Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1922, p. 6

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illrtli fclurrlaunil unil lhiu nr now nlmriit i fn ut tho 1 ilinwln rntiui lilrtlm uu mnrrioum uo iwuti- din mi mnrlil curdu wii ih ii ixlru f r 1 i i uu im 1 it in 1 mind m llriiuy 11 li j in ti hlii i li l u ml i t hiuj dltd t nn at tli fnmlll m il i i luiiil ro t ii vi urn it it in llm it i iui i htl inui u in i la iimr ii 1 rln lid t ii iiiiturluy juif tlr ilmii it u urlm ry in 111 kill l on iliuruliii lt ut i ti i it it liurili tins t i omul uly l of tin k hi it lil in hoi 70lli 1 hank at tli fmiilly ililii hit ni 1 i iv lit unity ih 1dj kid n mo t uuichlhi whhw nf tli ltti cliriu tluii 1 uliiu id h r htlli ytr jacmlon im il uwuy uu1 lnnh iutnrhy vbruity ih ioj- litiiy ijihiu liowwi wlfo of lu 1 linlc lion tlltir of ihi niwiinruul 1 ru lit in r roth yur oaulmnmt at ih li mo nf lit r mini mr mi rili liirlh r ow n itounl nit mdhtrluy irlruuryll w aiio hwlnliitni wl low nf tho lutn 1 runu curlllir 1rurv f artnn in iter 7th yiur in memoriam jllaiil in uivlntf mninory of tormtiro 1 urlv wlv 1 no of mr mil mm w il lj llltlr who ill il vohruury jl it 0 to ily rvc illu uml itimnorlou of u lov 1 mm liiiil to nut wiioh1 iromi nro id ktoily mlumil uy tliouii who lovoit hhn 1m t mohlllt 1 vihiult hlftri uj1 a day in police court imtrat moor haiti qohiuiii at c and milton on fvmy i i n o i in it it t 1 il ity tmiriihu i mnuhiuili ii 1 moon lull i t ut iltu li wn i i- ih trlil t t nit i ill ul i i till lu i tun in m lit iii l1llt ilull1t till tt wuu mi ilhrly nuiii won ih il itt li wn if a ii iowii n tli 14th li till mil iwfnlly mi i ly fuluii i 1 i tin in in 1 nit clink ho of i ti wllli inliili tl cr ui i i i inn hut hi i iu who i y tint r ji 11 il ut tin xfiolhlim hon ntur clik u i lo it nil i t ii imllton ii niitlo on 1 cliru nili i ii i hiiii ut loun in ii ihi lniii wuu ii inn nlo it mii i orl 1 iii t tli olt ml i lu o m lhur i y jn i 1 rutmht or i i ion i flol acton jrrrjp ilrtfifi jlluhmiiay 1 i uhuauy sj 1k2 brief local items wlnw in uuily on thu wunrf litrhift h flumliiir 0 t viiily for it mlitmihr iti i lmriiary ik ul i t lnlhutn im ourly mprlnir x ifotor imrvlru in twkin on lt1i untl lruuu utul 1 lorn huu tiuii in i nuutiriilxl ntro wim cj hlrthw 7 mnrrluuuii ii ml 4 tlntithh r itliit iwil in nukuhi wuyu luitt yuif i hv n tho mun who ilowi not lw 1uv i hlullh hllolllll itth i tllohu wl rullwuy t4wilnien 1 llutlvr utul fku huvrt lwi hrlnif- ink hliilmi iirlrim li rn tluili ut knaiij outuuln imilnlu hi uly tt wipmhniacmir tlkothor clulw niiliio miunilu kootl unyliow llnmuilu 1iwt owltik t tin lllmuu of onn tt tho tliliulom tho wiwortlt kuiruo lflhato u imitiminil until n xt tuirtmluy owntnif tli nil of iichh y utiow on flumluy inortilim liivn thu trw otl u i ntirrountlltimi qultn u hrlutmimy imlft tllll ttl chluf jaoluton airutownm mw ohhf of 1oltro hum niltll liromytly in thn tow town and lioucht lilmitolf a homo tharo tim jrortloulturul tloly lmvo homo tlna lihiinf in formation for imuii- ufylnir anton with uoworx untl planu tin com loir tint ilrit thuodnrntonrt of th muhoii cuhtn lulit llumliiy uftintooil it wmm llito u uiirlnkthna uliowor vllh u klaliiic lomihirutum tho