Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 3

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i i ijp artnn 3ter ilfl riluiihuay mav 18 101- whcn we had ouh righto itllllull yn itooaimml 1m1uo1 linn outru iiiiikikk i utn then wlilli i lroitu your hiurt vltlt ti tub thut atari ilwk hi tin i i iii miw wihii wlm i that atari i 1 uli mill mliil trd a i y nnirii jutf thut u u wl nil lat a wonderful i u rtht i ii til muwdun i tlm ruupldoi ami i drop of tliut y uludlntf hninh u ami wli ii lit biut h mull full uhui o milr willi hlu wnury ii4i i tryur tld wm- you think if dim ulnful way w wuulo our juok mi maturdayy ill white tliu uuun mi krub ariif iiiom willi ii oiiiii nil u tlmn would have imhiiilll liaol iwmuwi jvi vulral on would 1imv iwiutfht vu u mhounci of fiiuliiintf lhr in tlm joyouu duyof u vunlahad year 1 ir old annual ijr old flahtal llurk hi tlu day whan w luul our llluhtul i uiililiiii day i hurrol of boo th from i u yntf ooulii rittle tho anil otm ruhlter lont and a dru or two allii uut it ftvih the bar to you at t n u throw tlttii 1rt and bruk humming u urrrfeeidltty frlak your kuntluy null from tlo to danu and kick you out to ho in tmno and mloop it off lu u walarlna trough till ilia iluliit uila round with tho huluuro thorn waa the day i thorn w l wo tnat our iouh and our llvi unhid and un uya or o but wn had ou luahta juan follow hurkara kmi nd trual komowhero ft volru u calling- youl hoipowher u ynsff la natrhln cold out in tin light with a plec or ol ltuwty kmtplpel while ha hlttm inxir old acarod ouromutln ntlffa on tho imuii lie penatvo algha wiping hi poor bleary ny in on umant way ua ho mmlo whan wo gtji him back on th job ugsln shall wo tl pulnt hhall hi w vulnt uhall tho ixmir ygi nmnur rain wutor n land that u crmmm und crude and wiwn with tba utxxlm of lnsrvtl tudpt tan andura to bono id hba oplna rl0 to ota atsra in team lika thi it hy bank na blmll wo tomoly oount watching it mount and mount shitll wo hold otir lae whan huokora than tell how thoy b it in aouchor xn knockout mropa in thctr i hlutu wo vwr orsot kwt days pwo hy whn wa wont homo loaded with drujr- utoro ryn ahd wukbwire ut with a crack la thi and bump in thft now whti aba ntartd to cryt iwr dwd dayal dear dead nlchut whan tho vn and tho suclcora had thlr hujhcl lowell ottua raeao oems of thought nolhlntf in hfo in mora remaxbabla than tlio unnacoaaary anxiety whlob we anduro and kenorally occaalon our- ilv nuruau wealth without virtue la a djuwroua kuont who ho ida thorn mingled la uprixm- ly blowlt ii marivala u sjen of tho noblnat dlapoaltlon think thmaalvo hanplest whan other abaro their linpulneoa with them xhiooan a ronnroua man plaoea the beaaflu ho confer ben oath hi ft tho rooftlyoa noareat hi hftaroaiui society la wall buvarned whan tba- imoplo obey the mxltrmtsa and tba mautrutea obay the tawsolott talkutlra people who wlah to be lovod are hated when they deal re to pleaae they bore when they think thay uro udralrod they ore lausba4 ut they injure their friend benefit their anemlea und ruin themaela- 1 xluuirch the truo order of learning alioold bo rinit what in neceaajy weoond vrliat la uaeful and third what u ornamental to revnrae thla unuue- ment la like beslnnlnb to build nt tho top of the edifice mr blxournoy julia and prlaon are the complo- rnnnt of arhoola ao many lees mm you have of tho latter to many mcue mut you have of the former h mann the dueaae uf an evil conaaienoa 1 beyond the practice of all the phyi clans of all the coumrie in the world w fit oladaton tho flnoat qua hie of our nature like the bloom on frultu can bo pre- aarvad only by the moat delicate hail d 1 1 ntfw th ureau i nover knew ny one interfere with other people dlaputea but that ho heurtlly re minted of it lord car- lbile tt thy apeoch b better than allanoa or be allohtidlouyaiu the filldor luyout in i u ly puld i yfick in moor fi li 1 i nd