Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 2

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he artim sstte ilrrufl j iiukmijay mav 1h dti gquarc 1110 ti huinlr 1 lr till i t iii ufu hull i lllklf mlrlft iit t tt lruvly iinl ln utul ilnri nt trim vhtory nl juuv hum 1 lu r of u hint f ami limn ut rki in ivimuu in liiutulliil txtuntxl ly i iln mliitlnii wtfh in- lowly llriii tlmt ilumitlmm unrlifht ulr which iiuvliirti till lmholriurn ilmt hio until limy tux lu iijuure lltauii wive uucli in mi infill im vr titled tlmy tlutty meet if they ii v u full n t rotlir ihy will hli him kp hhj feel muk i tint hii uu u hit unmuy make llin rurt urt klnil of fulr vor thi uut rogue on mcord will r ihh t tlui luuii who i uitiuru ehtl1i 10 hail glvai of wihitf to collegu iho oculist hud imhui th tlrxt to toll her it wum imixuilhlf though live yu wre ox wight um any tctrlij uiul cmihl look the wnhil in the tait wllluiiit the ulil of gtstuw tliu fait r muluod thul tlmy rshlhd wliiii uuu jitflutl to too itwirii hi ruin it line ihmii hunt work gutting- through ihili ibhool lortunutnly her hrotht ti tho name cluiui lind tlmy hud done a itraftt deal of studying- togetlfur i toy ruillug aloud uiul saving his- aluiera eyes hut itny wu now to diitur un lumtaim tmtlllllcul uchool whllit kstctlo liuil honed to attend a iimjii wouiann colo uuil tlnrihy in mootim the liooomhliy if leaving- homo hut now it ummml tlmt collegu mum out of tin our llltl i 1iu lu lo u nrh lilu olng would llnvit ihlllu if i omul hi uiliul hut uu to throw off hli dluulo tjirn lu til knowing how wkin liu will im wurwi i ihni l know thut argument can hi him but tt woulil no hmrm for you to writ uiul toikliut thut tin la luiuf iliyr hlu r imlntlou um m think ing unl hy hohlliur thln y mury wtlo don pv vmu know into ugh already your jokftrt ur htronif why ilo you wunl to 1h u hluu utocklnict ivtf ulwayn llkwl bluo luuuhod lijilolle hrlouly fculd tint loo tor upunklnu in iiim imt lmtrthlvi luuut voloo ua if to wliowr how mirlouif it wan you mutitn t think uc uuch u thine willi lurtiful trautintiiit your oyw uro itolng to w b ml hy you ull yoiir ufti lnibably you wont tiuvo to put on ulajtmui for nlvudy work inuoh oo por than trjot folka hut 1iiki yea muit 1m hum- artni and oollmo work wont humor thom whin kdtalto rarrlod thn nawm horn her mo then- wui not nt nil nurprbmhl im orry to hava you duappolntad dour who auld and i own 1 m dln- auualnted too hut your ynnlht in too proclou to rink nvn for tho wtka of nnytlilnif um important tut u oue nduruann and 1 vo tioon ufralil for mama tlmu thut whnf you wan tod won irapomlbla it wuji n tnttr of wonder to lcutolto that m fow of hr frlnda worn lur- prlhbd by tho imd news all of thom 1 boamlnxiy ba fuitlcuwtwd wtmathbiff of tb0 wort aunta and unolea cooalna and friemu ull wild blithely why ya icatollo collgo la out of tha quaa tlon with thotm troubloaoma oyea of yount and then ixigan to talk of aumpthlnif alao somn of tiiem t- dood wondered at hor dlanppolifl4nt inirlmpu no una not uvottkatnwi mot hor know qulto how dp tho dla- appointment hd son tcntalla wu a girl who did not believe in njaklnft other people houuer the burden of her trouble thhe put a bold faoe the mutter and begun to make plana for the next year in which eollojro had t no part hut ahe had an uncomfortable feellne aa if her llfq were out of joint bhoidld not know bow to adjust beraelf to tho chunwd outlook ever alnoe ho oould remember ahe and i toy had talked over their plana for college and ahe felt aa if the bottom hud dropped out of aoraethlnjt ahe had 1 thought of aa aubatantlal katolla bad plenty of plunk kow of the people who met her during those hard tlaya kueaaed wlutt a battle aha waa right- luf she kept horaelf aa buay at poaalbta uuu- oho mlxbt have lesa urns for thinking- an ahe waa about to aturt upon au errand for a neighbor one day her attention hw attracted by the throbbing wound which wtlll tin tha power to thrill the putaea doa- plto tho obm with which