Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 5

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qjfje artuit 3xvt jlrrub tinntiirjay may jh 1021 what is gun8hinct a llttlo gol t umll illutu ihllluhljln a ilttlii 1 right us a lltll luvn i i ntu i ishlui louklug through a llllln u king fur thu light that ilunulilm a ntii iutino through th nlglit- llintm hunahlni a illtlo lowing i f thn will a ilttl resting 11 th hill a llttlo stundlng v ry utll tliutu huiihlrii a llttlo unilllug thn ug tllutu hlluhlll a llttlo fulth hiiiln i i llutu hunlilno a mill folding 1 r thn a llttlti yuidlug a lltl ritn to ih it hunalilii li tin mm- 11 inruluinl twenty vews ago th laaus of the frm pfe of thursday my i2 1002 lu hill of pure kitthsr imi rovi iiiiiik in i1i1 j 1 htreot hi lit wwk j w wurri11 nlli1 bril inirhums to jiw tfluurtiin qui in c lukt w k tlm lutidl i shower and warm wouthur have woildurfully udvaiifod vovuiluin thn taut fow day lutu 1 ul hiu nivchu 11 in urn in pro gress to inuiiy f 1 ho hut no and eur- ni 11 mil iiuu in town tl hull tullti oiirim if the park hu been 1 bullt mill linprovt d tho past wook uild will now ufford r-onldr- ntli mullafuutlun to imivtnun and hluyelm the treasurer of thu vroo ubrary lloard received on mnnduy from tho treasury of tho lwpurtmeut of tho irovlnce ft ehmui for s167o0 the uovwnmtnt uruul to thu llbmry for 1001 actun la to iuv u gala lay on coroiinln duy tho horaemen will likely mi hira ul onuldoruble tiumlmiri and tho coronation day wnm ut tho xubllo bchool will l of memorable interest since tho llullle of hart lllvor bouth africa thu home of jr gray haa been filled with nukpeiim in await ins now from their aou cuiido whose company was in tho engagement the dr ho received two letters during thy jwtk private oruy wn through the hottest of tha fight and ascuped without a wound thounh a bursting hell tore away tho crown of his hat th management of tha actor iloae- ball club havo enuutred tha quiwna city a of toronto who arn tho cham pion of toronto city lu for a iflatoh hero on hatunluy vlptorfo day ci a mo callnd for sso ontl acton cornet band will b in attendance uaaant ilatltun and whyta cottcluil- d vary aucooaafuuy two week nvan- kustio anrvlca in knox churtih on sunday conaldarabvn awakening haa riiultad j mr joseph ii itoyd who made ap plication laat winter for a pla j on toronto police force woa called to tho olty laat weak to undergo hie axdrolna- tlona lie waa auoqasaful and will enter upon hla dutlaa about the mldtlla th acton yaaaball fraam journed to ulllabunr on saturday and played a pme with tho local nln thern winning by a aoora of 18 to s born chhynk in toronto on saturday may 17 10t to mr and mrs james cheyne wn died drown at the family realdence 1 main street acton on fttduy may is buth ann hull wife of jamea brown in her ut year firstbrook at 13s huntley slraex toronto friday momlnir william klratbroolt of moaaley bnglund formerly of acton in hla 77th year jsmoni at battle creek mich on tueaday may 19 1903 w pnlpw lamond a native of acton in his both year i bibiaht at maorecroft tho homo of his brother- in law acton on wednawlay may 31 10 joaeph albert fipalkht wn of tho late john spelcht in hte 4qth year growing and qrowwino up many haw an idaa that tho two are synonymous but this la a mutnko soma younjt folks do a great deal o tow lug without evar growlnv up spoiled bablea wear lomj trousers r talk in voices that are almost bass and other polled babies tilny tha piano reasonably well and pose aa authori ties on mattora of etiquette t a aoeallad man six feet tall and broad in proportion who loaos his temper bacauao tho dessart for dinner la something ha naver bats what can you call him but a bftbyt and what other name is there for tha girl who crlea whona kindly criuoiam in off era 1 her and crlea again whan ahe cannot gat her own way and raaorts to tears whenever anything goes wrong t phyel cally such a girl may bo an attractive peclmen of young womanhood men- tally ahe is u milled baby our growth in inches ta a matter in which wo havo ho oholno if we hod probably few youths would atop short of six feet but it is our own fault if wo do not grow up if wo choose we tun put away childish things bad tempera bickerings complaints when thlno itrnong foollah tears tji things are to trtpocted of little folks who- have notj4sjm4 pietfcontrol or discovered