Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1922, p. 3

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t1iuhbhay wanchmwm mr nobodv i liiow u funny little man an iult uu u mus win dieu the imsrhlif thats done in rvoyltoly house 1hrl xi one ver hu f ai d y t v hu skree t ut vi rv hr ken i lute im smashed liy mr n iwniy ulw far ai 1 iniivi lf pulls tin anil toraltmm pbm 1 i n u pluuklng ilhn- will rh- r m mm ilnhi ti i u i t 11 o 111 g l i lly mr n1 ndy sr ii- ixmlltu doll ray m llruu tl ixrku upol i nt do utiiu i f uu are made i v r liuvi the 1 h in un iruwn irt tl irtslnu tuito irk w never hi hi the lwol ut lying round yu n t uur tmoth tliy alt belong mr nnholy ft jwr qi man of thc big clock thfe new dominion cabinet denominational uderalitv 1 1 wtu lout r history will find that just uit the vlulhht unity of the church ixhulna morn limn if nut ht tho long ago ho lli live f the iteoule bwnl mom rorrut t and temporal power wam ugiljuut th uhamelea uvea of tho clryy utml u return to the primitive doc trim of justification by with yli li mum ikitwii to mould wiiil fsh- liiii u ilntly llvmt and tho tandem j imt uidlo tt information with mini tl irk interval liu been to look worn ntli nttvely to religious aharaciar will bin wrrutlnlslnarly on variation in 1 irtrlnti and w molly ttellev thul tlm divisions tmnnt irotestantm hmve nerved in tho hand of kind a good uur tuina in lhat any church which neglect ed purity of life wwn lost power uiil more doctrinal discussion wan became stain talid uninteresting to tho peopli uho in fart virtually mid with ht jiujiaw r uu tho hotly without tha milrlt im dead so faith without work hi if nud also on cannot rwjolos h in i he growing wplrlt of unity among chris turn ilnnomlnatlono m nmincod lv llmlr rroiuent tnoatlojf on tb am 1 httfurm ttut xchnk of pulplu n kuiflnif in thn asm work of 1miivo inn on hoc la 1 mrvlr mta and thl doflk not oondlol with loynuy to ono a own danomlnatlon w cannot vary wll b unlttxl to tnora than on d nomination of chrlatlanw and that ow 1m ua unity tha opo of our rholc nd without bigotry let un lovo nd aorv tharaln to uw bet of our ability nd tliln attafhmonl so fur from lauikiiut u lorn ohjultabl tuui th onpoatl uffaat a run who in dtfvotodty mttaob d hhi own family will reaped but tlshbor who bi lllurwlao attacbod to hla if fhy hoart b on my heart hvo tno thine hand tbe two con- verted haathan of tha paolaa talandn who met for the ftrat unto on the deck of n mlaalonary ahlp underatood fratornlty icnorant of each other lanajuns each mw aouethlntf in tha other that drew them together iook- lnjt into each othorti faoea they read tha alsnm infallible or tbe hew ufa hallelujah the other answered amen they underatood each other thay were looking for tho good in each other thay found it they loved each other tboy were helpful to each other watemlty vraa eatabtuhed a prominent mlnuter of the ireeby- terlan church of mew york wma on vacation and be reoordad hla experl- enoea tut follow one bobbaui durlnc tho summer vacation i went into a prtmbyterlan church and it m oom- munlon day and i took the menunent and my eoul wu etrenctbened the next babbath i woe in a method ut church and i eat at the lovefeaat and my eoul was atrengthened the very next sabbath x was at sharon springs mew york in an bplacdpal church and when the invitation was given those who desired to take the sacrament to knesl at the altar i knnlt and i cannot tell which service which communion service was the most to my soul i could not tell thi i cannot tall now- 1 believe tn the communion of saint the for ess of sins and the lire everlastln amen the bigotries of the earth are giving way before the doctrli christum brotherhood a eoldler lay dying in the hospital in terrible agony a visitor asked him what church era you oft the church of christ he replied hiaan of what persuasion are your persuasion i said tbe dying roan s hla eyes looked heavenward beam ins wltb love to the saviour i am per euadetl that neither death nor life nor angels nor principal tie nor dow or nor thing present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature nhsll be able to sepa rate me from the love of cod which li in christ jesus in essential unity tn nonessen tials liberty in all things charity should be the motto of tha christian church the world over the church has not