Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1922, p. 5

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she ariim sfirr tyivaa tu l i llltljauy j ip33 tiic home town i a pl ii whin mm vtiiln ihulo 1h fallli i till i htlll i tlm illll au 11 r ii r ii tin fntin hilar iimottli nt bin li iluy in urn if it ulii t 11 llilttar of winity un hit print ulii l ulwuyu no yiil it ulruluhti mi mil hlu li mpi r whim 11 u hi ik fiilln mtitn it tout i tlu wiluuliii off hlil turn uml ilrivdit uuiy tin frown 1 hi it lltlln wkly luiur from hlu n honm tuuii now i hut to n ml llm ruluou mi th tuury imperii too an ut tliiiu tint villi r novilu iln niiin iillur trnul il n t ymit hut win 11 1 wmil homo r ml i ii miut will tlrlvi uwny a fniwn i u mf hint itoitil ol lujirr frmn my il homo town twenty ylailfj ago n ik ifc of tho rro praia i thursday imiruury c 1002 liuudnyu u ml ronila tim liii i ulnr nmy drift- ln tin nilint or tholr imrvuut mill am u ii vi ry tiuuy hi huliitf ordru ur j c nil in p muring urn decor utluc 111 hull wliuh in iitlllkail uu h tnoutlhc plnro fur vurlnuu in uuvoh lit nc lot inn ur i ii waning hirbar una pur iuhmi from clmrrywnwl t hiroat mxl ti mr a tlenco fur h0 fllucn tlin hrut woi wnuuru hoard morn a acton tuimlnir co im illc ut tho a ml or unit mi ci mrch a illiiurfrru mil oi k in jniumry a co and tlm broil rorolv- uhaut 135 rordw of hemlock bnrk pi r day rhlu iium ull hou unload ml and toumud to tho tuiniorleii ur w ifouhlor aiul family tiro now romforluhly uitlhd in thn brick linuuo n will utrent lately vucatod liy ur w johtiutono on hiitiirilny nttnrnoan master tviiiiu havlll unn r ur doorim ilavlll hud tlm outir i nd of hu rlcht collar bono fractured whllo roautlng ilnwn acuflm hi rm i nonr hlu tathctu homo rim annual moiling- of thu cli orc town mlnuurlul auuiiilutloii wau hold ut thb homo f llov i 1orrln rim follow lint atilmrn werti wloctad proid dnnt ilnv h a mucplu man vlc- lmnldaiit lv v j wiilluro ilr tntum llv w ii u alphm ii a whllo oiibubihi with uthr uorkmn in untlltnf nt u nuw imru jfkjthjji inu- ohltlw ut tho aclon worku tr joni hint with wiont liilruunloiiajl juhom llo uim4 inn urwud u ton i any x lut 1- fatal i ti ll d 14 vy tiuat- hatwaoil loam loll- hotf oliout tho tihuik oiu of thfl llit of broken liroknn ly injiiirinl zfrtid ktortiyt icmjllkuilnu t gooruitown wat ju x cvrtuhi co lo roil mliiluivr hi ex- bounding thn turlpturuu to iiim hurrii warn uooiimtomnd to huiidln u dllllrult kuiutuk hi tho fallow i nu tnannor ntw lay broth ren wo eomo to u vry mllncult liumiab u- vory tllllloult tuuui- uko itut lut uk not itu dolnrrod tt w look th inuttor boldly in tho fuoo undo tutiui on loouhtlnsx tlniiit uro other aiinlu in th world who uro hi tho hiiblt of traatlnu tholr illlilculllisu in vory mnol tho muim maimer tliqy do not hoiil ly try to tnuutor tlum thoy mnruly limik thorn in the tarn urn ud on luuny tvurwonu iliid thomiudvam hopfi- lomtly outxtrloimxl in tha toco of llfo wauwi of noma unfortnnuta habit of ihu kind thay huvo waukuahwui evil nptltort utul tamiitulioiih limy know xactly what tlmy urn tor thny huvo bn