Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 4

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iialliekmut jsjsjjfispttew 01 1 inl till komi op lt jut mi 3frrr jlrrflu amuuk mr iff 11 ik a 1 11 inlay ii ulll t rl if t 1 r 1 a 1 iu 11 t 1 t i 1 it 1 1 1 wit vxfwu 1 o nrl 1 wl 1 iii u l 1 iflj ty it at l r i ir iiih ik a i i imi tfl- l li- j fl illal li t wll 1 nl uk v j i lu 11 ull auvku1i in jia1i 1i t lvrlu h 1 i i liarl luilv hjvml vlilira 1 alvdlu- ml mill 1 k li r ir lu will 1- 1 rl 1 til 1 ltd it clral orr fit uly if 1 unoht t rilht k 1 uilm a uii u 11 1 attulai 1 kltlr iti ii iim l lit dl b 1 li il onc iiw ur tnri of 1 llt 1 thursday morning may la 1022 editorial fewer deaths from alcoholism k in the seven years of full license from 1010 to 1010 inclusive there was n total of 4437 deaths from alcoholism wood alcohol and alcohol poison ing in new york city an average of approximately 034 per yea in 1020 and 1021 when prohibition was mora or icis enforced there was a total of 208 deaths or an average- of 134 per year as against 034 in former years a decrease of some 500 per annum proportional representation coming the plan of proportional representation is likely to have a triul tito party leaders premier king and hon t a crerar spoke in favor of the following resolution in the house of commons last week that in jho opinion of this ifouso the alternative vote method should bo adopted for uscin future elections for tvifs house in all single member constituencies where mora than two candidates arc running for election the people see through the agitation the liquor propaganda which tells us every week or so that ontario is contemplating the adoption of quebecs futile plan of handling liquor is becoming rather silly the people of ontario do jiot want any such chenfc of debauching its citizens for the sake of the millions of profits which quebecs premier boasts about and the government of ontario has no thought of going into tho liquor business for reycnuo purposes the rcvcrseis the governments intention because all amendments of the present session arc in tfie direction of tightening up tho law andmaking control more effective sneering at christian statesmen mr j walter curry the member for the legisla ture for south east toronto has done the province of ontario a real actwice in rebuking some members for what ho termed as sneers at christianity there is too much of that kind or thing altogether if a parliamentarian makes any open confession qf christianity or takes an active part in connection with tho ork of tho church or social and moral reform ho is referred to as an uplifter and other cheap jibes and sneers are aimed at lum mr n w rowell had to endure these attacks throughout his political career and they no doubt influenced his decision to retire from public life now attorney- general rancy ts continually attacked in tho same manner surely because n man openly identifies himself with church life and social welfare move ments it does not unfit him for the halls of parlta ment we feci sure that it does not disqualify hjm in the eyes of tho majority of tho electorate mr pnnoy may have tnai faults and his roiblcs who- hduntp but no ono wil doubt his sincerity and if a man hva that many other things can be overlooked it toa mans credit rather thanhisdiscrcdit if ho has christian proclivities and such men should bo encouraged rather than discouraged to public life renfrew mercury s culling down naval expeiute the mini tcr of dofciujcinuunounting the naval policy of the ppinimon government states that live war hip arc to he put out of lomumilori this is hi line with ha idcn of economy which the last edition forcefully impressed on the parliament of to tin y this will mean h mving of hundreds of thou audi of dollurti pir year to our country and canada will ha lorved junt n- well in every renpect over 