quite gotten up to r that mark in its actual practice but it is getting there and will surely arrive at tbe goal awol then with the bigotry or ex- oluslvenees which would shut out a true christian torn our heart because he does not bear ouy distinctive name not of wesley not of knox or luther but of christ the family ut named preabyterlans metbodlets joaptlets conaregstlonalutstbese simply in dicate the regiment of the army to which we be ion the army bt one and when the battle is over and the ransomed of the lord shsll return and come to zlon with sotunc they tuuui through the gates ntp the- city thle will be their song z2i0fv my have let names and secu and parties fall and jooue chrut be all in ell tlcpentahoo and faith the renewal of the holy ohoet and vital union with christ are what constitute u christians and the possessor of this experience regardless or any denomin ational ahlbboleth a christian and a brother or slater in cbrlst one has said that the spokes of a wheel oome olosa together at the hub and all the members of chriat meet in illirt for mysoir am the shaoows lengthen on tho dial plate of lifv grace be to ell them that love our lord jesua chrut in sincerity rlsea into a more bllshful slgnlncincaratad the prayer that they all may be one mands robud lit a tllvlner beauty tx itogern a small bovs philosophy 1 am tmractloing a now kind of econ omy the little mother said merrily i had always saved and saved and saved kven the best things for tha table were saved for pedal oooaslons one day my small son begged for pre served atrawberles of which he is vary fond und x said we have only u few rans left end if wa use those will have to do without lie w usually quiet for a few moments then he said mother jd much rather do without after they are gone than be fore they re gone snd besides one of us might die wel of course wo bad the berries since that lima i have practiced his philosophy along a good many lines and i believe it pus too many nro holding id reserve heir beat thing our money even our pleasures and friendships meaning to enjoy them some day to find that one of us bad gone boynml tho need of our bestt en joy tho things that you have while jrou rosy and if there fa to be any doing without tat it be after you harvo en- im ii ooncnrnliitl t nrly rim i itiiilij ami their tlestuiuluiitu lholr hmmx uu i tin lr aiurchti wtll tkiumlng un m tnsik of thirty tlvit ymr4 ugo thu thfi- dtty n t m in un o 1 applo hu niuut my htltln a p rukii f its taniliiw intprwumij idc utrutigty f i u fmt tliu ut notirly h im lll ti irfin- of thi community of whluli f tmvft lvi lieimliig my wsiuluring hkatrlivm tho puwt r w yoars apple trna vm intlnnutu uuuorlatow of tha ruinlly in thu ilayw of tlm i orly mit- tlira un uk oreburtl luro or urnull wum invariably phintml iiu mmhi as tlie- rmnlly waif hotthd in tlm titiwly erh-t- iwl log horns tlint our forfuthrm wore wlae in ohooejlitf ih u uln um tbe majntuy for their fnjli hupply is i iovii by the fuot that of hte fm i rahardm puntl fifty ljtty of evs lithty ynuri- ugo tljr a atsnd tre of theie urly pluhtlngh and they are fruitful wlui blootmim und fruit yar urtr your the tmmt says of thu old upi la tree tlnuie nilnw umtm ploml thy ittory the woundx upon thy iwkiv uixisk tor the thou art u vatoran soldier scarred with glory ly brave old apple r oft has thou borne up unny onset of storming wind md eut of ball anil once a sword lungs of assalbnt thunder slashed down thy broken mall oil age dlseaso and battle uava hosthnd and crooked and crippled all thy form and thy lirlarcan bare atmn alush and rattle tost in the winter etorm llut in each season duly kach year there rises youths perenni al powur within thee and thou then rejolott newly un rolm of leaf und flower ay though thy years are many and sorrows heavy ynt rrom winters gloom thou tssnest with tha young trees glad as any am quick of green and bloom the blue birds warhlo mellow return like memory and calls thy name and as first love the oriole plumage yellow burns through thy shade llko flame thou qulwrest in tha sunny june morning to tho welcoming of song and bees about their buslnvm of t to whlaimr to thee ull day long thus thou art blent and blessest thy grsoa of blossom fruiting into gold and thun in touch with nature thou potmmmoient tha art of growing pld there i think that e a pretty i eulogy of