Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1922, p. 5

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elt skitan 3xst tt tilullhijavjanuallv 38 1023 fine i i there nl 1 whi thin it do no e d l mllar l anil t moil i night nn tiny the thliik ui do ih iurli your grlof cut flit i yiu- little whine and wlinti lhy usk you how yuj uru joml ft iy i feelin hni tlin win i no muu it live hut what l ijooltm to k1 liu lup then nip i no mull thut wulk bu whitt krom troul in gtm hi rap i on mhil with out i uimh till hoy wllkio ull ulo hl llrllt- nhldit ami when they uuk you how you uu jest hiiy i fit ffwlhi no twenty years ago from th luo of the fim prmm thursday january 30 1002 town afforded 7i hllln tiroiind iiihmii ph nillil iiunurti- tu nut wnnu ii in or sand ahoiill prlnku u on the loy nlilewulk tlhvi williams turn just ontrd in u a contrurt tti wrry litt inuilillt i it nil trom thrfcj t u truliiw and pout ntneo for another thru your lnn hi wlllumn lio wuporlnu ndnd tho deliv ery of the mil in hr fur tlitrtniu yeurti pajit anil has nevnr mluhl u train btnmy m hockey ton in will play uiolr flnit mulch or tho humplonshlp of ksqueslng in liorci town on itrlday night nculiiht tho owiiriiown team tho nw stoaln hinting tit tho iuhllo school hit imuiii woll touted during thn windy kn wiuther thlu week no rtllhotilty wu esiterienced in k min ing tin si rtkinut up lo ch oi 70 degree and th wholnr and teacher in itost comfortable notwithstanding tho wintry blast ou initio ooastlng superseded skating almost entirely la town last- irriduy and so urdsy score of young people and children had rum run and frolic in thl healthful pastime during the nun shiny afternoons and uio bright moon light nights dovll wn ult tl re josoihii rgy wo ihi not uurprlud thut she wan ready to torttl die kings signature aftr onn him begun to viol u in the iiiwh of righteous id it ui it nl or it mm are not difficult naturully u donument hearing thn ignuturn inn runtied the 1riilm to whom it whs wmii the merchant is a report eh every shrewd newspaper readot readily acknowledges that ft moat im portant part of tho real new the new that nffeote pocket book in found in the advertuemenbi of the lecal merchant the mo reliant who ldvertlam ut a reportnr i lo i port u to the newnpapor what he uan to offer and it 1 real mnvx it nttect tlm pocket book of every family if womo rierchant la- ma kin a iireat run en a and eel hub them nhearc thut u new that every pdraon who neeta ahoea busht to know if another in ofterlnk real bargm- m overcoat underwear comobj hatii dres foodi furniture carpets attpeneh txml and wood atovea or anythjnjr a family need it la news that mean money tc every family and uio people oust t tc know it thata why all tnerchanta ahoukl advertlee in the local new paper people want to know where to et what they need aitd the advertise irent often telbi them what they need end where to fat it corna dlaappeai- when treated with hollo way corn item over without leaving a acar mount popocatepetl it l eutlmated that more than 1 000 000 tona of uhhur afe depoalted very year in the crater of mount popocatpot1 it in reported that an bnxllah syndicate hoa inn tailed ma cblnery tvlthln tho crater of the volca no eo that the immense depoalta nan bo madetnvalinule engineers declare that an electric railway can be built to the mummlt of the mountain and it la announced that such a road la actually tinder construction the sum mit of mount popocatepetl is about 17 784 feet above aeo level the aul phur deposit occur within the bowl of the crater about five hundred feet below the- auramlt thoy are formed by the condensation of the vapors constantly rising from vents that lead down into the mountain the oh for th farmer a bottle of th- thomas koleetrlo oil in the farm bouse will save many- a journey for the doctor it is not only good tor the children when token with oolds and croup and for tho mature who suffer from pains and aches but there spa directions for la use nn cattle ther should always be a bole of it in the house ftteel belts replace leather within the past few years steel has entered a new field appearing as an effective material for power belts in mills factories and similar