100000000 roraulrw imported into canada our canadian people evidently have money to spend for automobiles nnd their accessories the injr five ii seal ycarts- 40 4h4 passenger automobiles nnd 7404 freight automobiles were imported into canada the total value of tho passenger cars was -lv- 111 and the duty collected thereon 15010- 121 00 the value of tho freight automobiles was 12407714 and the duty collected thereon 4253- 431 20 another 47070 170 was spent for accessories and further dutjc or 14 h0h 150 16 evidently can ad i ails have money galore much good will finally ftttull the gctiou conference will not be fruitless after all a truce while russias futuro and euro frontiers arc scttlcda truce perhaps for si months wlula a commission appointed by genoa examines credits debt and private property in russia a truce which everybody will sign and which will be a foot inside tho door of russia and prevent its being closed again this in tho revivifying thought which hat been worked out by premier lloyd george with the helper 1 orcign minister sihahzcr of italy it looks as if the idea of a truce will go through and prevent what it was feared might bo a complete failure premier lloyd george with tho necessary buoyancy which characterizes his statesmanlike ef forts placed a now hope before tho conference a leading weekly newspaper man retire canadian weekly journalism loses one of its most prominent and successful members by the retirement of mr hal b donly editor and publisher of tho simcoe reformer mr donly entered the newspaper office of his father the late a j donly ono of the pioneers of ontarios newspaper jncn forty three years ago this month he has for many years published one of the brightest weekly newspapers in canada and has been a leader in the journalistic and newspaper organizations of this country he was president of tho canadian press association in 1013 mr donly will dovoto his energies to other business interests mr donly is practical enterprising and public spirited ho has given much of his time to tho advancement of tho material and social interests of his native town and county lth tr lit howard ferguson not spobetmoan for the conservatives the daily standard thq conservative paper of kingston said editorially the other day under the caption hon mr ferguson nd liquor tho standard confesses that it lias read with not a llttjle wrprae pa well oa with some disquietude the de- fclnrttlon or hon howord ferguson that ho will shortly announce presumably on behalf of the con- wvmlvc prty a new llqudr polloy tor ontario in our opinion mr ferguson will not bo warranted in mwg any auch pronouncement until the respon sible men qf the party generally have been consulted pml by these wo mean not merely the conservative members of tho legislature but also those conserve- tfvea outajde whose inllucnw and weight havo much t with putting the menibcro where they are and ylioso opinions are not tho lees vlublo merely bepflufie tyey e ht utnr in tho seats of the mgtlty qle flprt from this it would be unfor- tungto if tjiln tdmpcmnco problemand it is a problem jtfwe to become a political issue in the jrrow aenso of the word it is too vital a nutter fas wrloun in it effect vpon the life of the com h munity an a whole that it should ever again be made av pqltlwl footbflll an tub fiwu pruss remarked bm time flgqi no political loader has any right to hhme thflt tho tinsorvatlvo poople desire any loos- hlng of thq law prohibiting the sale and importa tion of liquor tho conservatives generally ore jur r strongly in favor of prohibition at the numbera of any other party should canada debar oriental settletd tho question which has vexed parliaments over since tho settlement of the british columbia coast became general is now before the houso of com mons in an acute form exclusion of the orientals occupied a days debate in the houso last