Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1922, p. 4

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vv yjj b m i il esss3saisw tub hour oi ll artmi jarrr jrrhb ifrmlier rfitcirl 1 wn wcali ul jollo hill arion iuh wliyu inlllt y tin rh lay iiimiiili ul ll i wiaa hull llti j mill lrr ail hi hilar u it ulitr liim ilvarv miiimvf tluud tutu ilia data li whktt rlptituia ial1 la luiliraltii on lf adua laixl a1wi uti in it alt franauii fcuitl meiltn hi taut fr lino uuute mcaaiira l ral iiiaarllmi a 1 x on r lm- fir aat i tub nunl itttarllon inratt iuilay ktlaa iinila u t vi liihir r niira r anion id tnt lir inch aril inarll adcr liar innl a will iut arlfir ilirctuo will lw lnaatl till tiwhwl il hruil aciiiiiliuuly tk1 1iiomr- ihtril il llnntaa ojtca ltdlllik iml let va have standard time 1 ha unilunl tmiddla over timo continues soma townt mid cttim ttt various porta of the country havo adopted daylight having time others and many of them nmnd by standard time confusion and an noyance results to people going from towns in one ryitcm to townn where tho other is in vogue some people uro randy to advise the government toput an cud to the unseemly mixup by making it illegal lo havo any other than ntaudardtimc thursday morning junk i 1022 editorial preferential trade with jamaica a proclamation presented at ottawa lost week provide that tho preferential trade agreement be tween caniula and jamuicu thall corao into force on and after juno 1 1022 this gives a preference of 50 per cent except in the caso of certain specified imports jt- should encourage trade between canada and this irtish isle u a bankers want closer union with canada our neighbors to tho south are rapidly learning bow good a neighbor canada is becoming to be declaring that tho united states nod canada con stitute the greatest geographical union of english speaking people in tho world the executive council of the american bankers association in a declara tion of principles on business and legislative condi tions mado last week urged ri closer coynmunity of interest between these two countries the union jack protects in canada what tho stars and stripes in the united states will not tolerate racetrack gambling tho sun of better times beginning to shine this dominant note of optimism characterized the speech or hon w s fielding minister of fin ance when introducing his budget last week the sun of better vtimes is beginning to shine ho said and added the worst of tho commerical and in dustrial depression is i believe over i do not look for any rapid rcatpratlon to prosperity but 1 beliovo that from this timo forward there will bo quiet steady and substantial improvement if this spirit is imbibed generally by tho people of canada tho sun of bettor times will soon bo shining in real earnest the budget or 1922 hon mr fielding tho minister of finance of the dominion government brought down his budget on tuesday in it ho reduces the tariff gives britain preference and aims to reduce tho cost of living in general tho effect of the new taxation is to incrcaso i the duties on luxuries and reduce them upon neces saries and if the reduction is not as great as might he desired tho cause is td bo sought in tho imperative need for revenue tho now tariff is tp a greater ex tent than its predecessors a revenue tariff as tho finances of the country improve it is reasonable to expecj that further reductions will be mado in tho duties on articles of prime necessity or productive use police court fine to municipal itlem results of the recent delegation from western ontario who asked the minlstor of justice to remedy n rcmin injulico arising through tho province claiming pohca court lines were seen when sir outer count introduced his bill to amend the crim inal code among the changes prpposcd in the measure i a qhiusc which tho minister explained give municipalities of ontario tho lines when they bear the expense fh administering the law under which the lines are imposed instead of paying them lo the province us at present the utility of hydroelectric power actons importance as a manufacturing