tho world boouinem nccuatomed to n new aenaa- uon an airplane eatelle exclaimed co mo uuiok mother and look tiey went through the sto of the white wooden fence and agulnat the blue at tho nky maw the latest develop- men i among the blonde now indulging in hulrralalng manoeuvera ah if to vary the monotony of the journey tha mother and daughter guxod allent- ly at the upwetaole atlll unfumlltar enough to aeem a miracle ii ow queer it rnunt aeera to the blrtla phlloophlxed batelle they muit feel un we would if ull at once we wuw u auperman a talking uroui the utreetm terribly big- and mtrong land ublo to do any number of thing lira ullettn laughed joent nounu pleuwuut a bit does ht 1 dont know how thobmlit feel ubout it but tt uoeant aeem aa if i would ever out grow the thrill of wooing u taafi in flight it wuh ojie of thoao ooineldencea which ure no common that womotlmua it aeema oa if there must be u lav which guvurua them tlmt k telle should have ihimo arros her uranitfuthera letter that day hhe was duatlnk the liook in one of the coaea in tho library and hud taken out u heavy volume with u leather binding when the letter dropped to the floor she examined it and uttered an exclamation mother look ilerea u letter from grandfather to futher and ijla thu- funnlaat thing it wua written when i wua ubout a month old thut van one of your fathera bookn aald mre allelic taking the pouderoum volumo uw turning leuvou no one haa opened 1vi auppowe unco he left ua and very likely the hitter hiia boon shut up in it ever alnce he first read it there wua aomethlng faaelnatlng in tha idea kstollo dropped her duster and seated hurself on u tuiaaock down uhd read tho letter aloud mother begged ite hear what grandfather hud to suy ubout hi derful new grundchlld tha first part of the letter as k telle ball ahhumnd waa devoted largely to ho reporta that hud been received regarding tho now baby and its mother mrs ollotte read that portion with v a rather uncertain voice far the letter which ahe had never aeon drought back vlvfdly the happiest time of her life than thu latter puseed to hits of nawn mora or loua ititelllglhle after a lapse of eighteen yearn and at tno oonclualon wua a paragraph which aef ejaulle to thinking haw itundall today tha flmt time in over to hoar tu vtr about wblth tt arftitloiiulnly i your futlirr mru olluto 1 1 the lottnr droii into nr lul hur tytu mot tluimt of lmt duuklilor untl imtli 1uuiiihi ulou 1 it ihhmiit ihoiii tmkulbl lutll im lu i omit only eluhtoou yuru m und gruiuuulhui wuu bx aura it would uivtir and yt ll ulmuily uu nvcryiluy lout tin- that wu wondnr how linitf wu ii 1 intnrautcxl nnough to look out of thu window ut an alr- t uhowuthat wu ouulit to be vry mini im foro wn pronouiiom a tiling- lin- liouulhlo iuil1 mru ollotln lut the 1 tier uwuy ijitulln llomolline wlmn aunt vi lu burn ulin will imj klud to heur it mru qllnttn wuu vury fur from bum- tierttiik what wn imprttwalou luill ll mudo on ijitnllo by hourlug hr graml- futlinru 1 tliir lculnlui imd imhiii heur- liilf thu word linihiwulblo wry rro- lllttly lutnly llhe liad yielded to lt rmtlt1oii with thu foellng- thut it would im ultogvthnr uwulouu to huhl out uwuliiut it hut now uh womlnmd how hiuny poiili imiiiovihi air nuvlgw- tlon immultiln ih fore it liud immin demon ul rut ut it wu uniuirmitlmutliii tuther thuli nsuggiirullnu to way nut one lu u tliniiwunil pnrhupu uli v hltl too hdy uu infulllhtn ku in ilo ihkuii to do ti icreut dnul of hurt thinking hhu had pit the idea of going jo hillogu out of hor mind aa fur uu ahe oould uoiwldnrlug very aenulbly tliut wlnfe it waa an im- huoihilkly thu uuui aha thought nlkiot tt tlio hotter hut wuppowe tt wu ihiumiiiiu hh itegan to wonder if she wore- not too rttoepuvtt of vither peoples oplnlona i jay utter day who went through her outlom with un upright rreune ltwwn her liruwh indicative of conoontratlon night after night hint wrowtled wltb her problem could the impohjilble be made posslttlet mm watts wife of thn