uduiilntoil with tlmni for yearn t thay novor mnko un lionout effort ho correct tholr wimikliummfu or to otar- oom tholr ttvil hinllitatloiik thoy mnily look them in tlm fuca und imibm un l2kchtttffl wlion llollowuyu com itomovor in unuud to u corn it kllla tho roolh nnd tho cullomlty comix out without injury to th tin ah to loosen a lluoty nut ld you vi r try to but a rtihty nut off u bolt with a routed hoad liuvlntf only u wootl vlt or liooaiuidii clomp t tuko two old rihiti riu proforroil lilnco tlianrt iwtwooii thn juwm of thn vm with tho holt imtwoaii tho nl nnd ulamit thtn tight tho nut mv then im loound uultioi run tod mo tlxht tbut thh imilt will twlut hi two ilmt wuh mo thorn who know thn vlrtuou of mother nruviw worm xtormlnator ulway httvo it nt imnd luwminn it tirovitu itwlvjluo new poheqts poh old riald work on tho wdiwuwu forut muarlmont utiftloti mid tho otlutr utu- tlonn cutrrlil on hv tho rorotitry hraiioli tit thn ultartmont of tho tulnrlor maim4t uljml tho hihhtui of rwxiomlnjr ami tho orloor huva nuurimil to ot tawa to muko a rccnrd of tlm work of thn hold uouuon jiiht uu tho tartu mtimrlmtnit ututloiih huvo uldad uurloill turn by dluoovarinu now mollinilm of krowluir ulimtm uml inillcutlnu tho bout varlelloii mo tho fot ut oxpurlmont ututloiiu m6 utimuthiu fornutry und linn- boring by htudyliih- anil putting on ro- cktrd tlm buut motliadu of hurvontttiii thtt tlmlmr oiop and uluo of luunlllnu outovr or burn ml ovar aroah in ntmcnr to sat it nuw oron wtirtod cnntaluluu tho bunt umolii of u jbo forest in cutiuduii uooouj innut imintrtaut larturul vimoiirco au wbutovor nunul in tlia ilfivftloptno tb lu urout niuuurf ovory cunudluli j j and iitlllkutlou of ft at tmnartaiioo to tl oil of pa it ih not claimed for ir thomuy iolootrln oil that it will ouro nvory but ttu ukom urn uo vurtouit thut v iitfy lm lookod taiion un u enittml iv jlkllhu u haw noli hi od uiat urouti in for ituolf mid km o nllenoo in frwn to all who huva tteil llu v tfitu und loiirnt by ox hrlut0u jhiu the sunday school lesson roh aundav fl dltuaky lol h huth or iir ii lal- ll thou faithful unto uml i will jvo then tin down pro 2 10 hlurloll sttlr lintw in mh7 und hhq ii jurhhn loml thou to jor- 1 hi tin of jirlrho bnyoud jor- f tho pi tluintf l verier on llij rnlum fniiu llorob nl out otuhl of ni no yturu boforo tht im n in hfro luiirrlbnd i hjuh had roll i d 1 liuha in bn hi- mil hn i hou i lliihn 1i1 not imconm lli uuiuwuf ut thin tlnu it ninu that ho wnu with ihn iirophnt hill h of lli tluto n time im hiu minuti th tliiin bad iiiiiii fur i iij to thl lannu ut huvi hi on rtiulod nt only to thn two hut to nthi ru i im wonu of tho lilu in wirn yomi im a in i tor tho propliiim v run i j iliilin hud uln inly follow tl thn proiihrt from ciilui to ilitlml inn from itmlu u ji rlrho at 1111111 utmiin of tho jmirnny iirnrtlpnlly thn iiutno coiivoriialliiu hint tukni plaro im- twi i ii thn two win tlmr 1 lljuh wluliod to npiirn i llrilia thn 11 mil piirtlnif or whitlmr in wnn unttlnr llm younu train ii thnhy to tr t wn ilo not know viirmi 7 tin m hi iiroiiruoniunt in thn rurt that