places its advantages he in tho reduction of wkh both or belts and of pulleys the consequent reduction of weight and expense and a reduction in the distance between axles necessitated in j other days to secure proper tension or leather belts ble of pulleys can be increased and therefore a gain h power is obtained because of the re duction of weight ana width extra ordinary speeds impracticable with leather o rope transmission are readi ly avallablo with eteel belts and the savings effected in all departments cover and incieaseil initial coat easily in a reason the pulleys are provided with canvas and cork surfaces to give the ateel bands tho best possible bold pan them j i spare the children from sufferlng from worms by using millers worm powders a most effective vermifuge with which to combat these insidious foes of the young and helpless it is an excouent worm destroyer and when it qualities become known in u house hold no other will be used the medr olno acts by itself requiring- no purga tive to assist it and so thoroughly that nothing more is desired the sunday school lesson for 6unday januarv 20 uaii in nalioril h vinwvaili 1 klmu 21 710 tc ao loldni til llo mint your in will ii ml you out num 33 23 hiatorle1 settinoj tim about rq0 ii c luiio j snlml m unit ahubs pulune hum rlu lesson comments 7 nu th luul lefuwnl thn olfni- to ttfva him fiilt vnlue for in yunl onu reuson i ting thut it wuh cnttury to thn law if mohom tl ut s mull should noii hltt inlmtltmitm ijiv 21 23 jesebel jnerv 1 ut the i in w allowlou hlmxilf to to ijiuki y unit of hi uuhjectti if alinb hud n pohihmthi of unythlng llk n uiily uplrlt iter imiiut wmil 1 ituvt onti humllluttnff vnrn 8- it is pohulhln for hi to itmlro womo of um uuulltleu of till omul who htnnds out in history as plo of wluktwlnoiis am nil i okei mltl vnrue b tho hit inning umoulutv the pooplo w re jltiil on to fnutr uu u sign of mourning nr kome uln that hud imwii committed nulwith wuu made tho ntro of ob- tlon probably un thougli allnd to about to bo me charge vereo 10 the running jcxehel maw to it that iho irimo that wuu uliout to eommltledwne perfeetly logal tho law rmiulrtd two wltneusnh in nlor to ingully churga one with u crime t is nnvor lniposslhle to find is of uellul ho us of worthless i who urv ready to lend themselves to suob plom the idea of jexehal having a hand in urrulgnlng any ono tor blasphemy ugulnst ood hsu a touch of turriblo nlisurillty this offonnu it blahiihomy uicalnut tho king was punishuhld by etonlng verso lfl to nil of his other ub horrent iuallles ahab adds that of ardlfo ho wus a murderer ut hourt and worse nco he hud been willing to huve others put a stain of murder upon tholr souls verses 17 11 while ahab and jese- ital and their evil crew had been nt work lod has boon working at the other end of the line again the great prophet is told to go utnl face thn wicked ahab who had not yet entered possession of his leiyrly procured vineyard verse l the prophet was charged ith a terrible message the subse quent repentance of ahab stayed a port of this awful judgment however jehoratn the son who was of bis own blood was afterwards slain and his body cast upon the piece of ground that had been naboth s verse 10 elijah was the enemy of the sin in which ahab had steeped himself if ahab had pormltud it ttlljah would have been his friend and ounsetor illustrated truth those who allow others to commit rimes lit tholr holm if may escape punishment on technicalities but they are doubly guilty in tho sight of ood vs 19 z0 illustration it was not any voellge if humanity that prevented ahab from committing the crirao of which he ready ro reap the supposed bene its the abah sinners have their counterpart in tho animal world per haps no heast is looked upon with such lothlng as is the hyena it is cruel and voracious and roasts greedily upon the flesh of men and animals but it depends on others to do the killing for it it is n slinking coward topics for research and discussion 1 bvil plana tlild vs 710 1 what events led tho words of jesebelt was ahab willing to don i fairly with nabotht a why was nabofh unwilling to sell his vineyardt 4 what was tho attitude of mind uf jcsebol towurd