that thy are to be masters of their moods not tnaatered by them to keep graying without wrdwlng up to be then und women in stature and a buby in character la u dlkjiraca to loung people in your growing have a goal namely to grow up loiing peoples weekly the sunday school lesson fon liunday mav 21 1b22 ijllulahm hid ai lilbiovhltv 3 clil 1 31 14 is 3d 3 1jiiii lkt thy wciil ik a wnp jruilm t lbmn coitim ui h jouluti lilt if lluuluh txiiul im iily ulght ymru m tlul hfl tkbx la rkl tlln lutld lit jwmi vr ihl ynir ho 15 liroit graritl m ulnar whan of u whtn to nok uod 1 lolutry und hi nlm imjr the lod nilkluh hud eoiiaral thu rnialr we do hut uim thu uwk hud txtcti loat hlul luti wik the kin i ik it whs natural that hiiuhl imi tven into hla ttit ixxik vr ibluifort ho wont into the mutter of huvhiif duiovttrud thu tmmk tnnilti un rhjrly rtlltort of ull that wua imlntf ilon by th workmrnl theaw il tulbi wum luudlnu- up tho ru iim of l u mng it thut 0 tho ititrvttiilntf lall of thn king m hotkiut mirrow when hfuinl thn luw ru1 und nulimd thut lit uml hlu pvoplu hud rulloii no limit of kwiuhik it ulai kuthnrlng tii thar t thu ttldnr of thotwo with nvldnliro of til n foil lh tumlof wlkn nuunnil in u ktinnrul lunnmlily the limniu wr tiiuiltt ii nuulntnd willi tlio tok i 31 rim dignity unl too sin- f in king um h hukhi l tom jwhovuh lilt i iiiikiuihi iiih loyal ohh11 i w nlm thut wort written in the book un not hut huvn mudo a op imprnuiluii on the lioojiln the vt cuuvay thn ldu tliat he stood the place thut i m limited only to tho vnrolun am king over judull he tared into oovenunt with juhovuh v 31 the king wua dotarmlnei thn miuiii tin hud tukmi benjamin we mmitmbtr went with judah whnn tho kingdom wum diaruptml unit from hmxiforth wum u part of jcrtihulom und benjamin aeenut lni wnothnr wuy of indicating tha runt that the thallenge was to all of tho poojilo he cuuaod the people to mtatid uf the ctrvenant not byforce but by taking the load the people did not merely pledge lyit also carried their vnwa and dlipacoordlng to the covenant of clod with their fathort for a fuller account ortheae hap penlnga read 3 king 13 120 joaloh manifested great wlwdom in removing not only the places of baal worship w in removing all rumltldara of the abomlnatloom that had prevailed illustrated truth tho finding uf ood word lias mark ed truuaformutlon tn men and nations where ever it has been glvn a candid hearing v s3 niublmtlon the atnry of tho trans formation of pitcalrn islands through the finding of a mule i ono of many that point to the samo truth condi among thn mutlrfeorm and the handful of tafiltlans who landed there became so horrible that finally only john adams and a group of degraded and children were loft lie began to read a blhlo which was among he thlnsa rescued from the wreck he became eon vtctcdcic sins and turn- clod he thenucned his at tention to tho dcjrradod people who ore with him on the island and tugan teach them out of the word of ood as a result thorn grow up a christian community remurkablo for high character topics research and discussion uod a wont brought to ught vu 1418 1 under what handicaps did j on 1 ah coma to the throne of judah t what advantages if any were on the side of the king 3 to what do you attribute his early turning to oodt 4 what was the flrat reform undertaken by the young klngt 5 for what reasons would you consider this the right or wrong place to be gin t 6 what wna tbo probable coil dltlon of the temple t 7 how do you or count ror the law a not having been destroyed during the reign of eomo of the idolatrous kings t 8 why was the book given to ethaphant if tied a word giving ught vs 29 so 0 why did the reading of the luw bring dismay to the klnkt 10 why did the king not nssqmblo all the people at flrstt 11 where was the great assembly for the hearing of tne law 13 why did tho king read the law himself 7 iii loyalty to cods word vs 11 33 ii what reason do you ascribe to tha king atandlng whero he dtdt ijywhat was the kings pledge is what did he do in addition to making n pledger is by what means did ne induce the peoplo to stand to tho covenant he had mudot dally raadlnos for next week monday may 2 8 jeremiah sneaks boldly for ood j or 38 lp tuesday may s3 jeremiah tlieat- ened with death jer iqi 10 ip wednesday may 3 a bruvp pro phets measugo 3 sam 1j 11 bj thursday may sb elijah lleprovas