Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1922, p. 3

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he arton 3tet fyteaa 1iiuitflav wahpu 3 1023 f my mother rtm lii urf luli in vunuiit iil ml u dr mr i ihi lovii ou lu gom win ii i vohlu mi ln hut in i llf i hlim iily without in i luitli tin pow r to w6vr inn mplrltm or m hn body tuny nuldt i tli nil lit hit wnlk 1 1 all jolting 1m jiiul now 1 1 lit douth hour luitli inn unlrltu for evit uplrlt n uli in mm imiiuliiiu nr glory ou liu nllhuu lu- iflltilnit mu swnoc bllif am iiv i wxlud 1 wlilln i in thou wuiit hurt iljut union of unlrit lifi jeutifi huth glv- arth und o mother i love tlmo thy tuchlug i i ipvud thou on earth uml i ii lovn too foiovur jilill kroomutt noul mv three lessons whou i wtiu eleven yeur old luild ur h my grundfather hud u iwk of uhoop which hod to 1m very carefully toiulinl during tho war thoun tlmau i wim shepherd boy unit my htiultimu wu ti watch the sheep in tho field a boy vrhc wa r fund of hlu lunik thuli of tho sheep wm mint with mn but left tho work lo me while im lay under tho turn vd i ilhl nut ilk- that uiid anally went to vny grandfather und complain od of him i shall never fur trot tho kind smile of dear grandfather tut li said never ml ml jonathan my boy 1 vm watch tho aheap you will have tint sheep what doo grandfather knoatt by thntr i tuilil to tmysolf 1 dont expect to havn sheep my desire wro vary moderate 1 oould hot astuotly mako out in my mind what it mm but i concluded it wu all right mid i went luick contciitodly to tho aheap f nould not liowovnr ftimnt grand fathers word then x thought of holiday lesson thou baa been fultli ful uvor a few thing x will huha thou ruler ovui many thing 1 begun to km through it novw you mind who irnif- leot hi duty bo faithful and you have your reward a second lesson x received mmhi after i cama to tho city um u clerk merchant from a country town wlu knaw m cidid to bay good and suld muko yourself ao useful that they cannot do wluiout you 1 grasp- his mednlng mora quickly than i did my grandfather well i worked ug- un thoafi two idea until ono day x offered n partnership in tha business tho first mornliuc aftr tho partnrahlo waa mada known tha old marchant front tho country callad to tnatratulato ma you aro nil right now ha aald i liavo lonly ono uord of advice to stvo xli u lio careful in your obplco of i rompanlona tlmt wtut leaaon num- bur three and what valuablo lovaona thny wert rtdoltty in all thlnsa dolnb your boat for your employer caraful in nbooalnjr your aaaoouitoa uoya tako thoho leaaons homo and atudy thorn j wall und or mod they ara tho founda tion atonra of character and honoralila aucooaa toronto preauytorlan things to avoid when ac- cidents happen outaldo tha circle of medical mo and nuraea tho publlo axo woefully ig norant aa to what they ahould do in coaea of aooldent or auddnn lllnoaa uoat of tho gonorul lda on the aub- joet aro totally wronjr and load to much moro hnrni than aood tho arreatoat nnemy to injured hu manity la brandy of thbj thero can b no quaatlon yet belief in it la prob ably one or our dee pest rooted fajui- claa n almost every novel hit who daaoribaa a character in a dead faint to la how brandy wu forced between the inoan olble peraona 1 1 pa yet a peraon up mlatroated would run rlak of death from chokioif or auftocauon olve no flulda no matter whether they bo ailmuumta medicine tea water by the mouth while the patient la itutonalble a a matter of fact tho only way you can naelat an lnaenalblo peraon la to looaon any tight olothliur partlaular- ll round tho nook jtnd aiv all tho freah air possible i in the caaa of polocnlna by occident or dealim tlte anerl idea fa that you ultould lve aomethlns to moke the pa tient elck hera a little knowledge la extremely dansaroua aa in m caaea where tha onihlu are burned by acid audi a course must