Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1922, p. 2

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tffln artiiu 3fxce fllmnfl tiinniiiiav rimnfa thtl vauuli op a qmilt im ihlni unit u the furttuut tu- wurili making ufi worth wlitii 1ml i mtu mwijwtuumt doetl tlii uinut in jimiirpli annul untile hut hiihhlin from ii heart unit inveu i full f with inin ilniilu of gloom uriilii il uikldueuu too uu blent dolluru mill it iimlb lucuu when you olwtiyn linn hi numu good look itu never mit of iyl iinivut im on to tiy ugilln when full iirti mukeu im tttun n iilinnlui of emnurugoment urn soon fur inn mill you iiyn tint hlgheut intercut for uu merely nrth ii not i iillllo out ilolluru mill it doeu a imillc lillian very cuny you run wrinkle til with diner a hunilrd tlmm before you gquetxa mil u uoggy tear it rlpplni out moreover to the imurt mrlng thut will lug and iilwiiyu louveu un echo ihut lu voiy like it hug ho inn uo away fnlka umlorutund what by a uinllo lu mount itll wortli u million dolluru mid it donu chuu kruno not rout i 0 luncheon for two vpcj wnu u nil old man with u w i might utnop out thin gray hair x hlu irurmunlu worn uhlny with wear thn ulnovn of hlu cont holni fulrly ullppery in their thread hare utntti hnt thorn wuu little trace of tlio luilrmltlou of ugo in hlu utrnng fuuturu mid the uhurp glance of tlia crny tw bmioith thu uhuggy hrnwu thnun uhnrp urny eyeii turned to- viirilm thei dingy oll clock nvor din lliify nhl muntnl it wnu junt there wnu u door that opened into the k ro nut lug room mid itu upper half wau kluiiu through thin t ran pa re tit mod linn tlio im mm could koep n watchful iiyn on jibi employee it uaved madden liiourulniiu into the outer room thoue clerkn and bookkeeper never knew whim the uleopleuu yo of th grim old muidor wuro lurnud hi their d i mo tion there wuii tit loltarim or any otlinr form of ruluxathm hi that buny couiittnirrooni hvoni thn rlork thu old tnaiiu uuxtt turnnd ti thn door the xuuvti ddiiiirtjil u wuu limeliihin liour nroiio from lilu cmitky kwivai chair and croimhitf tho rwmi dulld down u umu thut covnrod thn itlttum than ho turn id hunk to iiim diuk and droduchuf it mall iiarcol wruninwl in a tibwaiutnni oponnd it urn dluoloimd an atpu und a fnw iiihcuhm iiu hiiral them outi the imiwr und foil to tnunahlnif thm uo wan utuiwhiic ut iho atinlfl wlitn a llelil ran ut the counting room door draw ida attention at mrat hit waa inollnod tn imiiiava that hli eara liad doflolvod iiim tlitm the rait cams asahi rat tut tut como in lio crlml und tlioro wan tiottilns uuifiioutlvo of hohpltatlty in the liarmiiptary tone corn in a hand fnmhled with uio knob ami thou tlio door kwutiir oimii a child wau ntandhiif on tlio threnhold a llttla ulrl with uimny ourln and a dainty tilnl frank how do you dor aald th uittonuh- liilf vlmlon aro you urotty wollt un am i thank you and h mads him a ffiaoluutlnif smile whnr did you cam frdrnt irrowl d thn old man i ooinnd from oufj thnrw ropllod tho lltllo maid i invoked throuah thn klauu iinilur tho curtain un i wtw you tlho lauahotl merrily a i thoueht you wau a hg o vatliuc all hy yourunlf you dont out httlo kirlw do your u ylttdliiff tor a moment to tho witchery of lior amlle not when tlnty arwhood llttlo alrln ho kruffly itald thu ohlld laughikl merrily youro a unlomlld obrn aho orlfid and clanrxul iir haluln much imt- turn nana whutti you btttlnr ilo huutily pmihod the bhiouluj and tho himatnu of tho iinplo ualde my lunclwhiii ho uiuwored llut you liuvnnt told mo whom you came from ho wim uuriirliiml at hlmnelf for uliowlnff thlu