Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1922, p. 4

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wjd- if will qhjartnu 3xtt tyresb iun weekly fjwtxr a mmthday malu if 7 1033 k tiik aftdn i 1 u 1- i hi lilt not ii if ufi- 1 mis r ii hi n ir i i ll- i u im 11 11 dim onlxz lit 1 wlti aivi uti ini mat tri f rt irt nl j tt h l imii upuy fumnt i i loch ill bfl i editorial hon planting trees on the highways mr ujfifcs in tipinr a ijreat work for the future of ontario by planting trees alone nbv hjjjhnya under construction if county councils will follow his lead and plant trees along county rondt what a lovely province of roads this will be in less than a quarter of a century but the lead is not alone for county councils there arc town bliip councilii and town councils the systematic planting of trees and the cafe of them should bo a part of the regular work of every municipal council it costs so little and returns are so great almonte gazette now tycc lyetm copartnershlp si rite tha retirement of kcv t albert moore from the partnership in the business of tint aton i him pri a hi ih70 the responsibilities of manage tnent and editorial oversight have rested entirely with his brother ii p moore i or these forty three years the newspaper and the affiliated printing business have been conducted solely by tho writer the in creased size of the put i purur with its added do part men ti and tho constantly growing volume of business in tho printing section liavo become so heavy that relief from tho strenuous position be came necessary with this in view tho foremiu of the office mr g a dills has been admitted to to partnership tho business will hereafter be carried on under tho firm name of tim acton i wlll pmss with h p moore as president and tditor and g a dills manager and assistant pditor mr dills came to tho office as irti apprentice thirteen years ago liy faithful service and painstaking effort ho has amply qualified himself for the position of manager through his position ui foreman tho past four years he has becomo well acquainted with tho business people end subscribers who favor the vnrnt press with their patronage and has won their good will and confidence of thin ho is fully deserving for his studied efforts huvo been to satisfy and plcaso all with the productions bo supervise and to exercise uni form courtesy and faithful service tovery customer the new partnership will aim to give tho public the best posslblo service and will constantly endeavor to improve tho fhei press which wc are proud to feel is now ono of tho best home papers published in tho small towns of canada tho continued patronage of the community for printing advertising and sub scriptions will be fully appreciated by tho newly- formed management wo sincerely behove this will be realized for it is an established fact that no other local newspaper in this country has a more loyal constituency than is enjoyed by tut acton frhh press piflylnir fair with the towns canada s department of trade and commerce has inaugurated a campaign tit secure british in d us tries for the dominion in that regard there is much to be achieved but also much to be avoided the big city view is that all industry should con centrate in the larger centres prom a national or even a provincial viewpoint however that is not a commendable policy there are many fine towns with good railway connection anov an adequate power upply which would make splendid industrial loca tlons and whoso young people would thus be kept from drifting to the bifc cities these towns should get their share toronto star helpfuj to i ontario leaders favor sf- lawrence devdoynent there is no uncertainty m tho declaration of premier drury in his sympathy with tho movement to deepen tho ftiver sjt lawrence and devekp iti latent water powers rn answer to a question in the legislature tho other day he said tor many reasons navigation power and as the promoter of sound and good international relations i regard wjth favor the development of the st lawrence i hope to see the day when tho thing shvll bo an accom plished fact this expression appeared to find favor with all classes in tho house and a resolution will probably be passed favoring tho proposal trancing partied not helpfuj lo school work reporti from the different towns in halton county in which high schools arc located go to nhow that hundreds of parents are objecting to danc ing being allowed in these halls oi learning mr ralph ross principal of georgetown high school has issued tho following statement which speaks for itself i think it fair to tho management of the school tlmt the public should know that the dance that n few of tho boys have arranged has been