ahab 1 kings 3t it 37 tfriday may zbj jeremiah i lop roves isreul jor 7 111 saturday may 37 namos itopruvo sinful mdulgence amos 6 lrll sunday may sb ood s mercy to the obedient pa 103 1133 dnveiung ajar memoiuatj on kruluy april 2d his kknlleiiry ijird riyng jviiriiir inn prat of can udu inivt itfd tha fine hronxii tnemorlal flihli hud l tn rxt4 in the con ourae of tin windsor rtreet c p it ututlon t mnnlliiul uu a memorlul to i ii hundred c p it employpes who kuvii their lve in th on ut war tim ubovti phoidgrajh shows ills fxtolloiu y uildrnualnjf the large crowd thut hud uaaomhlod to witness ii uiiovullhig and at his rfgtit stands k w tnntty president of the p it tho guard of honor wuu mikhl of cpu omployots who r uio ur vliranw an exact ly of thut mtau was t tho same tint unveiled tit wlnnlhg lit tho msoncfl it tho iu utoiiioit flinrnr f munltoliu uml at vuncopvor by tho i ifiiituiiutit oovornor of llrltutn col umhlu on tho mime day uw 3b hionui luhlotm worn unvsllod at ulf- ft rt ut 4olnts uloiir thn c p ii ays tun m well nu at tho t ompaity icuro- thtuit a me rlcit i and anutlo i hlces tho buan of the utiituu bora tho follow ing tiihorlption 4 to imim rvlco of itullwuy comiiuny why ut thn all of king und country irft ull thut was dtir to tlum imlurvil html shlii filioil duiibr will tlunlly lukued out of ulght of 111 bi l by tho iuth of jluly und uulfuu iltl glv lug up tlxlr wn liwu that ohrm might ive hi fieolom i j t thoso who roinu ufiur u t it mist liir luimcs be not forgot if nl in tin utu of c i it unit loyvati lobilh i 11340 limn of which 1 us wi ro kllhd or dl i of wouudm uiul 3 106 wrti wouuwt a totitl of 7 513 wiu ro ninploythl by thn tu mpuny on iholr r turn to cunuilu following out the c p b policy of ri i nutating every hi uu who loft in ii u khm a job iu that which ho litul win u ho woiu aw- iv and a total of 13 113 othi r returned sol uurs havo uluo ltn uktu on the vomj any s service war duoinutloni ulid inttdals won by c p il imptoytos totalled 370 and inuhido tho ulowlng vlnlorla croas 3 ordi r vt the bruilh wnplre s dutliigtiuhod hervlfie order 17 olutliigushl bervloe cros 3 mili tary cross s4 jjiultngulahod coudupt modal 4t military uda 1b0 spring footwear wo have all our new spring jlnos on dis play und ut full lino of oxfords and htmp hllpimrs i wo ulio have a full lllin of mens bouts and oxfiml and buhlhirs of all stylos and slv cull in and got our prices and compar ing quality uf goods und prlooa with others wo know tlmy cannot to batterml anywhere mlusai childrens and boys shoes in all fctxeu nt a good range of prices wa carry the fumous hurlburt hhoem for ohll- repaiiung soioh oltlmr lagged or sewed itubber haeki put on alt rotalrlna pruuiptly axocutotl at right yrlccs kenney bros mill street ac e3tabushep 167a b m usiness barometers seem to indlcato that thov of caty monoy and high prices is nenrlng an end a dollar saved now in tho form of a savings bank deposit will bo worth much mora in the next couple of years after tho reaction fags set in there is no potaonouslngrttdlent in holloways corn item over and it can be iised without danger or injury qettino and ubino r every now and then we coma aci a wealthy man who has become no poa eased by tho passion for gaining that he had lostthe ability v enjoy tha resuft of hlseltprt he works harder than any clerk or accountant in his employ ite never has time for a va cation he cannot forget his business for a single waking mlnuto and it u difficulty tq nlm t0 dut onb enoush to sloop ts night tla world that sees only unnjbid- envlea him tho few who know i him batter pity him and perhaps tho pty is edged with something lass kindly it is difficult not to feel a llttlo soorn far ono who does nothing but acquire and is unable to use what ho has gained a chespsst of all ollih considering tho qualities of dr thomas ecloctrlo oil ft la the chaaiiest of all prepara tions offered to the public it is to bo foqnd in every drug store in canada from looaat to coast and all country merchants keep it for sale so bejnp easily procurable rid extremely mod erate in price no one should he without a hotuo or it a racial uplifter jack juy brcthof tnkos up irrepeh spanish itnluin hebrew oarmuti un i bctfph jiu qoodnwu when dooa ntu4yt jack etudyt ha dooan t study runs an elovntor j t efficiency complication you muntnt usk tho telephone op erator the tlmo of day