Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1922, p. 5

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bfyr ivrimt 3trrr irrtf 1 iih lay tolmuv 10 1i2j the r lllow who can whiotlc ihn fdlnw wild tall wllhillo win ii world in llir wrnuif lu ihn fi llow win will mulct- inoiii or iif nn uuiltii whut nniy huppi u yu will llml lilin hrnvo mill utionu ifnii thu ft i lu w who will roikiuuc lu in- uti if lilt full hv willi hill wllllltln wlldll thl wlhiin world in inn id n own in tliu kind of mini to utmid h hnttlno brunt i lino lt hi propor mottle uiul you miiiinl la iiliu down ivi- linn dm iiiirl tliutu tiidud ut willi u nolo to viiiiiiululi uvory pi ml uliil i urn fi i noiil hi fill 1 wltli iuiml upil no mil iihudowu lurk in hlu iiillvu llml n to fouler rill dnulr 1 ho folhw willi lutln ho hi hunt follow mini iiiiiii fm in ui linli in imy or mail ho iu whlulli w lu unhm wroiur twenty ycaro ago trom th uau of thu lr pr thumduy january 23 1002 mr jnlii ii muckondo huu received thn ontruct fur ihn now lirlcu hnuun lo tui on diil hy mr jumnu monrw hlti fun ii nliovn crnwuouu co morn at u itiflotliiu- of knox church yonhif inopjflu ihvoluty lu ho tuihl thlu wnu clio chuuiio of tiumu from chriutluii hudoiivot to w iitmlnldlnr oultd wlfl lt uoiioij 1 tin llourd of uromia cammhuiton- iu for miiltmi for 1003 ura iho uiini uu luut your vlx w 1 w l labor llurlhiutoii henry ltobluunii omuidi uiul abtf wuhllo acton ho inruoly in thn octrla llihtlnu myutnm ho inn lmtrorlxoil thut klaalrl- aluii will it a ami thn pawor hoijuo pbilit uro tuod ulrpoiit to thn ulmout to uupply ttf d mound at tho chrluttnuu ixatnhn1 onu at gonruotowii ii lift i fhhoir myru wulwiti or artnn ulond tlrnt in korti 111 wltli hlu hunt murku uiul haiiuiij 111km li nil mcquton wuu fourth aid ifowurd omni fifth in ttio uarim tin- tub sunday school lks0h r6l uunday januauv 22 utiahn i iiiini anii inrintn 1 icinuil lit 0 1h rinlili n lxt i wulu 1 iiutinitly for jilimsuli uiul lin hit lhid uiifii ii uiul in uril tin i r vu 4 1 hltorlcuf ultlny ana u c vhi llllllll l comtmmt- v rim ui ti- inirunr purl or tlm duiit r rnordu thn llijjht of i ho po- liint from tha uiifiir of jiohol mid tha liiiioiitli iili thut ind him lo pray thut mluht ilio artr huvinu imoii ru fiwlia wlutxooii uuiliirliillwhlclt hu n mlruciiloniili pro villi il ho forty ilahj journny to iho uiutrt of hi wlllo not u 1 iliii thu ntti vcti lf ill j ho proof wuu of floil fun uh i ut i in mlruliitihl in i fur villi 10 iix nlnutlon i whtu mitliol conk inft u wnnk uuo for krle l wlinni utio hitmulu tuklnir a nxirwi in trulnlntf uu u niiruo wulknr lauiuu a i u a m niivo inulallnil thu fo low imr ullciirh far thu uurmnl yoar i v m w lira w i pylolt w m w ilro a j molclnnon h tf ilra it llrawn j w ilro i m ilmidoriinii chaulaln lira lv ii a uiiophbi- trmhiirnr lint john kimimy jr hfirmlury urn j ii wullaoo if ii ilro w cwnr j 11 ilro ktolmirt htiuw i of o lira john hhaw i d ilro j il koimmly o g ilro j iconiiny hr ukiworilu ilro frank mcintoi anil ur alnv mucdntiuhl a road to peace kitty noluoii huu utntipail utmiaklnif to tna hatty rotiorud to imr- mothnr lu o ttniiiiiint of ronllilimca bho foil out nltftut woniothlme wlilnh uho roftmaji to iplulii i m unru im lint to hlumo if our uikjuiiliituimo mid frioiulnhlp lirnak mil oh but you nr1 her motlior olttlmml tlimi uh ulin tut llnttyk in- orntluloiiw hturfl aoiillnuoil wiuitliar kitty mihiukx to you ur not dootmt tutrtlculurty mattor you uru nat rn- poiimtbln tar thut iwirliutim thn hlif qutmtlon ik do yon ummk to imrt you lnut lnt rurriful in mich n ultimtloit to umkik to imr mora iiuiuuaully cordial ly