Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1922, p. 3

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i y a v ffiljr art uu 3ftvt irrbb boyhood town kind ml lhk low tlm ut kii it ur i itoyhood tuwn loinf i i jtrf willi siu rlvr oh ll i1h llirxi v ur to hur its iis mmlg ullll hmal i lliu mlllt of lllvirl all uut uh down t when w 4 r 1 ml lint drumming hliillmod utory if livlht ivui lnl glory lnyhood tow wi w tiuy m ull i hut pby i hllilpmtd s bloomy valley wet hi lrwl wham little fwl i hh1 ally gruc kl fair iu dluc will prutlm tlmt in our amy ufutmur wi may he lut with bthomn trvad to lovuti undying umlnr kind ha i took uwi tin iloyhood tov uml fcp li hkmm gleaming iii guldens full thut bloom tin nloog kvl iiiliu nf ilrtumlngl ih excavations ay mvcenae uomnvry lnlrtink rttcovri iihvo iwoii mudi liy tho llrltleh jtcho of ariuaoiogy in it recent work ut myuinae th undent creek city which ulrvudy has yuhiod soma of the moat remarkable tltids ixuirlnf on tha eplo period which pewjed the dawn of uuthnntln history om lf th fj lunk lutth lu hn iiy poll ut uyciut w poaidlilllty that ii wgpuuury hath wjilrh in la reputed murdrrrd by ids wlr at all events if aaainvmnon were a hlutnrhul mr ua should have lived in tlilai paluos tat it w built about i 400 yin 11 c und wu de stroyed wore tlm end of the twelfth century if c mycenae whm ons of the moat l lkrtun fettles of ancient greece and was tlu fabled neat of atanuunnon sou of tli- king or that rlty and most powerful rulor u i jrown it wu aaminilun wliom the dreek hlstor- lups rradlt with having- ll ttu clrk dximhiiiiuii usalmit trty on hi rtum rvom that xilltlun lm wm lain in tho trapxly of jka- chyltia tho acno of tho munlnr u uld in lh tmlaoo of agarntmnon ut arm mmno mllna distant frum itycona th bath uncovflifxl by uhtlah in- vwtora la ilnwl with rsd atuoni a ml lui bldoa ttm mmpowd of auiua th tmuuca which u tllaoovflrod in 188 ha imiw tian aomputftly atear- od onto of tt moat interest in mtrta of h la lha krvat hall or uesaron in which u a fmummi ceremonial circular hoarth ntaita of win led atuoco and luivlnjt noon of tha aairut tnatnrtal edjcvd with alaba or tcypaum th walla or ibo lyui wm oovorod willi palntckl rntaoo which uufrarw much in tho fire which dastroyad tho mtiae tmtno fratunu of thca da- oonttlona found thay rproaont clalkruly drmtaod wumcn with auburn hair i ttm domaatla quartra of tba palaoa wro much deatroyad but in them wnrn found a row of jam and a hhrlna with th remain of painted ptucco lura undvr th floor of tho paloea hva ben found acanty remain of a yt varilor edifice da tin probably from imo to 1400 x c tbartl probably lived tho kins who ware found by bcblleman in ji7a burled with umlr t treaaaran in the farnou ahaft arave of uyceoaa kelow thl afaln are the tomb of atll earuar ploda olna back about 2000 n c in addition tha hcttlah archaaolo- utta found aoveral new chamber tomb in the myooium ccmetorlaa the two utrrceat tomba juat discovered have not yot bean omsarad in the entrance to one were found painted vaaaa aito and amethyat bead and ov aplaud inuufllo aeal atone on two of theae are tandlnx iioi and the fbxuno of the ateac mother atoddoaa dreaaod in the elaborately oounoed and ftathcred sown worn by uycenaan wonxon above her heej im bar aecret ay in bo 1 the double toe on of theae hi- tomb ba an en trance puaaase nearly 100 feet ions and abx feet equare and lie thirty tent below tb level of tho ground it la hoped that they contain article of croat historic valm baiting the fishing hol mi ut rlv i- luti llki- ii uului plur lu wh n tin y ihii ui fin llmli tmhi ut itn hoiiru nf tlm iluy n kill tn tin- rty hioriiliitr in dux u ilikt in hull llk iii m p iiv lit luil your tauli r llxrwhlxr 1m rniui iw to ilfto n i n wth low bunkh voij lmvi mi nii llmu u ll it out i u hlic follow