rtnu hrlolc iiouho uml krounilm of john cuimlntiiiim norval 1mvt ixhin bouuht hy tho alikllcallh for u rotory for that vlllaicn mr j w yurliorrtv luui uphl iiim houwo on muln htroot to mr joh mallon thtlo wuu ntado liy j j hmlth ruf eututo osont- mr li mulvor main utrooi lui mold hlm furm to mr oahlcl vountf ofkrlo mr mclv r will muko u nlar- ititr wulo on uutunluy march 11 mr li holly iolly vartltin hail nodi hlii furm to mwoirrt llawloy k nixon mcura iluwlny num will conduct u multry hualnouk und dairy two kllchonor coul doalnrw woro flnuil fio 00 ach for rihort woihtlng their auntodmnu at tin trlcm aitktml they uhould ut louut iclvo thu quantity i lev frank w dubtfun of thn dominion alliums luiu received a un anlmiitih cull to tho mniorlo of tho t irat lroubyttirlnn church ht muryu tho only ilollur tliut htjlpw tho coramunlty in tho dollar that atayn nt homn ct your dollara work in anton ami hulp to build up your town tlio ten minn too no ft for the hljf hockay mutoh with ouolph on butur- day nlrht tho plnyurk wdrouh um- uerablod but lihiyintf wa out of tho 1 lock wood s1 por on wodnnu day murch h oftom u llitt of prlsun worth cotiulilurlnir tho nnfio unco moot in another column kivom inturontlnk lutrtlouuirti irltluy mltrnlnic woj tho coldnat of th wlntor tim mnroury dropped to auvon dotfruom ikiiow sqnt lty iotn on batunluy tho tomptiraturv had rlnao to thirty nix ubove rmr o a ttaudtnutt druauuit hrun hoim offun u tnti pound pall of honoy for tho imiwt poroh or vnmndali duply in that town thin in in addition to tho llortloulturul society prlxa hey j koeurh m a aasluunt siticut ut st uuortao ti hurth cuiph will tuku tho riarvlcom in hl alttantt churcti hero nuxtr burnluy tho 1 tec or will preach jo bt oooriiak qualph chief conatublo chapman of mil ton bun oovit uppolntoil itruad inspect or with irbttructlonit to mm that tho law 1m ntrlotly enforced in rompoll- inir hukwm und hroukiloalora t anil broad with tho coirot t wnluhl preserving the uijnuucs an oakvliu caunaillor object ta smoking duxina dualnea hours tho milton luifortttar y wo notlco in an oakvlua xchunffa that ut a meant mooting f tho town council t lie re wun they wora dhtcumiliijf thn que hon of llrenaoa councillor cuvnn aid that if it would prevent amoklnu in tho council chambar ha would favor il foo of floo ho autd if ho wan so ins to tho council board lia wuan t kolnif to bo mada ahk councillor cayon in rlclit no onu httm u rlht to till ix room with tobaooo molto if by ho doing ho la annoylnp other occupunlm of tho room who do not tike tobacco rnnoltu thy don f- do it in tho milton town council wo aro glad to nay there a nothing criminal about tho hahtt but it oh own u might incon- dmto nplrlt on tho part of thoao who indulge that a all thero in noatl or a caven in tho county council whoro nuanbera dur ing tho meanlomi do prwcuolj tho wune thing an ha nroteats agafnnt in the oakvlua town council 6o tax aa tho county counol la rongernod tho in novation of moinmra amoklng during tho tranaaotlon of bunlnoaa wa burnted bonft yearn ugo by a repro- nentatlvo of llurllngton und it lion boon kept up over wince to tho annoy ance of some members and the pooplo sho have occaalon to attend mpaunga tbo ooumrll v ti lv i tr im