Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 1

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ss rortyscvcnth year no 40 si oo ymi vkall acton ontario thursday morning may 18 1022 hjo in united states sinfilo copies- five cents thk methodist church acton 11 3 30 l tilalei n tb ml til ituimlllv llchonl n the minister subject t1 ninth commandment 1 your ahm inv1tki coub piucskytekian knox church acton mlnuler hv a c buwiri m a ma n willow utroet i w t hkrviciji 11 u m the minister subject a nolmmly 7 p mth mlnlut r huh joe t stars that count tlimday bhool unit nibl ciua dl 10 u m strangers leaving address with the usher will h railed upon by tho 1ulor aid aub couiwa1jly inv1tkd new advertisements seed potatoes for bale a quantity nf carman snd potatoes for sale ii cow fruhh apply to 1 n hhown it it no x acton for bale 6 roamed roughcast oottxge large garden kuy terms c hoimks v 3jtf hox 379 acton hides wanted 1 unheal cash prion ml j for all kinds of hide 41lt w j iattkhhon phone 111 ilox- 0 anton wanted iosltlnn a domestic ly young- air best of mfnrenre and experienced stat wage apply to box j lutu l okkick for sale collie pupa grand cattl nrnl watch iior guaranteed if not good will refund the money s3 00 each john uolean 401 it it no x acton onl reward for lost money a k roll of mony containing s1c00 lmrn mcles ns flommnd ii s wluon garage on syiday may c llewgrd whan returned to the free press offlw property for sale a number of forma for mala mmlnt from so to 360 wtm if yon want to buy farm or town property wik r j kerr h kiwmm ptiono 88 acton auction sale a clearing- auction rain of new household kumturo wlltyfesield by a fil irvln t the home of mr ceo mclialn ouelph street acton on krl- riay evening may 20 at 030 sharp it j k ei til auctioneer lost s cream wire ktrri car wheel on mon day may 15 between afton and itrookvllle finder please return and receive reward at jas hvmons j acton onl strayed strayed to the premise of the under- sbxned a york pig- owner may have same by proving property and pay i iff expenses apply wu johnston 4z it r no 1 acton for sale 1 tent 810 3 foot wmli 3 lawn knbwerfvfr 1 poet ruger 3 shovels 1 spader 3 garden ntkea x garden boea 3 pair lawn clipper a quantity of carpenter tool apply after oclock jr masarevv 43 10 cameron st artnn good news h the radiophone brings to the ears tfietuhngs of the daythib announcement broadcasts news also of impor- h character it tclln of plcndidvuluci and broad pclcctions in spring and summer merchandise it broadcasts also moneysaving tiding about certain economy events taking place in guelph at macdonalds thii week meni shjrin in a manufac turers disposal of all his in complete and broken lines hundreds of shirts regularly worth up to 3 op each clear ing at 145 umhrellah a big sale to celebrate canadian umbrella week these are tho figures reg k- to 8 for 129 lug up to 5 for w50 reff up to 4 for 29 ug up to 3 for 119 the latter grodp only are seconds and there are three hundred of them to clear trio other three groups all firsts extra values every ono on sale at both stores vomcns awl y o u u tr womens suits a selected group of this seasons smart styles in navy blu6 tricatinc reduced one third sizes ig years up to 3b bust measure it 3200 for j213s uetf s37s0 for 2500 keg 45 for 3000 kcff 5700 for 38m i womens and young womens coat price iow- ere a chosen group of dis tinctive models in this sea sons popular styles velour bolivia polo cloth and tweed navy black beaver and taupo shades re 6240 for 4200 rek- 47 for 3250 reg- 4500 for 3100 uek 37j50 for 2600 rett 3200 for 2200 reg 22j for 1600 reg 1800 for 12a wallpapcnf thousands ot rolls being shown at the low est prices of many years new summer fashions too in interesting array through- out many departments d ee macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store im r the building- with rl k hwka olhor impnivnmenta to tbn premlued whlrh will greatly improve hu pntptrty- tba btautl ef natur tin iidw areen follu of the oruat lw and the nunitwrtf of wild fruit rwe iii lilom acatteml bara and hur unite to inaka a trip thnmb the o in it ry iihlally utlraetlve and en- jliyulu thnae daym added to thtu i tho perfume of tlw wayaldn eprlia ilxitltf of th lamb thn alt uliiir llf the hlrlrf atul the balmy sarloua fire at elmira a dhuiatniua hre ourrd tn icimlra i