the kingt 6 to ydtat stent did she take matters in hur own handst what was tlut purpose of the fust 7 what was the law of moses about charging one wh a erlmot s what wns to be the charge against nabotht it the qullty man acnused and warned vs 1821 0 what was elijah charged to as to ahabt 10 how was part of thin afterwards ful niledt 11 what saved ahab fronf the fat spoken oft 13 what was ahab a greehfls to kiijaht 13 what was the truth about iclljoh relation to blear dally readings fer next wsek monday january 30 wlijah tuken to heaven it kings 2 1h tuesday january 31 the fruitless search 3 kings 31 1318 wednesday february 1 enoch taken to heaven qon 6 3134 thursday february 3 moses tak en to heaven deut 34 18 friday february the transfig uration mark v 88 i j- saturday february 4 pauls hope ofjueaven 3 tim 4 1 fl sunday february 6 our assurance of heaven 1 thsss 4t 131h i poovleh pale ohiiohs und alckly children owe their condition to worm mother graves worm exterminator will relieve them and reetore health otao the power ofadaptability one of the most satisfactory an well ns nobli ut churactnrlstlrs niiy of uq jiiun is the power of adapting oumnlvon to rlroumstanues if we h this iower wo ran be happy no matter how trying how dlfllpult or unpleasant the uiidltli ns that surround us n ion with suob power of adaption w muut inevitably jio nhange nondltlons us lo muko them lolurunle and at tho uenin time mi t hunan ourselves jhiinuo l nuided lljut nothing but hnrmony remain one of our grt utest sdurators onro huld that no p rson is really educated if he ilofm not posuess the power of mini lability ho muy bo lramed may bu u highly t ruined specialist ho muy bo a rnnognlsnd expert on car tnln himu but if is not easily uiluptublo to ontlllions he de not 1 uv the uymputhlslng mind hor the uiirimuk hi ltik heart of the truly edu- uti1 thett timeis the mutter or hard ililr air f un somer or mater am urluln to mei t trouble and dlffloulty ilfoi pulhwuy is not strewn altogeth er with reu ml tls i well for hu niunlly tin tent of th truly educat- vl w 11 i ulnime1 itiillvulual is his ability to muni hurlnlilp with a mlung ooiiiilnmi u iiul a determined pur- ix no lie tliiox not rull ut clroum- utnninii tlromrt hi 1 1 ti that runt he lmlpl which lomeunexpectotliy sol itluiut hmild he endures with a pu tie n on uml fortitude that i the very if virtue who eun adept himself to condi tions is romp lo to master of himself apd ho does not tremble in the proheiile of klnss or potentate plain hoiiext cltlsen who tabor it htriht is um much his brother as mm on tho throne iii is the happy faculty or making all ersons feel at esse in his presence it is not but mind and heart and soul thut dclfirtnhm the real condition of our ohnrut tnr tho power of adapta bility i the power sit pressed by the fjoldau llulo and known to those who uoupt it tim power to feel to suffer ml to hymputhlse with others throwing effort away how eusy it is lo change thing for o tin it r before they aro said or don if you ate temvted to- slight your work huve only to set voursolf to do it fully und conscientiously and the vlotory i won if an angry speech tun mi to your lip you have only to hut your teeth down over it and here no chnnre of its escaping hut to try to change what ha already been an ul or done i throwing sway offort no tltlng can unsay the unkind word onoo u poke u nothing can undo the unkind not of yesterday at its best i the strongest com- i pliment ever paid to i scottsemulsionj is the vain attempts at i imitation those who take codliver oil at its best take tw scotts emalnon 4 sobww o alomaionior- rimqids i for indigestion albert d savage kcsistered optometrist and manufactming opucart lavage optical duildinq right at the poet qfflp olelph wo operate the only lena sur face grinding machinery in this wslrt a new name the family purse once more a judge has stated his opinion as being- that a woman is quite within her rights in taking money out of the pockets of her hus bands trousers the pity is that women find it neces- ury at times to resort to such prao likewise that men find it neces1 kto keep their money out of tho wlfosreach the ttamlly purse is a mutual affair and is ntp