Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1922, p. 4

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sjlw alton 3xtt prcjsa iiiuhhiiay january 2c 1033 v tup acton i uvk t uki i 1 ustil vr i tf al ii- i tr l ii llllntf ulll ufi all t jill i id u ti iff yrr lit li 1 l u i till i i ilu i 1 jnlti li 11 lull t wl i i til ll i r- i l i u i i rti i a it a i ul 1 a1v1u1i in hatr trnlnt itii i t i uuto i 41 fi i f r frol l htll knl t latin r u imi rui u- f u tyt irll in i will u l uoou kjii editorial death of lope jltenedict xv mirny millions of people are niournmj the tup den deuth on sunday of pope ichcdlct xv at the vutican at nome hut holiness wab a faithful nor vunt ot hit church mid a mail or utcrliug character his last words wore lr it pleao the lord that i ahull work again for the church i uin ready if he nays it is enough let his will be done hcrerigood municipal phuoaophy at the inauguration meet i rig of oakvillo council quite a lot wan on id about economy and it itf itkely that there wont lie quite so much money spent this yuir liny i the record though as reeve hillmer pointed out real economy consists in getting value for the money npent the newmarket era iow not fear ubel bulls the i rn has been served with a lawyers letter in connection with the sutton liquor raid on behalf of mr jam armstrong stating that if a re traction is not made action will bo entered for libel wo have nothing to retract we simply gave the facts a- published in the toronto star and corrobor fated sit the police court investigation newmarket vra bmklt your salary when you llccome prime minister the people who pay the taxes are usually niter estcd in where their money goes this paper has been asked repeatedly what the premier and mem bers of the houa of common receive in salaries mid indemnities the salary of the prima minister of canada is 15 000 and tho premier of ontario gets 1000 members of the house of commons receive 4000 per tession provided the session ex tends beyond 50 days and that the member attends at least jhrcc quarters of the days on which the house sits the sessional indemnity jn ontario is 1400 if the session eittcndb beyond 3b days if not the members indemnity is 20 for each days attendance all the cabinet minbiteru are keeleclfld all the mm 1st era of the now dominion cabinet have been re elected by acclamation j a m armstrong the premiers opponent in the election in north york on december 0 was nominated to oppose mr king last week but ho has since given up the forlorn hope its just as well for many of his former conservative supporters declared thoy would vote against him armstrongs opposition was purely factious ntrtu o these long winter evenings now that- the long winter evenings arc here parents might do something more than thoy are doing to interest their children and young folks in books and reading at present dancing appears to bo the chief pursuit of the young pcoplo but hero and there are boys and girls who would rather read than dunce and in years to come these will havo thefr minds well stored whllo the devotee of the dance will havo only o vacuity in tho upper storyi a membership in tho public library costs next to nothing and opens tho way to a wide range of reading but boys and girls should be encouraged to have books of their own tho person who owns a few good books is never without friends at hand and tho homo without books eventhough it havo wealth and everything else is a rather a dreary place goderich signal itocr ucensefl gave wo control of liquor quebec has evidently gotten tired of lis bar rooms tho taverns were authorized by the liquor law adopted last sension to sell beer within certain hours but abuses of all kinds havo resulted and the premier now recommends that there bo no tavern licenses granted after may i already there are ave hundred applicants for licenses before the com miss ion it has been well demonstrated that where beer ims been allowed to bo sold stronger liquors were alwayi smuggled in very row in tint m hutrhnow aoma- thlcur ir ul i mht lnvt heard of the smalt lint v ry fow itirtooil will know why tlit mm ii wiis tlm named the ni i lamat u at cording to alithoa- hy from mm mwiuhui ruloi- whlah re sembles tliut fit a ui urn or the smelt la a mull ml i vary dallnala rood nah nablvt to t atlniiuo and lolflo ornunm und in lit non won from ootober to uroli it u rlosely allied to the midmon family havli g tho anaral mtrnnturo t i it on tlh ahhoualt m