rkm a wht jvttjkii x fortycovontli your no 42 3 00 jifllt ybak acton ontario thursday morning april 20 022 i3e6 u tlnltmu htatich slnjilo copicsvflve cents thic methodist chubcii acton 11 it m tlm mliiluttir a an ji m mumbiy hihool sut n ir i mlnlhur hub hut thtflutlt ruiiiiiiiiiidiiihiit thou ilhiill not kill you ainu invitian cowm r mufskytknlan knox church acton mlnlelr rev a c gtawarl m a mumm willow htreet hmllvfclcll 11 u it tin mlh lut dm huhjet t ufa llnrvlro 1 p in thu mliiluuir huhjetif lf liivdmltiiimt mummy tlrhonl und illblu cliti iilm i ut nt s the guild monday oclock htruiigor lauvlug mid roue with tit uuhur will ho nulled upon by the wnr atlfc aum coimiamy invjtiop ney advertisements wanted wituhlng to do ut home apply to h artoti o qai1uen plot wanted a plnco gioutul in or nir the inwu wanted fur mil inning apply iox 40 anion 1 o 3htf ror bale mod roughrout cottage linn icuuy term c 1ioimi2h hox b70 anion for bale young durham grado raw dun to calve anll 37 apply i a hydia 2 mile weut ut aotoit on auelph ltd to rent nino roomed ho turn will ultuuted immediate ioemlon- apply to it j lcioitlt ihono 30 aoton out chevrolet 4w for bale completely nvurhuuled new whlnnl hettry hmell payment and bnlunoo on euey term apjly hox u v n ireu office for sale n in rikmt clnuu onnditl lcmne avonne a good lot ilrlok li ulttllltod i uixxt value for qnlok mtti apply to n j lcmim iminno 30 anton 0i furnished rooms 7 purnluhad rimiiit for unlit hoy- keoplitg aluo nicely ftirulhod parlor bedroom a nuuntlty of walnut rnrnl- tura plntureu ht for uulu apply hox ib hroo 1rou ollloe pasture for cattle b0 narh nfgood puwturn tor oiiltlfl plenty of grit nml lot of wutnr vor particular apply o oiiah dallvlolju iot 38 3rd lino lcutuchtng ilute mr tonuldmuuu irrm 433 card op thanks mr oliver coou loitlrim lo thnnk thom wlio wm mo kind to ir nml imr family duhmf imv ntoutit lllntut tin vory taniclbla mnnr1ii whlnh thl klnilnen wuh nxirfiutil will ulwayri m nrutnfiilly rtiiombureil 1 wanted fijimtrttsioml oporatorri on ittillw wultm ttml dhhboi working rondl tlonn unoxoollocl in citiiuilu hlglnirtt wttb liultl itoiirtllinf iwnihud uaourod aluily i th colonial wlillowour co ltil 413 guflliili ont for bale ono not comimltntf uniilfm miiltatila for butahnr nh or ttroaory utorn will wo lull nit iiikii um 20 ttiu in tcoad mialr au tliny mtoncimrly now iv drnmonttomtntl will ull ut a l-cimon- nbl lirico aiily hox d lrt irohh inlco farms for sale st every nl in tho countlom of ton and wellington it you want to buy or noli a farm uo u iioimm in nvary quartor of acton soma nt attrootlvo iprloon for quick aula wi utm to i lean o yon v x a bmltir ileal icatntn aijailt talaphoim 19s mill bl a wullaoa ave private bale of household goods etc table anfa kuobait diipbounl obot of irani bod room wvitto jnnttronnou drlri canned fruit 1 hat nlii1i bnrne apply tn n u cecum 413 milt mtreat in guelph at macdonalds comprehensive selections in floorcov erings window draperies ainiu wallpapers y ilrlcf im1o almiitach itm would draw attention to these tuclu that wollpapeni are clown fully onethird iwlpw hmt ueauanti tltfurert nnd that tho new coloring and color blend- infih thltl scaaon are notably bttractive hint uuif ioorcoverlnri have lecii cut ualn and naln until prlccm are niw down to tho bottom runjf of the ladder splendid valuefl for thoae planning for refurniflhinjf thin ueason that window drapcrlen include wonderful new chlntzefl and cretonneu and that beta and curtains by the pair are ahown on an exceedingly broad price bcale 19cryard up new spring apparel for women misses and children t ever faahlonablo kind of new spring wearable in the ahowlng ricea knarked to hurprlae you not for year have women been able to buy such pretty things for bo little money and no refund of fares necessary to bring you ashopping to maedonalds the value iri all in the goodn more than thac we couldnt call it a square deal if we were to lower priced even by the amount of travelling farett to nome few of our customers and dot give the ttairie price advantage to all we biujii not break faith d e macdonald bros ltd guelpfrs