Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1922, p. 1

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bksjmtm fortyseventh year no 30 f loo row yoajl actonontario thursday morning january 20 1022 fxbo in unitbid states singlo copies fivo cents the methodist church acton rcvi m moyer pmui- panonig- wit low at llo p m sunday school 7 p mtjiu l minister subject tim ilrjtnd plucked from the llurn- brlghtsong service vow aim jnv1tkd comb acton baptist cihjrch a k tyler pastor la a mjhumtfy school and iii bio class 11 a m llov mr upliuin of lotus hill 7 p m rev mr uphnm you are cordially invtterd presbyterian knox church acton mtnietsi rev a c stewart m uannwlllow street heitvicks 11 u m the minister subject ufii at its dost- t p m tho minister subject in these daring tfroes pare your sunday school uiiot itlble class at the guild monday evening at 8 slmncara ileavlng address with tho ushers will bo called upon by uie iastor all are cordially rnvrtbd new advertisements wanted music lessons for about 1 hour each afternoon apply i box 5b1 aoton p o want tctsell a few placet of extra furniture or machinery or too much stock wli speedily find a purchaser if they ore advertised in the tluoi phsss iwoobfor8ale good hardwood in foucfoot lengths or out- to order in any desired length- apply to o o plank 801 main st root aoton cost a fountain pen without cap between o t it btrttjart nnd tho rink or at tho rink on thursday january 19 re- wsrd if ltt at q t r- station acton lost silver hutck fox last from crowiinns comoro on thursday january is will glvo liberal reward for recovery t d mannen- crewaona corners overcoat exchanged it the young follow who took wrong overcoat from rink on monday janu ary h will kindly return it to aj ton music store mill street and- claim his own the real owner wilt bo obliged po you want to buy or sell a farm see us ironwwwfyuartafof acton for talo y j a- smith s real estate agent mill street aoton for bale 1 oat new hand mad o general pur pose sloop slelghs x root pulpcr naw j ileurya xo 8 1 uasollno engine 1 b d in good running condition ah will be sold aheap for quick nalo at ahop tounuulot 30tf blacksmith acton r sheep lost seventeen sheep and lamb with tag- beaxlng name in ear reward kagla- tared oxford x ram lamb and lagutered twoyearold ram for ante cajiejlbormeaetiwiwanta tox meat hayjfor gala s blakb vanattbr lot cbn7krlo balllnafad utt phone 0fir3l georgetown farm fo sale house plenty of water 8 springs on farm good state of cultivation bar gain for quick j sale number of jjoussa and building lota for sale dower ave acton help waited men and women to sail to- women in homes rubberlined waterproof olnghatn apron foiuseinr the jutchert can easily earn 14 dally ftmttmf rp itapld seller and ready demand jieud 76 cents fqr sample apron and full particnlarg money refunded if sampler returned j british ndbder company- 108 j3s moqill atreet montreal great economies measured out in tbe january qearance sales all wallpapers reduced a reduction of twentyfive to thirtythrcchodathird per cent on every line in this seasons tocks many price at even bjrker rcductions staple goods immense savings flannellctufl cottons towels towelling prints tickint ratunff cottorrade denim wonderfa savings for the thrifty homemaker to take advantage of womens wear small prices ah tho handsome winter coats at onethird below jrogular cost a hundred blouses scventyflve dresses these at a tftird z all- the trimmed hats un trimmed hats and the trim- mins ow just next to nothing jn this sweeping clearance furs and fur coats wonderful savings a wonderful diversity and very menv suits and overcoats talk about savings i u you had put your own prices on our fine quality clothes ypu couldnt have set them lowe than these january reductions made on our previous fair- prices 2000 to 2500 suits now only 1500 3000 to 4000 suits now only 2500 v suits regular up to 5000 for3s00r- regular 2500 overcoats i5oa regular 35 and 40 over coats 2950 overcoats regular to 45 3500 -7- mens furnishings boys wearthings homk furnishings womens dress accessories a host of thrift opportunities to be mw with when you arrive in guelph at- macdonalds during this annuap clearance event do e macdonald bros ltd wyndhom carden and macdonnell streets gadpb out guelprts leading and largest store acton skating rink fancy dress carnival and