prove fatal the only thins whlah are aafa for unskilled peraon to lve before doctor arrives ate mtlk raw eaa und very strong too- por broken bonoa the metliod uaualr i resorted to ara carrying the aufferer into a cab and setting him to tha hos pital aw quickly aa poaalbls thl la totally wrons aa moving a peraon yvtth a broken bono la a dan gerous operation and ti many case cause the jugbfd and of tha bono to teat muaclea and bloodvessels doing much barm and possibly reaultlntf in loa or tha injured limb you ahould keep tho patient quiet on the auot where the accident happened si til ski tied aid arrive there 1 itch to do before 4t la aafa to remove him at all but it can be dona only by a qualified peraon und any other inter ference la auro lo prove injurious the first bill of pare the first lh of fare originated in lett at a grand state dinner in llutls- ton to which most of th0 german not abilities liud been invited duke uenry of urmimwiok wo aeon to have a atrip of paper in his hand ut which ho kept looking the guest thought he wu memorlalng note for a speech hut one la sold to huvo inquired 1 may i oak the nature of that docu ment most nobleduker- the duke of llrunswlck with a little reluctance explained that thn dinner was too sumptuous for any person to do justice to everything ha bad oon- aftquantly got tha oqok to prepare a full list of the dlshe so that he might aelect what he fancied moat clover dodga that remarked tho other when the atury got brotmouat we must get our klfohenmaatur to do the ame for us t and so a btl of fare or menu becama auatomary at feasts in order that gueata might pok out tha dlshe they desired no apology needed that epaakar who at the detroit convention used tho phrase along thl line and thon apologised ahould have hud more gumption and grit tie a tin can to a dog tall and you will have evury a treat arab along the course or night v throwing rock at that dog thoyt have tied the tin can to tho tall of alongtlilallnu and it seems to be the fml to pelt this oanino of the literary world with stone whyt tho expression lacomposed of good old an glosaxon words it is grammatlcal it expreeeea the thought it la not near as haokneyad a other exproaalona which wva received no atrosa tho poor peraooutea thin will mtwifm una oar front xttt jmvwmfc u jf jul ol 0 w ib ggv ar thc v 5 wd big clock t baob 1 sabasol j baasosll sassasasasi lasabasabbaa aapsassabbb t9phh ismmbsis 9 mttnury i oft n a ittoruionao of lm hiuhuhht tnitudrflu itmollet tlonu n thn puut irtcn touih im with uudnn ygt bring t uu thn nhui of iiouum tliouglitu whti tin u ulu our year uwuy hhull atuul our uli uuiirom loo tho ininorlu of thn puut will utuy and half our joyu runow ilclllliry llnvur lilt u homo ihlngm onio buru inoio vividly thim otbtir mim lully wh u thut which wo r- olo t wiim tlrat okih rloiu nil with doop fouling uml linui ilil upon our lunrtu with jii- lirvahloum dot it und uhtdlug our iwn inuuiory 1 tho ikmik out of whluli life hutory will le rud lu not the momury thn worm that lloth not und uio coiimcltnit tlin urn thut- is not jlmiiflimlt wo are onutnntly iiutonluhnd ut whittjnomory nii do ovtm wlxm it uctu involunluilly uu moro rmnlloctloi hut lu iw mini woiidorful whm it nols voltiulurlly uu roroluiotlon l1k uh frnni plunn lo plaeii und rollootlntf iifculn the thing that hnlong to tho hunt oft lu tho utllly lilgm uro hliuubi rn chuln linh hoiiml tno vim mi moiy hrlugii thn liifht of nthor iluy urouud mt tho wmlloii tho tjiiini of boyhood yimru tho wordm of love thon hpo1iii tho uyow thut nhono now dlmmoil and gone tho ohoorfu lieurtu tiow hroktili uy own expnrlonro bus imh n mnrvol boyond munauro to tnn week after yek fir aliout three your nowi us i huvo sul down to iwn tlieno rumbling recollection of mlo for tho odlucatlon of proaint iluy riyidnnt of the fiuaf iridui i have won do fed whut would come to me