property of husband and wife the noondk marrlodi peoplo get away from the havdout idea and policy the better for them both a man and wfe who cainot lt down and plan uivfomlly budget and apportion tb incomvaje missing a lot of tuii and passing ijivtherrlmsui of a rood working urrans advertiser tnent london thu actinium had htumbled through their share of the reading lesson and nt last it came to little harry a turn ho got along quite well until ho came to thu word heirloom tho teacher notloing bin dlfllaulty helped him und then ns hod and do you know the meanlnu of the wordt hurry shook his head it mean something that i handed down from fther to son in other words a rello oh said harry with a grin that the funniest name i ever heard for u pah of pants ancient nursery rhymes nursery rhymes are a very c of literature ainytya of sj w papui- lar as far back as lbootthroo blind mloe is included in 4t book of music dated mo yhtte pussycat pussycat ovherajhnya you been is supposed to refer to queen kllsadeth 1 the trog and the pioum is another old rhyrn it wyt printed in lo and both- curls and boyg oome out o liloy ontt jluoy pocket lost her poo ket wmvall unawk to obpfym x horse ailments of many klpds galelcly remedied with douglas liniment spkainb and ilittluxa cat all around ualawel for i taua sa wll fer boombeki v iptsr it handy at all desfani and drnnuts ifaanfsotmpsi enty r dodoijul as co lyirakbsloafc haopy new year now in stock at c c speights gramophonea records large stock silverware uridal wreath old colony adam hherldan drosvenor pattern tableware tools for father skates for the boy or the girl hockey sticks and pucks ktc etc c c speight mill street acton growth of canadian shipping strong policy in immigration now necessary pnotocrph of w oeshy preattunt c p r fits tn oi save on your fuel bill by burning anthracite boulets same heat units per ton mr nut or stove coal price per ton off the car 1306 from ehecirfl350 j b madtenzie actpnyammseobgow f the most liitoriulliiu feuturee iitluiidiive10nntn fiurins the nt yturs hns boon the growtli the hhlpiihtb faiilltlcs f rarauaa trudo and trultlc tin of thl cull bo noon 1 turn from tho pott which show thnt up to vlgutlon bb0 v hhcis um nrt compund with tti for the previous uenuon tim nlil mont in eluded murti thnn 140 000 000 hushulrt if grain nn iik n anii uf hourly 100 per oeut over tho pravloti i hlnhuut ngure that jif 1014 parity f n oountry dnpendu upon the eusn with which it produce be markotnd mid hi the iniw of canada whirs nvutu ho lurgoly on oversea market tho conditions of trade are undoubtedly governed by the facilities tor traiihport the develop ment of shipping ytituount to inmire tho epeody onvnynnco of passongerii and freight 1 therefore of vital 1m- ihirtanoo and uncounts for tho steady inrreaee in thr else of the cnnedlan i aolno fleets on iwith atlantic and aclflc oneanti cen ships pay their wsyt the phenomoiial growth of canndn u mercantile marino during the inst few- year has boon taken a ludittlve of the country s progress there is dan ger however in a too luplt growth if ha not been dlronted ulong commercially profltublo linos wlint wo hnve to consider in whohmtr thn tonnugu is justlflad by the coun try m production wlmther tho ships aro suited to the kind of tralllo available and whnthnr thny um tho kinds of ships that are ukuly lo py tholr way if thone fuc tors aro not taken into consideration wo muy 0pil thnt a por lion uf lonst of cuuiulu inrwu mercan- fleet i tho kind nt unnut popularly referred to as a wiito etophunt cum period uf yours is apt to bo nilnloudlng unluhh mo thoroughly underutund whut theue ututlstlos reiireuent in a letter written in 1s1 nddrashod to par oroy thou colonial bit retary in llrltaln joseph hown tho dlstlugulhhed nova uootlan wtateuman remurkod the bes nrjtorlon f the com- puruuyo tlvlhsutloii of rounfrjes muy im founl in fhu growth of oommerre and ho inoreuue pf a mercantile marine tried hy his test the nrtt anforlun l will stand oompnrjson iylth any other portion of th quoon domin ion the west indian oulunles thu auutrallgu group fpoludlna jew zealand he african oolonlus and the teast indie or tho mauritius and ceylon owned colloatlvely