lutwl to thn unlmt tlm btnalt in rlly m dwrnf mi i iom pir th mod part ihny mio iiuirttii though komt moenil o mawn junt a the lmon hut llo hot k am r mild frttquantly bocontn ln lua ut 1 111 pound moat thn wt im ar aortflnwl to ih trth tmmmtn n d a fw mink to tho lnn una hhrlmiut nd othor nail cruhhtofuiim conatttut thlr jdlilne noiirlhlimont thn x j trmy dnllcnln utld oharaad with u rrnarunt oil whl h aldm in tl dl- tlon it thl nxtollent food i thn amfrloun win it ilia lnwt known i of tli nmlt uro up ttf nuliaa c found ulatitt thn atlaiitla tiiut from vlr wlnlu to tlm ul ot ht luwntntia i in thn 1mii t ainerlln dec are ir linvid uturr jordan uiiuiina th limny lrruinu it oftnn beconim utnd hidknd lianoo iho lukwi and bay of nw itrurihwh u uud nov hcotla h lumt w ti thlm dullcloun varlty lurhu tlu winter it asonda our rlvra lti i hraoklwh i yn to apnwn whan it h oniibht in itninoimo numura in nt ml hy hook itud lino in tho odn dayri it w mom itrollllo thun it u today in j 12 cit john smith toll there la auoh abund- nuvaffea don take them ul in j ho river with haakala ilka jilawaa ircm iiimitltl am taken oouat lili i uftai- tlrnl bains frttaon arn thou hli pd to th larger hut tho arnataat demand flowrno in wintcd hyolnlh narou1 tullpa and ultaa can b orown in th houh liulbu or vrli iim kli dm n wn hi do ra- durliib thn wlntti monlha mil itilloli to thn llttridivdittm ut lunlu uuiioundlnem un i tin it ultiicu ithhnl 1 bu morn ajatiorul thtui it lu 1 a bulletin riaullnir with tlm muttm in uuii lrtintad by thn hup rlitnd ck i f thn dominion icximrlmontnl htutlon on vntioouvoi idiaii 1 luui i oaiitly hjoii ukiiihi by the liuirlrotmt of aiirloulturo ottawa and lu uvull- abla upon fd iliimt j rovllotl uorlnln waontluui nr on aarvad aueoaaa 1 uay a i1niui houaa in hot naoaaaaly but only u liimi 1 tin mo nmnt and aunuy window tho t pnratura hiunt not l pvtmlitod nt any it to iifilor mora than mltc tjetfrooa of froat roman hynotnth lapc whl to narolaaua mid woeulu will iupy a the winter bull bloom do- ilrad up to tho and o january after tha hrat of vohrlmry thu uutnh llyuolnth early vatlot la of irtilaar and tiafly tultt will lirovldo waalth of bloom hm oxtoualva mini nt- trnntlva a ona uin wuh for thn writ or aaya ttmt ho haa pra- tiuro t thn bulletin chiefly with thn vlnwaf aiding farm wt mn to brltfht nil their hoinaa and door yanla durlntf tha lull moaaoii but there la mi ronaou why dwollan in town un 1 country allka ahouhl not o tha u thlntf if hay will follow the liiatructlonh i tluit ara aet forth uet of aiiltnlilo j vaijetlee ara lvan the requlramanta baaldea nam and attention am jiiallty of bulb nrm and of deoont mlwi fli wnf poth noni or boxoa and aome fine harden lonhl and aaud to know the treatment that muit lm followeil it la tkeonabory to oonuiilt i bulletin in which tho runt hod nro ho alven that hhould lm ml on tod for itdoor nuttlvatlou in colder dlutrldu if your oven is low to heat y will find e iast as low to actits dcvwble nction insure leavening with a low or hot oven egg0 baking powder order from your neighqbhoqp grocer for the mifrogmi or groen amelt oa it would iippeur from the expnrjim william lyon mackenzlvs democracy the election of hon w l mackenzie king to the premiership of canada naturally creates a new in terest in matters relating to the days of his grand father william lyon mn r ken t io rjxjifoefczmpy ct i pastor of the methodist church here who has a trenchent for the collection of remote historical docu ments of note exhibited to the edftor tho other day a i copy of mackenzies gazette dated may 4 1830 this edition was published in rochester n y when mr mackenzie was a fugitive from canada because his radical views on canadas rights were not ap precis ted by tho autocratic rulers then in power this number is especially interesting rev mr moyer secured the copy from an old storehouse at jrt davids near his boyhoods home that william lyon mackenzie was on tho right track but far in advance ofhis tlmestho followjagcharfiptcrijtic sentence concluding one of his editorials gives ample evidence i have never doubted for ono moment the triumph of democracy in canada nor do i now economic ten cinmaiwlmeritfl ihis in national thrift week in the united states end it is based upon an economic programme with tho following tan commandments as tho foundation stones of success i work and earn 2 make a budget 3 record expenditures 4 have a bank account 5 carry life insurance i own your own