nrt n a nt vt und uuil dimes ipuiriero 1 t- iltllur ut u lint i tit it vr hi hlu who i v kimr is ma iff il jimmy i u ilohii i1av a ull is 1b2 an i abtui hymn o uirlh r lull i ut u kh ni l ill ml iw f iii luili r hut i how lilt liul u low iii o luitl rnln lriui lu king l li r- itvulh lu now tly sting christ u khu thriil i hi nil fsu ifled but liow nil glorlm qvr i vry fiw victorious iff i iilll rlilnu ir m imiuuiitiiiiit j i u iiiti poor roll wrill imi i her wuu two month r ul li thut i ii dolliir lilll wk 1 tliu n wlili l in wull not liuvn lu wnrr tttf wit ih r llnni voul1 u xut mor lhlr h i tii i lliro uuu luiikrt hlull in ii ul iiii lollitr i hi thut hud ulwum hn hlu uhlhlthu ilonoom hud ii him thut imuliiii iu11 w ii hi nth r cilli u1 1 tllt u utllltl m hlll llu1 opened u haslet hull in old klwrh t shdjhut ir iii im- lu kills i nrt rhilti let u bring it- hinc ii ihh- klne at 111- fel ou- heart but treasure ijiy we willi uriltted measure tuvf liefor llim ivuim ulom hint lllrt nnyrings lot us bring- to our klutf lrt the glad iloauinnss riot christ l wing chrut i kin hull lllm every liit und nation hull the wine of our iulvuum i low hefor- him im i we aihirw him jjt til glad llhutnnah rinif chi 1st luklngl the generals easter box fcir oknkiu m m nil m on v kbi o 1 uk flfclnkitat did not look ut l look he wm altort and thickest and had e red fuc ami white tnuaitacha taiul w utmally dimitd fn b sray twod uu with u funny norfolk jacket with lmlt and wit0 ta noft cuf lulkd down ulmoitt lo hll ygwl and ihi ulwayai did hbi own timrkit ink tvt in imiw ha coma to know jim my jimmy iiiood at a coni of old xlnikoi and mold little bundle at drlod urv and hhdit marjoram and aajuta- fraa and cinnamon and aoupbunthm tnada of hu of vjctahla tlod kitiiar a hit of paralay and a bit of oelery and a bit or carrot and a aprht of rummir tmivory all for on cent am tw aipriiuc cmm on ha catna tn know tho uoneral kor one morning juat before kaaier tho oniutral catno pufflnc down tho outaldo alalo of old market with hbt i nokircd man bahlnd htm with an en orntoiu baakel tim oenarmta canlax waa drawn up to tho curtwtona and jimmy thruat a bunch of arutua undor the gnerar very noma op away go away amid tho gen eral and trottsd down to the carrlaae itut a whiff of fraxranee had raach ad him and he atopped how toucht he aakedl three conlm aald jimmy in tioanmi voice ttwt uenend looked at the tittle fellow got a eoldt he inquired crutny yeaalr croaked jimmy why dont you atay in the houee thenr crowled the oaneral cant alr nld jimmy cheerfully 1 jim an for i id i vuloi rhunc ilollun forth of w tkrp n tu hui the flenerat looked at the utu atand where tjualnea waa tranaacted t the utile- rowa or dried stuff at the amall bakket of flower and the aoupbunchea i ilranph be aald thn hie hand went down into hlfl pocket and ho pulled out m lot chaium after that be fjinee t bunohea of nwect pinky bloaaoma two for five air aald jimmy ilimv ahj the eneraj vou mxsht klve to aomo parsley and aoup- bunch jimmy wrapped up the green atuff earoailly and dropped it into the baa ket carried hy the colored man nine cejita air be bald and the general handed him a dime and then moved to tho naxt atall holdlnx the flower cloee to hta homo tou forcot your chance cried jimmy and ruahed after him with the one cent keep itut one look t the honeet little face and he chanced hi aentenoe thank you youiuf man be aald and iiway he droyo after that jimmy looked for the general and the oeneraj for jimmy their transactions were alwaya car ried on in p- atrlctly boatneem manner although to be euro tbe general modeat family ot two did not require the unlimited mre and aweet mar joram that was ordered from time to time i on the saturday before beater the little atand wsj any with new ware in little neat of dried o liaa anca hrlfht pink and blue and purple and matued jimmy had invested in a doaen at forty osnt the dosen and lie had hope of doubl fh the mon for work auraly counted forwomethlna and- he n ftio ufflff uother had dyed themv h u thiiii ikiy i ip limit fr hill llutlt wawil jimmy inn ihlltru ijku n naali hi ilrnam tlimhlrl o