whiln lrnal tend ru uro pphiif out of tlm ruiiku yaunuori t iti boluif trulnod for uorvlrn n yoium null tlll nnf ir mllmt to in mnr to tlm nlaro or i iijiiliu uipiirture hut wutthid front a iiih t hiiro vnrmv h tho uhnnpuuln imtntlo iw lontloimd prior to thlu it wan thrown var the uhotildtru of llui youiiif i lluha lion im wum cullml 1 ho tnlrulln ro inhlt u thn alio wrought hy th handu or mown uml of joiihim i ruo 041 lliihuw fuithruhiiuu jino in to rail furlh llilu tiuoutlon from riljnh wo uro not to in lor p rot thn roiiuout of i lluhn by tlm ruloti or rltbiuntlf un in mi roly auklnu for lint ho humbly riiillitm ho will mwd u partlculur rrh tuidowmiiut of thn pownr thut wan with thn oldtir jiinn i rim 10 plljuh muliou no iirtitnnuo imlnir nhlo to tirnnt thn roijuoiit hliimnir iiiu luttir wordu uonni to uupport tho bolhif that 1011101111111- do ll oil upon tho wllninoiai of uiuliu niualu with hlu niaiitnr to thn nnd 1 ruo ii wo run huvo jio lilna of thn iiroolniiuni im or thut wulk und tnn- nihiitlou to lclhihn mo attniupt hi nudn to nut into wordu miy tlntallnd kplauatlou of tho uhirlouu evnnt that now look pliirn llm luovltablo hud ronio to iiauf dip iiinntnr and lilu rvunt wi ra purtud uuhuiiiiuoiit vifhiii reiord llui tinimpt nnd tintvo mnr in wliloh thn youiik iirophnt look up hlu work v illuatraud truth it ill not thn muu who makdo u prom- lulifir mtart or whu maknu a brlllluiit iiuhii torfi whllo but thn ono wio tlcku it out who u worthy v q llluutratlon llm uuiiim of idljah and of klluha urn to lin placml on thn roll of tlioim who wnro faithful unto death unit who had tmioh to lo with government conntruttlon work wall it wo 11 hi lio u uiiriirliio to in out por uonii h know bow iminji ptmioy hy mnn who ilo not bold uoukii to bo paid for tbol looii dual of tho work lu tho qovomtnout lu nuactlnu to iwi nhn rnult lu thut fi jobu und ilnitlpir tin they oxpoototl hiip out and hhvfir hoar of thorn uiculn if thny xliiuld ovory tluy und a man could hi uuro of uottlnw puld for whut ho hml ttlroudy tlonn hlu quittluk would not i mi nunb fotilhurdy tmrfortnunco any man lu pliiyliiif tho fool who tbrowu uway hlu unralom on thnt which will not ut in nnd of llfou day hrhib him u worthy wuuo tbu qulltor lu a crlui lual upaiidthrlft topic for hkih and diaouaalon i paitlmr 1 ornitimdowdd v 6 1 wbut do wo know of tho tiuuoolatlou of lailjah and fluha with mcli othnrt 2 to what t in rou hud mljuli nml loluha ulrnndy koiiot 3 what way ulauit to linppont 4 who wnro thn 101111 of tho prophout d why did lollsha upnnk to tlmm nn ho dlilt ii a dotiimiliiiid oompniiloii v 8- n fl how do you iccoupt for tho prophofu orforth to bavo iqiiuba inavo hln7 7 why did lulhiha rofuuo to loavot 8 what would you way oori- ourulutf tho fuel that tltro wnro no tunny of thnun unuh of tho praphutmt 0 what avuu tlia proliubla rouaou of tholr oromuluu tho jordan 10 of what othor tnlrnnloh in wlljnh fiat 11 rtnludor iu a partlnif ltoiiuaut vn 0 10 ii what wm tlm meuhtnjf of iqiihiiuh rfijuohtt u on whut did tho urunt- intr of tblu rmioht dommdt 19 whut ulmilncanefl do you attioh to thlu