln ctr to- uothor with pnrnnnlnl plaritn nunli au wionlow dolphlulum unlllardln corenp- uwoct wllllum phlox plnku and otheni nrn uupplhul vlnow aro aluo uuppllnd to covor out liulldlnao and thorn lu no poluonouu inbtodlont in hollowayu com ltnmovnr and it can hn ubod without dmitfor or injury labor notes till no empty many poo pin want johu hut not uu many want work oormuuy lu huuy hniuiuuw alio wllllnif to work for loiui to ant mom i uro iiklllod at crnat- if doht but n dnht of iho politician inn nvory uort urnlltudo invnu dont full whlla thny uro uronn und prlcou don tsvbllo tho cou- uuuiir lu elo inuny pnoplo uro huuy holnu ini- oiiiployod that it lu cxtromaly bard to lit ury work dupn iho problem of uhemiiloymopt oould hn unlvod by purcbnulnif a unco ml- huud yara for ovnry follow out of u job 1 u none the wiser a half tlpny lirtluail uot into u klnif htrnot car und aat down bonldo u wiutt und uliimymau who lu known for hlu immnnulutunumu in drouu au tho cur lurched uluntr it would thrbw tlio inobrluto aiialnut thu mlulatt r from ttmu to tlmu to thu lattorn din nut at luut hn inoiiu pmfurrlntr u all up to thu aimoyamw cuuxod by hlu unlublair am tho oouductor ptmuod throilkb tho cur hn anki1 tatlmr tartly do you allow drunken tnmi in tlm ourr hum alt ilown aorr an ul thu man with thu faiu box who wait ull irluii- niuu in u atuko whlhimr an mittdyll ho jny thu wlanr i could hnrdly llv for anthmn wrltnu onn tnun who uftir ynuru of uiifforliik hn found uoniplolu rolluf throuli dr j j 1o1iokkm aatbma itnmnily now hu kiyowi how unndlohk- ly iibh bnan hlu nuttiirlnir thlu mmudy klvnm1iin hnlp to ull nflllntml with nntliinti liihulnd nu mnoko or vupor it brlnsu tho fiolp louv iiuodnd jflvnry jdeulor huct it or uin sot it for you from hi wliolawudr mlllor ii worm powdaru not only nkn thn lufnntllo uyutaid uutditnhlo for worniu hut by tholr uctlnu on thu utomuch liver nnd hownlu thny cor- riot uuoh trnuhloh uu inov of nppntlto hlllnuhiinuu and other intnrmtl dlaordora that thu wormu orouto chlhlrou tlirlvo ui on tlifim und no nuitlnr what not tlon tholr worinlnfuutud hiomtiohu may ho lu thny will uhow lmpmvumout noon nit thu tmatmont houluu fnunou kor thlu pnrpoun vlrhila rrnnpnru hnpn nnd juiiannnuo ivy urn roiuddorod ho iwuu tito flrut dlaplny of color lu nprlmt- tlmo hi ohtulnnd from tho plantlnif of tulip hullai in thn fall hut owlue to thulr uhort lllo and latior involved thu dlulrlhutlon lu llmod to larco utntmun nm tnrmluala kollowlntf thhi utuudard annual wood punkauou urn auppllnd on ruqunut to ull lliouu lutimutnd ihn varlnllnii urn upnolully anlnrtnd for tholr hardlnoau und with cotiuldnrutlon to tho dluplny thny will tflvn thouo clmnnn urn uuu- turtlunim marlifoldn mlcnnnelto hih- nla knchla alyiuiinn und otlu ru thouo not da ran i now ljllt01hll uililvnry jirifirt n miltu ipilrkly ohtnlnni 1 or fori n u i dlaplayu and formal flow er hodu a hirno quantity or boddlnu pluiilu nro nnnunlly auppllod und thlu hat cointirlucn cuiinau fforanluma roam on ulnnla uutnrti vnrttnnnh po- tunlnu nlyumim nod lolmllu tho lattur two vurlotllu ho nir mainly uaod for bordrnt onuliinlly hownvtr thlu rlann or plants lu holnir roplarod hy nnrniinlal atork whlrh roituiron inna manual work and conioa up from your to year llvlnu tbroiibh tho uovoreut wintoru in tho itkn llopnrlor rountry punulou alnna nrn uund 1 hlu plant lu n vnry hardy hlnnnlat und haw bonn fount to tlirlvo wult in that part or thn country it lu plontiliiif to rnmimlkir that tlila work lu to hn dlrortty crmloi to hn numitu und othnr niplnynn for it lu rurrlud out ntnutly in tlmlr own tlmn und throiiuh futhuhlnnm in imuullfylnu tholr own llvlnu ipinrloru tho c 1 it rncounlli4mi tholr fort hy pmuontluu 1 rlxnu on narh dlvlulnil umordlnu to inorlu tiiiimi um keenly cnntnulod for and in tin ir dlutrlhutlou dim ronuldora- llon la tnkon or individual flffort and ihn rnnulln achlovod then from onn irnportuut mnanurn in to lm- pro ua yo mlltlon inwn u n if tin n ktti o u u on and liolntu whom nmptoymii nuthor and