Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1922, p. 4

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sty arftm 3xtt ftoaai hi tlullmday xiai cll 3j tlt thk ahum i km um l ll- liw i t pit i jj aiivmti ih ua1 1 mi t v i ih ku m i intntl tm hllllmk v t ll y tl u ki a kuuii dvin vtmm j- i i 11- it- i wl 1 ll iv electors evidently think differcntly mr k j maclennan president of the ontario i tar association thinks there is great need of legal education for all our legislators tho electors decided at the inst elections that the different ikj- inturci had foo many lawyers their numbers were very con idccably reduced the president of the bar association notwithstanding j irflul l jiditolual tho separate school mupporitrs claintf 1 rentier drury ban surely acted judiciously in the matter of the separate school claims now being agi latcd kcplymg lo n scpartc school deputation tho other day he mild it tn not a matter of determining a new policy but rather a matter of tho legal titer pretation of right which you have m virtue of tho act of 1b1 and the further acts or 1807 and ibbo this is considered a fair statement of the situation the petitioners can have no quarrel with tho opinion of the government that the first stcp should bo a definition of their logal position by tho highest tri buna it was the course suggested by tho hearst government tho government of to day will bo quite justified in sending to tho courts tho questions involv ed in tho petitions of the separate school supporters new debater in the federal house the debate on tho speech from tho thro no has brought out speeches from soma of the new members and most of them havo made a splendid impression particularly was that tho case of paul mercier liber al member for wcs mount st henri who though the youngest member of the quebec contingent showed that ho has the ability to progress for a long way and tho mover of tho address li j mcmurray of north winnipeg also made a fine impression when ho led off in the debate jhance j v logan another new man of cumberland n s contributed an ap peal for fair play for tho maritime provinces in regard to their rights under tho intercolonial railway question tho maritime people wcro not asking chanty ho aid but wcro simply seeking a fair deal ben they placed their railway demands before tho government and the country ilydroeleciric revenues now that the quecnston chippewa development units are coming into operation it begins to look as if the hydro system will be able to show prohtablo returns for the construction and equipment ox pen ditures tho cancellation of contracts for tho supply qx power which fully load two generating units of the queens tonchippewa plant will result in a revenue to the commission of approximately 2000- 000 per annum the official statement just issued by the hydro electric corftmission shows that chippewa begins to earn a considerable part of tho revenue needed to pay interest on the investment although only a 1 10000horso power load out of an ultimate of over 600000 horse power is now being generated it is believed that tho first five units will more than carry the interest on the money to bo spent upon the entire installation of nine units four of which are to bo very much the largest in the world and capabte of generating 75000 horse power each the ultimata cost of the development will bo close to 8o00000q manufaciuring- industries growing in numbers acton is doing exceedingly well in tho matter of acquiring new manufacturing industries during tho past year three very desirable new businesses have been established tho shoe manufactory of messrs hevotson son shoemakers to children is now employing upward of fifty hands the knitting mill of mr amos mason has received the machinery and will soon be in operation on hosiery and other lines of knitted goods and the halton glove works or messrs spielvogel son which is busy with num erous orders for fine lines of ladies and gentlemens gloves in addition to these the acton machine shops have recently greatly enlarged their capacity with new machinery and are turning out large quan attics qi automobile accessories which are being shipped nilealers in many sections of the country east and west and mr w j patterson