Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1922, p. 2

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eitf ariiiti 3fiyrr ijrrhh ii inmw maitrn look up and oiiin who i brink- frmi hit to hti li nuclit 1 luiituli u i unlit it ml nil tli- wli i ma in inn mi jikiit i y u hi too loll he won itlu mil jour cliln unl uinlr l rlitl 11 t ulilnt wlmtt v you ku i lm i unm u un uiiu u lilt k hit itmiu nf llurcoiui for yul i liiuilx 111 a 1 in robb position of trust hr iii ik wr iil i uhorl urnui ih u ritual lltu1- r ruwlliiif v mtt tt tlu w l- ilnt i li- uu ltd my u tuh fiot to morn il her lur iny thut iwirlint liii hid u wall uiniul m1i hut i lei hml yvllh vllltui of orvtiivllli m j mutln a liiouy utrlkn a l i hatiou nmhitia lulu mm mill hutl brought lo unlit the fuit lliut it nut uljovo u vuut rmervolr f nnluntl luu all of llu cituonu who uulil utrnnl it wml the caueitue wu mtnuuutrn bnjr lilnlntf ihmr huuuum uml ilr umlinf l the uitttrtiw when ihiy uhailil huvii urn irliiiil auriform flulil in runifu un 1 ftiinuo luxury uml iifnnuimy hunil in hit ml at iiltclit mli mllil ullkati rlamoa eoajr- ih ftuiu various hnrlnini arrogantly irlurnithunt hunumi thtuht the tieltfh- thirlnir vllluo of wexford nil tlntf in ll hlu lemma nvu itillum uwuy llm mill wuu not muully kind und ulnoa u waa in ll imwlllm uf tli hill tliat wuum not ivmiiu to mahomet it lid to put llu iiuml in iim lkmkt and bey fur uuboluel m liuieutke iuui ilsurvtlvnly mlinukliitf a clrthiivllln arm lutd uareed lo mutijtly it with ituu tho grtrnt hlak lipi that vwni to muvt it already lay uloiiif tho turnulke tlmt connutel tho two townm on the tuna pike there wui but ano iiciiihu a ho urn of ihiidb imimirtnnoe in unite if i til tlnliietiii for no una coyld imai it wtlhtmit lwylna toll to tratty ci uil not tliul iella xtulil tl trlhutu fiii mviuiiuii rnunoiim tiioujfh it wim worth a ktnall hum to tnnt mo uuiiny tt fium tin that lonoly rod bho unit her moth or wrtl tho iiihiu vlm all thorn iloooowod of th oorvomuon tluit controlichl tho kike it wu u rath or dtuiouittf mpot for u tinmo hut the hulrwuyncaut of it hm miio tlled it nnvr trouhlttd cello blm wut ruippy in hr mlnlatunt ardan and toapcouhy lmpoy in her poaltioo of iruitt um tollsnt kooper j tut with th oomlna of tho blt dlpad u omul i cloud mlld into hor horlkdu hho unl her mother wr hkir und fuel vu so exieiilvu in that trwlosji cotvlletui re ion if only limy could afford to bavo th gu out in utw ubaeiutuit anvlna would ho oonitldarahle it vrnm hard that it hhotild h an near and yl unnttaln- horrid thlnjcml mld colin rc3in to tlio pipe he very body etas hn to iwiy to paw thia aato but you ao orawllna by acotfree dont you think tjioy ought to iay toll in caa mothort i wlah they would indeed ld her nuitlnr jualdea tho oonutny ut it how convenlont it would be on whi ter tnornlnaa cella hod vlalona of cold finger a rofmotory atovo nnd rrmit wood belchinjc puff a of aray ajnoko xjonil aho exclaimed and put a- roay flnar tip in each car while the plpo aull w1uj burul tiretrnvlllo hold a rfet fair tho fcair uh ikkiplo hfbirwarda nailed it rever entially the town hod been ao pron- imrouit an exuberant over ita uronper- ity that many bollevod it would burnt unleum it oould have some active do- motuttratlon 8q o roan villa decided upon a fair aa an erf active aafty valve for thpaat two weaka a cpntjnuoua htream of motlny conwyahcoa from both tho near and the back country had nurred tho turnplko to ita aon- tlun rrlnaod bordera tho thick duat ohurned by hundred of hoofs and whoola buns uu fluy hka imoko in the air with much un unprooandontnd trafflo u wau no wonder that the huclukln imimih in mrs thorn bureau grwnn aldarmanlo utonmch when the treaa- urer of tho corporation made hi reau- lar woekly call ho would have atmo- thlns aubatantlal to take away with hlra more than enough to buy the plplnx ihought cella wtatfully aai aho hortod tho pouch on the but day