homo 7 make a will 8 pay your billi promptly 0 invest in reliablo securities 0 share with others these commandments are worthy of adoption in any land editorial notks a detroit magistrate announces that everyone convicted in his court this year of motor car speed ing will receive a jail sentence without the option of a fine that will have a tendency to stop them tho 75000000 paid by henry ford in a single year for taxes stands as tho record individual tax in tho world there are others who would willingly take henrys income and pay the tax out of it citizens who send their money to malt order houses or order from pedlars goods which might be purchased from our local merchants are not in a very reasonable position to complain about the rate of taxation l- r a younff mans worthy career tbejappointment of mr murdockjto s prominent portfolio n tho dominion cabinet is another proof of the democrstfespirit which obtains in this canada of ours hon mr murdocks early career was that of the average canadian boy with only the ordin ary advantages of education at his command ho made the most of his opportunities as a youth when young man entering the activities of real lifehe started as a railway brakesman by faith fur- service and keen interest in material things ho won step by ctep to a high position in tho railwajpsiens union during the war he was chosen for important service in the interests of the country and ho fulfilled his duties so effectively that tho big interests found their war profits in danger in his selection as minister of labor premier king has shown wisdom and foresight hon mr murdock will make good his career up to thjs point is worthy of emulation of canadian boyhood mr murdock is a native of kent county and tho electors of kent did tho decent thing last week tn giving tho new minister ills scat by acclamation m y islr s wl e a i wkfaf jpb 1 m ft unity for peace and ilonor- tiio fmu prb has received with much pleasure a budget of copies of tho freemans journal of dublin ireland published during tho fateful week when tho dall hlrcann were concluding tholr historic discussion of tho irish peace treaty and their final decision to endorse the treaty and turn down mr de valero tho spanish leader who had for so many months been at tho head of tho sinn fein organiza tion in an editorial leader on january 5 the journal says those who hoped that mr do valera would spare ireland tho ordeal of a faction fight over his absurd amendment are to bo disappointed know ing the practically unanimous will of tho country ho s going to fight tho treaty of honorable and secure peace to a finish tho irish people will find no justi fication there for his criminal attempt to divide tho nation in tho crisis of its fa to what is the explana tion is it mr de valera s vanity apparently he cannot forgivu tho irishmen who havo made tho treaty for their success and for this he is ready to sacrlfico tho country he has not the instinct of the irishman in his blood tho irish people must vtand up and begin their freedom by gjving tholr fans into the hands or tljeir own coimtrymcn this theysjneo have dono jt may be interesting to our readers to learn that tho managing editor of the freemans journal is a canadian of irish descent mr harry moore e namesake and nephew of the editor 6f the frbb prbss and only son of kqv dr t albert mooro of toronto r at tho inaugural meeting of the empire forestry association at the guildhall london a resolution was passed urging tho early extension of a con structive forestry policy to all parts of the british empire for tho purposo of scientific conservation and prudent exploitation for tho benoflt of the empire stephen lcacock tho erratic professor and novel writer having ignomlnlously failed in his propa ganda against prohibition has now assumed a new role and is attacking the present form of higher education for women his impotence in this will be as signally marked as in his hquor advocacy tho exminister of tho ontario house who boasted about tho hides he would nail to the fence isnt saying much about it since the drury governments investigation has already resulted in tho recovery of over a million dollars from the fjrma who secured timber limits from tho department of the late min ister of forests and mines in thaunvcstigjition under mr justice logic ho found that hon howard fergusonrwhen minister of forests and- mines old timber in queticopark for 7 per thousand when it should have brought 