reglatrar at the rolleira jcwlelln hud hoped to attend dropped in one lay on an rruhd i dont wuppoue mm olletto whe uu lit that youd want to board a atudent in return for her help ubout tho house r in wplto of the legutlve form of the utatomont hur vol no lifted on the last word allowing- it a question mrs ollotte laughed instead of help about the liouwe 1 need work ubout the house my maid is so competent and ewtelle does so much that i um loft with nothing to do 1 imugtned that would be the case hut my husband hud u letter from girl who want to come to coileg next year und both ha and 1 formed very favorable impression of her and i did want to gut her into homo continued um watts appeal- ingly bome people have such queer ideas about the proper way to treat college giruj who work for jbem suppose though she added its as long as ita broad for aome college glrla urt aa if they felt above tha work theyve ugreed to do you havent tho letter with you huva you mrs wuttst knului ask ed eagerly why yes i have icstetlo un watts glanoed at the girls flushed face and thought how awnot it vss of iter to he so interested now listen she said as oho smoothed the crumpled aheets see if tt doesnt give jou the impression of a really worthwhile glrlt and forthwith who began to read prof iuu watts uagtatrar of tho carey womans college hear prof watts i am a girl of eighteen u kruduuta of the mirror lake high school and i um very anxious to enter college in tho fall t i have been assured so often that it is impossibla that it seems a utile presumptuous to wet my own opinion uguloat tho opinion of every one else and yet 1 canttttvo up bor writing the best solution of a mysteiy jitory which appeurod in end of the city paper c was uwurdod a prtxe of one hundred dollars und that with a llttfo money have uaved up will pay for my books and tuition now if 1 could get a placo where i could pay for my board and room by doing house work tho problem would be solved i shall have to tell you that y am little bit lame i really am very strong and hot uxrald of work hut sometimes when people wee die imp ing they think i must be delicate- and are afraid to give me anything hard to they neednt feel that way i hud almost given up the idea of going to college aa everyone said it waa impossible and then 1 happened to read somewhere that woraoone i auiiose it must have lieen napoleon said that impossible 4f imbecile word and i made up my mind that i would nu give up ull id trlod every thing l dont care how hard 1 work very truly yours bthol m iorter oravevco oh vkyw not my wlyt huh uhe wui ml firlj lawn im nlly fwl upprwlhiiwlv huwlmw in want to gi muhliii 1 rilt fill urn at pruiinnt unla iiimii und ubuurif thut u limn uhouit yoit roinli- iii s liinmnl of woukll hi to yhhthrluht with u won m io wuu joo wulluc thultruol vynln wiiil watirut of th h4 1 yri whut if im won fit iliil it outt wliut would ho nuy on monluv uioriihigrt on ih wlioloi ii wm in wi pretty iljkitl wtato of mind and wuu llg ulnc for wonuu in u bulf jnurtl wo t of wuy ywu by th kltcln ii gunlin whit ji yl yw hi rw if rum wklpplng out of the hoiiuii und urrosu the luwn oh lot ma plrk them upt who crlod koiuh down on hr humlu und krnww in thu uoft lutrth im not urruld vou want to rutch rltfht hold of their hiudu und pull quirk i fort tlmy iiuvp ihiifi to get lb lr riit bruruil ttioi thy wont itrmik to pttmxm i know lltiolo al told me lunt thut thu wuy i uoiiiiihi thu fcui- uf joe wulluio wum wtrong uikin inn why did x promh to tuka hr ilwhlugt it i light not im too lute yet at loaut i iiiuld try you rwl ull right thu uf tor noon t i liniulrwl iollely vourn lyetly utronu uren t your cray lyoij lookeil up umlouily ltv4iuwe i rontlliuml ittl u long way im urruld 1 didnt tljnh ow fur it wua wlmn i told you ubo t il 1 lent tired myself woutetlmos her furdbhrlichluneil 1 don f mini walks win uuld illdilly 1 irnvor get ureil thuta an jiwful pobbly briwik i wolllnqulxad looking up ut tho sky my feet ure ull big- blue hump after