or the fair that afternoon her mother had bone to wexford v apeml tho night with a wick couain cella win not alarmed ut the idea of being left alono for twonty- four haunt and if ahe had boon ahu would not have aatd anything rre in the broad charity of the weat he oonlilorl that uiero was only iii flouruo for bor mother to take hunh a cull ua alio had received waa aim out nacrud mrs thorn indeed had hail nuulma fhut cella had whlaked bar off with audi cheery brlakneaa that khe bad llttlo time tn voice them y dunk the human tide had ehbod back tutu wexford und the mora din- tun t i own u the turnpike lay blank au fdr uu ci1iuh oyn could aee it wo a llttlo ohutrletta after the duya bunt 1 1 without mothern pleaxilnt vofoe t break the monotonous drone of the crlckota outalde tho atlllneu of the houao wore uptm the glrla nervea and her imhiu ontortalnlng- oa tt had aeemeil the day before now fallod to hold her inlereat at iat aha fluna it down with an impactont sanoo at the olork uie hand of whloh dawdled unua- countahly in their round i don t cure what yuu aay ahe ex claimed uddroualnk the old tlmepleon hi- ioiiiix 1 mill u noli n fni lor duil tni mi n hud iitifl thtn mini utlit n 1 up in r iohu itiht rt d i tin 1 11 h uiinlihh xltfxiiif rotirue imiijllit in r l oho or tlu uruut uni i linu by thu r uduldu inuluiitly hi r tnliil hiipud ut 1h piiortuiilty it tr- futd utul u4pltir mho unultluil into llu kloomy tithaxlu wlntl u nluht ulio pm u lt hho coul i limi- dutltntly ih iniiprluid outlm of thu inun uu tin y wunliil tint tmjity hoimu uy unit by thfty cin nut uiv- uu with iluuiouitinit uml ltoiwi thrnuuh thji mimi uml ulout tin yard oiitti they i uiurfilnni t in lilillnu nlurt und uhu tiajdud hrr t lb lo umi down iim try tlutt uwtluil thrut i luully tin i wum ulh m hinif hmutlilriiij ulliirico 1 i nr u ufirmtil tlntu durlutf t vxulful twolvn huiirw cidlu uwnkn willi a nturt from u fitful abiitp warm duylluht uikiiio in ut ilio lr ulur oimii hu utul nln hurd 11 wull knowi voice of the tr uuun r cullhtu hnr moth- f flhri nruwlml from tht pi hi willi tho buif lu imr hund llio iruuuumr upruliu from hut horu win u ho uitw tint bdrnakld ultlu tlaun why collu k ill whula hilar lbu toll noiny hui i poor coll luklna thu tpnuhon lit rally und th tht ooiiruuttoum lltlltf uplrlt wouloii und uha fulnttkl now he tmvollitr wiio pauunu the lolluut in iim i vanlnu- will mh tint tottuuo hrllhimt with lh yollow alow of k tlio ill h ihlt trlr tidl uftnr all throuuh the liitruuiuulullly of tin lundud we i turn furimru who ud notlilnif wo muih ut pluik uml uty and t irkuklu itouith v ry proinir- ly rutnn hark not u pnny tho luihur to lbu youiitf hutidu thut hud uopt it itufi for thlm rorptimtlmi hud a until and thut uoul wuu touchod by th pliitnm ita trtmuiirur drw tif thopltlrul llttlo inure thut hud com to met him with iim trtint unbrokuii on noriin uftor the fair humittino after midnight aho awoke ahlverlntf bho had dreamed that ah nnny or fat prairie rata had atarted to gnnw their way into the houae cdla wn thoroughly feminine in her opinion of rutvu and the dream hud been very vivid und horrible even hov thut uha wu wide awakd the raapli of thoae eugor teeth aoundoil in hor euro surrjly there waa a real rat ut work down t aire it taunt bo a rut or imr blood chilled at though i w of the alturnatlvo aim alhl from the bed and tiptoed to tho wlhdow open to the wsita night air a lli in croacent moon abed lot vugue light over the plain something won bupnenlng beneath the window a contlnuoua bound roee to her num cautloualy aho peered over tho alll then bho drew- hack her head her heart thumped in a eloigning man ner two men were prying at the elttlng- room window the buckakln iouob fattenod by the fair week they were after hi 0 mother motherl ahe thought whiit ahull i ol a anreani would rx an uaeleaa aa a orlcketa ory why not do too in- tlnctlvd thing and purchase eafoty hy fllnglntf tho pouch to