intaruiit in tlio child i comod down to moo iwuu ttho unaworud mamma broucht m an loft mo hora cuumo hiiah nolo a ahon- pin- uiu thorau hltr crowdm all llttlo iflrlu mikht ot hurt an i brought pnimu lunali und mainma- will eall for mo an im to itiwp uwful utlll cuimit tint mini pnpa worku for la vary oromi mi ho fumt war to liuvn children round pltiat cant t como in a woa hit furtliorr como in if youvant to nald the old tmiu a llttlo uiijtruciounly hlio imitlad am uhomlowly udvanood it ulwayw puyit to bo polito ufie ha id ihutii whut inummu tolu inn if i liad mild 4 i rmim itir without any nhuuio ou tuluht havo uuld wn do not waiit no llttlo ylrlrt round imro tilny tliayvo much n uuliutnco an lamlilo i wau u llttlo tired of htaylu out thorn all aloiio caua you win nana had to ko to thu cuatoiri iioumo bout noniuthlti iwrtloklar un im moat uiir i hnanl a bltf rat under the deak lirimhln hlu whluktiru tlho umo iulot olouo to him ami lminad iiualnut the uiioloiit haircloth ctiulr thut utood by hlu dimk who u your futlmrt tho old muii nnkod ily nnpuy iloa mutor intnton mr nuwimill kiintoii do you jtnow hlmt hoii if very nlatt moil yom1 know him ami did t toll you to como in imro anil una mar moroy uol cried tha ohlld didnt nay nothln ubout you ha just uuld i wnu tn koep vary julet mi ho would ho imok um uoouum ha could an i uuld aint you nolo to nt your luimh papur an he uuld no ho didnt liuvu tlmn an- x bald it wau u uhumn to wautu niioli n nlro lunoli nn ha luuifhd un uuld you eat it llut aftor i hoard thut rat i didnt acorn to fool huimry hho looked at him ami her ilurk vyau upurulud imaaao will you wutoli through tho door very clomi for juiit u mluutut if tho rat mom you hmiklii ho wont coma out jut mlii uta und ttho turned and trottod into tho couinitluirrooni hi u moment aha wail hack tufiilu with a curd board box iluruu tho lunuh bho looked ut ul hi und half olimod hnr eyo lot you und lilit out it idin maid iflut it youraalf ho mutterod oant oat it all aim orlud im nut broody itn very lilco mamma took muoii pulna with it ileta dlvldn whult yonnit il hoiiltutoil then ho pun 1 1 ml hltfjuipla und blaoult into view my pam had ii ionta ah uuld i had whutt 1 i nyapniiny ho couldjit eat hardly anything uulthor jl i tut tiulla cnoiibh the old man drllyltmwkod i 1 i ohlhi looked at him curiously ny tun lhl mix hli thlu mil an now anil alii hm imil vhlnlkil tltn covin nrf tli iinwlil tljv muitlyjun kod ntuitw nowiiho uuld mi ul itmw out a uiulwlili 111 ulvo yiu thlu for two iluiliku i dont mm h euro for hlii- ultm hdt it will ileum moro fair llli4i hold tlu ioiiulwlohiil towiikl him lo hi itoln mltuld sllll a fniu iimlh 1 hi inuhiil rani ktiuiihul two lilitoiiltu and took piorfomd iminlwloh than ho hit it ffoodly plmii fioin it viiry yood im mild miiminu mudo cm homtdf ilipu tayu ulitiu a duliuuir ut uiuulii iiuud- wlrlnii hut tlmn i think iniimnniii nl- wuyu niitkii thlnu hnltor than uny- hody wliio cuu uoiil you lliul it uot ha puuuud with tlio roiiuilliu of the hundwlgh uplifted hhi fiifii trow morn umitla i bellnvo itaa foot tliiifit uonorul- ly adiiilttoil ho uahl tho child looked at him with n ijulok hiuuh thatll juul thn way pupa tnlku konmtlmea uhe ualil h i dont un- durutuhd a word ho unyu llut ulnt wo linvln a ood tlmj juu you an iiiot why yim mild tlio old man i think it muni ho u uood tlmu althouich im afraid im u pretty poor juilao thn child reicarded hhil orlfkully you do look pretty poor uhe mild havo another uunwlrh oh do an hnrau home rhuyo and u nlrn ploklo yim you miiut papa uuyu it luut pullto lo roruuo u liuiy