ull any ihlllli irlir or ho imi inuiiiii mrni roi u iiiuilur dallur in iim duyu w1 arir lli wmimhim miiril lh lot it wuuil i loilit im ti iho v ry 1 4iuifof tuhlo hoit ip wlinrn mr 1 lurry jo i hu m uixl lilu family now rowliln w rtd mm wut on dl i r they iimvd i ihlu in w in mo und lh flihmt luuicblir- mury inn l riu lliu ilur in un honui all i uli til font j- i i b fth 11 otlir dutilhl i tin all i u tho hall w thy nxhaltutlauri i nee mnnimlh r 1 ihhii bhlna thouahl und hr alwdowy bihl liy ii olhiy and l-uc- und tlin are tubjmt to thy thy ummur hmwt i chllilhhlu lovid urt 3 fthll wllttl llloilt vulth th uhalml wotmlwulu und iho tor tod riil ltuhluoilt knvmliry wiiklul u ih till v uvi cluthiwl with fur noftnr iiucm hum llht nun ulvt and imtjlh uiilitotit luuf but trimldlntf with tfolduii vuilouu und romiintla drcamw thulm ko it really ivmw to tno that iivmory tuim an rxhuuhtuum rnhi utcli mvmii rn hut thi uimhi thw turly ly in thlif community and in nmni rut mory iiuh nn lu iwf rlutclnm am i olmiyljir ttll tlmu unj plane mun li puwt uhd nvuntu of luilf u rtntury ubxuie cumti up with vlvldixwm x mrvf drvamwl of a thy wero nnacted ohiwlumkl lovwl roup rev ull every acena and v ft myaalf uwy bark in tlioa early day i wrltu tabout lu thnoaeolumu and whloh you ull uppflur to epjoy purua- ln- ii 1 hurlnu- olio of tho iilphth rl i i nld inlru of tlm n rurly 0 iyu u till oh llyu tlli w tom und will unl ah tni wliou fuinlli n movid fiomi artou uiuny ynuru iu1 mury jn iimrrloil john a c aliiuuihi of nukmikuwi yu i in y imilf tlmn i toh iinvl to tuiunu 1 lorltltt uvur hirty yniu uo llu lltor iuim jnt told nu of nlvloir in wu from hlu wlf tlini tlmt uoli qkd on april 10 nflir u roniihi of utrokix tom wuut i llhluianwii und whw for aovci yiinj kjtiyor of tluit town will li uuiid from tny mntnory ah you ull niimlmr alu 11m lutlo runt lliut u to in nrruiid for aic hior whtm lni hud u urik nry iitul trokury ntor in th uhop wri liurlli up 1 1 iiomt well a w nl to kite ufliiwurd und turn mi inuiumur oi tlm hlu furnltiiio fulorlnri thurn not know wlinrn bit ta now lhoniuuwfttiuil tho rutlior wi wuu roe enru u rulihlul wurkitmii t 11 rk hk mt ucolrllit on day whu rtutrlb itluif tic off a riat mr a rilntf tlo cjuht him uml hn wum thrown off tlm cur and u mlii r tho wluula und lout oim of liln u ln 1i viiiii imvt1- uhlu to work uuuli think mr wutuou dlod in thin hoou it wan in tdo aliit hi rir of tho houun that wiutoi lirtuim fui lory llti uiio hu remivml to ciiolph uuvld lovdl und fumlly of ltru- iiioiut mult thu liuuuu tholr homi win it tiny rumu to ai ion and rumuln tlur i think until their rumoyul couldnt oblige qebrsa you nay bring me tw fried etrvk wma bucom pot- of coffee und woma roll eald the ian to tht country waiter yee air ll companion aald you may bring- me tho mme no juat wait a minute juat eliminate the j in a moment the walter returned uxuuao mo ale what did you nay ubout them eggar i merely told you to eliminate them yea elr- ahd hu iirrled uwoy to the kuohen in u few minute he came baclc onoo mor leaned oonfldantlally and pool- tuntly oyer tho table and raid we had bad accident tbl morn ing lr und uie itmlnator cot buat right nt tho handlo will you have them fried same o this scntlamajir the first talking machine tho teacher wna ezaporatod the chun waa idlo and inattentive and just a little out of hand in doaperatlon hu ohanged the aub- jnct from mathemutloa to aolenco and f began to aak each boy and girl quea- uonn about tho great inventions oe the ago- now then aba nald mpailently what nvoa the llrat talking maohlne mado of t after a while a valoe from the bank of the olosa broko tho alienee ploase mlaa a rib i thi raornliig- i am buck u owr avtuiu i aao vvy vividly the old farm lane and the ervolloii of the variou homew romim back to mo one by one with force and inturent ranall tho vacant lota whro the rough cuat outlay und utknnaln