Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1922, p. 1

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t cutli yearno i 3 do lick ykah acton ontario thursday morning april 13 1022 ii go in unltidli htatfilri single copies five cents the mimioblst church acton rev i m mover pto firuuai willow bt jcaiituit hiitvlcil 11 it m tho mliilutnr ilubjecl tho hiihii chilul 3 30 hi thtmluy mchrtot 7 p m tho milliliter hpenl iutai mlluln tiy thn choir you altia invltijilcomm v 1ubshytkuan knox church acton mlnutr mev a c blwart m a mult willow fltroot nrcitvinai 11 u in tito mlnlulor hubjnrl victory 7 it m tho mlnluter hubnt thn koimtulu of life tim ivmiliik uorvirc will b ft charge of thn yolin moil of thu cimiou ttoii llpeolul liuiulp w ynuii mnni ctuilr hunday ijchnnl anil hilda clua at 3 p tn tho oulld mimduy nvunln at r aiook htrdliera lonvldl liddrvua will thn tinhorn mill imi culled mn by tho utor atx aims cowhaidvy jnvitiqd new advertisements alvrtinnllit in tln ml j j i wimii uiuiiini cliarue v ifrlun foh gale 6 roomed rniihcual oottuuo laruc uri1aa lniu trnlil 38tf roll bale quantity of whlln itlohuom hwt clover apply to it yount1 at tho mclver iiihii for sale imk ulx weaka tli may 1 a i nvti iour nlil io rut j o hknhuhhon ilot ao con r icnium in lost llronao wot nil mi momliiv mornlit betwnnii tha water lower mid lym 1rna onto kinder plauau leuvo ut thla wanted a ulrl or woman foruunoral houuu- work apply to mhh cotton 40- 140 wnntmlnhtor avo toronto houses for sale two rmikhedfct lioiiwvu ono on mil in htroot und nna nn lrwlurjok street oood valuable property that will b old right if takan ut mica apply to s kicld 403 church tjtroat wanted kxperlomied ope ru torn on i ad leu wauta unit hrcauea work his r-ondl- iuiiim unexcelled in canada ilhaat wurom iwtld hoarding houuau uomjrod apply tho colonial whltowoar gotrf 41a ouolph ont 1 live stock wanted having oponad u whotouulo ulthutolr i am daalroiu t aottlntf hi touch with part lea bavin cattle hium vl culvaa or aheap for ualu wrltt pr phono if you luv uny uvu atonk rtuiily for kltllns lht muikot prloen nlvun w j latrlcilbol phono 311 1ijc 0 aoton ont 1ds i farms for bale ot ovary shut in tho countlo of ilmltnn and wolllnitton if you want to buy or wilt u frm ua u iforaaa in awry quurtor of anton some at at tract tva price for quick halo wo aim to pleuwa you j a bu1tm ileal jcntnto aknt tolophono 106 mill ht jk wallace avo farm to rent loo acre in tho towmihlo of kan- aaawoya tmhik wont hulf of lot 10 con 6 about 0 unrea under cultiva tion about 20 aarch in tlmttar bulniioo ood paaturaland lwollln 24xss with addltlomi barn 48x411 immedl- dta poanokulim apply to tho ouoliih trwut company ouelph ontario card of thanks tho undralicnod dlm to axpreaa their hnartfalt t hunk ft to thn many ftrlfimlm and nolahhont for thnlr artn pathy and klnduuw durln tho itlneah of mm churloh davldnon and ut tho ad mivmonlvn in cannnctlon with tint burial oarvlom tlmjto kind m in intra tlona will nlwayn imi romutnlmrod by um all with irutltuda iiku cltltijllkn property for 8ale a numlxir of inrma mr oala ranslnr from 60 to s0 ucruo thom two mtorom on will st root ut tho oorotu of uuhi hliroot for unlo uet liuaincoh cornur in town hold olthor bporutuy or on bloc will ho hold at a hunujln if tuknit at onoa alao 1 brick rottuko 5 roomu nt- ciuuui ropalr fltnintton thoimit- 9100 for quick halo r j kerr h know 1hona sfl aoton public meeting provincial hahway a lublio moiuna of cltuen- will tm hold in tho town hull on tuimrtuy avonlnte april ib ntb tn a ro- i prooantatlvo of tho hon v c illuu- wlll im pmutent to tlmautuj with tho nltlsanm tint iiroimutwl rotito tlm ivo- vlnclal hltihwity will tuko thntuuli tho town and a irftod attoinlancu fll in- tore lad la toquuatihl otco llahllait ltooyo wonderland good friday aphil 14 a girl from gods country a northworfi htory nlnn-lna- nll hhlpnmti kcmon bnup- mlinu no 7 hull koom hoy oomoily muot my wlfo mat- tnoo at s p m mlaht ut m irlccu mutliiou ho and iflo nlsht 10o and 37c saturday apftll ib hoyond 1rlcov htiirrins 1oarl wliltn comedy ictluuatlonul kom new x tuesday april 18 twin iloilm mturrlns mr unil rmr carter dollavon cliupter unt a from tho muimor to tint croas mado in ita ontiroty in kcypt and tho holy land- r l gregory fascinating new easter and spring time fashions an inspiring collection of distinctive