iv un wading lu it hurtu too lerhupw id letter wear my rub iwr whit nugkewteil j waluiro imw u trump up ihum luut wuek i hasardoilr in dnwpululloii pi that verdhtia greuulilg- ono with huji whiskers raykyus laid her hand on my urni i shouldnt ira afraid whe uuld you would take care uf nin wouldu t yout why oh yea of course 1 made liuwte to answur stoutly wl all right then cumii along hurry up id get your rubberaj we start oil orf down tho roil 1 wth xi flshlngpoles ucihui my uhoulder und uraykcyes twirling- a rubber ovar- whoe in each hand au wu trudged ulong- my haart grew lighter afui ull this was pot wo bad the road was shady and cool and mottled who the mshlna come through the leaves like my gray ponys buck one could ton a ile pressed long on such an after nun we might not moat joe wallace nd besides a girl who would pick up worm was not to be held in utter contooipl especially when ahe looking ut you now in a way that mude you ecuff hard in the dust from pure self- oat isfaclion it was u little brook hut in those days it seeme1 deep und tuyelcrtous und awful it run drat through a ravine wu thick spruce wood on vuch aide and alto gether tearful pluon dark und cold even the brightest and warmest of sum mer days you never fished long hof but hurried on with quick g uncos over your ahuulder to the warm meadowa und the reassuring- sunshine thero tho hrook was yellow whining- and run awlft with a kettle und rawp of tiny pehblos xnf rtrassee hung over into tha water and tobbd up und down with the current- you outd murk the brook by the alder bushes winding ucrou the mnadow- lands to tho river gmyteyea aat down smontf wvarlet bunchberrlea and pulled off her shoes und stockings while i bulled the hooku und pondemd deeply i ought to let her fish ahead of me us fwo waded down tlwi hrook i knew hut whe need not expect to have everything lope for lier 1 had been kind to brhuf her along anyway extremely kind none of the other tallows would have done it and i hud lent her my secondbest pole heslde who might scan the fish then there was thn alarming possibility that who not i might catch thom loo hhe could keep hear me to watch to udmlre but on the whole i decided it was butter that orayky should stav behind tiptoeing- over fame and mosses o wading unkleduup in the cold water we followed the turnings or the brook through the dork spruces out u cross tha uunny mwdawa nearly to the rlwr and now the afternoon had gone aa only saturday afternoons cat go tho shadows of the aiders were long- and purple it was time to think upon tha stem consequenoea of being- isle for supper ami not a oah not even tha reeblest nibble i was tired and cross ami hungry there could be but una reason for such fortune and h scowl ed back at tho unoffending- oruyeyou her hat was hanging by its wlaetlo hor dress was wet and draggled she sung quietly to herself oa abe waded along- patiently untangling her lino when u caught in the brunch over head unil flsliing with eager hopeful news in the very pools i had juat a plashed through why dont you catch aoelhngr she culled quite innocently flow can i when you go wplsshlof found that wayr why i dont not lialf uu much aa you well i dont keep alnglng loud enough to scare every trout fruni here to the river vou catch me taking u girl ruth lis again i knew how it would be you wont gat anything in that pool didnt you aee me tub ing- there i started downwlreum again lash ing the water a x went there was u little scream from oraykyoa x looked twek hhe had dropped her pole und wua pulling- ut home thing thrashed the wuter then arayhwea was wading- toward the bunk holding thut some thing tight in her skirt hhe knelt down in the tutt grass o tom come qulokl lunt no bmiutyt j low do you tuka him offt t ilunt cure if i am ull wet bee hla ted spots und isnt ha u butt onef im wo glad i got him i x wish lie woulttn t make his mouth go ilka that do you suppose it hurts hlmt poor thing t 1 wouldnt lose him for anything- come ill tike it i shi it i