under taken entirety against my wishes such an event is not in keeping with the kind of work a high school should do and our pupils cannot afford to have their attention take up in that way canadians in new york tho canadian club in now york is tho centre of activity for canadians living in now york and vicin ity and its interest and rcliof activities among tho veteran canadian soldiers has boon commendible tho ofllcers are endeavoring to got iri contact with canadians in now york not already members ot the club and rtquest that those having relatives or friends living in now york city and vicinity or in new jersey commuiucato their names and addresses to the undersigned secretary in order that they may be invited to enjoy tho privileges and advantages which tho club affords address thomas d nee- lands chairman tho canadian club of now york pershing square and 42nd street now york city in at rl tlmt rwfloct tho i jloay oraaliu ut tho irlah nharaotar th tmlli uaually ut ilia bettar if ilia alh of im tha following happily i una irutlv an irlah aantloanan r another ahar ull it look h lulu hi- head that ihom in hi employ wor not aarvh hln u tlioy uk hi mi re oapoolally in th urly tnornln iwitfom jtny one wo utlrrln ha detarmlned therefore a aarl of matutinal vlalt ttit aarond tlma h want abroad in tha early tnurolnj ho aaw in a 11 id kn iwll uf illcltinnajan willed hordared tha avtmua laadln to hu realdeno anil widen had baati amity the r vlou day al unknown cattle juletly krasln i 1 rt mi tly dr v tha orrtidln ftnl ala i ut f tha field and tlown the ntiinu to th uto thsra aoroe bara- ik i hoy from an odjacnnt cabin tmit itlni roady and jcryfut aaalatano and ut tlin iuil ut hla raaaad com- tiany urmml with atlnka and branrjiaa ha noiially cunriufitad tha trnapaaa- tha viiihmu 1 hi ii nil ttd uw m urvly ahut in bafor return ilia hauled ami innanaoil to hrvajkraal thatm tha way lm aafvod ita rnuhilnod to hi family that lav hrrtlr ut mlna luit trtmhlln to imml niy ram and half tho cattu in uia m iintry allowod to trampla in nnd out ut my i t wraalnic nuctn aa thay i walt till 1 kn i uuattr mail urtxi lrkruat ultd 111 klaffnh tha i mint drtiaalna down ho a dvic had in hi ufa i thora waa luiwavor no nhl to bo in anarch ut tha dlltijuunt for bafora hrwnkfamt wltri nnlt mawuii waa hroukllt 111 tllut tha hanlaf wuh with- out ilsalrltir- to ana tha mutator nod wam ufoti thu hull atopa hiuat grvat- fallaii an i ularmn 1 m aorry to havn to tell it to your honor ha ihiaan huml ly lut thoro d a ik if your hmiora cut t la in th pouml i iut thani lit hklniieaan lata laat nlitht a ahut tha k un thnm ma- half an how thy 8 an wont atray in c u mo llh not u further for tha maklar who hud with difficulty rtrlnl hlro alf until then iwat u liuaty ratrtwt to tha dlnliik rimm wham ha oollaikawl into u chair ulid lauhl until hla family hud fvury ut mil irhpondlnif apoiilatio milauro thanoa fi rth ha uava up hla early itimimktloow ulid loft tha euro of hla tarty to hla undarllnira lighta on au vehicles just why such strenuous opposition should bo taken by tho residents of the rural district to the proposal of several automobile clubs tn tho province chat tho provincial authorities should compel all binds of vehicles to carry lights from dusk until sunrise is hard to understand tho proposal is ono that wotild undoubtedly tend to ensure tho greater safety of all concerned whtlo driving on country roads few drivers of vehicles of any kind have not at some time experienced through being ditched or mired the need of the friendly rays of a lighted lamp tho cost of attaching a lamp to any vehicle is so small an item when placed against tho advan tages that would follow tho goncral adoption of such a customhat one is tempted to credit the opposition to that contrary twist in human nature that fs agin tho government anyway pembroke journal our national railways is it not p oss i bio that as a country wo have been looking at our national railway problem lately from too narrow a viewpoint tho fact that for several years tho expenditures have exceeded tho receipts has called up wholesale condemnation of govern- meat ownership it should bo remembered that tho development of the dountry has been greatly ex tended and many now sections have been opened up for settlement duo to the war so mo branch lines that were under construction in 1011 1012 and 10p have just recently been completed if tho now towns- created and newcommunities established are considered it will bo roadily seen that the value of a railway to a country like canada cannot be measured by its net earnings its effect on tho national welfare must do kept in mind canada now enjoys better transportation facilities