thatll wlum mummu orforu him tho usuoiul odp riirfoe the old man took thn uooond milidwlch hut ho frowned a little ut tha clmnwo and phklo ituthor extra vuteant ho urowlod thntii jimt whut papa imyu lo ma- miiia homotlmna cried thn child all mum ma uuyw uho known hnd havo hard work lo und anybody who could miiko a uhllllnjf no farther than uhe therea olotheu to buy un whut cut un tha runt why mnmma uayi altou ulwuyu afraid to look thn calender 111 thn face for four rent duy ban nome round uuulu whnro do you llvef i live in a houuo away froirj town hn uuuw ered ch you iiwlitr n it hwlntf a cat 7 you cant lu our roonm you know thoyro tho tlnloiit hiiiirh voro on rtio ntth floor but tho portern a raul ntro min ho auked ma ttl nuk nil papa it hnd exchuntto mo for two hoyu an pupa auld to toll him thut ho mltfht do it for thu two hdyu mi u coupli poimdu of rudlum to boot an i told tha porter un ho uuld ho ifuohiuul pupa wuunt very unxloiui to trade an i told pupa wliut mr ityuii uuld un ho pullod ono of my mirlu un unld ho wouldnt part with mo for nil join itamueyu mllllomi twlon over that the marl hn worka for o you know the old limn hud frowned and then uuddeiily umllod yuu 1vo mat him ho replied jhnm very rich papa uayii all lio uvea ull itlomi in u if rout hlu liouao an ha hauut unyllttla blrlan hawndu uomelmdy to takn earn of him an all he thlnkm about u numny tnonny innnoyl itu toi hud to ho an rich ua thut unt ut i uuppohe it lu tho man replied hut mamma miyu itu only uood for lat it will buy h rood for oolho mid what you out im tho rout thon itu uood for helpln thoso that need hoi phi llko luiuo joo an when peoplo lu alrk an itu uood to havo a little in tho bunk for u rainy duy thouicti x dont ueo what differ onco thn ruin make aint thlu jipontco cuuo uuodt money lm vary uucful tliaiit tlu uometlmou wlon mammati nmmnia dlnd way out in thn country mamma couldnt ko to tho funeral cauaa papa wau junt uottln ovor n fever an nil our mono waa soim every cent nil wo owed tho dootor an tho rent mamma crlnd and cried ull day them won a little ullonoo and what would you do if you hud lota of moneyt child t hhu looketl up ut him with hor oyou hiiarkllnu id ttlvo mout ull of it to maniinu und papa but id keep a llttlo my- uelf tlho smllod ut him in her bn- wllderlnir way you dont know what lot of tlilnuu you can buy for u uhlllliuil an thon td keep uonie for a chair thn kind you wheel around for lamo joo llnu a llttlo boy that llveu near our houaa an ho oantnovor walk any morn an hn ultu on thn ntnp and makeu facou to uu whnii wn run hy and mamma uayn itu too bad aomebody who hiui njontiy to ft par o t bet him a chair ilkp ho uoodh uu it would bo uuoh a hnpplnoiiu dm an mamma nuyu maybo mrl jtamsay would buy it and papa lauuh- nd in uuoh a funny way mr hum nay lu the man ho worka for you rotnem- imir i rbmemlter uuld thn old man an mumnm uuld uho mioimod whod coma down noma duy nn tell mr ham- huy alwiut lam jon an papu uuld iihod better not an muiunia uuld alio wau only joklnif runny kind of jnklnur waunt itt it uoundu ho to mo uald thn man dryly yeu i think uo too when a maiiu not au miioli iiiouoy au mr llamuuy huu u wouldnt bo any tiouhlo ut ull for him to buy a cjialr for a little lamo boy would it i ho did not anuwer hoir how old aro you ho presently auked i uhi ulxl how old a you jin laughed in hlu uuaoouutomod wayr im aevonty toduy the child uavo a llttlo ucrcum of de light mercy i ila your blrlhdityl oh i wuh i hud known it momma nouhl mnko you uiirh it beautiful birthday uike wouldnt it havo lo ba a hlu ohqt wn think n lot of