moc- casln dance thursday february 0 1022 iprtses fr ladlenj gentlemens flirts boys and cpuplea oostumes best clowp indian or tfagro mqbo besu national costume juadlos and aentloraentt races for ladles men iris beys and couples heakey mtehsaakurlsy january t m 8 p mhqtt r toronto vs aoton weekend special homemade taffies rogularlyjdc tb weekend price per lb a new afisortment of chocolates tbeyare all milk chocblatecoted and include cherries butterscotch carmels also hard and soft centres regularly 00c rb weekend price per lb 49c handrolates regularly 80c box weekend per boi- 49e dont forget the xunls counter at the rink open every night mill street acton h news of local import reeve harris onderiand friday jauabv 27- diuigeipous curves j-aaba7- by the same author rthe old neelxilupert ihifthe a story of ffle groat trlrtlty of love father mothtr and ihlld with a touohbs light and deft as- the roaator artist this great r writer presents a panorama of modern tiro that ts thrllltngly real un believably humorous searching ly truei- iheloneoimdwiou and hlchrddlxplay tha young mar- rled couple who traverse the great highway v together com- edyrwofaeeawst with the ball flobm 0oya patho news oneibhow ptarting8 p m haturpay january 28 live bparkil wltb xtarren 7 kerrigan olirlsua ooniedy7 f wedding blues with neal vlitliblcnws tueaby januarv81 rrm othtelwoi unsoh- picture cost serial fatha chapter 8 ofth matpry lflivmnvni of thb west ugfregory w washes while yoa do other duties you can reodlcnlt or do other household- duties while ml simplicity dh your woshlng miss bloipllolty saves your time and strength without ny eltorf on your part every garment everypleoe is wash ed clean does not injure the finest lace or the sheerest rubric what you save lniaandry bills health and wear and tear on clothes- in less titan a year will pay for miss slrnprtolty 1 t us demonstrate and explain oourlsy btllaftsr benusslt t at colllngwood last week a faylaw to lean f 10000 to the oourlay hoe corn pah y carried by a majority of 42a cotungwood was one of half a doaen place that opened to the company arur the defeat of the bylaw at att inirest acton mount vorest col ling wood is quite a record for two yearsj whlekey cases at breokvllu veuerdsy- as an aftermath of the dance in the township ball at nrookvlue on the january 6 a number of ehargt for violation of the ontario temperanoe aet were heard by police magistrate moore af drookvilrs yesterday after noon- inspector xtnevely laid the in formations the trial was in progress up wi went to press the tewnshlp elections it oost just- riboo to hold tiwi ko- queslng township elections as follows polling subdivision ho 1 r darling o r o 1x0 no 8 wmj tliomp- son ii r o 8m40 no 8 j a hrown d il o bj0 no 4 wlluam fiprowl d u 0 81440 no 6 m cainpheuv o it o fllzot no william mullln ix n o fle00 kind words for exinspector harvey all eeet lone -of- helton knew- well the seal and untiring efforts given by mr llarvey to the duues or the orlce of ij cense inspector lie was always prompt and fearless and he had no favorites lie was frequently in oak- vine and always quick to respond to any call suspicious esses were always investigated but with marked falr- leaa star new firm of ojovo manufacturers acton has been theblruiplace of a number of glove matyuscturlng busi nesses since the late w ii storey ootnroenced tnablng harvest raltls in his harness shop of jyfeur years ago nearly all of those bave been perman ently successful ahd now a new flnn has launched into this attractive busi ness which offers so many opportuni ties for initiative and development messrs frank splelvogel and his son rudolph lurve formed a partnership under uie stylo of saitoh glove works and have commenced the manufacture of wetr alirsetlvotltuvbr modest way the ir7 sniivpl eel tent and they hope to do a profitable trade doth are export glove cutters and mrs rpellvogel has had years of experience in making gloves the new business is located in the upper floor of the brick bulldlttc on mu1 street where the ryder a mowat ounre company oommenced their career as glove makera in a smpll way removing thence to- the fine building they now occupy on main street of burlington electa war jen beeye hlllmer or oakville made good ran but that town had the honbr two years ago the standing committees were appointed as was expected tteevo k a 