amt roquturly tliim unllimrlly for thn ruin in thut you must llvo imiuco- ably with tivrylkttly not thut tliuy hiuut uvo no wittryoii wmi uuht itntty coimolouuly i did tint huoak tlilu morn inn hiio ro- fuaud ynttciriliy w of countn i nuunutl ir without u word it wan havd but llotty privately ilnrultml to try to curry out her mothori ml vino uiul whmi hu in um and kitty mat tha bitter nuiuilnif wltli u oonl mtar mho noimntl ami umlld uu iilnum- antly uw hhn wuu uhhv ami wuu r- wurdnl willi hour i if u moment lutpr hor humir cutlet u wan kitty look- in back uutly huw hnr vtiturntiiif ntul in n few mlhlitom tbu whol troublo wuu aluaratl ut lrovlnif to imi um mlht hnva lnfln xtanltitl nothhuf of import ance it would lirttk up tuuny a fund uiul coolniwm iff ulrtx would rmtmtmr thin working ufo rulo lu uh fur uu you youralf aro ooncorinml uv ihiuaoubly with overy mull no muttur how lutoprootwi tlm oaru may ik it muut ylold to itnllowuym corn itomuviir if iimui uu dirualod univehbitv qpihit vhortyu no liu hot untc on u mil- votnlty team unlvoralty imyu ulwuyu liluy to win uiilil ii uiohi or iomh pro- femloniil miortumun uproiuiu of thu ruuby iiumoh pluyud ut tlio unlvumlty of tprouto utuillum thin muti him uti innluht into tlw uplrlt whloli 1h pro ducfld by unlvurulty uthlotlcu ulil- vrlty boy ii ptuy hunt urn tflud to win ur good lomra- if thoy lomit uiul tboy do not rmorl to uhuiiy tricku they urn trulnud to ho utiovn thut uort of dilute not thn wlnulm of tho rutnti prltniirlly hut tfood cuum nort u thftlr objootlvn and what n vulu- ubln nhot thut uplrlt lu to an indi vidual tint poopln of onturlo ur proud of tlmilr provlnclul iinlvarhlty of km xoilhint tnuolilntt of im muo- ikhh in roiourch of uu wldeiuprud nxtntihlnn mirvlco uud thoy dn lint fnrut thut ut thut uiilvjirnlty ycnmif innn uiul wonuiu urn balnif truluod to iwt ikimum of tho hlifhuht ordiir mi- nuhiilolmui uml iihovn huupiuioii honont uud uprluht nixl that tint trulnlnu hi mporlu iiiul kiinml uthlotlnu lu hiilpliitf to prodiioo thut typw of illun housig plants like a change it lu u inlutitkn to ullnw a doooru- tlvo philit lu tho linuim to lomutlihi onn potiltlnu for u viry loiitf tlmo au it muttr of fart nluiitu niipmoluttt a oliuuf hiirrounilliiuk iilmout m iiiuoh uu bun win ihilnun iihh it will im found unit ipwilnuii whlh tuuy tin lumulli- inir in nuo room plakii up umulnuly uu biihur mmovtid td unott c- rtkom uud thlu tunnot iilwuyu hn uttilbutnd to nnythlnw vury dumilto in rnct tho imw hlttiiitiou imiy ihi hunlly ho fuvor- ublw um tho old in uoiiiii wuyu tlu valua of nhuiik to plunlu it rwnu d tu muiiy bnlolu whom it in u mil lur prunth t huvo u kind of u wuu m i tmnt of oil thn mim dlmmim utuiut oiilii ft wnk wvtiryduy m luliun mlllfiru worm inwiloni um thn iihmi- irilbu for ihlldroii who uro found mif- fnrluif from thn rtivnnm of wormm thoy liiiiiuullittuly ultnr thn ulomnohlu coudltlmiri liudfr which tho wornm uub- hint htld ilrlvn tluilii tram llm wynlm uiul ut thn uuinn time tiny urti lonlcul in thtilr nrttuil iipouii iiikmiiv or- ku rontprlnb oinm to hnulthful opnr- utlon und nnnurlmf immunity from fur ther dlftorderu frotn uuoli a aausu t niiuwnr iho nmrtuulty to lull hlu irnuhhm iio wuu uiunirn when ho iiroihiiimd hlmuulf to ho llm only onn loft it in nriictleully hu ll lo for uu to dwill ouoiir tniiihlnu unit muiiilfylnjc thnin fmo ii llljuh rulud orth out of tho luvt lllundliiy thirn hn iiuw il 1 1 mi rd iho llulitilnif unit thn wind uiul fi it thn fiirthnufikn hut find v not iipoukliiix to hhn ip nny of thou vutbo 1 j after thlu uod iipokn hhn lu noinii qii in i wuy thut lu i okphiltimt to uli vorwo 13 