of thn post of intercut worth telling and wook after week um i luivo rouched tha mcenos tnunpid out for the wuek utory therd hah svyopt ovnr ma uch wealth of inoldiint mil fuots itiahhid fifty ulxty or moro year ago that uu you are all wall awuro i huvo ovor and ovor again found it imiwumlbut to overtake it all in the space an kindly ul lotted v mo by the editor looking buok ovor tho your ulready lived i umipona wo ult uoo no mo thing wo wish hml boon dlrforant if a hlr henry taylor say the retrospect of life swarm with lout opportunities wo should all aim lo us tho yours that may still coma to uw no wisely mif honestly that they will afford u nr inspiring pleasure when our recollec tions recall them a good memory la un unspoakablo blunalng well you may bo uurprlsed but it was thoughts of our jumping- off plao lust week at the old methodist church wntry now a dwolllng on young htreet whlph started mo off on thi foregoing re it action on memory and its worth and how when i put on my think ing enp in tha alfort to remember wh that moatry won built 1 hnd tha data gooa back over half a century to tha beat of my recollection it wa built during the ministry of 1tv joel llrlggk whon ilav isana to vol 1 wa the junior minister uvray buk in imo in thoao days tho circuit wa n lurgo ono mr hrlgtf lived at htewarttown k think and mr tovoll in acton there were six apixilntmonu acton ooorgelown stewart to wh nor vol ash grove und campballs cross that meant one preaching scrvlco at each point each uunriay in acton the service wa in tha evening hunday so html wu held in the morning utid this survloo wa largely attended by the futhont and mother um well as by tho children and young rolk in the earlier duyx thero place for tho minister to go to lldy up before be wettt into tho pulpit after u long drive und wiring for hi horse ho wa obliged to wulu in lieforo the congregation don hi great coat or duwtei flick off thn dust und rut hi finger through hi hulr right bo fore the people lfon commencing tho anrvlfa tlmn for tho weokh prayer tneotlhg thn aiiouorluni hud to le wnrnioil and u sroro of candlo lighted mr ltrlgg pointed out thn improve ment it would bo tohuvo u vmlry ntul the church irusteu promtly fell in with tha idea thorn wro two or throe cuipenter in tho oongrogutlon iuriii ir who liud growing jilno on tliulr pluoum for lumber und shingles a and u pliotloror und lotu of willing htilpar tho vestry lxj4 roittml und completed with a door loudiug into tn church unit un- otlmr um un outnldo untrunro front jtohn btreet when the imw v try wu opened und all thn bill liuhl it found that tho on tiro uuh outluy wum a few cent ovr bo nh well the first uundwy uftor thl im portant addition to tho ilrt mothodut church wuii opened unit ltnv mr iirlggs who hud eniarnd from tho aide door pnimatl into j tho church for tha nervine all aplo upil wiuip uftor u dusty iyilng drive from h thwart town tha oongrogutlon wum ipllto ready to admit thut the tiuw vestry foul improvemoul i the vestry wu imuiii foulid to tie d rul vuluubla utility und uio momborw woiiderimt how thoy hud done o long wltlwmt il am n place for the weekly ptuyur luoetlng it wnw most convonlent und homelike lforty or tlfty purson uld lm uorontniodutod und thero mi often tltnom whun that number worn p one nt heouuse i used to go myself with my mothodlut friend m- fiihlonnliy nnd i huvo tho knowledge tlrut hand i ii ventiiro the assertion thut that old vestry would nchommo- dute the biggest weokly pruyar moating held lu any church in town to duy know uli who uttijml tho prayer meet lug in our church these daym tould get in unyway and i goose its not muih different in tho othor churaheu ilut then there urn a dosjin mooting to duy lu tho churoham to ono in those days fifty years ugu hut speaking nliout tha old tlmn prayer meetings in thut room x must cuiifaam i wum im pressed und