the dear old apple tree- aurely deserves it and i um very guid indeed to give it a place in tnv allot ment of apace this week and now i come back to the young street district coming down to ar thur street again the cement block house on the corner wax built a fww years ago by king cooper lie sold it to henry cole who gave up farming oi the cole homestead on the acton cross road at the fifth line after his wife died henry in turn sold it to alex donald and wont to toronto arter living there for a year or so ur donald sold tha property and bought a small farm at pergua this ha sold last eprlng to charlie bailey in the fall he went o floton in jrlnoe kdward county his old homo und after month or so died there mr cooper moved to quelph li also built tha pretty cement block house where mr j baldwin the mull carrier uvea slut thuf u all modern history on tha other aide of wellington street charlie alum ha his home ha i a descendant of the pioneer family of allan who settled tin tha second line krln seventy or eighty year ago and sturdy sterling settlers theywere why children of tha old folks to the fourfb generation are settled through ths community mrs allen i mo a descendant of an old and esteemed family mr and mrs thomas luna of icsquealng and the qrlffln of krln were her progenitors their named are nil held in sincere respect next to the allan property is the home of mr o mlahle and hla misters thay are not old residents of acton but they are of the scotch lllqck ka- qiieslng their grandfather gave a alte for tha first public school tn the ltlock orf hi farm uwuy luit u about nu i think it was mr and mrs lfilshmuu and family resided in this house for quite a number of years tltey umti to acton from crewson corners wlmie their famlllu for several ganarutlnn were prominent rwmlduuts und soma ntlll reside there if i got up to the corners eoma fine duy and liave o look around to renew tha long ago hie mo r leu of that com munity the lelshmnna and the lambs will ba hure to be in the etory when william leuhman sold his houne to mr mlohlo bo ebowed his l uttaohmeut for the young street dls trlot by purchasing a lot jpat across tho htreet rrom the old home for hla new residence hla two elder v i ii i ss shp enameled ware hafl the kmooth surface and poihii of fine crockery without the break- are and it is so very easy to clean just like china and therefore makes light work of pot washing whenever you arc buying kitchen utensils be hiiro they carry the smp trade-mark- diamond warolva threccoatd enameled steel uky blue and while outside with a hnowy white uninif iearl ware hi a twocoated enameled steel pearl irrey outside and inside yon cant to wronjf ff you buy either 4skr pearl wave or diamond wate llauor are gona and fine people they were ivo hlurdy sons and a daughter till live here und they are ull esteemed cltlsens and this endrt my roro lection of young street and its district 1 ve known it for between sixty and seventy year with u good deal of familiarity i saw the farms east and north of it cleared of thn virgin forwt wa at same of the logging ne and helped to make maple syrup and nugar in tha raaple grove whloh were tho taut to lie sacrificed in clearing the hind do you wonder that i knew it ull so wnllt wrhgps 111 atari a trip down 1 tower avenue sext week and perhaps nol 1 may take a rest fit a week or fwo till the spring fevers over you know i get a little tired of keeping u hunting ly at thl old mfiroory huiilni um und i sometime think you folks who read it must be getting tired of it too say i may go off maplo sugaring next week we 11 see the canadian indian 1k you know how many indians there are in canada the population according to latest census u ioc sos the number how a steady if slight in ore we they are found hi yery province re presenting hundreds of tribe and branches on 1 sl rosorvaa und are thus wards of the nation human na ture bound in red at the 3g9 reservi chools there la an attendance of 13115 indian children the canadian indian made a plondld record during tho war mora than 4 000 enlisting out of ib 000 of military age nd thst under tho voluntary system and many wondorful record of hero- ism ore to their credit indian cash gifts to war fund totalled nearly 150 000 the canadian indians on thn reserves do a lot of farming cultivating 11 boo acrea of bind last yuur which