in 1h4d but 3 1s vessels or 43 fllo tons of shipping tho north ameri can group including cmiadn nova scotia new llrunswlck newfound land and prlnco iciiwri d island owned in that your 5 ho vessels measuring 003 b22 toim of these nova hflotlu o wn d in tqnnago 141 obj und in tuiniber moro than the other four put together or 5 if 83 canadas plsee in shipping in 1803 tho urittah american pro vinces tit ood fourth in tho world a shipping with 7 101 vessels totouli b41 043 tons in this year alone 0 easels totalling 334 314 tons wore built n the canadas and the maritime pre vlnce only 0 100 tons leuu than the united states which moruoviu in that year purchuaed cnnudlun built vok eel to the vnlue uf 0 000 000 tli hlgheat tonnage on thu ciiundlan regit ter prevloinj to the jtroitt wur was reached lit 1b78 with n total 1 13s 016 tun net thtrno however wore still mostly wooddit halting voh- hoih uml ujidur tho oompetltlou of hteumwr und trade depression tho tihpuo hud dropped by 1003 to loss go per ont of thut totlil or to w exact dbs 113 tn it was hot till 1d00 that wteel yuennls began to nppefir to nny exte on oun adiau register and not till tots wire hleel vessels in the mnjorlty tho tlgures teing 4 3111 htunmurm out uf u tutul of 8 658 vessels on october 11 1d31 there wore b 9s3 vohsoih ou canadian reglaler of which 4igtt aro eteameis tho grori tnunge of thusu 8 338 vesaulu being 1160 670 ton evolution in ship 4 the largo tonnuko of urltlah nortli american uhlp in tlia middle of the nineteenth century i however de ceptive unless one analysts tho char actor of the trudo in which the vessel engaged tho nova soottan nhliie in 1 articular were built of soft wood iron and coppoj fastened and unlike the more substantial and inure expensive llrltlshbullt ahlp ware not always dostlued rnr a long ufa they carried possibly u cargo of noyn ifcola un br to tqngland then reloudcdryrlfb t cargo for bouh anierlci um tramied to unit fro pa many oooans wiiiiqu eolng hoir homo port uguln tltl they were prnotioully uod mp fio el amer of uday is bul1for a longer life and tonnugo invidye a greater initial cos high pbit of nw qhlps ih he puse of ho moroinue fleet built for the late canadian govern mvnt tho cost wuu hhfh und ropre scuts a hectlo element in our marittnl progress it is iudeed n myutffry vhy coiihtruntloiunf jomany of these shlpn was undertaken after rm nrmjstloe contracts were given by the canadian government to canadian ehlpbullauv fur curgq atilp in janunry lqio on n price basis of mooq tun itu a um when the cuimdluillucino vh being offered by tho tlritlah ml pis try of ah1pplig npy number of cargo ships well adapted to uto requirements of canadian trade ut 1100 a ton and mutually nurchnmd tn ulhut price now tho wchflonbo ui cftiiaorrfn ifhlp- iwners hum been that cargo ships are i epociihitlvti tnvestmeut unless they rti m orutnd n hupplerttontnry to 4 ugulwr in rvlc f vornhlned pauinger n 1 curuo utuuniitr when they may nmo m uhtifnl its an adjunct to regu- it r llnrr when more bualnes than luuit ts ufferodv the oovorniniiut cargo ntnumers mintutiletl for uftnr the urmlatlfce ie m to huve been built without any uutlniilnr trutle in view and without hu nupport of u uhhnger service inlesim thlu initial high cost i written down they must be run at a loss opt during period of high freights tind high freights are certainly not welcomed by tiny country looking for lirt business government ships tramping 1 aperlonce ha shown thnt for cnnndlun trade tho ideal ship for at- i liiihlnas i the steekner which oomblnn passenger smd freight ess in u certain proportion this uooounts for the construatloti of the cabin type of ship such as the nkalm with a gross register of 10 000 ton n spued of 18 knots a capacity of 1 c0d passenger and five k thousand ton of freight of the thirty flvn steamers plying for the ctilni rlinn puclnc on ocean aervloe only line uro uigo ships although some f these government steamer are run nl regular linos where there is some proapet t of a cargo lioth way a large imrdnntngu of thn fleet hns been forced into trumping without any particular fit to canadian commerce al though the tonnage may tawell the canadian- reglntar peseenaer traffla