is operating a wbplesale abbatoir just outside thv town and supply ing meat to retail butchers all over the province acton does not make much fuss aver tho estab lishment and enlargement of industries jn its midst but l3placo of importance as a manufacturing town is acknowledged everywhere the jrogrewiv and the dominion govtnufjenl the progressives viewpoint was expressed by hon t a crcrar in the debate on the speech from the throne his party were ready to support the gov eminent wherever they could do so said mr crcrar but they also held themselves in readiness to criticize and oppose if they considered that such was the proper course his party found much that was cheering in tho governments declaration in the speech from tho throno and they refused to bo pessimistic as to whether or not the government would refuse to fulflll its promises as to the nc gotintiont mr crcrar said he had not understood that he was invited to enter tho cabinet as a member of a liberal administration but he had been unable to cuter in uny case mr crcmr and subsequently some of his followers stressed tho need of wider markets and of the rcconstitutlon of the wheat board which mr king said would bo referred to the agri cultural committee of the house for a full consid crntion and a report mr crcrar said his party were in tho house to assist as far as possible in giving good government to the country and they would support all measures which they considered were for good government teas steadily apvarjclno tm a ivaniom frin i rtmary murkptm tiilliilib lo l llato a itiiatl n willi 1i ward undone itjmblly tl ar vr tin nanom but mm uiih ka urn k i tars tharo ilr ntf itoaall illty for moiqb ad vul fim mm i mix rtvrm at a to ap t rl t ura atlll tmr talo coat of lin yrlm vn wlatmnnnt in thn can u llun 1h r i f man li loth im authorl ihllw tlioao who tin larmlanfl tha tan ultllmtl i any that ul iowa lh prloob wrniil tfili mi tho rlmary market vary mm i ll txinaumiir may njwkit to ay 10 if 16 fmiiila inio kund tor ira the habit of discontent tl hul it of llamntonl im mm aalty r rn 1 1 u unyntbaxibibit airl kl lliln ii n wuy of imltitf dlao nlmntaal ut 1 wl utvr hal ixinif tliera 1 alwaya m mulltli it ti r thtrni tt iruml in plwul iioiiioiiiih i thut if yuu t rm ii habit it iltkn imtt y tur chuno iiri hajipy llfi am iunt lo i tiilnir the horticultural show the members of acton horticultural society have undertaken a praiseworthy enterprise in their plans to hold a flower show in august during tho four jcars since the organization of tho society tho results havo been very satisfactory and manifested in every part of town by the wealth of blooming flowers and thrifty plants surrounding our homes and in some public places in fact tho results have also extended o numbers of our farm homes of the community now he society desires to still further extend its influence lly means of an annual flower show tho practical value of the society will be more widely demonstrated the public wul and a keener interest tho members will aim to produce the best horticultur al products possible and the influence wii1 be greatly extended to accomplish desired results it will be necessary for members generally to interest them selves to win success there is no reason whatever to hinder acton having a thoroughly successful hor cultural exhibition and not members only but our citizens should havo an interest nothing at tracts outsiders to a town more than well kept lawns and attractive flowers and shrubs to make a fair all it should be every home in town should grow flowers to enter at the flower show as they do this their homes will be rendered attractive during the summer and all who visit the town will take notice admire and make favorablo comment and form kindly opinions the horticultural society numbers over two hundred members ereryhotne in town should have at least ono member it only requires hearty co operation to make acton a beauty spot in the pro vi nee this summer and the proposed flower show in august an abundant success kdkt0kial notes with admirable diplomacy and military skill general and premier smuts quelled tho south african revolt he did not give the revolutionists time to turn around with the substantial surplus of the