ijjading and labgest store weekend specials cfckamy toffees regular 60c lb weekeiuj spedal 7 49c assorted chocolates v regular 40c lb weckend special 26c assouteo chocolate baiis regular 5c each weekend special 6 for 25c bh h and hetfer for bale three oxfhn won ewah nuntltik a own in mb two monthu nidi tlva i a little unilr loo ltm nuoli boiror rulntf two your old apply to j mmiijnuiiam u ii no 4 ilmikwood lot 3 town lino lsrln towtmlilp property for 8ale- a number of farnih for oalo rankhm from bo to 360 acmd thoo two htorom on mill htroet at the corner of main utrtxit for ualtt lltmt bualnoim nornui in town hold either weparatoly jr on liloa will ha hold at a btirtntln if tnkmi nt onou alio t brick tjottjuio 8 rooniri llrut- nluiim rapalr imwlyrdooorutuil hltuutloti tlon the bent i30bo for iulok tiiile certainly u btimin r j kerr he knew itiono 38 aatou wonderland friday april 21 vfrora the manger to the cross taken in hn entirety in lasypt lld thu hi iilht a hpfclltl mutlnnn fo4tlillilren will bn held at a p m iqvory oblld in the community uliotild be allowed to eee thl- pleture nluht ner- formanno nt h p- illtcn mfttlnoo tie nnrt idnt nliflit 10o biid 27o saturday april 22 the tlonn mall a ttrlluti yoturp monty llunkm eomody wtlmmewh tuesday april 25 from the ground up wtur- rlnk- tom moore chapter 14 of wlnnunt of the wuht llarold lloyd comedy ginger ale mnybo you wonder why wo keep tolling you so much about tho ginger aio wo are serving at our fountain but wero just preparing you for the most delicious thirstquenchor you havo ever tried for the coming warm weather just tickle your palate wlthmhis delicious beverage now and wo know you will havo selcctedtyour favorite drink for the summer ask for and get the pea of all ginger ales at wiles soda fountain i-mill-strect- acton hwieest hydroize the home t the laundry in oyury ol on trio wired home ttlioulil be edulppeit wltb kin tnttdurn 1c loo trio wnitiir whloli biti taken the plane of the lulwirtouh ruh and ooiuh umtlioil of clduiihus olotlittm tbu hydro lolon trio wnnher 1h hold only ut tint looul hydro hliop it 1m behir marketed u part of jlydni umrvloe and to populnllctt ideetrlu thiimeut in the home u l mtvereil by the llyilio uutiruiken of uro nurvloe and nut indict km h in mi tilllnnttil niaehlini with copper tub and nolld ahimliium 13litch uwhitdiiif wrlnr ujit will bn a ploumim tn itlvo you a dnmon- htrutlon in your home hold on mmy wymoiitu if you denlro cull unt now it ut actdnhydro shop open yuesdav pllldav and 8aturdaveveninqb midlstbeist acton specials g koiim- toilet taper for 25a l htownrtm mkrmnlude id ok mio for kfle 3 lb holld v liiiit whltrt bwuiolfor ztfo go lb mj ututo tea 1 tl punkukeu with hllvor hpoon uoglllur 44 mm lloltlu hour muud iloiclee for i7vz bo 1 qunrt hottle tltfor cattnip for s9o lahetor u 1 1be lxbhter iti ilxa v 40o 1 ih pure hlaok fepner for r c4o 10 nutmnsn for so 3 cane sweat corn for 2so butter and eggs wanted cash or trade r l gregory d c russell mill st acton news of local import anothar nw raaldanoe llulldlntr tnatorlnl twin lilarml on th proimrty on mmpli avrniin in muplxliiirat tlm jtotwrt wolluon nub- riivulon whufil mr and mr lhnc murray intend lull id but thlr nw llmuc tlu ummr mualonary p0nt jtuih mxun jiiilon clrel will ulvo s mllotry lvunt itltld tnism fhr in tlm world tak h ulbhlut cliurth nliitf at eirht oaloek oomu llvr tkilieetli rt iitmtuy h vary body brmpton end the town werknrvefi hmlmlcm town cnuurll dtwrlilod to i tlm wnirm of tho town nmployeim at airl niul tb- liun working on 0 mtrrtith htniiik work the itoad com- ttfn illl ut mayor j h lteek iv wurr t ii unklllop end w ilmtty at a um lul iinxtlntf dtlltd uillmrn to tin linw ttiiilo um jm t the dam lvh11 tlm lo wen off valry jjk t wimik thorn w quit u hurry ut i mill dum for a duy or mo tim lo id up ut tint overflow upron arid tlm illicit wutnr lieauu to work a uinit- 1 tlnouifh a fw load of sruvnl riimwdlml thu mnttwr untl tho rtlln wuu pllot1 tbioush tn the erk lxtllw eljpundloo the movie bulnm mr 1u 1 oratory who haw ma do uii u mucosa of the moving picture tttnrprlhe in avion and flnorxatown