tlia robberat 1 anything- rather than to hear ujero oroepcreeplng np the atalra vet gomethlnbwna due her position and i tfaa honor of tb thoraa spare the milk and gpoil the child tho importance end value of the pro duet of the dairy cow lovory fumlly in cunnda la vitally concornod in lla mulli food uuppllem among thurn milk uml milk prouaeta are ua liiduipenuubln in tho tllnt of both oh i id und adult im im hreud it i uf erring to child nutrition jjr a j amyot peputy mlnbiur of heulth faintly miuln the utntnment that there are many undornourluhod or tmpropor- ly fed children in thla country wluuu condition both iihyulcut and mental wo 14 11 ho greutl improvod by llw more liberal utte of milk in the diet in u pumphlot juwt thhued by the iomlnlon deuurtmnnt of agriculture ottawa entitled why and how to uae milk of which uutn ii o cumi bell nr the dairy ilruticb ih tho auth or it ut atufed thut milk oontaina the rttqulrementa for the growth and elair at the body ulik contain pro teln from which to build now oolbi and rupulra worn out tluiuoa it oontalni fut and a user which uorvn ua a aoum of heat and energy for muunular ue tlvlty ahd mineral nuktter whlch ha 1 regulatory effect and enter into the wmpoaltlon of tho body eepeclally aa rvganu bono and tooth the doflclon nfea of other food urn counter babtna d by milk id the diet when milk 1ft abrved with corea with hreud other food made from grain not only are the nutrient in mlk tued hut munh otjier protein in oonaerved for i mly uea which would otherwise be wonted tluttfir for which there i no real auhutltute aa a benedolul food 1 made from cream and cream i whole tnllk with n large pnrcentuge of that holublo fut without which tho normal growth and dowlortmont of the body nr of the mental powor urn tmpooxlhle all the good of the milk la not taki off with the cream far from it htlll contain the protein mineral mat ter and vttamlnee neceatutry to build bone and make blood nor in the rood value of milk deutroyed when it noura made into cottuge ohooaa one pound oontalns a muoh protein om a pound of mout and who can deny the dell olouanejuj of eourmllk blaculta and griddle cakot uuttormllk huu a food value ouual lo that of aklmmllk or our milk in euxlty digented und hi do llghtruly tcfrohhlng to drink con deneml milk bi uanful where freah mljk la hot obtalnubto but 1 not aultablo aw a permanent dint for bublna fiiva- porutnd milk will keep indefinitely if awuled hut whon unooverod nhould be uwod uh qulnkty aa frualt milk if given to children friwh fruit juice uhould be added to the hot one particularly intu resting piece of information it mlu cumphelle iam- pblet in a doitcrlptlon of the maimer tn which milk can be lvunteurixed at hmne tthun tiling rood of any poaalbte obnoxlouu it mm with praotlcaly no nxpetiho und with only u modicum of llili iniopio who rogaril ice cream uu a mere luxury una mutuketi it u a reul fimwl in conclusion it may lie itatd thut forty nl no roclpea aro given ii the bulletin refvrrud to for making dollalouu dlahoxiln all of which milk lu the principal or mout important in gredient luaued by lln illreotor of 1ubllolty i4nurtnibut of agriculture ottawa vfurch 103 it is salada for breakfastfqr dinner for supper and five oclock tea the con tinent wide salada ten ua staplfe ntv om dniybrend qomc jntendbtino fcaturc8 in european tflavcl iv t nu until i tho uu forntv how tt uly hint it ik ii u ihui infomnthl of uu run uhuyu i ihmulllni inoru to uurn in urol- to hungary my hi uw of iilvuutuiini of u country u aurvluei v 11 thut of the two ivnuluh kiuuklng rtrttlonu w rw only vague and lentoiitary 01101 ilore rtmult of uonio llttlo rrulvmla log una uircourh with the uierfu of thuuo four ih in rut 1 liililulrritu lu the ubuuiica of hpeakeru i my inulbtirioiikuo lo mlltgla with i uiv ihvii vnublod to uiim nxtvnt ut hunt lo uraup the practical lnmslty uml uuufuhiekm of audi luutltlitlonu li tur uwuy phoju jxith