produced over two million bushel of grain und roots valued st 13 00 000 they have a trust fund with tho government amounting to iimkbqso their lands are estimated to 1m worth 151 000 000 end their buildings is 100 000 the value per capita of thar real and persona property amounts to sebz canada method pf caring for the indians who are the original cana dians has merited prutse from other countries and i regarded a superior to that of the united states not enough speed name your pahu if you possess a likely form chuck full of crops and cows and rharm you ought to give a name to it like har vest hills or uodgers lilt and yet i pray you do not choose the common names that others use tho hilltop rans and vulley view leat whi you stamp the ssino some day i cheese or prune or hop or hay the iatant omee man may ssyt lay off that name for it sp pears in 1odunlf maine john henry squeer lis used it umptyyeara so use your brains and let them wander in search of npw qsmes here and yonder through tales and myth und oil traditions thst nt your fatro and us conditions vyoni palestine and oroeco uhd home bring poetry and romance homo if you have oak try druid crovn or nnnts tieaf reference to jove if you raise joules like my friend shi you might do worse than balaam hill yen if the job were wished on me to hay what each farms name should be my choice would it at any ralo but might he too appropriate for you and i ahouli be housewife h woes and proud possessors would not nwullow my hopeless hill ur slipshod hollow dob adstnsa in casting ubout for a wife sidney johnson own r and general manager of tha toga s arflhllght company rail ed to find anyone that sultod hla matrl- ilul tastiu unite a wall u jeusle 1 vermont uutilulunt general manager f tho same conoem thty had boen uuaoclatnd in thn sunia office now for four year und jesnla had arown on him at first wlveu little uttentlon to her itumouul ohurin i una reason being that he ha 1 not ft it incllntd to settle down unotlier being that he had e tahlbihed u hiiilnims rule never to fall in love with im mploye hut now slimy felt that tho time lad ntirte for he vs twenty- mivoti und thn home instinct had faslened its erlp un him then there was tha verlautltig reutuurnut monu that wore tiring him both psychologically kuntronomlcally so ha sat out to find u wife un i hn truvollod in a circle and decided the object of hi quhst wan right in libf lwn office jessie was youngrabout twenty- four and a brunutto of the uhurmlng type not at ull the kind that 1 considered real bualnohm woman timber hut in thl caaa tmlng thn exception that proved the rule thorn ware two draw- tuioks jennie wan too slow and she wawn t human in specifying thone drawbacks tn his mind bidiiuy timutit too 1ow in tint literal senne jessie simply ooullnt move fust icvcrythlng aha did was done in a alow methodical machine llko muunor and she had never been known to get excited in the most mo- ntous bualnohu crisis and not once to sidney n knowledge had fthe ever msde a mlutako thl latter fault was in her ruvar from a business etand- polnt but whim vlawed from a matri monial angle it wo quite the up post te he could scarcely reconcile himself to wedding a girl who could not err be cause ho wati prone to make mistakes himself in font if it hadn t been forp jennies watchful nyoti that firm would have lost muny dollars due to it heads cure leu lieu hut would this exactness prov i u blessing in marital hfet sidney fuiired not he wanted someone who was human for a life i urtner u looks uh if 1 i havo to remain a luichelor ho conllded himself one unny hiornlng u he sat st hh dealf und watched scurrying furm la le street below johhio m utmost i right person t lo my wife hut diose two ilrawbuuks uro lnaur luirrlers of rmurwo i dun t know that sited have me although without belng- oonoaltod i uni inclined to bellow nie inlght true i don t know thing ubout bar outside of business hours hut u puraou who work go methodi cally must pluy thu some way und if uhe can t mukn a mistake tn bualnass had ba just uw inhuman in m home i kuuui 1 li havu to give it up u a ho wntoheri from the window ills eye chanced to light on a future- plod ding utong thu sidewalk below m was a girl utd she was taking liar time with other pedestrian hurrying belni fine aumplonf their skill in thn erec tion of the now home when it was