centre is well demonstrated in tho amount of electric current now consumed in comparison with that of some neighboring townn of similar population our con sumption now reaches 300 horse power that of fergus is 185 ltorio power and of elora 107 horse power tho hydro rotes which permit the free uio of electric power for manufacturing purposes h a wonderful benefit to the towns in the tone covered it will yet be of equal benefit to the farm ing community in the same territory advances being mado rapidly now in that direction humor in names who rkillvo n in hi w lir mill liv tloam not clouto u rd in iurl- nun iliiiliiii- in mil iiium m 1 b h f 11111 ub reimjrttxl xluriil whom u 111 nil vu nod h ntoh o fur il hrld u u l iiultkxl all- foul kdltoitlal notes tho star says mr iraneys five per cent seems as unpopular to some people as his two per cent united states freight rates aro to be reduced by ten per cent canadian rates should promptly follow suit its rather remarkable how some people think the new tariff just tho thing for tho country and others are suro it will ruin canada finance minister fielding surely ought to know his ground in tho matter of making budgets the one presented last week was his sixteenth ltuthir ilinoh iv gut tnubfrw hit huvw i judy i horn mut to nut tho ball rollliiifl hit you know hut mollt muni in tt nhumlhtri uliont why your tiuito ttt noun iuiitttil how j ut utinwor tliimi why 1- thn law coltir luwitumi it im juhucd juml ko hl 1 ii huvo you tivfir my llakl oiiu judyt wlmt 1m that whluh w nudu toluy unl uhoii yemtnninyt that l who i uoorn uituliij iunoh tlttt uliawar lm u imwip vjoo1 rur you juilyl nut yu will tihva to think hunt bvar thltf ort now lulort wont into u wimhi anil rot it i wut 1iiwn nixl unikotl ut it hi inorfl t lookwl thu 1km i lkwl it took it honim twuum 1 coulil hot lilli itl that houiiiim imiii vunohl jut n iimoiu know itti u thorn i ruvo no i mo if ymi iun kuhh thl uiib juikih whlyh in thu hlugr ur itlitaor or mr ll jutbyt why tho huhy u tc irttlo llinrl mow judy tull rno why u lhmpnor tiavvr ktjroum r jlcuufl htx tillmlndhm rnaktiat him lllnh you km you rumt citoh ino anoh wlitnh imj tho hnuvlnr iudoh th full mmin or tin tuw tnoonr why tho full moon of ooural oh no iunoh tho full moon 1m u kntut tlimil hahtnr thuii tho nw mojti a lot of people wail at the now cheque tax but idle war taxes must he paid and thoso who han chequci are naturally expected to pay the share big arger the ontario medical association if it has its own way will have an amendment made to the ontario temperance act penalizing people who ask for a liquor prescription when they do not need it for medicine now wo know why all tho useless talk has been indulged in tho legislature the present session by tho quartette of obstructionists the length of the- session means an additional indemnity of 000 to tach member tho significant statement is made that ftockwood with its population of 500 is paying a less rate for its electric current than toronto with its hundreds of thousands of users of electrical energy paid be fore hydroelectric days speed is now to bo tho order in tho legislature goodness knows its time the session would have boon concluded long ago if tho government jiad not been unfairly and needlessly rtar raised whenever any measure was introduced i hal ii donlyh worthy sticceesora in coming into possession of th6 simcoe reformer this week p jpcarco and his two sons or tho wat- erford star have acquired one of the finest weekly newspaper properties in canada and a prestige of invaluoble worth norfolk county and the province at largo will miss tho facile and fearless pen of hal b donly but in mr pcarco ho has a very worthy successor mr pcarco is a born newspaper man f from the editorial standpoint ho has won his spurs 1 in tho mechanical department ho is an expert as a loyal supporter of his communitys interests ho has had a worthy career in his splendid sons with their educational and practical equipment he will have strong support the simcoe reformer will continue to lead ontarios weekly press tho sociul service council