win f tin 1 on him tin i thiu ion 1 in hi itinu 11 ii i f ro the i nil wmhiu- i i rllty iiwrnhil ho ph ud d rho i il in iflvu uh4 n i no li lit ontario ltirormiitnry fiinl ulltlni for tho tluy wuu din conil lloiiui mllti n at lvo txhuu ihi i won a hnrlu f linn irfirril by w o hriwiiriiliio a lniqiit of uohirt illtirk of lot u rnn i i u tic inif urownrllai and tllnru llwi lu tin uiiiii lion und roitiihi dhi tun i in nhr h 1 1 iirlucn lirowitrl lu ihuni1 hark ulth tipi roprlutlng mr- luhi furm tiiolu und lniiilnmitii lnlontt hit tu him a i mir h warrant wuu xuiuliil und u pitlr of ilovu t u und u ilnlti who found hi a room in hlnrk u in i- 1 if tin h imu tin lr vuhio wuif tilkitit 1 to tlurk null ho dl i not know thi hviri woro in tho lioinio lllu wlfo nwtro hiio hud tuk it tin in lu thinking tin y i i lonud to hi r liiiu- hin i iho xlutilnlrulo rlunlnd tho tiiulti r u u u vry trivial onn jtud diumluoil tho iiiu with routn on thu omplalnutit pulnrnm jiau ikwii ritrmlit1 to hv lrcrir llutit for nnm time and tin hydro not m tit rlulinltilf thu pro- croutilvo rualilunlu ilt4hh d to uootiro unlit from hronli an i huvo alnudy irrlil uil u f v tho in w nyutim ohihiwu in hiuiiunruthiu a tno planting iitnpuliiii un u im mortal to uol lit ra kllhxl in iho wur flovniity ouhawu on i foil uml it lu propouid tlutt one ima uh ill 1m pluntt d to the in mory of tut it wollli r tho troa to huvo u nron r luui1 around it oa whlrh will im plurod a plt to bourlng iho doul uol hum initno r j kerrs list of bales tuottduy lihrtmry 2k il a bar- k nt oiil ii tfuby furm it took and im- vilnhluy murth i jfui woddor- huru udjohilug milton furm tork eto thliruduy murch 3 johtmtoii and coin in krln towuahlp farm ulook lrliluy marah z john llumnldn i alllrvafuil farm utmlt utirl imphminta tu uduy milrf it t hlurlalr and mo- fjiiin onprlngd farm wtimk wtmlnemjay maroh 8 j w hurt conhigahy n glnturod alienloann cuf- uhkoo on appllrutlou i rlday march 10 v mklilt bootoh ulook hatunlny marth ii 1 mnlvor anton furm utock itnplamnntu and hotiuuhohl uffiou monday murch 13 chun llahlwlli hlluhurg 1 uowluy murch 14 it j ihthoruon mlmohu m luti rvwi yorkttltiri und farm utook wednoihlay murch jk if johnin churchill vrlday murali ft v moarthur ftcotch it lock tuunduy march 31 howard martin kcotch itlock furm atock thurailuy xturch 23 m j wlluou nukhukuwuyu ividay march 34 r llainlo luln monday march 27 ys crlpptt 511 farm atpek we can fit you in spootaolan and ey glnnae gold flllad or shall frame repairs done promptly and at reasonable prices try un for your noxt pair of hpvatualeu and eyo ulaaaon geo hynds acton ontario auction sale house and lots in rockwood saturday february 29 1022 at 3 1 m tho lindnnilgntnl him rooelvod lu- uiructloitm from tb oiiwutdra of tho btto mlun 11 h hmllh to on r foi nalo at pulilio uuitloti on tho pn mini n on hurrln hi root itookwooil tho framo dwtlllug und two vlllitgo lotx tiumliorttd l3 and ut in frontier u hurvoy helong- liig to the nutate the liouno u tine anil a half htorien oonlulnlng living room kltohon two hedrooma cellar clntum und uttjoln lug wooduhod tli in ih an exnollont upportunlfy to hnotiro a comrorluhlo hum und gikxl garden land in a denlrahlo location tkhmtr- 10 on day of uale bal- nco