Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1922, p. 2

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ffiljr artim 3frrr jlmh tllinmiia may 4 1qj tmiwkihq of othcnh ihl rum in w u u limn liljjiwuy i i vmihiw il mil m- v i il i in vtiht ii 1 up uiiii wlit id in in ri u t ut tlu ivmiiit in bullil l u till lir1lu llil i i i nil li- lirio 1 i i ymitb win i a f n t tmifti ilu rhituni ii tut liuu ihioti luiutclit u i unit fiiir lialrtil iml ny-v- u iltrull loo tnu t mux in tli twlllslit illiti id tilnil i uin liuhlliiu hilt lrlilu cir lilm xi whx u mint of honor willi xfi aulii- not to ilinl fault with tti wimtlmr but on lookliitt out of thu wlnlow 1 rliluy morn ntf uml miiiiiibrliit tluit luural wdlill itu comliuf honia llnt aflomoon it nully uwiiim itu though woil hml i ouuh rnlul pi- four luy thu aloud whkh huntf uvr th kllnkltut italian hud u 1ukh1 lh footlilllm not in mild mi i tiuitlii uluiwurw wbltb thn will toulit utoro 1w futuro luiuvibly off by wuy of thu ruicubir liumnlw hut u utiuily ilowmniur that filial tlio trwk ihhim harkfed ul into dry ruvliii mid brought tlw wati r ut iii rivi r duii4 roiuly naur thti urmm vulty fioun now uqi limn thn wind joined forcoit with thn ruin uml drovo th dripplm ruy uurtalli wliamvt it lllmod tlw unlunky imvnllor who hail u tact it witm wooii soaked to tlin skin no mat- tir how wiiji protiwtiml he luid thought hlnimiif in tlio pasture rattlo forgot to krni nil blood forlornly under tri burk thn bloat wajtlns t6r a lull in ihn mtonn tho iwwtplo on tint vnlloy furm watched the ominous rlsa of tin llttlo river anxiously tho in- dlmnx hud jlvon it u significant name no mu imt nos ka thn ml-tchls- knasrj hlw it ttiuah hljihwntar mark by inon if thlu konpn tip ttald oi hmw to mint hoc uu tlwy stood liri igo und wulchnd thn swift turhld curnint thut swpt uhiler it vcu answered the other rfutllntlllff rirst ut tho rlvr und than ut tlio lowdrluif nky n i don t so no sums tit a let up whan tho cloudm liana over ol lluftajo llko thut thuy vo cotnn to stay u upouhay bollyt tho hnmxo flkuro rinhln tor kulmoi on tho rivur inunthl wiki bu bo tie kit heap buuytuim- 1llnv mnww tho b ilu wuu true urapbuu ifftix clouitt iluns to tho hump of oht iturulo ami tho ruin swept down in hu hhjh- wutor murk wwt tduchod longt baforo iioon pajyoil tho stoop honk of tho river wuro undarmlned und rayo wny plungintf troflji und hruba into tho ruolnir curront thouo barricaded narrow pluce oandlnn tho yallow flood croeplnir crawllnk out over field and pastures parmer drovo their cattli to tho higher landm and wero ready to follow with household stuff ut tnoraent notlco l novur saw huch a ntorm aald urn anho an sho stood on tho porch in tho uftnrnoon wo wont moo our klrl this waek father hardly- tiaa mr asho flho ntuy upnountsln ovor bunday tockon i thoro seems to bo some oxcltement down by tho brlds mrs asho shad oil liar eyes to get u better focus on uio dutuot scene there isnt why father there ian t any dancer of the brldse stolnjf out is therot itlvors pretty hluh was the dubl- omi answer water was moat oven with uie floor o tho brtagtt when wns down thero this monln mrs aslio looked boyond tho sroirp of man near tho end of the brldsr why father i con t seem to see tho brides tho approaches on either sldi aro all rlsht hut in between ut asho kuv- m wwlft and startled klanoo tho mtddlo span none motherl tho waters running throush like u mill rncol ifut up mountain who to lurvl aniio was toodiliik her first term of school the trouble of uie valley folk were only rueuhod at it had boon n wet week tho dark firs and hpruca had wept for days it jmd boon hard work to keep the little schoolroom choorful with so murh uloam outsider laurel was heartily ictad there was only it wet rid or five mllo between her and the litlbilde oottaso where father and mother wore waiting for her where thure wero rod kvranlumu xrowliitf in tho window u yellow oat asleep on his cushion