11 arris pf ilurllnjcton was honored with- elec tion totho wardenehlp at the inaugur al meeting of ha ton county council tuesday although mr harris 1 one of the young members of the council he has had a long experience in public altalm and is well qualified to ably llll this important executive afflce aud perform- the various duties pertaining thereto in reeve hlllmer of oakville mr harris had a strong opponent he is 6ne of tho oldest and most experienced members of die county council and nan given much ttmo and attention to the business growing out of his posi tion the fact however that mayor pdrnter of oakvltle then reeve of that town was warden two years ago rend- thn candidature of ur hthmer rutlle harrlfl who is editor and pub lisher of the llotlington gavotte is the third member of the county press ho has beep honored wiulthta oovet- ted posltlun mr r d wsrren of the georgetown herald was warden u doaen years or so ago and mr a s porxter of the oakvllle htar occupied the wardens chair during 183d intsrchureh skating psrty a most enjoyable social function as held on monday evening in which the members or the young peoples socle ues of the presbyterian and methodist churches and their friends hyjhta shop if its eleotrlcei aolr us open tirny friday and saturday evsnlnfls laonj ly tvt r fol qualitir 1 1 l 111 11 1 rl ccautietower cl oeabc iot kadishe9 v igreen pnions u r leftoce large headss cabbage carrbter h parsnips lubsequent social hour altouttwb hundred spent the eyelilng- up to ten oclock skating atuie link the ice was in good condition and the skaters were par ticularly pleased uiat the rtnk man agement had engaged the acton cttl- sens rand for the evening this feature rendered the skating especially enjoyable at ten oclock the company left the rink and assembled in the methodist school room here a sub stantial luncheon was served the mem bers of both societies providing the refreshments after the luncheon rev mr moyer and rev j stewart made a few ruippyremarksjuid a real hearty community alngspng concluded uie splendid evening the young foika had spent- toge itraaquite ln ing to note the old married folk- who got out their skates for this unique function an elusive water main a week ago last monday a gang of o t- r workmen came to acton to connect the town waterworks system with the main leading to the big water tank which supplies the engines at the station here when they came to locate the old main they found thembbrvcaetojuabdary mo blue print nor any other information which would locate the main was available the search was consequently pursued more or lass at random tet excavations were- m ukalypolnts tunnels were run under snd alongside tho tracks but without aucpems whole wmk u spent in thla frultli search 1 vlnglly on mopday av near tank was decided t a line waa run from the dry well across the tracks from f he present- muuv- 1 polnt where- iraa suposed tbeorlginftl tank stood niai- the mill street crossing thla proved to be the proper location fnd after e7 couple of days more digging ttio olualve main waa tound tho connections will now be made in few days and tho water turned on xjiia q t k watermaln wasjlald from the pumping house o the original tank between fifty knd sixty years ago- tw as for eaquoslwp- tho inauftural meeting or ra- quealng council o ik thompson waa appointed sssessor for wards 1 i and 8 and isaue m itennell for wnrds 4 6 and they will receive for their services tilt each money due to soldiers although more than three years bave elapsed since the conclusion or the great war nearly 1000 accounts of soldiers and dependents in the depart ment of mllltla and defense at ottawa remain unsetoed with credit balances qrvvealixav6tmer addressee to which cloalngout cheques could bo forwarded more work for county sherinv the sheriffs of ontario are not gor ing to be added to the list of unem ployed there is not the slightest likelihood of this ancient and honor- ship office being abolished when questioned the other day respecting iho possibility of such a step being taken attorpsyoeneral raney replied that the otnoe waata be strengthened and made of more incportance the rural mall doses the rural mall carriers would ap preciate very much having the names mil boxes on the rr plainly atenciqed on uteir mall boxes regular couriers of course know your si a- 8 8 entartalnmenft st