Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1922, p. 6

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31 llinht umorii oonri j liltow n in loroato n sunday muy 7 lu- in mr uiu mr hurry h died liivninfl in ln ni i mi mui i lua- a ih kyr c sinning ir ulgary uu ii iujm llimli m ikt in hi uotl ua1i1un at 101 lcut uu av nun 1 utniu rlilu on wediieaday apilt 1u ihs- itolwrl h wxtwxi firm rlv if alton in ills sbtli yur shhlbyal tli hum of ik r duiigh t- mi juni h wliuon ut strahu n avmt r rmil1 ih uimluy muy ik 1ujj iihikik toxt wltlow hi tui lt uuvld stiruy of alioii in her hoth yur ft artmi 3fr jlrrbb thursday may ii 1d37 brief local items pundit i applu idna there blitpn how morn ll w ii out wvtry w k it 1 unuduy muy ut u looking uiuuuul- ivu romo urn now bugliinlng to utor cur urn nomlng with gas assured at lmeltament aroused ovf dell ling deaper welle in caldti willi in lrtw hi i rdiiiur tin luu ll woo t llllll i hllnrlilr uud ii n htlng ihiiinuu for u cuiu pioluhh oil held ut uhlg ui tin 1 mill in run of tin w own tu lit r with hiring luuulli rllil ilud tli lnvir oil imipany boo ru hi tlu vlhlty willi the ink f f ilwilwi wulu foi u turgor min- ralll supply if liullliul ku rapidly i hxliitf with thu 1 ipo li4 nimnnott iiut for uiitl rruiirhlaeai tmder dilution tho uyi llumnt und inter nut only hi hi hnmthtlt vi lulty hi it- hut on llruippli n autnri und cj iulrvnliig in lilt whru limiinl lili lino utu tunliiupliiui i tir lug pui und hut willi firiiu rly v duhwiu uru uwuki nlng ikovlllv infl 1 po lhllltw ut ii 1 1 viry doo utliig thruiiilll thu lriirl tl4 kulu hurvlou roronto f ivr oil co uhui- whlh utlll uvillbbj ut 1 ti hut inn tliiuiulil lull i utu rutv ytmurtuy u shower pueplug thrtiuith t rroii im uiiiiiiiuhiwi hfii mpriutf crotiri urti nourly t olnali ii ii on erylwijy hnm hud a niirlil hulr iirunlu pn culioursii rmt of uutatlon yeur will b fortytwo mill hpmomtitir uirt toronto oluwrve dnyiljcht mvlnr now whn you o to thtt city a tiw buolna fllllntf ttlon hu limin liibtullsa ut wlltiona bra on mill blreot oukvlllo hu utloplad djiyllsht uv ink ubiiln mid u l 6f tlm oltlxenu ar ora ulfout it kltchunar folk ton t ilka tlio day- hlit tuivlntf hyluw tti council imuaoil ml theyro boyoottln it- a radio dltrlbtitlnir autlon u h- init inatullod ut the club house uf tha actin atliletla auuoclutlon our mot hum und thalr memorloa wiro rtutefully honored by nil church- tttnrm on mothora hay sunday hhow your hrldo in your town by join ills thona who uro endeavorlnit to moko aoton hioru und moro bantlful vlotorla luy tho twenty tourui victoria i what colden momorlm hal low thu ry nlontlon or tho queonly niuna the frumnwork of mr lawrence william how realdonco on knox aveniio in up and about rady fur tho brickwork u with two kuhollna supply uuoiim on mill htrwat and two on main 81rt mutnrlnth will havo no duqaulty la tonvwnlontly rtndlnir aupplloa at woodwork un amuaoment cora- imny wuu nnud i1d4 co buit monday for not aolllna war tax tlakata at two umutour nhowu utajred aonno utn two a bt thoimu boy of ib yatv when utaajlnf a rlda on u mich lean cantrnl jtallway tralon monday foil under the whol and loat hl rtht a vry lmirouive duett my mother a lovo by ulu bertie smith and mr arow maaon wm buntf it the mothora hay norvloo in thu methodlrt qtmreh mvory hurt day school worlfiir 6f thl community ahould atiend the sunday bchool coo von hon in kno churci next tueaday afternoon und ovoiiliitf wlukham a nawnwr rcommonu that unmnrrlod women who havo tbo frnnchlae uhoulrf pay the poll to now ttuit thuy aro on term of political eauallty with men 1 alfred super write from jouaa vnjn man on may 11 we are hav ing lovely miring- weather out hero thl nprlntf theueedlng u wall advnnoed nd wo art bavin nice rulnm the tunnla playra