ueulde tho nropluce she uoiit lier sturdy young- morni- tainoers off with u reminder to no ntnuffht homo and bo sura to ho on flm monday monili with hi iln 1 ilhl 1 1 i tl i ii t wlvlnif it i mi xtrn ii v t mllou i 1 l if wfli rlfly l jim lorny liomi huh wili h tltt nillioni l k4ttliiiii wnu on t thu iniiiiiif ilu ii- hldi i lo it witu niif tntw diinui i oil i hut 4xi l i t r iiiiki bin uiiy ovi i u nli or win i 1 ulli ovr in u ul i iu in pin k h itii in hlu youth in r riiti thn dl if ii i of th e before mudo prupuration for tho rdo home wot it was pound o be und sho mount to make it us brief ujf possible hiia went to the loan to where she kept her ridlutf horso syidays und niount- iiuf struck out into the pebbly roud a cull made her chock tho reus mid tflance round j- teacher i oh teacher wultl a moment later sho cuiurht sjht of llttlo mr torroy who llvod on tho ranch just tieyond her board injj placw hha was run nl ns tnwnnl her wtuinbllnc brtiathliin i in thuukul you ro hero oho cr itu tlio baby lies awful sick mrs lluunlnuo ntnylntf with him ills fathers away und the doctor mys her uyou told what tho doctor haxl said oh mr torreyl laurel roudy symiiathy 11 hod the throo words with tneunlnir what uu j do for yi7 what uan i dor fcr answer the mother held out t slip of im per if youd ride round by the dap uml send this tolorum she said muybo maybo jim could itot homo in time its awful weather and its out of your wuy out a it anything muttered sold laurel us she tucked tho bit of piiptir in thi pocket of bur rulnooat til end uie wire for you mm torrey never fear and dont lvo up hoplutr maybo the doctors mistaken about llue jim poctors aro sometimes you know ana mrs imuinlnc splen did with boblos i3f only his father was home if ohok d tho other thy lov moh other ol v flm torroy ill do my beat to cot htm here sold tho teacher simply hhe shook the rein over tho nock of life impatient nipper rctt sntmy wuy l hu 11 ii r ii nioi i limjr ft kiiiiii 1 ilin i fr thi niluhty iriinuu ly flit ir own wtlulit r ii on niimum ink tho low ixiiuihu iliiult 1 inr nit dim i iiiiihr tlmm i ul lu tlimi hlu illuiiiouuv 1 ut tho lixmr on u w win tf whli h uirvd t o uu ii if u lion a loiinly tnloiiuip omirofi r ulm ilnyni mouhim wvmi uml ril opi in 1 thu door for loir hlw ttict iillvn uilh uiirirlnl uiirlonlty it huiild tyinputhy uu 1m n ml thu hrli f iimu iiu iiiimk who dwell in ullmit phimii liuvu dtwlr huirtx 111 hi ml ft rlht off h uull wlun luurel nrtcd haiito tlmm u u trulb up ut d id jll iuii uit thut him if liirnid to hlu muclilii but look i 1 up mil i uu ijiurt i trolliil off dilyn tho troll as ho uuw tint dlr atlou h took h run to tho door mid shouto uoiik ihliu ufii r hi r hut whut he no lit wuu drowimd in ihn cluttir of klptmrn lioofu mi tlio utonou id no lilci uli i wan ifohik on down tho vulhy ho uuld with look uu hu took up thn tneu 1 uiluli nut tliitt ii john aiihn m klrl i lo r wuy imini wnll uotttnboily ii ill hrr ulwuit tho brlduo bnforn uhn k tw to it i kiinwi ind tuko imr in for thn tiluht lohixly wuu uhronil on tho trail uu ijiurol rodo down the wluillns path hu ruin bud atoiiptl but thu wind whluh swvpt thnnikh tho nonce hud thn i hill of thn uppor uiiow iark i if nil full mwlftly um is tho wuy of the ttionittuliuj tnurl ihd hnr liiud low iiiiulnut thn icy wind unit tulkod to nipih r to ki p up hi r own spirit not vory muoli furthor old ft mow hn mill only u uttlo way lo hoinn und thn folku wultlnif on tho poroh a hot mipimir for hm und mi uxtra uuart of out for you nlppovklnu thuruu tho iloiiit iliiu wuro only two mlliu froto thn rivi r now chmr tip nip worn ulmout thro it urow tivur lurktr laurel oould lint her horue s head much in tho trull under hlu foot but she rn nitimind urtuln udvlre of bor fatllor und kept from gultliitf ialoky if you ovii- n lii a tight plaro and don t know whut to do uivs nipper hi heud and liavn dm imioum io him nippurs got extra uood horso uonso tuko