acrnrdlnuly mnko tholr uurroundlnuu plnannnt nnd attractive under tho inildaum of a commltton which inrludou fully ipinllued fomut- nru nnd hortlnilturlutu plana un caro- fully laid und tho- work rnrrlnd out lindnr ttinlr direction thlu commltton in ronutantly in tnurli with other hor ticultural o porta inrhnllnir a jrl cul tural colloiroo and horticultural uoclo- tlnu no that no utnno in ion unturnod to konp thn work up in a modern slumlord hens that hatch fish krnluff pocket monoy by millllitf empty ona uhollu lu bow many chlnouo lioyn add to tholr uavlnuu during tlio llahhatnhlnu atiaaon luh hutching lu china lu ofton con ducted with tho aid of a lion klrut tho llub upuwn in oolloctod from tho or a uunntlty lu plncod in oach oklf aholl thn npon nil of which in sonloil with u uiwtotal kind of wn tldu doni tho uro placed undor hlttlua imnu aftor tlio third or rourtb day oach nau lu touted if tho hatching la rom- pleto tho iihnlla nro broken uiul tho upuwn la omptlod into wotor and placed in tho nunu iiowerful rayu bonn tho llttto luh uro utroiia on- ouicb to ho moved thalr next homo lu in watnr ti fw dournnu ooldnr and hlu lownrlnir of tninpruturo koou on mill thny win nliind cold wator of thn lakoh und utrnumu ihn chlnnuo hoy by holllug empty erf uhollu ouriim innro monny durlnif thn batchliik uonoon than ut uny othnr tlmo of tho year wormu foo upon tho vitality of ihlldrtu und nndanucr tholr liven a ilmpln nnd nffootlvn romody la mother aruvon worm ldxtormlnalor a disciplinarian would you unnd yoiit loy to a uchnol wlieiti thny permitting basing i would rupllnd kannor corntau- jouh lu that bumplloiia un uoir- wllloil i think mohbo tlm hmdn ud bo tho input important part of liln odu- tlon j a cormotor of pulmonary traubu many tnutlmnnlulh could 1m prnaunt- mt hliowlnu the lmat otllrooy of dr lhomuu icclnctrlo oil lu curing dltf- ordiiu of tho rnuplratory prooommu but tho beat tontlnionlal lu oxtuirlnnb nnd tho oil in rooommnndod to nllwho miffir from thouo dlaordorn with thn crialiity thut tlmy will llmi mluf it will allay inllammntloii lu tha bron chial tubnu coughs colds and 1 bronchitis etciiteticctrto dmuj by bocltleyi brondutii mulwe t4io pait rejiiejy the world iinfl bvcrlimwii cm irm uiwy bml cwranhtn 4lo nfw nr ib iwui by all dnmua o by null tram w kknlw lyuihlui w t ta sold in acton by a- t kuown dont throw your old carpet away thny mk nw tlnvnmlbln vivuh rug bnml for vnlvntnu polder 3 canada irug company london ont albert d savage itccliurcd optqmelrl nnd manuraciurirto opudan savage optical building itiulit ttt tlm post olfic ounlph wo operate tho only ilcna sur face grinding machinery in thin district a pair citv tbnno who aro unnd to tlm roar of tralllc- in u big city would bo very agreeably mirprlnnd if ono morning ull n aluo conned nnd oven tlio imavliutt ionion glided nlwmt an eluntly um ghoulu to tha fairy mimic nf an unn thaotra vol that lu thnr impmuulon ono ro- iven on vlnltlngchrlututio thn capi tal of norway lu the winter whon ull tho utrnotu uro covered with mmw n alt homodrawn vohlcloo which arn lu thn majority arn almlgnu anil mako uhuolutoly no uolun dfl thny drlvn along ijy lav thornforo tho hor havo to wour bollu to give wurnlng of thnlr upprtiuch thoan pulling tho largo alodin of commerce wour only on big cowboll whereas thane pull ing pnanauger tilndgeu uiunlly wear a ulrlng or two of umall litllu tho motorcar mako practically no nolan at ull and ovnn tha rumblo of tho tramcaro 1h conuldnralily leaunmxl by tho anil nd deadening unnw on tho othnr hand their deep toiiftd gong blend ptouuuntly wltlvtho lilghor note of thn bunion imllu in tho ovonlng thn white hghtu of otora and huhlgyu und thn colored nnnu of trnmcaru ithlulug uwin und ra tioned by tho wmtn ulreatu with tnnluhlng brllllanm lu tlio clear froaty air moving nwlftly and silently nuvo tor thn accompaniment of hundmdh of dlffnnmttoiiod ivellu and gong iivko u uceno which u ilu prottlnnau icm to romo direct from fulrylaml t get your comfortable old shoes made good hhitf