17 60 the j purchasers must pay the difference a mattor of a million dollars it looks as if the change in the ministry is proving profitable to tho province canadians hear bo imuch from out esteemed neighbors to the south of us about the biggest things in tho world being over there that thoy may bo pardoned for a tnflo of boasting over our pwn new cjnppewaqueonston power canal it has set in motion tho worlds greatest electrical generators i et us net overlook our own worthy achievements the bylaw endorsed by toronto ratepayers to authorize an agreement with tho ontario hydro commission for the acquisition of the toronto suburban railway from toronto to guelph at a cost of 3000000 has passed the city councit an ap plication to tho legislature will bo made to vadldate tho bylaw thats all right weve no objection up this way tho province of quebec occupies the position of big greedy old bartender premier taschereau announced with great glee and smiling satisfaction the other day that profits of 4000000 had been made during tho year from the sale of alcoholic drinks wondor if he and his f olio wlegisla tor ever give n thought to tho misery of the homes from which these millions of dollars of profit on booze was wrenched england to day is endeavoring to reduce ex penses and some propose to lessen the amount spent on education but this has resulted in a loud protest led by lord burn ham one of tho british journalists who visited canada last summer the owner of the dlily telegraph of london and the hope is that though economics will be effected in other lines the amount spent on education may not be reduced bowihanville statesman if england would devote a few hundred million pounds less to intoxicating urinka there would be ample means for educational awimtfetf two tfftftr hctjfful titfttfiek it lu tailed width lti much in ore hlhly oat earned oiilai han or thn fandte flah it dative of lucino wiit ra another member of melt futility m aald by authorities to bn unaurpaaaed by any liuh whutuvur in dollnaay of the lleah in the hi rliw it nun nil in enormoua uumbera utt thu rlveru north columbia um far a rkaauuy tor tho purpoue of hpuwiiiiib theae runa usually oeour in u lvauon t the itlmon run the oul ban hue many enamlea amoutf thn vnrloinj predatory flahea ntid hu binlrt which prey upon it durlnjf ha loiiruo tu the aiutwnlnb round at thn tlmo of tho run it a extremely fit an much ao that it la aotd by ir jordan that when drlo 1 and it wink drawn through tha body it riav he unl candle on the naa tlluef mo treom u which the run la thn ureotoat n factor bun been operated for tha manufacture of illaohati oil it la proponed to aub titutn it for od liver oil indlaui in alaako tuko tho oulanhan and bury it in tha broutidlu sreat maaaea after they urn well domyed they are taken from thn uro und and tli extracted the nulanlitiji l nbout tell to twolvo lnclinn in loiioth of a whltlah wllvnry llrolle i or fried it la a favorite dlah in uritlhh columbia it in fat tender juicy rlolily navorod an 1 practically frna from the many troubh name boueu this lt ought to boar wnlaht with htrno people vary otfon d lata to of nah arluid from thv fap of having to ciirorully rihuieat the many minute but greatly troublesome bonea from the tlxh one druwback la that it doe not itour trunaportatloii wall cupelln unnthnr variety qloaoly re- aemble tho ouhinhoii it la vary abundant on nil tha arctlovepaafl of america in thn atlantic and tlyt taal- -c- natlvom nt aroho region depend raoly upon tho oatellu an a aourca of food on our puolfltt roaut from ban itanouoo northward to llriatol nay in alaska wn hnvo tho iuoltlo amelti it itmut elht or nlno inched in length a vary wuiik mid feabla npeolna tho flavor is uvee llont ulthouah tha lleah la no ft it nan not mod koeplna unlltlea and noon apolla burf umaltm uro ttlao plentiful in the nnrtli paolrlo they are wo called bacauaa they npawn in tho aurf it nrmfloahnd und fat little flah hllchtly inferior to tho outaohnti in navor qulllluto indiana of wuahlnf- ton aaya dr jonlan believe that tho nrt aurf amolth that appear muat not aol4 or nlvm away to he taken to another pluco nor ttumt thy bo tntnaveraly hut aplit open with rauaael ah ell tho pond amtilt duaky in oolor tand hllchtly tranaparent wo hnd in north sm watera of auuika and tn llehrliur ea aouthward to japan tha pond amett la aomowhnt aim liar to tho aurf arnolt thouith only aptiwnlnjr in freah watar pools the gruyllnir mo pro i no in