niibwort dally iiaiiinoa fonwt wk uondiiy 1 obruary i ti10 womuuu lloupltullty 3 kiiikh i bi3 tuouday kohrunry 7110 woman u borrow j uln cm 4 u 23 wndiuuidity tubruary fl rtio wo- inuua 1 tilth 8 kluuu a 2430 thutuitay kohrunry 0 ti10 wo maul howard 3 klmtu 4 3137 i rhluy i tibriiury 10 a woman ho utorod aotu 0 3fl 43 tkiturduy kubrtinry lltho mnniuuia to murtha john 11 18jd uunilay iviiirilftry 13 lho mouaago to all 1 cor 15 co u flolrencebtrttrplace qf artists get your comfortable 311 shoes made good as new wn ui un hut liatlur imil tuimi nil tlm luttut appliainiii t tm n out 11 tlmt uluuu jrt oatlrantlon qurnu1 wo liai inn of it vi ry hacli u llrut rl mil und hoy 11 uhot u aliln pili t e gibbons mill st acton i111 n from ihu lop of itii vinlo do colli thut lurvtii uontly yn with it innidillhi nt uwonp up to tho ilajknli mlilhluihiiln ainoiiu flowirliik huulitii mid pknt nit ifurdiuiu mid from tin vurloiiu lillh of ii mluliito lloroyltii win trlu u out llun u woman hi 1 uty in twin tlm two hnnuii of tin it hi not uiitonltihlnu llm tul uhujit i huvo boon thn tjuilni lirnrn ami powur au wt iriiitlu tho nlr if 1 loiaitro and inhah thn jiiyouaikmi of llu imiuriipn uml hut 1 lrttlriufuo iiiooiih of tho inliihltuiiln wo f 1 id thut 1 lor into ami thn whnln of tuuouny lu in dii d thn l irthplucu of poi tu nd urtlittii hint hi rn urt uml poutry are upon tlilniu of thn uaino nuluru up m r thut iprliupi from a uotiicr llnwi ry that ifrow on tho huuku tinuiii ciiiild tint 1 lori oca of toda mil 1j1 tlm m mory of iloutnt tin il ill ut or all itiillmiu ovlhil by tin irlirdmi 1 of hlu outimipiirnrleii anil tlnlr ihumndnntu nu if mitki rol tho inurutltuito m 11 tod out huvo iitrvnd hlu vuruu in marlilo tint lutu o whiro oillho onlllol llv il and llinui lit ninnot ho vliiltnd with nt 1 motion tup dally tho villa at rrntrl wlmri tin urn it urlnutiut upnnt bin in 1 t iliiyu in bllndni un ipid til win 11111 wo tan uluo onjoy a pnnorumii of t vqulultn hi uilty uml t and tho 1 if thn dlvliio i tokiitlmr u ilu itront an mlchnlmglo hml iuthi oottfrtlon of rcntor u woruu i lorniun hun tol yot roucliod ihu nluu of 11 irnat rlty on tlm contrary hnu ruiuulnod a uontowhiit provincial town but truin rnrti now rim nil hit ouch ln utrcotu und ylvj it iinlma llhnut upolltiiu tk of tho nucljiir ioiih io qfth paliirou hullt hy li mtullrl to tin- urj tho- fail ml i loi ftlieru to wim hon of art 1 hit furtnr whllo furturlmc ullk and wool wnu of eroat prouporlty in thn limn or tho mmllcl 1 lornnro thn mothor of art bovo birth uml houpltullty to ittmimnrahu itnliun uml fnrolmi nrtlutn clmabuo olottn xfuuncrln llotttcolll ioonurdn mlrlinlnticolo- andrua dnl flu r to mmmimt pulutnru iiifnulla donatollo tlm two dolta llobhluu mlcholouffolo ilanvonuto culllul and iinnsnvlno amoncut tlm umilptora arnolfo dl camblo tho llrnt arrhltoct of unntn murla dnl 1 loro giotto orrnffiin tho am nt ilruitnlliuohl who hullt tho hoiiu- tiful riiiiolu of tlm cathedral loon ilultiiitn alhnrtt uml hutijfiillo nmoncul thn arch hon tsi i ho ohurcliou nnd pulncou of klor- oiilo itu utroota and miunrew mtiboumu und unllerlop