hav been oc cupying the lourta at tho anton ath letic anaoclatlon feronnde for the poat week or ho the bowlera will bo on tint union theru thl week hay mr huaaall a vialtlnff llaptlat mlnlator from scotland occupied tha pulpit of the llaptlat tchuroh a wvak ago loat sunday his iwworful aer- moim woro breutly upproutod tbroo wlndaor oy wro uontenq- ed to terma of from ono to two yeara for atoallruj an automobile by pollen muklhtrato isilin on monday deuplta pleaa for lenlenoy by two law ye m uramptona- clueena uund hu thlrtyml pleoeit und u gouta new uni0rmrt ooetlnv 1000 it has 9400 in tho treasury rained by ooncerta and dance tho town council haa given it a gratt of 300 sliib a hong of maytlmo tho world la full of glee u the llttlo baby bude ore iwoplng out to ho when ihelr eye aro opened the bird bogln to ting unt thla a happy world awak ing in tho nprlngt tho poat pince department an i nounoun that u onacont poataitamp prlntod in ulraw color will be ioaued nhoktiy poatmoatera are uaked to uao uptholt- o alockjmforoiaiiulng the now htamp fo bo ptldlis tho mteom abovel outfit which waa left lying in the out ting coat of thu tannery yarda when tho toronto boburban qlectrlo road woa completed flvo lyaaht ago haji been loaded on flat etini una lent tdthe cpmrianyif oon- trucuon yurda at cookavlllo beautiful whtto trlllunwr predokn- inated in tho loral doooratlona for matliar day at the methodlat chuhlb these yten gatliered on saturday by the family of mr and mr a qnifl op their frm at churotilll thor wero hundred ot thqo graooful llltea and thoy lent thomaolvw adnvrtngly ililm jmhl tllltl uml liuvlnu- in mm intir ulvd ur itiitflhiir for ii hi i li k of thiu ut- tiittiv atih k txilli vln umt in til iiulin- lit ulu llw a rnrtuiic of lui- inoiim proportlonu ttluc ttia iltltw ftil in w do hot propurly uil i jut 1 oolt fint from no 1 wll ut liil wmtl wlum u htf ui ply ida too nillo rt duliy if uwnvt nut inul uuutiu nilxiit 111 cuiiuda nuy xpvrtf low ixutu im whir thu 11 n ut thw tl ir- wnllii iw ikiw uolii down the powt r for wliltli ilrllllug id ruriiluliad fri m hut u ntnull ixrtloii of tho no 1 wll uupply uiidiuil toil t vhh in ut thu 4klti ut of nuturul gnu in puylng iiumitltliu hiiiiiim1u of wflllu may rllll in ihu iituml tuiahi with uovu r iht ay4 ltiidlinf into it uli whouu i jmi tirwphlt ul formutliin luwda ul xmrtm will lui found u larun iwiily of guu und nil h u linpounllln tutu what vuut fortlnu tnuy und tho duo utriiu of thlu iiuuim o illd by thu rtovur oil conipul i liiiltud for wtiarn uftm ftxuta tlnir t oil lit th vlolnlty and oil in iuuntlty irniin fortupnu oully ur priiujn i tlv purohuim n jcuvlnir lormito humllton orunt- villi ullll llthnr lotul pilllltm 111 mm1 fill thnimilva whut la uuuiu l or tlilw luumihu to thimmt bru t potutllillltlca la ii fuutura whlrh itlathikillhhta tlibi culmlhi ituld ovtir othir id ida tltouu- utulm of hilltim uwny ruiidorlng tbcni pruotlcully luuciinullilii uml nrfiuudtut- liig implli it imndenoo in tliitmitntu f vendor within four or five wuokw the drill- nrw ut no 2 woll utute thuy dhoti id mtrlkw ga in largo volume when othur willu will bo immediately aturtrd und pipe lino laid to tlio n oarer ttiwua only ton miles dlatant within finuun tnllim rudlu of tho inglowood well u a population of poualblu gua uavra thut will muko the co mm ore la i nd of tho undurtaklng immi nuoly reniunoratlve und of cimrm unhaiino tt valuca of aliarea of the dover oil company very materially tho neurnea of thea wellu to nvan toronto und jlamllton mly 18 mllee lu llknwlun un attniotlva ompurlnoi iii dutunoa wlinn it la ronaldnrod thut tolbury out run la ut preaant do- llverod 160 mltou the rculedon em hold and probably oil with ita tonurmous tmmulbllltlem at ll ro mi i it iw oirtulnly very ullruotivu