in thirty tluyn or uoonor if ponhoaiilon ih dehtroil befora tiuit time the property will be off nnl for aulo hubjoot to a roiairvthl bid rov hindley aujoner i lijnliait bolleltor for luxuoutoru atiulph 333 adam and eve it m well fiuid that atlum and ivc wcro tlio pioneers in tho clothing htismchi their clothe i were iimplo of courso in tnct a jam nftn rem nr keel hti never wore sport oiat nor uny ctiif- on hi trouwrr he dre cd in leave of nhcncc out naturally itylct have 0 hcuii constantly clianu- inj und to dny a you look over our iirimcnro article you will uirco ihnt hotli fahric mid tylihir liava reached cloc to km per cent murk an 01 hi u tcuture or thu tore in that word nf five lettcri which juit nov i in everybodys mind pftitte wo want ho impres every rtudcr of thu ad that our modern plnii of gottinif vol ume liy givinj value mcar the lowxit poriihlo price a look over our rtock will convince you geo wallace ciun unreserved surplus auction sale in kltln town8ui1 pure bred aderdeen anq0s i cattle grade cows younq cattle bheep and hogs tin un if mlgm d intvo rucolved in uli tirtlotin from d molean and a sinclair o unit by lulllfl am tlon ut tho furni r m mfllitll lot 10 uut onnhmloii i rtltuutihl on the unit lino of krln about t uillo uotith of thn qmvol hon i tuesday march 7 1022 comincnnhig at i i olin u uliuir followinu 11 iho duo i uowh flroy imw li ytt march an n y ow j yi may a kmy row duu april roan cow 0 yiili oui with ulf ut fool i llk ladujula 7lyeurali lug wiill uml hrod ihruury vnu nitiuo aiikiinnamjanouh cowh llimln itatv 31ig0b culvd i chruury 36 1d1v with lielf r culf ut foot trlxlo ituto 3i1ch7 ulvi d koh rtiuiy 3 id 19 with mlf at foot mittlo llit to 0w3t mlvwl augurtt 114 duo airll 1 hetty ituto ollttlo iitlviil muhih 23 101u duo 0tobr 1 1 itimy itatn sg47c2 ulvd muroh 1 1017 dun hi july iiijiju mlko ituto slfnofl mlvwl march ie mil im hult 3uc0h ciivmi march h lutu hull ulf 11 iiiouthm old ollglliln for rtglutratlt younq cattu- 3 aligun itioura rlnlng j yurw uhort koop foilm 4 atiifiim liolftirm rlulng j yunt uhort km p feedern 3 hhorlliiirn tttotrn 3 yurit uhort k feedt m ulwiut 10 cwt ouch 1 fat h ifur 3 dnrhumn j y um old 3 durham 1 your old 4 hi ring ciilvom 1 ealf 3 mini thu old 3 jhirlmm utoeru j yonm tlmo of uuh tluuo urn all witll hrml aiguii uml fjliorthoruh 1 kioi hi rk now with 8 plgh ut foot york uow with 7 plifii ut root york now duo april 10 j york uowx dm ttnii nf ualo york how duo murch 14 9 rliunkn alxiut 100 ibu k chunkh ulmut loo uiu h chunku or plgn 7 thrifty uhouta hbnh- 40 bona 0 pure bred uluftk ml nori t rfkitnterm hjiiviai 13 ok ford grado ewen uup- pouml to ho in iami to a purn broil oxford rum a good murray with lumph hfit of light driving hurnoau t1jimb- 10 and uudtr cauli tlutt umtiunt 13 tnonthu crmllt will ih tllvi it on furiilnhliig upprovjd joint iiotou li off for cuuli i owl canti poeltlvely no reserve hoy hindlev and r j kerr auotl v k o uah am clerk farm implements masheylianis farm kquipmenl superior iorn equipment of fergus uaker winrlinilifl and pumpg washing machines churns etc repairs forwrm machinery lw mcmillan nassafiuwoyn r r u0 2 rockwood dont miss this clearing auction sale choice young cows vouno cattle sows and