makn up n oolloctlnn of urt trinmiroo wltl out rival evon anion j thn fnnioini rnllootlniu of tlin world piirtmoutii of i no xitni lrlor cluhh mid tho uhodii or a tlioui otlur iriuuiirou uu h uu tho oulhrlu doull ultlal iolnaao illtl tlm arcn- ilnnln tho old und modiru oullorlru tho national miiuoumi harflollo and thu otlid i lorontlno colloctlonu our mlmlu 11 ru li if rally uaturatod with lydnipltita hlua lonti ic luijilfljo of tho ijrciit hinuty of lumliiciip nl a ipirip whlrh lu not oaiilly found oliinwluiro a diiy at 1 titioh whom tho rilinn of tho ltoman tlhiutrn tiro utlll in uxhit- onco lu a joy not noon fonjnuen thun cllmhlnc tip to ilollohnunrdo wu can onjoy n pi rfoiit panorama i mtlior on wn unit fcllinui with itn tt rra cotta fuotnry and ocolu whuru thu wull icnown ainorl china lu ma do nor ithotild holtlftnuiio ciaillo of thn noulp- tor 11 urt t tin irroat mhto ho foruot- tt u nor vliiolcllntn or vullomhrona mnjtiutlo inilldttticu of did thlrtnnnth uml fnurki nth conturln 1 nnd thnun ut tho intor itonutiinnnco and hnroiiu pnrlod wllh tholr fantuntlcnlly doanr- att d fiilodon und col nnulmn in por ta tun itloont at tholr win down con ut itu ton tho mortt fauolnntlnu fuaturo of klorotico ijvnrythlnir hnu boon rn built on nntlqno llnoo tho foutiilrtlnuu hod of hiilldlnuu that nit thoy mi nil t ha utornl l uclnjr tho pro- ijjy mum mltiiutml in tho i rlcul- ttiu iowci and hutu tin 11 prinnn uuti plan of definition in dm thirttou cen tury tin hoiiiiiti thut holoniiml to tho alluhltrl huvo bun 1 xliiiinnt pntlont ii in urt h work upriuilliuc ovor pnrtodu of yourn hnu n dlurovtirod tho foundu- tlnnn tlm mnln walls nnd an mo utoun toatu tr nnnii holonnlnir to tho allc- hlorl nnd olltor nolilo iimlll intlno moichunt prlncnt tlm aillmarliiiiil uonutl whltli ixliti 1 wllull till lrijit dqilwttu i tint hnvn hnnu broiiuht to llfo nsaln in nil tho uplondour of tholr moliltn turo dud tliroiatlnn nnd bnvo boon iiurroiindid 0 a nuiiiuincoiit mlllim of liiutiit iron rim red roho of tho tlrt hi t at italian 1 iti son ran ulmnut ho litucil ruiitllnu within thouo roomu nu 0111 lupu throuuh itu iitnluod clniifi wlm i own tin mi did iuluiti tlm rouldonco of tin mi dh i ut tho hi h lit of tholr pownr hi niu wltniiui to thtlr blood utalmid npprouiiloii and utolt 11 pltmdor which tlm pnutlr irlftu ami uontlo nnturo otono or tlulr nun uiiirnmn tlm miikiilflcont huvo not lit on niifilnliiiit to oblltornto ami tlm puixl rulnco thu utroituholtl or thu imiialntahlo onoiulon or tho mo tile un iniponliio flip am mnnu nluo ntiiuilu au u warnliiij ucalnut injliuuco and tyranny mllloro worm powdora nro com plot in thomuolvou thoy iot only drlvo wo rum from tho oyatom but ropnlr thn duiunco tmtwormu cauno und no liivluoratn thn conutltutlon thut it npoodlly moovoru from thn dlunrdoru of thn d location thnt nro tho ionult of thn wvirk of tiiiwin pnniultlo lutrudaru thny do tholr work thnroiiuhly uidptroncth and uoiinduauu follow tholr una an oil without ai00i10i homo ollu und inuny mod in in dm havo ulooliol uu u ptoinlunut inuroilliuit a jikiioioiih mltiullnc ov ulx uihiintlal