mill the man or woman with money to invimt uhotild at leant inveutlgate it cotmldi rlntf itn lioarnewa adv neigliborhood news town and country churchill um ilmiil of the third llnr who wnt ii oiiili ii llopltu mi miimluy wiiu htliruimtfillly opqrutml oil uli i lu niukliitr gimhl priiwrina uw xvmiiu orurc who liua iwcn in ki ipli fur jhjvuru iiioiithu rottinifd i inn on uuturduy tim roiiu in iiilu him tli i limk wilt t7iiro u a wi ulih of fruit i i wmu tiw id ihituh pluntlng limit und u gxhl urpiuilin will 1m put iii mr oom1iii hi ullll lonkliitf urtr tliu urii und ulimk of uhi xiric hiuoii tli iluuiiiir mult of whom no lltlnu iiuvh yt ixwn tvraivml acton hydro assets 3384135 with only fl100il f lllllit a graatly reduced rat a report from the hydro offlce at toronto during tho week altow tha tifrtim fporo the various muntolpplttlc iiorved by tho hydro kleotr la com- mlaelan during 1031 tho llydro-lfileo- trlo buaineu of iflruntfnrd kttohnner wood bridge aoton und georgetown wua mom oucceukful oiriolal audited flgurou iat madu publlo ahow tlu i aoton before the hydra uervloo began in 1813 tho uverugn kilowatt hour rule wua 10 cants tier kilowatt hour the ftrut hydro rate wan aw cenb for damcatlc lighting and jti contn for commercial lighting hurcea- ive jate rodactlonu made by the pro vincial commlaalon have aavad con- umer h s04 3d tho preaunt uveruge rate la 3 6 cunt a and 3 p couta for domoatlo and commercial lighting in n thaue rate tho aoton ayalom had inu in 1db1 of f 13081 s3 after providing i01s for vanewula reaerve wuu u not purplua of si 381 it mqulvulaiit to ib as per borne power on llm enavgy purchased by the manlcl- pullty during tha year the load haa increaaed alnte 1013 from 64 horn power to 303 7 home power deaplta a jiughtly higher generating coat at hlagum tho rate for delivered power tu aoton iiom boon reduced from 3b 933 per horea power th6 total aaaeta of the nyntom aro j3s b4i tlio balance of liability la t 1q9ji and resarvea and hurphi funda ao- iulato1 in tilno youra make 1s7- 733 14 the hydro ban certainly oavert money for aoton in addition to the greatly added convenience jo veronl guelph murdered thla wellkpown bootugg found dead at nlaflare fall n v tho body of jouaph veronl oiielph im found with tbroo bullet hole in it on the lrfiwluton- iiii roud hour niagara vulltt n y ut ll 30 oclock krlduy night by john mcspuddcri bua driver for the oruy hun una of tliat city tha body wua lying ut tho aide off tha road about half way down tbq hill in a poaltlon that indicated thai it bad been hurled from a moving uutomohhi a cording to coroner dr w drupe who in lnvetlguthig the ctiaa deputy sheriff henry vroomuu of iowuiton who wan ut tho conn of tho murder n fnw mlnbtori after the finding of the body hu no lined the nborlfta oltlcn mid a net i a proud out for tlio murdorero it 1 bouoved thattlm aaaallanta hud u high powered automoblla and tiiat thoy drove fut and fur immediately after tho murder veronl lived in ouelph for eleven your after tho ontario temperance act cuma in forcp ho wai known o tho boa bootlegger for the dlatrlot home time agohp loft for tho border cltlo with a vlow of doing u- larger bualneim in liquor he had boon lined far violation oreueutodly- ixna won out on parole from tho ontario reformatory having oervod part of jail ten tone veronl ran a irroootiy lore on alloa street was 43 year it ago and bad u wife sta family of nua children r j kb br 3 li8t of 8ale0 i baturday mar jmm wro wlleo aoton houmoholo7lrepif at 3 oclookr jpridoy may a ahb irvln aoton hoiutehold tfffeowat 510 p m saturdky jebnldg to honor moth memory atfldbk houijwa ltf oeiwft bulllinqyon hv fl w iibbrili nriitiitf u lullii club ut thu hrti ry i 11 hini bt on mlngu lloud huu ln mold to c lhlirid of thu itrunt hupltal