dlploinatlo und con- ulur lr dlii nov what but how tho lmpremiion mdu by uu aof of oourteuv dependa veny much on the how and on hqvhatono vnutiu- juiyi rluu lu u ktreet cur to give u aeut lo a ludy hut thurn 1 nothing in munner to ahow that ho lu uwure of her exlutciine there u the ueat i ntuy tuko it or leave it hla attitude noern to tuiy and fruotionlly aho drop into it not nertuln whnthor ahe itaa celvotl u favor or whether the former ocoupuvit nxiietitn to gut off ut the iiaxt oornor auither young man would utart to hlu feet at the night of her touch hie hat umlle and help hnr ucivmim the nwuylilg car to the pluo ho im vucutihl in her favor and it 1 very nelitom indeed that he itoea not refolvo hla full qnota of gratitude keep in mind thut what you do 1 imrdly more important that how you 1i0 tt 1 a ooiirtomy dono indlfferontly will bo acoepted with indlfterorioo if you uru going u muko a aacrlnce whathur large or amult put enough uce and gludiiuea into it to make it coptliblo to tho reolplent a donkfev problem llered a problem for you william a donkey wan hod to ii roim is feet longv eighteen foot away thorn waa a bundle of hay and tho donkey wuritnd to get to the buy how did hb man- ago it oh 1vo heard that before i tou want mo to gay i give it up and youd nay bo tld the other donkey not at nib 1 thou hbw did ha do itt jnxt walked up to tho hay nnfl t 4ut you eald bo wua tlea 1 fo i wo uo waa dut youeeo ttio rope wunt tied to anyuung alaa huv not ml no mi i of tli l mi thut a luiriito th functlouu im brulu h of thn uervloo frtni tho otlnr und liiiv mnrktil lo wimn x- teut ut hunt lli on liu nd log f aturew of the fomlgn ihrvla of imtli nutlouu and while thin lot l nmy not be of uuinclent tnlereut to dwi it nn ut length u nummary of my nlwurvutloiih of tho dlffarnnctiu lu the two nynthntlcully put will arhuih lw uxaaajod lmre while the urltluh foreign uervlce re ounlso a uhurp dlatlnctlon tn uu dl- plotnutio uml ooiuiulur brunt hnw the one dullug with hilltlul and int nutlonul tho nthor with only nomini clul urralrh am rlcu on tho other hum delegate it nuim ivihioii of thnun thing lo 1mh of ita brum hop touly thorn u thut dirfoi over to he noted thut the american diploma tlo aervuje ucju in multera of broader und mora gntrul tmikirt the conaubu in uhmmi witlch netoaitl tute the furnlnhlnir to the homo gov ernment of more dwalleil und uneclrio informutlou hut thl loiter lu uuppowed to fiuch tin nomn uf the dlntliictlvn fcnlurouof a hind ntruuge lo it guugo lu liubltu und in food rutbor thun lo bear on auoh dry initiation a thoae of international truile and poll tha ko ut me hero refor to u few of thoae atrtking if aomowliul minor local ieculbrltlfim of u tountry whoeu hold und g union product whom fruit itommtlo anlmabj drxu and nllntutu mtrutige o way uu bear u clouo ulmllur- ity to our own k t haw already tnld of flah aolllng ullve on the public market n plan thut our large rltlu at immu might udopt to advantage i lutve uluo upoken of tho nnuiy rinu brldgca that here ujian lie ihinulm tiivho liulng mt low i wondered why they w ro not built to awing with no mm ii heavy uavl gutlon whan i wul hod tho puaslng uhlpa one day and duoovrd out eery nmoke atuck uutomutlcally low eied aa the vo went under each bridge and immediately man again after- panning under aurely another loaaon that our canadian and ameri can rivor nuvlgutora und bridge build- era might profitably learn j waa aurprlned one duy to aee a lludapent poet man un a motor bicycle quickly approach a street letter ixik liag in hand attach tho tiug to th bottom of the boxy by u sliding pro ceo which automatically unlocks und emptlea tho box anil look the box and bag again the whole thing being dono in a row neeonda and without a letton paaalng through th hand at alll i thought um i euw it all that here certainly our city collectorm in the wet tnutc le behind the time and could learn aomuthlng front their poul