your tlmo nip uhn said luavlns the rwln uhiimi upon hi nook vou vo uuver fullml yet und you m not ffolnk to immln in your old uge nipper went utuadlly on throilwh tin blacknimut uplumhlnic through pool o water or utnpplna to una side to avoid obstacles while iuurel won dered whether liuttlnct or keener ulirhl liuldtxl him lroiinntly she hnanl t vol on of tho river in the distance u harsh un 1 thrvutenlna voice very dlf fnrntit from thu ordinary chatter ol tho mlsrhlefmukur the river croiuj uuld she woll tio thnt mlu to carry rlvor is home luurel heard nlpporri hoof strike thn approach to the bridge and was thankful tho wild watrldo wum ho nearly over but why did ihu bors utop midway t flit away old fellow bet away she ituld uslnir tho phraho which nip si milbtooj- planting of the vljqetadle gaitohn ifh i mill i f of uio nly right in tin i i inl wl tlio wuxth lu ii til imigi- of liijiulni ilu l mil il uiki up ut if tint lioll hi if tiktuio ivoikliitf uhllo lo niolit will ntliuu i run h r tho tnll on iiiwvi tj o tur h ii in lor to i uhoul i 1 thorough in i i uu in hi on lliiu till y grunt ii iu i tlh if lump fy th iiiltivithl gu uowliiir tin u vry ijpofl u will dupt ml fullui unleii w ro ihlulii thn iniikiuiiiiii uin uny urn ili n t lu iuidii iupoy uui rouuloiml iouliigu t th night nip ndnr with all hut juot uvcr tbo nulling from hero on dot nwuyl sho felt tho old horso shake his itoud and stump a pro font ink hoof ho moved a llltlo to one side and then after a hcatltating moment be gun to movo forwant but not with baste step by step as though test ing evorjjlnch of tho wuy bo crept ulong thure was no lioof beat to mark lib pro gross the mlschlefmaker roarod at them from oi aryrf lleroo monaolng ilut nipper kept on slowly in un uncanny stlnnco in splto of lier rood sense and steady nerves laurel was trightenod at the rush of waters through tho black night but presently nipper uhook hlmuotf oimln und started uin at a lotter pace another flvo minutes and laurel flung herself off at the ho roe block and gavo the clear call whistle which brought bor father and mother to tho porch white faced and questioning o hoi you woren t expecting mol she cried bayly looking from one to the other let mo tell you it takes mora than a rain ntorm to koep nip- tior und mo away on a friday night hut child how did you set herot mr asbea band shook as ho reached for nippers bridle oh 1 remembered what yousajd once 1 just gov nipper his head and he brought me home 1 m late m eho told what had delayed her but bora i am all right and almost starr ed todeathl hut daughter how could you bret hero with the bridge goner cried hef mother gho throw both arms about laurel as though night were not suf ficient evidence of her bodily presence the bridge bonr laurel stared in her turn why mother tho bridge alt right i oamo over u not ten minutes ogo theres no other way to coma oo on into tho bauso said mr ashe brusquely thuroh uomotlilng- iuuor about till but you and nipper both need your supper 1 11 look into tho matter tutor he led nipper uway to his m tabic but 1c was nearly un hour before he buck to tho house he had aolvx od the mystery but his face wus very grave ye he uuld lu answer to his wlfos look its juut u wo saw thlm lifter- hoou tho centro of the bildgo is wslod a way ilut 1 m hero rind luure it was hud to mnka this plain fact tally with her fathers story ye thlink uod you ro herel was tho tonne ainiwer ami tha wuy you koi huro in llttlo loss tiiuit u miracle hu told them whut ho hud discov ered on his trip to tho rive the till cry miuchlofmukor hud indeed lifted litre sjmit if thu brlilko ilaor the stout planks plked to utrliibiirm of two tiy four nud flout oil off down- but tbo frumowork of heavy tlmliers still held the water had fallen a llttlo ulnoo tho ruin stopped uod by tho light of his lantern b hud soon thu narrow pathway over whluh old nipper bad carried his young ildor homo to her loved ones do