ulu lliriilxi iciinp of munlt iiillii in tha ifiiut ut ii r gruiiilmolhur lit i ilowu lrl utrihit riu annual roiivuutloii of tha nuun rownuliip hun luy hiliiml axuomulloii will ln lld ut lulu uountulil u ion huniliiy htiikl un thuruiuy muy ut mr h w kuwilt buu pun i ai ti u iuiltlmr own i by mr ic urt 1 ulm r on lirunt htrvit und wll upy it um u rul ttn olhofl i hu vurioiim t uiiiilltn of tho nuihoii und ihirlliiutm aru ulturul korle ty urn buully t ouau d mitklng pri pur it llo ii a fur thu big elubrutlou to ih huld huru on july 1 1 kiruiii ii athlotlu auhlutiiii uru toinpletliig urruiimaiita fur ttili- ilulutloii to in huld liaro oil may 34 ttiuru will iw buball gumva foot runa fu uml u good ufturiimin km rt in ihuurwl oulutttii erin horufl ram and lucroaue mutcho will lt krlua uttruotlooa for th holi day nokt wvdiivuday mr uml mr j c iimlni of alton uliuounou tha uiigageniuiit of thalr diuiclitur krone tuth to mr jack llruk iuton of toronto tho tnur- rlugu will tu k ii ilm u tlilx month mr und mrx a it hiin of uet- tt r altu ura thu guaata of mr j momlllun hui in lit andrtwm churrli hlllaburg tm krliuy muy 10 ut b o clock a lihiturw under tho uimplocu of ul an- dmw i hlitorlcul commlttou will lie lvtii on moiltru lruh 1ootry by rofeumor liolury of the unlvwity of toronto ura win kotxirtuoii hlllabiirg wliol il u narrow naiami from dnuu in ihiing thmwii rrom a buggy omo daya atcii in tho village and who hud her luft urtn broken ut tho time la ro- rlng nloely r imvltl muniloll of ltrampton hu purchaaud tb planing mill hem from 1vmi wootl of ouelph hu futhrr originally owmxl thu property muoh ayiupathy la foil by the frianilm of mum llarbara white hllle- ing from burnn mlaa whltn wua burning gruua on tho lawn und tho ltum caught onto her clothing burn lug her badly m the tmrk and c advomilev oakville tim uihiuur now reporta u populu- iou of 3 2hc tim new byluw governing tho aula f toliacco and o la urn t tea takou effect n june 1 and all merchant who wuh to noil heao lommodltle miiut taka out their ucenaom before that dute the iudlea aid of the method in t church rulaed over 1400 during tho year juat closing und have 1800 in the bank they have epenotl jhe new sunday school vund by aubucrlblng 30o ahurc ut ten dollura m hure oukviha llatepaytira aoaoclutlou at a mmitlng on saturday night ununl- mouhly poaaoil a reaolutlon uuklng tha town council touppoltit a town- plunnlng cummliuluti or cornmltto of coundll to take ohurgo of tho layout of aulvdlvialonh laying of atroebi und idowallui oocord tim town im waking up to tho ad- untugo of u sfubllo library tho council will probably put the matter hope for uvvotw by the people on bylday momlug w a vorrab rot u mini uftor hi long trip to the modlturrumuui gypt thn holy jrul ivuna und longland hn loft oukvlllo early in march und alnco then ha i a groat numlier of the hlntorlo pota of tho old world uo apeak of having a grand trip should tho preaotit plan iff tha roll talephono co bo carried out oakvllle la to have u telephone central which will ompura favorably with the moat modern in ue in canada- tho nocea- ity to turn the taky little crank ta ring up central would be no longer ncoanury you would juat remove the ivaf und in your moat charming voice whin per to control your deal re tn couverwa with aomeono ut no star nockwood krumoaa sunday school convention 111 lm buld thl ufternoon and evening i tlio stono church dr hal penny te irovlnclal secretory of sunday soioobj will bo preaent r alexander cray whooo family hufferod from uie flro loat weekw imught the old o ore tang homo from mr walter mawullum and i getting mettled there ilockwnod u putting on lt uummar iiarb und cltlaena generally are doing tlmlr ihihi to muko their homo ur- roundlug uttraotlw s mmt wm jugo of haj ley