hlrthdayu at our houuo pld you uet mimy prou- entu not olio mho looked ut him with iitarthid oyeu why thutu too hnil did your folku forrott i havent any folka thn pity on her fnco dcoponod im uorry for you uho uuld llttlo hund puuhod tho paiitohifard box towurdu him you whnll have thn iithnr pl6oo of cuke then hor fucn brltfhtiuiod couldnt you buy noma preuontu for youruolf he uliook lilu head no im unuwermt i donjt bn- llevo i could liar ulunoo -foil- on thn halfeaten nppto mid the iilumiltu inirhupu you aro tho ponrmho hoftly uuld yeu ho niihworod i um too poor hor llttlo heart wan touchod have you worked horn iouk uho uakod nearly fifty ymiru mercy i thatu a ioiib thriq hor quick tctunoo tiavolled over hlu threud- bur hiilt aluybo mr llanihuy would klvo you morn wuko ho iuiikiim asahi hn ueemu to think im worth only my hoard and olothuu dear duarl anhe novery roli wo went by hlu iiouim onooi papa mi mamma un mo an it looked ho blif an durk mamma uald whod juut llko to have tho euro of it for a while hhod let lu tlio ulr un thu nuiihhltie un drlvoiutthe duut toi the bloom an tthed try to make llfo really worth itvlu for tho lonely old man thatm what mum ma could do if anybody could you know mr itaiimay whut do you think ubout itt ha uuddeiily luuiihed lt mlit lit hn uu experiment worth trying ho uald then ho tared into tho cardboard box j why look at thlttl hucrjud tha lunoh huu all are you aware tha salada natural xoaf green xea is fut up and sold in sealed packets in the same form as tho famous black teas of salada brand hlic youwlullkelt got n pfkoket thai half- or it como now how much do i owe yon mercy cried tho child you dont own mo iinylhiiil t couhldt euu it ull an pupa didnt havo time i hope yon liked it ii wnu the beul limrlitioii i havo eaten for yoaru uuld thn old mull ill nimfmbocaiii loll mamma thut film will lie pliiiuuiil an how idioll lunuh when i tell her you uuknd what you own pin tint old man put hlu hand dnnp in hlu pocket and drew nut an undent h ilher ponlint hunk froin thlu hn cxt iitud a lmnkiiote and umoothnd it a i lilu there in a lumn boy whonn luutio lu joo hn ulowly uuld ho ncedil u rliulr uo you know uuythlni ubout tin pjloo or tho no thliiuh tho chlhfi cyeu upurklei uu uhe utur- ed nt tho note you you uhe umiwerud mmnmu went un found nut you un uet thn kind of chair jon wnntii for 15 an a real uood chair ton hernu twoiityhvo auld thn old mini juat tell jon itu a prouorjt from you wiiiiim ynur immo killhi hn watched hnr with an utmimfid ihnlla au uho ipilokly drew a tiny pi inn from the uockot in hnr fiook mid luck ed thn unto into it then whon thn llttln purun wau reiitovnd to itu pluco nhn looked up at thn old man now uhe uald if you plouuo im ifoln to ulve you a kluu rulwaytt ivo papa a kluu whon hou plcn the old man tluiihodu llttlo junt uu you plouuo ho uahl he utooped und 4ihn muoiuhi the wrinkled cheek wlfli jiur lipti youu a vtiry ulco mnli thon uhn inttntnd hut did i cod thut mo nay fnr youmolft lie ttliook hlu litiud i think i can npuro it io anuwor- od then rainn usi interruption iblnle a vjjlcn called fnmilhn door- way itu pujlii ci led thn hhlld tlio old man lookod around woll kenton j i iruut ulie htum tmitrdiroj yout ulr wo huvont mxuotuid each other u bit cried tha child z thn old man uhoolf hlu huiid no ho a im wo rod not n bit then hn looked uirjkfo thn doorway ronton ho uahl whon your wlo en in mi for thn ohlltl toll hw plnimn that i want to have a llttln mmulnuuu talk with her im thinulnuv vifopott inif up my houuo the oyou of thn man in thn tmnrvfny couldnt cononnl thnlr