week most of the fight naturally came from british columbia the members from that province deserting party lines to plead for exclusion the government asked that tho resolution before it request effective re striction rather than exclusion rind it was supported in that stand premier king urged that more could bo done by negotiation without the word exclusion appearing in tho resolution and informed- tho houso that the government was already negotiating with china to reduce tho number of immigrants from that country the objection from tho west is just ua strong against japanese and hindus as against chinamen hindus being british subjects the matter of exclusion is a delicate one roll up vour 0leeve0 mflrtiiifr ium mil off fu lly hi inn i in nil fiitfhali kirlol itnil iium initio mirliitml in thlm nlry tim initlioi- multdf hi up i tr llm lovul kiikiuii foi utrlutlu li i no ln hiiamaly limn wlioii wujc wum ut 11m hilaht in two hunt luliltx tl hltllltlltl tllllm ur iiiinliol mlllliif uivlimt a w il i if luliltliitit iuunt li w ilhlturh trliiit 1 1 11 ruin til hi nut- aul tln willi hitunllil utitlmum hi nm on in iiloturti ituliiir tliu uuuy niy uml bi ukiiu tliu hullt i lit hi- tbn 1 ruaalmi iiuwor wwm i aim thu loni udii wltti it inn ilk u liumint oul c uu orr mivwi iii unt uteudy tor th uku ir m1 iiiuiiklnil tlint i lurlon mil nhoull iliul r- ui iiiihh lii inuny m hoitrt trt in aniorl ru 1 or ullliouitli oitr ultuktlon im tar 1 1 itui tlmi tliut tit any country iji kuiiko it u hn tiling but hutlfuu tory ihkii ltrlnn noir ity of tu neooltli t ufa unit lion urn i uliruac liruaoiit niwiiy hrliuh ir blmu an i tliuuuli tby laiinot ull lui wo i v ml in u ulnylu wok ihem im ihi wnl lliul mmmj no ir udlvlnif bum uml that i j roilun tion mir whoit nnd mini iiiuro ess mi i liuilm tnir hoof uml ioru mora wool uml mtttiii huir huiiiiui and fuo- toruu anil tlilm i roiirwrtitn tuoanii li its work on tho hurt f wvoryborty w lutl jiuiomj lh ohaji t mlth i nrlotum with blu coau off hluovtu ull tin wiu inlklnir to mn llllt jmlt of ii imly u udvloo to ulrlw it im tlm fui thu ainarltuiu kill to to uo lim- mlnovu lirlnr tlin wur lb imblto wim uu to nla butt to nut wliut tflru vould ilii tint fuiimni who uyml tbum iniiululouhly utnl wt tliom u illli lilmr buy for a tryout oru noon rutiy to uuknowudiio tbolr inu uk no woik httiififuroil thnm tliuy lillhtortml bull huinlm unl ull hut liroka their buoku ovdi mifntnlllur iumum uml trov 1 tnum for ull tbo mbttla if tbn alnluii uiki cuitulluii lilrl in tb iminltloii fuatorltu toi nba uliowott in rimilf uliublu of ihirrornilnu not mori hunt woik but duniftnouw work um alt th d im um biuit um vr it wut b rurcvm umlar qanurul iatnln ta tiiort ilunifi ioum tbuli tboa undnr nimrul lllmlaiiliuru- rtiw loyul boull illy low um tliuy did in 1014 wltli- it unlformm or trulnliik umim avry twtrlot mlioubl im u moldlor tlmro huvn lcn foollwli imoplu in ltudt time who thoimht mahiiul work riuonhlitublo in th iiulturod und du outoil i lint wban ttiuliuwl work ira- ooiium tiwmiwiy work it im lionurubln tim world tiend km it ulwuym luiu mimlo und urt und ikhitry niut bounty uml in ttdfl hut tlift orylntf nd jiimt now lu for fuel und ulothlnir unci food nd ubultaf tirlmltlva hd1m of human bnlnum tiki ulrl worthy of tbo tlnv wi lv in im tbn ulrl who holtui tn tho funn work or who by hiaklntf tho liomn llf itlnuuutit and comfortabl koutm tlm lmym on tint farm tho ulrl who liiinli dm her liamlu in ruul lutkir uiikm he mo if oiutiniluir u tuak not wliut will ttnoptn think if tlmy n dolnr thott hut iioom it natni to b oilr clirlm tho work im wult- itt ltojl lip yor ulauvum lclnmr c llluakmun 1 1 loir kl i pnomiscudus wr ilb loi 4 unulouxly lot kliut for hur i in nilti 1 of iih in ii um mld tu but i tliluk tiny i iim lito ii y nn ilurllnif a liomton tnoiliu htlli diuifhtui- k if you bud niy fulth woull huvii no tooth kih