nnd mi kt tn mm r h iw sbuuhtwl tli- vry lt rlrhti rx in lb hlrtiim tlm utirfulu hull hid ritrii ttm drum uml tln ut iimuni tluiuu tlml vlult i iiui tint linn ihwii liultsl wo you mi i iirval i lir oimm in iwhitm u iluc yiu mil throw tho fhl tin oswlnk into old age and retirement it uaed to be regarded a appropriate for a aucoeaaful man to retire from active life aoon after he had paaaed be ojro of alxty iletlremant waa in fact the coal iowhlch a man looked ror- ward yetohnn it meant abandoning the intereet of hla life and vesetatin tn dull ipdolenos isiderly man with mothlnar to do not only were not happy in their buaurw but uaually did not live ions to chafe under 1l there waa no eeneral acceptanoo of what aeema ti be the ract that the human organ urn like a machine ruat out when it la condemned to dlauae nowaday although a aroat many taen have the purpoae o retire fanm active bualnesa when they have ac cumulated a a urn c lent fortune it la aaldom with the oldraahloned lealre to klve up work it bt nearly aiwaya with an intention to turn their nenty to work of another kind it may he literary work it may be charitable work it mrfy be aclemlnc reaeaxch man dont look forward now to an old uae of alttlittf about the houae and ixilna lukurloualy coddled uvea an old ilra devotod mainly to travci which repreaented the ideal or our more enlerprialna forefather doea not aatlafy the oncnwuo elderly or the nreaent time they like travel a a recreation but a an occupation it i nauellc old aire no more than it aatl- fie youth xlentul activity and loncevlty t anm to be in aome- way ulllod the rnatt who koeiui mentally alert la likely to outlive the man who row mentally aluskuih a ueraon who after paaalnk tnlddldfwjcd doe uot flxht hard aanlnat the tendency to die at the top ha ho very mtronc arip on ufa anyway youth companion worked both ways jperam n wonderful thlnjtl twld the faaclnutlna widow 1vo juat been reading almut a man who reached the age of forty without learning to read or write lie met a woman and tor 1 her aake be atudled hard and mado a acholar or hlmaetr in two year tbe dulllualone aultiir ami led aour- iy v vthat nothing bo wald i know a mapi who au a profcunil acholar at forty then be met a woman for her rako made a fc ol of hltnaelf in two day the balky hobbe a aubaorlber write that he blarted balky horerueaafully by putting tt rubber band around the tongue or the offbndlng animal and then imndllng him carefully if na band bt available uae a cot tort at ling the tuttid- or string nttraata the mind or the hnrao from hi atubbomnaa when ho will uauajly obey file ma tor paradise reoajnbd in bngllah fuaaa a aliiort time wgo i uturtod rixolltmtlona of tho uatlui- ilut mlnlhterm wih m upul tl brlrk lnuiui on how avvnlw ufl wiwk vu will tamarabor that ltv t ij wllkdimin wuw the uit ivollowing mr wllkhimin tlmt irl-h- ntuii iiivhi ll-v- wllllum itryorh tlm liunlor uml hvwl in tlm brl k te it- lm from vnrgiim in 1hh1 llryrm liked at ton uml tlm lxhiphi hituuinvil liim illicitly ii wn a khh prai livr uml ut tea inmtlnttm uml otlir rutidtlomi lm bxcolltxl iiu nudy wit wu provorblal i ikuutii u good ttne on urn of hoi oltlt lul tnnilrm wlia on going in bitn tit one of the llouril tnoel ihkm uhi1ouiwki uml nnlali- tl by maying hut in ltr luto tluttt never quick uw u luuih the lit tin iruhman jvjauuliwd hotter tmvr lute brotlmr mr llrynrii uii i aaiil liked anton ie hked it an wall tlmt whuii ha uihtralmuutetl in ihbs he ruino hen to live retired and rnmnln- nd for nearly tan vparii thoi owing to the innrtnltlnl of age ha wont tn kuminoa to tln lionm of lift itrynra family lie dniwrtwl till ufa in oc tober 109 ut tlm rltmi aicn of 84 after i mi lug in tlm nihil try for co yrara itev joarph h foiling wuk till itost mlnbtter to oc upy thla tarn4inugo he uinw to acton from