bun i spending u mhurt tlmo with bur mother mm j croft under the direct ion of tho ground committee of the buabull club great many improvement have been made in tho bumubull ground mr wm llnyoa 1 making noma alteration in hi home which will greatly improve it wppoarunoe thu honking family went to hamil ton on prlday avanlug to attend tha graduation ecerolaea of hamilton hos pital ut which ml sibyl hoaklng rocolvod her diploma utter three year of uuooantul ruining a debate wa held in tha q lad to no hull the other evening between tho tuxl roy und tho dorcasdirt club tho mubjeat under dlaouaalon wo lleaolvod thut success in 11 1 evuo to chuructor rather than olrcum- stance tha uitlrmatlve which won by mix polntu vm uphold by mle mury wutaon marguvet dodd and dorl muraden those on uie negatlva were ltobt croft milton wutaon and ured hoaklng mr ooorga torrance of tha 1ont offloo muiff died lost itcldoy uge1 1 trtigt gn your hi duuth occurred at thq home of hi nlster mrs char lea mo nabb he wua u godr man and high ly ealeemod mr lewi ration died but friday morning at tho home of lit daughter mrs robert stunipr ho was in hi sbth your mr ration upont most of his hfo in mrln township col mutrlo was at forgu on man day uttendlng the funeral of hi auntj mr john boattle messrs mokonxle and mcducheon will build mr kmcrion carton new resldenco bight car of live atock wero shipped from hfr tkml mk kurum d i qeoroetown tl lurty wlip i bringing uwnmp wiiuki y tj town ii going run into m lit up of trouble un of urn no duyo thu kirllulhiril r ucloty niiwar ixxld uloun i liiwn lihik ixiuutlful with tbulr lln juat vmw luvu llurlwvll wbii wua tuk auilileiily 111 luut wuvk la improving vry iluy mia a c ilirlmirt and wm norman mill tin miiwm y urt no krlilay ur ijiiiurk kootluiid whorw they will hpniid thu miiiuiriir with rmullvm muhtur luy hurt win ot mr und mr ijwrnrn llurt of lh 7b line 1im rrlwn who wuu urclduntuily uhot in lb right furv unn on april it n tiirnd hum ii otih ho- pita i hut lliiiiduy hu u improving nicely und ll lu iixiinl hla unn will aurfur n hi fffwlu lloruld nas0aqaweva c lilurkloik liu imwii qui to i now r iivurtng a 1 luluy la tvtiulhjltig uta y d by nm luuf lwinbi- will iipw reaidrnri in ouma of trillion on lho luelpti luuid la uukhig k nwn thn aliliuul rumuy hrluwl conven tion t lint towimhlp of nuuuagawuyu will ii id in thu lcer mutlui- dut hurili mi miuuluy ufunumit und cvtmhig lifxt addruta will bo glvon ly mlum wiuguiudtlioriua ut tux inli rnpfdaonlutlvii uf tb onlurlu itollgtou roumill rev t n uiwv cumi iwllvllli uml lv j yklruihun mltauumuwnyu onu duy luht wks mr wm lirly i u 1 thu mlafortuiiu to l hla unklv in luu by twin hit by thn atonulkmit wlit1 hu hxura uunv frlghlihkl uhllii bo wuu ulihltrhlng them mr un mr hurry couuon und fulillly tf mht vulud relative ut kltut hbtill on sunday thu furnmr buvo flnuhe1 ueedlng und r preparing thlr ntot land mr glid mt w v arhy vlaite1 lltlva at cumphollvllln un hundy thuru uri ubuhdunt bloauom tar rult thl aprliih xjm pro pec is look kimmi juat now jchhim cumerou widow of tha lata jumrfl hjinti r brook uf cumpballvlll puuuud uwny ut the borne of her daushtar mr john agnuw trafabimr vthp on monday mr kuator- ii li wu ixirti in hrotbtnd 9f yuar ttao bt wu on of italian county lloiiir nltlitli having livnl in nua- ugaweyu thn imut 7b ym hhu j urvlvtht by alk duughterui and two cu in pbe ii v i un won tliu tlrat touguo inn ut milton in a koerfly cunt ted kunio with a tutora of 7 to 6 ir uml mr c itowdnn via hod nil ut clinton during the week everton tim null meeting ul tha wdui iiialltulu will im hkldmttbrhfhlie mra mffuii tlm hrul thunulay in mrluvll tuvell toronto vialtinl frnixlm hiiu ikhi wouk terra cotta mr john ionuldain of iteglnu uiuk who apent a riw luy with mr