and is in a much more fav orable position than over before to enter upon a period of intensive development the advantages of he nal tfo commenting on lo decreased population in a number of towns un villages shown by the domin ion census tho toronto star points out that many people fad leave the towns for the cities find that su w 8 tnbt ghters regarding their now gonditiona many of the families vhjett move into ho vitiea says the star would bo happier and in tho main better off were they to remain in the small towns which thoy seem to bo so anxious to leave behind city wages mus bo weighed with ajy ex penses city advantages must bo weighod with city disadvantages tho artificial life offered by the large centres of population is a lure to many but the spacious lawns the out of door life the neighbor- ness the simple pleasures and the community in terests of thq small town are worth something after alt depopulation of these centres isnot a pleasing phase of tho decennial census most of he people who have remained in the small towns whether in business enterprises or as working people aro im measurably better off so far as the real comforts and tho spirit of friendliness and mutual helpfulness are concerned than those who left the horno taunt tor th citys attractions v university course available to teacher tha university extension department of toronto university has formulated a plan by which public school teachers in ontario who are ambitious to proceed to an arts degree without discontinuing their teaching may do so the teachers course has been recently expanded so as to allow for moro options than have been practicable in tho past this expansion i as been mado possible because of tho greatly in creased number of teachers who aro now taking ad vantage of the service whlcb tho provincial univer sity offers them the standard of tho course has not been lowered in any way no teacher has ever asked far a course less difficult than that taken by students m regular attendance but a great choice of subjects is nowprovided a degree thus won extra murally by the hard work necessary to a non resident student is just as worthy and or equally hfgh standing as those conferred upon resident students taking tho four years course without any work outside tho college editorial notes tho dominion government has entered into nego tiations with tho australian government looking to preferential trade between canada and australia this should be regarded with fnynr by our manufac turers in canada the provincial government has thought hotter of the suggestion to impose a gasoline tax and decided riot to do it theres wisdom in that decision tfic members of tho motor fraternity aro surely paying their share ot public taxes already about 2000000 in license fees officially revised figures of census returns for tho dominion bring the total population to 8760480 as compared with 7200643 in 101 1 an increase or 1562840 an increase of twentytwo per cent in canadas population in ten years is surely very creditable county council should take advantage of the governments offer re forest rut ion and plant trees in some of tho waste places thoywould set a good example to individual farmers canada needs trees to day und the next generation is going to need them a lot moro thnn vo need them farmers sun tho fight for tho removal of tho british embargo on canadian cattle has been transferred from this bldo pr tho atlantic to tho other it will be an issue in tho coming british elections it is noteworthy that many members of parliament who a row months ago opposed tho removal of tho embargo have now changed their opinions and are strongly advo cating its removal london is planning to pay her aldermen a stated satary then come along the school board saying they wont tho same treatment for doing tho citys business thero are numerous other boards and com missions all of whom will get a hand in the pie as soon as possible tho city council has started a big ball rolling that will bo hard to stop guelph mercury by laws have been passed by the guelph city council providing for submitting to the ratepayers on march 27 the question of permitting the hydro to run tho street car tracks through st georgep square and whether thay aro in fayir of electing tho mayor by general yofo instead fit by tho present system there has been strong objection to4he plan in vogue tho past few years qf election of tho mayor by tho aldernnm front among thtfimibrvob the telephone c1irl itnnenluy uftor th roof ttt tint k tiltvarnockar thmlrti in wuahltintoii 1 c cvd in unlar itu weht n now ii hvmti who van utondin oulalriit of tho bulldlna wont into u tnlophona th and told central wluit luirt hap- pannd tho