inspired with tho fervopt intercessions of hiioli chruitluu men us asa hull ii nil jtthu hpohhl and thoinnu iorrymail und w ii btoroy nd w i urown and qeorgo lqlllott nil thomas moore l remember o when i wna thero i llhtnnnd in prayer offered by mytrltud william brovrtu wlhjll h pirefpoed with tha 1siilm my it wait u 1 1 w r i always it oui up to yiuliiln it rinf thut und mv wuvnl lu my j ntl lyu hi hlii lutiglty llxi lthihllut folfis tuld um it wum u rignhn thing with wniliiiii to iimi tho prnyfiti f old lltou ilitu whh h um itronhml in the tier i p im und u fuvnrltu wu tho tw illy lrl luum a phruho of john uptight ulnnk tu him fully ou hi in i ho witok of miitlui und thn nil of worldu wo will tiuut in lino o ood i htm i anu hull pny uuv rul tltnetf during my vlultn uuviug tho mithody piopli uml tin tr nvtr uvi ut ed to hn thn ulllhi t ingo in ilhl phrusi ology hut un ftu noy und ilfiut fullh of um nlil tuun in vn- futlml in mpriui tm an tt mhll u of w 11 lllimy whhh i riminlir him lining on into thuu ono art mi mi in hlif tirnyftjfwiiik ij id wu know wo uru tlyililllril thut wi huvo puaod fioni ihiilh unto lfv l rim wo love tho lirtthin and thoio wr otlur uu to whkh thlu old vtstry liulldiug wu put in it ohiikhly iluy lloniu urn utlll living who who m inhtru nf tho huuduy ut hool tllle t iuhu tun tin ro by tliul t rltlcul old lllhlu ntul tit john upitflt how hn brought out tho uulli lit p ilntu of tho hsuonu mtudud no memh r of hlw rlu us lll nvir fofunt no one t uttuudod thut iluum without knowing hlm lllhlu h tt r uu u rtuult and llimi tliie wus ho old fujililoued mnthodut ciumm mnotlug ooilituctod tbnro on vr duy ulghlii by jumon mhru the niu thut hlu nuitlur uh 1 ovuryliody iu uull wuu gihkl fiom iiim youth up whut wholuhourlid pruluo and t itl- tuouy wro to ihi lu url thuto nil tiotlooil uwuy buck lu thoito dnyt that the pooplo who uttondod thut rlu us mooting itiiiierntly livid thnlr evry iluy hveu pretty ilo to tholr pro f uulonu i think thoy ui felt this luuitto hutt itrvioi wuu real whip thero wi rou t muny clurli woddlug in thoht duyu hut whiiti u brldo hud tin tormrlty to g t lilti holup they uuod to iiuy in tho church she trtudo tho old vestry mr roiuleavous und from tin nt uho prtmuodul on the unit of her fulhuf to tho ulda of tho hiin she lovid in front of tho minister ut thoultur thn huuduy hohihd llbtury wuu knpt in tho vestry und tho ttooks worn brought out untt ptuciwl on tho long sldo ueut in front of whuro ihiilnunl und wlthhul hp ight u mm uli u iud to sit whuro the stholur aolmitid them uft r tho touchlug of tho lowuott was over i urnil to think myself luoky i hud tho chimin of uoloctlng u book thorn whun i uttitiutml hutulay hohimll lu thn morning uml tin n whou i weih to thn lreubyterluti huuduy ttnlnml in ihn uftumooii i got unqther ho you nou x had a good tihunou ut books ii thouo early day liut thorn wum utlll another use t which tha old vmtry wuu put in those tltihui which mudo it mora txipubirthi for any othor purpouo for which if w utlllaod when unnuul teameeting were held this wuu headquarter for tho commissar hit department it wum here that mrs w if btoroy two big bread puntl of rlngrbnoud mr web- her 300 cup rukuh xi rw john hpelghtn coo cmkh mr hull abort breud mr ktlwurd moore 2r0 turbt mru muttbowa apple turiinviru mr ilrownri coo ginger cuke mrs lull hnydnr j00 doughnutm und uo forth were u to red it wu hero tho tou wu drawn und thn iiihiuh worn in pllo and tho wultorm umieinhlud and when tho door of thut old von try opemtd und tho uroma of thn ton wan given forth und thn mautiilm of cookies uml flukes and otbur gihtd thlugu to out wiira vlulhlo utul tho waltnru mill led forth then thorn wuu hupiilnrsm uu- prtmn for tha youngsters and for many of the olduttrs too i hnur soma of you young reader criticise thut i have said nothing about sandwich why ibm you sandwiches werent