awsltlna iho lucreuso in tonnage credited to o mloamithlp companlu carrying on nguliir service piirtloulurly where the ier aro passenger steamer is in other category tho natural devel opment of canadian shipping under nt condition is undoubtedly in the field of pusueiikdr trulnti rather igo vessel in the first plaoe cuuullas crying liel in for mora ponu- tutlou piirtloulurly of tho farm hi o insoh und ovf in onmi llrltaln n europe horo ul hundreda of tbqiui- nnds of good stimleis cosor tq oomo to this continent i only the doom aro not hhut in tholr fucm in the second plane owbik to canada a gnographloal lultlou tho b iiwrenoo routo tn summer and tho twirl of vancouver all the ylur round um in a favorable posi tion to attract lacgo pusenger trafflo to nnd from the unltetl slates with its hundred million popuuuon a well as to nml from canada itself tho rt jjiwrunoo routo enables atlantic steamers of reasonable speed to cross tho atlantic with only four day open sua while the comparatively short dis tance between vancouver and yoko homn tin given the canadian 11 n ere u uiihhtuntlnl tlmo handicap over their competitors using the longer southern routes growth of c p r shipping thn total tonhaga of ocean going lu it o and river u ten mors which will carry tho canadian pnairto house in iui9 will be only a few tons short of boo 000 or nearly nlno times as large us the great hpantah armada this is lu uplle of tho fact that the canadian ptiolno lost tonnugo by enoroy action during th tf recent war to th extent of 101 0h1 tons the growth oc the steamship inter est of the cumidlnn puolfln is slgnl- llant of the tiontrlhutlon mrdo by that oompany towurd the progress of cun- uui hturtlng with a loot on the 111110 the railway enterod on chst atlantic tuulo by purchasing ib vesaelu fiom thn icidor dempster ldne in iflos for it 600 ooftj tholuinge of oondl- u htluinmhlp liuhlnoiui i lllus- tiutoii by thu fact thut thl sum today iiirehuplh thti tant of one single new mm 1 dcuunud for iho pad ho trade iu umpreiih of canada in 11100 tho icmpruhtt of lltltiilri it ml 10mpresr of irjlund wt re udiled to the atlantic lleal ip 1013 tho pucirio uorviro was eliongthnned by the icmprex of huu- la and iqmprnsii of asia two steam- of the pnn cabin type tho olota- guina ami the muuuinahlo wore added in 1d14 followed in 1018 und 1b18 by hu melitu and the mltinedoau but the chief limoano wuu due to the taking over of the allen uno flue of 18 iiteumshlps the year 1033 will see tlia addition at hcvurul line nassengent htenmers for loth atlantln and paclflo service the iqm press of boot land 24 b84 tons which will be the largest vessel in tho canadian trade the km pros of cnniula 31 000 ton built for tho pauino kurvlco t icmpress of australia 1dji0o tons v hmppes of india 17 0g3 tonw und the monl- rnbn motitclaru and montrose esotl of 16 000 lonu i hasvy expttnalon in yr thlu represuiits an addition of 130000 tons to the canadian pnolflg fluot in a single year and should onn vlnca tthe most pessimistic that the dlrvutov uf onp cftnadln enterprise at any rule nro looking forward to inoreauud trade and traino that tralllo however can only tinuo to make progress it canuda pur- nuts a broadminded immuirallon pulloy and doe not shut tier doors ngulnst the settlers anxious to t from overonwded europe and work upon hur vucutit lands and undevelop ed resource the importu oovern- mout during the mist year has kpent- u hundred milllbii dollars in dolfis to unemployed a largo puriotab of whom were recently living on tho land at tho same time less than ton per cent ot our nvnltahlo agricultural land in thu wet i under cultivation fiurely thore in uil opportunity for uhlpplug hern to tinnhfer thu worker tu u plaoe where ho can work und thus benefit both the old country nnd the qov b w loatty inaldont ut th cunoulan favirai itallwav- i i no matter what you buy irr kitchen utcnails de mand that each article carry tho sjflp trndemnrk bhown below smp enameled ware ih safe to uso ncidn or nlkajia will not affect it it cannot absorb odorn cleans like china wears for years tell the htprckecper you want either smpware diamond ware la a threecoated enameled steel sky blue and white outside with