alaaka and our own northern watera eloaely udled to thn amelto it la a very tfrttmty nh una an intoresuna customer for sport nabormen at abi broan onoo dojiorlbod it an tho flower of nahoa preaumnbly on ooootint of its any aolorlng am n rule flhb art drawn before thoy are transiwrtod to market nu it mean a reduction in weight of from nrteen to twenty per oent tut it la ly in excopuonul conea that thla la over done with tho arnolt whllo amelta uro not aw plentiful ae in form er yearn naharmen arn gettlnn aood prjoea for this dollaloua uttla flah during the your toio bjt owta of smalta were ouuht and landed in canada with a hrat hand value of ib71 308 canada exported duruitf tho same period bt 005 owta with a market ed value of 9763 042 mi tie that many bulha which are uiiportwl from holland might be pro diiu i in canada icvoii now uiaru is n probfehiilya rndn in bulbm butwncii llrltuh coluinhlu- und ontario nnd al lhrta issllnl by the dlreitor of fuhllolty dvturtmnut of agriculture ottawa makinq a road for the hrk enolme one muntclallty huti it unliiuo nrn ilaiiallliia ayatem f r ironic to utop when tho fire appuratuu la on tlm way to the nre a bell and flnali light havo inatulletl lu the middle of tho chief atreet of tho town uud whenever a nre opouni thn tell rlticw and tho llicht nashea tills means that all tratrto in all dlreotlonh must atop tho l ell may bo heard for waujirna und tha light la vory powarful tho appar atutf has proved to ihi vory effective ami while it could in k largo city bo appllvd only by moana of so mo a urrangfltnentlc la obviously n aoi uhu to make alt trolrto in tho entire iielghtmirhoad atop until it la tmtabljsh- i just whero tlm englnoa are roiiib a rood hiany uoolienlh auif a gacul many delaya in if t tin if thn onblniia to tho nro would be nrevuited by the batiiirul adoption of this plan had office montreal acton branch georgetown bran a i of cwimata sjety deposit b u what he thought op pa you actwl vary wrongly jloruco tlmw miokp lloraoua rother in tho preadnoo of horaces mothri to hnrnca rllafiovared in the aot of atoallng jam 7t may aeoin a- small crime horace continued rather but it hau for ft foundation ono of tho prima caunea of this world uuuboiuiwtaa dl imbodl- a i am grieved i want my son tr yrow up u tine ulron rltfht minded man t want him hure father paused for breath horaco turned ettthuhluutlrally to hlu mnthnr mamma ho cyied aln t pn interesting 7 in the riqht direction in tho lontf uutmobile trlpa which year by year uro becoming mora ooni- t it in not naoeaaury for tha driver un he atarta out to know every road ha will follow throughout his journey ho may aufely put off finding out about a good many thing ho may not lie able to tel within aevaral day when h will arrive and that too la unimportant llut it la essential that ho ahould know that ho la going in tho right direction and utter all that la atiout aa muah aa any of un mood to kpow wo hava no way of nndlng out whether the montha before un are to bo an aay road or a rough ono wo cannot kntf how great tho duianoo la between ouraelvoa and tho goal of qur axabltlon llut these thing dp not matter rjo- idod wo can bo auro beyond d doubt t- queatlon thitt wa ore golnb in the right dlreotioti new lamp buries 94 per cent air beats electricity or gaa a now oil lamp that give an nroaa- lnuly brilliant aoft white light oven lettar than or eleatriplty ha boon tested by tho u h government and ib tad ing unlvuislllo and found to bo ni- wrlor to 10 onllnury oil lamp it burna without odor amoko or iiolea ifo pumping up la simple clean aafo iiurna 04 air and- 0 common kero- ma oonl oil tho invoutor i v n johnaon tm4 craig ul w muntrohl la pffarina to send a lamp on 10 dny ithbo trial or even to give ono flltou to iho oral uaar in akoh lciuully who will halp lilm introduoa it wiltolilm today fyr full partiaulnra a hid nk him to x plot bow you nun gat tho manor 14 watbtajt axmrlnm or rmmr rakko 1100 to sw pvr raanth if you want a real job wp yoij waul h rcnl job dona n your ford take i it to coxctf garngc has become h slogan with lord owncra for miles around a complete stock of genuine prd parts always on hand and a staff of mechanics ruisej on tho ford account for tho reputation wcthtivc fnottof doing a better job in less time than it usually tflkes if you havo not experienced tlnj batter servlco permit us to suggest that you do so without delay without any obligation to you wo vll be gltd to give you nn estimate for