albans sunday school enter- talnmentrwhtoh had to be postponed frorn the week before christmas was held in the town- hall last- wednesday evening and was eminently successful tho programme which waa carried an almost entlroty by members of the school waa one of the beat that has been placed before the acton pubuc those responslbls for- producing the ooucert have been congratulated pi all aides for luv excellence prom- be ginnliur to end the prpgramroe wai brfght and varied nnd sgch item was sowell cantad out that it would he hard to aay which- wag thelbest the aloglrut of the children in 4he caroui was splendid and thrf vaiioua drills and marches- very creditably- executed the dialogues were very interesting especially uie one entitled the offer ings of the seasons in whlchmlai ylsla- waller was very good as hop t whistling chorus by the fpur boys jvfha a novelty and was heartily ap pluuded s ini jndlvtdualj performances the greatest aurpruwiof thsevenlng was the pinging of olive parsons this uttle uidy hasan exjeiiont voloe and revealnd jnuoh tleot her singing wavwell w6rth the generous applausa received added attractions warn a splendidly inderod violin sok by mn a shand songs by miss betty towrie tind piano dusts by he mhtseg uoltoes mr harry nigbyi the church organist supplied the- jsunoewompanlmonta for thej programme the training ft th children wsjdone by the xteetor and mm siugwwiawoelved a great nva itiunlatjtiijbjweotthiiiantauon or thjo slioceaa achjayedjnnstbve been vw- aufyjnriri5 orfc prvouayvievidwbrt cjtrispnas treat wag fidnujjt- box but sometimes they have assist ants who are not 00 wo ii acquainted the courier is not held responsible for error in delivery if the name is not lnsciibod on the box in plain letters a former actonlans good position on monday evening sidney j oram of toronto was appointed chief of the fire department or si cathariaes there were thirtyeight applications the initial salary la 1100 sidney spent his boyhood days in acton and mrs oram was also a native of thla community mr oram la an ex perienced fireman he was for years member of the toronto fire brigade for some years ho has been with the harris abattoir co at toronto bis acton friends aire pleased to learn of his fine appointment masonic grand master at mllten bl clair lodge a f a a m milton has invited r w bro col w n ponton grand master for ontario to officially visit the lodge there tomor row evening the musters and ward ens of all the neighboring lodges have been invited to attend attar a lodge session at seven p m a banquet will be- held to which the ladles or all the members attending are invited w pmcxam w m and- his brov john jnand bro c mottat and their ladles will probably attend as representatives of walker lodge acton following in hi7 fathers foetatepa jkt umllnauxuralmceungv of t bpard school trustees last wednes day evening january junea symon the senior member of the board who had not heretoforeoccupied the posi tion waa elected chairman for the year mr symon la following in the family sucoesslon all right ilia father took an active interest lnjtho suoaega of acton sol tool ovar half a century ago at the annual school meeting- on january 1m7 flftynve yearaago thla resolution la recorded in the old minute book of that day moved by william allan seconded by asa hall that charleg symon he elected trustee ior the three next enuu ing yearn this resolution la- recorded by the principal robert little who acted as secretary of the meeting social and personal mr john q i boons of xlockwood spentmohday with acton friends mrs william johnstone is- vlsjtlng her aiauahter mrs p a mcleani at watford iteeve barber attended the opening talon of the county council on tuesday us lily alderson of quelph is enjoying a weeks holidays with friends mrs frank oambla who wasvry ill for several weeks ts now convales cing nicely mrs dr nelson had the pleasure of a jvlslt orei- sunday of her mother two sisters and a brother mrs dr orpy was at blyth laat eek visiting her brother who was very iii from typhoid fever mr john p word on waa in quetph last friday attending the funeral of his sister mrs harry jeans mr and mrs harold s nlcklln and tho woe daughter of duelph vlntted r a b nlcklln on monday 1 miss tcva johnston la able to want about town again her reopvexy la a great relief to her many friends rev wm mcdonald of owen