uomlay mnriibia whlcli awnpt the m the imported clydeedale stallion kilwinning jock will be at hie own wtable verndale rinn lot it con 4 kequealna every saturday and uonday thle horee hoe ale quality and breodlna having euch alrex aa dadlum hlawathla horn iluby and uaron pride and la n noted atock horse farmer who intend breedlnjr wjlould eee thle horae to inaure a foal fl6- 4- nk1l aillikb rons lvope for sale number of farms seedlnk all done immediate ylon stnall payments down balance to ault two flratolaam brck buftuol on mill srot and one on unln street would make ood machine ahop or aarkae on propoaed new hlabway a home in every quarter of anton some at attractive price for qblck i aale j l x a smith v ileal katate ant telephone 10s u1u bl a wallace ave a auii village of actort court of revision notice u hereby alvun that the anil meetlnc or the court of heyulon ror the vlltase of acton w411be held in the council chamber on tuesday june 0 1022 at eight p yn to hear all compltlntm ajrelnat the aaeeaamenl roll for llir all pereona havlna bualneaa in tho aald court are requeated to attend at the aame ume and place 1 u iw kaubiek clerk dated at acton thle lmthrtay of may 1911 4j i wonderland friday may 1b come on over an iritfh comedy drama eur- rtn- colleen- jaoore atory by hupert hujthea bennett com edy fo new saturday may 20 paaan irovo from tho atory the ijonorablo oonheman cheater oomedy the btorkaj mutake pathe new tuesday may 23 doubling- for romeo atur- lina win roaera i the laat chapter of wtnnera of tho weet comedy with harold uoyd may m the fwxjauperwealftn tn 7 reela ataltrnjr harry carey ejducmlonaj comedy rl gregory weekend specials ciiocolatk creme and nuggett siray wi arc offering for this week an entirely new confection chocolate crcmo and nuggott spray this has never been on tho market before regularly 50c lb weekend special 34c per lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates regularly 40c lb wekkml special 26c per lb its time to change to a hydro range and at the low cost of rlydro current its economical too tho avcrago cost for coojeing ant lighting in acton is 400 per month about 15c per day iy wo vill give you full infonrmtion wlthlregnrd to cost of range and installing just call in and inquire it puts you under no obligation use hydro for cooking in your home acton hydro shop open tuesday friday and saturday evenings mux street acton x maple syrup 30 gallons pure maple syrup just arrived front muskoka imperial measure tho best ever try it and sec t pricewhile it lasts per gallon 300 s d c russell mill st acton nws of local jpiport qeldan grain bakery sold out ur lixifk ttrewnr haa wold hi bakery khi will and promla to mr juno 1alrlmtnka of kllehaner lir kalrbalika tnkea t on the flmt of ju 111- t r the finnt rearet that our nonfrre tho burnet itx umontf the daniaiteil premlaee aitd irrtrtnl ntuh imu ur tceaier tlte pmiprlnliir purrhaaod tle hlanet juat fw monthe a ie u a ratilort the lute itev lac h ian cameron the 1 hilar iteabytahan minister of at ton nrtyyaara aao madeirfqulph exposition m buooeaa the uadelnouelph kxpoaltfou i mine atluplay jf nvoat the artllea mnltufuuturnd in that city rarw to a hkmt on bmturuiy nltthu tlie owltlon was an unuualltled ttuoceeo lt ivvry way the manufacturers who iontrlbuled to ita mudomui evenanme who were not overly enthuauuitln about it were itllully loudeet in pralau of what it hua urnompllahed vlrat it oimrnvd thulr owiv nyw fute m much aa those inerclianlji to the remarkabln interest ahowu by tho cltlmina in what riulh wau dolibtf indtlatrlally railrad from the co operative minagtrimnt sir charlvm a con way who accept ed the hwltlon if tnatwior of the tannery co opera i we atore at its lpenlnil two yeura ujto last winter tml ii his resignation recently and llitl r m lh ikosltlon last haturvliy xi r conway has purchased front ur john cameron the house on church titreut where he previously resided for wever- ul years and will shortly take up hs fen is that he haa earned a leas active llfn and will enjoy himself veil red from business respon sibilities oitr iltlns will be pleased that ur co it way hue become a pro- iterty owner and that ho and mrs conway ure hot removing- from town new bandmaster for ihe bend at a moetlna it tho band this week mr n v moor who has very crwllt- ibly led tho aoton ci ti sens hand hniuifh