brethren of um effete kaat uudupeat boaeia of i ground eloetrln tram uyntem in the world which run tor ubout throe mlloa from the oily park und aoologlcu garden to clerhuud famoua confec tionary paluco in tho oontre of tho city and bwueu tranafora free to all tho other tram lino in all public building and the reel- jouoe of tho better clauaow hare uri uvhut are known a telephone newi tellora by which all imwu item of ln teroat both locul and genorul uru com- munlcatod to the cltlxonif at dlrferent hour of tho duy including utock hunge and parlbtmtjntary report the corruot time of day urng the evening hour the porformahcu ut tho opera may lie ho aril over tho uumo wire they tell mo that thin wonderful uful invention hua lieeit 111 vogue hern for thirty yearu the i nl rod 11 our being one iuukau u hungwrlaa worker of todluonu iet mo junt rofer to a few other range local foaturea thu govern nont hue fixed houao rnntw hora u llttlo moru thun a nominal figure when calculated in our money procedure vry helpful to the tenant with the former purchasing vower of hid crown delutrted but uurely rulnoua to uie un rortunuto muu who hu hla monoy lu ted ontlroly lu building tluntlo- u tuko utr their hata otl tho ntroota to ululr own nor tilrnamo appear llrnt und chrletiaii luirnun aflerwardii on all ntrent ulgna mulo aorvant criue in unrf khut their mhttreun hund nhiht and morning hungarian gen- t ionian entering a lady rawing room luvutlubly khui their houtean luind whlo thu winter duyu here are often uulte aa cold aa our own the utreet ouin rowtnd all thn time aro never hcutod although hungary im an oat- gniwhig country outmeal 1 unknown mm a human food tho bnkfuutu for the hioat imrt hore aa ih vante oonautlng- of only oorfon and roll one iov r moo u tlloe roaat of beef mutton or pork hungary the meal 1 ulkod up mw ii the kltottan and brought to tho table friod or ntewed oil the aafne dlnh with aliced boiled or fried potutoen in thut rcupeot we ure indeed uwny uheutl of if i unary it hi hurtlly xnlble to dutrnguuih in thl amalgam one kind of meat from unnther one go out for the evening here ut the invitation of a friend at about bine o clock and though hn may junt huve tluuhed hie dinner eating and drinking i indulged in from the very mtart und kept up continuously till thg company rottrtw dhjlancea are mouuuredhero in kilo meter uml nurchaae inklloa out own mile and pound being unrecognlxed the atyllah carriage und pair are utlll in tho fore uu iludapeat u fuablonubln driveway not yet havtrur given pluon 1 um to the faacl na ting lure of the wifur nteedltujr automobile hkntlng uttracta it thnunandm here tq the pcetty little loobound lakon in the pork u auiierb aro the urthitlo foota one may wltneaa from tiuth the male and fem ie votarle of thl tliarmlnu winter putt time 1 intlmatnd trrmy la at letter that thut letter would come from tho houmknlan can i tat but an my journey thither how been for a fortnight orno and aa tlltlclont additional multera of local lntereat have already auggeated acutiaelvea to m6 to complete a fur- ir vofuntijioua iaitar exa mtrtra nllaily iliina inn n nmrku o ly juaonluvlu pltul und k rlun i will aeod thl id leuve for my next 1 koumunlu and pon or flerblu and their t lute muting fuuturn ihoaui two llulkun khigdomai botli iluy ut inamt lu he uhcendant and tnoniliiff luiid lu hm muklnk of modem kur imuii hutory n i j vauubit amurlcun roumilutti ihiduih ut iluugury obruury ib 10si the maotgh oootleqgcno at th allluiico more llr inuiilfout 1 the nn n louvi iitlon of thn ontario oi otly mr iluit hinmc 11 ud uttiillotl to tho uhjra- booth jn r who urn dryng ovir onturlo uml endeavor voi it it finforoamnnt it hi hut llu muuter wwitlegegrm blulier up am nhle to no lire oompuriilvt jmmuulty by thn em loymntit lu lilt ir dlxgracerul buajjncwl t pvoplu who umli rtukti the work irhukey peddling ut thuir own rink und who wh 11 ruiight no to pruoi without imiuchlng tl