sound spent a day last week with his friend mr allan mcdonald toung street mr- thomas ilumley blackszotth who was threatened with appendicitis last week ts able to be about again mrs wm lanusborough and mrs d wcadgo attended the funeral of mrs llarry jeans lr ouelpb last fti- y r ralph ithbridge of weston returned home on sunday after a visit to his friend mrprrd ilrownlow hill aide farm acton mrs il d davis of mitchell spent day or two last week at the bome- bar rather apd mother ma and mrs joseph hplmea bower avenue mrs rev mc lend and children wliq h neeer- ependl njr- the tnonth- wltfamr und mrs r j kerr bower avenue returned to their home at west till yesterday mls galloway mr and mrs el l moornj mlna del lor and miss molly mooret burlington mr and mrs wm arnold acton miss law and mies b langan toronto were in town on wednesday last for the galloway-lan- gan wedding herald mrs john mcklnnon has just heard from- her daughta mrs thomas bell of edmonton arta who was operated on a month ago that she waa sufllol- ontly recovered to return home from the hospital last week and is now making good progress toward recov ery mr and mrs wlluam bomervllle of north battlerord saak arrived during tneweekto visit mrs thomas somervllte and other friends here it has been a great joy to the old lady tp have both these sons and their wives from the west at the old home to gether mr john cameron received the sad news of the death of his niece mrs andrew ii wallace st catharines on monday mrs wallace was the daugh ter of mr and mrs bdward ryde who were esteemed residents of acton dur ing the years of their early married life mr cameron expected to attend tho funeral on tuesday but found he could not make train connections sane economy the policy of j mr fielding canadas finance minister will torn deaf ear to demands for uniteceasary public works some contracts of late gov ernment to be cancelled ottawa jan i- it is understood that hon w u fielding minister of ktnanee has been able lo examine the general state of the national finance and while there is nothing to justify alarm his report has impressed upon bis colleagues the peed for a ruthless policy of economy a deaf ear w iii be turned to the demands of import una to followers for ekpendlture on public orks not considered absolutely necca- iiy and estimates wilt be pared to the bono to compensate for the serious decline in revenues the government also intend to re view the contracts awarded by the late government for a drydock at victoria and a pier at vancouver and it possible cancel them the vlctorls dock was a wanton piece of extravagance alleged to have been devised to secure the return of dr tolmle at o bye- e lection tnmlt and nevefbad a shadow of justinca- jvor has there been an increase in the shipping trade of vancouver suf ficient to justify the large expenditure which mr ballantyne under the gentle influence of mr h if stevens had hancttefieov a year ago the vancouver teaawere continually referring to tho tasftv minister of marine and fisheries as the fairy godmother of their port but they forgot he was not being gen erous with his own money the gnelph m caogfat john bedard charged with the murder of governor mo nab caught john bedard the frenchman who la wanted by ouelph authorities for the murder of john mcnab late g of the county jail is agahx in the hands of the law in a few days ft ts expected be will arrive back in qublph which he left in such an unceremoni ous manner on the evening of thanks giving day last after beating- up tho late governor and turnkey bverson and making his escape bedard is at present in the hudson county jail in jenteyxlty new jersey butonthe repr whlcnhave peen made to the united states im migration authorities at washington and new york bedard win be deport ed to canada and immediately on hla stepping on canadian soli wilt b puced undor arrest jpargod wjtnjmur- der and brought toguetptuwbarebe will stand bis trial it la ejrpectod that the muehwanted prlaoner will arrive in ouelph about the end of this week with the hockey players the seniors and the inteimedlatss hsve their innings during the week the intermediate sextette of acton played their second game and received their second defeat of the season on saturday at the ruin da of a team at a ion williams who defeated them by llveawuf toonetnegameweplay ed on very soft ice