ollu oompouo ur tlioninu fnsotrlo od nml tlidro i tbntr itu offoohi icouldnt dcahe thib qinl a ct rtuln ulrl hud a propoflal of nturrliiun und nxkod n wonk to think it ovt 1 film wont to all hnr mnrrlotl alutnru ono who uood to bn a hollo had thron ohlldron did nil lior oyn wflik und hud not boon to tlm tlmntro nit oit ildluc ulnoo ulm wnu marrlod aiinlhr wliouo huuhuuit won a proni- lultm younir mnn nt thn tlmu ulift wnu marrlod wnu iiuppnrtluir lilm a third ill ihi t tiuru any hor lifo wan hor awn whou hor htnihntid wuu urotiml nnd thn fourth wuu dlvoroid aftor vliilthur thorn und hourluu tholr woou tho horo- ino of thu lulu wont homo cot pon ink nml pupir mid wroto un nnuwor to thn yoiinji- man you muy think it wuu ro fun i nu him hut it wnun t film aald alio would bn roiidy in u month otohv op qcnatou otciilinq trttltod htiitou honutor htorllnc of houth uukotu dry loudor in tho flon- iito tlclit ovor tho nntlhoor bill iiuld hn roroiitly nltondiui u bath orl off of htuiloulu who woro imlnc nddronuod hy imtmbrm of jlm iioforo un lui- portnut football camo nnd nnotod ono of iho ruoulty tmiu uu nay i no i uin u ureal bollovnr in football bnrannn of itu dim ipllnary rohilhu couutuutly 11 ui mi ulvon riiuuoh of priivncntlon which if ylohlod to would pouullko tho loam mid injuro thn ouuho of tlm nollocti und 110 unro oomnu nut of thn k u mo forolblu toncliliik f tho viiluo of no if romtrnlut uo ymnic mnn whnn you fit into thlu uumo ltorlwuirl lorbtur co lowtlird kou ulilahr tlmt utild hoiiator itorlluir hi whut wn huvo to do oouutautly in tho war upon thn uwuii lliiunr truttla cousin knew fill bin unit vlult to a farm lu dny ah jlu hf uu tud biat of u uioat illy und idtlimly 1 mu in wlclit of 11 llm ulotpoil and uuxtd tiaru- avhut upponrnd to iii 111 uu u on chrti llvfld h whsii t imyatitj oatly now 1 iid of nnhtlnolni mr hiiittb im rvniurttnd to lor hilutluif to tho huyutunk nil t omy huvil diwiru nnd win- ih id wliulowul umllrdtho if nimtii nut u hntitiu johnny i ly lr to kid too mr kniltlt tho mornful njoliiuuf don t huttpouo know tlmt buy mmt irt bumi hka tbtr endlebs chain llollo old rliuprthouultt ill jllut drop in and noi ntlotlt thut tiiubrollu you luiirownd from mo htut wook vi ry uorry old muu but 1 vo hint it to u frln n d worn you wuiitluu it vory bidlyl voll no i wimut but tlm nhup i boriowud it from uuyu tbu pwnur wnntu no nat with aatltmu anthma uu- unlly uttnckh ut nluht tho onu t who 11 rout iu uiiuilml muiit iiuuoa thn up or iittniirth thn uurvoiih doblltty ti ionii of iiohii und othor nvllu whloli 11 hut bo oxpotitod unit hm rollnf la aoaur- ihi 1 ortunatnly rullnf ih poahlhln or j l itolhmiih a nth ma llomudy buu piovod llw inorlt ythrougli yonra of or- vju a trip r tfifrblr dirrttrt yttn rquality-food- hb not volume but quality in diet tlmt aids healthful rrowtli 1 scotts emulsion ii b quality- ootl that many neu to help tido am oveif timei of wak rtjr nets hh rich in th mf pneioun vltamlnes w ay all dhu0 wyohm tmicc mtjao nd ado shu jk uhh twaito omt also makers or kim0id5 ctamev w oranutaa einrjvgesti0n lllnk happy new year now in oyock