imruun lu the numlier of wo in 11 charged with the illicit uula ff itouor lu lu to the ldu thut mug j- flutnu will ho i nor lonlmit in deulhg with womiil nonvli tnd of nailing lliali fhiy uru with men tho uympthy tlihiun how vi r may not uvull wli l lu hihii to ihj iiurt of a hyntomathi plan for tho t urrylng on of the lliui irulllo with the minimum of rlak tli women who upiwurn in court with huby in imr urtuw and whoeo counnel druwu a hitrrowlng picture of the pov- urtyulrh kt 11 home from which mho wu drugged immuumo uhu uold a bottle of wblnkey to thieuru food for hr children lu not ulwuy the innooent victim of her maternal inatlnct onntly in toronto a woman accuaed of illicit ul who auld nil had h dilvtutohe irpltteurtach of the 1uw lu nlcr to nupport tho chlldrei who were tugging at her nklrt in the court room pttld a don of slot in ciuuli ut jiiu au who went out nhe uccldonlnlly dropped her bank book it nhowed it red it hulance of i 000 thiiho iniihitiior und humbug in the lower rulk of the ixmtlegglng fruterulty ure not the moat dangeroua enmlo of luw enforcement there t u muu walking about at liberty in ontario who luui puid out almnat hundred thouhanl tlollar in fine for nonvlntiul liootltiggtru it 1 men of till nort who bring the law into c t nipt ubd who uhould ha made to feel the heavy hund of j untie a without npltul in vi ry rnmdderubla quuhtltle und thn biiun of thn men hlglier up tlm bunlueea of bootlegging would not luig aurvivo 1 tho qlobo la by no meaita certain thut bootugger lponlarlo have to take the rluk of bringing auppuea il licitly front qimtxta at grout rink and of carrying them in motor car or aomw ulmllur conveyance to the centre win re ltounr iu in demand on the niagara frontier whlnkny mudo in can adian dlntlllerlihi i cleared for luirt fnan u cum torn wurehouee mo nltuated that the lliiuor can lie loaded directly into motor bout which he lu canadian wutur until dark and are lino nuppouad to mukn a dauh acroaa the river und html tho kmugglod whl- key on the amerldun aide how do wo know the whlakey re- leaned rrora bond for export reache the other nlda lrovlpciul o 01 cor van- not watch all the mhore of lake brie many convenient polnta of binding are to bo found on the north khure of the lake o wpjl ua on the american and the prlov of boot log whlakey u high enough on thin aide of the border to make illicit hule at home ahnaet ai profitable ox amuggllng clone cooper ation between the cuatom ppartmeiit at qtluwa mid the attorneygeneral a p part men t tn queen a lark would noon ellnnilnuto the poaalblllty of ua inc the export privilege for the ahlp- ment of cmiiidluu whbikey bark into tullaoa for domentlc une were the cuktomti ipntment to renuiro thut dlmtlllon till their export onlei ty direct nhlpmeut from the town or cltie lii which their ilutlllorica nituated uml move auch ahlpmenta only by the mguliir currying eervlcee auch an mllwaya nd rlxer furrloe there would lie u upoeity end of muoh of the cxjmirt trade and there would tie no longer ground for tho uuuplclon thn export whbikey thut lunvox the cua tom wur4houh in daylight come buck into onliirlocltlea und towrut artor lurk therw i an overwhelmingly large majority in thin province agaliuit the lluuor tntitl h 1 not unreasonable to ank that tho cum torn department rythlng pohwlhlo nnlur uxmtlug luw and if iieceruiwry under tmprovo- nienta to exiutlng lawto atop tli lawful trulllr that i injuring cun- iitlu gmhl iiume abroad mm well aa bringing tho udmluutrulloii of juntlne into ooitemilhionte toronto fllobo o anthma oufferaraw dr jrtk kel- loaan anthma himody cornea ilka a helping hand to a nlnklng awlmmar it glvea new life and hope aome thing hue 00 mo to hellnve impoanlbta it 1 lieiit lit lw too evident to be quentlon- d it 1 uu own lient argument ita wii bent adv rinmnt if you buffer from aathmu get thl llineihe1 remedy and find help hku thquuandn of other whv we fall bhort can anyone