wm hunter and family of tlio till una hu returned bumn mr jih 04vw met with a mtioiin occtitont ut tha interprovliirlal itrlck 1 utnt ut cheltenham loat week he rll through a rr frajlurlifk hi thigh mm alex henry haa rnno on an rliiilud trip 1 visit with frlenda iri kmclund miu mlunlu m lunly of th- t ktoii ulan toronto la uiwodlng her lnlilaya with liar puranta her mua cliuyn tuuehor ltbrutl ailwc juy in iwr mobool ut the ctli lhir by giving lief cik1 rlilldrvn u plrnlit on friday afternikin the itev mr akin of norval b ei uplemlld vikbi imuli and ulao enxag- n in the uportu with the uoholai 1 rise wi awarded the rhlldreti for the race uxordlng ia merit they utl riurt u sixxl tlmu uru c h mtrlngor la on thn sick hit mr and uiv j moll und family ot the mountain huvt movud to tnrru cotta mr und m j march moot and family have moved to luutcy ipiurrle n the mouiitalx mr and um tho llrooklebank and fumlly of tllen will lam havo muvxi to ur it tigunm brickyard wash goods wo huvo in utork a full linn of villi ratlat and tiuuuo olng- hum drea u niitlia sport uklrt uuuttha of hsttenay in athpea and check no two alike lliighams in 37 30 and 38 inch width all tho newest uliadn iii or- kuiidy thf la tho week for pnwirv- ing pineapple a frouh uupply alwny in tftork geo soper phon 12 v mill street acton dancing kvklty evening iluiunc tiie summelt suburban park opens may 24th afternoon and evening grounds prco iranlcs orchestra always in attendance booth for uo freshmen is and light lunch 611 the grounds park well lighted splendid dancing floor cool spot 2 miles from acton on suburban railway by auto via crcwson corners new shoe store having secuho quarters in tub acton creamery we will open a complete new stock op wpts of all kinds on saturday may 20th harry harrison the sjhoe mam creamery block mill street acton telephone 63 saturday treat pure candies kiddies love our candles parents k them our sweets without fear bo- cause thoy know our home made candy1 fresh pure and wholesome send your kiddies to our store wc give them the very best service possible maplewalnut cream 23c lb havo you ever noticed what a true flavor our homemade maple walnut cream has there is a reason 100 lbs of this favorlto fox saturday regular 30c per lb saturday treat price 23c per lb weekend chocolates 25c per ul as long as youean buy such high grade chocolates at so -low-a-prios-you- honld nnfbawiilioutlhcin inyjwrhmb- pretty to hand out when unexpected company drops in assort ed flavors regular 40c per lb and well worth it saturday 25c f neasoira cbeam cakes 3 foe 10c- so boxes of neilsons- cream cakes to dear sattirday at 3 for 10c tho regular prico is 5o each p t h moqrehead brampton georgetown milton acton j sanitary worwand plowino qaroenb a leroroat 1 prepunxl to lei futitm iriow garden und olnan uwny rnbbuh promptly utxut rmoelvlng onf work kuuruntnnd aatlufuitory orl inn with j j cikinoy or by rurd t my uddrauut will rucelvo twuit uttnntlon a ljekortlcht 43 20 hoiki blrorh alto chas kelly tkaciiicit av singingt mandolin guitar banjo and hawaiian instruments apply to hr cooper -i- we can use more men and boys in opr shop burning driving v- purlng overhauling lintom tract or naragwu puytnif nio nuliy to our auooeaaful grwduut iiaru uutu tractor hum hail leu ru n jnrt ignition lighting mturtlugay tnrnu rig wuun mtouily y ork an i mini wbllo luarnlng wtlte fr lutuloguu hempblll lllg auto tin tractor he him i h king ht weut toronto bedding plants oeranluma gumma foleuu verbena aater lutunla ami snathlrugoiih sweet william strong hnulthy plunt koo u eahly vegetables tomutoe celery cubbugt and catilinowvr ortlare alea ukan lar all varle- tla of flower nd shrub jobbing work ttonu- a h bishop faltvlew ave telephone 54 ox 603 aetovi are you interested 1 in