at c c speights gramophone rccortlii itarito stock stlvcrwiim ihldul wrmtli old colony adniii clhorldnn qrouvonnr pattoi nn j tablewnro ttwld for fntlier suatca for tho i toy or u10 girl hockey suckh nnd pticlai ktc etc c c speight mill strcot i acton beef by the quarter we have ready for sale sixty quarters or beef part of which is prize baby beef parlies wishing to get beef by the quarter will find il to be their advantage to call and gel our prices before buying w evans wil krul meat market main street acton price reductions before stodk taking afford to miss these values unii 1 1 50 now k9c y anil ilhic knitted wool tntiir yfiod vnluc nt girh i und i ureases colors bluo nnd burgundy for hues 00 now 295 25e with hirli and v necks nrmioni oratdhooc auea 8 to 10 only gy lfr starkman block khldil j- acton ontario and the qaitdcn otopped thn lltor nut lit tlm bnrher a clinlr and thu harbor tulkud think woro uolnc to hnvn thnun ijumlny bluo lawut mki 1 tlm harbor wnll i think our hcinlntorn will do lothinir unrinuunulilii rnpllnd thn llltn i wan in on bimday u fow win ui imo until tlio harbor ivoryv thliiit uhut up tlnlit cnuhln t ct it flirur or ovon u coon coin 1 11 uovor miittul imithtr uundni in thut town run utti itiuurliid tlio editor harbor 1 ho 1 hnvn to clnuo on hun- dny do thoy not oh yin npllud tlm harbor tlotti r unn ml tin jim piutuoutod tho udltin 110 hint linrln ru run work on tlimdny no 11i1 our union would uovor lit and for tljut uuli tlio ii irlmr wo wiinl oui hundnyii imlmll romiuiittd tho oil i tor moll i tmvtr null 1100 why tlm law ihotilil piotirt a tnrhm 110 that bn di 1 u not hnvn to wink 011 fu inlay mid lot itlvo no protiotlmi to thn chirliul tin rliprutuml 01 inula rinultir ami the huihur ulnppud tululnir acton creamery v wants your cream for which wo will pny you n good price our nim is to satisfy customers nnd rlvo prompt atten tion fresh clteameky iiutter wiioijesaub oil uetai1 the acton creahiery co e j onbiu lroprlotot albert d savage llcklhlcrcd optomutrlht nml mnnufiicturlnir optician aavadc optical duildlnq rlulit t tlia moat olfloa aalli we operate the only lena sur face rliu1lnp mnclilnery hi his olsulcl save 011 your fuel bill by burning anthracite boulets samo ijoat unlti wr ton nn nut or stovo coal price per ton off the car si 300 from shed 1350 j b mackenzie actonyarovgeokgetown dhonr olccpcrto many uotahlo liuitiuinon urn runt of tnrly rlutm nmnnir ront niou ultliouuli iilrmiiinly tnmili thlu i x col li nt hiihlt in i mn in bo uoliifr out of fnnr m clomonnau in at hlu dialt iwory m nine wiyjn inimt or hlu follow i miniim utlll in tho hind of nod nnd the uuino mai hi an id of will no n who vlmn in llm tlirnou of a moohun- rul probh in tin ilu two or thron bourn nilitp iiutllitlout fur hlu tiiindu nupohon rould nliiy tip into uml cot t ml it it ifl pninimiod by mr ijnyd lioiiii whu lu mid to ho ahlo in co to nlti ulmnut ut nnro ioid itoudhur wlioti ut thn liar irnur lu iml aft or 4 a in whllo at nun- tlttto i oril llulilnfiii ullowod hlmuolf only four houru hlnop he uaid hio pravbrb wot ionic linn wn hud oocautnit to m