new styles in womens and young womens apparel wc often receive the compliment theyre in a cloud by uiemhelvek yearn of experience and honest endeavor to build- up to certain ideals have resulted in uib desirable reputation and now the new lower price bcali of the nine- ieentwenlytwo easter ueaoon bringtt macdonald fashlonfl into eteater popularity than ever for in rplle of lowered prices htandardfi of ntyle and quality will ntlll remain n the name high level an hoh always been ohsociated with macdonald opparel assuredly you will find here every advantage of price quality and style united with an easterweek service that will prove a source of satisfaction in urgent shopping millinery suits coals dresses blouses sjcirts and accessories one price to all no special rebates to some even in the case of customers travelling expenses but lowest possible figures to every one and at all times the value all in the goods always at macdonalds j leading and largest- store vernor detroit t ale ask for it at wiuss its no wonder james vernor mode ginger ale so popular drink and woro serving it right here in acon in the very same way vernor sails it in detroit vo installed oil tho necessary apparatus every ono of our patrons who have tried it are steady customers now anil youll be a steady too if you luat once try this refreshing beverage at our fountains made right and served right olt tho ice its bound to bo the most papular thirst quencher iti acton this season served only in acton at our soda fountain weekend specials our famous assorted chocolates are still increasing in sales each week proving the quality of them regularly 40o lb weekknd special 26c lb sea foam chocolate coated sea foam is something entire- ly now regularly hoc tb weekend special 29c hondrolateg rogularl 10c a box weekend special 49c box mill stwefe acton h wiles hydroize the horite tim iiilindry in iivtiry uluotrlo wfrvd hoinn nhoultl in oiiultim1 with tin mmlurn iniootrlo wuxllur whloh iium txkou tho pluan of tho inlidrloum ruli und tinriib nmtliotl oi ohiiiuliitf tiloilnm tim hydro mlixilrlo wuahur in mild only ut thn local hydro hutp u lu bwliiu marketed aw part of hydro hnrvlmi und to iiophlurua nice trio oulpnunit in tho htnio it u uovurudiy thn hydr uuiirantiu of auro onvlon ant miubfuotlon ulnn1lmntrftmnphtnflrvtihtopprnjh hn1mniidnmhtlnhm j3hili ttwiniflimr wrhmur u will b a plonuuni to nlvu you a d union utiutloii in your inuno hold on miiiy puymtuitu if you ricutro call und nva it ut acton hydro shop open tueepav friday and saturday evbnin09 mill street i actoni r-r-nrj- ti m i 1 i specials 20a 5 itolln toilet iapar for 1 hlcwurtw marmuludo 10 o sn for 3 hut hoi i nd whuwt wluto wiui for 20a co ibt mlnto too 1 lb paakutf6a with hllvor hptiun itogular 80a ivir bzo 44 ok ilottltr hour mlxiirt iicuidm for 48 1 quurtitottlo tlaor cuhiup for may iobntr w lb niiko 10a lobgtor tttti alxo 40o 1 lb iuro lilatik poppor fqr 24o 10 nutmottit for m- i oo 3 ciumbwoot corn for v il 6e butter ad eggs wanted cash or trade d c russell mill st acton news of local import to and bui of hommad daulng tin woioouw iimtltutn wlu htld lptv uml uli in of hiimimdtt buklnir tlui ciuiinmry ulioji no htunlny aflj noon und nviilliir tho fundm um if iiiitiiiunlty woik okie opn olurdy afurnoona kor thn -oiiviilm- of tho luitrui of tllfl ftuoi ilikjiu mrrnllkimnnt huvu imhu inuilu oiit n tnomlkir of thn mutt will ho in thn olltro on tluturdiiy nftir- iiihiiix froni onttlilrty till ovu ad- vvrttmtiiiituiim n r iirlntintf may ha ur- rnllnd for utiif mllhturiptlonm paid jraay dairy ghana hand mr h ic htiuiilll who iium auoooua- fully riiinhillcd tlm jimmy dnlry for tho mit cx or ik t mouth hu illi of iiim litiimtj to mr h o yjiifurd of 1ort hop mr ijnrd him taknn pohtmiithlon uml l now on thn ri hi mr duiiiiiiin utiutd nlrtlnd addr to yoiino popl mr wuiihbroiiiili uddrnitoil knoit ill mm 1imipluu on mil vry inotlvly in monduy nlwht hlu hubjocl llomi vopln whom i huvn mot navo itrout pn for thii ifdiiotloii of muiiy in- rutlimul puliitii und mr wuiu uuh ihmlt villi it in u vry ubl ipli n chin i in ovorgatovun tlm now rlilnipii that huvo rornntly bnull luutitllnd iii thi lrouhytnrluu cliuroli at aorutowu will i hrd fur tin fiiht tlnttj mxt hunday ijtr flfnwurt of toronto will rln tlm liluinu ut d4g uml 104e a m and l 45 p in prhtr to tho tmirvlofrt a uponlul rocltul