flatroof nd domlcllo now atatul thbi lot wa the kltcltou kurdeu of 1111 m tavern for yoara wuluirn 1111 kept tho tav urn where tho tuition llotul now tanda william und hlu wife were good tavwn kvapam u utvarn kehrm went in tliono day tlmy worn thrifty and the rich garden plot lu tho rear or their hostelry urfordod many u tempting and auooulent vegettaljle rroah from tho moll for the meal of the traveller or boarder who patron ised their board the roughcast houun wna for many year tho property of ltv 1l 11 took father of tttc cok of the utorc nuxt to itrowih drug at ore i am not amr wliather mr cook built iho houaa or not he owned it howovor when he was pastor f the hap tint church boro till wa the home of mr william lluwthomouud fumlly when they cwno from colllnswmid u hcoiu of year and more ago tlm titoii lot hu nlno u history wu bought by tho bite kuiwnrd moom in ikes or msfl juat after tho noo ah bin war tho war of the crimen in 18b4 had furrouohlng etteol wheat aold in aolun for 4 00 u bushol all exportable product reuchod fabu lous price bvon real eatato in acton wa effected thlu war und tho grand trunk hallway thou building through town were going m make everybody rich anrt price became wonderfully inflated the book in tho county registry officio show that mr moore paid s400 for thi lot he llrat thought of building- the homo for himself and hi bride on thi lot hut wh bought it und ateppad off it dimen sions tt looked ruthor circumscribed to u young- man recently off the farm and he look ml around for another alte finally ho chm tho throo lots on which afoorocroft now htutulu these lot also cost him a pretty penny but hn wanted them and got thorn and built hla homo on them wna married and took hi boloved wlfo thorn lived moat happily there saw bis family of threo eon and three duughlarw on me tq further bes hi liome and was home in very truth to him there 11 hlu untimely death there forty- three years ugo thi month the pro perty ho ever wince been lu the mlly and at 111 hoanj the family name woll mr moore kipt tho llowor avenue lot for twentyone yeurs ul- way hnplng u would advance iii price to recoup him for laying out of hi 40 of hard on mod money an narjiuutur und frutner for all tbosv youru fln- uliy liowever it wum aohl o tbomu wiftson and family as a pluco for their proposed iuw home and be- llovn me the prloa paid mr mooru by the wutsonm for thlsl 400 iloohhlan war lot after twontyono your was tho aidondjd sum of 70 00 mr uoores real en to to aiuiuulatlon proved juat atout mm prontublo 7 as tho ventures lu rval oautto some of tlm rest of n havo mo4io in brier yuru in northwest town plow uml lulrto coast city lot durlug tho twviity one yoant mr moore hold thlm lot ht did not muku much money from it lint it hecaruo a utilitarian oltjeotlvn for mr itoll th tuvurn kiiir urid bla frlenda und brntlireu tlie oraugomui on nuali buo cesslve twelfth of july in those day acton luul orango walk that were uomn kkttutooh no pluoo bi the oountry won more popular us centre for spending the olorlmi twelfth than anton and nearly every year them whm un o ran go tlemonatra- tlon the dining room of the tavern wus entlroly lnadoqiiute for tho uo- oommodutloii of the crowd of visitor to make room fur ull mt hell ulwuya aecured perm awl on rroln mr moore to erect u temporary dlnmg room on this lot us it was immediately behind hotel lumber wuu cheap lu those days and orungu helper numorouv the dlnliik tabo wuro gonurully jiiioh ulnng tho fence for tho whole longth of the weatorly uliui or tho lot and a leanto roof alluded them from or rain it ire my reoouoctloni for he west and th turn thi wk t ambitiouq to do helpful thinos many youtig- poonlo whuu tuknti ti tnwk for upending their time on ciituln thing fond thnmuulvoh by imylog why i rant s tluit thoro much harm in it and auoh u dnfonao la in ratlty uu aocuaulmii hiiihhi the thing- in nuoutlon