a snowy white lin ing pearl ware in enameled steel with two coau of pearl grey enamel inside and out shest metal products o get your comfortable old shoes made good as new 7 we use t have all tho turn out a no best leather o latent up j uutioom flrnt class job lid to satlafac tl ou srantaed we have n lo u a orntil n t e gibbons lino of mon and boy shoos nt very reasonable pricow mill st acton ftrxd omcc hamilton wjusinbss bbromotora seem jlj to indicate that the period v tqf easy money nnd high prices is noanna an end a dcllar saved now in the form or a savings bank deposit will bo worth much more in tho noxt couple ot years after tho reaction hns sot in bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c mockay manager acton creamery wants your cream lfor which wo will pay you n ood pneo our aim i to satisfy customers and give prompt atten tion puesh citeameby witter wholesale oil uetail the acton creamery co ie j cnbllk proprietor railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway bye tern qelntj weat n ao llam no ai 10 b4 atn fo 33 a 20 pm no ap i ti ob pm no so hogpm no at hu day gelno eit 10 34 am no an 7 oh am no 30 1118am no 34 3 sb pm no so a 0 17 pm no 3h h 08 p m no 4 huuday rj cbpm toront o bubdrbuu elott- a hallway golnu wtt u 17 it n dully tt cpt hillulny 3 32 p uully t x t t hitmiiiy h 00 p 11 hilly x opt linn lay 1 1 0 j a l mduy iyly 11 35 p t in ley ony oru p hun lay t nly golnu eaat 7 4 ii n dully k 1 1 h tl inlay 3 0j p ihlly xc pt killiday n ik p uijly k opt hiinilay o nt ii t inlay only 1 4h p i 1 li tly only vh p hmi lay only train no wliidi lift loronto at 13 4r mum uu hitiirliiyu during tho iiiminor tuonthu now louvou nt 1 4g in ight dollvort 1 by lipot lul fpro freight kntght plrlc i up uluil tl i- h lu tt ron to o lu aoniow agnt acton l l mullin turnip lluyer will start agah niim which he wi nevral year actnn ont tho turnip busl- i engaged in for as soon as tho ourly turnips are ready for hhlpim nt ho will bo kind to meet the runner of thl sootlon a uquaitn diqaij m ouh motto ekgravlngg ratlahmonnirvasr follonio c iaiw chevrolet agency mr h 8 wilson ha secured the agency for aoton for chevrolet motor cora demonstrations ar ranged call and see the new models new car always tu hand h s wilson 80wcr ave aoton ont piionid 80 j children cry for fletchers castor 1 a fletchers castorla is strictly a remedy for infanta and children foods axe specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is even more essential for rflby remediesjpriniarily prepared for grown ups are not interchangeable u waa the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castorla before the public after years of research and no clainl has been made foj- it that is use for over 30 years has not proven k what is castoria cabtoriu lu a harmless substitute for castor oh paregoric drops and soothing syrups it ia pleasant it contalna neither oplum nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it hoa been in constant use for the reliof of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishnoss arisjap therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aian the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural hleep the childrens comfort the hothprjg friend genuine castoria atways in use for over 30 ydars thi ckntaui company hkw vosk onrv the ability to make good liuttln tholr nralt mm uro unit nit of thn guolph 1 ilmouh in ituulnohh couege muthndii in equipping graduates for n nptiliniula position the uniform ability of our krudti- ntos to inuuo good in the vuhiiicioi world liivltus your invvntlgatlon of our methods guelph business college hrld dlda oulph ont a l bouok prhiopl aft o vou can start on monday x tshe acton bakery 110ne no 11 fresh bread aud buns rolls pies and cakes ordera will ba dcllverud al all times dbughmits walnut cakes and frqit cakes by thcvound or any size our own make wagron dclivors every day will onll on you or phonono 77 and waggon will call i m edwards 4 co acton ontario or clossd every nlflht csoept day arid 8sturdj at 030 pn free press ads tiring results castoria for infants and chlldron in use for over 30 years iuteiiiim 1

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