will uhio lm rlvan in tlm if tor noon at thruo ochmlc rv c k tylr laun hov j ic tylnr who iiuh filled tho pulpit mid thn liitlm of puator of tho 1 pi tut clniroli for thr pant year or ho will prnuoh bin fufnwall udrmuim in that nhiiroh nxt ilimduy hlnon com- nit to acton mi tylnr ha mado many fihuidu and vnry uoooptably fulfillod tlm dutuu of hlu doiiurttttutlon and all will rajtrat btit rotnoval from avion harold wll ekundlno bulnm larold wiioh haa omiurod thn i in mint itcmiplnd by m kdwwrd a cou liukviy buulimiiu uml wiiiuimiii a flrutoluiut rnatauraht in ronnaotlon with hlu coriftnitioimry buxlimh uv lnu quiirtum for tho family um holntf iltlnd uputulrh u idlwurdm a co uro movlnif thnlr utoro to muln mtront iioxt tn coopiim tailor utoni eiur monday conort tho ynuiif tcoplnu aulld of knox church imvo urruiirnd for u hploudld fiitortulnmoiit for kitmtdr monday rvuntiis in tho ohliroh an km tor pajjouiit nulltlod thn llemiituollon will b put on by thu oholr of ht androwu churflhfjuiilph tho liro- kiiimtn will uiho conlut of tmulcuil liumhnim by wonin of tho tmat talmtt of guiph a ruro muulval trout in in wtori ull who uttwnd thin nuonihl coilcait k valuakl at for phntro unliua and vory intorantluir dumoiimtrutlim of tho immonmi valun of tlm htuvviiuon furnltura mould wat nadn on tho utidtypo in tho tiua fiuca linen on saturday by mr w a lulinoh of chluimo tlila wondorhil idjuuot tojlho llnotypo turna out hiaoo und hunt matarlul with a man i no anootl nnd thuthdmutloul aqoiirany it tnakom prlntorm mtiil furntturo so point 30 point 24 ivolnt ib point 11 point or a point with amnalnff facility tho sanitary inabootor u coming tlioibprlna olnan up in now nn thn prokrummo whro ovrylmidy takom u hand tho work oh forward in hplon- dld o operation ono unkumpt pro- lirty or atrnt ofton kivoh a black oyo to thu who hurroundlnvn to my tiothltilf ubout thn ilonni of lloalui ra- uulriuouu hat a oood oxampto by ntkhitf up tho rubbuh nnd sottlnr rid t it ut un oarly data- th sanitary inttpnotnr hi on hi munda fta mako aoton olnan tidy and attractive bit pro m lit mil tod effort praiarvlng tho lorda day lluv mr rtnphonaoii of rtratford ddinud knox chtirnh oontcrkatlou on hunday inornlnif on tho proaorvatlon f thn bulitiuth uu n day of rat und wornhlp unit tl- work of tho iinlt thiy alllunoa mr htophonaon tpoka hi ilia mnthoillut church in tho ovon- liiirburtl up nvury hnlpful normon on tho itanotlty of thn tjortlapay onl chron rh 13 thou ahatt rail tho hnhhuth u doliiiht tho holy of thu iird uml jiouorahla not doink ihllio own wuya nor fhulln uiluo own tilmihuro tlio appaaf waa dumlawd tho iippoal whloh waa entered uuuhimt thu judsmont of tolloo mau- tiutn watt of ouolph in tho cua in whhih churlou unby braught w ohanro of immiult nkulnat a i ox crawford i iollro court hovorui wooka ttsn and whlnh wuu dhimlmhit at tho thub of tho tilal wuu heard by hln honor judo hpnttnn at tlio county court alttlni on tliuraduy uftornoon tho hoarlmf ihhiimi about an hour in tho oourao of whloh tho wholo roiy wa ono and at iu conolulon hla honor ala- mlninkllhorppeal hernia i a county yoar booh 1 rin on wlward county tin boon oupnolully favored through tho ontor- lrua of thu 1mooii a axe t to which ban juht in it uu it a year liook of lutanao lntirent to tho oymily it conuuu hlxtylht lamina with 60 00 fuota rdr latlvo to tho county ui ita pimple it lu an ukrutuuuru bualntmhi munlal- pul church educational uml kmt office dliuotory of trlnce lcdwnrd county ith towiih vllluttoa und townahlpa it la ti udimttiir of linmnnaa value nnd will win k run i favor with tho ioopioar illnca udwunl county and maw pnopln outaldo who huva hualnaaa coil- iiuctlouu with tho county eaitr mualanary moating thu lcantor moutluir of tho woman mlmilonury hooloty of tha uotliodlat church yamorduy uftornoon wum an dec union of much intermit tho ud- dreua of mm laciilun of hamilton liimlilimt of tho conforonco ltralioli wnaoiioof eapoolal intorout and in- nplratloii a fuaturo of tha meet in wan tho 101111111 of tho minute of the tliid mooting of tho acton llronch by mrw juinen moore who waa tho heomtary at that time thirty win ynnru ago mrw l it iirown lino of thu alutrttr momhora waa proaontod with u ufa me in bo r a cortlncuto mm ii 1 moore ulao n charter member mada tha proaunlutlon tha mem born woro ul plnmod lo woo mm a t hrowu in hor plaooua proaldent