wandonnnnt ill toll lior uir and fonton you may inavo tljo child hero until tho mother com on mount ailed mn ifi a inc ilia jart didpevou taking v0ui1 pleabuneu oh the winq wau curly in tlw mnrnlnjf but tho ittreot cur wan crowded mwartlwuuiii with wdrknru who reported for duty nt unven oclock tho ulrl who ntnppod uhnard nt a tronofnr point had oomn tfp a northern uulturh and uho left home nt exactly nix oclock uho car ried hoiildn hor idiahhy llttlo purun a rutidy box which without qiiomtlott wau now doing duty nn it lunch box and a book evidently drawn from noma circulating library hho puuhed her way alone tha crowd ed ululo till uho hud found a plana whom nhn could lean nuulnut tho corn er of a noat then uho tuokod tho ex- rnndy box umlur her arm opened hor imok ami beuaii to rcnil vvom tho find word it wnu obvlouu thut uho had bncomo porfoctly ohllvlomi to her uiir- roinidhikfl tho dlucoinfort of tho atuffy crowded tour meant nothlnif to hor lavery now und then her llpu twltnhod in a half umllo an apprehnliulvo pcrann would nuvo felt utiro that uhn would ba curried pant her corner but probably who left tho rnr ut tho uamo pluco tin often that her uuboonuolouunehh noted automatically lu ulvlnu wnrnlnir all at onoo from belnu nbanrbod uho booamo alert tihi ulniinad out of tho window clnnod hor bonk brink ly took it freuh hold on tha lunch box and wrlurtfod hor way thro huh the crowd toward thn door and with a hard daya work ahouil of hor hor fano wau un brlrht uu a may hlnugom it lu a wonderful art thn art which thlu llttlo working hlrl had muutured mutt of tnklnic plouuuroii on tho wliiif homo yoiinir tuioplo ennuot imniiliir itavini n uood tlmn linlnmi thoy tukn a duy fnr it homo lndeil uood to tako a hummer whatw oiroo dayul mild another girl worker coiltompluouu ly when her mot hor mifffiotttod thut they uboiild tako artvuntuuo of a mon thly holiday mid make it llttib vlalt out of town whntu lhrn iluyit why ulrlu of a dlfforont temperament could have uauonxed conuldorahle fun cut of threo mlnutel ono of the uocretn of mutant ran- mihih in lnariilir tn tako your ploumirou en tha wluif lqvery dny liau leluuro for u uoad tlmo if you urn hultlclently wlilnuwake to hud it almout every hour furiilnheu oacuulon for a umte or ut leuut a ohuuklo thn youua h who ulandliiu in u crowded utroot car on her wuy to work transported hornalf for llfleou mlnulou to u land of im ohhiitment pnuuouued n hoorot whlnh morn of uu alioutd muuter duvhl h wollliikton v wholcbomt food meano a hcalthjcii people v thorn lu muclj in thu inport of tho voturiiinry ulrtictor leiierul for tho your ip202l thut imiut be vary k fylnir to cunudlmi lomhiru vruia it we learn thut caiiadhm uvn htonk cou- tlnunu lo mulultilii itu enviable repu tation uu aiiiixiir die linalthlimt in tha world that none of the ureal pluuueu uiicti uu rliiihirpou footmidmoiith dlueuiio und t ontimlniui pluuro-pueu- monlii huu liiuni ullowoil to enter tho country that hoir cholera and blundoru liuv bnen u uffouivoly doajt with that louueu havo holomo coinparatlvoly trlltliiif und that manuo hau iieen practically tirudlcatcd from thn ureal nuibo country in alberta tlie lout mentioned wnu a particularly houvy tank uu cun ciinlly ho uuderutood when it lu uta toil thnt joba townuhlpu up- proxl mutely 7lltr3 mllourit territory uu luryu uu tjtiitlmidhud j hn cov ered cnttlo louhl nfay foy huudrtxlu of mlleii noiitrliiinim ami dipping reuulutlnnu hml to p jniponod und hnpplly worn readily compiled with hy cuttlumon with ono linn excep tion wjieittliu police had to be called lllioii plpuluir vatu