completed my old friend hill said tq me one day f think 1 have one of the asfcat homes now in acton tho liays did me a great job its con venlantl it hue waterworks elecjtrlo light anf nil tho other newfangled improvements the old lady and me are a comfortable sb a klrig and queen now and we rq gqlqg to enjoy th new plnoo vary muclu to the great sorrow of the household n wvll as to the comtnlintty ray old filoml passed away lout fall ufter enjoying usi a fw montha in the tlnn ntw home aoromh the street is tho brick house which ha been the lienor home fqr a quarter century thay name here tftoawauuidu county- vr uidmrg oettinq fi8hwohms one small western ihiy tin eolvoil tho nahorman u problem or getting plenty of fish worms without digging for them lie coaxes them forth from their hiding plnoo through tha magic of euotrlolty this lud jon siegfried of kennewlck wash though only ten years old has dovlsetl with a little help from his father a special appar atus that is the champion flahworm ooaxer and extractor tha nppartua consists of a teloiiliojio magneto whloh delivers current at ro tn 00 voltu thl magneto is connected to two hbavy wires or electrodes aat in the ground six or eight innhen deep und rlftann to eighteen lnclies si art when thn mag neto 1 operated thn current flown be- tsrecn the oletrodes and any worm a chlna out of gli in the vicinity receive a sensation which causes tiim to hurry to tho sur- from police heudquurtnrs requesting hi presence in court to answer to a charge of violating the kpeel law hut i haven t had the car out ho said over thn phono tell it to tha judge was tha curt reply and sidneys want to m1ico court ia hail home trouble explaining hut his standing in thn community caused tho judge to give him some heed what 1 your license number r uiat ceil tinman uuked isn t it lobiuy i i don t know i put on the plates but i did n t notice sidney wax obliged tc confess isn t your machine a hanvmerhlll louring cart ye ha admitted hut lm sum it haun t been out of the garage llottur taku a look at your plates tho judge advised tin ro muiit lm uomo mlutaka i take it for granted you have mora manse than to work an old stall llko that if you re guilty so sllney went home and looked at h nnmler there had been soma miutuka fir his unmber wo 7dsb3 hut where coull tho mistake have iwcnt surely it must have been the itlccr that copied it when the traffic oidlnanca was violated he went to the oltlca and phoned htu information to tho judge who promhiod to look up the new number in the records tnd let him know the result then ha sat idjy und watched hb auulutant manager work admlrlni i er rrom iwhlnd a nawspaier iresontly the telephone rang and sidney answered there u mistake somewhere l right auhl the judge you got the wrong number no 7d8s1 i listed um yours all right und 70he3 wa issued to a ml km jessie iniarmant she drive a hummorhlu apparently just like yours and uhe an old offender i find aha hurt paid fine twice already for hpoedlng i can t understand how mhitnku wu made but 1 ii pros humultei furthor sidney replaced the phonn on hi desk und hat silent staring at his a slstunt general muuugi t with aye that shone with mlnglwd unpellof uhd ad- miration vrcnontly h got up und walked bcroo to her desk she looked up with inquiring uye but now ms seemed to vfetect a hi men vivacity tlmt he hud nuvur uuupoctud axlstod there muii fiearmoul he said clearing hlu throal f flf not wish to be lu- qulaliv ft- o have you over immin k have ym4 oyer had any diffi culty with tho uutomohh hktt iwmt ves hhe ausworefl 0hlly i vo been arresteil twl lof nana nvr t limit i 3ust qunt hl itishrriohow when tho remtmlnt of the 0ij1u u re moved i feel like nnealng tho thrott wide ut und tutting er slpj sidney s y strayed to her left hand und ho breathed relief there wu no ring there us yl there seem to have heenovi ml i it thibslble yqii the cough killer is busy cough em cnlri wrorcl by tha tliotimoii umry jay inabutt kiumat from your suflanna guaranteed by tklntf buckley brooxnuis mixtore n ttmtf which u iwrety ihhs ktioi gcr lliun any nthr a the suihat uoy bxk if u fiu si nifast o ikm o in mllyll jntsslrta ww mu f w gftucsirr usuna lu bold in acton by a t brown sheet metal products co jsia mamtheal toronto vvimnioro edmoktoh uancouvtk caloarrv t e gibbons get your comfortable old shoes hade good as new we