after an lllnohh of u mouth or ao obituary annuiw whijiiiiji anotlior old und mtoomid rhldint f oloiiwlllliimu hi thn ihiuon of mr aiidraw wluieler iihuuihi uwuy on krl- lluy muroh 31 iwoamnd wnu hi yourri old and wuu iwni nt anruuter hour humlltnit in 190 in mx hn nurrlod muruuiiot martin of thwfctvotnh lllook nod tlny living at llmnhoiim until lllhtl who ii limy movod in olmiwll- llumw mm whvr dlwl ubout 10 ionrrt uuo mr whnnlnr ronililclod a konrral utorn in thu clou for many trur ulnl wan rtupactfd by ull who knnw him a fntnlly of two adrvlva john a wliilir of aimiwlllhima und mra j a i la hunt i no or ooorotown iiuothnr duiiithtur mm itolmrt clark lud roni yula kii ono brother mr kolmrt wlinhr of 0iimtown ulito miirvlvtiu mr wirilr wuu immihur of tlm mutbodlut chortdi ahd ihp f hoc ml amvliu on tlilliduy wall ihindurtixl by llov mr alkan whoii ibn roniiiliih wtro intorrod in oln- wlllluinu hunntury tha pull ixuimn w j on llniiumoiit ic v hurra- rlouuli ii allni d hold th hill mil win mlchto llnrald midi cuamaztl daviorion vnry iinnkpootoiily thorn puumul uwuy lout wiilmmdoi ono of tint rlioliui uplrlla of tblu ooinmuitlty urw churlou lluvl1ion u vrlubl innthur in altoot u wook imiforn mid ijvldon look a uovoni i old whluh dnvnlotd into piiaumotilu with rut til ranullu mrw lluvldnnn wlidun muldan iiitmn wuu lluiuh itinltli wuu u duiiwhter of thu lata jtironunh und kuruti itmlth of mukmukuwiyu whom uhnwau itorn in iuu in tlm your ikfll aha married lh lutu iiiirii ituld of tho uumn town- ti hip and tlmy rtlmovnd to marlntto mlrhlifuii thni ihlldmu wi iwirn lo 1 1 lo m in michltfuti durliiu thn a veil ytnra tlioy rouldml thorn thy rrturi- il to nuiuiurawnyu in 1hhm thn nnxt your mm itoll wun uadly imrrt in tha loath of hor hiiuhund uml ono of thnlr hlldrxti illtortly aftir thlw who m- noved li anton with hor two ltoya nil kiudn a hnmn for thorn in tha hout1 whom ban uou mr w j hold wuttirwaruu inupeotor now rnaldna 10s who wan tnarrlml to mr churka huviiihoii nnd ror twuiityaovou yiura i tlm mnthnr of tlm homo at tlm wnllknown davldwon hoiuaht4iud hdlr only child mr totiori ijiwrooro ouviiihoii wun twtrn in 1hbh mr iluv id ol i ami dili doom nurvlv of lnr an hrotluiru und nlur four brotheru ml four alhtnpi am ii vino thoy aro wcuilah hnilth miohlbun thomaa hmlth nunhiiiiwoyu john of mlohl- kuii und itotxirt nauuaicuwnyu mr a nanny joliimlou toronto mra janum hinidiiruoii acton mix huuh cump- imiii nuuwiuiiwiryu and mra couta utowal mru lluvldaou wuu in many voupoolu u very auimrlor woman mho i uil unlive chrlatluii worknr u mamlmtr of tho 1rouhy tar ian church from hor curly klrlhimwl ituyn film wau liartloulurly hilfrwdml in tnliiulona and i tha olduiit member of tho womuua mlaulouury tlorlety of knox church r homn nnd her futility hud hor iintuiit lovn and uollnltuda aji ln- cldoiit in thn la ut fnw monthu of her ufa which uttvn hor much hatlmfunthm uulha fudt that uhu wuu abla to vlult ii tho memboru of her fuiolly and our rrliuidm with mr tjuviihoii a trip wau taken to the northwoiit luut fall ami uluo to tho old homo hi mlohlitau jiud very unjoyubln vlaltx o innde in iiumlwrw of lomiu whttrli i tmok abldn tlmin thnlr return mr allan matkmuld wuu tukon 111 and uhu minulewd tohlm with loving earn til ho wan callad to tho imttor laud ra duvldmin wua u woman of wldii roiidhitf und of exceptional lllnrary blllty it wum not kioiurully known that aha wum u wrltor of ooualderahla una and had contributed urtlchut uoma of tha leitdlnu nuucaklnou tha funnral on vrlday uftornoon wuh larmily uttonded owlus to thn lllnoaa of itov mr mtawart tha aervlom- of 1r lllalr of ouelith wor aoauro1 thlu wau ospnalally llttlnif inatimuuh i dr lllalr wan for year tho pun tor t hr own und hor futhurm family in nuutuiifuwiiyu hor vhd wuu itouoo mayor bmltha buocaaaor clootad at u nomination mnntliiir ut llcaca- brhlua luat weak mr ii j ulrd jr i nlonlnd muyor by aoolamatlon ruphtoltiu mayjir jjter a ttmlth who vhluuod owl no- to ida purpoua of re moving to acton ealr sunday n tho church 1ropurutlnim hnvn bnan mada for himclul icawtor uarvlona in ull tha church en hi town thorn 11 imjcualer imrmonii nnd mvoolul muula uml ubund- aiiot of flower wouldnt it iwt nttlnw anil iniltn prolltablo if 1tatr etunduy m tnada u- uotouhurvti humluy by iryrualdtiiit of tho community who nan hy any imiaalhlu luuuiiu hot to tho