you moan that nlpwr walked llio girders asked his umused daugh ter then sho struck her bands to gether in suddon understand i ng oh he dldl ho 11 df she crlo1 thut wum why ho just crept ulong jt wus pitch durk und ho was foullna ills wuy dour old nipt its wonderful said john aaliou deep voice unsteadily and if v hadn t gone to the oap for mm torroy i d have come to the rlvoii befnro durk and never gat hoine ut iiu went on lou rot its ojueor how things good und bud aro mixed up lu this world a kindness done is a guerdon won quoted mrs asho with wet eyes she held nor daunhtor hand a though fearful ihbxtho wicked mu ohlefmaker would yet rlnu and snatch her away ah well that end well sold laurel leaning- buck on her mothers shoulder vbut xllnoysr torpet how old iflp iok m oyw thpsja irow tho almighty novor ocm t tho luxy wvi tlown rtttlna out lull classes of wum tt worxer plants it is very important that the earth bo firmly preaned about tho roots if loose planting is practised tho roots of the plants cannot form proper con urct with the soli to obtain plant food and moisture avoid crowded conditions in garden while h is desired to i rop tho land intensively yet good judg- uat be thn tulile in order to prevent strangulation of ouo plant by another or making conditions con genial for tho development of fungous diseases t ltluha assistant in vegetable growing control shtperl mental farm ottuwu uru to f uurh 4dluh uml i tint 1 hu sowing liould ho i litiluliil ut inlnrvul of u k or t n duyw uivurt so uu to have uuiouulon of inn li r fnidi vtgituhliu fuljuhln throulihotit din uoiiuou thn ml uowliiku uhould i o inudn uu iurly j woultu r und uoll otulltloiiu will i mlt und onlliuotl lu hum eiuilon ntll tin hint w ok of june lbgiirillug- tho uowlng of thn uneil ono ihuh bn tureful id n guluto tho inpth it un irduiko with tho ihiiuoii if the yiur during tho nurly purt of tho mm mm uhullow pluntliui lu eu- ntlul to iilok ermluulou in t us in i eiiuoti ikiviiiioam uml tho soil bo- i on i km wurniit to a grtutor dupt it will bo found nut suitry to hurouu i thn depth lu tho round to which tho ueod hipjuiel imurltik in tnlilit of court thut largo and uiuull need inuul ihi filuntud in dipth and in aroordanco with their size whether tho garden 1m largo or fiiiull thn umbltloii of t vury gurdouur uhould ik to ohtuln the most from thn given urea this run iki dona by a nyntcni of doublo iropplutf or rutrh cropping uslntf uiinh quick ma turing rrops us rudbih and lettuce tho iury maturing mips aro uown imjiwoii the rows of lubliage cauliflower to- mutoi and hi at mm or uu markoru in tho rows with the nowl of slow ger minating sortw wueh uh uirnljjfi or in is und are roaly for uuo and 1 eforo thn ulandurd orojm roqulro thu mpuou for their dsvilopment a fnw mucgstiuiih regurillug ti moiln of procwliijefltt con nertlott with the growing ofsucoesilonul oroiu might not be u nil to in tlio first pluoe h t us consider peas the first iarly sowing should lie made uaink u umooth nmded vurhty hitch uh aluskit or lutrly motnlnk htur thl tyim of miu cul ihi sown vory early when iudilloii tjir thn wrinkled uortm would k on- ly undesirable it may ihi neons nary o mako u t unpin of howihk of thn hmooth worts buforo it wouh ho pohulhlo to sowtho wrinklml mius or tho hiicoi kjtlnnul mowings of ti wrlitklod irlety uso thomas laxton tills larly irt has ihhiii found very doulrablo und ivonhoiuiuh all round good quslltlos if hi w over n dwarf variety is d mil rod kngluih wonder i raco in mended fol lowed by athurhun wonder with bvuiih it has been found much iteltor lo use iiomo early uort such uu hound 1od kidney wo for a golden xmldiul uort und hurly rod vah ntlim if u kruen jnhldid variety is duslrd ii una alinot ihi planted vary urly there- foro tho rang of the season i not so treat us in the rase of the mum otlu r loooqjniondcd vurli ties urn ltnit d- trolt iurk hod currotu climrtonuy hudluh hcurlet turnip whlto tip lettuce