ulljuh cnvnroil hlu furo in tho iirdiiiiio4 of jnhovuh iho iui ui utlon utlll iiiinnuwnrnd lu put to him whut wu iho prii of luruol irinluu in ri uwuy from thu luxipla who muuloil 1i1ui f voruo h callliuf ono to tlmo for nmluuutiuu lu nfton u uiicuul for u 1 1 tltiou of all of thn uwid llilnuu hu imu virno ib thu llrut unuwor ulvon to tho ddmm udo nt prophrt wnu tho lufor- nmtlou that ihnro wnu o luuk hidnod uoverul of thorn wultinu for hhn viruo 1r wbllo for union remtoti 1 hi jail wuu not iiermlttml to anoint jdili thlu wuu donn hy uluhu klljuhw uuri nuilar horn wuu auuuraurn hnw- tivur thut thn rnlu of thn wlckod ahull roiihl not uo on fornvcr vnriio 17 thn punpla who hud hid liuuol into idolatry wiri to hn tiunluli- nd from without uud front within vnruo 1r ichjiih hud mnraly miulo n mlurount of 8 dqd whnu ho uuhl hn wuu thn only oun ivft who wuu fuuhful to jnhnvah lllutrtd truth oflon ull that thn uhiraro poruon iimulu whon ho lu tint llvlmr up to hlu immuilhlllthiu lu to hn ludiirntl to look ouniljdly ut hlmunlf v 13 llluutrutlon a punt uuld to huvo tuwti udoptod hirinrtutrihroiirtu thut of upplylntr pholfikruphy to thu okumlnutlou of brld if m uml tunuolu thu miurihhiif oyo of lliuicaiimra pluyu no fuvorltcu it lulthor tlutlnru nor dflpmclutoh hut thn part thut in out of plumb in thn louut will mvnu ltunlf tlmuo hi churitn uood only to tukn u uood look ut thu plnturihi to know what thnlr rnurua uhaiild luj uany u iwrmih who lu not ronurhniu that hn hi lu tho wrong ptucj or thut hn lu not till hnr hlu plucu riuhtly unodu ulmply to tako a look ut hlmunlf to thn pnruon with ho mint lutcntlnnu unlf- oxamliiutlon lu morn off cell vo than ro ll roof v teniae tar rauroh umj diboubuiom r a dcupomlnut ihiro vu d 10 1 what wnro unmn of tho thliifc thut ind to klljhhs illkht and dnu- liondouoyt 2 whut proof wan iflvim him in tho wlhluniouu that god cured for him 3 why did jahovnh qlnu- tlnn iclljah nu hn did 4 to what iiktaut wuu iciijahu unuwnr rhlhtt johovuh uud elijah vu 1114 c what lu your ldoa about what ltiijnh uuw and hoard 0 how do you nxplutn thn utlll iimall vnlou did niljuh unuwnr tho quoutlon i a forward inok vu 1g1h s whut worn uomn of tho commln- for tho prophntt 0 what liud iurul to do with thn kltuf of ilyrlu 10 whut wuu to 1m thu futo of ahahh folioworflt 11 what ancouraiftna fart wnu hroiirut to hlu itnflcnt dully lldlng for nut wu momluy juiuuiry 33 i covotouunnim hrhikm murdnr 1 kluuu 31 c14 1 ueuduy jfunuury 34 covftmiunoau iirhiku judkinmit 1 kluuu 31 17901 wiulniuulny january 25 covotouu- tiuhu iteuorllmd anion r 4 10 thuruduy junuury an an laaample of covotouuuouu joyh 7 k33 kililuy january 37 cnvntntiunuu luulnhml 3 klnuu ti 3037 ftuturday junuury 3s covetouiu ilnuuuuood i tim fl 111 hunduy january 3d tho joy of dnllvorunon lu 41 15 the diffficulyyop taking leave ll why jilmi you i u iinyway vi uot all ur four houm loolti hlu would pr tty uluti r r tty in ulliimit fm ii iiioiiuuit 1 imu thu louunir fur uiinputliy tol tliu huttur of him i did i ot tiilknd out hn owiud hut i roulilu t umin to think how to lit uwuy lluit wu liu troublo with nu lul owiiod with a tluuh i filt llko u fool luiauun 1 didnt know how lo uuy uondby uml lii hoiiu i boniil myuidf uml i bond illluil and i m not unluu rulllnu ktiuln in ii hurry r n i ifnpln hu in u n tid to thorn liuliirul profonrt thnjr nlfntlvo nnlry hold tludr llm yn pilllf up lint tin problniu nf tuklu without iiwkwurdncjuu lu inr ivpojiih who llml thlu uld dnhlo uk n ii nilvi ln got what he needed you uro worklnif too hard uuld u imllonniau to jt man who wuu drlll- liif u holn in ii ufifo tit z oclock in the tnomlnif