making it blow and very dirty in the first period the tesmrf played very evenly matehed hockey the glen got ono and then kaley netted a neat one on a pass from modonaldj in the second period the teams still were good but the play very dldloult masales of acton scored one goal which waa protested by the olea team and after a haughty argument in one of the corn- of the rink acton was forced on a referees decision to surrender their claim in this period the o leu scored another mailing the score two goals to one in favor of the olen in the third period glenwilllams scored three goals tracy the nifty tittle centre player of the green and white boya secured the puck from the faceoff and beat hollo way in the nets for acton with a nice shot tracy again scored with a nno drive on a penalty face- off in front of actons goat the acton boys could imt get away from theuf defense because of good shooting and backchecking by the glen team be fore tho period ended they scored their nflh gofllrfnaktng the anal score ave to one holloway who played soal for acton starred and tracy t the glen was also in the limelight in tho rastest game witnessed acton in some time the kidmaa team of toronto defeated- the home boya by a score of 7 to 3 on saturday night the ice was in excellent shape and tho game very- fast the game waa never in doubt aa the toronto team had he locals outclansed trem thostartr but the acton team did qor allow them to get a goal they did not earn hikon- nedyrln the goal for acton waa in una form and only for bs excellent work the score would have been much larger against aoton the lineup waa as follows kidmaca goal vudhope defence thomas and mcgowan cen tre inches wings c and it good man sub mines actonooal ken nedy defence beardmore apd garden centra joe kentner wings bcocham nnd john kentner sibov morrison and kaley referee o hynds jr in memoriam muh harry jkanb following nn lllneiih of nevorul weeks the death occur nl at ttio general hospital after an o mention hnd lwon performed in nn effort lo xavu her life of ktlen wordnn lieloved wife of mr henry jwim u2knrr street in her 53nl year mrs jeiuis was thjlaugh- ter of the late freeman wonlon and was twirn near acton for tlie lust ix years sho had resided- tn ouelph whom is known ntid ohtrhimed by wldarclo ot friends who will inarn with deep regret of hor demise be sides her husbunll and ono son hilton xi jeans btuart huiwt deceased is survived by two brothers mr john p wordon or an ton mr goo o worden of ouelph and one sister mrs thos elliott ouelph the funeral took place friday afternoon to guafph oame- tary and tho servloi whs condunted rev g a little of chalmers church where mrs jeans was a mem- br tlwro was a largo attendance of friends nnd relutlvee ouelph herald waltkr n riiton the sod news rouchod acton lost week of the death of walter n lllp- ton husband of miss mnxglo kb huge formerly of acton at their homo at oloversvhio n y tho uloversvillo leader says walter n itlpton for many years nno of ulovorsvllles suc- neiutfol business men died sunday morning at his home 0 kim street- itlpton wo bocn at johnstown juno 9 i860 son of henry- and ann ripton ho was educated in the publio scjaools of johnstown came to glovers vllleln the fall of 18t7 ills long con nection with the glove industry mudo walter i tip ton ono ft tho best known thorttlen in tho business and its allied trades irf itullon county he had followed tho affairs of both the cities johnstown and aioversvllla with unusual keenness and interest for many years and hut passing now ro moves ono who won tiro ht in which ho was held and-whose-tn- parturo will be sincerely nmnnned by a hont of warm personal friends mr ripton was beloved and respected bye many for his sterling worth high at- ributea and probity of chsranter few men were better read generally and many friends enjoyed meeting him and learning the expression if hlm views which woro always hold in high regardrmesaot of allne m i a pleasing nense of humor and a genlat nature mr ripton passed into retire ment gracefully as became a man of his unusual attainments during tho last two years ot his life he had suffer ed untold pain but over bore it with manly fortitude apd christian patience mr lllpton was ono of the stewards of tho iitemont street methodist church und was much interested in tta general growth ho is survived by his wife mrs