the winter months tendered his 1vnlaiiatlon mm louder of the band mr k fori of lort credit haa imwn enauaetl to nil the vacancy oal ki by ur moores retlroraent ur a rime is a professional bandmaaler und comes highly recommended for the ltosltlon he will nit lie u unoompllhhed cornet player and his son mr itod wirttea who will come to acton whtjn the family la setthxl here is u cornet player of marked ability this double addition to the hand will kiwtly utrenathen it and help keep acton cltluiw llsnd in the position it has occupied hi the publo fayor for ions ray watson buys georgetown buelneea mr x v hourhjan has disposed of hts drutf and stationery business to mr w it watson an old ac tbn boy who took possession on monday iur- ln the past ebjht years mr llourutan lias leen tn business in georzeti he has won a is nee tuuronaato by bis urtuous treatment and fair dratina with the public as a cltlaen he has wlways been active in promoting the lost interests of the town and valued member of the hand committee as well as other local orasnl sat ions many rearetm are expressed at mr llnurikans removal from town mr watson is hot a stranger to many rltuons havlna attended lllarh school here some years a ooraes to wii hlatdy recommended aa a busl- ai hmn and cltlmn herald a rough bit of roadway the chairman of the streets an wulks committee of the council la oertulnly not a self seeklna councillor lie drives one of the best cars in town and bumps over the block of roadway between church and mill streets on frederick every day without u complaint it is one of the rn unheal iileoea of roadway in town homo of his netxhbore who drive cars and horse vehicles wouldnt object a bit if he put the town tffodur on this pk roadway for an hour or two and fol lowed this up with a dosen loads travel as wssdone a year or so axo to tho same htreet from mill to 1 tower a venue indeed he would win aeneral approval for such notion this is on of the streets whlnh waterworks op rations tore up and tt wam not made us rootl as before us was pledaed sunday saheal convention en tuesday the annual convention of tcaquea- w tuwnahlp sunday bchjols will be held in knox church next tuesday uftnrnoon ahd evenlna ur a tt noble rrealdenl will take the uhalr ut s30 in this session mr alex mo- l4iro of the ontario beryl co council will alve an address on llovs work miss wlnnltretl thomas of toronto of the ontario luuatouettducathm assoojatlon will simak on the needs of tho teen aae hoys ami otrlej und ii p moore will conduct a round table conference on sunday school methods in the evening- wise thomas will deliver an address on the sun day school in- the life of the lorn- munlty and itev c mwrbjhl h a toronto will live his address on now opportunities thb choir of tho church will conduct the musical wervloe anditav i m moyrtr and a c stewart h will hnvo chnrse of the devotions a sunday school workers will be wetoomed james wem sentenced to the reformatory you nil man who stole motor car given heavy penalty a number of police court cases this week jumna vt thu tlunlph young- man ho commltlmt th thrift of jmh mimires mntni jr on sunday 7th lnt und who phuiled tfulliy to the hartie ut the trlul fast wek came ip ihfore if 1 umre isillce uais- irate fur mfintitxe on monday ulter- mrt at th town hal hem inuulrlrs us tp his previous mnduct irlua lh udjoinmiint f the court irltpil inrormaiioitnhowlnb that the mint it it ii has u very low sense of mul rfxiltudc ho had ihwii in court vlouy in cuolph and in ltelna ror lhft of a r and u iiuitlry of ll of willi h rhiiruis he was othi r kiilsdnniouliorx bad lso 1 tllttod h uuttlstratn atateil thut it wau vt his most dlrtlmilt duties to uenteiuxi u- loy to a term of hoprlmin- mmit but fir thu protimitlou of the public us well us for the beiisflt of the hoy he felt that he walt compelled take this course the sentanre was your in ontario n forma tory with a further lndl il ilia t a hoiitoi nth- as lbs yuuiiif man wus pmparlna for the nlrin i examination whim he ant into the tmrlous trouhls which jltsd so skrlously ihe maalnlrate uuld h would uni his inlluaiict with n ihmird of 1urole of to lrovinoo brrarjke thut ho have uu opttortuulty to wrlto on the ekumlliutlnii lur- ther if his rotidui t warranted it he hnid tliut urrunuiiiuaiiiu mlaht be made mo tlmt h would i ulvnn tho opportunity of loarnlnu wma