when your clock stops why not 7 inquired the new sub scribe r becauso it tukoa up too mucu valu- ubletlmo uut it takes up more of everybody eisom time when you got tho wrong number ono or twlco liefore you can call up a friend or a jewelry store to make tho same inquiry worms feed upon the vitality of children jtnd endanger their jives a simple and effoctlvn remedy is mother uraves worm ut terminator bank of hamilton lieohgetown ilhanch g c mackny manager- learn to distinguish between the distaste or work which in due to weari ness und a trained nerves and that which h mere lualnesa unfurtunatuly the exhausted devotee of co nan i once la likely to nognjumaelf to his task while tho ooslatent ullor talks about hu peed of rest and takes it tho pooplo who work when they should rest and those who loaf whonthoy should work both accomplish teas in tholr uveal thsn they should for he flrat wear out and tho second rust out and in both t cases the work suffers could hapdly live for asthma one man writes who after years of suitor lug has found complete relief through or j d kelloggs sthma itamedy now ho knows how needless has heen hla suffering tlibt mntchlsss remedy gives euro help to all afflicted wit asthma j inhaled as smoke or vapor it brings ho holp su long neeodd kvery dealer has it or can get it for you from his wholesaler farm implement repairs for international fjleury toronto wind mill pumps and engines delaval separators v and also olher makes secured to your order water bowls f water systrms installed meullk ltoofltiff also felt hoofliur calji at our new steel buhdingprtd got prices before ordering elsewhere c e parker g roszel mill street aclon phone 84 the time it takes to do vouh wqrk many of uu urit tnillim tha utnount tf work we i willi thn tlmo tt ink to do it wlxn hunry war llnechir wu a s hi i bii ha was ald oil by h a teaher to put u certain mm a t 11 the liour i ijulufiilly i o nxitlulnevi thut ho liu i lint wi rke i ttit sxumplo thdlluh ho hud upont aovbral hours up ii ii to his hu un hla tnuohor jjurijno 1 jlllto in iikuruiit to iho iviurrftof tlm ho hud woikoil whut lm wanted wus tho solution of thut exuinplu slid thut wotf all ha wun d it was in vuln thut poor henry trlod to appenu him by ipforrlng in hla hours nf effort i dott rc ul 1 tha teunhor whnthtr you worked 11 vn mlnutoa or nv louts wliut i wunt la tiutilis and thouuh thn lhy was it ulnel to fool injured this l ruium alhiix i hu yn to the tn t tlm tlin worl 1 in gtiaiml nurnsvtry llttlo uihuii hi w l nv it hnu tafcon us to full in u thing muny of us tuke t ling thnr ut uu u i nhtnt thrvo huurt sighs rodlt ror orklug hrtuklng w llmr m iihs it h or nut thut hlutory 1 tduunt and lhn hi iuiwtlni do you know itr he suys in un injure i volim why no i doit uiiuw it purtlculurly well hut i inl throe hours on it whul nioie coult i dor tha look- kofihii- who is huvlng n hurd time wlui his i riii i hnbime tukou thu uwliio ut tltulo i vn wki1 virtlmi ivi ry iilght tills week unit it won t ooint right and he woul 1 ihltik lib pi y cry t stund uble if he iw i ua work hj lurd w do not luivo tlmo for roirou u that wa woik in u luay fanlilni our thoughts uri nonutuiilly straying r wo do hot concentrate ws ii t mn ly ouruolveu wa ure lining ly half our lowers muaon warr ing better homes better citizens i ctlsiihhl dl mul 1m a grout deal ulmiii oiirly homo surrouudliiks and training rim hill whli h coms front a uuulnt old homo whurn thu ionian undergms ooiihtiint drudgery in car- lylng w liter nu luhulug olothes in u wuhlimurl does not have thn ad vuiitug of the child which uomoa from u m hri and w ii oiiuipim i home the nrut iiudtovelois a narrow mind while tho aocon 1 ono gets u broud t low- point th ilrst ihlld qlwuys rotalns contorto 1 ltn ruiialon of fnrni life nd he uohlom stays on the furm nftnr lo la old enough to louvo while thu st cond ono rwtdlvas and rotulns a pliasunt impreaalon of tho farni tha inoiul effect of a modorti farm home lu very great much growtor than miy of uu imuklno kiirmors are ununl ly good ultlstnis thoy tali bo itnult litter cltlxona if they nro sturtod out undor bettor conditions in thin day unit gonumtlnu of ounutnnt improvo inunt overy runner owes it to nls chll- dran to gtye them only thu htat kind of sturt thoy can have such u sturt in a modern homo llunnlng water and good olectrlo lights in th furm home promote