luko ii hlli wretth ilmt i wiu und tiiiiiihil limit thn wtuhlu itooi uw if i w r n nil juurliig ninpnior inuti ml of i hi tin mi ut ligur on earth iruy ltyi followvil u uttu wbv bn- hlud my filth r ma utf on the luwn vvll don noiii h wuld upprov- lliuiy well tnuko u nnhennun of iiu yi an iwhl j iy fulhur a crown oc ulllllll win 1 oil 1 uu thlr hsnds trtjt iii wi nwutl in i uiurval to ux lulm to i rulm tnn u m i utood there iii tl x nvi- aim litjlt tiohllng up the itttl no no th night of tjray- 1 y- und flruv kym unver tnd c ii 1u speak encouraaement put on our tubh 11 oil und nayiin illllm iluvi run burry ilt run oiio 1 tight do u ruet of aweet uu the rrufttw of vinegar lmiip the vast ultl- iiiom hunlima thun they if you uu uiibuukln th lilt uo uu to fcnuke it less lluur yn one anothers 1 uu fulfil ilia law um i chruu if u luwihuliln dim for you u nice joh of work lut htm know that the hanlnter in wi1 lurnl or the wall is well pupcrnif or ih u carriage la well lonulrui lud if tlif goods that cam from your ftromr ure uxrllsnt when wtllu liiu bill lot lilm know what ugh ustlufurtlon ho bus given you if urter long eiidutuliiw from poor uhoeinuklng you got aunduls that neither plntli nor i liufa let the man who sits wiuirlly pulling the waxod thrhid through tha uuther know thut ha iim mivwl fekiu fronvpedsl martyr ilimi if u imwik lluit you road consoles or inslruitu or luuilrvu you inform imlh unlhor utid publisher of that cheering fui 1 if a m uu leal invjrument lurmu your houueliohl wo inform turner um munufucturer if u cout tltu thank thu tullor he mora ocou- omlcul of your lumuura und more pnnllgul uf your niwomlumw tukn wuniiug from thomas carlylo who iuiiuuhi thu moat of his murrhd llfn according to his own ulutament i muklng his wif um tnlssruble kor tvin wmkv at crulganputtock flftoen miles from uny sett lament not speak ing a word to hr uhd ut chayna jtow ijinlon pltoheu uu omelet out uf tha whitlow itetiuwa whe hud not cooked it to wult him inflicting- upon her all tha mvunnews and outrugo tlmt dyapaptia ilnvll could wllggeut to him and then urter hor decauwa pending twenty years lit extolling her exoellanoo ui ijwiilorlng his injustices appreclulli while living ho that our aentlme and habit und while anon coming- to nucualona of publlu approbation let tha uuthe prlnclpla run ull throughvexy duy life wrrjlntlie ooffae la clenr and the breud tlfght und the meat la muwtlcuble und the dessert la delicate ly ingenious let the husband pre is th wife umt tha wife praise uto cook nnd the cook prulwu the butohai and bukr when thu child rupldly ud- vuncos in schooling put him on the shoulder und wond an appuudttory note with hint to hla overworked toucher in thut wuy we not only cheer others hut we help ouraeh sa beuteq in u carriage you want to make many miles in a short tlma ruppose you bagln by- blowing up the driver und then tailing him what a buy and ugly team u la driving- and ut every jolt shouting- ouchl ouch sa though you were luting injured the result or alt will im ulow progress and a grouchy driver und un unpleasant jojr- ney buy to tho driver if you do wo truilifully i uuinuwe you have been u driver an lonu you are expert at tha business those thorium look as though they had u good deul of go in them my myl how fant we are going- over the ground i um wum we will be there sooner hum 1 at the start axpcted why such a spirit in- wplrem thu driver greases tha wagon- wheebt wmootlim tho road and limbers the spavined lags of the horse com mendation instead of hypercrltlclsm appluuwa rather thun dlspurugmuti ttorlallty rather than ostracism llov ulon inwtmid of unutliemal paean in- atftad of rursul advocacy instead it mprehnnslonl compliment instead of carping hut muny faithful people will dot get the encouragement 4hey dewerve on narth gad give thebi pa- tlsnce to wult until christ in the presence of an owsamtiledv- universe uhall hand them everlasting reward and pass thom in to tho pleasures that tovor dial for ull tha ngleots and