post office department or last year it would seem reasonable to hope that letter postage will soon bo reduced to its prowar rate of two cents hon mr mcighen the official leader of the opposition in tho house of commons evidently in tends to honestly earn hs salary for hes agin the government on every issue most of tho worrying about prohibition falling to prohibit seems to be done by people who admit that they dont want prohibition says the st marys journal this is rather a tnbrf fact few people havo thought of the matterjn jut this light tommy church has been heard n parliament he denounces partyism but says the tories are the only loyal people and the dear old conservative party should bein charge ot the government of canada at all stages and at all times education should strengthen the will and enlarge jlhe common sense it is a joy to see the desire of many of the youqjj people in all our communities these days aspiring to the attainmenjlpf the higher reaches of education so as to fit themselves for lifes activities and require ments it is a great satisfaction to all citizens who sympathize with theso youthful aspirations to realize the present day opportunities of advanced educa tional institutions for educational attainments in so many different forms much however depends on the intelligent attitude of the young people who set out to attain this higher education and how they regard it when attained the college graduate whose diploma spoils him or her or usefulness soljly half educated if that if a young man shrinks from tho thought of manual work because ho is the product of university training or a girl holds aloof from the kitchen because she knows something of la tin and greek or french neither of the two can lay claim to an education m the strict sense of the word educa tion does not mean filling tho head with facts it means the drawing out of ones best the develop ment of ones powers aucducaiion which does not strengthen the will enlarge tho common sense and help to fit the claimant for the practical crises of life fs unworthy tho name fortunately the time is past when it was assumed that educated men and women ycro in a class by themselves set apart tp do specific things the difference now recognized that edu- cated people are the ones who do the same things bettetman other people do t hem thp result is that plenty or university graduates donvveralls after the commencement exercises arc oyer and start down fa the grimaand noiso of some big manufactory viile tho girts who won credit q star students prove profi- cent in the practical duties which belong to home one of our halton boys has met hard sledding in manitoba after a long period of successful public life premier norris has lost his majority in the provincial legislature and is obliged to appeal to he country the u p m want tho reins of power barrio s waterworks system has a surplus for the past year of 2700 00 after paying all expenses including the debenture for the year this is the form of result acton hopes for after a few years when the services are installed in all the 400 homes and factories which have applied for water the criticism of police magistrates who have no regular legal education may sound well but any layman or common sense who has a good knowledge of thejstatutea governing tho type of cases ho has to deal with may be an eminently successful magistrate fairness good sen and reasonable sympathy ire not always tho product of fourycars in law mail and empire c- r uinimeht i the parmers friend itrlievc caked bog gar- gel uplder or infection of the teat also thrash in horses feet fistula etc slops bleeding at once removes proud flesh soreness and swell ing at h baaurt aaj bttmua maaarastarad aaly ky bovaum co- narankk oat prepare for a short crop this season llulhl a comnnt llloalt bllo half thn eimit ft m wnodan a i lis tnd will iwat a llfntlmo juarantrad ood wirkmut alilp nnl u nai rrot- luihif a it 1m immuiuii tn null them writa for our twliicml itrlcnatn geo- watson a son ft il no 1 actom ont auction sale in cirnsr townhinr tt a un inrwlkixul iuim wcalvort in atruotlmim frtm rmsr cri pbs to anil 1 y dublin auction it lot 4 lat lint krlii on monday march sf t22 at oiin oolook aharu tho fnllowlna