piaiiiif raying are you uro that thn method uaed are tending tn your great est davelgpmept your imllvldu- ulity and tht fornmtlnji of up- proved style t the- utmost earn should ho ov ercloud in thn nlvctjn of ull ln- utructoij- hattie r kellv teuchor ami rlunlat of ouelph hua lately returned frtlm vuuloil hngluitd uftor having mtudliid at tlm mat bay rlunofnrto si html under such muster mind uj mutthuy known u tho kngliah ileaohetlxky swlimteud altuf- under also with roll vox at ronton mas eminent amnrhun rmlugoftlcul specialist train hiqbvick apiwilnt- mnntu will ln arruhgeil with out- wlito htudaiiu to hult train er- vlco ml roily will roaorvit u lutlf hour in which to iiihouh free of c large wth any prohpontlvo pupil hi or her upoclol dllllcul- tle make un upimiuitment at onco summer ctaarloa from juno lat augut soth studio 6 park ave ouelph ont i- telephone 424j hade in ouelph exhibition week ivaay 8th to ktth sei the len grluillug muolilnury in operation ut tlm rig show we nperi tho only xn sur face grinding mnehlnary in thl district opiiciak j aliklpk oms mclean co weejkly store news wo curry tlio tttock uud give our customers a kood variety our pricci uro lower tli an the lurid city btorcs we quoto you liorc j list ii few special tin finish a 2 50 blues 25c black bilk 11 inelicb wide with a rich t hilk special at 175 holeprinif kilk homo in black white cloud brown and camel special at 190 pair y puritan maid hilk uutte in black brown white navy special at le pair 35c cinghainri for25e 10 pieces oicck gin hams in imki largo uud kuiiiii check regular 35c special at j white curtain net good valiia at uoc special at 50c 25 pairu ijic curlainrf ftegulac 2 50 special at 195 1 ilozen huuhe rmi all nixes made of good quality print ucghlar 1 50 special at 119 ijuuch while cotton cowiik lifht weight of cotton short kxtru good vnlue ot 1 25 special at 95c comeut wo aro showing tlm new spring style m corsets call and look them over our value are better than ever before special at 100 125 and 150 gtouh itugsv largcsixcd this year at 110 and 125 linoleuma and oil clo um i mccs right kiccvi mclean co mullstbeett acton ont outtida kluea or any other t metal work up ut your place t then have u rail and fig a prion for thu work which wll plwuuu you by ita mthbrrotiott we ilon t ham to prnbm ourhilve or our work those with whom wo have done business are our best ad- v or tlauru phone so w f mooqey acton ont farm specials 1 50 acres peel county on provincial highway close to school churchei etc not far from brampton 135 acres under cultivation 10 acres hardwoqd bdsh nice orchard wells spring creek good fences solid brick housa 10 rooms and basement like new barn 1 10x30 steel driva house blacksmith shop and pquipment only 15500 v 14 acres nico garden land overlooking village of glen irtllinitis with solid brick house ocightroomr first class repair electric lightn now furnacc stable nico lawns with shade and fruit frees price 1000 200 acres georgetown 2 miles 188 ncrcs under cultivation- 12 ncrcs mixed hush two houses largo barn with water drive liouso piggery silo splendid dairy farm price 18000 wtevans 6 go insurance 6 real estate service and protection tannery cooperative jv tho store of quality and low prices i aix kinds ov vfttesh jttults and vrx3etabies constantfcy on hand special l on siiar in 100 lb lots see our summer hosiery for women girls lhoys and chil- 1 dren at very lowprices wo have a fine range of mens fine qoots bought at a bargain and marked at prices that will appeal to yon k v spring and sivmmer underwear for men arid women cashrpau fob farm pboducb ft e i tannery goopierative fltoro cmm otweirieday at 1z30 mill stwapf t oclock r bh acton ajltemauil kalekausy

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