injustice und fatigues of ooda chl dren here hoaveit will more than knal amends t umwltt tutmage i fj x forgot to mention that i led my claw in lflgb hchool though that might not help me in getting- a powklon f dont you cull that un appealing letter t uakatl mrs watu looking- up from the carefully written shoots hut mrs ailette aid not answer bhawae w taring pendexodly ut est olio vhy my deur child aha crleil what la the matter icatoltas cheek were flushed her eyes unnaturally bright why dont you wee alia crlod its the way for both or us two impossibilities make a possibility kstulte what are you talking alioutr blie- oould come here mother and live with via und luateud of working for her board ahe oould read tne my lesson t and it would ha her part to read tliefn to mo until i leurnod mrs ollattu looked at mr watu it a perfectly wondorful idea cried the wife or the registrar i dont see myself why it mightnt work out exclaimed mrs oil tie nut it seetna so wimple that i dont know why no one thought of il on the day college opened two freshmen wulked side hy uldo ucroaa tha campus to enroll one of them ac commodating her naoa to that of tha other who walked with u alight limp suddenly the faint purring of a motor cuuucd them lu lift their ayes a mov ing apeck in the nnrtheaet wo awlcy uppruuohuuf taking definite form oa it nuured titem patella laughed sortly as she saw it nothing impossible ahe declared impossible an imbecile word answered tho other freshman t business 18 business train l the western htate of american was hold up by bandits who ordered the passu nan ru to give up all their money one of tho puuaangor wu jl jew from nnw york und when hla turn cumo ha reluctantly drnw three hun dred dollar rrom hla pocket and tak ing alx put them in hi pocket what dn you ineuu by thutt asked thu bundlr- hurely uiutwerei the jew yoa dont mind me taking- u per cent dis count un a cash transaction t 8ticl missind jolumy say paw x cant gat vheso rlthinatla examples teacher aald omethlnvbout ii it din the great ooro- dlvlsor qulokl x hurried buck ha isnt so very hla i remarked i i atrung the trout on k branch of aldef lie hes a monster kver no much bigger than the one you and uncle al got tha other day iflvcr and ever so much well hurry up lta most supper time youd better et me carry him i can luku him and tho poles too no x going to carry him myself said oraytoyes decidedly out youll amell all fishy i kv-non- wtrated i did awrul the other day i dont carol aba insisted llet my fish and xwnnt to curry him my seir all right carry him then 1 hud to swallow hard to keep back the tears 1 should havetlked to stay nut there on the meadow alb night and let qrayhyotf go home alone and i had made her atay behind all tha afternoon und had uplusttod in tlte pool when i passed them to acaro away ny trout that might pre fer her hook to mine draylsyea kept giving- me little aide glances a we walked along wo cumo in eight of our mtublo and i could see the men sitting- ubout tha big door in the twilight wu ahoulil iiuvo to posh them too the liluo meat and drink for the mind great hooka aru meat and drink fr tha mind they huve a wonderful sus taining and atcadyinjf power thoua- unda of youth have been saved from moral shipwreck by their influence and many u boy lias been preserved from the evil association of bad com panion hy the power of an inspiring book which held him at home in spite uf temptation to follow hi associates to low nlaoes if amusement and sauj- destroylng dbutlpntlon the possession of a small library even if itbe only hair u doaen of the great book of the world is worth a fortune to a oung nwin or uv young woman w su iw in dlaguat qreat boottl aob tha i had been in my throat so a yaar and youll bo aorry havent fhoy found that thing ytt ion popped out in arllt of me i felt my boyj tholben aa mruay i why they were huntln for it when i urayiqyea hand touch thing bho about wutbadaua donhilon waa a boyl wm holding out the ainar branch wortii 50 a day j