lw mil thoro hud imh ii lituliy ioiu ina- uii1 roiiib hirorikh oll murlnt jimmy ktiaw tliut th hill wail tlm cnmu vur tl oll jn unman liul illud out a roll whou he raurhl foe a nve nl v it wa the gen- frul hut how to rind hlmt ida the market he found the flml- 4rui hutriinr yml the hutrhui linw th ooitimu llrnui for ha ww imq of hh imdt uh to mora it wb u lontf illtutu- jimmy paaal- il row of kreut uukiia tnutuiloiiii ultd wwtit thiouich pwrt whvru cnmiuve und hynclnlli wnra juut iwoiiln out at hit he uinw to the qaiiorul u ar rolornd mull uiuiwvrod lift rlnur of tlm hell who uhull 1 uwyr lie lmiulrml hifilly tliw gennruk li vory huy tluy jimmy rrnm the murkut if you ileuih and jlmkny nut down on the kivul hall wt reeling vry much l with all the knu it til uc well well uld the gonernl up hn came liunlna down the atulnt well well unit wtint il you wantt ihaan wlr did yili drop thur and jimmy held out tli tlshtly rolud iavl illt it well now im kun ion t know lwhup i did perhap ili i found it in rront uf my tail kuall jimmy what u ulrunse ihlnjf it aoemed that the general should not knowl jimmy wouht have known if ha had lost a imtuny he iwcun u fel that the gen era too id not tisva a true idea of husl- nea tlw general took out h roll of hill ftt me see he said here my inurknt list vwl i kuoh t lis im mine bure nnuuili lm xlad 1 ii oilcan it ald jlmmyj l rune bear mweopinif it into i he street and what nan i pay you for your t rouble v asked the general looklnjf at the tfoy knenly well aald jimmy stoutly you see huslnee is hualnna bird i liad to take my time and id like to cot hack tho general frowned lie was afraid he was bollta to he disappointed in this hoy and so wenl ihi jimmy if you would give me u hlc it el for carfare i think wo might call it aqusre the generat fumbled around for hi eyeklssee put them on and looked at jimmy in astonishment a nickel t he asked yea air jimmy blushed vou know 1 oucht to ket back well well aald the general the boy had certainly the instincts of a gnat ionian not a slnglo plea of pov erty and yet one could see that he was door very poor j just then a puis struck softly some where im not koine to let you ro until you have a hit of lunoh with u said the general 1 have told ttt wife of jimmy of the market and now v want you to meet her so jimmy wont down into a wonder ful dlnlnjc room where the silver and the cut las shone and where at the fartherahla of tho table was the sweet est little old lady who came and shook hand with him jimmy had nevir before eaten lunch where the soup was served in little cups but the general wife put him at his ease when ahe told him that hie very own boupbunchea were in that moup and if he didnt eat plenty of ll he wouldnt be advert is nit his wares then the general with knife upraised stopped in his carvlnjf of tho cold roast chicken and turned to jimmy with a smile of approval in hi renlal face and aald that h waa his ease too that ww in the chicken dressing- i they made jimmy tnlk and finally ha told them uf hi ambition for a basket atall and when do you expect to set ut i asked the general a smile when t et uxi kooso that lay tho aolden cax 1 am afraid alrvaald jim my a little sadly then the general a wife asked ques tions and jimmy told her about the little uother and uf their life lo ether but no one word did he tell of their untent need for jimmy hail not learned to be at last the wonderful lunch wa over somewhat to jimmy relief it must be confessed i si tall oome and see youi mother jimmy aald tho general wife as jimmy left her r out in the hall the genera handed the boy a nickel ltualnes i busi ness young man he aald with a twinkle in hbt eye that nlajht jimmy and hi mother sat up very late for the boy hud so much to tell i ik you think k was wron to aak leutnrrwtjclierrtleeuucodnnx ajhvyayff delicffifcms always refreshing sa1ada ma a sold in sealed aluintfnun pcketa only lstvor in bullc blackgreenmixed mr i ir ho lu ulx ril twu hi hu ulockliiuu llion in u uoflor tour i ha of yoil to lultti il tnuiutln it will pliuiua uu old iitun und iflvii thu iwy u tto wliii iiool hyo hud imhiii nuld id jimmy