durinif tlm year he tu teit oixrbtln m huw dixihlod to imn now tlimatre ititrkwimiil and icrin tli inoplt in tlnhu vlllucne mn reet uaeured they w wall anrvad mr urcjrory bd til 11 iijtpnrltince to atitlafnetorlly ohiruta hi ebowif and hie illcrnmiit in th liirtlon of fllitui biwrmittm uubjoetu u clmruetor aboyo the uvotngn nalaon farmer oat into lin there urn now thrw earm ioaji atmnolatlonrf in hi oounly num 1 cwiu ami ntiutati the third huh ik ortiwnlsed in nnhmm townhlp lut wuuk tho follow i n- urn ut olllo- lreldtnt ii m ittlt vloe- hldont jt ii hbephartl dlrxxitor v la hpaiimij muiilelpallty dlreotore o ifl cluatle and c 10 wood oovtirnment nirvottiru it it lnoinlna ii h a upt m alton ttecmturytreuaurer lorhort ruvldeon the aaoclutlon i iow tvtdy for bualueaa tr sriioe in st alberte chureh the htrvlee in lit aumne church in coed wlday und tcaetar thundy wore very wall attendml the dhurflb miiiu biuiitirully d 000 ruled by tbe olru w a nruriy tbrm time an ly um lnt year roelved tlielr oom- inuulon tlm orfurlna umountnd to ovor 100 tlpealul credit- le dua to hn choir for thalr exeelleift renderlnr f the ohnrul aervlrva ineludlne tlm itiitliem the rector u to be oon- icrtitiibilnil on tlm heurty ireeponee ulvu by tbe conn rkmt inn to hu effort anathar craftamena ravarle we ruiiitt pick up tnw acroh vane hku und we nlwuy plok it up when it ruutili till ordoa without oeelug- in imtiwluutlon tbe hand of mr ii 1 monro in vvvry itnih hie ieritullty for yeure breath throuith nvnry puruuruph und put color and a life thorn thuy would not btherwue have bad lie haw laiomn extant itlidruwn from tbe ion if hour with the ivenoll and tbe liaute ixit hut it will he many loner riuye yt wo hope before hn foraakn thehi ultokotbor ht maryu jotif nwl sunday sebool convantlon naxt month the uiuiual convention lf the toffn- hhlp of icuiiuemlno hundny behool aueoolntlou will 1 bold in kno churoli on tuemluy may s3 after noon uiul eveulnr worvtce will be held at tho uvnnlnv aeealon it le expected but dlthor jlevt rr trevor jin vie t the metropolitan mot hod bit chureh r hov ir mdtfeoii who tbe huiiduyhcliool leeaonu for the olobe whl tiitdramn thn humlay hohool wyrk- acton will klve tlio delecatee to the convention a cordial welonme mans oerylee in knek chureh itjtht buudny ewiilner tho men of ic110k church oonaredjatlon took char of the ttnrvloo and very creditably car- lied out the varlouw purte of the mr- vloe mr chaa k parker lad in pruyurj mr uorbort uuchto suve the amiouiicemenl mr oeorce anderaoil hhi1 uut trlpture leanon and jterwbtwnnr easter cantatas of rare merit itr acton churches thlm comniunlty waa favored with impressive eaatertlde muulc during the wek by the methodist church and knox voung people on 1oihi krlddy viiliiif thu bolr if um mutbimllht church riidrd on it tho iliuut miihliml prihluotlonu they uv p nt ml for yutir thl wnu bn tttiuur oontulu tim luidmnptlon kotiir tin cuntr moiidity vvtiiilntf tlm young- optm uulld pmntd itlnn whlnh wu rendur- tl by tlm choir of lit andrew- church luclpb thn motbodlt ohojr woe vrpotntl with pl lid mudhmu on nhid krlduy imiliiif wimu they uuva tho runtatu thu kodomptlolt koiiu- tlm re wno foity vnltiu ilwilndliiif on llttlfl ufrlleu uiiia thu untlpboiiul ruhpoiiao the uuiiilhy holinol on hemtnt in full munur uiho look purt la tb pro- uruinmu tlm euiitata in ifftctlve duuite uolo purt uttiiu and 1 in vtn y qrfuctlva enttlntf told hi uaciud und impronslva uonif the lory of rnilkinptlou from nthmaii li tlm unlon of our lord tbe tibolr wuu uttdur thn 1oderhlp f mr a mo miion who u conductor provad lilinuolf a nkllful interprutur nf und vnry ruiiubl in hi leudarhl in t ruining ihe mnilr of bn choir hi nolo luirtw worn vary ftoatlva um worn uhto tlioe of mlaai hurtle hmlth mr ktllth muwm um hrvln kmnioily und nlt mr- ijonuld uluo tile tl untie by ml ijittu miion und uly ahwwm hu rtinrtolrn of tbe orclmjitr for ociumioii wnu lmuuiiully invrltorloiix mr mmton rmulornd u touplu of oorunt mtlo whloh wnni vury ureutly aiijoynd ilttlo mla helen oatrumur molted 1th eplmidlrt ontwct the lciitr tmiem u hi crowe of my lord at the close of hie