may proporly bo culled hurnilcmh that i very jnr from lhlig a mufluuni justlrlcatl we mhould lie ambitious to do hmpful thing splendid thltiga wo i tould tlnglo with tho dratra to make live cotinl uupptwu wo auauru lutlwauhut u inirtuln orcuputlon in of no maimolal harm what of thutt it lhvcomn u harm to u if it take time that we could us butter the trnuody of presoiitduy llfo lu the exaltation of tho trivial it in eoy to nil the day whh imjouputloim thut have hotblng- agalnat thoni aoopt tlmt they tak the time and anerey which might be bolter employed only u high ulm und un unfaltorin resolu tion can save in rrom hacrlnolng the lwnt of life to things of no importance thfi aftenwhile vvarnino one moilitdt ii t tlo woman who ua ruined a fi no homoioviiur family took her hint of tfiia ootnjunlonhdp from u tbancfl remark bt her boy of throe 1 noticed she maid thut harold liogau slug honglug two word to hint nolf continually uu he wont about till play af or whit afar while tot- u time i wna pussled why 1m uaod tliem und what he meant tluin ono day i awoke to tlio fact tlmt li wum almply uti liinocwiitheurtoj mlmlu of myialf lfor all tho time i wum fully intending to bo a fine companion and yut buay with multitudinous household ilytlen of rur lea lmort i was con tinually mooting hlm reiiunnts for help with tho fatal ye doar aftor uwhll at imrn i inxtltutod tits olio hour day of eonipluto rompwnlonuhlp wbi i met ull hi littln perplxhiom u 111 luiixlh and i havo kept it up miiioo with my big family i cun truly say that this ono hour brlnga uu into other eight or nlno devoted to the muterbil comfort of my family oi outwltto intnrontm i am only ton jui thut my first babys elnfit aohg nwuk eiied mo to the importance of rojil comitanlonshlp before it wa too uto once the bird hah howii the neat it in entirely too late to ooox it back for even most helpful suggestion making the debt of otherq making the liest of things in really lean important than makltik tho boat o puoplo juiit uu moat of the ulroiim hiiiuoom of our lvta huvu bright aide und dark aldua so anoat of tho people of our unouat nt u nun imvo shin that in lovuhle und unotlier thut in the vurwi if wo seek for the fault a uf tlioun wo meet und miluud thoit tho evoluuloti of everything elad uuill form a very unfuvoruble im- pnuuiloii rtf huraunlty uu u wliolii while if wo look for whut in good in otich and every one wo ahull rind truce of divinity in ull if making tho boat of thing it u big factor in happiness making tho host of pooplo la even more essential ijiurn look on other wth a view to mak- not tho worat but tho heat of thei i to too two a french boy lu un langllah school wrote too when it should havo been to iha muster wum pluiiuod to 1m kar astir und nuld wu cun duly re- pruuent it urlthmutkully there lire throe i s lu thu iqngllah language wrlto that put twenty tlmus und than perhupw you wilt remember t aftur puaalhtu- for u while tho hoy usketl how it wum to ho done und thu muatcr hud to admit thut ho wia ixiwi- cd out h is una of the few icngluh wunlenauu which cannot bo written itmlonmornhiif 1ost fruit thimdle9 thlmblehke contrlvancen thut nt over tho finger aiulu to fuollltuto the hulling of frullu are the no vol in vention of amy 1ource of illusion cty llrltluh oolumblh the thlmblo uro or light mutal ami are provided with artificial nails to each of them la fuuteiied a abort rubber tube whloh woo urea it upon tho finger anniversaries tr an ly irli und i i i fre but llttlr limy ill i khuf to ho unfitted ly tuji uiiii it i by th pausing hut the pniiion who uuyu ull are urn i nine to hint blrthduyu illig utmlv ittiirlna hollduyu and chrlaltnna n w n r und iiiitioml un will uoimiiily 1 found to iptaalvo unl noinsh lik- ln in thut tin rignio whh h kninruiih fcuyu lu th ouuolulluii un itipplneu 0 liraiilimn ilonuhlo und relirt- g h ft tin lt it life oil ii haiuz- f um- of