sanitation and comfort two of tho msentlats of healthy child davel- opmsnt many farmers could havo these things if they would once the ure inatallod do mount of hloney noull induon tho furmnr to jiuve lliom rvmoved konaaw varmer simple and ouro iv thomas icc tecttla oil is so simple in application thut a child can understand the in structions used as a liniment th only direction is tn rub and whm used us a dreaslng to up ply the dlr ectlous are so plain an unmlutukubh that they are readily understood y young iji old confidences in tho uwoet sllonco of the twilight limy honeyapooued upon tho ihuiii bcsntut she murmured trembling ly now thut wa are murrloj liuvn n hi crot to tall you wlmt 1m it sweetheartt ii usked softly can you ever forulvo tna for dttfiolv lug your whu sobbed my my loft i ye is made of glass never mind lovnblrd ho whls pored guntly no nroithe diamonds in your nnirugemeiit rlngl tltblts mllllorm worm iowdura not only muke tho unfantite system untenable ror worms but by their tuition on the stomach itver and howelalthcy correct ich troubles ua lank of appetlto bill- isnnsm und other internal disorders that the worms create children thrlvo n them uml no matter what condi tion their worm infested stomachs may in they will aliow improvement as soon as the treatment begins n omeif look for this trade mark when you buy kitchen utensils would jou buy a can of timlmon if it hud no label or a bag of flour no certainly not thcri be junt mi careful when you are buying kitchen uuiwiua furchahs only the articles of knw meled ware carry injf the sup trade mark it ifl your rafcfjuard and your suarantee of quality ask for smpware diamond ware ht n threecoated ena meled titee ttky bluo and white ouudde with it unowy white hnlnff pearl ware ia a twocoated enameled htecl pearl grey and white inaldc and oul greenings lay flat poultry fence trum economy to uasi tronlnge lay plat poultry pence you save lumber because top vails and baseboards hip untwnuiry even and heavy galvanizing before weaving glvea long life the joint construction and 3 inch parallel wire beep your fanes tight and in shape heights from 12 to 73 inches sold by good hardware dealers the hardware dealers b qreening wire co hamilton canada easy to control u lays flat wkcrt you uiwdh i limited m those punctuation markb oh dour sighed warren as he limn in from schodl one day 1 wlah o didnt have to learn so much about periods end commas and soml colons und such things i halo thorn i mamma laid down her sewing und until why do you halo them war ren r why its so hard to remember whsn to uao them and besides i don t think they ure of much use i don t see why we could hot write sentences wjthout putting in any punctuation marks mamma smiled and then rising from her chair she went over to the desk and got out aplece of fciaper knd pencil then she wrote the uttlo turkey strutted about tho yurtl und uto corn half un hour uftur hlu hoad was cut off why tmimmlo how funny i ex claimed wurren when he read it how rani id a turkey walk around outing corn without any heart 7 ha oouldnt replied mamma and yet tnave written just whut 1 intend ed to wrlto t have however loft out ull punotuattou murks then she uent down and ilunotuuted the sentonoe it then read the llttlo turkey strutted alio lit the yard ata corn hulf un hour yfter hla hsud wus out off oh i aeol crlod warren ami then mid ttere hs resolved to jenru ull thut he oould about piincttlatlon murks ationa western way canada tub nkw routb winnipeg saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver regina edmonton victoria and all western points choice of routes loavej toronto 8 45 pm dauv standard sfaepng car tcwontoi t wuvcupecvta north bay and cochrane to tourist sleapusg car toronto to winnipeg on tueadays thuredaya satunuya and sundays leave toronto 1 0 j5 pm tbe national monday edneadaye and fridays via sudbury and port arthur sobd through tnua with standard and tourist sleeping ears ccacnea colonist cor and dtntng car servtos connection at winnipeg for ah pomts west qat full psrtloulers reservations etc from local aot nearest agent of tbe canadian national grand trunk hall ways canadian rational railujats shop where yow are invited the boy was riqt ono of qu great publla uohoou says the laudon morning iosl hud a fore master whose nume wum flint bo tempting a targatuvjim haul for the boym to resist qjice