worn built no tliat no ratlin would havo ui im driven morw tlmn twelve mllnu to be treated und very coiitinifeiiuy wan provided for commonchiu- juno 24 1q77u1 head waro dipped for tho llrul tlluo und on july 2 and following- tluyti i07du warn dipped for tho nncond lima thn ao- oi edited herd iiyiitnin udoptod in tho provlouu year havlnu for itu object tho elimination of tulierculoulii mado uxucllont prourcuii thn report ulinwa ulmllur xmnruy and achievement hytho two other dlvlulonu of tho branch the puthnloulcul divis ion wlilcli liuu churuo wf tho llloloulcal laboratory ut oltuwu uuppheu all tho tubnrculliio ami mullein re p i rod for inoculutloii jimkiu nxnmliiutlonu of npeclmunu uiihmlltnd for dlautioulu con- durtu reuoarch work and manaifou ii ranch laborntorleu lucluillmr ono at oiurlottntnwn i 10 i for tho utudy or fox dlemiiieii tio mout und canned itoodu dlvlulou hiui bean termed tha nltont uuurdluu of thn public jtoutth lloiilduii luupcctlnu knil oertlfyliib- to ihi fi iwlliv liirnwriohiuoiuenumuofmil manufactured fogd pioductu within thu ucopn fit thn meat und canned fnodu act jthlu dlvlnlon uupervluou all importu of llko fonilu includlnif trultu vauctnblou milk and their product cunniln it lu worth moutloulnir lu to- ituyllio only coiuitry in tho world that huu alaw uottlnu out ntandardu for food jiefliluctu luwhloh cmintrleu in tnlde with her miliit on fornix luuiied by tho jjirriotor of publicity depart- moiit of ajjrh ultiiro ottawa r t good cm ecu youra pretty thin aba all diappurod7 im aura i uta mom the alphabet op suc0e88 attend carefully to dolallu lte prompt in all thlnuu conuhlnr well lb mi doc id ft itoaltlvely pure to do rtit fear to do wrolitf ldiulure trlalh patiently kluht llfeu hattleu bfavoly fid not into the uoolety of the vlalouu hold luteuilty uucred i injure not unatharti reputatloii join huiidu with the vlrtilouu keep your mind fion from evil thouuiitu lio not for any couulderutinp muko few iipnelul utkiuulntiiiiceii never try tn appear whut you u ohiiorvo uood luamiuru 1uy your debln promptly question not tho word of n frloiul kompoot tho ummiiol of ymtr parent kanrltlno tponny rather thuii iirln- clplc touch lint tuuto not bundle not ln toxloullntc drlnku hue your loluuro for linprovemeutu vouturq not ipon iho threulujld of wronif watch cavofiilly over yutu pauuunm lqxtend to ovary one u kindly uroot- iiir yield tint to diuioiiraiemtiit iinltluuly lulfor for thu rlht mul uiia um 14 certain i iirom it lu u uood thlnur in ho onuaued in what linn been called the cheering up liuulnnnn uomo cnllluuh and pro- feuulomi aro full hut not thlu ono al- vnyu room for peruana who can bather tho honoy out of the floweru of ufa iipd lnnvn tho poleon to tho waupu that there aro furdenu trlalu and dlu- iippohitmeutu in ufa wo nfo ready o admit but we cannot prepare for or overcome tlioun oxporienoeu by fore- hoillnuu npd fiettinu- uwuy our llttlo hour thuru lu much for thaukful- noua und uood oheor oven lu material thlnuu tho world lu very beautiful und for nearly ulx tbouuantl yoaru it huu nhono upon clothed and fed itu mlllloiiu of inhahltuntii and it will like ly continue to do uu for noma tlmo to come in u lecent nuinbar of tjeiiou weekly mr it v aroono ulnttu thlu cheery uuuu im tlinnkful for tlio uummer with itu blofuiomd an ilk bona i um thankful for tho winter with itu blinder an itu freexa im uuoh a thankful roller that i could not if id try may whether im morn thankful for december or july of con run thcrnu dkinppohitmenth thnren trouble mnrn or loan hut im uo hrlmmlu over with thn uwontu o