what do you moun uukod thn burnlur in u dlucounorted toim i tnouu you unod ulrrout auhwnrod tho imiloiiuau household mdlolnu thoy that arqualhtad with thn uterliiiu pro portion of fir thomau isoluotrla ou lu thn tnuitmtmt of many ullniiintm would hot hn without it in thn honuo it lu truly a hounoliold mniliclno uud nu it lu offtmitlvn lu dnallnu with many ordln- rntuiilalntu it h an inokpnnulvo mudlclno bo kunp it at hntul4iu tho rail for it tuny noma not lmnxiwfotod- ly appreciation thn mayor of u onrtulu town hud loan uukoi to umulnt in tint annual trn- ttrtatutunnt nlvou ut cluliitmiih to tlu luunutnu of tho loral work hound ha rouuontod with uront ooiupaluunj and wont uml tiiiulo up uu ruthir chrlat- iiiuh for ii limn hlu niitlru uml pranku wnro tho dnllifht or tho compuuyj a dumper on hlu oujaymmit wuu 1 nwnvor ovontually hiouuht forward ly u cinp of nnnvoruittlon hu ahiiuacit lo ovnrhnar lunt hn onjoyhnc hlmuolf r romark- oil onn old luuu to aiiothni what u treat it lu for tho llkh of lilm itut why r u nt thoy lot ull thu loonlou out oh u nluht llko thlu wnll rupllnd thn othor muhbn tlu u i nt nil no hurmluu uu thlnl au u vormloldo uti niioollnn propjiru- llnn lu mothir omvnit woim idkor- mliimloi it huu uuvtd thu uvuu of oitutlt uu oblldruii quite dipperent iittlo jnhit huil lutuu jiont to thn hnuhoiimo to itut uoino ofrum to put lu ihn chrlhltruiu raku uud on hlu wuy buck tm droimnd thu buukut contahi- llltf thou i how muuy did you hmuk uukod hlu mothnr oh i didnt bmak imy hn ropllnd hut thu mhulu uilnii irf miiiiu of thu flaully rallubu aathm hmdy all uurtururu from nhronhi atitlm hhnuhl try dr 1 d knllritiem authinu utuuuiiy no tuuttor liow many uthoru huvn fullml to ulvn rtdlof jit lu n oom- liiou thliut fm ir j 1 knllokk to mioonikl whim olhnru full jzl tnnlt- flml by tuuny thoiiiuimlii who huvo found thlu liut for tlmmiuilvoh why toiillnuo to i inturo duyu uml nlichtu lit uiinpoakiihlu iikony wlmn u rumndy of uuoli hlkit htundliihj huu not yot hjmn rrtoat rail ounui thlu doiu not mi mi thut you id liitinupt yoiiiuilf lu thn mlddln ulory nor interrupt unyonn olt do unilhlinr uhriipt hut if yuu ilrcldo thut half puul ulnn lu thu hour you want to huvn limn hmvu ut half punt ninn or vi ry rlauo to it do not 111 y f think i hud bnttir im unlutf ami thnn lanp iituylnir ropnutluu thn p lira no hut not putting tho wnrju into nrtinu lliimn yoimii paoplo uftnr rlu- iiik to no knap on talklnu on ovary imuuhiuhln mill j net but tho ouuli nt wny to avoid that lu lo uturt up tnakn your faiiwnllu ipilokly iind pauu out iho liilmlluhlu flam vnllnr onrn uuld of u ulinrt inltor that thn rtclpunl would wluli thtiro wan morn of it ami that lu thn rut urt nf lottnr hrlthju and nfton thu uorrnt of unalul illcriuu a new atlantic liner eulrn1ly or intarnully it in good whan uppllihl oxtnriiully hy brink inhhlnif ir thomun lucloctrlo oil oimiui tlm porcu and pnuntrutou thn tuiuun touching tho uut of the trouhlu uml immoillatnly uffordliiff rollof admhi- lutirnd intonially it will utlll tho irri tation lu thn throat with i ud u con couuliliik uud will ralluvu iirfnotlouu of thu hrouolilul iuihiu uud ruplrutory orumi try it and w convinced iri madamg qtockino iii hlu tiaw hook mayfalr anil xloutinurtro mr llulph nnvill won of tho luto dorothy nnvill onn of tho umut virloilaiiu tnllu u kooil ulory of a 1arlu rflutniiraiit bo luxurious wuu thn pturo thut thorn woro uotu of ullvor- ullt und avon uolld mild pluto for tho iiiiofifwoauhy when nnn of tlmuo dllioru aftof u dliinor for two hnrvod ou uoldnu plitto uuknd for tlm hill ho wuu ratlior stutt- kurod to find that tho total wuu c 000 