houuuuf god tluittluy yho now horticulture prouuar imf a ii muclennail l b a huw baan unpointed to thu vncuht profea- uormlilp of hortloulturo at tho ontario arloullurul coiiuko ouolih trof manloniiaii wua u looturor ut tho col- leur hkvnral yoara uitii ho liaa imd wldo axpoilunoti lair aomo tlmo ha wuu in nlmru of tho horticultural work of tho huliia company lmttuhuru- 1rof mu ol on null ravovaverul llluatrutod ud- ilrdhhau on hortloulturu in acton naw aabll lhiuelliill aiittumluutm 111 quit aro neighborhood news- town and country lor i tip i oakville tlio town lu ut luat con npoiiliiu of u frnn library thu 1urmorn club ut houtvllla lu ooualderliiif thn luatalliitlon of u radio whelowti outtlt holiit ilowlou rommwitcid luut wook 1h prlvatu hill coiimiildutliih- thn towna iloutliitf liidubtediipuu wuu boon puuued by thn 1rlvuti jillla commlttnt of tlm ficuluturu mr if llddlnua iium returned uftr mpoinlhik thn winter unioiiu- tho wat iiidhiu a ituhehall hliflln minijkiiuil of ouu- vllln itrmit milton iturlitiutoii and olt iniiiih hau bnmi formed v ther- will in u puhllo hmatliuf buhl at 1oatvllln on halurduy ovoiilnif april ic for thn 4uihiho ut dlaniiuhiu thu wlniiihia of iloniluu hlioot htur campdellville thlu vlllukihuu won honored with thn orkunlxatlop of u now mnaonlu lodua it wuu tinttltutad u wank uuo livll w ilrti cw killy ii i a m of thu humllton niutrlot uuulutnd hy promluioit humllton brethroii tho oitlceru of tho tjuluti are w ilro tu huyilwr w m nunmn cumplmlln w llv t w ijw j w i htnwurt iuortury a j mo- iliadruiv chiiplulli j a motukiinrt i of c it c monxlo traauiirur w o uilrwi h i j k mahon j 10 ilyeniun h mj w morao j h a u myrdook i c it wrluht tyler aftr thn cemmony u unlondld lull- itiut wuh held ut thn vllluun inn himhwiuui und ho o ir u werw shan the urdar of tha ovonln uml ull wora thnraiitflily tnjoyd by tha mmbarw tera cotta mr h iiifuu la running hla brick plant in full hwiiiu born now with n dully hicrounlnif utitrf mr ami mru oucur cralim of oiinlph movad to term cotta laut xiktot tha hiiltou ilrlak company rvaiimu operutlona abort ly u mauler lkhiiu loom ih kolmr to ollnlph honpltul ahortly- to ifiivo nil ulutlon imirformed m hlu rynuv ttmnlhia will aoon bo thu ordur of tha day mr hotfnru lu ilolmf a runhhi truda in lila m too ii iiiurry on thn mountain w uiiduratuiid that mr 1 hcifori liltendm i nut ull i otf a luuin bilmler oil iiih prmluitw mr juu moiaod hud a vary aucooaa- ful taiwlnu ban luut vrlday uftaruoou jikikaou llroa of itookuldu did tha job mr ami mra j iftowiiur of toronto inovod to thn mountain luut waak milton fjiut yoek m tl nixon movad out of hlu dwnllhiu op lliown und mury ulmmitm which ho uold hitnly in win atkhtaoii h j aitiiutronu ih reiovorlnif rrom a aavnra attack of inflammatory rlmu- mutlhm ior uomn luyn luat waak hl condition wuh ciltuul ho townahlii council of nolnon baa uppolntnd j a iottlt townahlt treas urer to uuccetil thu lutn andrew 1 alton at tho roxiriiuuloutlon mootln of tha milton uiwn tuimlu club tho follow- inu officer a worn elnotoifor thn aiiuulnaf year hon lvenldunt judtro klllot iiou vloe1rwinieiit mru oorham lmaldent h hnimou vlouiroaldant xllaw u camplmll hoorotaky ulaa c vcclhoon tranaurvr u hum naluoii linn notion into lino with tha orsanlxutloti of u farm ioun anaoalu- tlou thn tiewmuury hylawa won liaauml und c h wood uml loom ib- uuwtlo worn uppolntod muululpuy diro- toru chamvlon burlinqton il j icorboa wuh ut llutfulo luat weak uttandinrf tha funerul of hi mothur mr john oaken hau in bin poaaaaalon a ileichorn hauu on which moaauroa luchm ono way uml 8 inottau the liter mr ailltort chvltoptiaruon haa ro- tnrnoil homn from u throe monthu trip lo cullfornlu t mr t w ivoy of curmun man vliiltotl ut thu homo of j 1 keiidcr ontario htroal ml aa leather hopklnw nml two frlandu mhu ihirolhy morao und mimm joaalo ilordiiii of nova bcotlu hua returned to mooonuiil inutltutu lualph to rar uumn thnlr utiidloh after itpondln ton day a ut ikinulo imuea on monday nlht luut u hurtilxr of yiiun imiopla uathorwil at tha home of mr j troutfhtaii olatko avanut to imidur u fun well purty to ulah haille olluy who lu rituinlnu to hor hmo hi irulutid owlit ta til hewlutj am mr it l ilrlvlii ulonif ibo iiluhwuy iiar altluraliot luut thumluy ulht u ttuut of wind blow tha cover off tha top of hlu uuto u rather hnlrruialn uxiwrlmtou oa- olta