w n as new 1 kimliim ww uu thu tut inuthnr ami havn all thu inlml upplluiicnn to turn out a flrnt oiuiih jul 1 ibllkwcvh tlfotlon giurntud hssbb wn mvinrtniihk a flml iaa lino of lm nu and boy uhot u ut vnry rxaunuuhln iirlcou mill st acton t e gibbons air vents made to order deucedlv clever a young isiigllwhmnn wuu walking up and down thn platform of a country railroad juurtlnn trying to uou u car that bad u vaoawl neat ho didnt nnd it and uhuumlng un otrtolnl air hu walked up to thu laut car null unuouno- od in httntorlon tonuu all out horn i i hlu nir unt going thorn wrn ixclamatlonn low und dnop from tlm oluuiiniu of thn cur hut tlfey ull pll- d out uml madn their wjiy to cum allium 1 ho umlln on tha young mniiu fnuo inciiiumid um ho took pohmouhioii of a wilt and up propria tint unother for hlu i uk u ago ab hn murinurud jtm a gratid thing to bo born clnvurl now i wlh tlioy d uturt hy and by tho ntntlun mautnr put hlu bend lu thn donrt arn you thu umart young man win unhl tliu cur wiinn t golngt yoh wild tho olovoi odd nmllliigi woll vnld tho at at ion ma tor with a grlu aluo it lant thn brukn heard what you wai nnd ho uncoupled it ho thought you weru a director lloutbn dlobe dinna compromise 1 wo tlnoolmion woro out tluhlng and gavo oonuldorubly nioronttoiitloti 10 thn rontnntli of l duck imltlo than to tholr llni ii tlio nuttt dropmm ovr- hourd und thny drifted out a con- illijorabln dlataiuo bafortt thny iiimcov- ornl tlm font aft r frimllfi offortw to attract ut- tnulloii handy hngiin in pray fluid lord if yell only nuvo uu woll no tak jiiiltlui- itiiud on family uald jonk dln- omirohilito yoiunl iaiim in ulght science reveals itlwt foocts that abound in i tho vitamins best promote i healthful growth i scottsemulsion i man aid to growth jjih i and strength should imfc i i havo b place in tlie nil i s air most children jjjil 9 i i as an aid to growth and strength should havo a place in ute diet of most children sentt tnnoort also akkrsol i kim0id5 tsbtets or ormmdm ehs indigestion save on your fuel bill lyburriiii5 anthracite boulets same llcnt unltii tier ton an nut or stove coal price per ton off the car 1300 from shed 1350 1 j b mackenzie actonyiumcieorgerrown judging intlumtlcd with tho prlout had prenolinit a roth or iinarchlng i ermonon thn judgment day iut onn or hlu puulahlniinni mooting him throiu h tho wcok mferrnd to it an 1 allowed clearly the vivid impreuu- lon it hud made wil thn anlhcatlr unthodlhtil und prouhytnrlunu bo thorn your rivnrinoo nu well uu thn cathollca ho nuked you tab thoy ii ull lis there wan ihn reply will thn llaptlulu anil tho chrla- tluu fnluntlutu und liuytbin lie all tlmro too a you uald hlu mvnreijfeotxwoll all lo thoro tat and tlm hnlu ivinem and tho or angemen hurol theyll all ho there llndiid nays im t tkln vain nrn and thn orangemii aro there thnm ii imi dauhad llttln juduhi thu flrut day j much wood uqed in sport alwnit twenty five million foot of wood of 32 klnibi uro rmmumoil yearly hi thlu country by nuimifuoturoru of iipplluuctu and appomtuu for gumnu and ortu wiym tho atncrloiiii rorut- ry magaxlnn of wuulillikton knvnnil iiidlliitrlt u renulnt nittrh loom wooil than thlu nun and pmduco urtloleu which lu thn a wurua to h1i for mora nonn but not ono of ull of tin m with thij pnnulhln excel tlon of toyu utyonlu uu much iimoyinunt in nne dlwrtlou thlu ludiihtry uurpauiinu toyu uu u midnrr or hapiiltumi for toyu lomirii children ulmoul exnluulvoly u hilt tltl i oui4 niu ol 1 yoiiuic and mlddln aud in tlm ittinin wuy ouinou mo rm thn idorly au wnlluii for tho youthful three in bc0tlandt a tli othinuu urrlviul in loudon no hn hrlutnd that hn wau umniteil i fill into bad lomiinuy bih uald i xi lining lilniwi if lu thn poll nu oourt what bad company f unit d tho maglutrotn 1 cunio down from rdlnblnili hint ulghi thu hint niilm with a hot- tin of wblakiy and tiiro tonto till lor ho i hud to drink it till mynoir iittuburg chronfetd i 1 mm tin lalvunuod iron or otlu r ulioot mntul wn aluo build to ordnr ukyllghta