nvonlne pro- btumma thn luutlor luv i m moyor muwm und mium brn ilrowu the plutilt to tbu fro 11 aiur 00 1 1 rut u tut i n ilium upon the nuocoiul of thn euiilitu und tluinkftur them ror ihnlr vubmd uorvlce mln itrown wu rmnntud with a lmukt of ltuiitlful mmiu uud tniiikimrlt und mr m 11011 llh a hum of monoy lloth ruoi fully kiimuhh1 tlmlr ibunku for tbe rwco- liltlon apd uuld it hud 1m n a plaaaure to imrform tlmlr runpttotlvo purt for ry momlhir hud faithfully und loyal ly el von tlmlr ukultttumm mr muwon ild it would ho u pleumiire for him to mil ovor the gift rucclvod to tbe neanrer of the orcheidru tbe cantata wan reptmtnd 011 icuuter hundny uvmilinf at lhoiflnliir church rvlov uud wuu ynry apprnprlutu to the ocrunlon the hunter monduic muulcttl uveuliiu 1 knox church contributed by ut alldrww church choir of uuelph u enjoyed by ajarno luidlonce jev a c ulewurt m a oijenetl the prooeedluih with icuuter uc rip in ro ualnctlonii uud inlrodiidod the choir the ii rut part of the projirumhn wuu dnvotad lo thn reudnrltiu of the uphm- illd eontnta the itemurreotlon thlm wait un hnpreanlve icuuter mmiue und wu tnout effnotlvoly rouilorotl by the choir the uolou were ukllfuliy titkeu by mr hamilton mr jnbuittou mr lartrldiio und memuru 1lnldlnu und autd the ranluta ihniubhout wum uted in u manner whltih reflected iful preperutlou and upluinlltl icul ahlllty on the purt of the thirty tuemlier of fit andrew church cliolr who iiurtlclputed the linoond unction of the programme u dnvotod to eoloh auurtolteu uiid ii tern ry number mluu lloherteoii fiprlntf and rvhiumded to un with iidluu iove hon ml oalr mmlared a melody and coun try tiurdvn mr itirtrtdga followed with what hi thn air today and flood morn in hiother ftunuhtne the choir male quartette muaera kniib julld icvuuu und mold uunif lieep lllver and mr hamilton cuddle doon mr john btruchati save a couple of hi humorouu roud- d mr u i id uuhk there lu no heath thn laat number wuu kivihi by tho choir tho man of harlech the nccompunutu of tho evening were ml jtjkule hill und mr ituymond murtln ttt andrew churun may well feel pilde lu ihft excellent inimical ublllty und ukllful luteriiretutlon of their choir their ehnrtmoh their uolo number their iiuartetto ware all rendered with dullahtful technique melody and artl- a c buwarc the mlnlatur cave uplendld eermen directed pertlouurly to the younjf people tle clolr w comiuimeil entirely of men and mr juttm ho we tho a 000m pen let tin hrvoe ihrourhout wan a moat inter eutlnif uud enjoyable one and wa ut teiidoil by a lurx eoncrejentlan th meple buawrseeeoii over quite different fom tbe expeetetlnnu ut the outwot of th operatlojie thn muple kukiir maker found the maaeon thl uprlnjr much bettiv than the one numlier of farmer retnxt that the tniuilmum production of kill ion of maple eyrup of the requlreil flovtininifliit utenderd to each three timiu tniped wu fully realised under proper ooudltlon of nvaitoratlpa or holhliff the nuullty throubjiiout w vrry htitlhractory with tho price prevullltib the maker reuimml neat tluuiicliil revnntieut thiv tlmo of the ytiiit when otberwlee work i rather uluok in thetprocom of maliufaetur hownynr in kntherlpfe the mi eveiwir- utliik i on ir unxlouk hour and aeneral condition thuy arn fully all they miike out of thl uldallnn ti furmln- stundlnu up for h town jril muckonlc ctialrmun of the oiioiantown lnbllo hotiool lttmrd h hiul it iii for 1 tbe depurtment of kdll- outlim for u yur iqvor ultioe acton indvui u niipplementnry errant of 11000 u0 luut ummer mr muokenale hue been ilolvjntf into fuut ami lifuree to umoertahl why oeoriremwn errant ily ulhiut floo00 1 ha hud no objuotliiii whatever to anton resolving tho itraut for antonl lift hrt love uud hi interest here urn jut aw iirout u in 3oie town but he want thu wchootu of hi udoptiid town to h un wuiiereuily treated by tho kducntluii hapartment a thoee of it nelshtkir john mtlrred up a numbor of hohool ipiirdn in town of 1000 or over and hciidud thorn a a deputation to the timetliiif of the ontario educational amhoclittlon ut toronto thin week a 11 rcatilt 11 now interurtan truatoe