rook wood ll tionuitiik of ntowiilnall loauu which will incliala oult milton aoton flikhuotowu ilurllnutou mid oukvlllu oltlclolh of oult huvo inti vluwoil mink dulmuwa of ouulph ietury of thu atiuttplir ibimnhull ahuflclatloii and hn bjia pomlued lo do rythliik ho can to oruuulau tho ip le flalt otoolulii have bun in touch with thn otlmr townh untlotmd i oratorical ooutoatat epworth laaauo tho tpworh iiuuua of tha motho- iiihi ohureh bald un oratorical con tout monday ovonluy wtilch wun of much interval to ull firuaailt kucb of tlm ulx oontnutuiitu huvo walltirnpurod uddrvhueu on intoroattn mubjaota tho no warn l lat mlaa clara havafta auhject mukluir frlandh with thn wild ilowuta 2nd mlaa ollvo mo- ijiuhlln utibjeot tho advuutujtaa to hn derlvad from kdiicuthm 3rd mlaa haxul mclvllluld hubjaot uetielltm of u lubliu ulbrury to acuin county foraot plantation it in umiouncod that already twelve count lea liavo tukon advantage of tho onlailo flbyarninantii plun for uaali1 luif muntoifial forcatry thoao oountloa havo acquired blocka of noiiaurlaub thru land whloh in coouoratlon with tho rovliiual koroat service wnl bo planted with pi no apruoo and otlmr tmeu tho btouka of land vary in alao from i0d urroo up to 1000 ucrca it lu rximutud hat uevural pthor noun i lea wlh toko up rvforuatrutlon within tho cumin your 1 the routeof new highway tlirough acton discussed at a special meetjne of the council held ist thursday evening he eve barber able to attend the regular session on tuesdav a mpot lul moat in wum cullo1 by thn council on thnraduy evanln april with u roiiuiut that tha cltlaana ultomt lo uhow which routo thy dnalrml thu provlnulul hlhwuy to tuko tliruh at ton a vry ruprouantullvo ralh-r- in wau hold und thn council chumur wau piitikn to mpuoity tho follow- in tumolulfiinu wora paaaml movad by lit m mnljonald und umoudnd by door huvlll that th m iiulclpiil coum ii commuitlcalo with tho hon v c uisk or unn of hu in nil l low und urranico ror unothor puhllo moot in or iltlxuna of acton ut which thu uulil cllueiia uml a raproaantutlva of tho ixiiuirtioini of hbjbwaya uhould coma touwther und dlucuau tho propouad loud that tin hlifhway altouhl tuko if lillllt tluouuh lh town on a ahowln of linn 1 1 thi motion wuu curried moved hy i- if a coxa uetondad by john kiiimuy that thu eltlxeiiu of acton piouoot ut thla meetln ur- in favor of tho toronto to ttunilu hih- wuy imhi hullt wi m to inula through tha town of acton and not around on thn tiorthweat tilde thla motion waa uluo niirriod on u ahowln of hundu thn munlur imulou of tho council on monday v liad councllloru holmou ilurrdutn und hell preuent und jtcnvrt hurler in th chair tlm keavo ruoalvad u rorltul welcoma from thn mimhra of ha council wjto wem plnuund d a him in hu uocuatomd itliira and with aomo nmumuro of im proved houlth tho llnauco committee prouenteil tbeh il report and recommomliul liayment of tlo folio win aniounu canral acoount c mcritiuhliu lulmir ut tho tiomtitory 3 00 llydio uluetrlo com work on ut roo tn ik ok htinct lltihthi 144 84 town hull ilifhtln a 6 3 it j j cnoiioy m mooonuld und town hull phoifa h co 77 77 watarworuo account kiilrliunkti forwo co aupplleu x 3 30 1ord motor co waldln met rim ib j hymon aupplle 3 00 w j held htumita u 03 ilydioklactrlo com powor ut uifln 41 bh llydroiciootria com pump llotlmw 1 tc hydro- lqlofllrln com thawln pi pott an go w j uohl telaphono 2 es iuiiip ho uuo tolophona s ok llorton tltecl co lironxu roiui ib g4 lll 4 tho inpoit wum udoptml tho hull tnlephono co roojieutod ituimltiiijiiii to meet thren pole on wet llowet ave ou it to extend their oervjee loiinluulon wuu uraiitod auhjaot to tho mipnrvlnloii of j hull chairman of nta mid wulkn hit clinic wuu hiutruatad to aeoura from o a nivon u doxau ooploa of mm of lia town a byluw uujliorlxln tha hoava nnd olerk to uiva noteu ut tha dank of nova hoollu to cover any ovardrufui that niny ocoiir in tho watarworka mint wua ivcn tho roqulrad num- of rcudliism and paused by tha counolb i vlw mr n lunlon and mr w k or ahum uvtitad u imtltlon from tho rauldanla of tha weut alile of kllox avanua in- ed by all thn property ownam on that ddo of the lmet rotiunatln that a ibxnent aidowiilk lm luid on that atroat thoy miho pruantd a jietltlon ainil all tho iiropurty ownam of knox vonuo roimoatln thut aomethli bo dono to improvo tho roadway on thla