ulood looking ufut die trrluun und tlin praiirhiif uruyu tho utile mitthur put thu whlto mix in lilu nil jimiiiy oiwmul it unit thr nt u ut of whltm otton wuu un eatr hit vuu illifknint from uuy of tlm iicbs iui jimmy hud fluturtu it wui luru uitil uiiimi und itroiitnl thu nll- wuu a yjlow rlliluni liimiy llrttd ij out unl found u ry huuvy whut do you think it lut hu uuld julio the ruilmin udvliutil hi nukthor whouu quick uyu uaw a filnt linn which uhowod un oimiuiiiu- jimmy tmllod tho yollow rlhlutn tho uim r half of lhi utt oimiiu tin u hi hbo und ihtri w m kllstunliitf kold colnu nv dnllur uohl piimm o uultl jimmy und ho uut ilown on ihn step hri athwa with uuriirlun a ullp of whltii tjutr luy lxitw4fn two of the nolnt jimmy unutclind it out und thl lu whut he rud ill uw uooepl thtj onteiitu of tho icoldqii aits with best wlshu tit thu itut somehow people psssed them by inside of the market there were finer nests and em glided antf letter ed and jlmmyj becan to feel that hi own precious ena were very dull indeed j hut when the general appeared around the corner thw boys spirits roan ilcre at any rata ves a rood customer thr general bowever was hn temper there had been an ruiu tnent with thu flahman which had lert him red in tho race and very touchy so he houftht two bunches of arbutus and nolhhur else any eaga slrt naked jimmy ejntst aald the geovrat look in over the little stand kaater etas axpialued jimmy ive no- use for such tblnjrs aald the general ol aald jimmy and in spite uf himself his voice trembled when one 1 the man of the family and the utile uother i sewlns for dear ufa and- her work and the little atand lu tho market are nil that pay the rent and buy food it is sometime hard to be bruve hut the general did not ndtloo the tremble jimmy tried aln i any caldron slrt child re it ut way uko kaster you know no aald the general no one but a son in the lhlllpplnaa a son some six feet two in his stocking any krandclilldren alrtf hopefully llles my aoul aald the general what a lot of questional and ho hurried off jimmy frit very forlorn- the gen eral had been hi last hope the egr were a dead loss at last it came time to close up and he piled all of his wares in a basket than he took out a little broom and began to sweep around his little stall lie had a battered old dustpan and aa be carried it out to the street to empty i it be saw a athf greenuharay paper bueklng- out of the dirt nouuns in tbo world ever looks exactly like that but u american greenback and sure enouch whon jimmy pulled it out it proved to be a ten dollar bill jimmy sat down on the curb sudden ly ills tnqney always cum in emuda glorify the itoom utok on the htiiiuy uhln of thing hhould minui downhtairtthl frit lid ittitf- geuteil ttmt to try to s the khm1 lu ill lot 1 uko irylmf to extract nuib- uhliii from otiniimhertf r mlmf him thut uuuulilne 1 juit whut mil won rii- rumlwrm and thut ucoordiitfty it cuu ih tixtrsotm rrom thnm few muy know how to do it hut thu luk uf not in the vngotahls there lu uunforce lu all thing coniiththm lu dlrcot li twoeii tint light thut pour lu ut tlm window and thut which uhlun hi eye und smile in torn und mumiur and lu thoughts in ul ii truiuiforinatloiui it i the hiuiven force glorify tin rooml was hltlne hmlthh wuy of onlerlng thocurtulnu up ultd oiuohotll- unt glory brimmed hi pugo with laughterpunctuutlunu dlokon was unothee who wrote hi uhrlei with riirtsuw up und sunshine streumlng through tho utudy ilojoluol wuu the old greek b wuy of greeting a frlond ltugh until i come back was luther tuylor goodbye to dr jurtoir urn both ijiow i the child t called up another minister- father forlornly rrom the foot of the stair uu lis temd hi home roak us oodo when on re luughlnl cumo buck the voloe of the sick child li reply it wu the baby who preached the gospel that time curiyle in hi dyspepsia look ing up at the stars could groan itll a aud sight uut the little girl looked uu at the same sight and said uam- tna if the wrong side of heavsn bo fine t vary beautiful the rlaat bids must liel this habit of looking on the luugh- terslde can be learnod ask any par son who