of canada declares that racetrack gambling on canadian tracks is a na tional scandal so it is it is not permitted in tho united states which border us why phoujd our country tempt all tho blacklegs from over there riuyw whtln rvmtly thu mbikihautar llwbt utllhhiihxl tlui uolitnii wtl- il nit or huron uml iturrhiir h wu un oiiuully omlogu ooluold- titrtt uml hrouifht lo tho ullur u louplo mtinod hllty it ol woodliaud mora n roit luihnib wnm ihoaa tit tclntf niid cal ifnivmi to1 tvov und atlwrrl mil llulil t whlu nun ouu imukluti t la mouth ut tcitifliiiiil olaitfytimna a- linuiblitii whuii i ui murrlml lulka hhii horoti tmrtilitm it mm uliuhlu o lout ihi itiilllollun inubu jokuu with lho chrlllull liudiui of un r nhlldraii tlio hhth roklwtij tiiullfy lo tho bxibibiuiii of u miiibiui wulutri i tvunty wlntor und un alfred duyu wbh a ihoru in u lluoiiy jikkiiim t ifuyatuck 11 own un anno llomlnl duvloa u jolly imth uml mi anuiiluil cullliik to oiidt lh 1ui that namwr t- tflbtorud itioie rucjnt yfurai inuludi tdloud knuton iurdlduu itouat ooo itmimuiiy joiiiiboii notwuntod tlmill und nouiim ark tlnilth altjthlllty liu uiil ikiidluw lloa- rhunooryiuiiai u inifworlh und itlvr jonlun tint llu wrlwht ii j myron iicn iiltuniliiil t hi wuddhil of u frlond liuii il lluy who wua inurrylns u ml wmiuh ho hundtid thorn- thn follow- in huiiviltu a wmik 1h lout u duy 1h uuiikmi hut ht iib not comotulul tlitmll aiion ihi llltln loyw oiiough to iiiuki a whtik imiuln punch and judv wll huru wn nr judyl ttnnnt huruduy coinn wiund ijulcltly huvo itot tmiino khm1 rid aluid hi atom for thii out i low tnany oould alvn rlkit off tho nnuuiai lrt llrltaln- wlttto mln- lalvrx in uay th tnat two h uml rod ynurait wu in tho two cniiturliiaf from 1731 lo thrt lironnt ymi- thnrn huvn huull lmrtylx trlma ijhdnlor of tcnif- lund thnlr tuamvm ttrrangml in uio ordur of thir rirat uklntf omm aro hlr itolmirt waluolti lcrl of wdmlniiton hunry iulham duka of hjwoitlu uukn of iavonahlra icucl of lllilo uaotktt oreiivlllo uaniulae uf jtoak- inghum knr of chnthum duk of rton lonl north rrl of thl- ihturn luk of lortluiui william flit ilonry atdlmton tord orenvhifl nrur 1vrolval krl at uvtiriiool flnofira calming vlafiount oimlorlnli iuk of wolliiialon karl ory vla- h mnlbouino lr itobart wol iord john lluaaall karl of dnrhy kurl of abrtn vlnoount 1almur- iton llnwmii niaraall wuliam cluil- atoim unriiuaaa of hitllabury icurl of koablkiry arthur now karl llalfour ur henry cunninalluimiioririim hon- y auultlt unci david lloyd fjnorkn in nt if iiu hul judy i you olovor todav dunnihq the deqti lurliigrjxlh outly nurt of tho laat cantury uriro llvd in mmtluiid a eon- itubln tiatnod john dun who wtrn u vnry uuctiwuiful ollaclor of dnhtm no job wuu too hard for him to taoklo dun would frlnk thn doltlorm eoit- initrn or aliunia him into imymuat in in way or aiidther ono of itu 1m hnhomiui wuh to call uwui tho dahtor twloc und on naoh of thoan flrwt two vlaltu ha would wour iim ordinary clothe thun if tho debt wail htlll minuld dun would drtuui in aomu oxtruordlnury ooutumu u miar- lut cloak or it r of uroim tlaht in ordnr to muk hlmaulf uooaolau- in mn iwualhla tliua uttlrtml und rlnalntf it imll b would rnturn u third tlm and it wax kohlom thut tho dnhtor wlthatood mora than um of thoao iiuhllg unnouno- ontn of hla ilollmiuuuoy ttcuuno conatubls dun wna ho uo- laaful in tho nolloollon of dobtm it bocm common in alioli ciuxta to nay youll havti to umid dun fpr your wndnyi or youll huvo to pun him lo kt il that was a happy and significant expression of hon e c drury prime minister at the treeplant ing ceremonies at sharon on the twentyfourth wo must know our past to build up our future we must build our nation on tha past and into the future habit wab too st hon q tho foro nf old uuhoolatlonat kdwnrd fort lomod otio sunday tmirulnif in aomethliia avuliuat which to bo on miurd after thirty yarh of morvlco oh it mllroud muti chlofly in tho oaluiolty or fioiuluntor kort hud retlrud und wuh atiandlna bw duya quiuuy in iiin native town jimt aftnr ho had ukn hla uo nttatombd aut onn tuornlnir