tolnphotta tfirl did tha rau thin iflrl rtaljsml tho altuatlon ooni in u 11 leu tod tha information to otln r tnoniherw of tha omoa forou utid within ton tnlnutau avoitytwo uhyulcfuna roahlliijf 111 tho columbia exchange da- trlt where wum looted tha theatre were told of the tllimutter very run pita i and ftret aid ajrciicy in th city wmm tlried a raport wau mado to tha war department and to the municipal rov- ernment orflcae und tha work of roaoue and of relief wuu nlmoat jnatutit bi kruno the tolu phone elrl proved liar couruita and rourcofuliotm in uur him tiuw imivitd it ions before under other condition of emaraenay and of peril in flood 111 famine in flro und in riot tlin tolnnhniia irl ha ahnwn tha aturf that i in her wo fiar that wa do not alwaya ra nidml or tho thliitfw in our dally com- muiiltutloii with cuit trul atn time howavorv whan wa do think of tlmm wa ur worry that wa havo hum- od tha oleiihoiio lrl for annoy lr thin- imyonif hr control audi oa tho fiint thut tha telephone of a trloud la huay whon w want to talk to him and that ponhanoa wa ar rlvati tha wmjur numliar whan the fault lay not with tho tuloiiliono slrlh kony attuned our ltut with our mumhtltujf tnanner of athmjoh wa hopa by tha unadoquata tribute that wq hava tnude tunandm for a aonmwhnt froquant itma of tuuity hut rvdlly unmeant word a chicago ilnir loat the drains balance wheel ua in it unminarlouafy w ara ult to ftrurat that tha 1 rain la ur nxttomaly lallrata ntafhanlam whl h may lm thrown off ita noiualmi i trurtf hy any thin out of tha miii wry tha hdm of ltalala im oiln i thn runrttlona of thla nimrhanlam whlnh wa llmvn davaloiuid hy onalallt uu i which wn am piny unoi naoloualy iii r time wa and that mnuauat uurrnui ins ltnmilr ita 1 riimi umtsn nutih for nunii la la tha nffikt lo kins down from a hlh hulldln whan one la unan uati md to hnlhla tho ay notoa tha aliaor droi into and unfoiiaclnualy trwnamlta u ir rnuuk to tha i rain whhh in turn luimmu tha irouhla hy dlaturh hi tha dalliato lull whlnh acta 11m u imtahoa wtioal aa a raault thfl ihiraou o mea luay an i la aa m no tn tall um if lm i aa ln whirl uoun 1 rat idly a numtar of tlmaa the doctors revenqe a youn doctor waa aummoniul aa u wltnaaa in a t that doi andad oi tvchnlnal avldaooa tha iniihaln onunaol waa inclined to lm murcuatld ut la id tut i f ao youn a dort iwht illod you am familiar h aald with ia aym tomm of noncuaalt ii 1 f tha i rah t vaa ri hod tha dootor thnn if ur hmllh ulid rnyualf wati liu mid bangad our imu la t ku r ah ultl wa st oonnuaalon of thu liraliir iir hmlth mlht auld tlm ikmlor wc arc clearing out our stodc of ladies and misses winter coats and dresses at greatly reduced prices it will pay you to buy wc stock better goods at a lower price oikn fcvenings phone 69 l starkman starkman block acton ontario business directory dn j a mcniven om i 1 lu r r h avvnii nut ik mlriti tl r- fctriimrly t ihl ly j i traii anil ii ot i lit patronize those merchant who invite you to shop with them jx to the customers of h the merchants bank i of canada no birds no forests inaootji ura am on the wo rat anemia of the human men thay dnatroy mil lion of dollar worth of farm crou annually in canada and their daatrua- tlon of timber in the foraata u alao very heavy tha ofllcor of tha uomln- ion neuarttnent of aatloulture and of the fcorwdry liranoh of the japturtment of thn interior ar constnritly workln to reluce tha damun from thut eurae bo far aa the general uubllo t con cerned and thla applle irartlaularly to boy and atria tha boat help they nan slye u to protect tha bird in mima oaae in nund owner have aavatl their planted foreat by puttln up blrdhouae ami induolrur certain kind of blrda to mint to their planta tion in canada tn the paat inaacui have been kept in control by bird lr the bird are don troy 4 or driven away thn inaeoth multiply axceedlpsly und the farm ahd the format aulter cat are in vela rate bird killer nntt cat owner both in the city and the country ahould be on the alert to prevent auch ileatructlon piddles and such without movlnr why 1 an avarlclou man like one with a ahurt memory t uocauae he la alwaya fantettln do you know alia kanny i be lieve i could alt and taltt to you for evert yc it belfnvw you oould corai ara you aure you wilt be ubla to aupport hie deart merrltt why yea it cheaper to i married than ensuiteil ttlnnh i row beauttful um do w moon to night it nil tn full ob de list t ofoae ve it look dea ilka a alloe ob wutemtlhion i k llbrarjuli oay thav aoma aub- iberft are uncertain whether the book thax want la the titlcklt mlri- tatar by crockett or the crockett ulnhitof by htlakltl to give plants an earlv start wa have davlaed a aahema wtiloh pttt have