invented thou nurry a salmon bad tiaeii a tin cuti in tho duy of that old veutry jlreud und hunt were good enough ut homo but my eyes people didnt go to u- taumeotlng in those day to ut oomnloil averyduy home fare it was cuknh and cooklo und dough nut and pin and lot of good strong gunpowder tea they went to tha teu- naetltig for umt tho preuciiorm mpeeeba and tha choir choruso wore thrown in that dear old vestry whuj mem ories 1 and then fortysix years ago whan the methodist moved into their flnu new church on mill htreet and the old church wa sold to tha lilsalple the old vestry was put into commission by them or about the same purposes and instead of tha old methodist lead er and steward thora wore thuso one old deacon and elders churlo t him william maaale oaorge tolton wil liam itatnaajr william ttahk and later oeorgo boper and joseph fyfe and others myold memory falls to recall lhese man however added one mora ua to tha old vestry they sank a wall in the corner junt where asa hall und thorn us iwrymun used to ult at the prayur meeting from whlah to draw wuter to supply tho liuplstry thoy had put in tho churoh with water for tho luiptlsm of themombors uu thoy were rocelvod into church fellowship and in course of tlmo tho old church was closed and tho vuutry became ii jewish hopio ou young btreet uml is thnru a oomfortublo home to- duy and whut bettor use ould u uuporamiuatod vestry bo put to tluttt to hocomo tha hanxiolu ramlly for vorlly tha home wum established long before tint church wum thought of and thi i a fur n i can go olt young btreet this week i ul spoke in my old vestry rem- inlucence of w h hlomy i um re minded thut murch h lu thn twenty- fourth until versa ry nf tho passing away of tl1u good muu who md so muoh to do with acton ourller duy lu bushieum us well a in church work and who wu acton first chief magistrate when tho ptuoo waajncorpo rated why ij hiindikiiu tf thuiiuundu it tl ii hmii htl wot king llvx dp niidnrgri und in thn durk reoouheu of mi- ml mil uwuy front suullghl uml um ulr to nilim mil for iuiwr whmi illhit llllltli u i pow r kxlnlm uo tvliel i ho i mil nt nth the imi th of con mo tepibmitit t until uu mllllouu in inbnty nil huu i i n iiln 1 for huudnd tt v hiu mid mn li rn nlvlllsullon ruil- wiyu uliiimuhlpu utmt work unit ful lj huv tnudn the dntimixl for filol ido her plan mr homer itlow il yu munuga to get your ndrpntit olouhl lo you hlr a pjmfahsloiiul uurputlmiaturr mr nelahbiurno my hunbahd beut tbom und i ttlwuym do something to maku him uhgry just before ha imjiiiu tho job ohlougo now liullulu lotig ugn proiliutid tho urrlvul if thi day when the world u out uitpplh u will tw ut un end and tho lllutuvtry nf uojnuoji oil had led en gineer to livi nt nnghie which will run on oil und tnuru riu unity lo ilovlue hull i funiu u in whloh oil uutt li burnt inxlnl nf ou inxtliully mtiry loiiuliy lu hoglnuliig lo muki um of uu watrully und swift rivur und to tin u the tincuuslng energy of uullliul wultu into ileitultty iii the unlui tttuti t und ciimtdu tin wutur lhwr uvnllubhi 1 mi re than ilouhln the whulu pow r tiuruloil y coal human ffot t nun overcome mout listneleu nnd it im no exuguurutlnti to uuy that tin m lu toduy u fratitln ucurth fur now niolu thut ihottooui of cnul lu uf bund uml all these new way of obtaining nr produdng fuul uro olomi in ulthy wuy currle1 out in tho light of dy inuttud ortu tho durk- nesu and itmigi r of thn mine 1 hure uro viut uourou of fuel energy in tho ptut bogu of iruluud but tho peat u wi t und light uutl ut present i practical wuy ha itenit found jetting rid nf tho wutir und p reusing the peat into unliable form there vast homo of oil in tha shala which hi found in ubundunoo in norfolk und duvniinhlra but hern uguln a dldlculty occurs on uoinnnt nf ha lurge umn of wiilphiir lu ii giving rise to t which would corrode itollors furtiuoa ar