in ehureh ha wan ruumtml to iurform tho duty of un intent daucon by iualhtlnu lit utkhitf lilt tho collnntlon un wan lro edhiir docorouhly alontf tho ftlulo with thn iluto whou hulfwuy down hlale h canio to tho ooollttle iiow thlm niomlnir mm ihiollttlnm uncle ilonry who huniwnud to hit noxt tha lal had drouiuml oit into u ulciututit tlttlo ult when lo rt aild tho old mail h unoonaoloualy dorfrul tho demeanor d to thn lilaoo und tipcuma olholal tntmhml tbo nliilna tnan on tho nhouldur ticket luttuuoi ho dn- mamlwl mhurnly and audibly the yhinteentm eoo on day win vaiutloii jin do- ud to mukn un unifel fooil ruko will ihimn out und allow you how ulikuaatnd mother- hnlpfully no ytiil wont tkiutod jawli i tfunaa x ran rvad tha nwlpn aifil fmd rnkal urn hurd to muka wutnod tnolhar hut jxon look h iiook und ahut hlralf uwuy in th uhihau hubilr alflad vlltur alflail hm nil lit jouli mnuiturlibx narafully ovi il jtibt rl ht -imioi- hi lliu bottom of th tuti now for inn thlrtrmu of vm clooiliiaaai hut in lota of rm ilea ion uaiiurutnly rood ajruotouu thlr- tfnil b itnatcii mviiarutnly juan wniil lo tha autihomd und pot down ull iho winull imiwla aha noulil hnd thai mri only twlva hli thum ui mi lb tubln and hruku an duvtnlo laijb and that alio haicun hfatluif whl whl i whim want tha ribu iwular jauli m arm hguli lo wiutkon und uu lutnr lo wohbla hut uh ktt hruvuly on baatlntf wultntf bout- ins until ull twelve vggit wuru wlilf- ld th thirteenth osif atlll atniid wultlllaf on thf tabln juli wuu iui- iih film want to th dov of tli awlno- room und cullad unlhor win mo you do with th tmrtenlh a7 tha thlrtnainth ut vhut do you dinunt uakwl uothar why yaa auld jeuii hii cook ixmik uayu you bnat tbanl aoiiurutaly bill wh huv only twelva uttla ituwlu hpimrntoly jaunt why that ol mautim you but tha yolku aoitarulaly from th whltcai not ouch ahmu jault uank into u chair and rubhnd imr thud arnt tlieii uftr u tiauuu aha awhl wearily i ktlaail our futility will bavn til llvu on omalot tlin rttat of tlilu wk estabushep tb7a ssbhs iihbb j b business barometers seem to indicate that the period of easy money and high prices la nearlng an end a dollar saved now in the form of a savings bank deposit will be worth much more in the next couple of years after the reaction has set in bank of hamilton geohgbtown branch c c mackay manager buhiiicsh directory medical dk j a mluivvm phyalelart and duruabn onu und i li linwmr ivniin und luh hlnil iho rld- iki formarly i rui l il i li m hj icra4iu alton tut pttlme ministers op bit itain chinese traffic rules am a man of lirvvanllna uutomo- ln urcldantm tha hnalth vrvrautlon- ury auaitolutloti un orannlxatlon aom- ui of leading chtnaaa of bhanahal onntly jireard a ilat of uuraaatlonii mona whloh uro aavoral of bttcualna ivjfliy vm will l uthin by tha follow ing t a1i motor cam lutvo rubber tlrd whnaln and run without nohta it in too lutft to blow a horn whnn a our han irouily oollulad with a lhd 6a trutu a car abould hva a vry mitll ball uttuolmd to onn of thn front wheel- uml thl bell uhould tm kit rltirliiff ii tlm tlm no that whentiulrlana ior it thuy on 8t out of tha way till ball uhould bo half of tha al of a biayola ball jcaoh cur uhould hnv u mnod limit but tha nro brlgadd doo- tora uvid lhllct motor turn uhould bo ttxemiitad antiquity of genoa acoordlntf to tradition oonoa wuu founded in th timo of abraham by januh rtrat ulns of italy daaoetinarit nf tbo oluntm and aroatbrundaon of noah am u matter of fact itw numu u durlvi not rrom junua but from tho latin aeim knae owlnff to thu uhutio of tha coaat but itu ui ihiulty wua qoitolualvely liroved in lltott by thu dluoovery of anrlont vaaea of fha fifth century bo fort chrlat whloh if not uaed by tli oontomuor- rloa of abraham waru ut leaut of thu noma uso au tha itirvluii wuru in oioooo uml tha nurly npubllo in home t holipavb called por hflboolmautar why did you ntay away from aohoot wllllor willie coaj my mother broke her arm hchoolmautur hut why did you utuy uwny thd accond day willie w1l ulr uh broko it in two iluoou sport skirts 1 special priced on sport sklrta