lias won hi cheer the secret of hi victory und he will quite likely tell you a tory of some dark day when he vowed be would see sunshine tydla uaria child a woman woll acquainted with trial ha left it on record i 1 seek cheerfulnesw in every poulbla wuy i read only chipper books 1 hang prisms in my window to fill the room with rulnbow jtemambar kmereonb mudpuddle f hut in the uhd aoum of thing thorn a i way alwny something sings itomembar iuther on hbi utckhod between his grouna he managed to preach on this wise those twins und troubles here are like the typo which thu printer net as they look now we huve to read them liuckwurds and they boom to have no sense or meaning lu but u yonder when the ionl god print u brf in the life to come we shall llnil tiut they make brave riding only wu need not wait until then kev w pi gannett lously when he had flnlshe no aald his motlier hut i am glad vou didnt aak for more on raster monday morning jimmy and tho uttle uother started out to pick the arbutus ami tho early violets which jimmy was to well tuesday at his little stall at lust they uut down in tie up the huncho carrbucv after carriage pass ed them am the butt bunoh of flown wsu laid in jimmys lutakot a victoria drawn by a pair or grays stopped in front of the flowergut linrur well well aald a hearty voice und there were the general and hbt wlfol they had called for jimmy and hi mother aud had been directed to he wooded bill del in get in commanded tho general and in spite of tho uttle mother hesitancy and timid protests she was helped up beside tho generals wlfo by the footman while jimmy hopiied in beside the ucnral and away they went over the hard white road the general was in a gay mood well my boy have you found your golden eggr he asked jimmy no air said jimmy gravely vet too bad too bad aald the old gen- tlemun while he shifted a white box that wus un the seat between himself aud jimmy to thu other do vourequlto sure are you that you could only get it from a goosot get whut slrt aald jimmy whose eyes wore un the gay crowds that thronged the sidewalks the tifttc auld tho general o yes air replied jimmy with a the general leaned back und luughod and laughed until be wu red in the face but jimmy could see nothing to laugh at so no merely smiled politely and wondered what the joke was at last they reached jmnmi home and the genera helped thi utile mother out as he did ao he handed her a white box for tbo boy whispered the qen- eral the idtuo mother shook her head doubtfully- i loss you madam cried the gon- cral tmtor 1 bat boy of my the bootleaaers on furtive feet ulimg tho street in durkuus thny am going from httrw and slum they bring the run that keep the ixineyurd growing they mawo their rye of poisoned lye of rough on ruts their brandy and he vlio drinks 1 wise tnethlnkk to keep u co ran handy the fill their vats with old houd cuts when they would muke sour mashe and one small drink will put u gink in line for dust npd umhos thoy make their- gin of runted tlu and upas leave and grunllo and he who ulps curl up and slip from tltl our woll known planet they iiu4wtbotrtioooriximejwtront hnoaa brought lu by vumnjre ghostly and he who quart find ujiltupli the good hem needing mostly ah when you swuf u- bumper buf ot bootleg rye or bourbon your works will upllt youll throw u tit no duo cab but a curb on youll bllo tho chair and fall down stair unci sturt u roughhouso gaudy and whtmyuuro through the coroner trui will sit upon your body bww few owdihi the uliroud und creo who drlpk the tkkitleg mixture ulid with a spade monu imxim are inudn wherry hoadhtone urn u hxtuyc thu 0001100 kpuve are ikmldllng gruvu thoy re welling bottled condition uniukhtor oh tlmn with mo drink hotioeut tou und imip und milk und j silver movlal awarded to miss jean orr lty ontario virc prevention ieaxue for hway on mrra llvrvcnfion ontofthc dcvlsnteen uedalb awarded in the province miw jvuti orr of acton contlnuu- elnu urhonl lu uuulu th winner of a dlutlnctlvo liioiliil for her itloiicy lu lit rury romitouitlou on un important uuhjwt almut u year ago dr james u iluu1 of toronto presented hr will