utreat uu it waa httla mora than u mud holo ut preaent it wua dnuldud to lay thu aldewalk uml miuln tha roadway hut km sruvel llllhi putm tha utroet an tho council hud doolilod to kmip tho rata down uk low uu poaalhlo und no uruval will lm laid on any atroat thlhyar tb chairman of tttroota ami walk a wua milhoiwod to hava th whtawulkm put into uimid- rapalr whara noawury counnll iuljounia1 at 030 p m ci1ewbonb corners tho pietty llttlo hmvutloiih woio luth- rril1 hi tho wooiih imur ham thla wook tlio muphiiyiuuuuoii u v ovorfiithln yur il-l- tho henvy lain on tuaadny uyollftd tho cruukn mmlo tm mud with tlna w will jouipiiincu iluuturo rlvart moro uolul lutltor plowlnu on uod thlu weak mr heoruuxlutor ttrouht in a vary lurua ho to thn it v o atock yard luat wuuk wlhluu- h20 poumlh- thlh la juatlo poundalciihjbuii tha llnm llaitharh moord bote uold two yt uo whlck wlhad h30 pouiidu mru aluxulidar iturna died ut tha homo of hor dun a liter mru- thou halt arhoi on hutuniuy moriilu 4tli inuu tho ruuurul took pluoo on tuaaduy from tha old farm borne with intor merit in mvorton rtomutuiy mr hobert itloa of toronto hui movod into thu rculdonoi formerly oo- on plod hy laij stout how hy col mutrla and will tako u partiiarahlli with hlu brother john lu tha cement bllalneuh lr xllllu hlb ocliool naiutolor ylultwl tho now contlnuutlon ohool nut wuok und rtportu fuvtiublu pro- unm a nonaction wiih tukun intlm i hyttirliiu hundtiy hobmil in uld of thu aturvfuu llunalun nhlldraii which iimouutnd to 170 mr iomiunl mo1ouku11 unaeaaor iiuh oomplatad bin rou ml a for both tho vllluun a i id townulilp 1 mr uouluald itudd and family liuvo movod into hook wood tuul am oo- otipyluu mr alex ilummoru tiuw rcnldaiioo mr jutnari lailnbort uml hlu win im uml family huvo uluo como tt thu vtllujto to rouble mr a t hnulreu ibdit of tha q t it heia wua tukon ml luat weak an ottlclul la mlluvlnic blm mm t iuniiy bun returned homo ufter npuiidln tha wlnlr with bur uou itod ut toledo ohio kivo cara of hvo atock bottlilem buy mill turnlpn wem ahlpped from jioro ospninqe mciioh william uaharwood und w pouvoy imith of tha aacoad line fiava let nohtruntn for tho aractlnn of adit i tloiiii to their lunua oupriiitro will huvo n atrouu butiotmll toiim tlio nomlti anuuoii homo tiaw blood will bo introduced umonu th mambaia tioro buiiiif moil tnuoh pomfort in dilvlii on uny of tho road a tho punt wank fcuiwli boot huvo tienn oommandlu thu utliiillon of u numlier of our fur ii mru lutaly hpilil work ih tinw lu full uwlhtf with tho widnuwuku fufniar thlu ooitimmity will huvo itu uhiih otn or luonoromora at id vlultoru for kuutar t ek und mm john ttinmiwm tm- turnod to their houto ut cumhurland rmmtylaiui on bimduv thoy camo to attend ilia funeral of mm ahixumlor lliinih mm thompuoivo mothar tho oruudur lloya concurtln tho lreaby tar lun church luut tuimduy ovouluic waa u ratify in auocaxa social and personal mltimury m lli hi u vlllltlll ut her lion if llrown tuoit of acloii frlemlu durln tha xir hurry from piaum ufjnly holmou ila lu ii w y 1ui 111 each ml frlon uu lily uu u la aldpjritoii month or of oim with p la ai ton mr villi luht u mn 11 in houtti d mr und mm wrk of hamilton noll monabb mlaa ltla rrom rjueipl improvnd in lltuckxy hoapltu hnultii iia a a r id lu urnod mm h ho the i ih 1 ivn luirlwtr lu in iopltul it lu bo md uuh i it from tin will aoon mr uml mm cwliln cniuu mid iiinlly vlaltihl ut tlm homn of mr unit jm w hall over hmituy mr hheldon moyer of toronto vuit- il hlu futhar and motlr itv i m iinl mru moynr durln thn week of allmny n t tlm homn of wllllumu dur- ru omiruw oulxtrm v hua uhiii vihuiii iter futher mr wllllux in thn wimk lm wm mcarthur und mm wm hull apnt a day luat woek ut tha oral houpltal fluolpti vlaltln frlcudu them mm miv a c htnwurt uml rhll- on u thlu wook to uiteml the icuutsr hollduyu ut mru hlewarlm homo ii llrura county heva c ittnwurt hud not aotllrent- y mcov to rvaiimu hia pulpit tuot hinduy mru htowurt und ono or two f tho children were nlwi 111 mihu iiiu coatallo who hua wait ipndlii u fnw hollduyu with bar lend mlau jvualo oervau of toron to rutin nod hom on tuuuduy after ladn hourly woven wonka rou ted to tho hou mr h i moom la w prokroualn favorably uml li rbla in aimuil uu hour or uo ouch day 1 1 hla tltlcn mr jtotwrt iilu who hau liuan onrtnint to hlu homn und moiitiy ikmi- fatt for thn