hnppluouu i dnnt liuve tlmn to worry oor tha bitter thlnuu ytti two tor tho iord jeu ituepu mo buuy bbin thnnkfulu i can bo tha hov thondtira i cuylar the celobrutod ilrooklyu divine waa vlalt ln thn famoiiu london proaohcr tho tev cliiirlou ii uplirreon aftor a hard day of work and ncrl- niiu dluciiuiilou tti one two mltfhty men of ood went out into the country to- uethor for it holiday thoy roamed thn fluid u in hluh uplrltii ilka boyn let laoun from uohool chaltlnu and lauich- iiib and froo fioin earn sir cuyier had juut told a utory ut whloh air fiptirnoon luushod uproar louuly then uudilaiily hn turned to dricuylor and exclaimed theodore lelji kneal down and thank dad for 1aulitor and thorn on thn uron cm pot ofuniiiu undor tha treeu two of thn woldti ureuleut men knelt and thanked hn dour lord for thn bright mid joyoutf iflft of huikhtor thu uturhluukor in a publlohono- fuetoy for hnightar in tho unit hfe and keupu tho whole duh uwoel a hiuuh lu juut lku muiilp it llnjfotoon tho heart and whero uu melody in licard tho uhi of tiffldojiurt 111 health to bo uuro has li mout depreuulna effect hut oven thlu can hn helped by it cheerful uplrlt ami noma uttoutlon to thn lawn of health uorne peoplo wonder why they uro uo loamy hht thu ulmplo truth in uomo cud 1h that they uut too muoh or uo food that wan not uultublu to them john o whlttlor onoo unld wo tread upon llfom broken lawn and murmur ut our uelflnltlutuil pain if you feclh llttlo grouchy and yourauoiuowhitt off your feed yui uhoiiul heed my tlmuly war ill 11 g apl accept my hlmplo creedj thurnn it halm for every heurtuuhe themu a key for nvoty look and tho man rnr your pot ailment lu to walk walk wulk j lufti ih not it joke neither lu it a illrgo thn people who takn nothing tiurlttuuly mid the people who take everything hurlounly aie both wrong llfohtutulu for work high a huu ivor- intent undoavor or oluu it lu a full- ire llut it iiihd nt u inin for laughter fi leipluhp uuil mmg tile life wholl leiivfrt tliomoj mil lu luenmplete- i l pahl opfctt womltn you mu ceitalu unit thlu iutig century plant wilt tmxnu in u nidred yeurat plorlut iunlltyo uf ii mutluni if it tloeuut bring it bank w petering out many tilgimtmeii idurl out with leg- ibli wellwrlll iettr- mul end u a i uiwl mm if the wittr uullnow ive liven yuu u good utuit you un ullimj tln rht tlnrn- lu ninny u imok thut tllupuoh along nboilt iho middle mid 1 1 ii torn out toward the end dluappolnt- lug the reudur who hnpnd much from the bright atilmutnd txiglnnlng tcurh- in know thut luuiiy a htudeatu record lu udmlruble in october puuuabla in liuhrimry und dlntlnclly inur hi may the pwtvorb a imw broom nwihjm chiuli in baited on the rocogiiueit tou- deiiny of human effort to imitr out in order to oountaluct thlu tendency wn in mil utruggla to curry through thn itiiut undertaking to romrjlntlou wu niiiut not bnrlbhlo the lout twoor throe letteru of cur llume wo muut not take thn luiit mtlteheu lu u uum uo hurried ly thut it at unco beglnu to rip we muut not begin lii watch thu clock und wuutn tlmo fifteen mluuteu iwforn our duyu work eiidu wo muut never low er our utuutlurd till our tuuk lu done no paut of vouhqelp if it im uutnrul for you to be uunny und hopeful und cordial with thouu you meet o miioli the imtter for you hut if your uutur teiulu to morononptui nd gloom und irritability then cultivate a fiuoond nature no oitu oun make a muueeum o lifu wholl handicapped lu thlu fauhlou it in well tn take the ground that thcuo uhdnalrablo rliurartnrutlcu uro not your ral unlf thut they can lie rotiipurnd with the runt iff