on coming into the classroom the minder found tils class gaslng with such lirofound grav ity either at tholr desks or ut tha cell ing hint he looked around for faympt turns of trouble buro enough on tha blackboard was written the nuotatlon hall tn thee hlltha spirit- lllrd thou hover wort i who wrote that the musloi du- maud oil sharply u there wus dead sllonoe for a moment und thon n smnll thtri atudlous-look- trip hoy in spoctaulns rona and replied please sir i think it was bhelley one reason they wean having u bouinv iohmiiii mid the vouch or naked the children if they knew what made the maple loaves turn red in the autumn up popped ono hand um only ono well tommy asked tlio teacher or the owner of the hand ptoaeo miss replied tommy tluy blush to think hpw green tliuy hi uoeu all ua- iwmtr in use for over 30 years tits ciniiun company nsuvosa crrv tlailway time tables at actori ornd trunk nllwy byatani ooletf weet mo 11 no s3 lo 3am zzllpm no 16 j f ubptn no an i a 5c pm n it ui r going eat 10 3t am no 3u 11 lkam no s4 3 sc p in 17 p m hulilu no 3m no 34 hunday c tb p m toronto suburban 1 lectriti going wt hallway b 17 u tn bully o- t t hunday 3 23 p in bully uk 1 t iliinday uuo p m iilly txi i t hunday 11 ola in kuiidiiy oilly s 3 p m m uday only b co p m h qoinq et i luy only tu in bully urn t t hunday 2 03 p lit bully mi i i humlay ii 1u p in bully xi ut hunday uum in mi u lay only ih m ti ti luy only ul u m hu ndsy only traill no 3 whlrh 1 ft t uto at is 4b liimn on huturl v- during tin uiiminar nouths tauw luvs ut l it p m lrolght dollvorod hy uiku1 oipr frvlght irrolght pick i up ut hi a 1- drves in toronto k t tllirriroim ai arton children cry for fletchers castor i a fletchers costoria is strictly a remedy for infants and children poods ore specially prepared for babies a babys medicine la even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was tho need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castorla before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years hasnot proven what is castoria castorla is a harmless substitute for casw od paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it coptalns neither opluiuj morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago ib its guarantee xor more than thirty years jt has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fovoruumecs arlslnp therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of pood giving healthy and natural sleep the children comfort tho mothers friend- genuine castoria always e k cook can biuj ly you shirts collars tics hundkor- chlers buttons and btudi arm band garters suspenders shoe laces gloves mitts in soles shoo polish and he doesnt ask biff profits either call ar40 sec ekcook u1lx btllhuct acton speights fob hardware cutmfljty hirwelhwallk oiian1tbwaub tinwaitr sporttng goods nocutiay gbahophones prices richt batisfaction ouaranteeo c- c speight mill street acton natures mint makes out of a c to the 4ors ttolong tho days whan gold nuggets could tn shaken from among the gross roots tyut thank goodnoss the duys of opportunity are not yot gone for the boy with grit and push to him nature offer lold groon while rod yellow all within the little vloce of broand which tie can calr my garnon hero ho can ralsu beans mo transiuirunt tondnr and unappy tomatoes imi fat and rod corn of malting wwitntnoas all these he th noil to mothers far and near boeds cost hut llttlo wjrrys pare brad seeds are loo a paper thoy artt the bluo bloods of aoodrim the pick of ncrok dnvoted to hclen- tlflo grjiwlng aiyl scloctlon of nuds iluy tliem at thn utorxi around the corner bond for tevirry buev aunualchikjkmi of eunli n hints rollawhloh vesutablos are best for the home garden write to day jot an early start on your garden its the qoldsn idea that pays perrys purebred seeds i d- ml ferry co windsor ont acton bakery phone no rt 11 fresh bread and buns brown bread rolls pies and cakes cream mjifs ordera will b delivered at all times doughnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes lly hie pound or any size our own moke waggon ualivors ovury duy will call on you or phono no 77 and yagron will call m edwauds co acton ontario lurjctoed every nlaht cvcspt fri day ind saturday at 030 p m free press ads bring results children ory for fletchers i castoria i n

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