ungltiiw hut ohamlulu uro iiurd ut work tho pmhuiuu pttuiiuuid by pnut utul shulu und with our nver increushig knowlodko of chflnilutry tha day must soon come whou they will im solved und huge uupplle of new fuel wllli be come uvulluhlo iituihwutir power schemes are lug put into fin rutlon all over the world from thn niugaru kulls to the llivir jortlon wonderful prokrns has iteen mn do u tho construction of tur hlacs or wutui wheulu which ur driven ut u gruit aiteed by tho inrush lug wuter mid in turn drive uloctrla gauiirutor lu nmny countries power so produced is sold nt a rate with which the choupaut coal could never romp to ulid uveii lu mnglantl wuterpowr ututlon ure running to duy ou hiuuli moto economical hues thun ooulpowtr tttetlons these are not tha only examples there nre muny other utid thorn will be mora tocomo hut they show th dy by duy coal i bacomlug of i importance und it is now uufo prophosy thut long bafora coal im e huuutod it will ihi no longer noot usury for tuunkluil uy muguxltio scotch bavinqs co u title 1 lu jio cotnmund v- a man is u lion hi hlu own oauwi abu ml u in o tufttaw bmuk no luw bettor bo in no thuu lu ill om- puny he thut lu ikiiii to lie hungoil will never bn drowned he that would i ut the koruol must crock tho ny never uhow your teeth unless you quality without quuntlty i llttla thought of ha thut clnttarw to himself tulku to u foot lr that gtu foigetu but ho thut wuhtm tblnkh on nollilng coninu fairer to light tlmh wlion it huu boon long hidden he i u sorry cook thut con not lick hi own nugerti every man ut 40 lu u fool m phyulclun the revised failure rip hoy u fin wu it dull led untl r j tun ho would rnlhir hve ukon y kind of puuluhnii nt thuu fuou his fnllni hut lm wht sttslght in tho xlli 1 v fulled ho uultl brli fly rlnm ha lurueilhlu bulk und utood ut llui wln- inw trying to whlntli lik hi futh i ulled tho boy luriiid thn whlumo dying uu iiim llpu hlu eyu full of uurprlue llu kimw how mu h hlu futhpr wnnted hfiit to i u uu yt thi to wuu no ruproof in lllu voile ha wum nvli umlllllg u little uud hlu grip brought u t uuh of dumb unitltudo to thn boy u thn ut hi gun lo mukn ip tno into didnt viiii hlu f uthi r linked rim boy iwd ll w ii it wuu a fullur of cnuruu urtethi u htuyu u full uro or not de- pi ndu iinnu whut it huu dupo for you kulhiru tu one nf thu oommoneut thing in llfo failure lu u man u hiuluesu in hlu uml ulou in hlu hupu jewett fulled tho other duydii you know what hbi creditors uu ttolng to doy no tho boy iiiiswired eugnrly hot him tip uguliu it wuu a mag nificent fullmo toudletoiim he could not hold nut hgulnst without ills- bonouty uo hn i t overythlng also go utul kept hlu honor unit hlu creditors uro going to help him on hlu feet he- ruuun ihuy belli vo lu hint now iluk i bnllnvo in my hoy und i um going to ut him dorldn for hlmuelf 111 mid you u poultlun or you can tuke the yi ur ovt r nnd try it uguln thut would hn tnugh i know perhaps too tough for you j uhull not uuy u word if you honuo huuhiemi ilut thn lny u lmud wuu up now bis oyuti clour und iloturmlui j looking utiulght into hlu ii th or u i tit going tu tiiku it over ha de clared mow he was upset tin rid gigantic minnows thnrv is a spacleu of minnow native to luulfli const rv ru thut uttaln t weight of eighty pop ndu auothai kind of mliihow bttlouglug to the sunn region lu tha mtu rnmnuto pike or qtiawnuh which im four feet long whsii full grown w uro ucctistonind to think of mln- jtiowu um little tlsliou nnd so they all invn hi thn tsuhtnru part of north a in hlu hut the mlnnowm lie long to a tinny fumlly quite dlntlnct und uv though uenrly nil of the hundreds of m cln uru of uuch smull mio u to bn uuful only uu huit or even for thut purpouo too tiny ilka the top min now for nxnmplo which is so duudly u foe of tnosiulto wrlggh rthera ui u few thut uro big t unuglt tp test thn tuck lo of an