useful trade umlor hulvful uusplres a numlr of charses tnr cniitra- wntlon of iho ontario temperance ant wtrn lumnl durlua the wo k on krlduy afternoon andraw lluntr f norval was tried for i mills inloxl- cutwd in a on tho 7th insc he pleaded kullty und was lined 110 and rosls the oonteiils of thaame bottle of winn hud a similar effect uimjii wll- lum cunnlnkbum of ieoratown ills case wus heard the same uvenlna and also pleudml aullty und laid the of 1d and rostu heaa two cluirsex were laid by chief jurkeoli of qeorwetnwn monday arternoon allwrt ucuullon wus hareed iv chluf constable cooney ut acton with itelns intoxicated in tho park on hat unlay arternoon dur ing the husnhull match when inter rogated us tu how lu plsaded on the churae he said to the masiatrate well if the conntable says i was drunk i ifuess i was lie swore h lot the hijuor from muni foreigner up on the truck novor saw tlie man before and lutld 1 00 for a small ikihiu of the i mkjtlejt iters product it cost mm 10 00 and cost additional to aet away from chief cooney at the samu ulttlua of the court urense lnsiiector iteevely charanl churhui hrevoat with imiiii- i n toxica t- 1 on the public street on hunday mornlna april 30 tho witnesses callod roxild not identify mr jruvoat as belns nil whit were reported to imn thut hunday mora- nn was dlsmlewed the idoiuly aotton the obituary miu ijavjd htoitky former tenud resident of nas satirweya and anton passml tway ther suddenly on monday in tha iruon of mrs iluvld hlomy vw iha lutst two yours mrs hturey luu bvvn llvlua with hr dauxhters urs james wlm and mrs kobert hrownlee toronto it was while willi mrs wilson and urs ltolxit i trow n us about as usual umt whuy in fact wail ulxuenl in kiiltllox when last lllntmis selso her khe llntcrwl 1 monday aftsmoon and then leaoerutly rll anunii mrs htoreys maiden name was txirln coxa kor tiftyfuur years shn and her husttand i dlsd tn aiton three years su e nuiiil to each olhnr hmvnn years mo thy oolebrated their olln wtmhllna with thfr family present to injoy the auamsliut unusual nveul vhn thy retlrwl frn ths farm in kukauxawflya thy cams til a4 toil to enjoy a wsll nniml real tritit thn ardtaous ufa thy had heiit of the mum and hivin daushterm the fiillowliik survive tluinuk of nasss- yu lisvld of luiinaiui mrs nas icurly of norval urs walter ur ami urs william ussales of lutxhaiw mich mrs wllllaro uur- iliwl of marjuls kafck urs henj cariuihsn of ollbert 1uln uan mrs j am os wilson and mrs itobvrt llrown- l of toronto the funeral will bi 1 this ttiuiwuv aftenvoon umn arrival of the x 17 lialn frofti toronto llortram nelles was to condor the ral sivoe at toronto and its ir hlalr of ouslpii for many yi liaator of docvaavil is ezpetfti tiuve rluirxe of tlie eorvioe hei me of the mei lie huvlnir ntl lli- and the m inspector hud wropa tnun alux mokenxin was ubto charaed by the inspector with belns intoxicated on uhj btrc tlmt sunday mornlna und also with huvliir- a bottle of liuuor tu u plaoe other than his dwelllna house where he resides councillor iiarrbnil q iewlu and o a dills testified to hearing u dtnturbance that hunday mornlna ur harrison aald ho went nut bud saw ala mahetisle and two other men whom tie did hot know mckeiixlo name up to him tnpt- lod him on the shoulder and aaid wove leea havlna a time of it ive u luittln imirpe over und have a drink he wauju not kwur that mckenata was drunk ut that time thu trio had evidently spent ut leas port of the lilxhl in mr lfatrleon kuruae and io doubt hud a jlme of tt there the muulatrate aald that while he had not the sllahtoet doubt there had been drinklm and that tho accused was intoxicated on thu date named there was no evidence to warrant conviction tho cawom wero conse quently dtamhutod crown attorney hick up pen red for tlie ontario ijcenue commission and feroy lsle fo oeoraetown was couri- nel for mckenaio pmfley miu1 ahah hinnino iwsth ramo vrry suddonly to mrs c hlnuln- of caucary alborta hl 111 toronto for tl stimuli on imiluy may 1 mrs lllnnlna had uuffetvd fruin an mtfertutn in tlte breast for some time utn was in toronto some monlhs previously for treatment and returned in her home in calvary quite assurwl that a cure had iwen offectad in a few months uie ailment ueln tnade lb roads and i hlnnlnjr axaln returned to tor- it for treatment her mother urs kyfe wsj with hr durlna the