fiumu two thou timid frunru uu ho told thn inultro d hotnl ho could umlnr- uluint hut how did ho oxpluln tha 3 000 fruueo utfalnut whloli tharo wuh rnthlnu hut an unilnciphnrubla ucruwlt that m in com in uuld tbet man boiullnir down uud upauklntf in a low voljn lu for thn upaan and fork whloli ir ad umn imu not in her utockltnf tho bill wnu pild rvitamines arc an cscential actor in promoting healthful growth scotts emulsion is far richer in ibo fat soluble a vitamino than cream it qdi growth buuils health t at aix druo storm nice wxio uui atuu tutt bv o ajlbo makers of rhmdids tawuts or orammtes s2 indigestion i 3l10k happy new year now in stock at c c speights llecordfl large stock silverware ilrllal wronth old colony ailnm hlifirlilim gromvonor lnttomu tablowar toola for father skatcu for the boy or tho girl hockey sucph and iucka klc etc c c speight mill street acton save on your fuel bill by burning anthracite boulets same heat uitltu per ton an nut or stove coal price per ton oft the car 1300 from shed 1350 j b mackenzie actonyumlflgeokgetown t e gibbons get your comfortable old shoes made good as new vn lt llii ut ultmr uii huvo ull tliu uti t uilluiiru to lurti tint a tltut luuu juti gtlrrtiotl ouruntm1 vi lluvn 111 utlmu iltimiclllmu unit uf mi ii m unit imy u uiiimim ut vnry ruahouulilu irlnu mill st acton tli c p 0 l llnor montr tho twin i crow uuairtth mnutclurc built fnr tho cmuidhin 1unlflc to run in thplr cahlu ii rvlro tuitwooii llv r pool und caiinda wuu truihiof fluy- launrhod r1n ntly from tho yard of thn hulhloiu ailiihiu jdin llrowu co itd at clydnbank thn monti lurn it thn lant of throo viuunhi whlrh huvn bum built for tho alliintlo llorvin uml in u iiiutor uhlp to thn montrulm ilia othor uhlji 0 tlt thrno llm montrnan built ut tho kulrflnld flhlphulldiiiu- and icnirin- irtiitf cou yard dnvau hi oxpactad to iruvo for 11 vor pool noon thn montclurii llko hnr ulutor uhlpn hi built to tjoyd u hlbhont huiuf mid mojtii all ihn iiulrotnuiu of thn haunt of trndn nn a psmonuicr hlp dor principal unrtlauluru ura uu fol- iowa- ioiieth on wutcrlinn c03 font i roadth mnulilid 70 foot dapth lo c nholtnr dark 41 f 1 1 1 3 inrlinjt dnpth to boat dock ah foot uroun tnnnaco about iii 300 tnnu tim vnunnl lu of thn llholoor dock typo with thn llrlduit dork oxtonfllnv ahnaut tho full inmitli and tono oron- tlnnu uhovo hho huu a rruhioriitnrii two mnutu and two funnola tlvlnit i whn eomplnt ttnont impoulmr mipournnn iwoivn watordrht bulk- houdu ox timeline to c dink dlvlilo tha uhlp ulo thlrtion watnrtlkht roni- partmnntu thn oullular dnubla bot tom in which lu utorod nil fun ro- uorva food wntnr freiih watnr and water hullatil uiftimda fnu and aft thn co in plot n lonuth uf tho uhlp mid lu ciirrloii wall up tho lillffon uivhm aildlilonul protoctlon whllo tho mn- rhlnory upiicou urn furthur uhlnldnd by lonifltuillmil tiiilkluudu and lnmii nklnn i rouhwulor tunltn urn aliio built ulouruldo thn uhuft iuiiiioim hpaoloiui iircoinuiodatlnn for t42 ihln patuitnicnra in provldml ainldulilika t 11 ami c donltu thn ulutorooniu bolnir arraiijrod for two unit four pfiua- miitoru and fiirtilhhed in it mnnt oom- forlahln ntyln tho cabin diulntr haloon n upnalniia nparhunnt nxtniullna thn full broadth of thn uhlp and providing ampin aoat- intr nacninmoilatinn hi iilluntod on d k utuhlulilpit cniwciilnnt to tho main ontranro anil ban a lama woll ovar ii nail uui rounded by unurcudml clarou- tory tho dornratlnu lu in ooorirlnti iitylo und thn walla urn pulntod whltn whllo tha rollinir in llnhihoil with ur- tlntlo moiililluiru a foaturo of tho ualoon in gia inn o niimhnr nf tnhloa rranttnd foe