aloutolutlon wu ortfunlkea tn co- oper ate with the preeent uruun truuteee aemoulutlon with tho object of w- curluu fulr treatment und etiultable dltitrltiiitloii or nupplemantary crant and john h muckauxle j a member of the executive of the now aaaoclutlan john pjanernliy net there when he unrturuikeu ifl do it the young ieopto oulld of knax church rnrtulny provided the lietiple of acton u rare mtiuloal treat when they ensured hi atitlrewn choir for tater monday evonlng htith church p wera tautefully decor- utwl with lcaater ulleu and other tlnwer and plant the highway to come down mill street wad the sentiment expressed at a meeting of citizens in the town hall tuesday evening mr smith anp mr qreoo of depantment pnesent the meet in callnd for tunaduy ovtmlng by thn llv to dlainim tho renin that tho cltlonu of acton wtrti dlroiiu of ittivlng tli 1rovhinlnl ii la i way tuku ihrouuh town wu wll utimiilntl mr ffmlth of th heiuirt- inont of 1umlo hlhway uddroaautl the niontluu uud uimwnrnd all quo lion put t him hi rotfurd lo io tf mr crvtfk thn relliiit uiialnuur of th lllahwuy tn thl motion wu uuo pieuunt in tho coiirun of hi rtiinrirku mr imlth hrotmht ojjj uavurul trlklng eotnpurlwonw lu thvevnth llim nmtn und tho propound olintk lino routu from fjporitoww th clinck lino to i iiim uud a iiurter mile louuor w oud dnul of uttlntf would nnoeury on thn ch k una and uldnruhl of tbl wu in rook the relative oout for u icraval roud of 20 foot width wa ii oadoo for the chuck u uunluat igiooo for tlm ueunth th grade on iurt of the ofmck line wr ulmoet lmpoalble for trufho lihd whu the roud wuu iavd would wriouly handicap truwo that thl read uhnuld uooommihtuta tlm iln- partmuut wau thnmfore not ut ull ioun to build tho roud by any but thu mflventh hun route in rnifurd to tlm roud no lug through anton und the routo it uhnuld tukn ral intimirtant point wm brought contrary to un imprnuhion that hud len uhioud lu town the liurtmant hud not coiiuldered going on tho north uldo of the oimud trunk railway track uud joining up ut thn main htrl rrouulug bill rvmnhlered mill htrnet a the only foaulble route for imtng through thn town und up if i it mtroat to thn truck the only objec tion lo putting the hluhwiiy down mill direct hint mr hmlth could uv wa thn rnmovul of coopnrm tailor hop ut theflmrnor of mill uud mulu itrnntu nod tlilu ho thouaht could 1m eiiully ovoroomti mill btreit wu 34 fuut wide i nit wo 11 volew which wa ueh wldnr than tlm torontohamilton hlghwuy whero thu highway want ugh iort credit it wa only 10 wldn und be had heard of no on drawback or ucchlontu ut thl point the muttnr of building u uuhwuy or overhetid brwt ut the mill htreet ohhiuh lu apparently not on the plan for the prvhont it wuu thought liow- r thut guln and u watahmun would llknly im put 011 ut thlu point the cout of thl uufiiguurd would have incite hettltml for by uomn future ugroe- it between th town the dipurt- t ami flm rnllivuy bin went ion of thu highway lie- tweou floorgntown und acton uenmntl lo lie thu only uirt in duputu cou- uctu buvo lteon let for the grudlrig 1 the itouth ulde or the g t h for four lieu uiul work will im ulurted in u couplo of week the hrampton to flnnrgetown uectlon of tho work wilt uiho he gono on with ut onoe the ouelph to kitchener grading will im htnrtetl lt one uud the roud lu well under wuy uu fur au conlruot ivolng t uu fur u fit rut ford in reply to u tjunry ofwhat unrt of top would lie put on the road mr hmlth ututed that ut tbe preeeut jut the nort of lop neceiutury tn carry the traffic will bn miuiled whcrn a gravel nctltm lu nnoowuury thl will thn uort of covering und whero concrete lu iieoeueury that uort of roud- uay will he built uiul un on a the inihlneuh inypl of mill btrwit would lm the mout vitally nrfeoledby the highway coming down mill tltrnet it wu doc id od to give thorn u ohunca by u utundhlg vote to nxpreu if thny wore favoniblo lo thn mill htroot route und tlio preunnt wore ilargely in favor of thl routo through town a vote of all thoae pmenut wa then taken und tbe meeting wu over whelmingly in favor of thn highway coming d mill htreet a fttw jcuhio