nrst visit but wlxrn alie ratne icaat the time her mthar was seriously iii herself and mr lllnnlna srr-om- tmnlxd her hev lust ulis was of abort duration the body was taken liark to calxary ror interment mrs tlinninx wltose rtualdnn matne was adah vyt was the third daughter of ui nd mrs joseph lyfe she was bom in acton forty years aao uuriiuj her xlvlhood days in the old home hers mho was greatly beloved and in me in the west she was very blhly mod in her home in calxary a always had a welcome for friends m ths kast and aleeled herself to xive them all possible pleasure when they visited her hhe and her husband had a very happy home and they lived in the arfnctlon of earh other mr lllnnlna is one of cabzurys prosperous huslnojul men auch reret is felt n that urs ulnnlntf has been colled away ut th meridian of her beautiful womanhood thy hud no child but a little kirl was adopted some time uk and all the affections of a mothers love were centred upon this foster dauxhter area and assessment the five towns in the county of halter i the urea and assessment of the hvo i towns of hallon county are riven by the uureau of municipal affairs of i the province t aolon area fs pcres nssfsuimtint sbglzst 11800 00 iter aero i aeoraetown area 181 acreai ass essment 7llblt 1813 70 per acre i llurllnxtonareo o83 acres usaeas- lment llbhbm ft7s3 00 ler at re f milton area ssb acres aeer i stsb oil 1116000 per acre oakvlllo area 0 acres 1 ment i4uii f4jj par aera mothers day services the d i unity of motherhood and at ceo- hen of childhood emphaslxed the beautiful anniversary of ubthers hay was rtttlnxly olmorved- by clttxenu iranorally on sunday and appropriately rmphuvdxed in tho churchem and sun- duy schools with aervloos liavlna aiiectal referenows tu mother isnd mothers churaoter nflutince and work mothers sacrifices for her children und mothers tulth in her boys and blrlx were iminosslvely set forth by the pastors und sunday hohool work- tlowera worn by ull testified to innate duslru to honor mother memory in knox thurch u uotbers iay rvice was held in the sunday tbihool the mtirnlna and this was followod ul the publlo service ut 11 oclock with a stlrrlnk mummi by llev a c htewart m a mi our mothers a choir oompoeod f motheru u the oojiifrexauon hxl the survleo in solia mothers wjih thn theme in the uethodlat church during the ilay at the mornlna service hero wui a childrens oholr of over thirty mom- bfm of the fhimlay school the choruses und iiuurtntlen by the childish voices were luito dttlnc to the uplrit of the day hv mr moyer rave a brief address on thu love of mother and the obedience and low of the chlldmn which uhould prevail in the evenlna the uliir rave u npeclnl ml servloe slid tho pastors tlieme wus mother hev mr cray of toronto wlm uineluted in the huptlst church for hunduy rerurrtnl to the importance of tho mothers puy anniversary he was htro for the day supplying hev ur lunlpk late of totlmorden the new pastoi who will commence his ministry next hunday hi the anailcan churches uolhfcrs hay is observed on the fourth sunday infant rev mr uaugh took octonlon last sunday mornlna ut hi albuns church however to rerr to motherii duy ho impressed very forcefully tho value to the glilldreii of the home in after life of tho parents roqulrlux obedience from them at all times hollbjlt 11 wathon a istter from mrs howrt h w sou of tumiui klorldsj luts been celvel alvbitf the and news of the death of her huslmnd at their home in that oily on april ii vor about two years be had imhui in twor health jo tsbruavy- s3 he had a sllxht stroke of apoplexy after which he failed very fast a second stroke april is and he died about seven oclock that evenluir urs watson felled tn realise that his case was ao serious until he became unconscious hubert watson was a son of the late thomus watson of acton he spent hts boyhood ami youns manhood hunt borv time after bis marrbtrra in 1m0 he and ursi watson removed florida where they have resided ever since their only child a dauxhtor miss isobel was a talented youna lady hhe came to toronto and xrod ated in the conservatory and krhool of icxpreasjon her death a few later was a xtt shock to her parent ur wnwin was about yeaiw or axe mrs watsm l alone in her southern home her eldest brother resides at luyth and two others in hetrolt- the funeral nft the late mr watson held