grand itaplds all plunt thut uri to tie trunuplulit ed should bo burdened off well in u rolil frame prior to planting in tbo open bo loot only tho ulooklmf woll grown plunts choouo n dull duy for i will und uuld notb- w hats in it for vout nlmr hello tom whut ure you grli uboutr was i grinning- t i do foel pretty good but i dldn t know it stunk ot ull over me it does though whatu happened t had a raise no but ive struck an idea thats going to simplify work in the office very much i think i took it up with tho superintendent to day and ha wus ery much pleased whut in it for your why things wilt go better thats all will you huvo loss to do 7 oh no it won t tnakn any dlfferonoo that way and you wont set more money oh no tbo other whistled and you look as if youd como into fnoney see it if theres no tiling fti it for you tom did not arm w or but ic ms companion had been expert in reading expressions ho would havo notliod spmothlnir peculiar in his toes and when on reaching homu tom tald the story to his mother ho ended with i couldn t help feeling- sorry for thut fellow toms- sympathy was hot mlsplol oho who dues not under und tha thrill that cameu from doing some thl nj worth whllo wh cannot approolut the sutluructlou of maklntf a auooess of a thing- is greatly to bo pitied that ncmlugly simple question whutd in it for your often reveals the rook which u life makes shipwreck effects of varnish on wood in experiments inude by tbo vorest products laboratory of the depart ment of akrlculture it wus found thut vunilahtm do not entirely prevent tho truusmluslun if moisture- into wood but merely retard ltund tluii oppur- tntly tturo 1 h dlrfurenoo in mohtturo through tho looting due to tho specie of wood used thu panels used lu the experiments included a wide varloty of woods three coau of hlghgrudo siur varnish wore- applied to rourjjiui- els of oaoh siteolos two panels of ouch species were brush coated und two wero dlppod by u special dipping machine doslgnod to secure an ovn coutlng- tho panola were allowed to dry seventytwo hours between coats ulid tun days uftor thu fltul coat be fore they wcre given tho mohtturo realstunco tost this tost onslsted in oxpoaluif tho panels for seventeen days to u humidity of do100 nor cent or in un atmosphoro pruotlcully saturutud with moisture at the end of tha test it was found tliut ull the brush- routed panels hud absorbed botweon llvo and olx brums of molnturo per square foot of surface und tho dipped i unelh tmtweon four una flvo- brums a teat op friendship hufferer i have n terrible tooth ache and want something to cure il vrleiul now you dont neod nny medicine i bud toothache ycsterflay urn i wont homo and my loving- wlfu ulsned mo and no consolod mo uint tho puin goon passed away why don t you try tho earner buftorer t think i will is your wlftt at homo nofr j ani you iul i him hukyt v ii ho luu i hi ity in iviiyn peot u not v ry utioug n lfii i phyult ally nor mentally joint r inarliit uluuinuuutiy no of oourhi hi s utoplil if ho hail to i urn hlu own living- hi d huvo u hm 1 tlum hut ii ui oud cousin ol hlu inothi u juut ioumiii noboly in uui than thut has jliut dloil un 1 1 tt him twenty flvn thniiiiiuid iloll tu twenty flvn thousand dollar juiiwt lupiutdl thoughtfully hound llkn u lot of moony rinuuu t itr it i- a lot li l uio hugh how much ii your uulury ulm o the luut ruiset fwnity five dollnrs a week huuhu one imlliutid the uniount of lint r dlmltighnium ingury with nit in tlxtloii siildil to us vustuiius now u ho tiumit th un on nt of his suluryi hlu tone uieinoil to uhrivol eorrespond- inuly hlu nuuwir wu nluiot iit- uudlhlo i wonder iiiutluufd janet willi mi uh of extrvmo int rout whut lu- iiimo thnt will give hihior ror of lourso ln will huvo to lvn on the hi to rout he ouglitii t to touch the principal he wont uutriui h afool hugh uiurkod dryly will how miiiti of un inromi huvot tw ntyflvo thouaatt ier oi nl nay hugh muiln u f