audaraoii nmnt luyu in ouolpb luut wk muu murguerlln htewurt of milton um intro for thn holiday mihm dlara ijinl i upending icuuter 00k with toronto friend tirt the acton athletic association hold thalr annual meeting at th 1 club roem lt thureday evinlnu itut tliiirutbiy evening thn acton athuitlo auuoolutlon u their an nual meeting uud ulectlnn of ontcnr ror thu coming yum- mr a o t unurdmorc tbe ireuldfiut prealded over tin proneetliiig thi election of near ruhillted uu follow hon vrwddniit 0 w heurdmore lai 1rvildont a o t ueaiilmore lt vleeiniultleiit oeo hyiidu hr 3nd vlntiireuldenl j clurkd heoruturytiouuurer j wood howling committee w j anuld n xlclhmuhl o hyudu jr mht m neuon mr h arnold tennlm committee b mclnlbeh a h uuiirn n ii ouriluii mium a clarkn ml l oroy quolthig committee u uenliott jt mnekle n mcnubb bortul commitieo mi w j qouhl mr i u hhnrny urn 11 arnold the iveuident uimke ut fetigth on vurjou mulbru ooniieotml with the cluvepec btlly n lo fen untl mem- lirrahlli it wu dneldedjtn letivn thu fee uu they urn and unit u drive be made ror now mainour n uiijoy the privi lege that luemhnruhlp in thl club unfordu t the eabtertide visitors were here in numbers quito a few citizens hpent the holldaya at outside tolnhl the weather was charac teristically april- smiles and tears mr joo icoittimr vrq t jdllton over tlm holiday itev mr tylcra farewell f k tyhr nun ludv hi tit lh lluptltit chuih btut ivilihil with ulndly win kpr ml of i thuh of ir nil 1 uld d mm whlu limy would loili tlmlr piliyxr for ituitiud to thn throng 1 wuu ho mo fro 1 11 hurst 1 upniidlug tin 1 up from tor- i wlggiiim ii holiday if toronto wuu mlu harbor a 1lunk horn from jlcton for the holhlay mr hoy- hum ley of toronto wu home ovr th wnnknnd mr win mcnuhh und iluu jele trn hern from toronto mr char hi mcleod of toronto wtia homo over tho weekend mho mlit no llh hyiolu of toronto upent iduy nt her home hare the i mr tt ifl htmith of toronto 1 lulling mru wm johtmtimo mr mid mr john tliomaw of auelph wore with acton frlnnd wm plunk returned lut week rolil hlu uphng trh to quebec dr w q c icennoy wu home from metllru colli go for thn holiday r o iowlu ih uimndlng thn holi day ij ut hi home ut a lea crulg mbt mao a mndmu vlltwl friend toronto over the caater holiday mr norm nn momurchy wu up from hrumpton for a duy or u thl week mluueu kttlo und myrtle hill of toronto wore homn over the holiday mr aiiutlii held of ht rut ford apent the igniter liollliiy ut hlu home here mhtu i nihil mcniveii of toronto vlulted ut her home nvar tho holiday mr mid mr it 1 or inutile upunt icnuter holiday mr hoy drown lu home from tor onto unlverulty for the icuuter holl- duyu- mru ii kltcluinur week i mr deorgo ilratidow of hamilton vultcrt iii harry molkinuhl on itut- urlay muavhuiedley 0 itlchard latndling ih the gftont of her friend mr hllaunll frepahia sold the warren properly on mill htmet roiimlutlng of the hrlok reuldonc und lot owned by j m varron ha been hold to ii h wlluoii auo the brink ruhldonro on 1 lower avenue owned by j a mowat hu luien uold lo mr 1utnum of huttnuvllle hale went inudu by it j kerr serum te prewant pnauttionlai there will be practically no ileuthu from pneumonia when the new werum ftohie into general nj uooortllug to dr a w cowan quthrle of ion- don bnglund who auyu he hn made thl wonderful dluoovery br guthrie uuy experiment with hlu aerum in llrltulu uud tbe unit htute ulrnw that pneumonia oun lie eliminated from the hut of duugcroiiu dh he lu expected to glva the detail of hi dluoovery to the hoyul colonial illntltut iii a fnw iluym helton deanery meellntj next week tho anglican ohuroheu of hiillon will hold u ieanery inmitlug lit ial- eimtl on monday und tueudwy april 24 and sb there will he a big oon- ference of huuduy holuuil workoru lu the afternoon of tilouduy tho upiuk- eru will he ituv o hilrgeu ihownn m a hector of ht ilurnuhuu toronto itev w 0 ttohertuou m a hector nf ht thomntt churoli ilutullton ltv a w telilw hurllngton uud itev j newton hmlth of rulormo hurul heun o v cooke of milton will prvhldu mreoraflory hoada chippewa cemmlalon w i oregory 1c c