on april 21 hev dr jc tims minister of the mrs i irsbytrian church conducted the service the curpentena union no kbft nf which deceaatxlam a charter member and the oddfellows attended the funeral in a body in addition to mrs watson dffooasod is survived by one xrand dauxhtnt kgtl heven two brothers t 1 watson knalehart watson woodstock two slaters mr j a c anderson toronto and mrs j c cooper of ia anael ab lvrment was mudo at myrtle cemetery dan mckinnons whereabouts is j still a mybtery no tidlngn of the mlsainu man from any quarter whatever mr cordon is putting in the chop on the fahm tbn wilddnii and mysterioum tllaap lrnn or hun uoklnnin ihe imw r of the thomas hyder farm on the third in- is as much a myatnry utdsy as it was on the sixth of april n he ilrohhl out of slxht con- idnhdy has not lwn beard from ut ohm handtluhl hw rormr hon the in of mtss uoltae lo wftom he wus lit hitue bnen married ua alrll 20 nor hl brothers home in tleuxarry r ut imihrann where he had spent ur yours prior to orqlna to anton a imxulur vouture of the episode is th rulhur inaulfbbr indlffomnce of the elsllvvu of thn illnappeaxad man at his home in llsnxarry they have an- nd the letter of ur lonlon of t hurchlll with whom mcklnnon was jlvlis tsmporarlly and his brother to that he would ram up and look around uftor he al his aerhlinx done lis has not im yet ijfttrs from th family at oleu- karry rtmtunstwl mr oonjpn to take fjire of thn stock of the mhudna nian uld lo put in his rup this lias ull ihwii rurtifully attended to ur oor- ilon and bis hruilter romplntod the sowlua of llfleeil acres ov outs oi tilay und are how encaged in re- iua a fleld of cluvsr which was tiadly wluterklllel r cordon is lreawy ooncerned r thn prolonxml illsapikearance of friend ror four years they were- touetbsr uoklnnon llvwl with mr mrs oordnn in new ontario they met ut cochrane when mr and mrs cordon i amn west from new itruiiswick worked toxnther and were loyal friends in the ynars spent in the mr cordon um tn aotun laat year id to tight the old llrock swackhamer farm cnim mr huah johnston and ilurhuf tlu winter mcklnnon who hail ikhu remubtrly rorrehpondlna with him uftwr ho left cochrane ulna to acton vbdt ut mr gordons home hens whll uu thlu visit he found mrs ltydiis puim was for aale and in manh ho boujcht it and ald 3 000 fit on the iiurchase prl hn then procvhll to utork the farm and fur- sh tho house tur his bride then n fateful april ho dromhl out of sljcht ami all investigations by onion chief cooney citlxens and imdhlkrs und the provincial police de- imuuucht luivo boon fuulo a splendid years work tvogrssa tn all mrnii mowoaaix of tho brand old mmi or hls jty twssed peacefully away last ttiursiluy when hfuxb ucdouaall kroderlck htreet departed this life ur mcdouuall had reached the ripe i axe of ninety years and had been feeble health for several year hie beloved bartner predeceased hlra on teturuary 31 and since that time he hud sorely missed her his butt thouahts were of bis beloved hex trice und lie fancied her with him whan end cnm me married heatnoe currle daucliter or the bate donam currle of caledon west onvebruary 3 1869 and for sixty three eara they were spared to rach other end tlved in each others sanction oftr twenty six years they resldetl in cautoon and thlrtysoven year tkgtt came to aoton anl for a quarter of a century suc cessfully farmed the property on th uecond line mw owned by mr murrey when they retired they took up their residence in tje coxy brick bouse on vroderlck htreet where mr ucloujrult passed a way three sons and four dnuxhter were born tn the homo but the devoted liarenlm sur vived alf of them with the exception of wins baruh who la the sole eurvlvln member of the family she aoenis to have been providentially spared to minister in lovlna care and solicitude lo the needs or the aed tis rents in this eare ah has been rreatly aided by mm james mrdousall their af fectionate daughter- in law during recent year this homo has seen more partliira in death than falls tu the experience of moat mr uedouxalt wax e sincere christian he loved his nhurrji the luptlst und rejoloe in it services tho funeral wax held on saturday afternoon and was conducted by hev mr johnston of toronto a former esteemed pnator irlterment was mad in tho family plot at falr- vlow cemetery the last moetlna of the quarterly