itohttkk 1 tnral purpoao mar rtaliiir s in foal j bay tnara aonnral liurpjm wina t yoara cowfl1 rwl now s year oil iluo aril z 1 tm row 9 yram old duo iunt may 1 ttatk tonti twautnrwi short horn lioiftir rlalnif j your brad jfanu wry to 1 dual pun shorthorn viw man 7 yar old duo mhout koptomhor 1 lllllvlaw darllng 110593 1 rod hull 1 yean now limn chooe air nwton clnttid cliaintion rtum crlmaon vady jrat cattia 10 lioad fat cattlo 1 huhy lmf 14 rood olio youno cktttm4 itmra ruln- x ynart old 1 atoor ruink 1 year old s half rw rlaln 1 year old i t ioh i york imw with pi- a wtxikn old 1 choater whlto mow du uat unroll 1 chaatnr whit mow duo april 10 fat pig 7 plkm 8 tnontha old siiebl i younir oxford down nwm in uutih jlay and 1ktatosabout 10 tntim timothy hay a quantity kood neoa potntooa a raaarv mm tha propria tor haa glv n up on of tha farms tkitiio io00 and under oaah that nmount 10 toon tha crodlt 111 bn rlvon on annrovd joint note x ft for ooah llay and poutootf hnini and rut oat tie puah r j kerr auotlonaar phono st acton w k graham olok 1i humorous hiioj kmoor i want u bright im y to ba partly in loon an i partly out ah meant rtatinll fliht llnl what blooms t rna vbeu tlia d tor ulalraaa ilrulxat it alwaya m lo inn that thn nratikloat tnlatroaaei kt lb baat cook ok ab bo on wld yor lai oyl wonlar if my llltl- boy kn wi how many wcoml tbrv ara in nilnotdt you nun u rnal mlnul rnntt or or mmnf thoao prwtt blc walt n mill ut-mt- 1arllamnntary can lldato an i b w lid yi ii ilka my aiw4itit lluwlfa u it ramlnlad m it tho ttma whan you war oourtlna hi i thought you woull nr u m u th nolnb iurln th in n tlmo oi- luf day a baby lcan to cry anil it nu hnr arrlixl it toward iba ahr rltont aald lb mlnlalar ilia bal y m i t iilaturl hie- m 1 tha tnnthar luriivl toward ttia j ul it ml mad thn all 111 la inmarkl oh aln i hint ot hut ytuna llaturlln f im a wisytnan if it onunlry villain iii nuw jtnwy inlrvil hb olark to rivp hi tloa thut ihent woull m no mrvlt n in thn iiflarfloon mm urn wam hi ilia l oinolalo with anolnar oleraryman tl m nlnrk a lit if unond at th qloa ut tha orvioa i am dsalrvd to lvn notion that tha wilt b no aarvlcn tlilnartor kixin mm our knlnlator la kolua nit qmii- intr with anothar nlrymn our unknown soldier tl a lmnlyor an unknown inimdlnii u 1 liar lato 1 i rouht from tho nl 1 wiatrn imttlfl ixnt and i uriwl bo llwuth tha victory towor of tha 1 ow arllumont llulldlruf it im proimb4h that the liody aim 1 1 w lilacvj in a vault sxcavatwi in tha oll i rook foundation under tho srettt uroliwwy or tha vlrtory towar and ba iwmrn tho two porta im which slvo on tranrn to th bulidlnzm th rava will im ant wtmoat immodlately balow thn altar in tho maroorlal chambor ovni- bou i and will b markoil by u marbln jlab rauxxl abovo tho bravo lavnl tiiim mab will ho aultapiy lnmorlld thum ull who antar tho lrllaninit itulld 111 thrnuch tho wo portau ullfw tho arobway of jho towor wbnlhrr iokih latora on tholr way to thlr dutfoa or oltlsona on thalr way to th memorial chihtw abovv will pawl by thn iuhi rout in lilaoo of oil who ri roaont ine many wam falthrul in duly unto loath mm whoa dot win hallow th f lorn dedicated to bla memory nril that of all of hla ratlowm ah tho towor haa not vet rnachad conililetlnn and mm thn arrankomnrtm whloh would havo to i mi ma do will tuko momo tlma it u unlikely that thn o tmuny will tako uoo berom arm btticfl llay 19h th notion ukoij com mm tho raault of musseatlonit to tho oovwnmunt from varlnua wiraonn and mm tho roault of a oonfomnca im twn tho lrlmo ailulntor bfr jarriom voukhned ood reprantauvm of tho oroat war volnrao aamociallon natimes mint malua 1 9 oat of c c iv tho 4tora holon tb duyn when irold nurcou oould im ahakan rrom mnonf the btj rooto dut thank koodnam tho daym of oi port unity ana not yot aone for tho boy with grit and yuah to htm naturo offera kod crooii white rod yellow all within tho uttlo plooa uf kround whlrh ha call call ray amnion hero ho can mlao haamt mo tranaparont tnndor und anappy tomatooa mo fat uttd rod com of moltlna awootttoaa all thoao ha can aoll to mother fur und noar- boodm coat but llttlm terry u purw bred aooda ara loo a paimr thoy are tha blua hloooa of aoodorn tho pick or acre devoted to melon tlflo