ofoukvlliu who luut week eompletetl hi work a chulrmuu of the commlnel pointed to liiveutlgutd the hrantford 1ollco couit trreguhiriteh lu hit chulrmuu of the uowlyuppoliitut hoynl coinmlnlon to protiu the hydro- 10 trio chlppowti work hfu uuo- ioh urn m j hiinoy bunk director allui itouu onglneur iloyd iiurrlh ireulttnnt huuueu motor cur co untl a hon 1imt prewhhnit of the langluuerhig iliutltute of ciinudu d mr win vuiinormuii 1 ouelph wore icuuter vhltor hunduy icindor 1 1 froni iiptu oin lutnly on an kuntor thl fumw11 dumnuo wuu uu leuuugn illti inxtwuu uelaet- jirll 1 lu jeuuu tuliln ulld lu tlm mldut und unlit unto thiiui bo uotj you chrlut upxiurd 111 iii ilbitllploh ton 11 thn dl hud uulutoiitloiudly burred tlio umilimt chrlut it lu eiiuy for u 10 abut ihe dooot on chrlut toduy tlnoilgh imlng itbtolikl with huullma run iniitrilul urfulru or through ur of tlm oyti of dm peolti it hi u vnry uud thing wlmn a llfo lu hiirrod iiguluat chrlut chrlut toiild not bo ubut out rrom thut uppoi room hi ik onto tlm uiuivollublo clirlut lu uplte of buiinl 1i0011i of tbo imnrt whlln din divliv footulopu follow our hv111 on down throtmh tho yeuru yet hn never forreu hlu entruiico into tlm heart hut when pnrmltlnd to dike up hi itliodo tlmre ho luvuilubty bring thorn i ho aurterlnb etiuul to that cuiiuuil by tbo kuowledgn of imhik uomehow wrong with ood or out of tun with the iidlulto chriul purpouo hiro to- lay lu to bring ptutoe to ourli bmit au cbrut ubowed hu dluclplnu hlu victory ovor h uud hlu iwiwur to bring peace ii individually un peitoe romi to imnrt tnduy only thitiugh imr- titct how mn wn gut thl 11 ulmplo truut aoctpt thn vork of chrlut uud by faith pouro7 nululmd bollevo uervlrn hud mimic la i 1 tu r bar a llulik uung nilfil by hit hrotlmr ud ilnv mr tylnr on i mru tyler ut the itul fnutllrt uiuu uolo ilccoiol clitimtnr 1lunk vlolliiu un wpau thorn wan u largo ongregiithlii and muny tender fuiewolhi were miohati lo ltv und mr tylor at ihe nloen mr tyler will on m pi o to hlu uniruo at moxlitmtor hiilverulty bo for taking uu- other rhurge hens dunning at larc2 kdltor iiiku 1iiiuw oiwr hlr ho wo luwo to u 0 ith holifhlmru hen uiiriitrblug up r miwtyptantid imtdu our rhubarb btttlu uud our flower rootu a hom1j oauoknk1l aoton april 17 103 wo a munlrlpui byluw forbid m and till other ilonmnkr fowl lielng nt lurgo lofoiit chief cooiiey and pply hi 01 with rollublo tivbhuioo thut uu are ut largo in your kiirdou uud he will utio thut the lumu are uhut up have their owners puntuhetl by luw the icdltor mr ltohnrt wnlhire upeut a few duyu thlu week iii montreal vlultlug liu brother mrcieiiter wullurtt mrhind mr family of otter jouttph ilolmeu mr und mr enjoyfthhi vlult hrnnk whunmh nnd vlllo vhlt id with mr itowor aveniiu vtiry humley huil u hundny from mr nd mru kl ijntl of tin onto mr clnoge murray imu been run- fliied to tbe hnuuo for 11 wnnk or un with uu titturk of tie grippe air uud mi icdwln miuldnok nf toronto vlulted at the home of mr juu muttlitiwu over tho weekend mrunru oeorg4klllott and chefiler o imunk were nt toronto on tueuduy nttnudlng thn funeral of 11 coiuiln here mr mid mm h i luff man wood- htock weiii linn tor vlultorii nt tho home of mr wni mcartluir unit hue ichti nj kenna list of bales thureduy april 20 c a ixiwne farm utook halupluy april 31 mru wlhleruplu houhehold erfetitm monday april 24 mr wm cilulok moffut furm etockriml linpteinentu frlduy aprll ahu it whltloy funn nlock 1 the boy and girl who build bird luiubp nlwuy liecome friend of tho brdh they never dlntuil blrda nutu nor athorwue tuinuy um bird cuun docket at helton aieliai halton upilng uele were held at milton luut wediuuduy mr ijuutlcn i4ttcliforilof torcjito prehldedt tboro tielug no orlmlnal ouuea for trlul 111 iordmhlp wuu prihontntl with a pair of white kid glove by hherlrf wwbuter there wu one olvil eue iionjijry hall vh hurllngton the plaintiff wllbett c hull of lluilinglon ololmod unntntet diiuuignu from thu towi hurllngton for the con true tlon of u newer thiiugh hlu property without hlu oonueiit ho wu awarded s4g0 iiimiige 1 guln it thu town with cmutj court coet mr ai