i ml tho nliihl in nn uppi t birth of n pullman mint iimoiiu tlm nliilo two hnyn piobnhlv lulit or hn joaiu of aid wi i u lm 1 1 lit what lutiut huvo inn tilth tiuuul luiltuuo tump limy only bnjti miii that nil op t und wo rin to hui vim u nml ti inlhllliv 1 r ii n nliv 111 mil 1 i ono of unnfiiiiyl lllll i on loop quid now i in in hut in will y iirity- nu nnd i o to ulup lllll in pi ulot tli 3 1 ntli ililoutlviiid tlmli ltiiiyu mil wo unnn r ilii mtt hoi nt wltli- i ut u llltlt priiytt f out own ih it ih l mil 1 iitliu wmill hmlow hit ihiiitili upon thi hi ulio vmiu not aftnld oi nub ntmd to offoi up hlu iluvotlimh in ii orowdid llllliiuln tat wn wluh huh putkiihi uiluht rud thu thut thoy mlitht know haw faithful tholr loyn wmn to llm tiiiulilnif tin i liiulv- iid dmlbth n i nt tlmli kin 1 1 now orlouuu chrlmtluu advoontf s castqria for infante nnd children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of railway time tables at acton qrand trtiot ilitwy uytm qoinawt hllutn 10 3tum 20 p m i oa p m h ir p m in 3ium no ji no 30 no 31 no 30 no 3u no i llunduy 7 oh u ti 11 ihuni 3 3 p ii iv p m u ik ii tn r is t m toronto ouburban lloctric gotnu wtil 0 17 ti tu i 32 i m n no p m i i 03 u m fl 35 p m 0 cfl p jit 7 tu a in 213 p iri u illy i xn c monday u illy i v i l llmiday hilly i mi i t lliitulity liunliy only only ii lay uly qolnfj thnt dally nipt ilmiduy pally niiti pt leunday dally t nn t tlutiduy truin no 3 tliiiulny uin i y which lift lorouto ut jutiiriluiu durlitff thn il minor inoiilhu now uv u at 1 45 p m i roluht dullvirid by upi t lul ixprouti frfilitiit i rollbl iilrktd up ut uu ud- ilrtuu in toronto i t till ti oiid aipnt a ton for over thirty years castoria cimtftuft dom free press advertisers are always reliable x l mullin turnip kuyer at to ii ont will utart aluln tho turnip hnul- nonu whlrh ho wnu t iiliii ml lu for uovorul yiaru au uiion uu tho iiirly turnipa nro toady for ulilpim nt im will hn ulad to moot tlm rnrmoru of thlu unction pittas i i- lollriiniiimr cva noiiotu i chejiet agency mr ii o wllunn huu uomirod thn uconoy for aolon for chovrolnt llotor corn dcmonatrntlona ar- raiikml cull and uao tho now hindahi nuw caru alwuyu on hand h s wison a boweit avl acton ont ilionu ho the ability to make good nuulimuu mnn nro unuulmnim lu tholr prnln of tho citinlph iltmlnnuu coluhj hiolhndu in oauliipltic crnduatou for r hpuuulhln poult lorn llio uittfonn ability of our umdu- uton to mnko ifiwitl in tlio buahitma world ttwlloii your hivoullciltlnir of our mnthodu guelph business college rurum dua- qumlpii ont a l bouck prlnolpul vou can btaut on monday acton bakery iuonk no 77 fresh bread and buns rolls pics and cakes ortkn will dellvcrca at all tinuw donghnuts walnut cakes and fruit caked lly uw pound iur nny sb our own make wnkron dolivorti cjcry day will call on you or phone no 77 nnd wnjikon will coll medwartjsco acton ontahio lltur clomil every nlulit lopt prl day mhtl dturday at 0 30 pin castor 8 a for infantdand cfilldron in use for0vor30 yours awytmht s7 sc 2t iuio ccixiifc i i

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