anythluf from a minor repair to a complete overhaul of cither your pal crd or truck hun youn catt in before the spring starth kow ittjflll ford garatge k king manager 11 a coxk piopiietor free press advertisers are always reliable trnnrnmimtifttiatimm you must tell em to sell em n your shelves in your stock room ot watehousej are tlie goods you have f6r sale i in the homes all around are tlie folios for whom those goods were produced the buyers you have the goods they have he money but iheres no particularreaaon why the public should come to you mx jones down the street handles tlie same line of goods the happiest solution nctl tlie logical one is to advertise tell cm advertising is today the greatest force in modern business progress its powers can be quickly efficiently econ omically applied to your business v act03n get tlie facts from the free press a word to the wise the advertisements you see in ouv columns are the invitations to you of t sponsible progressive businebs men siop where you are jlnvited to shop laauadby capadlan weekly newspapere aaaoalatloi haoa ontoe toronto canada y bwhmbymm business directory a monivgn vtollv unit buroon ii itxia kleln nil u i dl llvalolim i nllgoh ouiirloi one account for two people thojointbankabrhint r la a homo convonlotico it may bo optmed in ttnj ruunea of any two mombor of a family husband nntj wlfo brother nnd sister f ftthw atict eon and each person yanay njake dopctsjls and draw cheque n depen dant of tha othor many famil aro putting their aavtnes in a joint sflraj crount on vrhitb inurost la paid th merchamts bank qur aoton jiuorimsjr to thi litrt ur qmy oltlnn ami itoul lunoo 1 iwhrlrk ul odloo hours j to i p n un1 7 to on c f w hobo pbymtaun an i duruaon mill bt qeorusloh p homlltol ijuhjioi attention to illumim of wo man und clilllri wiul ii fant ifuvllna- bnabluhod 1b04 l ft 8horev usum or w b lamid ov nui li ii woilwhlt hlnet rye icer no uih timwit j welnealay at momlr- homo 1 hone no if i o ho iurold nash farmer m a- barrl bolloiuir ntsy puble co nveny sneer ctc- pennvman block acton omt uonvy to ioan hours 9 10 am l pm uh j m bkll d d s u dntlt uanor orodual- f roronl i ity tho la tmaathatlo lealred p o gollop d d b- l d dental burgeon ira over ilaak of ko hcaiu llouiuf d 3ilto fijtt cvenlnga by appointment mibccllaneous phancis nunam ancouttf booka ut all u id to order inirlodlcal t w ticrip- tlon careftilly bounj itullr kmoty nt droapur done wyndbam mir io will u oui lb oat n j kcrw auetlenaer and heal eatata agant 17 yeuw i kihirlono acton ontaitio uojea ntrustist to il j korr rv- oelvo attention riom ilulo of untlna to date of a in oat your suit witti ma realdanoo flower avnu acton call at my uxpenae 110 na ta aotoa roy hindiey auctioneer consolidate phone erin t 11 r ft x acton j e cheevers sook binder quebao bt east qualph oot xlooka and trtntcuxliin ttounl in i land son i a and hubstautlal novars nunut letterad lu sold on lllbloa ilytun uooka ajjd otliur booha all work promptly ewaouted d alex niven ontario land burvayor and civil ehalnati burveyo utwllvialfmfcji riiinn tto- torta- danorlutloiim lllucprhith ma oerttllnatea for uurolifim m ami tnorttiairoea surveys for aivliltfcta klull tore and munloljml councils draltuir itotmirts lrullnuitoii vto mclgan building douala bt oukmi 1 houo jort oni jnnich proctor red f cm iittl e m ihootoll d a lo msnur 36 toronto bt toronto can nihil ta ravotaoiitn v uurwork tjowerniffl elyutf inu tuoliu riitnrs hohoolu imihlln uallu iiouiiihum kaitorha arhlputlonu i ltluatliiti our fe uujly paid out of the nianey w ve our ollonts thooidattdllollablo granlto and matblo doalors wa are inamiluoturer i ami diroot ltniortera of all klnila of mouuinaiitaj und lluailntwna work wo milt diroot to our nuhtomora ot wiioiuhmio iirlooa thus uttvlnw our otltituiidra 4u xrnr ont ww have tho best npnllauium und tho fniy knotihunhu lu the iinnilnloii who n oterato nniimtlo t ihi in tiroiicrly we call hive rafaratu o tr in liunilroda if our in utt mil era hi kiriito and nttier uluqea horo nuiaru luivo ut have law hultn lu ordrr to oollt wo liavo um largest and best mtoolc of cntne in die dutnlnlnti or tnore ihnii atiy ttireo ikulors in the west wn uin t nihto iloalera an i employ no nmiiita do not annoy or pout nuatomoni ending nut ignorant uu lita anltolt- ing onlrra wo employ only moohanlos ii lid dofy oomnetltton nalvoltdiv sr sons cor nowttth a roolwlo hte ttualph

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