thin week clearance of all skirls at greatly reduced prices pleated and plain skirts in pltnds 11 lid stripes in serges prunellas tricotiiies and wool flan nel- regularly up to 10 this week 495 to 795- this is tha opportunity you have been waiting for to obtain a good rkirt for tennis und other ports wear voile crepe de chenp oeorgette and tricoletlo ttlouue also ut cut prices this week we otock betten goods at a lowen pnlce l starkman acton phono 69open evenings safeguardyour hair health nature bus provided in thousands adjacent to the famous harrison hot springs of british columbia in gredients peculiarly effective in the treatment of scalp and skut diseases hair and akin specialists and skilled chemists huve combined these ingredients with new com pounds mid evowd tho greatest hair and scalp treat ment ever conceived kokeen dandruff scalp irritation and falling hair are no longer the baffling problems they were once koreen the scientific- hair and scalp treatment permanently eradicates dandruff stops irritation and fulling huir and stimulates tha hair and scalp to an amaz ing now beauty luxury and health kofteun han proven unquestionably that it accomplishes theso resulti l housqnds of cases already bear eloquent witness to the fact k0uirn is guaran1eed to accomplish theso things for you and within a short timo amaze you with a health of scalp and beauty or hair you havo always desired but never realized distributed by r christik uimmklt hales co ltd h lombard st toronto phone adel 292 if your dnikslt cannot mipnly y write dlreot piuce 1m postpaid i dk ii j nflsqn phyjolart buruann olltieiar anion onuno hur in th into iv iruy om undlu nidi n i n 1 ri l lit onlra lloiira 3 to 4 11 unit j t a i m dh c p w boss physician am quruaon ceiffoalow mill dt rtfilnij llurrvoil g phona 32 louiiltal hihciki attiiiliu o dlaeuui n of wo- nun und childriil und infunl 1 odln dr w s laird or o uk m ir hi wnolwlrh hlr6 t vya icar noun und throat kury wrdnruduy at fioldlora home leoal bono no 13 v o iio 31b harold nash parmer m a barrlatar solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perryuan block acton ont uonwy 1 0 ioan ifoura 9 id urn 11 h pu h g mhir barrlaur bolialtor notary public georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentlat honor iraduato of toronto unlvor- ulty thu la i eat anoulbotlo uaoil if dual rati dr p g gollop dds lds dental quraeert omoo over llunk of nova bootu- houtut 0 so lo c 3d kvenlnga by antvolntmont miscellaneous prancis nunan bookbinder account booku of all klnda nialle to ordur porlodicula of ovory doucrtntlon fullr bound llulliiu uoutly nnd liromttly dona wyndham htreet ounlnli onl over wllllamu htorn r j kerr auction- nd real eul auent 17 yuurw lixporlmicu acton ontario tlalou ontniulihl to h j knrr re- oolvo attention irom dato of lutlltik to dutu of uala ijnt your iialou with mo raeldahca bower avenue aottm phono 5 anion call ut my uxiuuiaa -cj- roy hitidsey auctioneer ltvk e1tocic hicatj kbtatia and miaitoltannielia consolidated phone erin 47 t1 r n 3 acton great britains greatest wrae minister under whatever conditions or stress under criticisms the most caustic and severe under cir cumstances when tho average statesman would quail in considering possible results to himself and his public reputation and position lloyd george the prime minister of great britain is invariably ac corded tho confidence not only or the people at large hat or the great majority or tho members or the british house of commons of which he is the honor ed leader onco again as he appeared in tho house last friday to rondor as prime minister an account of his stewardship at genoa and once again after a precise and aarorullywormod statement and an elo quent rebuttaof criticisms directed against him he received the support of the house in what is con sidered the equivalent of another voto of confidence for an hour and u hair the premier gave a calm exposition or tho conference proceedings he in- slated that when the conference was opened europe was threatened with a real war danger that is why we- concluded the truco whereby