oolrlal llviar of the mot hod bit church last wi ok whu devoted to reports of work und results of the efforts of the past ycur in thu various department of rhurch uctlvity hetortu from th quarterly am trustee hoard the x sunday hohtkil tcpwnrth iiucue womens mbisjonary koclaty m t union circle and iladleu aid roveulihl healthful activities and uphltuul a i id material proresx ulona ull linos tho reports on church membership the hunduy school uttendajicej and the iesrue uorvlce all allowed xubtitantlal lucreuaes the n nan co of the church rivo evidence of loyal and ayatematle nop port und all funds are la aatlfac- lory condition the pipe organ fund has a ni nucleus us a beginnlnx for the necessary aggregate when it is deemed udvbohu to proceed with canvaua for auntrleut funds to cover the sum pneossary for a flrstr ora an hev l m moyer the pastor who bun now tllltxl the limit or thu pastor ate of four year provided by thu discipline of tho church was tendered thu following resolution at the meet- i tilf by a unanimous standing vote resolved thut this hoard tn the last mess ion of the conference year and tho hint regular meeting under the pastorato of our m in inter rev moyer doslrwm to place upon record our appreciation nf the faithful ser vice til mr moyer during tho jtour years be has npent amongst us he camo to uupon the urumtmoux in vitation of the hoard and he has min istered to us through these yea hi with faithfulness und loyally as a pastor he lias been with us in our homes in tlmus of morrow and in times of joy ills fellowship and sympathy and counsel huve leeu worthy of the high mricn of u sbtplmrd tit the uock und have imw n welcome and helpful as a minister he haa given to dur con gregatiou the lumt that wa in him as a cltlxen he haa taken uion himself cltlxenxhlp duties and lnmn honored vlth tho uomlilenon of the community in imlnx nleoted to positions of trust ud responsibility ill mr moyer bo has hud m heuimate indeed sh luul munlfontotl a keen interost in ull the activities of the church and bus ulven freely tf her gifts and sraceu in ull spiritual und social work of the churih hy the laws of our church to which we must loyally bow the time bun come when our reuitlonu um lumtor and leople rauit im severed we unite uk u hoard in wishing hev und mrs moyer abundant uuocena in the future held t which uod may cull thorn und wn dray tliat the richest blessings of ulviho grace may jiver attend them we desire uleo in this resolution to remember the widowed hjolber of mrs moyer mm hippie who also uhldes ut tile tuirwonage in the great rorrow which ruuno to her during trie past year who hus lutd our sympathy we have admired her quiet truat 111 her heavenly kuther through her sore af fliction and we join in aincerent irootl wishes to her and 1 the ho lie that her future days will he constantly bright ened with the holy joy of the hun of itlghtnousnoox hev mt moyer spoke in fouling terms of tho kindness and oooperutloii he eopn of hi oonareaation dur ing bis term in acton and on behalf f mm moyer und mrs hippie thank ed the hoard tor thn resolution tim hoard ban not tendered an in- itauon to any particular minister to suiceed hev mr moyer but the committee has submitted a list of the imea of four ministers of rtnoualin linns uliy one ot whom would he acceptable to the congregation aa the hew luiator hev mr mover and mr moom will t the delegates to the district annual meeting at quolpli hrldny with mr a t hrowi social and personal miss mystln dinu hilhluylntf ui in i hiiiu homo from won homo lun ijly inxruiii of cetirgi town uimitit hunduy with acton frli lulu tu tol of dotroll lu vlulliiiu hur ulster mrs win hpmwl lnu iilliif mr und mr wlnlt mr and 1 wliluy i frl mlu tin of nla vlultrul dllllllk the whiiuo hand v nf wnukji uo ll was at mr 1- esurs vculllieth ami duvld lletl- h of cult vliilt d at ion frlonds during the week mr jumm armstrong of hruusuls lhlle1 his ailer miuu olla h ann- win in if luat week mlits hhn irvluif f oindph vlslt- e1 at ihe bom of mr j h kmiiiwiy over ihe weekend rs joseph wuteoii und tho twins iter rrom toroulo v lulling- ut the parental home this wtik ir norman wriri worth aah- kriivu has imhiii lit ruthr ihhir huulth lately hn is now ulowlyrocoverlug miss mile hilts and little miad mury himiarlng of torontt vlulted at thn borne of ur fleo dills vr tho wk- mr