nmall partii u at tho forward oml of a dnok in thn cabin iotinfo duaorntnil in oonrir- jun atylo ami nrraiisnd in umiill bayn and cnaycotnoru with uopanitn wrlt- lnirroom and cardroom nt tho for ward oml thn rnlmirt dock ovnr in onnjunotlnii with tho larcn wlmlowu kivna thlu apartninut a npnclnuu up- poarunio whllo tho flpor in nultably llnluhnd in oak laid ou uprlnon for dnnolnir a carvnd and wuxad plno munlnlploco of cloorjrlnn ilnnlun lu nttod ut thn forward end of thlu room and i huu an tilnotrln flro nf thn liilnat typo with utnplo lion 1 1 no proportion forward of tho cuhln iiuniro in tho nnrd room on port nhlo nnnolleit in ironoli wnlriut olf qtioon amio period ud tho wrltlnnr room ou thn iitnrlwiard ulila pftunllid in afrlnan black bonn in thn atylo or william and mary tlolh roomu uro wnll lit by lariro wln- dowu und liuvn olnnlrin nron jiint abaft tho nftor funnol hatch on tha uumo dook tluv cabin drawing roam lu urrautfod with inland dank ovr und a lariin buy window nn nnn uldn thin oom la nluo dncoratml in qimnn anno itylo uud ii n inh iu t in muhoiruny with voiinarait pannlu und lino rarvoil cnnilra cjirvnd and wuwnd plno flroplaan with oriictrio ilro la lltti d lu thlu room next to tho aahiu draw in if room in tho olilhin nu room which lu panollod a ntrnpln nchomo of pnllnhod black boun tliu auhln ii molt o room lu nrratitcnd at tho lift and of a dock tho utylo uiloptnd horn hi jncnbnan mid thn wnlln aro frumnd in blark bnun thin nporl mnnt lu mind with a 1uruo nloctrla flroplacu icxtoiiulvn promo uu il in ir npaoo far cabin piiuiiotiboru lu provhlnd on a uml 11 dnnku thn forward and of a dock bolnir ucrnanotl off on a dook tho promoniido aticlrclou tho dock- tiinibou nml oittnnilu tho wholo liuikth of tvo doalc iillowlnu plonty of upnuo for katniu dinar or tho actual promo und n whlln uhnltoroil roconunu nio nrranaod for dnok oliulru an oponulr duunlnu upacn huu hanu arrunttnd on a dook mnut amnfartiihln pniinaunnt third oluwu uncniuluoilatian lu provldnd on two four i imrlublu ncraiuiuodutloii for u dttlanul n u in imr tlmrn lu u mi ad- i i liiioni thlu kklutlnii brlui or thn vary t inttloi u 1 h mim mlm of third- iho tliirlchinu iiiiiiiik- ualoon lu mtiihldon n dock aft two nmok- lilir ronmii ml two ioun nro fltiui larip a f rfl uituutnd 0 nck f with umallor omu ilnrk fntwuril ihnkolhn imutrlwi mid lukory for ul and ihiri uuuti alluidd accommndatlou hlahlpn h tho iii hftioonu thuu on- uilnir a ulck und mil tt nnrvlcn far roolt- uppllad mid tho all tho lntdit hnr i ti hnvn boot uii 1 v iwi i im moit up to ilntu riiuhlnii llm iiniiiiiii nml coollus lu lllormotiinli uyutum which w i imrlliio uf t cu jmuj i ilr miner thn hlt wnlhr cnu- iiillniin inn thurmotnnkit urn flltmi mmrlt to chatian la air in any of thn ranipurlnionln to which thuy b niiipt d at loaut n tlmaa par hour thn wiitnrtluht dooiu nm oporiuoil by iiriimoi ilrou hydraulio tear am cm bo npand or ahut nlthor imllvliii- jlrfdlo tl t nnv ampio llfohaut in couimodatloii to thu ulandar nf tho iiunnnitlonnl canvou- tlon hi provlilfd for ull pnhuonanru nnd rrnw two mwu of nnalnd imnlu aro mtml on ulhllnif chocku uo that tny can ho inovnd fram otio ulito n thn uhlp to llm otlmr uud are placid undnr ihlhiock and wilcox wyllo patont umihln urtlnif davltu jim romnlnliuf llfahniitu urn worked by auutrollu p iiit davitu upnrlally iioulknod to nnablo thn imiutii to hn u out mid loworod with tlm inoiit poiailhla ilolny und with out mamial lalmr tho vnaaal n fitted with wlrnlnnu toloirruphy uuh- marlna ulunullliur uml a mro oompuuu a complola ilro oxtlnirujdhlni unrvlrn huu hi on arrunjrd for pnnumnrcaur tault jhimou