ohllilrnll in town mr hurohl mnwnt of toronto unl verulty wuu home over the mentor hplhlay xihioh myrtlo und mary clarrhlge of toronto wur home for over tlm holiday xii mamie mulnprue of toronto 1 upending icuuturtlde ut her fatheri hohiu here mlarf olive mnwut of toronto li upending the knitter holiday nt iter home h mr nnd mru hubert wnnabrough upent tho holhluy with their duuichter lu toronto i- mr oeorgo hollo way of icverett iiauh i upending u week or eo with rrlendu here mchewell und children of hon da ik vlullod ut mr w i ilium ilututtf mulu htreet mer nell qlblunih uiul donuhl eniiedy wore- home from kitchener for thn holiday mru ioohttle of ht mury 1 vialt- inir mt uud mru malcolm mollenn llowtir avenue l mi harold turner of thn merehauth hunk utiiff vlulted at lilu home lu tor onto luut week mht muriel muuoi und her friend of llrulilfortl upeilt icauter ut tho homo nf mi j win muuon mru thitmpnoti of oetirgetowii uiteuk icnuter itt the homo of hv jdaughter mru jlojr arnold itev and mrt m moyer and mr ilpde liuvebeen vlultlug frlnnd lu toronto till weev- mlu udltho xluhltiddery tut ixuulou ujuiiit jiuitur ut thu home of mr floti agnew mill htreet xfi a muotlonnlil church htreet m rocovorhig ulowly from art aovoro lluck of the grippe mi h hei tint cook who haw been eon- html to thn bouue for name time u bb to it out again mr und mix alex hoblnuoti church llrvet loft on wodneutlay for their now home in montreal vera harvey of toronto lu upending the icantur vucutloii ut her homo on iuku avoiiuo mr lu toronto v jocelyn r duya mr jnmeu hymnn uud hov i m mnyer iittendetl tbn ontario icduca- tloiuil auwoclullou lu toionto thlu week mr und mr lutbe of t01011 the home of agnew mooro nnd jnoolyn of i ut moorotiroft for icauter lined for 11 few diiyu ho- moutuguo gregg and 1 iiponttho holiday nt mr and mm g nor no ml icdlth clover of conlutor out lu upending unveral day with her fiinlid mih fred low huevn llurber 1 now fnollng muah better he i enjoying ill leluure in pluiitlnn hlu homo guideu mnnalextinder 1ark of heaforth luiu bfoh h pending tho hnllllay with her hlutvr mr a- motavhm mru victor ouiitou and mluti muriel morrlu of toronto vlulted at the home of mr nnd mm john hntrrow hower avenue mr hohert crnlgo mlu uthol crulgu mr wuhert critlgn und mauler hoy hurr af toronto upeut icauter liotliluyn with xr nnd mm c muo- luughllu mnutor hilly milrlan of wutrord upending tlm icauter holiday with hlu grh ml pure nt u mi nud mru wm jnliiiutnue mlu hva johiiuton rehn ned homu from thetfnrtl laut week where hhe huu been vlultillg fiientlu for tho puut two innutlih mr uud mm krunk wlokluu und mlu jean of gnu were bkiuteitltln vlultoru ut thn homo of mr wm lainduhoiough mnuter krertillnuuy and mlu murlnn day ure upendhur tho ldintnr hotlihiyu with their grand pa re ntu mr anil mr yl wanuhiough mr and xfm wm tynd jr und miuh jeali of oihawn upoiit tho hnll- diy at thn homo of hlu father mr w lytul mulu htreet mr and mm huiohl h nlcklln uiul hnlhi havo come from ouelph untl lira making tlmlr homo et tbu parental reuhloucn for the preueut mm a muednuuld churoli htreet lort laut week to upend u few iltiyu lu coklwutfti miuit xtnigaiot mncdoiuihl unooinpiiuhsd her homo oil tueiiday huv mr htuwurt lert on tueurtuy morning to join mr htowtiiv al at- wood wluiro thuy will upend the week at tbo muuiio with hov v h mnlou- uld ho v- air lliiugh rvotor nf ht albuitu churoli who wuh luditilvouutl ueveiul iwy ldut wuik huu uullo reoovoied und wan able to uuhlllct hlu icauter uervloea luut hundny mr a mahnuultl of manitoba who lieu been upending the winter ut hlu obi honi hear hnrrle wan bore during the week vlultlug lit daughter mru harry muluprliee church htreet icuutor hiliubiy wan the olghly- fourth birthday of mr william an daman hlxtyulght yini ago lfauer huuduy fell on april 10 mr auiihhou wuh then uutioui he hi allll mijoyliig fnlrty good ieulth uev und mru ii itnl huiuleiii of tint cotigregiilhuiiil chinoli fluolpb uele- bruted their nllvii wedding oil monday evening a loimfrtcov wuu held at the pumoiuign anil vulued token iwnni prehouted by tho ladle of tlm chinch vi ii iijti 1-