lb i lill i kih1 will if you imhi my t othiu lu you would not hiv uuy fulth mi li b imlli ii im um jiny uftri- uatvi urrtliiiuntm of luiihul t i ii 111 in tod for ti loutf tlm tluy rtiirtil hint it won hmm i fm tlum to riiili i it i tluy iilu t in front tliu jury ii limit wiim futhur iiiiidii 1m- und pitdd tn btturt thorn uly for ihilr fullui to why youi im i tli nuuliilnnd tho how hi tit- uorld do iii milmrm of dip jun illwyi ru iii tlia cnuh lvm btaht nlqht lit ninny ikiium of thlu linml lund tbo iidiitllnir i luuklnir rtuiriy to try itu wlutix hum of tbo utrlu am at t uillnif mciiiioi in homo dlutunl town in uliy llnnu u m hi biihliutim llfu for g unit him tliuy look forwn with mlniib i lion mil hiirabtiimlon to thu unknown ikitrlunctw uwnltluir thorn mm t dupuiidu on your b hnihnr htult rlubt io not wult u fw duym oi u fnw w i un imfoia ubowlnif your irhi tpl i you want to ho tiouuud with tbo i on upiluht ixntlnn of our imuotibittui lnk youi utitiul with tbuni fut thu uturc do not liuliiluo in u iloiililful ux p rlmont jilut foe iiuno forftui tbut your iidvi uoftiiulnt- umth will think you unuodal do not lot down your htutidurdm till you huvn inudn ii pin m for yourui if in your mtunm uinrouudlniiu tbo only wuy to yuiiid lu llft im to hattln ym liopn to i ntliiih to utiirt i luht fuk mini i u eh idol utupd for tliut wliirli lu u 1 nn pura und upllftlnif thu iionu of your now uriluilutuiioih wll ihi in any doubt hii to whuii you ho inns mens and boys shoes i wul i iuii your utlnllim u tin fi hull wo uirry u ilmt iiimm hili if xfnnmjinl uoyu i lir price urn in i mil 111 i wi t e gibbons ijmlr unytblns i i litihlo nn t hitvhirf um un i bl will b imi hl io civn piompt imrvlia mill st acton biifeincs directory wanted by acton creamery co joub and sweet clteam i r new iaw eflgs good dairy buttertany quantity will pay liighcht market price tor samo provided tlie quality in right cash on delivery our mottofquollty oien evenings tuebday friday nnd saturday aba wednesday aftcftioolw the acton creamery co e j otskiu 1roprlclor dli j a mcnlvfn 11 yalciuti nn i nuryon i nuuo il ii ult mo- en llowr l nn uml 1 iuii mint tlm rlrt- f nmly ii i i by i m li iuoii ailon onl or r i nnon pliylclnn luruon obutrlol acton dnurio fliiii ii n to tin into ur tlniy oilk in i ll d inn il rulirl u it oino lloiiru to i p in in i 1 to 0 in dr c f w itoss pliynlolnii uml tlurwat mill qt gooruotown plioi 22 1 xilouu huru ni rirurt llmpiul 1 lolltl 4 111 i il nit ittlon to dlui m t- 1 of wo rn on mi 1 i lltr n und lufinit 1 dins d w s laird oi auin ii r hh woolwlh uront kyi i ir nim und lbrnt i v ry w im i iny t uoldl rm homo afton edixoiual notes tho federal budget has beon brought down by finance minister fielding and still there are a lot of people not satisfied there is one uplifter whom tho sneering member or tho legislature cannot affect ihe mother who raises her children properly renfrew mercury mr rockefeller must have been making another donation to some public benefaction gasoline prices have advanced another cent or two this week as usual behind hand in international affairs hko they were in the great war the united states is now negotiating to have a hand in tho genoa conference canadas total trndo tot tho fiscal was 2450587001 three times that of 101 1 and seven times that of 1001 our country is expanding with gratifying rapidity senator davids ungallant proposal that unmar ried women must bo at least thirty years of ago before being entitled to vote was defeated in tho senate as it richly deserved to be it ricmy deserve reaso of populati j iii tho increase of population or canada during tho post ten years was relatively twenty per cent higher than that of the united states but you wont see this statement or fact in americas new school books its ulj settled milton special correspondents and milton papers say xctoiys to celebrate her