aiut live mouthu with heart undlun troublu la now ulowly covnrln mr und mm kmortton a holmna of chlcuao 111 aitunt u couplo ofdayh luut wntk ut moaijpcroft whuro u moat uujoyahla tlmo wuu apiiit with their ca nud lun couulnu ru j a mcarthur hnu roturund from now orlounu whero aha aitont tha winter hho wum uccompaiiled hy urundihiukhlnr whoan homa hua boon in tho iioulh for many yeara mr jouoph nuttromi llrampton an- lioiiuceu tho hiiuuemciit of hlu duuh- tnr norma luuhol to tha hoviroit if 1 churtom toronto noh of hamunl chartoru m i llnimptoii tho tnur- iuo will tuko pluco quietly ut tha il of april cur with maukaa tho hublt of carry in atrlko uny- hnro hmlohca looao in tho ixtukot ruuultu lu munyuerlouu tlrom in tuk- in aomothlii out of tho hmikat a nuucb drom out on thu floor of luim other placo la atopiteil on und r- huhu in a tiro deputy vlru mumliul la win ontario ilv vo klndlv glvo vour ah tho ituto on your lulwil tnllu tho data to which your pupar u paid ijwik ut it now uml if you nonuldur it innirroot plcuuu uuy uo inutuad of wultlu lonr if you have forgotten to iwinw your uubacrlptlon kindly nniow today uml uvohl dlucontbiuuiicu of thn puper whlcb la ho much uppmolutnd tn your homa pay of tha farm hand for 1822 hint riot raprohoritatlvem in ontario port to thu department of attrlcul- ro thut farm wuoa one rod vary rrom mu to 3 u montli with laiunl for partly oxpeiloncd tnaii und uround 3q n month tortthu uvorimo farm worknr with exporlonio wlill wull known uhd rllubla lunula fiat un ad- n co on tha latter tlauro nasbaqaweva mouuru john und normun mnmhull huvo bo uuh t mr gonrico hunvu farm for u i mature farm mr llaril on uu- coutil lt u bviiltli thlnku of return- lit kvouulph mux milne who iium rented mr joiiiimouh utora at icduu milla und tukon over tho 1oat omoc lu uturtliiu- in buiiliiehu thlu weak all wlah him prouporlty xlr farm n qeorqetown erin ymuiimh httniloy iltch und uvld hihuloirt ur initiy thnan duyu erwitln liiiruitn in it portion of tho uhuda of v o lobe hotel mr w ijikiio hrowu our new unjer- liiktn and furullura dxulor will move into tha bullilln recently ooouplml um thu poat orffent in a few daya mr cliiiktlvk und family of laioru moved into tha dwolllti roooiitly pur- chuatid rrom tlio eatuto of tha luta mm moiuiy mr aingrluk uluo pur- uhuhed the orltlh atom uhultiiiiham tjnetkrova inawool and cledim ur form in a laaroaao hutylo arohlc mokoobnle of choi tonhnm hi tha leudln anlrlt and has indcrod two doxnn atlcka tor awaoulatloii t i aliiiiiuomiinth huvbeen com plot ol for tin hiiblln of u celebration c july vi in mrlu nml accartllr to inporta u numltar or outoftovt lodkea hiivo dnoldad to anlabrato i lcrlu mr icrnle wit id and family of hllli bur moved to their tiaw homn lit orutiruvlllo umv wooltv lailvocatv tho thuraday hulfhollduy cominnuc- od luut wimik mr j j nihhouu hua dlnpouad ot btu ijiocory tiliulnana to mr t it honnle mra w mi wiuon apent u few daya luut week hi now york mr john oruut of uutowel wua tho uuekt of hlu brother major omul for u fnw layu luat week mru muyori halo who him lieon hi toor houlth far uoma wocku lu tukin troutmautut ht joiiothu hoa- pltut qiiulph mru ijaidul cunt libel i hud tlm mhi- fortunu to full who n comlu out of hor homo hint weak uhd uovaraly injuro her thlh mr junk lturber luiu douutod to thai illub ttchool u act of dhrory of uua- ful knowhhlo coiuilutluu of twoiity- live vnhiiuuh on u variety or uulijootii iin itund hau 1 wo it kruntntl the num of sgoo to iimhlat in provldlnic mil forma hy tll town council tha ptmaalltutlou of tho cllpll 1111 nuda la won by thn cblhliiiu ut tho hchool fulm whloli wua linuvolduhly poutpouml look plucn ut tho town hull i haturduy uftaruooii thn council hua ordered u loud lira ut a 4oat of 13000 uolullvcu from town who uttemlnd tho funerul of tha late hlr john lluton wml mohhr 11 v held tjmothy u held jutmut hold lloliert hell jr w illteld und w a wllaon moaarh j it muhkviixw a it cum- all o t mckay h hniruui mid john mooormlt want to toiollto ill hundiiy to hour tho how chlnuu which huvo jllat ikmiii inhtulletl in thn metro imillthl methmllht church- v tho hunk of hamilton a lulu imhoi hero foe foitywevoii yearn xlr morrla kaxo huu boon gumled perm union to inutal u koitollne tank hi fiont of hlu promboui dii tlllnlpu htuel liar aid u h

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