horses tlin uttihirhlgiied buu lteen i on true tod hy ruaeell johriaon ov elton cole to null hy public auction at lot s 3 on third line rln iota north of anton on thursday march 2 1022 ut 1 p m nhurp thn following hoithkfl a choleo general purtiouo mure 4 youra in foal to tir milton a 1iinihnrou mare 4 yvura uupxwml to im in foal atiio thn reglhtortid clydeg- duh ktttllton hli milton cowh rod lurhum oowf yearn ith calf ivnrn kehruary 1 roan cow 3 yum durham duo i ebruary 17l rod row 4 yuuru durham due march j rami rowri 4 yeuri well bred april 1 uhft s whlto durhum f 4ul tlvd ataiilt j mo n tint well- bind durham cow 10 yearn due june 0 gray durham ii yuurn duo july 16 tut nurhum 5 yearjlibred junuury 15 1 liolnu durhum hclfom hulng 3 3 ttoho1urhtim helfera rluing 1 roo hnlfor calf 0 moiuhn old 1 hull yeur oltl ellglblh for rvglwt ration ylurllug durham hi ifi ru 3 aholi aymhlmn 4 y urn duu april 1 cluikto 1 lo lutein cow 4 yrurn with eulf bom wihriiury oloo hauteln cow 4 ymrh with tjilf bom iohruary a iiol- uteln cow 3 yearn vcullng tnicond calf oholra ilolulnln cotv 4 yearn from ii wllwin ri tutil due may a big holnteln cow 4 yearn grout milker a htuyer due murch 13 1 xtro kikwi nolutuln now 1 ynitrm due march u holntulu cow 4 yiani due man h 3 choice holnteln itolfir 3 yatirn dun juno ifi 3 nine ultte jtrniyn 4 yi akm duo murch 10j 3 iollrd aiigiin lulfem 3 yon to duo about miuch 1c untra good 1ollod aitguu iw 7 yttirn due ubout marah 1 1 ollml angun nicer 1 iullel augun hi if i r 1 blue in if or 3 oheloel aynthlro hilforn rluiug l your ayr- mlilm tw u yearn due april ii vlqti 1 tumworih now due april 15 cliult u big york how wltb plgn young york how duo march t 1 young york howh due march so young york now iltm april 1 3 young york mown dun april 3 1 young- york now due april ti 3 young york brtml kowr16 mlxd haiut 3 hock i roohtern tlouskhoin 10itlu3th vremlor i nepnmtnr tn kihh running ordor 4g0 ttm rapacity wauhlng inuoliluo ohu mowing muchlnn utovu 3 iloxcn good bran auckn 3 good eolllo puns thin above ntock u all johnson a o1n tuitt bred to roglntrred utook tiqhmw 3qji0 and under eaah over i young culven ng reserve both leanen ar axolred i and we have no further um for the atock i t it and i t ratlin mot at i anton dluiui will he provided for tboaa from a luntance ri j kerr auetlo lhona sb acton watch our window for bargains a store full of useful goodb with prices priccb to fit your purfee e k steele acton musk stokk miix btrekt tit jofwphh parinh hall shrove tuesday 28th inst a social evening with luv father knlrw ah hohi all welcome when you need the plumber cull un up und if the ikh 1 in urg nl w will to your i on no mat flullier you co nt mplate hint hint nw 1 1 limbing or vll iir yuu wu it your oil plui ibllll nt uln wo will ihi 11 1 0 t ivn you an tlmi t 1 ud if ww mkuro the caul uo will u uimiv you of mmt w rkmannblp phone aa w f mooney j acton ont john e mcenery mill street hum oimii u kihii murkf t lit tli hulmh tt rcntly tr iipl i hy im w r the tutkaf all kind- of plret cle ftnh quality guarenteed drdr dellv4rml promptly town hall acton 3 davhv commencinp thunulay n m and 25 thelonafendell comedians 4rcienllng tjitiut flute muvu und hlith i iuum vaudeville ito- twmii autu