i w murkti on thu n of hlu liewupuliir looked ut them iuiply lookul nusln lug wulir quoutloiinil jutiot it u twi ivn huiulru 1 und fifty dol- u hugh uuld ulowly thut u uhm than you ro ourulng twtnty flvn dolliiru u week is thlr- ii himilr 1 u yiuf yu hnemu to tun juliet continued thut you re the lin ky mm luutnud of hogm ilut huvo lo work for mine tliut nil the ixtter you cant muun tln4 youd ruthurjouf and run t think uf anything more dreadful than bclnjf uihihlo to wyrkl no wouldii t like not to ho uhlo in work udinlltod hugh hut hog or 1 uu his money uny way if i should get ulck i wotildu t huvo anything ilunku have been known to full you know and slock und bonds shrink in hard tlmom often to u fraction of whut ihoyre n iilly worth i don t believe tlnil hioroe any lapltnl you cull be surer of than ability jlesldes you re naming twenty live dollnrs u week now und you ii hu naming a good deul mom in auotlitr llvn yours i hopo no tjvuo uu much uny- wuy interest ut flvo per rent on fifty tlnuuun iloilur jnnnt remarked und a woo bit uvr you tnoy envy ilognr if you want to hukji hut i know wlilrh one of you two boys i think lu tho hnky one hugh tonkiil nt lilu uiutor wltli u illu in wltlili thorn was no hint of hi former pnmilvuiioh and i guess grtn with you ho sld murthu mlilck wanted- worker ilu a worktr when ho has work to bo done -he- noeu to thoso wlio uro iilrondy ut woik when hit want a grtut uirvaiit lie ullu a buhy man kcrlpturi uml hiutury uttcst this tiuth t oiosou wuu busy- with tho flocks of wo rob oldean wiih busy throshlng- wheut by thn wlneprotut huul wuu busy kourchlug for his futhcs lout imjlnth duvld was buuy caring for his fath- nr a sheep rtlsha wuh buay plowing with twolvo yoke of oxen nwhcmliih was buay beurlrtg- tho kings wine cup amos was busy following- the flock pater and andrvw were busy casting a not into tlio ea jumes and john woro busy mending tlielr nets miittlieu- was busy xolloctlng- cus torn huul was busy persecuting- tin friondm of jeatis wllllnm carey wum busy mendlruf and making shoes johji milton was busy masterlng c lass ft martin luther was buny performln e nance llogar williams was buny as a sten ograph or adonlram jtnlson was busy investi gating rellglou truth charles spurgeoti was busy ss i toucher god never culls un idler into hu rvlne tho busy worker u the men he wants v a wonderful ideal muy i bo uu grout us my mother thinks mu homthiw soys would that noi bo a wonderful life motto for a hoy to elmosuj if you could mcasuro up to youp mothers utunditrd o hef ideal of ym ir you could only keep her model of your pohsibllliieu constantly in yyyr mind whut u wonderful dlfferenao it would mukw lu your life i what wonderful country this would be if every lioy should hiulu himself what bis mother in ambitious to havo him make of himself if be should toko tlu plue in the to mm unity which she hum pictured for lilm if we were luudy to muko for our own advuneu- niuut such siicrlrtook u uho has already mudo und tho tout or ones sho would gladly mnko to nun uu uu she ong to have un whut u nice of giants we would he i whut our mo thorn think wo uro i nun bo uh thnrom tho tost of oar lives to roach up to their ambition ton mil t douglas egyptian liniment i the farmers friend n bdjcrcs cakcel bait gar net spider or infection of the teat also thrush in horses feet flatula etc stops bteedufur at once removed proud flesh aoreneea ana swell ing at n dda mna draarffm uanul douous4 dunlop double-life- high- mileage cord and fabric tires will save you more money than ever compared to a few yenrsj ago uro users are getting- easily double- and more titan douido tho mileage in lite tires of today ten twelve and fifteen thousand miles aro just average mdeagrea today aiul the records on the road show that durdop jcord tht and dmilop fabric tires are even exceeding these mileages wiih dunlop hitf mileage you have foclcbottom prices omd paramount t quality tiro quality