u lmutitlfill mlul ut the town hall pfrsunully imui wnk uhnwti awarded a silver iimiui hy the ontario kiro 1reventlon uuaut uu the following loiter to mis kuupp ivhidpul uf the continuation iutluhil nuphtlitu tim 1umj 1uioui huu munh pluusure in orf ring congratulation to mis orr unl uliui to mlsu icnupp the ivln- ollul of our high hchool uhd esinxilal- ly uu thlu wuu tlm only medial awarded to u utuhnl of thu high hchnbi of thp county of hultnn murch u 1b12 mln lclhoilw th i kuupp contlnuutlou ihoiil acton ontario leur ml kuupp wo urn phnhxl to udvlihi you that jduii orr of your school was uuccess- fill lu wlmiliik tiuu of the solid sliver modal otforml by thl liugue in com- ihtltion with iitiuhinth from collegiate instuulei high und continuation hfhnos thrviiiithnut tho province hhe lu t iiltlm to murh credit for her ex cellent showing tihihhilully in vlnw of the fact ihul the mihjwt 1 one of lnut nntlnuul importance we wiuli to exprus to ymir our oon- grutulullonh unit upprtmiiallon of the excellent slundurxl of the essay re ceived from your pupils thut written hy mnry k olhhenm 1 dahervlna- or spot lul mimtlmi und the others also reflwct oretlll upon tlm writers and their toucher hy concurrent reglatered mail we lira forwurilltiif you u10 modal suitably engraved ulul would usk you to have it preueutod to jun ut sumo public function in the hour future owing to the large it umber of com- ptltolw und thu excellence of some of the esuuy hiihmlttu1 it bus hooa- sltuted tuutitf u hingtir time than an ticipated in duoltllng thu name of the winers the remedial suggestion and the broad conception of the essay sub mitted in commotion with thl 00m- jisltlon on tho uuhjnct of ireventlng fire in the hum und koctory re flects great credit on the splendid and thorough pedagogic work of tho lrlnv ilpal of your continuation hchool and her stuff your very truly george k ilewls becretary thw wmnor of solid slvar modal hi tlm province urn forth collegmtn institute jessie c itlchmond toronto jury is rl col legiate institute ii p green vergu ugh hehimi walter 11 cmw klora high scho4i1 mary kennell omemee high school ithea courtney ayr con tinuation bchool lhtnithy m bchllch- ter vonulou pull continuation hctiool lcsslo it ommlm telmvole continua tion hcikmii wultsr telfer acton coutlnuutlon holimd jean orr llolton continuation liohool mil ilutton larldgnhurg continuation bchool howard tul cardinal continuation bchool mary juckson corinth copj tlnuntlon flchwil it walter stewart oelhl contlnuutlou hchnol loria coop- r munotlou continuation bchool lert huvih nn uaktmnl continua tion bchool isuirl llallagh ti1e iltiavlchtlont ol pihh in houk and factolty koch yttar tho ureat demon ore takes toll of our llfti und and property jroaporoum homou ami in many case vlllajccu ure without the smallest warning turned into heap of charred uuhes by the great lied terror the question is thun kow nan we a dutiful cltlxcns help to remove the cause of so much grief am the los of so much llfo and property t in this composition uhull endeavor to show how i think ituch a thing can be accomplished in the homo and factory respectively in the home cluunllnes u one of the rhinfjtlrtaftu nraprcvmtlon great piles of wtstervhpmilaltyympeitkhould not be allowed to uoumuhtte for a lighted match thrown upon it by tareloss smoker muy send it up in flames thu eiuluhgurlng the ivp of your loved ones ifectlvu lilmimy dues cause many urea yeuriy you wobld not feel very happy 1 you thought that ivour mg- teoted uhlmnuy llutui had been the cause of burning your own or your nelghborm house thwn be sure that youf iilihuny hum lu cleaned at least mio nuoh yfur uhd kept in perfect df ignlled muterlals uin ukuil thu smoknr wall and it lu only selnshnex on lmrt 10 uniok- whin h knowu the 14 v i hut rn lory lui viothulu uu li u lliiiiillh pilu mm l rnrtitly put y tiinl h r js11u uuty lm the bum inn- of thu whon pluul diluiteu tumid huve ull modem tvuym of tiro prvutiou vlreu urn ii luuuod hy lluhlulug th fun- lory should fur ihiu r uwm lie pio- ihi with lightning mil while ll oilily ihn niploycm pluio to wstch ml guurd ugulnst