iron or with tho tumtuh nr gold and that when limy are clttured away your real itelf will appear nevr uoltln down to the urceptunco of tho ruut und turn lid i uu part of youruelf wn are the pouterlty our forefather prayed for cut you bluma thenit j w kennedy son hunwnjr imumhhij tinhmltlilnjr electric wiring stovfk tlnwiirc kcwci ilpc hcailnp cement lalntn i special fnr the nokt mniitli n orilcjjo keep our workmen cm- ploycd durjnt the quiet earon we will give you very attrnctivo prices un electric wiriiif mid oilier inside work let un five you ml chtinuite oii your liouse a full line of skates hockey accessories gloves and milts carried in stock j w kennedy son kennkv i1u0s old stand main street acton phone os persistent advertising wilt prevent goods from becoming shelfworn iwfigliriniiamtmmiiirmrimmffymrmmbnimtinwaim j studebaker i announces new prices series 22 bigsix prices toumng coupe sedan 4- s247g 3400 3700 series 22 specialsbc prices noabstek2ling 2025 touring 2075 club 1ioadstek i07tt coupe wanscngcr j 0go sedan the new lightses prices touring roadster spaattnger 1495 couperoadster l 1925 sedan 2125 all prlcw f o il wnlkcrvllle onlnrlo 14 j ni oneill son georgetown ont distributors of studebalter and dodge itrauicm molor cora for georgetown v acton and milton i t gmmmnctmmmmiicmmmrmiirmtmrmm the wall of china in 214 b c tlie chinese commence building tlie great wall which isolated their country from ihercsl of the world and helped retard their national progress the business man who maintains a wall of dignified reserve towards the buying public is just as surely retarding his own business growth people like to buy from the store that phows its appreciation of their kindness gives good vahje and courteous kindly service with come again invitation your advertisement in the acton free press would be a standing invi tation to your store when our readers open up their paricr do they see your bid the wise jshop where they are invited ieud by canadian we my newspaper aoolatloi haad ofhoa toronto canada dusltess ash sifters ti a akli uifir itrong uuii im ii diuity himkliitukjnu diking lft nety- ukr mnilu lurgejidilhlu triiy lut pronf mtdi of prhd ut xzje and i jhuvcu zx ur runt if vmir cvl bill thoue urn dntlu uiriurn mid mail of heavy gitlvnillnil iron wird nt xjuio tli burrdw dutf olltf a diiktltmu ulflmr in ule in utaml with luo urreenu irlrrd at 7xio ttt5 ijond mauhwaitl co ili phone 1013 ofjclph m s stores policy to represent rooda er- nctly as to their quality to bell to thod who know and to those who dont know at uniform rjr price to fulfill all cunrantce and cheer fully correct all ml- tdkeg to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellera gueliw ontario grand trunk wff the double track route iturrwkenf montreal toronto detroit chicago t unaxcalud dining cor mrvlo uhmplng nrira on hbjht tmlm au- purler crm on principal dyjbla vull tnfocfuatlon from mny omri trunk ticket rgnt or o ft horn i otrttrlot puamiujrr agcit toronto ii a nouns act acton ohr mii a i m r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station junt arrived car no 1 heed oabl a quanntv op wjed corn and oil cakb just ukck1ved iptouu peed norvai bran and shorts peed pcouk rnoble ltd kdmllv awney manager shoes glippcra rubbers spats for i922 williams xian been serving vou for overporty veara wjthhb reliable goods they havo alwayg pleasecl try lib stock again thb vear for practical results w williarns mill street acton children ory for fletchers castor i a j i iilgggff iaihaji-

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