writes a city bro- keri we simply could ndt conduct our business without lonjj distance any man who thinks his business is efficiently conducted should see a telephone ex change at work my visit last week opened my eyes we ore oil telephone boosters now vssuar to kxckans or dunlop cord tires fabric j theres bomethink in tko quality of dunlop tires tluita missing from other tires dont know what it is out when i make that quick atop 1 know instantly 1 have dunlop tires on i j one motorist tkus apokc fof himself he really waspcaking for thousands of car owners t lava ruhher and beat lgyptian cotton go inta dunlop cojs anj rahrics no axuxldy no alumpinor the day of uto ah ort- mil cage tiro ia gone tho day of tha high- mileage tir is lcre and when tirorail cajre is up far discussion now you findtlio word remaxlajblo gvmbxally precedes a reference to dunlop f dunlop cord tires deliver the most mileageare safest to use dunlop tire rubber goods co limited ilssd ooca sad pacbarlcaitoraoxo rroachel la the leadiag ofdca fwaminibimiiimratm studebakermotor cars j n oneill son dibtributors of dodge brothers and studelmker motor cars for georgetown acton and milton l e atkinson local representative to can advertising is the public expression of a masters will and wish his word of power we want to say this lo the merchants of this community you can make the public of this com munity buy more goods from you you can teach the public new customs new tastes new habits you can make the public do what it is not in the habit of doing powerful and persistent advertis ing has revolutionized modern life it sends people travelling ii lias made them photographers it has made the motor car u jidtfrsity 1 makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice or thrice a year it selects the very food wo eat- refrigerators tmt will lall- keep the food wholesome np 32 clului will t ml win iuml lln- j kllolvb v i willi kiviiiuhi nt1 will ym u ju wm1ih iili i rlihi ui 12000 h m cliuwiii h i1iilii wlili irlln uikl kil ml wllt ni mm w h lull lrlrl ut 12bml no 2tt hu vlill nam1 iii llutljl nil ncir mlalillnif wutio ww ke mo chslun ifule of ssh with hwlng i nv wnlu liiuull1 crlto urt mlrnxul wl mn 2cm vl 64 lilah lrhl ut 13400 no 2 lwbrdo juiiiii uu uikiv- 1u wldw h high jviiid ut tji7jt4 no 4 lsbfodor jul ln ihk snish movuli uutvm ull niktui provision lr- iluiniur i 1 2ju wide 44u high ivicii ut 2ijoo in bond hardwaitk co- ua w lluv what you want tu 1012 guelth this stores policy to represent roods ex- ctly 5 to their quality to sell to those who know and fo those who dont know at s uniform uir price to rulhil all kuarantecs snd cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jcwdkn guelph ontario 1 grand trunk wtw the double track route bkrrwkgn montreal toronto detrpit chicaqo unexcelled dltlng ear aervloa bleeping car en night tralna aa rsrkr car pn prlnelnal day trabat vull in f onus tlon from any ormn trunk ticket rgentor c it horn- district taenger jlgei t toroats u a u0lmks assnl acton ont mtsne li r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station juat arrived car no i feed cu a quanrrnr oripseo cobn and oil cake just rkcbvbo i i vutvr peed noeval bran and shorts feed hour r noble ltd henry awntv mana0eii surprising bargains for acton ladies summer shoes in canvas o a note to the public does not the publicly expressed will snd wlarfpr the merchants of uus community influence you in your sropptig7 tdo you aot go where you are guided 7 are you not very attentive and responsive to the advertisements vrhlch appear each wed in the columns of tub acton tttee rues shop where you are invited to shop lmud by canadian wltmy rlwpapr amltln opns pto very low prlpcj on n lot of v 6oil5 n bmall hits tho quality la there and l tho pcioca aro aa low as tho siic3 come lri wk uarga1ns w williams the shoo mart mm sttot r apn t t ohildron ory shop where you are invited to shop i c aso s a wxwwm sfe jigaaaiiia c

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