tlust fa accepted aa standard today und wlncl other mojtera are vainly atnving to duplicate when yotlcan get n tire jnth prestiiejtaclc of itrliko d0nlo1 and with practically unlimited suurantce why chance your hfo on a second ro tire nt any puce in dunlop cord tires you have traction and m kihhed to choose from in dunlop fabric tires you have fraction ribhcd bpecnlciippcr phun dunlop tiie rubber goods co limited head office sunwj ftactarissi i toronto hrarwcla in lhding- ci tie p lastch jonoas thin is ybnr lucky day if your grocer can etill supply you ono of thoso glad jungle- land moving pictures inside tlktwaxtua it2ipionhh package of k b ll o g g8 corn fjsikcal an enormous supply all over ontario has been practically exhausted i junglcland moving pictures would sell for 50c in titores i they or a very wonderful child gift go to your grocer quick and get kbllogg8 waxtitb corn flakes i he knows they are not tho leathery hard to chew kind he knows that little folks and big folks delight in the won derful kellogg flavor and he knows kelloggs ce toet movies reach you ovenfreah because they are wrapped wax- tite get kelloggs wax- gjg an p i kelloggs waxtite corn flakes put sunshine into breakfast make it the gladdest time of the dayt au the family will say their thanks for discovering kelloggs waxtite and the junglcland moving pictures there never was audi fun and feast i gel- your junglcland movies 8uick your last chancel ill your grocer on the phone or send over but hurry i we want you to have jungle- land for your own kiddies or for some child you love t cornflakes abo wafcent el xelloccrs it ruiiblks sad kellocgs bran cooked sad irjamfaloj lmmtmywwwmwfxnxywmxnn prwfrswmimmmiima j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown automobile tops vp recover auto tops and equip your auto with door opening curtain wedo all kinds of carriage trimrnhur and carriage top itcnairlng caurriage rubber tires we have uie latest and best equipment for applying carriage uubbcr tireff we utie the best goodyear rubber you can ret your rubber ure hteel or wood spoke wheels repaired here at any time at reasonable prlecs wo aire distributors for dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for georgetown milton and acton j n oneill son l georgetown ontv 1 phone 14 a new way or doing an old job hi rei lu itrni ul i u iiiiiiiii n huul luv tb lmiak f w i rl ilirj i st u f w ft rrura th lr uo y turnlns lb i i ll wl in wumhli l uns up wltlnl mllrtf r ut- tin re 1 lbs 4untf- i ik in l in i iuuxu rl iwn lln dry i litliox ii i ruujr to take pnlced ay hzjio the bond iialtdwaitk co ud wu iluvi uht y u wuiil pbon 1012 ouelpm this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to thoso who know and to those who dont know at uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantee and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confluence fay always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario grand trunk ivs the double track route iiktwken uonthcal toronto detroit chicago lliumcylled dining psr enhr hlaeplns arj on nblhk uralas uf iarlnr cars on prlnelpal day trains vuu inrormalian frea trunk ticket ravnt nr c dutrlet yii ii iqr an l il sh01jies acenl acyom ont ifcii 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 feed oats a quantrnr of fjed cobn and oil cake just received flouk feed noeval bhan and 5ui0bts feed flour r n01ble ltd henrv avvrev manaqer footnotes fpr spring our spring arrivals are be ing opened out every dsy and include alt the standards of footwear in beauty and utility men fine shoes womens xlne shoes shoea for the young kfolks- all kltmdb of suitabl sprino footwear pqfl men wouen hqvl oinls and lmt- drbm our rtlces are always kusfai our kepaiiing in sauwrnctory w williams shop where i s fessmbsi 1iss2 i ssrawpraw ere you gnvtemhqp the shoe mart acton ghuaieft ory ish futchms castoria m3

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