use the best leather and have sll the atutt appliance to turn nut s first class job batlefsetlon guaranteed wa have in atock a firstclass lino of mens ami boys shoes at ty reasonable fctrloes mii st acton bedding plants i having udded considerably tto our facilities i am now prepared to supply ull kinds of bedding platith or for window boxes also all kind of early vegetable plants orders taken now orders also taken forl alu varieties of plowjerlna shrubs a h bishop fslrvlew av tehtphen m bog 003 acton truck as necessary as hail insurance you insure against ball why not nsure against delsy lu getting your wheat to tha elevator or railway by hauling with a ford 1ton truck thl delay 1 as bard on your profits as a hall storm on september 1st 1bzi wheat sold fur 1 7x a bushel on october 1st it had dropped to ii 3b and by november 4t it wam down to ii 04 with ford truck eojulpped with an allpurpee body you could have rushed your entire crop out during the high priced period figure what thl would have meant to you hont bo caught this way nest harvest tluy a itord truck buy it now it wis pay for itself in time savd i m fore harvest begins h a coxe acton ont free press ads bring results on ul whips of hoi- thorn hlinli pmu now rlnny klh ed anil ihi h ut tt juft h- mtfte uulokur that overuislng pal of erj wouh drlyo me o dlstracmod if i h4 to live with ut why dqean ula hurry just onoot h lun t thn she rifles not get resultu for uhe do hut oho so methodical i presently jasitln entered the oftlije laid a numb r tff long envelope inj her desk nxurtty lu the oantre of it hung her coat uttd hat on the sfima hiwiks they hud adorned for the past four year wulku 1 leisurely to her chair ueated herself slowly touched up the knob of hair on her head a ehe always dll und ssld sweetly oood morning i v just been to tho auto license bureau and procured your number and thoae of no vera 1 others 1 ou remember you filled out your blank thu other day und had it sworn before a notary public it certainly hi convenient not having to send to the ipltal for thorn uu you used to ia agreed hint it wu a good morn ing and that her ntateinunt was true as her statements always wore and he eouldn t help thinking how ador- ahe upimiund iu aha sat there opening mull it wuh gratifying to note that tha third inner of her left land remained luu for sidney won tnntly ftuilug nho would show up some day with a diamond ring ook bin 1iciiih plutea with him when ho left tin ollloe that evening and attuthed thuni to his cur he wa n inotor outhlisluet wi u the weather was good but u turniil rold hint night and foftyn dny h did not tike ids ma- is nut of fhn uumgo canhoquently be was more than n little aurprtmod one morning threq days alter tho opening of this atury to reouivo 4 uuajtbono wfll take he resumed gava hio thu wrong lloeiisu plutomy heultuto to auk becuuso you li liitika mistaken hut h youre wrong aha interrupted muka loads of mistake mother say they 11 be ho dafh of bio some day 1 m uo lutlnhluklng in my work that 1 go to tha opposltu extreme in my prl vute lire 111 look uia mutter up sidney uotudlly iiagkvrl uu o ro- hum hlh hen hnd jkip ulonpit hor mothii iilmut he tlrfumw your right nh unnoipkerl von huvo my nupibar and i have your hum anything hmimetiedt 0i no that ih nothing nf conae- qiieuc hn obhtn walked n bar desk mism ierriit vfm yon marry mot iv been thinking of tl for some time but never not around to uk you lie fore hulf nn hour inter the poiidv court judge answered the telephone tn hour mi sidney johnson ask in a very happy tone of voice l say can i pay all 1enrroont h fine t it h worth it bojleve hio feet that never touch the floor r a worn floor wpife xi of your homo and sirnjmwjillo fp tjmiir but it you kwp vouv hn mhtcd pet cannot touch them let 10 kllut weaf but cava tlie wood save the surface and you save all senours floor paint is can to use lrw very baql with a high histre and w wjlll stand a ureal amount of hartl wear tj ektll is ivaiunu u uim skkouhs uioor paint 4 yune can ply it success 1 1 i is nusinbsa a based on right training wm ghvi i personal individual lntiuctlan shorthand typewrltlns and buklness methods over 20000 graduates eleven schools in toronto start st anytime write for complete prospectus p mclrjtosrl ohlef ptlnclpsi b05xsaois tofwdnto

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