th ol- amid the vhliultuha of iniu the glnlm ouojilllllf hua bll ng ininititubl i return unit whiter thu urrlv t day unl the alioitiut r lilly puuid he uhurtoat duy fo now drawing to the oloso of tho y of thu wiiiiiiimr ao1ntlo x liojmful ulul i ichuflll inurt- thoiuuiil auiitd on tho upward jonrmy ulun thino uro ihounutida who rtu f thurn tar far ua thoy r iplwti iho duugera und aorruwa lirt- uiit lu ho yur tlmt 1 now under umlouhtedly iho groat ihvi of humuii heart lu lutiuo fulth to roal thut inidflnitiutli around und iivnr irillug yuru tliure u u guiding imwer grot moral ruur the heart that lua thlu trust run iwur ull ihlngal tho luait thut in ilhtltutu of it la deso indihi all luoiiumii of llfo final ly inmdvn thviiuielvaa in in twor la thu ul ttiirnortn und dou the cisutor iro for iho work of hlu 1mm t if hot whut nd ull thi htullltudlnou life this luiuiolty fur uuffuclng and ull the atrugglu of lf a wt wlto pasod from nurtli u fw nyola ahno wrote the follow i no on the nrtleth unnlvnr- aury of hi oomtgo rlaa itoy ah inn tho fifty yimu uluno luut wo nut kem to tmi fifty folloa imiiitld und kt hy tli tint grout irunat riber on lj alu lva wh i hi uro written hutorloa of rur- what trutodlea wlmt comedies uro there i whut joy und grief what rapturo und inupulrl what thronldi of triumph und do- ful of atrugglu und temptation uml ro ut what nionlji of rugralm tlnd ririuhtg unil four whut pugg blnttod bllalorwl iy our turul vhut lovely iiiiiihomiu a on tha mur- gln ahliio whut ant uiignlln fan a what divine and holy liiinm h of love and trust undlnimml by ugo unolloa by damp or duhtl thlu in the roord of all human ufa it in w ii to uummou our nourugo at the luiglinilng of uvury new your and roaolvo that wo ul hiuat will lear our purl lu thu burden our ahum lu tho atrlf bruvily and uncomplainingly our lot lu the imiinmon lot of ull hoping ror thu bout wu gird oursolvtim utiew tvr tho roiilllol thu your will puaw llut a tho ovuillttg twilight fades away the nky la flllo1 with a turn invisible hy duy rj jl humorous che your food luirla beforu you uwullow itl your atomauh hasn t teeth chow with mlmi hua i awullowed two uml yitn on id jodaoii tliut follow t tnll by feeling- the uitmpm on voujr boad what kind o a man yoy uro cun hot replied iat ilegorruh x should think tt would glvn him more of un idea phwnt kolnd of a woman mo volfw 11 mornlntf mornlngl hiild pater- fmillllnu gaxltilly ns ho entered the hreukfuatroom 1 ve hud a splendid night hlept like a top hlu wlf agread with him yiu dhl ahu rrmpoiulttd grimly like u liunihilng topi ladieq furnichcd b iiiik of wuli a iujoyi1 many uiigh wh it lu sow imn of tln algtia with lng1lii tmiilptlotiii whloh uviul jul uiiemi iiuilmmui dtily utuldo ihuli alioiiu lluru un i f w flilh limy infill bin y lullnr of lohlulmt wul fut ilnuugiii hint ny oil lion hy titirimi itulkwuy moi ue i if llliop outu kudo from ny lilh niid or giia ldla iirnlalnd in dm tjipi mloy first hewing machine tlm fit it ing miirhhiii wum iii- uti il hy rhomo ulnl un lunulluh- ntkii in lluo li roiill hw puiln atlti li und wuu ilmlgnid hlmly foi huwlng on h utlnr htioo yinru litei u krenoh tullor limned i hlmmoiii r brought olil ull improvul liiuohlilo fir aewlug on i loth llu ulniltxl u fuloiy but u party of lulloiu fiirlng- thut thi murhhum would rillu tholr htiuinuy hi oku in uml dtintroyd tin m in 1u33 william hunt ap amurliuu liitkluod th hihi ouk htltoll hiu ihllll but ueglirled til tuke out u pud uf und tlm invention wum u full- tirn a little luur 1 uu howij luvi nt- d u uomuwhiit almllur mm blue hu lug lluuhli to overoomn the prijudlio of amuiliuti tullitra tho llivuiitor iimk hiu inuohlue to iqugliind study tour for boys l about thu lxut tiling u futliur uin 0 for hi lioyu lu to unoourugn them i truvnl und ami uomuthlng of thu oild luforu tlmy biiomo too kiwiily uugrohaod in oommurxlal life travel la u groat iclucutor