linglor to thn utmost j coughs colasand bronchitis beutciicetl to death by bockleyi brondutii mirfnre the greatest remedy tlie world has ever know tl cm xnxi uiwsy beck ouanatee 40 pr for 7 bo bold by i1 dniasui or by null from w tsxvw hwu4 14twj ttmsl sold in acton by a t imown 200 more men wanted to pill positions in early spring mo oxpnrlonco noceauary 3t to 300 per mouth operating gas tract or driving motor truck car ami farm power machinery or auto and tractor maoliluery city and country garuge btnady work we lutve a plan wheraby you can work hf our shops to pay for part of your train ing under thlu system you can soon bo trained ready to accept one of ihnso big paying job thl spec ial offer is good for a short time only uuy und evening sessions hon doluy write or cull for full particular immediately hemphills motor school ktivaat kln street toronto what christianity is worth old you ever variously ask yourself whut christianity t worth to you you personally whether you have open ly numbered youmolf among ita fol lowers or nott wluit is it worth to you tq have been iiorn in a land ilka thl with the odiitattim thd freedom tho hope ho ou look which only thut una thins bus mudo possible what huu it been worth to you to bo trained hi a home where honor integrity utul n stainless numo ur counted above uli purchase whut huvo the teachlngu the restraint thu uutictlon of ohrlstlunlty been worth to you in tho formation of churucter in thn ideal of life it haw given you tu tlm hopes that dimly or dearly reach lo earth boundary nnd beyotidt what would you take in exchange for all the wo things if by tho barter every vutlgo of thelrlunonou must pusu out of your life your his tory and your soitlt it im well for overy one to tako ac count nf stock occasionally and some quiet day when you ure counting up your pnsuenhloti oak yourself tliesn question und won whut answer they will bring ihoii when you liave honestly ut your value upon them hold to it lit word und deed if the church mtundu for tho things you ap pro v support it if thera is a word of god coimidt t if phrlut lu indeed the lord give him your ul log lance and lot no earplug voice swayjyoii bprlng- qhe never thouoht op that doctor uuld tho hwoot young thing i have very pronounced bow- logs it is very omhurrusslnjr i thoro any remedy you can suggest well uuld tho wlue tjootor the emburruasmeut tnlght lie remedied by wearing longer uklrtu a mun duuhnd ilnwt u uueping ur i idling out huu uuy mi any whlukiys a lull lu ful 11 ted iji the next or a rlnuk wuu hutiibd to him lie took lilwrul drink rotunid thu llsuk uml then suld iilinly t ulwuyu upmlii mo lu in o u ludy faint use the belf to sell lonfi distance enables salesmen to multiply their sales efforts thoy can transact busi ness in twenty cltloe in one day talking with customers where theyhvoi systematic use of long distance brings results ask fafjmr fcoow a w went to sjhuhj up btulna a good business school heres why t ovr kawi iy uuhiund youna ulcn onj woman iuws irenhtl ehonlului lypafnl i j sntl boil run nuthodt lnumsliwuoiwi school evwry wuunt ua tc1 wjumi uwuu uul ujnjoa i half wc4 el- wv l wuuu end s j i ff tw sw y lm ws- ww lu ledul uolntosm cnlsv sttinclral c uu bosuksooois jflalf toronto popular officer novelties for noveluefl for the holiday cull on e k cook hn will supply you with l h u itelti arm bunds lurti ru ii und korchlefi olovt cuff ilnku lluchilor lluttoiim und muny other thlugu he men ulid lloyu uru glad to liuvu hib prices are low e k cook miljj btiuckt acton farm implements maitfieyllarriii form equipment superior ilarn equipment of fcrtrufl linker wlndmlllt and lumpt washing machlnea churna etc repaint for farm machinery v l w mcmillan nassagaweya r r no 2 rockwood undeserved surplus auction sale in mltln townhhil purebred aberdeen angus cattle grade cows voung cattle sheep and hogs tha undersigned