and mrs will iiiulnlior ugh wlwlu and charlie uud mr icurl vln- enl unt hunduy with fruuulu in call mrs a ic nlcktln returned home from her six months vlult with ulu- ttviu at calgary ilimkutoon und ctt- mimton mr doukium flowdy mid hlhyfrlnnd dr cfclvn of toronto vialtnd ii mo house und acton frleiida over thu wva koitt mr jack ulven maimed u ouple motorcycle chain martins on hunduy mr a t hrowuuttinded thiamine tnoetltig of the druxxistu of dbitrlt no 7 o h d a at ciralph on weil- tiufiday of lust wik mr lluiicaii mctuvluh muln htreet wint to the ouelph hoiltul taut week for treatment for niumtolds ho is making good pronnw mr norman and muu helen uei- derwon of cnoruetowu vlnltd ut tho home nf their kruiuirutnr hon i henderson during the wwk r mis flontuou lacker ruturmd to her homo lu acton luut week nfter mpniidlng nome time with her muter urs win icitrly nuiumaii wcj u mr thomas domvni of torouto is hern in upend a month with mr und mrs john hrolos the old gentle man suys hi would prvfot to iiiako his hnmo hore liermuneiitiy mr clarence mccutchoon mul fam ily from hummer la ml h c hon of thu btto htuwurt urcuuihihin terln towimhlp have 1hhi1 vlulthlk friends in thu old homo the past wwiu it ta eight youru since mr m cutrhoou loft hero for h c mr j i mclntohh of tho ouolph mercury upd urs mdiiiiohii and miss mary uclntouli lrt on monduy for u thrvo nioiithu hullduy in croat hrltutu and will uiho mnko u vlult to rrunm to vlow vomn of thn iioonetl of the great war the following friends from u dltil- unon aittindml the fuunrul of thu late hugh mcdougall luut kat unlay mr uud mr hubert menu und mr auoc cnmpliell vrgus mm i c mc dougall and mrs wllloughhy toron- tq mr a mocanneh qulph mr j molhue a fumlly und mrs iyer llllluburg mrs nowhouwo hrumptou mr and mr 4 currle and miss uav- rlay alton mr ind mr ij h currlo ohprlrige mr und mrw david mo- kliinon uvurton mr 1 momillun krhu the halton iugue opens season aeordtewncampbllvllle and dronte the winners in opening oame the openhik kuinou of tho llolt on hiikehull league were played on satur day acinn met tjeoritatown in their open ills fixture hero tho fum turn ed out in full forco to wltiitixii u real tiuy kume but it wamit fust lutll ut any stagu llio ciortotown team hud it over thu local hoy a from tho llist liming when oimitwii uooroil two runs uud thuy uupt utemllly iti- oreuuhig thulr lead until tho tlniil miore an 91 in thulr fuvar tho acton boys will huve to piny u lot hiiiipplur buwobull or thy will bo thu tutlotideru in the race for pmiuunt honor in th louguo tho uourtl wtiu um fmiowh it u 13 acton a cuorgetowti 0 jt 3 hallerles aotonrhui 110 unit joo kennedy cenrgetown 1olklnghornu colo mutthowu und mciu hmplres took and hydni c11 in ptiell villi wua murcousful lu de feating- milton in tholr opmiluu titimo ut milton uud hronto defeated hur- lhigtoit tu thfllr llrut louguoitmuu at hurllngton thus tho oiiupluf kuuioe nil went to tt vlliltlnif toamii 111 thin milton thn john milton chaiitur i o h m prurient til nvo ttlctureu tn uh mimy d- puitmentm of thu publlo hohuol on ivlduy ufturiioou the court of revision tur tho town will imi held uu monduy muy 33 there uro rood propoolii of an in- duntry or two locatllik in town lu the hear future muyoi irving in on thu jtib and if they dunt locuto hurt it will nut be his rmiit tor thu tenth time ut a ijberul coii- luitlnii lu l4iiiadnwnu oiistltiliiioyj 1reuilir t c nurrlrt iiuh in en nomin ated uh kjlwiiil cuiulldiilo for hn oou- htllneiioy which ho h miiresonted in the muiiltuba laliilutr for twenty year rremior noirlw lu a brother of lctlgur norrlrt of mlltoi tltero 1h tulle of form i ii 1111 intnr- ohuroh liurikotliull leuguo in town them ought to t uomu good muterliil lu tho dlffurviit ohurchuii in town for un organisation of thut kind at an adjourned mooting- of tho town council tuesday ovunlnw a bylaw t rul by dubtljttftlip uiu of 00d ftir the extoiuiloii oiooiiorohrhlduwlkw th xtunutmi of wiilor luulim uud 110- cemluiy huimivementm to th town hall 1 ilwfn1traf ulld i j nltrnutw mr hnr w iimtmrt m hi lloanl roiinmonliltlve to th jy 7- rxiliilii aunclatlon t cotirronc inlnduaml unil lymrntir 1 at aitarina uw n v mo- txailliw will to votal im a t ilrown and 1 moor uallrlil to vol on hutur r hi pulpit buuply conaiutt i fy may llclprm 1

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