margaret ripton his daugh ter mrs william morrlft and his three brothers j clare ore ripton of johns town william a- rlptoii of araster- dam and former dean benjamin n riptonto tjnlon college schenectady ouelph rest room not patronbted the fatmora rest room a the city hall la onoemofo- in controversy it appears that tho members of tho vari ous womens institutes have coma to the conclusion that it will cost too much for them to maintain andrthey want the city to take- it off their hands apd to keep it up when the project waa arat mooted the ladles from the country stated that all they wanted was for the room to be provided ano the w6uld do the- rest but they had tvcharge a small fee in ordetto carry out thbv plan the result being that the room lanot nearly so well patron- taedaa they hoped it would bey- guetph heruld 1 t prlnttna whleh really pus tho ftam pxaaconstantly tlmi to execute printing just above that of the average flratclaas printing house and the effort pays not only tn the volume of orders hut in the satisfaction to the customers 0trttollowtng was re ceived tn our mall yesterday rrhe s000 programmes came t handsery promptly today and haw given us great pleasure they are a veryjxeat ahd much appreciated piece of prints lrg and gtvou absolute satis fact ion k s b toronto has net cauoht acton this way vet the are- insirebtorpald- iergus an oolclal visit on frldny and as- usual on such occasions caught several of tfie brgade napping the chief waa unfortunately- ou of town the alarm waafroaen up hydrant wrenches opuld not be found while some of the- mem bers never heard the alarm at alt on the other hand sevsral made a m resknse and probably saved the situa tion somewhat when things got go- ing- wo believe the test was aurfm- tof- th property liowbra have loiuf peen kwktnaspnia none having bnmadetn dur wtern wurks amuwwatnataed and uprm athh tbousandaol dojlspe rive pflin an acton bey brings mssssqss rev james p ilendersbn ma who la enjoying a few weeks at hut borne here after two years in hht mission district m columbia side of the peame riye cuo preached two splendid sermons in the borne churches last sunday in the morning he occupied the pulpit ox the metho dist church andat nlghthe preached ipknoiqhurclu hla m were fcrvept gpaiwl trutha and ejnphaalaed the value of faith and its bn perish ahn foundations r rev mr uendar- ona many friends and neighbors were greatly pleased to hear mm and to meet htm- again in the old home town a succcbbrul church year eneouraolna reports presented knox church annual meeting the annual meeting of- knox church last thursday ovonlng was very grati fying to the large oongreanuon of members who assembled to the reprtafotthelyerrinview of the fact- that there was a vacancy for seyeral months following the retire ment of iuv mr flndlay and prior to the settlement of rev mr stewart tho results of the years actlvltlea are mout encouraging all the dnpartmentn of the ohuroh are in a flourishing condition every board and society having a substantial balance in the treasury the reporr of the board of managers shows receipts for the year of 1888876 and they closed the year with bal ance- of 114843 the missionary offertnga were the most generous in the history of the church the duplex envelomscon- trlbdted tso05t the sunday school jlmzf add the young peoples oulld 6000 in addltlph to this the womens missionary socl6ty raised i1s7z and vlotoru mission band flssli the totac missionary otterlngs were ix179mb the ladles aid boolety exiended over ikoofor lmnrpyeraenta at the mans and closed tho yearvuh h817 n the treasury tho sunday school raised nearly 60 in addition to their missionary oltering of 110883 tho yopng peoples guild had i1s08b in the treasury the sum or- fls6b80 was paid on tho forward movement fund this fund la now all paid but ibetfo the reuring mernbera or the board otuangcnf weroall rooleoted another still seized near milton inland revenue officers csught hsrry hllsen operating his distillery another csao of a lawbreaker who thought t he omcers might cutchthe other- fellow but thoyd never light on him tamo up for hearing in the sheriff otnce milton last friday before police magistrate monro harry illlson waa the defendant he was in court confronted by hla very ingamlouhly contrived still copper worm and all arid n twogallon jug ot the product which was fun off