krowlnjr and aalootlon of aoedo liuy thero at tho atoro around tho onnur send tor poiry seod antiualhockful of smrden hint tlla which verotablem aro boat for the homo cmrd en wrlto to day oot an oarly atart on your arden iu tho ootdan idea that paya pkaffys pure bred seeds ontario public accounts were brought down in tho legislature last week hon peter smith shows ji good balance of ordinary receipts over ordinary expenditures amounting to 681589 41 cash in the banks amounts to 18784406 s3 as against 5671- 3m at tho end of 1020 tho farmers and labor men are evidently able to mako just as good aflnancl showing relatively as any or their grit or tory predecessors a premier drury was not fr wrong at a public meeting in massey hall toronto fast week when he declared himself in favor of public ownorship but atfdthc public md a right to know within afair dogrooof accuracy ho coat of works to bo under taken he added that the government intended to flhd nnt mhv vffah flail nnl iirf tt t11i r i clearino auction sale in whin townhhit farm stock implements and household furniture th undornlitnod haa rooolvod in- iruotloiui rrom ben simons to aell by jntiuo auction at lot 4th una ttrlu c mlloa north of acton on tuesday march 28 1b2z at ono octook atutrp tho fnllowlnai houmhu t black mare haiti- 10 woltiht 1 too ibm 1 gray horae ruln 10 wolrht 1 coo iba thu b a good toam rlicbt ovary way i brown maro rlalnit 6 yeora 1 aorrel maro a cattf ldr1 oow b yearav duo in juno 1 roil now 7 yoara duo april ib l rod cow 4 yoarw duo juno l 1 whlto- fuced cow s yoara dua may ib 1 llorefird row s yoara froahj- roan cow t yoara froah x yearllnsm oalvom tmutattrso owom muppoaod to bo in iamb 1 ioh 1 lor thoroughbred 1 brimkl mow i mucker 1oultity i doxrn hona 1 rooalor llilujubntb- 1 binder lroat a wood nearly nw 1 hay rake 10 foot tutor l wakoti 1 dtao drill hew r oultlvalor uaaaoy itarrlm 3 buailoo x 1 iowm verity 1 6 utter 1 hay fork tjir mid mllnkm complatn now 1 fan- nlna mill clinton 1 m kuardm for fullett rraln 1 aot bowa for waaoit top 3 mot pohmlolarha i nearly nw 1 mower hyobt a wood 1 atoneboat l trunk wiuron 1 butcsy polo now l muitnet crwm monarator 1 cart 1 pulitor uaaaoy- llarrla 1 aootlon arlnd- tr lula truuab 1 aotpowor horao nllpthirii 1 doxoit cow pnalnm 3 on- llairo rorkm 1 ttot mcalea 1 aot har- owm s not whirndroom t nookyokoa whoevbarrow 4 oak harrolal 1 auaur toltlo mhovobi iioom torlui and other urtlcileh too nurnoroua to tnontlou haitnichi 1 aet team hurneam bfmivy 1 mota plow harrieaa 1 aot miiirio ham ohm oollnr and luttnea a oollura 1 kulr collar tdita mialn 1otatoba toilnrpd quantity ut turnlph quantity of pota- toon quuntly of ttraln almuj jg bunhola aoetl 1mwm fcuunitumc i doxon alda oholro 1 wmikara 4 boda 1 met aprlnm an mattromh i oak extonalon table kltchttn tnblom 1 blnxer howiiik mm- rhino i ooolf atoyo t m id o board rluaa ouplx mrd 1 ouplioattt i vlo trout imirlol ooblnot a lounsaa ttamllt rt inouitutortllzo vga capacity quantity of rrult jara 1 tcaay vuouun wualmr t maxwell havo h to barrol churn 1 butter bowbi dlahoa and mohltir utonallm 3 feather tloka rbl h u imthtub no reaerv aa th prop rl tor la 0ldnfl up farming tkilmh jlp 00 and under oaah over that amount ii month crodll will boslvoif on nnprovrnd joint notoa k for caah owl and rurnlura i r j kerrruettotmrv i i ihjno ib acton i t ij buu1oty clnrk sjts d m ferry co windsor ont estarubhkd b7a bublniss barometer a aeem to indicate that the period of camy money and high prices a nourliin un end a dollar asved now in the for of a savings dank deposit will bo worth much more in tho next couple ot years after the reaction bus set jn bank of hamilton tieorgettown khanc i c markay manager biiiniss directory du j a mcnivpn phyalolan and bur oil til ie l i i n r u w lvini n in i frttflil hlrr1 ii r al i f rt rly o u i lly u m hoi i jut o t why not 8 and safety tiim old tdotm uiat aafoty rato oy latereat luu ton boenpat bf iba sllaoard dnrln tbo pa 7 of h yntra with mia faciu tloa atmlned to umj limit urmlrr nbaonamal dcananda borrowora tn tbo aaa1 rlaaa braulauoeta ij f nulnc hara boon obllxl eoamptuod by drooai olanoeal boyond utolr oootrol to pay twtaw of tv toroat w 111 too t proowlcnt liankera today toll ua uuu buac b wortlna