thirtyfour nations havd solemnly undertaken not to bo guilty of any act or aggression against their neighbors said tho premier we hope it will prove to be a permanent w p pac kgyd qtqrkp not lnly wields a mighty fit i ijitwuehco lb his owncpirehibinnuenco intrelt in the liquor folks now think thoy have discovered r tecnicnllty by which thoy may upset the prohibition referendum lot them try it if they bother the people much more with their trivial objections they will rlso up and clean out the whole nefarious liquor business dispensaries nativo wfnes and all fey a contemporary denounces tho income tax as 0 tax on thrift and a blow at production ad- mlltod now let us hear what it proposes to take its pjnee the government would bo glad to do away with tfie income tax altogether but the war debt and thocost of a have to be met i critics of the fncojine tax are wasinig tfimtlfiilcss tney know of something to tako its pi ce kincar dine rovltw j i t r i tfioy are having trouble over their moneymaking liquor in quebec hon j l perron says elections may soon bo held on the question of administration of tho law it scorns as ir the liquor business is gotting into the hands of private parties who are making millions instead of tho government the whiskey business wont stay put anywhere j is cheevers book binder quebec bl eaat guetpli onl llooka and tiiauuklnau bound in llaudmomb and huba unit ul covoru namokt laltorod in old on lltlilna hymn hooka and other booku all work promptly eueouted misplaced confidence the tomlonoy la to talk loudly when occltod moat txioulo aount to think they loud wnlabt to what thuy have to wuy by mlulns their voice ai mat tr of fiiot tbu nrtioedurv lneuna a lomt ut force to hcreuni a uutmuont im t6 rob it of d utility und imureaalvti a if you about a thin it im the ahil thut ongroaaod the attention und anything- logical und oomlelllnb in the ututemant itaelf im loufalijht of orutoni of uie tyie of wondoll lhllllow knew that the low voice with un imiilluitlon of iierfeot mumtery of the molf mukm thn decnemt imuratoii ott an uudluiioo fto not about do nqf moream do not truat to ypur juiikb to mukn your word eomiiutllna- ln- uteud of to your bralnu tue thin lat mlanluoed oonihlanoo d alex niven hurvay- tuhiltvlnii4 lloiuillo- imiru leairlttloiim uliirtpillun otn certkloattib for iuriliuont ami tortiuuu tiurvayu foi aiohltiictci llulldoral and mil ii in hui i couilrllh ra i im if o itoihirtu icutiniutun tie molean duildirjq doufjla- ot qurlth ihonu loat ont i have deemed it proper in this address to pre sent vary clearly what i regard as the gravity of the financial situation would not howoyer have drawn the impression that 1 hdve a gloomy view of tho future tho worst of thb commercial and industrial depression is 1 pcjlove over hon w fielding who is called tho finance minister of good times gentlemen all hmull boy used four had juat told hlm uncle thut ho hud utartud on iiim hohool career indeed wtld tho unolni why you nut im tho yoimgfmt thora ob no uiibwaretl thti youngojitur n yery lony manner thorom an liter goiithimull who eomom in n baby carriage haft you i mnedyour niiwi today rv jil 1 iit zfx j0pravlng lt3richuowobrwttr ttokonro canaua the old and reliable iranlto add marblo uoiilors wo wro mdinifuoliirtha mid direct lmhlrat of ull klndm of monmuonui and lluudntono work wo boll dlrtxt to our oiihtomorn nt wlioloualn brlooa thum huvhia our ountomtirfi 4t tor oont wu huvo th imihi udld inn run and tha nrly nidobuuiom in tho liomlnlou whu nun aporutu mmiimutlu toobi iirooorly wu cuti alvo ruftirmibuh from huudrodm of our ouatomorm in toronto und other plaoem whrn othnrn liuvu to huvo law uului in ordur to oolletit wo buvo tbo larkoat and boat htonk of oruhltn lit tho ikimlnlon ormoro uun miy throe doalorh in tlm wat wu uro loul- mato dvulorei uml miiloy no autu nnd do not annoy or imt ouiitomerm by oandliiif out ignorant niioiitu mollnlt- ina rlore ww atpploy unlyfiiwibanlom addely cajpoutlon hamlton st sons cur ndrwioli a wuolwloh bui qulph a rul3lbbbbbbbbbbbb wmmw

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