roof gutturu eornloou i tun or do i j i uu rtgliro on your work wo can tivo you uutinfjotnry n uiiltu uml porliap uavu you uonm itnioy ihonic ulta1 80 w f mooney acton ont estaftushkd- b7a business baromotoru seem to indicate that tlio period of easy money und iiiih prices is nonrinc an end a dollar ssved now in tlio form of savings bank deposit will bo worth much mora in tho jiext couple of years tiftcr tlio reaction has sot in bank of hamilton georgetown miancii g c mackay manairer goxes garage makes a specialty of storing batteries for winter and keeping them up to test storage for motor cars either for the winter or during use oxyaccetylene welding or motor parts or any oilier maclgncry oils greases gasoline cleaning and polishing fluids accessories of all kinds anything you want in stock or avallahle supplied with satisfactory promptitude h k king manager ii a coxe proprietor children cry for fletchers castor i a xle tenets cuutorja is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a baby medlcliia la even moro essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are net interchangeable it was the need of a remedy for the comtntm ailments of infants and children that brdujjht castorla before the public lur years of research and no claim lutu been made for it that its use for over 30 yeuru has not proven railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway tlyatam going whi no so hi sam no 31 lgam no 33 3 20pm wo 3s r 00 u m t nu i lay qolnu lkt ni voiiul 11 lhun 3 3 p n 17pti h hh p h 1 cu p r 0 17 u m 1 33 p m s 00 p tu 1 1 02 u in n 3fj p m d t p in uuhurtitii cloctrlo railway coliiu want dully oxii t f luilduy dally i vrnpt miniduy liitlly vrri lhind hun lay nly hunilay only lliuiday only qolnu eat dully txript tlunday dally rxicpl hnnduy dully um 1 1 llunday miuiilny only htni lay only tlunlluy only 7hn m j 03 p m 0 ik p m a mi u m r 111 t in r c p m lruln no 3 which lift i iron to h utr noon on flnlurdayii dining tho h avtu ut l 4s might dellverial by upcii lai ouproau frniglit lynluht pirkoil up at un ad drnau in toronto a ut aqn10w auont aruin l l mullin turnip lluycr aclon onl wlll uturt again tha turnip buul- tiniiu which ho wau onguged in tut uovorul yeerti au anon nu tho early turn i pa urn rnady or uhlpmnnt hn will hn glad to meet the furmeru of thlu uaotlon fsfpivva ng g ttjftichuonn r wrvr itouonto canaxu chevrolet agency mr ii tl wiluon hau uenurad tha ugonry for acton for chnvrolnt motor cara dnmnnatratlonu ar ranged call und boo tho now modulu now ear u ulwuya on hand h s wilson bower ave acton ont niqnu ro certainly theres n diltcrence in business colleges what is castqria cantor a in a harmleca eubstltnte for castor oil paregoric drop and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago j lu rjtmnuitoo xor more than thirty yeara it baa boon in comitnnt iieo for the relief of constlpatloa flatulency wind colic und diarrhoea allaying ieverlshnesa arlslnj tlicrofrom and by royulaunc the stomacli and bowtils olds i tlio fimilmllntlnn of xoodj nivlnp healthy and natural aleep- tlio chlldteus comfort the mothers htlena genuine c astoria always bears the signature of afik tina llunhiena man tliu eltuilnutu lu training thn young imoplo in paultloiuf aliout guelph business college harakf dldg quelph out winter term from january 3rd qtudnnu nr now nnrolllno think quickly aevor you may b to lata a l uoljck prlnalpul ruonia not w she acton bakery phone no 11 fresli bread and buns rolls pics and cikcs ordcru will bo delivered at all jn use for over 30 years m cbhvauh couranv nm vonm city dortighnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes hy ute pound or any size our i own mnko wuoii delivers every day wilt call on you or phono no 77 and wanton will cull m edward co acton ontafllo btora oloaad cvory nialit cuovpt pvl- uny nnd haturday at 6j3o free press ad bring results castoftia fot infanta and children in use forov4r 30 years alwajm tienrt snatntv of y

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