huvo boon llttnd in nil oll- ruol anil fidiwiitoi lunku with hi- fucjitora in tho manliinory apnea no that the tnnku fire nlwuyu umlor thn auporvlnlon of tha onirlnnoru tlm pro- pillltil niuohiuory in nttod in oun cin- illnnronm nnd connlutu of two uotu of utoum turhlncn of tho liilnut itrown- curtiu murine lypo arranjiod to work with iiupnrhoatod utoum aiupdrlvink twin ncrowu throunh douhln reduction ludlojil nonrltiif uuoli not of turhlnou oonuhitu of ouo hluhprauiniro und ono intormoiliatapraanuro tnrhlno in t donj ilrlvlmr throtmh oun portion and ho low proiiuuro turbiiio driving tliroiutli tho othor portion of thn coar- inur allium turbinou uro inuinmratoil in thn caiilncn of tho liitormndlato nr lowpioiihurn uhnad turhlnou ailjimt- ll blnckn of tho mlclioll typn nm nt tod in tho turbinou nnd iho iwnrlnuh of thn tiirhlnnu uud annrlueu aro nr- ian to work undor forowl lubrloa- tion quo condonuar of thn uiidorhunir typn in nttod for onoli not of turbinou nnd boltml dlroct to thn oxhuuut branch of ho lowironiir turhlno tho main nhnftlnir hi of hmot utool nnd lu nnlah- od hrl lit all over kuoh hun tuui a mnln thruut blank of tho mlchnll typo filtod next to tho boarliib to tukn up iho propnllor thruut tho propallam iro of thn built typo with tour mau- iriinoiia liroiiko blaibu lo each tho lionunil uro of cunt iilaal nml ruatlrou ouon aro lilted ovor tho propallnr nut a vary full tkjulpiifont of auxiliary man til no ry lu nttod rompriwhiu two nlrlfiiual olroulatliiif piimpu two woli final all piimpu two pnlru of i food pumpu two hntwoll pmnpii wolr mn faro it nil onn dlroot-con- ttict fiul waltr hrtitni two food watei llltoru of uruvjtutlon typo uud nluo tho bronnnry otiint of forcod luhrioittlon unitary fiauhwator nnd nlhor uor- orvlco iiumpil tnnalhor with romplolo viiparutlnir uml dtfitllllnif plunt and fuihlllnry conilnunnr iwd pumpu iho utoum io n lira tfnff inutullatlon rnmilntu of ton uluulnundad oyllndrlaal bo i lorn an mined ror hurulnu nil fool und mi i labia for a worklnif prtujinro of 21 r lb par uiptaro innh and nttod with iimnuutuhn iiuporhoutoru icaolt of tho luilloru linn tliron fumucou und iiow- ilouu typo of forcod druuuht lu nttod thn hnlloii rrnplacod lit two com- partmntitu and oach boilorronm iuippod with n work in ir and uinmlhy oil foul huitnllutlnu ooniplutowith ha nn tom miry pumpu hrutoni and drain- om nm forcod driiiislil fanu aro ol oo ideally drlvau thnm holnir two fanu and motoni to ouch bollrrvom tho machinnry nml holloiu huvo boon comitrneud to thn roiiulromoiitu of thn mould nf trod i uoydu rurvny und cnniidlnd novnrjiinout muulatlonu business training for cmy boy oif girl in of ufa loufc vulu wan if lhy uvar littva to k llviiia in huiie our olavtrn school in toronto offnr unxcollid fcliltu for iornintf wthii typawrtling ntl buin tntliol thirty yeurt n- iiorleitca stojenu can en rol ut amy limn mtmta now for huntlbook k mointmh ivtclol cummbilsmssoiiloa oiiawtorontp albert d savage kopifiterc4l optorndtriht uml mtitiufncturlito optician oavaoc opticavduildinq nlijlit t tin pot olfluo gunlph wo fipprnte the only iiu sur fnco orindinp muchiiiery in tmi district diftcmlnt noahq thorn huvo boon two umut atnorl- fliinii naiuoil wohutoi- dmilol nml nnnu dunlol wobutor wuu a lawyer and iitiiloumau nml nimh rampllod wihiiliru dlnthmuiy on nun ncoaulnu n cmmroua man ut wauhliiiiinn bnuau hlu apoonh j daulal wnhiitm miyu in hlu urn at dl thiuaiy nml wan juut lotthm into lilt nnitorlout atrldo wlmn u rallouuih imihd ifbi emit tall und unlit u u loud imihd mu uh ll noah who oto tliu illa- noiihl ovclulinod thn orator dlunaitt at tho fiitnriupllan nothhitf