georgetown in 1ki4 remaluoil one your und wu then alatloned ut ixirguu air uolung una a native of thin county ntiil wa one nf a number of preucliem who hud their birth at or iinur ijjwviuo among theae wore itev thontu ing it- a bnitlmr of jomoiiii ll4iljv kolomou oleavttr itv wnlllngdn ttridgman itev c v vunnormuniid itev it f llumlltou tbe prthlont of humlltoii confuroiice thlu yuar juv mr coiling viiui nut 4mh1ihi by itoy itouirt imilulp lu 1bhg thl waa air ihtlllpa iwmiiil puatorutn in acton ho canto hero upon hi ur d nation in 1st 3 uml ufir u yuur of fultliful work jn ibo cliuroh and com munity lutd oho of tho mi wit bu4-cub- ful luotructed moatluax tho church here tfver ekpwiinticod hooron of nw member were recelvod und aoine of thoae who are tmlny moat lntereateal in thtijirogreaa of chrlatialt work in acton bhurcli data tholr conyomlon to the faithful mlnltry of luviilubt pblllliia fifty year ago autable con- veralon during that revival wua that of char tea a cook tho mcoml aim of lutv it 11 cook thuii tlm ituptltit mlnuter of acton ciuulle went td toronto a few week afterward unit ed with jorvt street luiptbit churcli where hi cupabllltle were obaerved by leading member of that flno old churcli and wa called to tho chru- ttan tnlnutry attnr tudylng for a tune in toronto the friontht of thl bright young man lit jarvla it mot aent him lo bourgeon college in ondon knglupd to oomplole hi theological nourae lift ratnn buck lo canuda uml wa aoon inula lied in ono of the baptlut churche an it minlatwr iii faithful work waa hucoeaaful und lu a few year he wa calltid to itloomfleld n y a few mllo out from nuw york city i think ha apeut eighteen year there when the raptiat churrh aet him apart ujt aec rotary of cltrla- tlan cltewanuhlp for tho whole of the united btatea klght or ton yoara of till nrduoua aervioe and conatant travel tired him out nnd cauaod a yearning for the paatorate i la re tired and waa called to ktntt church llutte uoptana where he did great work in building up the eh u roll and relieving it from a burden of debt ho retired laat year and la now re- aldlng with hla old eat mil ut uoattlo wuah itev mr pjilllin rooolvml a moat oordul welcomn to acton when ap pointed to thl charge thejuocond time ilia mlnlatry wa again uucocanful and upon completion of the dlaclpllnary term of three year ho waa atatloned at chealcy itmm thin aumu imitow- ed ynar llook i find tlwt air ihllllii died at trowbrldge in henuimtwrv 1001 twenty yeurf ago ilrt wua alxtytwu and had aimnt 34 yrarw in the mln latry i tor ii in lruluml lm liuil ull tho cliaractorlatla brlllluiioo of apoeclt mid reudlooem of repartee of the cotlo mind well well lilt- uirt if i aint at the and of my tether uguln for tli week und im not neur through with theua met hod y imreaiiu who lived on llower avanue hoy i didnt dmum that id coma utroua wuch a fupd of recollection when 1 htarted out thl woekm memurlca why there dr clifford joaoph kdgo jiioob k howell jame a mcljichlun and joaeih x hagor who oocuplod thla brick houae whlln it wu a wet hod hit laraonage lookw mu if it would take another week to toll w few thing i know attout tld romatnlng hat of worthy preachcrm oenyistrv known to 8avaoeb among the wakajnnbaa tif kuat afi rica a rude form of d tin tin try exjnt iwt uptier teeth are replaced with nnm obtained from the kongonl or hurtebeeat a lurge antelope thoae artificial teeth are grafted on tho cavltlea and hammered in until thry utln in lilace the tribe alao hjvn an abnormal aenae nf hearing they ran apeak toono another ln ordinary converaatlonal lone at a dlatanco of im year without dlmcuhy tho klkuyu tribe argues tlut deatii t oontagloua and tlmt thercforo no one mu touch the dead for far or being contaminated by the germ of death hence before a iierapii die he ut car rledsont where no