opening performance hpadl thebarrier kbowj complete chance of iro- crame at kach ler- formanc show startn bjjfi specul matinee saturday at s40 iricci 3tc and 0c 200 more men wanted to pill positions in early spring no nxpnrlmtto lint eoltury 3i3s to 100 m r month oim rating gnu trurt om ilrlvlug motor trurku uru un i furm powi r tiiuchlnvry or auto und tractor macblnnry city utul noun try irarugnu btaudy work w luvt a pluti whenhy yiu tun work in our uliopw to py frtr part of your trulu lug under thin nuhi you full lumii im trulnml muiiy to urn pt onn of thodu big paying john thin m o la i orfnr lu gotkl rir a hk rt llmo only ly und mmnlng h hhioiix don t l wrlla or cull for full particular immediately hemphills motor school 13 vyeat kina btrel toronto rotkwood agricultural societys seed fair enginedriven washer the ladle aro invited to coll at our implement shop and ingpect one on tho floor i irst cla68 honey amber 1ko lb reduced prices have come call at the implement shop and let us talk pi over tractor prices i h c b10 ii p 4 cyhndcfand 2 turrow tructor plow 77500 titan 1020 h p 2 cylinder and 3 furrow tractor plow 82500 or tractor disc harrow with either tradtor m lieu of plow dc laval cream separators lot tit have your order for fertilizer repairs for various machines kept in stock or secured at your order wind mills pumpi gasolene engine ritury plows rollers and repairs dont send your cah to mail owcr houses for youj wire i encc wo can supply you at same prjce if you give cash with order and you can see what you one getting vccdal motor oil first quality machine and sepnrntotoji cup grease c e parker g roszel muxi street acton to be held in tho town hall rockwood wednesday march 8i 1922 prizes will be awarded tut follow lut j ml 3rd wiikat c ilu hprhig whout 33 00 3fl0 1 00 oat0 t ilu itunuor outu i 10 j oil do h lu 1urly whlto oatn 310 00 5ft t ilu iult whlto outu 9 do zoo do i ti uu hweepittuken 3 00 hauu3y x tlu whlto 6 rowfll 3 00 2 00 co ilu ilulle iturley 3 00 3 00 t0 lpau g ilu hmull whlto 3 00 j 00 to s uu irgo whlto 3 dl j00 lo ciivlcr uu rwoot clover whlto blohhom 3 00 1 eft 10 3 uu lluckwhout 1 do 1 00 r iax 1 ilu via i co 1 00 illcanh pock whlto llountl i cd 1 00 lotatoh4 1 rug early ivttuloiti corroctly numnd 3 tl i lo 1 itug luto ihttutoew corrvctly tiumml 2 51 1 f0 1 hug lmtutooa any vurlety 3 ta 1 go 35 oentu to im puld with nnch on try ihhhi miiy ik for aulo or t xchuugo not imio than mi pruo to ho awnnlod to uuy ouo exhibitor in uny unu mo tion all grain to tin in tho hull by 1jj0 p m judging ut 1 o clock p lu entrlee for field crop competition taken a mjanabb john gibqono preeident uecretnry this is dollar week at- mclean cos store thcsespccial for one dollaxare the best yet and you save money on every one navy scrpo drc good 44 inch all wool uefrular 1 0 lor 1 00 ahovtr apron lijht iitid durk kculiir vsc cacli 2 for 2 pozcu under kin 10 inch colored ivdl hculur 2 00 1 r si 00 i udic vcbti und draweh nntnrul color regular 1 2s i r 51 00 our allwool wliccliu yarn 2 and 1 ply nculur 1 15 i or jl 00 t i adic pure wool llluck ca wmcrc lloc ucgular 115 1 or 1 00 ladle black cotton ho c loriii 11c 4 lor 100 1 udicb 1 iccccd lined iiqc hciulnr 45c 1 lor 1 00 mcni 1 