it nnrloheil the mind and ntu thu youth to hotter flit hlu plane lu lifo a tionnlil ttoy la obaurvutit ho uulmllutea and retains knowledge travel given him hi op portunity it fllu hint for uvnry phusn lu lifo a tour of kuropn lu at prenpl 1 lug oiguulkid tiiihr the p rsunul uupor- vulon of mr t ii mutthewu m a oxoii aanuituut lrofuasor of mutho inutlow moulll uulverulty uiid late luatruulorueuli uunt itoyul nuvv in uddltlou loiil guldiu will int seou- 4d to oonduol uxinirslou olid glvn lnottire on the urtlatlc hutorio llur- ury und ooonomlo aignlflconoe uf thu ulghtu aeon uml thu plane visited a moat ourefully pluniie und in- tnreathig itinerary hua hon urraiigml itiohldliig vlaltn to montreal liverpool chi atr iltrutford on avon oxford ixnulon luria vuroaldou fontaine- bleuii itheliluf iyoiim murnelllau canuou nice moilaoo men to no oenou lluu home nuplin wort onto capri iompell vuauvluu florence ventou rent lunabriu k miiuloh the faasloii 1luy ut olmiralnitinrguil nuremberg mayenoe the ithlno cologne drumhilu louvnin and ostein returning through fjinrion and lflvnrtool this uxiioptlnnul tour starts from montr ul on tluturduy juno 34 nailing ut quebec by tho uple white htur j jim uteuuiahlp cunoplo 13 w0 toim fi period of upproximatnly two months will bo otouplod by tho tour a by thu ithiorary tho return trip ltf muilii from liverpool by tlie finostaam- shlp luglna id coo ton arriving- t montreal on august 30 iho arrutigiimnntw for this tour arc hi ot cumpluto and thu charge which i u minimum onn covor everything lu thu way of transportation hotel ao- oommixlullon with thruo meal a duy transfers sight seeing f in- brief ull nooesaary travelling ugpenseri for tho entire tour apply to any agent of tho canadian national 1 tall way a for further purtlcii lara 454 a good prescription for daily use mont seek puaco uml tlur- noit hurry tiw awlft arrlveu uu turdllv uu too alow blokt und rot ubunduntly tho bul iihyslnliina are ur lilot or qulot uhd jjr merry man upend lens liorvou energy each day thu n you make work like u man but don t bo worked to- death ua choerful a light heart uvea long think only helpful thought am u itiuh ihlnkoth in his heurt so la he avoid punnlon and axcltemonl a moment n uiigor huy fata aiuwicluto with huuthy people health lu ooiitaglaus uu well ua tho dlimuse ioit tarry tho wholo world on your uhonldoi truut hi tho good lord nuvor ileapulr lout hope la a fatal disease v of wiabom to go forward la important to go atiulglit t tnoro important uout ult down uml take whut cmoa in after whut you want all youve got to iln is to want n thing wunt it hard und llii uu good u yoarg hballh la tho foundation loth of judgment ami imliiatry und therefore of suooesu f six times the champion l- m mu4nl emlu stw bhimm sdwola unt llut ooavlsciag hvl of teuwdua t ill in w vour ht irl unaut l kony tlnw scihmu da oal b it uml auuat 3a4 u4w tat po v melatmk cbuf rhall cm ahbassssab0i5 9i1aw toronto the jersey dairy bolloltu your putrpnugo for rich pure milk dehverod eynry morn ing at your horn if you want good clean wholcaomo pi ilk phone 114 wo give sorvlott h 0 linqard prepare for a short crop this season 11 u lid u cement ulockrbllo llulf tho coat of a wood on alio und will luut a lifetime ouurantoed good workmanship and a near front- proof a it la poaalbln to make them write for our reduced price to geo watson son r r no 1 acton ont all anoardl at unit gliik th orlilii or the ihlimo goiliu- oil boull u nuii wolll i iplin1 to huv uum cmini tlon with th i il1a or pluuka with whkh ail i i t iiihlrtii tud hut wh n u u in ml 1 1 thut wn ulaii up ildnu of luirllnu u trulu it la nlivlouji tlmt he iviiriumlou ininit hiiv uauu n 1 ii tkuiil leiivutlon llui wui loul of il if iur 1 urrl hunk to the li undk un i lb hh irol ably introilumd into tin an gin huxpu upiwih by aomit of tlm lilui u ivmilllim fioiu thlm llttlu laliiu1 li thonirth