tlr nil 1 rksutlou ioul1 ih lab n by tlm owner if he his huiilnnh in this oiuihulllnii i luivn merely jtlltrd asutu of thu inuny wsy lu hlch no uli preveitte1 in the time und factory 1 suv however thut it lu the duty of every loyal cuiiurilun in do hi or hr ttut to wave d protect the country for which our soldier lu the croat war rough and which they won for uu with their blood juan ojllc acton october jf1ll km endless chain op evil it uld 1 u though hard ex- perlfim would hraod rompuualon and uithy but thut im not the esse the ptost liitolnrubhi bully i the luy rho himself i lyrunlilxht ovur by some ixxer ntrongnr luy the uluve trustl flth authority mukou tho hardest bxsk- ruiutnr it ulmout uuttiu uu if in hu- nuit nutum thnra wu an unlovely leailro to uakfl it out on others when re ourselvo bkvn uurfored unklndnea if injuutloo itut if thlu u ihn ruse it lu a weak ness whuh mhoutd lm sternly repressed if your teuoh r seem in you liewllessly i url muke ull the greutnr effort to be gmitln with thut umull brother of yours if your umploynr was exuctlng- and irrlhttlng thlu morning muko up your to lie uhiiectully pleasant anil goodhumored thl habit of pasalng ii ull unkltiilneas uml injustice to nyon you ran imposo uiion make an iiipis chulp uurferhiu wliatever you muy have undergone ut the hand of unother yet it slop with you coughs colds and bronchitis sentenced to death v laaclrjey- eiwuiutu igaiatre the greatest remedy the weald has ever known 40 ixkws for fg you can use sweet milk sour milk buttermilk or water with efigo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer r the acton cireaniery co wants 5m crates of new laid eggb will pay cuh and hieheul market iticr cream has advanced wo arc now iayini 39c have i got to itjx vou wiicru at the acton creamery co k j onk1u lroprlctor sold id achon by a t- ukovvn i can get him now on long distance i know he is in hbi office so ill call sta tion tos tat ion the cose of sales made by itatlontostatioi calls is often less than che cost of corres pondence to say no- thin it of the tlnie saved aak for oav 6ooisi j spring footwear we ituve ull our nw itprlui llmu on dlu- puy and a full lino of ofordu und ittrup frtllppeis we ulsn have a full linn of itnnu itootu und ogtfonlai und kulilmru of ull utyh a and sites call hi mid get our prlr uml ooinpur- ing quality uf good and prlcui with otht is wo know they cannot lm buttnrod unywlwro mnwcs children and ttoyh shoefl in ull slsos ut a gonl range of price we carry the famous hiirlhurt tyiovu for hll- rkpaiiung holes either ikkim1 or uowod ltublior hiwl put on ah reiki i ring promptly exooutud ul right price kenney bros mill street acton there and rteauons whv vou ought to uoc mgltin 100 p c pure paint 1 iraii uiiu of un i client imiv- rrlng rupurlty r of lh piulliy und uuuiuulo whl ilt huiuu uu jurtiit- unuru ion h r tint imro 1ultil quauantcc ws gusrntes the murtin-oen- our too per cent pur- pstnt tcpt inulilu while ull i u fw durk uhuilru that uliuot he prepared from lead or vine in he muile fioni ptinri wiiiih leu i pure oxide ut shit with rtlorlg ittutler in lroimiiuouule ipiuulltirm in oiiseury til knukn ihulr reutctlvi uliudeu ulil hill with puie uiiulii1 oil und tuieiillu ilrjnr uml in ihi entirely free from wur uuitaltn whltlna und other udulit rutimiu und ob id subject to chamlcsl analysis the martlnbenour co ltd regulam colons fjulloi xxo half tlullou 2xs quart 140l ilolu b0c llulf lints 16 thu itond hajtowaiti co im phone 1012 qoelph j this stores pojicy to represent goods cy- ctly as their quality to bell to thoxa efho know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you sat savage co jeweuers goelph ontario if you are b a house hani or akxy ouher llulldinff laif or small w solicit an opportunity to furnish pricm on anythuuf or hvcryuung in our line including nails hinges locks glass putty paints oils cement roofing carpenters tools we dp bleating plumbing eavetroughing and electric wiring is a specialty with us j w kennedy son kennbv im0s oij stand main street acton phone 95 grand trunk jtf the double track route ttexweeim