iccccd lined slilrti und drnwcrt ifcgular si 50 ior 100 girl knit uudcrwuiit und skirt conihination uceular 2 tor 100 i lonr oil clolli 2 yuid- wide lc l 30 tor per runiiiuir yard 1 00 mclean co mux street acton ont we are clearing out our stock of ladies and misses winter coats and dresses at greatly reduced prices it wiia iay you to 1uy we stock better goods at a lower price open evenings 1hotmk b9 l starkman starkman block acton ontario a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown una just held on attractive opening in hit splendid now premises in themcgihhon block flie new store is central and commodious attractive new stocf latest spriiivles equal to thecity shops iwssr possinrjh services given in indies tailoring at reasonable ivlccfl our customcrb become our rricnds we always have a welcome for them main street m hirscliorn georgetown t4jv irmc j patronize tliose jmerclianls who invite you ipfsliop with them rrvvhlp n w i0tcml wp iv wg saturday treat tho brazil nut is ope of tho beat eating nuty on the market and when you got tho brocil nuts mixed in a rich butter toltoo you have a high class confec tion s n combinntiori hard to beat this sat urday wo offer you 100 ttas pf high class candy regnur 40e lb saturday treat price jkfc week end chocolates 32c lb th9 lino is well known and should ho on every shopping list mado freah daily iri our owri candy krclion hard and 90ft centres mado from tho purest and best raw materials pqss ible to buy wekend special 32c lb j neilsows cream cakes 8 for 25c is thero any other store in ontario selling this line at so low a price guaranteed firstclass stock vanilla cocoanut and strawberry flavors regular sc each saturday special 8 for 25c eskimo pies 10c each this dainty new ico cream confection is soiling well have you tried them wo sell neilsons t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton jacton tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices hnnouncement owing to tho uncertainty inhi niitids of a great many pcoplo as to our method of runijlng tho co operative store nnd the desire expressed by a number of residents of acton and vainly wo fire not onqrptct it piy way wltl tlio taiinery to do tficir slioppinc icro wo take this opportunity of rtatlnu 1 thtit tlio genrul lpbllc pro invited to call exafi opt goaita mid copppro price we iit 1 all pleaded fo lvo your fratje and feel ndtiiircd wo can savo you monoy by d ltiiiiie oi a ntriclly chru huslfi we ciiiuiuhtp tpd tjobtfj nnd our cutopiors not tie benefit in lower pripcth 1 v itelow wo uto n feu of our price 12 ibn uudpnth granulated iiffir 5100 comfort surprine sunlight and nupittn oop bar 07 pry cocoa 1 tlh pino hinlhy ijuljt ct6ji lb 18 tomato soup tin 00 fawifta or ishvicb pure tard 1h potntocu peck 0 cream ollvo soup 3 for 25 bwifts shortening ih no i pink siilmoi tall tim canned corrj 3 tins for our iumouti biuck lea rogularoc olhih of wheat 4 ihn for iot barley jh hind picked beans 4 iby lablu syrup b 5 tina brunswick sardines hpectal value in flannelette cottons prink glnghanui hosiery kti- cash or gooixs paio voh butte and kggs mil street tannery cooperative ca conway mmnager acton wk qitahau cterk

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