have received in struction from 0 malean and a sinclair to sell by 1ubllc auction ut the fumi of t mclean lot 10 nasi conoosslqn 1 situated on the llrat line of lrrip atwut 1 mllo south of the tlravnl uoud on tuesday march 7 1022 commencing at 1 o clock shnrp the follow ugl cowh orey now h year old duo march 2d grey cow 3 your nil duo may s gmy cow uuo april d roun cow 8 year old with calf at foot 1 rodi and white now 7 yeuru old muk- lug well and bred v hruury 6 iuiuflmtlcd alhcudilian anoufj cowh iloale llata 3u006 lulvod kebruury 28 101d with belfor calf at foot trlxla llu to ail007 culvod feb ruary 23 1010 with calf ut foot nettle iluu k0h31 calved august jg 1014 duo april 1 hetty itutu 3ligl0 calved murch 9 1d10 duo ootubor 1 wnsy jjate 18t7fla culved murch 1 1017 dun in july jiollb mike llatu b1is0d aulveil murch 18 101 ut lluto 311808 culved muroh b 1010 bun oulf 11 month did eligible for rughdrutlnn young icattidfi3 anguu stnor rising s year short keep feodum i angus holfera rising 3 your abort keep feeders i a hhorthorti steor ii year short keep fenders about 10 cwt oaohi 1 fut heifer 3 durhnmn j yours old u durham 1 ywur old 4 spring calve 1 calf 3 month old s jiurhum steers 3 years tlmo of ule xlieuo ure all wojlbrod aligum rojid- eaiorthornu hooh lierk mow with h pigs ut foot york sow with 7 pig nt foot york mow dun april 10 4 york uowu dun tlmn of wale york mow duo murch 14 0 chunks ubont 100 lb 8 chunk about 100 thi 8 chunk of pig 7 thrifty shout ukns- 0 ben a purnbrod illuak mluorca rootatucm 1110121 ib oxford grado nwotf uqp posod to ha in lumh to a purubroil oxford ram a good surrey with lump met of light driving but neu given on furnishing approved joint note 6 off for cumii iowl cash positively no rsssrva rov hinolev and r j kerr auctioneers w it qltaham olerk capt o b webster 1 lm culiudlult 1 iicirlo llteamuhlivs ltd ii montcalm which bus just rnmphleil in i tnulduit trip u ennui th atluntlc lu iludnr uiu cotnmund or cupt 1 ii wei h u n 11 it l ho wum horn ou lluph inlmr s iuh7 und jiilmut mixuru 1 lilcr lwinptter ac co on muroh jl hum cupt webster i ono of tho tiiimt pipulur uklpimrm on tho atluiillo hlu llrit cumtdluit 1ui itlo oommund wuu the ijikc mlchlgun in april lbol whin 1 hi r lleinpater stumuhlm wi ro tukrn over by tftp c i 1l lliico u1t ful l wabatar hi oommuiibhl uurh well knnwn c p h iliur un tin montrou iuka ham- plain ijiuo mbuhoih ami en- pnsu of llrltuiu und during tha war llu uiiuluiiu und uolitu maile mutim vuyu u urrou the atlantic under hi rbaran when you need the plumber r wi mull us up and if the nastst lm uronut we wllttaend m with to your jutco at once nawtnaf- ter whethnr yuu nonumplat 1 im lulling nw plumbing or whetbor vuu wunt your old plumbing repaired we will be pleaui d lo give you an ea- tlmutu and if wa ancuroj the noutrunl wo will a as uro you of the inut workmanship phone bo w f mooney 1 acton ont jfaimmlmf m se- jf fl 1 izjh t e gibbons get your comfortable old shoes hade good as hew wa use tha bast leather and liavu all the latitat appliance to turn out w amlclmss job satisfaction guarantaod we have in stock a flrstclma una of menw and boy ahoes at very reasonable price s mill sl acton 10 reasons why you should buy a ford h costs than any other ear by several hl4mjrq del i ara 2f it coals lass for ubolln 3 li aoat leas for tlrs i costs less for repairs 6 service i obtainable wherey you go 4 fts ret u value or tradein value la hlbsr than that of any other oar 7cut to op rate both hands on th starring wheal ll tha time 6 no radical ehangss in deul to make a last yssrs model appear outlef data 9v bnaln powr in awcass of yoyr neads always avallabuj 1qulck pickup pjat awy llrst ti a trawjam h acoxe acron ont free press advertisers are always reliable ask mr wilson acton hydro shufttor ukandiwirf lion

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