do ypuwork better tliuii iu ure doing- it and jf no why there are cortulti klrub pf work ij whlol tuiturwl uhlllty dealdum tku fa ire of hucoeu one iioet may writ butter poom thun another not be- cuum ho hue trlod hurder orbj mort ambltlou but ttlmoly becauao hla ioetlo gift la of a bight endejr ejul iu boutblack ahhio a pair of nhaut well and anothnr mhlnew them 111 he dlrfereiwo la not iii unilowment but in more of uu nm in the bootbiaok clan tliati in the pout clan the foa- nan thut we do not do well u becauee wedo not try lutrd enougli wo net aurfloleiitly pu i iu taking perhapa we 00 uru go too readily or find it too enny to ullow attention to be de tracted from the huulnena in hand if we are hunegt wo mueuudmlt that we full abort jif uinpoeuu not becauna nu- re eent un into the world handicap ped but bocuuno we huve failed to muke gtiod um of inutcrlubf entnuted the worlds greatest dellb lull iavi ulwuy held w r murk- 1 bin pu in t niuiiry of thn iximun ut uml it lu iiulttt imihhhlblo lo got ut tltlr orlain tih lurgiut ihiii in tl worl 1 lu tho our icl whhh utuulu in tlu bllddle of u uouurn in ulutcow uinl lu uhhi km it ohepul it wa cuut in 1113 but whn an ulletnut wu lunde to hung ii thu atimtort guve way mii i ii rll inuklng a grenl ho in 111 thu ground lu which it hunalnml for ivor u liun- i11 h3e it wuu mhl hy lb hm- ikor nlcholu and lh broken uldn wu lluod u tr doorwuy it wnlgb iiltout 319 ton und i 10 fecit s imhe high ss inche tblrk und 21 lt ii inchu in dlamnler th- hmrgent known uu ju urttiul tint i uhto at uoncow it weigh 12k on th- nxl lull in kint of ulxo i in a pugixlu in upper llurmu und i ia foiit high weighing 10 ton after theno two blunt iotnn the great ikell of iekln es ton cologne i uthedral 57 h ton nanking 13 ton olmux vinnnu end nolm bunui 17 ton each lit paul cathedral l ton york minuter 1314 tin ill llnrn home ii ton th prmuent big turi ut w t ml li nt r jlondnn 1 thn neoond lll uf it name the flmt hell having a flaw in it tlie aeoondjnell vtiow in uiw muo rruckad but mm thin uppnurwd to im prove the tone the niuiurn wu nllghtly wtdene1 and nnooth1 off by filing a correetor ef pulmonary trouble uany teatlmnnlul could 1m preaentod nhowlng thn gteat ntflrutiy of ir thorn eolenhrta oil in cthtemllng dl- ortter of the renplratory procauw but the tkent teetlmonlul i eporlncn anil thn oil i recommended to all who taurfor frttm thene dlaorderm with thu certainty that i hey will hml relief it will allay inflammation in thv bron- oblul tubea t av gall stones marlvrrs specinc a never fallintr mmmly for append iri la j inditfentipn htomach dlnonleri apiemluitia and kidney btonna are often cautetl hy call litontt anil minleait pnopla until thoae liad attack uf call blini colic nppcr not one in ten gall btono sufferera lmowa wjiat is the ttoiibl jrluttn ufxxallc will kelieva wltfaoat pain oar operation for aalo ul all drug b lores or e j uassard druggist acton ont j w haklatt co 211crvard l bl tennt ont seureaiiri or churn in tho lafro centres of population crcanjory butter ha almost completely taken ttio plncatjf dairy butter many farmers have been delivering cream to tho creamery for some years and have given up churning for rood some did this after exhaustive cxpcrimcilti with tho return got by churning at homo and thoso obtained by selling tho cream selling thd cream is always tho more economical because it aves heap of labor and tho skim milk stays at homo in any event if you havent been a creamery patron mart now more and more aro coming to it every year the acton creamery co h 1 onkiu lroprleor to umm ir studebaker announces new prices touring coupe sedan series 22 bigsbc prices 3700 series 22 specialsix prices boadsteb 2passenser 4 s2025 toubing szws cuib ho4mjstkb j207s coupe- tpaasenker j050 sed4j v v50 the new lightsix prices toubing boadsteh 3pknencer courmtoausnat sedan all prices v- tt b- walkerville onurio 1495 m95 sims w425 j n oneill son