the night before the apparatus wus dis covered in operation and seised by o nicer edward floody of the inland revenue department and oolber knowlcs of tho dominion mounted police hllson pleaded guilty and wan fined fsoq and costs with the caution from the magistrate that a conviction for a second offence would mean u much severer penalty the line and oosta were paid forthwith- tho- still- won quite a clever con- j mvance the wash or mash which was concocted rrom wheat ralalna and roolanaea was contained in a ave- gallon oil can to which was attached a copper tuba this tunc led into tho condenser which waa a avegallon beer keg and tho liquor waa condensed by means of a cunningly devised copper worm connectod with the tube and terminating when it pussed through an aperature ut tho bottom of tho keg when thtvuuld paasedhls point it wan the bootleggers anlshed product and was caught in a veasel at tho bottom as it trlcklvd frontrtbh copper worm the olucers secured a two- gull on jug of the homo brew when they visited uusonjsplaceon frldtty momlngj which had been dutllled uie night before r after uie trial a numhordf tho court tuid county officers gataored around to inspect the bootleggers oiitat some of them got a sip of tho product of the etui declaring lt had plenty of kick but was rather unpalatable and not in ny respect inviting to tho normal taste the officers have other suspected parties in tho vicinity ofmtllon who are due for raid- one of theuo ano days- h ts none expended4 hfr report to- the oounnll at a later- idatoahauid give full par- change in agncyqf toronto suburban mr george agnew who has been the ageut of the toronbs suburban rail way ever alnoo- the opening of the station r here luta h retired from that position oouptllloiyblt thetford baa been appointed to the ycanoy during hlboooupancy otthe onloe mv agnew hag seen the bualnesaat acton fnereaae se vera- fold this has been especially the oase with the volptnaoft elected aa follows freight- shipped- and received at- thla pnhiiana- uha tofto bgurrla to many that ho haa been able to handle it nil without assistance mr ut a- railway mftnotoonaiderabiex- perlencv hi popular in the oommunlty and will rtoidoubt make good in the new noaition acton panitera- club wa murray elaeted jrgloent and r l davidson vleeprealdenl 3 cnildrens aid society cainpohrn a woekto be devoted t the welfare of the society hv helton ualton fcmldrona aid society ha arranged to dovote tho week of janu ary 01pjleuruary 4 to u- cnjnpaigti for securing members with ue object of creating greater interest in tho raerltqrlouh work undertaken by the nocloty one of tho tanglhlu results of tho work of tho phlldrens aid soelety in tho past has beep the establishing of tho gordon homo at milton which tho joint county councils of ha ton and peel support for necessary main- tenunoe apart from that support tho home in furnished and tho inmateu supplied wlui clothing and coroforto through the generous uldof wonwna institutes and other aoclotleh ujul kind- hearted individuals during childrens aid week u enn- vaas will do mado throughout tho county with a- view to aecurlng a largo membership- the aggregato ot the nominal membership fee of lq expected to roach a substantial amount this moony will bo expended in tho interest of dependent andjtqegtected children in the county and in gordon home the object la worthy and jthoso who are giving their time und effort to make tho eampalgn a buocosb will m in- t t rsit 73 ttt t i rc- tiytt f vr t 11 i nail r in acivoiars vartook inr m mwhw t- r r t i yu um 1 i ii u ti jffi 1 11 mmffiiiii mi3ilhffi v j the annual meeting f aoton farm ers club was held in the town iwu last friday afternoon and waa largely at tended- j the reports tot tho year wvo coiiraging and showed conaldorablo volume tho turnover of bhlpmanta und store sales aggregate vor fbd000 tlift ooloera for ute oujrrentyearwro acted aa follows president w o m vjoflprwlflptlt bifc tmkrl4on- tieartllirattpreeiato tho cordial support itolnlttm- wailathat the children storey wlowirte john mcgcegor i are canadas groulost oaaal m beawlck nelson mciiigtimii m t jthe objective for acton and vicinity mowat j- brown and c b lis 100 members during campaig weoic bwackheraex v tmra george navftl has charge of tho wrwfcr- vownpalgn hre v vss r izl

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