atlantic n ti illulnil t ii j un ikiurd wua undirataod to mum alu of u nhlp uml u wiin in thli hi nun lliut it wu drat limping 1 when uaid in loiiiibf tlnu with thu uiipplylng of food lliu woid loirl lu ii hn ly u rullo of the duya win n lulhu w r mil ia from u alnul plunk with rude unpport ul iuiii end er hose specials this week iadikv hiik hosi- in iuiikco nnvy block cordovan nuilc ind wlldc buck comcu li ic topi tills week 1 00 illack 41111 hom dllc topi rccondb tho majority hlivc i illilit mend i ul the ole i boc ptr pair hiik i1sik h04u in silver siuid and nnvy only 75c p r rnlr l imilwv hiack cotton hose 20c per plr ladikv ttiam camimtrj hose special this week only iim tir pair we otqckbettcii goods at a lower price l stairkman acton phono 690pen evenings free press advertisers are always reliable ivartrifjtfe useni throughout tho dominion testify to enjoying durability in excess of their greatest expectations i a typical recommcnduuon reada beyond ail doubt the parif ridge cord tire ia the beat of ila kind on the market today partridce tires corneas their nome r w hall jr b a sc architect do you intend to buitd 0 make atteuationsp why not consult an architect box 524 brampton phone 166w hows business advertising packed up by tlie right spirit the right goods and the right bervice can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous business more masterful in its own edfmnunity whenjohn wanamaker tlie prince- of merchants began business heresolved to force matters he was s not content to waxt to le found outhe determin- ed to be found out in short he ad vertised lie threw onhis business small asit was the light of publicity and the public of philadelphia entered the shop on which the light slione in tliis community tlie public is entering those shops oii which the light of advertis ing is falling a little chatterbox mkiiik tho prldo of william nll to htve now iwilatoos uud greon peon kulfwro ua tho leadlns veitubloh ut hln orunice dlunom llelom uaually thp flrat of tho oaon for tho dlnoru they wore in brink demand it wuu thori- foro a oomiijpn thlnu for the well- known irlnhmun who m u perl u tended thi outaldo dlmnir room to bo hoard ilhoutln over to tho kitchen slrla ut tho hotel whp vraro tirlnglti pvor thti table uupplio in hlu rich irlah jru mlrluff on aw inoro r thorn now pltttllea nntt rroon puya it wum hill boll a boajit thut no una ovor went away hunnry frow hta table wa ocutajnty their own fauh it thoy wot kwr uokatlosim from tbla orunc llttlo tommy wn ulwoyu quoiitlniia f youd bettorjtrop pilot or aomo- thlnir may 4iujiijou to you auld hi mothur ut laaleoftoalty killed the ca you know tommy wan an impromtod with till that ho hoiit ulleiit for flva mlnuicn then he natd mother what ilhl thn out want to know a8k to see their licbn8e8 fnttoiini are ad viae d when hetn aollollod by ucanta for llhinlpk roda to demand to aeo tllplr lloonao vnr their pro too tlon aiialnat fraud or worth en matirlnl tlie qovornment hu roquirodj that oyory urent for llithtnlna rnfl equlpmopt muat enrry p iloenao boftrlrur tho alftkiuuiro of the ontario flfo mraaajt farmers attention you will nn tho cookvhutt a inn un mill htreot whoro cook- ahutt giion ifuirbaiikamorao anil louden uoodu will bo kepl some npoolal bargalna lit aacomlhiuiil implomontn j w baubebree oet your motor rr rbuatroi ut the aamo ntand by toniltut workmen special bale in guaran teed tinea and tubes w j kentner the west end garage and implement shops oualjtv and bervice our motto mill buwt afioo t weat of thwn sut a word to the public i- v ho buj of tp ujthio who are uslnjc qui colunfiut yeek after woct ilo mil pjlyo you kiiujb or nerylcc or nve hl prijehi hhop whoh ore lllumlnod iiy ndycrtlulmf tsoiirt with 6n- lldenco ytmif favor 4 i shop where you are invited to shop imuad by cndlan wkly nwapappr sate sb x sissi

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