georgetown ont dktrtbatora of siudcbaker and dodge ibothers motor cars for georgetown 4cton and milton bphinoio coming are you lrnrd fur tla pirt hn llunt sap buckets and spouts 1 lurlni 111 kiu 1 uuiirt c each jooln mi 0 llerililil ii ktlil limit 2cq ewrh 1ro in loiu 1 sr mlruii t ii kln h purl 22a rwci 70a in lot 1 o 2d km lid l jli tlhlu ii piiut 25c uch 33c in tniu 0 jit ip ilituti 1 in un 2o m eh kls i or 101 utp itllt pir 100 r r 3 iinh zn hup up uu wu run he neb mm hull 1ulu 11 r mipplh 1 with hole punrlol un r ml to hung on th tii wi ii ii iiila ulrong una durable the i10nd iiaiidwaltl- co iii phon 10iz ouelph printing is ypur advertising printing nn expense or an investment p hinting la an invcatmontonly jajew yi- a k appearance qounin when it 5 intelligently planned mtl for l pemonal rcpreacntatioili shrewd advcrtlacra take into nffljiw how muc moro f s a dovot- conoldcratlon tho taato in appeal but yjggfr cd to tho preparation of printed mat- also usually know that art in th omo tcr u which you build your hope larger benso should always be subservient for incteascd balcal this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to bell to thoso who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellcra gueuw ontario igrano trunk visl the double track route lltctwkkm u ont real tohonto detroit chicaoo inexclled dlilntf c bleeping care on hlht tralna u farlor tiarn on nrlnclnal day tnttim full information trom any otan trunk ticket raent or o k kondy nintrlet ianaenrer astl l toronto ii a holmks agent ct0n ont ptne u clean rcmlsblo mprebsions of type proporly sot may not require nny prtfutio cmbclllahmcnt tho knowmftv of whero doflnltcly 10 draw tho uno hgtween th use snd mlbuso of ornnmntntlon mskef forgood printing with aurcd results which aro niuttiiiily beneficial tho buying public la critical to the point of analyzing between cost nntj- expenw good printing novor id cxponelvd boga in order to bo good it muut bo produptjvo or nates result any piece- of matter which promotes sales is bencbcia only when it secures the permanent result pf jmbuine confluence in tho advertiser au larg users of ijvertigirtg printed patter eonfitdejhs n h fcrcfore jjrct canp ofcnsised in the planninir pf jjalcvpromoiion printing hcn it i remembered tbnf uu prints matter must effect ealeo ultimately as n saleaman should by inspiring oonndenvc then it is apparent why corcictrtncftf in matters of detail cannot bo tolerated in accuracies in statements aro ovon more hurtful than tho mltuto of engravings and a rtl inv requires careful thought aqd deliberation at vice pii sound judrpient so m printing f it ho an investment tt rlinrcs tlo utmost sfctll and icnowledgo fio that pitfalls tnay ho avoided pltd the tj0fiincwi of mittnes cli ours is un organisation of trained printing experts which it has taken year to weld into efflclpnuy of r hlfhor orders our knowledge of our erpft is tnpiined by our optn pimdcdncis tn necept your point of view wuu regird to policy nnd expediency once entrusted with your order wf become members of your organization r working us othcrtt on yotn payrq deliver out utmost of satisfactory effort trwfm do w jspro your nyestmaiij 10 good printing supplying our cfjmp- ment ab parf of your oaq o liutc q he greatest d qhp degigicrs nd w or grftsnien cqqperatp with yo aayovr agents to promote good tetw let us pfisifit you to plan vohr gt printing campaign r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 feed 0bj a quantity of fbbd cobn amd oil cakk jd8t kkcf1ved vtjovtt vkeo noevat bean and shorts feed fumjb r nose ltd hemrv awhev maqch era the acton free press acton onr shoes slippe rubbers snnta for 1922 williams las been serving you for tiver forty yeam with hl reliable coocl nwy haye alyvaya ileasej i try hb stock aln thn yeaf for iraclpamequlti w wiumms mh blfeel anon a ouflren ory mr rietchws castoria

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