fiftieth anniversary of incorporation by becoming a town the frbb press suggested this but tho council has not yet acted upon tho suggestion according to tho report of the bureau of muni cipal affairs tho statutory and other exemptions of land and buildings in halton totals 1070005 at tho nominal rate of 5 mills these exemptons would mean 2077 00 more to the municipalities in taxes reaching vour limit all th tima wo urn mnnlnif poopta vim imvti rwiolmd thalr limit a younif nun koof into a hank doux voll und m promoted tmulti nnd uuuln hut fter u tlm u tliut hunk iiodn u now outhlnr und thu ill motor inmtoail of proinutluif tho you nit lniui to tho vo- aauoyko ouuldo to nil it tholr em ploy on iium iwrnn a nonnclnntloum und uitiufuctoty wurjttir bat ho in not hft oubii for thw position of cttmlilar ho inim rmohod iiim limit 1 urn vii ran ro will not hnlp you iu- o lit ion u tin ndmlrublo tlildic but it dnm no ifool for you to hit youi tuoth und uuy to yiidrwolf t um galnu to bu bis niioutfh for u hluitur pluco lho only molutlou for your notpluxlly ih growth no ono iium renolntd iiim limit who im mtlll irrowlnif 1liymlrully thu limit of arowth in do- oidnl for tm muny a youth would kvd u ureal dual for uu uxtru inch or two jind hoipo knop on rfrowlntf uftor thuy would bq triad to utop hut iii tint intullotituul llfo crowtli lu u matter of oholcti ono who utopu btudylntf ttftui- ho luuvtim mciioo wlntno runt uppruuah to uolld mudlnif lathe dully imixir who lntullootuully fall into futm und jroovcu und olouatl hlu mind uanlunt now idnua and now lm- promuiotim im bound to top urowliia and ttilh tnuuiim tlmt ho will bo onu of thonn who early roach tho limit or tholr advancement all turned to account durlnir tho duy of childhood und youth via often acquire uamv hltu of knowledge or tlio ublllty to do certain thins wljiuh oom of vory little xino in at tlm tlma und which we have expeotntlon of tunploylns later in and yet frequently the time doeti come wlion we need tliat knowledso or ublllty and whim our ctuinotuf for nuccenu uro lurgnly inoroauod by tho lmmouilon 0 it huoli wum uio eukte wltti a oulmdiail hilauloiuiry in chhui bo wrltuh an followm in tho vrnby- toilun llocord 1 am thankful uxtmmuly thankful fur two thliitt pirit that l wum born un u farm und meoond that i hay knookod uhout tha win id a great dual eunim to mo that everything- i avuf learned im likely to tie of uwo to mo here iror lumtanoe i have tuliaht thu bluokutptthm how tn mako iltillu the hluoltunutlui ifmhave no drillm tttjm iuum nor vluoni huvo taught a man to make iiim own white load und tnhc liulnt in kowi etyte wlien i wuu umall uhurt to wloh my niottiur mpiii thu wool tbut kept toy toew warm well x wet tlm qurponter to work tho othei duy and wo turned nut u very decent kpluhlubwheol that upiuu fuut and wult wo liavo nua built a tumlnif lathe tliut turnn out bo oil chair and tuhle legit utu i timk a carpenter hhnp or u blaakamtthu forge a brand tuumlonary ugvitfly veuond only to tto inihpltui i feel that tho men do bel- tei work and i think it bj becaumo they hear thu goepel i cant atford it llm yiiuntr puoplii wh urn tinlminut to uuy i unit utfocd it ufn to x pltb d no nim tliltiku leuif of bent for iimkluif thlu frank udmlitulon if you try hojitlnir tilwiul tho buub and miike u pro ton mi of not uarlnir fur tlm ttiluif tliut you ru imot uttord it lu quite likely tliut uomo llpu will eilrl uooi u ully but no one wiiomu nood opinion im wortli hilvlnif will look down on you for admit tlntf that mrtuln tbluuri uro heynnd your inixuuj youtitf poili who itiurn to mity x outi t ufford it in tho onulutiivii wuy wlioli mdu thu mt tor ur svi d muny a tnnri i it- hunilliiitlon v yct the man moved up will tho uvutloiniin plouuo inovo forward n llttlo oullid out the pollto co ii dun lor of the trolh y our uu a doken morn paiiiionuorm tried to ucrujiibla lu woutl