maaletvilt is vouh ofporttllvita to u aaro to yocunanir a tilcli intoroa rotorn cor a lona porlod of yoara with a largs margin o aafety by biweatlng in tbo t notttrertlblo dobeattarea of tb m uonnt ttoyaj uoud company i carrying a i bontim of mo ooouaoo abarea hf bcacripttvo otrcttlar on alaapaoac tto warmackenriecoltd j 38 kinr street weat toronto ipoar klrml k loaan mu kuci m ooflv of bn drotuar d4wchbing i uw h oonvortlblo loboatnra of tho mount itoyal uwl ooeopany 0 ikirnltad nd oblige num la mil ktan addratt g ipiobm wrltn rtrarly m spring display latest spring styles wo nre rhowmjj tho ncwcit modes in ladles and misses spring coats suitb and drcircs simtlng coats or all wool vclour beautifully embroid crcd ttilk liiiimt thcouilioutt with tho now wido sleeves in the bcatons mobt populur colors suits ah wool english tricotmes and botany sorres aro tho mntcrmh ot wliich these btyllili juhi are made novelty frimmlni9 uru a distinctive feature of these garments dftessks of tricotines icrjje voiles and ginghams a inrgo variety of stylcn to choose from wo hnvc n lino raue of sport skirts blouses and silk hosiery for spring come in and look them over ww stocic 111 tflut cjooim at a luowifilt jricw ol un 13vkninftt piionio as l starkman starkman block acton ontario free press advertisers are always reliable partridge tires came m their nome dr v j nllson phyeleln burga j attrloian acton ontario tin i vmui r i ii n l ii 1 ur flruy om hi l h t r r- 1 rick iii m ii 1 4 i 4 i in i i i 7 lo 0 1 in dtt c v w ross phyalelarf and buryaon mill bt aaoruatown ihona 22 iii ool i utt ull n i i 1m urn u it wo iifii ui 1 clijilroi ut 1 it fuut 14-lliiu- dr w s iaird oi oui u ir h0 w mlwlrh htraat kyu icur n ui i thro very wo int iy ut uil lura 1 lorn ko 23 1 o ltoi us harold nash fakmpr m a barrlatar solloilor notary public convayancar eta pcrnvman block acton ont monpy to i oan iio ura 0 31 o tu i i t ii m h g mfilr barrr solicitor notary publfo caorgatown ont dental dr j m bfll ii d s 1 d s dantut honor- oruduut if t rnnlo unlvtr- ulty 11 ihtuut ull tlftll 11ho1 if hhlre olllro nt rtiuilciirt c rur mill und troduhrk hiirool dr f g gollop d d s i ds danlal buraaom offlmt nvnr hunk of nova uootla noanii 0 3o to cad tcvonlniim i v al polntmant miscellaneous trancis nunan bookblndar aacount lrook of nil kin ii mado to nnlor 1 rl llrnlu 1 1 rvory ilotirrlptlon curofully imun i itulhil noutly and promi tly d ino wyn ipum iltrwot auoliiti ont ovor wlllliu m fltnro r j kerr auctlenaar and itaal catau aont 17 ynara levpurlaiito acton ontaiiio ilalnu tiitriintnl to it j korr ro- oolvo rttnntlim from duto of llntltitf to duto of nnlo llm your unlog with m itaatdanc bouier avtnu acton pboi a so aciti ii 111 ut my 1 vnonaa roy hindley auctioneer wv10 btocu hi al lafnath and ml hciianduir cohaolldaud pbotw erin 47 1 1 ii n 3 acton j e ciieevers book dlnoett qubo st tlaat guatph ont lloiiltm nml jimunwinom bnunl in iluu iitomo and tful uluiitlul oovorti name ii inttoro i in til 1 on lliblou ilynni lloolm iuid othur itooku all work promptly emmouimj d alex niven ontario land burvftyor and civil ertu i flurvoyu flul dlvuloiu i jiiim ito ivortu jjuiirljitlouh llhi iirniiu oto cortllluulom for imrrli m rj md tnortifuuova uuivoymfoi atoliltooth hull itini ut1 mullloli al con no i lu prulimbo jhiinlh ltliiinl ole mo lean building douglaa bt otllorih llioft lodl ont jehgravfng g rvf lolticiimithtisrwnr i tforonro csnaiu the old and roliablo wranlte and harblo dealers wo or manufudturora uml dlroot imiiortora of ull klndu of munumontul and utmitlatono work wo noil dlroot ta our quatomera at wholoaalo prlooa thua savlna our ouaumont40 nor cent w iv0 tlto bent nppllanooti nnl the only mohanca in tho dominion who mn ormto pnoumatfo toalu inonoriy w 0n alttrrfertnik from bundroda of otir otiatotqara rrrtoronto mxl othor nlaooa wboro othom havo to havo idw putta in ordbv to collect wo huvo tho laraoat and boat alook ot oranlto fn tha dominion or mortf tlum any throo doaldra jn tli woati wo aro 1-altl- niata doalorfl and omplqy no agonui and do not aijnoy or poat cuatomera by aandlna out icnorurt axonts aollolt laa ordoriwtr aniploy only meohanlon andujfcfy oonuhuhon k

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