one need to touch hi bod after tho departure of the plrlt i lultlog it ii wuv thu ilh uorl round u uklnk- bug uml rl uixin mm wuln ua it mu out if tho fcrdlil fht l lulu tlm wuti- it may htrud iivnr nm h ufru und it ilimiri not luat ill ii tlilnua oil lm uilvlx iuioh corn 1 or ln mu m lml for hull ihiulariy in lh arly npi lug in wumuwr win n oorn u in tlm rouut log tur thr 1 nouiliig lllr a 1- ut the gruliim from ilia ob urn iut lo rur knllfjla into uta bugluat long wire to the luig und ulnk iho bull where you intonil to 11 li tie the wire tuthe luilik mi ihut you cull pull tlm bag in an it reluilt it but you will huva ui bait a m w holn whoi you buve acure1 tho itah uwuy fioin tlm flrat ono it la lieat to watt two dayu rtor liluolng the bull ltrom you try l huh ullhougli tlm nalilng limy ihi twil tho trot morning after io not uiiow uny llaturbai04a on the lunik wnv- tonnta of htrwiioi iloga pf other tlilitgu will cat- th big onua uwuy tlm ooml of running feut or iwatlug umiu tlm ground duturlfu tho flab at a grvut doplb if you want to gut tlm big fnl- lowii kep uolut balvaqinq the lubitania count yiimnll lonll of um ayn rudy halvuao fly ml ira tn napoota ti in ida uttmpt to ruuw tlm i uul- tunlue cargo next month lliu dutu d landing upon th oeaaatlon of tli mi tonal engineer atrlke buy u iitl- lon doapatcli ijindl kktnt muiiy yeiir in cunutln niil raiaed a numlwr of lili lo tho iuolflo and elanwhuru ho la not ignition in the pokbeaaloti of a nulvago lontrart with undorwritor whurwliy hlo uyiullcata will takif ho por cent of the value of whatever 1 rulawl frum the iualtunlu iulwll hu already reoalvinl hfda for tho nlm right of the united t inn lln uaya bo fa aatbined tlmro lu ooougli bullion jewel and fur to tho wreck to makn operutlnioi common lully aim ml i in order to to move the vuluubleu from tbd ahlp and make tho hull buoyant ho will employ forty dl wnnrhijc miorlal nulla which will eu- uhlo them to work iho feet iwunmth tm aurfuco of th water which la tho drlith of the innltatiinn kool iindl la llndlng llial few expert ugreo with hlni that it la mwoilblii to aalvogo thti 1 1 nor capuin tteatlr third olltoar ulpturd wbnn the ahlp wag tor- podixhlinrya tli utmifatkiu lu commer cially and tochnlcallylrnpohalblo the aiuxle room wu practically empty be aa id tim cargo wu of no apoclal value kveil if lh vouael after being submerged wevuir y ln t now covered with aund aim wmh prottably broken in two by the eii- ormoua impact with wldnh the itoww muat have atrunk the holtom cer tainly every rivet whm utpilmwl and the ihillorn pruliubly tumbled into the bow grocers were qrosserft xluny of our modem trad a namea hay curlou orlgltim tho yutter- monger for example waa in the old day a costard- monger he hawked a kind or fruit called the contard the word monger menna u aellor ol lu still found in ironmonger flali- ongnr and so on or is i nail y tho grooi r wuw u groaaer a man who sold things by tlm groan ii wholeaulur no one knows why hla uitnin ahould have chatigeil in rwulllng when wn apeak of a wholoaulo grocr wo uro really suylng the same thing twlcd tullor bt a french word meaning ono who fu the figure lruper is alao french it oomes from tho word dmp and means a doalor lu cloth mantle maker originally uantua- makcr la italian cloaks wore fash ionable in tho town nf uantua and wore called otter it xlllllnor origin ally ulluner stimwl for a dealer in goods mndo or ullanean allk slid straw the muat puaallng word la baborv iluaher which has baffled many ketiple u hl i produced ull kinds of widrd vx- lilutuitlona the haberdushor win formerly a pod lor who went round t fairs selling ribbons hut ions and ottiur small urtlcles whlqh he carried i suck ills ruuno oomns front two words lutfor mouulng oats uhd lusche a sack lucky horbebuoes why do wo regurjl hnraomhoos an