wrnwled one hnrddmed who nlunif to a mtrap nein the dooi oh t illdn t uuu you uald the oo- duiitof the parmers friend relieves caked bag gar feet spider or infection of the teak ako thrush in horses f eet fistula etc stops bleedlnp at onco hemoves proud f flesh soreness and swell luff at idl bnrrt nd drnralta uanufmtutwl only in- douolas co apankb out a propaganda dfspatch from- vancouver b c says that the million dollars profits from the govern ment sale pf liquor n thar province will relieve the municipal taxation omlie province the liquor sales trom which the profits wero derived will nqt how ever relipvo the homes which have been debauched through these government sales of liquor after a long debate marked by a notable speech by han f c biggs minister of public works and highwrvjk in which ho reviewed and defended the whojeiroads system and programme of the govern ment the legislature gave thqecoitd reading to his bllto amend tho highways improvements acttho most important clause or which provide for the capitalisation of tho revenue from motor licenses choice op routes to western canada tho curuidlun national nnllwuy hi addition to providing unexcelled er vlot between kuiitorji and veitteni canada offojm patronu optional rout you may travel wemtward via ijio 1ort arthur- irort william route r turnltig irho northern jouto via oooh rn und north buy or vice voraa thfffi ineaiua that you are in new environ ment contliiuoualy a train leave toronto grand trunk hallway at b 4s carrying standard sleeping cor to winnipeg vja north bay cobalt and coahrana dully and through taur- lt looping onr toronto to winnipeg on tuonduya tltiiinidlfiy- saturduy and sunday lho national a solid through train leave toronto for winnipeg- at losc p m every mori day wodpeaduy and uvlduy via buibury and iort arthur with etandard and tourlet nleeptng our ooaahe oolonlet oar and dining cur aervlco oct full particular reservation etu from local agent or neart agent of the canadian national trjrand trunk llullwaj uff o cm ty hh notice to creditors op the estate op john curhie lho irudltorm of rohn cutilo lute if the vulnifo of anton llutlri d fit rotor wiio itlttl on or nhout the elghtoenth day of nooember luaj and ull other hiivlutf iiliilnm ugulnut tho uuld nu tate uro roiiulred on or before tho nfth day of juno 1033 to nnd by pout pro- paid or otherwlun dttltver to tho under- vlgned uolltiltor for tlm aitmltilutratrlk u htutoniunt of their nqoount tho nature of tlm neourlty u y hold by nmni utnl full purtloulnrm of tholr uumei nddritme und duhorlptlon and notliia ih heruhy further glvim that lmimdliitoly uftoi thnald nrth day of juno 10jj the ald admlnl- trutriy will prooeed to distribute tho ojimetm at tbo uitld utate among tho purtlem entitled throtn and hn will not be rmtpoiihibtw fin uny claim or claim of which ho uhull opt have rooolved notion lit lho time not forth for midli distribution k dutod thlm fourth lay of may a 1ujj ha11ah ann mrtodotloat xt admlnlktrutrl warmer cmi wii nmongga notice to creditors orthe estate op helen nickl1n deceased a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown has just hold an ajtractive opening in his splendid now premises in thomcgibbon block thenow store is central and commodious attractive new stock of latest spring styles equal to the citv shops imat ioivsmrj sebvicks givkn in ladies- tailoiung at iteasonable priced our customers become our friends we always have a welcome for them main btreet a hirschorn georgetown if you are building a itousi barn or any ouicr itulldlm large or small wo solicit an opportunity to furnish prices on anythlnp or everything in our line including nails hinges locks glass putty paints oils cement roofing carpenters tools we do heating plumbing eavctroughing and electric wiring is a specialty with jjs j w kennedy son kenney bros old stand main btreet acton phone 95 