montrcal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlilna oar bervloa bleeping car un eight trains au parlor cars on day trains vull information from any oran trunk ticket rgent wo m hornby olstrlot vassenger agut toronto il h0lmr agsnt acton ont fas r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 peed oat wuter wult xluson m how can a horse work best gnnoriitlon of home users have fol lowed tho uld njcthod of liar n basins them using s nlugte houvy strap of a oouur uround the horse b und thence luick to tho wagon or urlf the press untitml weight of tho burden thuu fell upon the unlmul ut otve point or at best ujl uround htb nook this still i tho ordinary mnlhod ami ull buriiuseem nm made with buoh memiuof ulturhlng the imrneas to tho homo uiut the horwo to hlu burtlen j c b icuhlor fntm houth africa bus luvontott a form or harness thut tuurhtui tho horse ot uovoral liolnts over the unlmul n body but little pres sure being put tin the ttnlinuls shoul ders 1uds ut tsliost shoulder and luink protect ull spots where rubbing might cause soreness buavy strap firm y grip the horses body und hlndj uuurter so thut it really pull with it strongout limb not it weukent u heretofore one striking quality of the new uplutratu is thut the harder the horse pull thu more irmly this hurnes throw hi weight upon the road or pavomeiil ilo is lusa upt to ullp hi whole pull being downward and forward at the sumo time already th new oqiuptnont bus iwun tried out hy tuiavy usora of animal traction exjimss compnnte und dthnrs there 1 no ouentlon tlmt a mora humane and more usnrul luvrntuuilnif method will tie the result uf audi ex- perlmanu tnkln tho plaoe ol the in- enabtlw mackwtmrlns form now usraa on a cold hiornlug when your lire will not burn a lit tin kerosene or gaso line i a great uld in trtlng it but it 1 ulso a great ad in starting a lurge nre it i thou not wlb to take much a risk where u uttle patlsnos will prevent ao much destruction matches should be kept away from amull ohlblren they huve no cuncep tlmii pf the liarm which can be done with a match it 1 thereore your duty to keep them from committing an act which would boraratted deep- ly in after ycura llounres are thu cause of many of our groat flreu children in tho eager ness for the blusu muy press you to light the tiro now or ullow them to do tui no mutter how windy the day you muy grow imputluitt with the children hut do not give in a spark from your bonfire muy leavo some family home less think hoforu you give your con sent to the lighting- of a bonfire i shul now doul with thu prevention of lire in thu fuottiry in the factory ugaln clean line play un important pnrt in tiro prevention no oily waste should ha permitted hurt bociiiisa it muy at uuy time take tiro und bum down tho facty tjie timployne should be made to feel his lmportatitw in fin prevention iiv should lie muile to realise what it would mean lo him am his children ir tho factory should behurned whero there is much night work to be done un extra shift nhoud 1m put on many nro could hnv been prevented had not the poor workers been too tired und aleapy to pare hmnklng nhoufd not bo allowed in tho lattory osjwolauv whttra rmtuy why vvny uo ioriridpf tlrea fiicreahln in popularity aknoiur our eubtomero7 l why are we bo cntnuhlauuc about lartridko timt und why do wo atrongly recommend ihem to you7 because in actual service lariridko tired are demonfltratink ihelr bteauiess what we have seen and heard about theflo blurdy handbuut tlrefl convl ncn un that for allround economy they re unsutpaflbed 1ejrtiidce tireri are not only ubhtantlaly reduclnjr mile- use ffwf bu fhelr ruined weartrui tiuulitles eliminate frequent partridce tires gqmeas their nqtne whx apfoitd you comwjttb satisfaction a quantity of fek0 cohn and oil cake just received flouu feed nouval bran and siiobts feed floub r noble ltd hi h aw ma shoes slippers rubbers sputa for 1922 williams lima been serving yal for over jorty cmm with hh reliable goods they havo alwayti imeaseel try hla stock attain thl year for practical results w williams mill street acton m fred ffuow ohildrbn ory for fletchers c a 3t oria dsjja v