tiaed for aevaral year on our farm und und it very auooeoaful it id on urrnnemnnt for ctvln plant a an early wtart lu the mi rlmr a imall orate with a tlaht bottom muda to receive u number o tin cylinder vor theae wo remove the top und bottom from reuhtl vegetable a thl can be done by plan lit a can on the titova on it end until tha heat melt tu aolder whan a 1lht blow will knork it off thaae cylinder are placed on and tn tha crate and oiled with tha oll d aired thn aoed are planted fo them rnd the crate wltb it contenta t kept in tha warmth until u time for tha plant tn b reaet in tha cardan oli ope aide of tha crate lift out of lot a flat pleoe or tin la then alld under tin cylinder which 1 than 1 if red out and puoed in the hole in th round that ha been prepared for il dirt la then praaaed in about tho cylin der which i then lifted upward leav- n it oontcnt in the oll reajly to boir ma out door irrowth vvajnve triad other hmntm but none wro aa ijebt u tfal- a a rphe sharehouders of the merchants bank of 1 canncla having ratified tho agreement for amalga mation entered into by their directors with the bank oi montreal- me bank of montreal extends to nil customer of the merchants bank of canada a cordial invitation to continue their accounts with the assurance that their business whether it he large or small will receive the best care and attenti6n jha service of tho bank of montreal is adopted o the special needs of farmers and their accounts arc welcomed at all its offices bank of montreal established over ioo years adrhymes this is the space that ciarricd the ad that gained the rep that made the sales tlmt yielded the profits that built the business that jack built an advertisement addressed to the wife with mind distrait its news dispels her troubled state it shows the priees that she can pay i and where to go on shopping day so now of course shell patronize those firms who wisely advertise shop where you are invited o shop uluad by canadian weakly newepapar aaeoclatlon head offlee toronto canada dr t j nlhon phyajfllan burtlaom obalatrlefan acton ontario uimronai r lo thu tutu dr oiay onh a uu 1 heul ii nc i ri lurlck lit i ttnl t t on c p w hods phyalalan ami durgan mill bt aaoroatown phona 23 cx itouao murii i flrani lliiltal tirtmt illholal attantloii to lit m of wo- ini mil chlllran kill infant 1 umiih bit w 0 laird ol ouli ill no woolwlrh til l not luyn 1tir niui und ihroat ry wi inowlity ut tmm uu phona no 11 1 o ilo il 1uiol10 nash fafemeit ma rrllr ballollor rjotary publle convanyarvoarf eto pennvman dlock acton ont uonkiy to koan irour bs0 bin to k pu iv g molr qarrltr do he i tor notary public georgetown otll dental dm j u uell d o b l o t dantlat honor gradual a ut toronto 111 iar- ity the lateata annathutln uaed ut laalravt dr p q qollop b d elvldb danlal surueen omen overltank ot kovn pootlo hgumi 0 50 to c50 lilvenlri by appointment miscellaneous pltancih nunan tioaulilttdr aoooutit iiook t all bin la moil la enter lar lad foal f rvory deaorlp- tloii rarafully ikiiiihi llulli naauy and bromttly tlonw i vy milium mrt ouulnh onl ovr wiiumiiih fttorn h j kdril auotlotteer and tidal tlatale anent sato ontruntfxl to it j krr ra- oelv atumtjoii rrom duta f hating to data ot aal xlat your aalo with baa rtadna bower avattua acton phono 10 aaton call at my kran roy hindley auctioneer rba aoton j e cheevers dook dlndcifi quuo 8l eat j oualpk ont uook o matfukliia bound la uandaoma and butaituiitlal oover wahto letterod in old on hhu hymn nook and othnr boob all work prornptly eouud d alex n1ven ontaru land bmrvayor and clull enalnaar burvoy bubtllvlalnno vlwm jito- port toohpttona hint print eta cortlfloato for iiuiylmhor nd martnaatmi burvyn for arohltt liullder and uunloliutl con n oil trlna deport katlniuto oto mclean ouilding douuia et avmtant photui ioi on crtavf ng o roilmiluohnsrit the old and reliable granite and marblo doalers w or niauufuviurtr an i dlirot importor at all kin 1 at alonufcneitlol id lloadatono work w aoll ill root our auatoiner at wholoaala prloaa thu aavlnp our cuatminr 40 pr pant wa havo tha boat appliance and tha only moahanlo in tho dominion who can operate tmouniatlii tool property wa mn lvp rafnronio rrom nuuilrea of aur auloaifr lu toronto hu1 other plao whera othur liavo to have law aulta in order to nollpflt w hnvn tha tarat anl beat tmk of qratilto in tho dominion or mora than uny thro dealer in th woat wo aro leltl- mato doaler and employ no asanta and do not annoy or mat auutnmar by oendln uut lanorant auoiit aiulotl- ln onlora wo omploy only moolianlo anij defy oompetltlon hamiltoiv sons cor ngrwlcli a woolwloli htm oualpti 4v vll

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