the mnlltor of ion nloklln lute of the lowmthlp of icuquoalng- uplnhter who died on or about tho bth dy of maroli 10j1 nt vunoouvoi u o and nil olhei person having alnimii iigitlimt tin ohtulu arj raimlrwd on oi boroui tho jjtli dy of juim 1u8j to wnd by pomt piepwlt or otberwlko deliver to tint undi mlgnod miillollor for tlm admlnlmliutilif a utatement of thuli noooiliitti tho tllituru of the mcourlty if any hold by thorn and rull parlloulnru of tholr tiunmm uddroiwei uml dpnoriptloiiii and notice im hereby further glv- thut luunedlutoly after the ald i3tti day of june losu the ald adnilnl- trutriy will proieod to illutrlbute tho fthmot of the huld lcatute umong tbo purlieu ontltlud thereto mid ho will not be retipuiihlhln oi miy ailm of whloh alio ulitill unit hvi leaniveil nntino ut tbo time ot forth for uuoh distribution dated thlu llttt day my w mauy ubown adm in lut rati lx r y 11 n iramior aoton out her wheii figuring what you would save by buying n ford in preference to some other car dont stop at the purchase price important though this saving is tho big saving is on gasoline tires oil and repairs no other cur can be operated at so little oitponso no othercar will give the same uniform sorvlco and satisfaction no other car will last as long and ask so little in return as the ford ford touring car 53500 p 0a rd ontario v a a coe acton ont tfl im ljzrjterl ijl 3 shop where you are invited i f vl frr flit i mmmtia 1 bone no 32 i o ii i sj6 harold nash fahmer m a drrltr oo he i tor noury tulllo gonvymncur eto peiimyman tllock acton o nt moni1v ro loan iouri0 30 um to 6 ntii ii g meir berruur oolleltor notary public qorjtowti out dental francis nunan doou binder aocouiit iiohuh of till klndm m it ft to nrdor vt rlo drain of ovory diuorlptlon ciirofully imund uullnu neatly und promptly doni wyudliuin hlront ouolph out ovr willlamii tltoro dr j m bell d dsus olnlit honor or luala of lorouto uulver- il ty llm lutiut uiiiutlutlo uad if d hlmd oftlrn nt leuldinre corner mill und ijredorli u tltroot dr f g gollof ddslds dntul quraen omen ovtir iluuu of nova hootla hourh0 30 to r 30 itlvnnlnum ly appolutnieiit mibcellaneouo r j kerr auction r and ileal eutata a 17 voaru kxporlenoa acton ontario hulim on trim tn i in it 1 kerr re live utti utlon fioin into of llulliitf to duto of uulu ijhit youi union with me raaldenca dower avenue acton ihniui 3tl artnn cull ut my uxitnuim roy hindley auctioneer amolldltl phona erin 17 11 ii ii a acton j e ciieevers hook dindeit qudheo at eait qpelplt out llooua an 1 miiimlii hound tn iriuiiliiomo unci hiilm t initial oovnru nniiuit lottorod lu ohl on ulliloti hymn ilnnuu and ottier hooka all work promptly ebeoutoti d alex niven 0itrlo lanil ourveyor and cm eiiulnser um veyu fluhillvbilnilj ilnn i it- porth piiuorlptlonu iuui prinlu uta coi tltlnntt ii foi pun hut n l tnoitunutoii hnriyufi airbltmtu llullderii mill mtlilirlpil pmiiiolln dralnimfl llopoitu kutliiiutcn uto molean building don aunt ct auiqmmi riiono lofl t oni jenlvikg f tho old add reliable oratilto and marblo doalors wo urn tnumifttfltiiuui and illroot lippoitoiu of ull hindu of monuniiiital una hoiulhtono votk wo un 1 reot to our oiihtntnor ut wliolohitlo prloe thuu huvlnir our oimtimioim 40 ptr onl v liavo tho hwt appnuuoi m and thu only tmiohimurt in tho dominion who nan opoiuto pnouniatio tuoln properly vo cull uv1 rtifoiauoom from hundred of our ouutnmoim in toronto and other plnoim wloi otluru liavo to liayo law muiui in ardor to tnllnul wo liuvo tho lurgiht and liuut wtoolt of oinnlto in thu ttonihildii in morn than any thro deuliih in the vt wo uro 1ki- hiiito iliiiloui nnd iinpluy no iinuith uml i iml aiihoy or punt ouhtouior by muiidliiknut litnoiunt agent 01111- liig orduim wo employ only moiilmnlom and di ty iompotltlon hamilton sons oor norwich 4 ht auolph

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