of ihn kind noah built thu ark i air vents made to order liuui lliii kulvuuutul hon or otbir uhm t in tnl wo alui build to order ukyliuhtn roofu uuttnru ronilrlu inudnrm nt jit uu llifiiro on your work wo con ulvn you luitlufuctnry n- tiultu and pnrhuiiu uuvu you miiiiu inonoy imionic uh at b0 w f mooney acton ont wouldnt stand thati uu in il iii lui i tltt count mm into a wlf ilium hi ill it itlyounir wntiun in in ilil i ilinll noon lmn my llltto ohltilrnu imllu i him i in y know you und lovo uud nflni i atn ifonn i want you luihhaiul lo imiriy buntlliik t into mid uw huhlm ihutyaiiuu- acton creamery wants your cream for uhicli wc will pny you a kood price our mm in to satisfy cuuomcn and ijivo prompt atten tion i uhsii cltkamkity nutteh wnoijsatb ou 1ujtta1l the acton creamery co h j oniciu lioprietor coxes garage makes a specialty or storing batteries tor winter ontl keeping them up to test storage for motor cars either tor tho winter or during uie oxyaceetylcne welding of motor parts or any othertiiaciiitiery oils greases gasoline cleaning and pohthinirtluids accessories of all kinds anything you want in stock or available supplied with satlafactory promptitude k k mnnager il a coxli proprietor ivi i 11to i ulil jillit tiillilht iihnnt thtit ifd fiaiovurutl lltefcqiwlxsttjulj ave4eliwrliullgw tinrtuwsteulisattilto rrhhy 1nrllrii 1 rr- l afcdprtiitewa kssssrsv castoria for infanta ond children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature in for over thirty years castoria toronto suburban clnclnr luilwuy colnu vvnt 0 17 a tu dully mcrf pi fhiuduy 3 3iiih ojjalbllxlmtaiumiuy- p iii 11 oja in oa railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway yatam oolna waat no ai rixrziz no iiuudu no 30 hit 34 nn 3j no aw iluum loiuum jl 2 2j p m oat ti at p i loslu tu 7 0uuni j uuni 3 3c p m 017pm h oil p tu tuplll hilly i xcrpt hunduy i iiiulriy only coinu tunt 7ih a m dally xipt lluuduy 8 0 p tu daily i xt pt hunduy filh p in dull i k i t llumluy 0 5 u u p in lluuduy only inlay only ui lluuduy only rrulu no 3 whh h lift t amnio ut 12 ih noon ou hutiirduyii durhur tin uinr inontlui now havnu ut 1 4 1vuliht d nl i v rod hy mm lul okiirmuj rnlidit 1 mluht plrkml up at uu ud- ilroiui in toronto o it aqnkw air nt acton trtmullin turnip ituyer actors onl will uturt uculn thn turnip buul- uauu which ho wuu uimuutul lu for uovoral ytuiru am uoou uu tho ourly tirnlm uru rudy for hhlpninnrih will lm lid to inowt thu funuoru nf thlu unotloii a hquaitia dial irf ouu motto phjes kgravfnp 5 a- mibuiuiiiurr 2f tikonrj t a chevrolet agency ur it wlluon huu hoatirml tho ulianay for anion for climrolut uotor caru dmonutnitionu ur- runifotl cull uml uoo thn now to oil uu now oura ulwaya on hand h s wilson uowtm ave acton ont ill on 13 8d certnlnlythcroh a oiftcreiice in business colleges a die tin liuulnimn umi tho fltudautu in training tho voutia i in tuuiitionu about guelph business college hrlj nidfl oualph onl winter term from january 3rd btudrita nr4 now nrolllnu think quickly act or you wuy b too luto a l bouck prlnoiphl ynonc ncw t5ye acton bakery phone no v7 frcih bread and buns itolls pics and cakes ordirh will iw delivered nt nil timeu doughnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes hy tho pound or uny size our own make wnrkon delivcm every tiny will cnll ou you or phone no 77 and witiou will call j h m edwards co acton ontahio- otori clotad cvry nlaht kkcpt prl- day nd auturduy ut 60 p m free press ads bring results castoi for tnanb mid chtldicn in use forovr3q years alwaya banim llm qdnalnre ot rit

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