luokyt uuny p4iple believe that tho umirutlllou comes from tho aougod niiiituim whueo lionoui wuru utokod upon us sacred a uureeahon picked u on tho rood was suiiposod tt buloug to ono of them hut the truth is that tlm homo is tb lititlonul anltnul of tlm tcngllsh puoplti tlm it rat buxotut who tcamo to this country were liouglst und horsu both of whoso name moan horse hmlihs wore regarded with pocilllur ruverenoe since theirs was held to ho ulmost a sacred art io not forget that a horseshoe is lucky only if its points foco you us you find it for luck streams out from them if it l lying tho other way walk round it until yuu uru oipa the point thou ldck it u and curry it with thu points uppermost null tt on your door in tho haunt multlon good fortune will than be hhoweredso ways tho old ballfo- ovr your hoiuto if tho points uro nwurd us it hulls on thu dmir effect op radium upon oems it is possible to chungc thu color of precious and semi precious atones by exposum uiem to the antltm of radium a vtenchman who lias do voted his time to the study of thin lius nbtalned remarkable results he bought sap phire of different kinds and put thorn in a box with u small quantity of radium at the end of a mil nth the transformations were ns follow whits i ifga bunloy writing of the poet milton aid mltujo wmfa arout post who wrote paradise mmt tbn hla vifo i aapphlnm had liecomo ellw died and hp wmia iffc i green vloleu blue winecolored storion i lient thlngtt are for 1u1o lhor us well v- f i a durable whitewash uaks a thin pa to of fifty iietinds of liv dm led lima in boiling water or ono- hulf bushol of lulnkllme may be slnck- l in aven und one gallons of water keeping tho vessel well covered and stirring occasionally to this is ided one peck of common malt which has tieeu dissolved in hot water throe pound of rice fiopr boiled to u thin lutste which should im stirred in while hot onehalf tiound of spanish whit ing und one pound if clear glue thor oughly dissolved in boiling water this formula is particularly suitable for interior work mix well in tho order mentioned above and allow the mlx- luru to stand several days before it is u hjloil it should be put on with u brush or spray tin hot us it is voaalble to handle the mixture rather than sacrifice quality as the result of time abnor mally high prices prevail ing for tea on the market today we have been forced to advance the price of otir popular alada brown label blend to 65c per pound prices of blue red and gold labels are unchanged salada c meaburing the stars heat the hioiilhut mid moat wmmutlvn lu truiimnt in the world h ihoi oou- trmteil by ui w w cpliloiits uu a in uih on hclniilliitu itmoii for timnuur ing tlm bfut glvu orf by tlm stars it tiupoiiil lo tlm hnut of n cundlu fifty mill u itwioi 1 lie limtrumuift is ulmul thn uiuno u uu u full utui uml u fornnul by vtltllug u dot of humillh on to tho ml of u linn pluthium wire tho joint lu plumiri itisldo il vunulini tubn mil- tulnhig il tliioiko window and oomiuct- by ulmosl iiivimiiiio wlrrnl to a hulvuiiouiulvl- oonulullog of u llje coll of wliw und tt tiny swinging mirror tho tuhu lu llioil liluced lusldn u lurge uhtronomiciil tohuojipo which is so hint thn ruys or the slat- will full upon tho joint llonunm of tlm dir- fiimitt propurtlsu of thn two nettila lluiuth uml platinum uu alectrlo currant is gi uerutiul the currant flows through to the gulvuimnmtur and tho mirror in movml ui cording to the uinitunt fif hiuit thut hus played upon iho joint to muliiiuiu us mirfct u vacuum us poajsllilu tho tulw la surroomlbil with culrlum whuli ubworbs the uff kliiorito windows uro used ihmiuuso lluorltu is ulwuya iruuspuronts soma lays oantmt pomdrute giuss w i tips of wlbdom ho is a wlua limn who suys nothing at tho right tlm wn leiiin wisdom from foil uro much liioio thuiryfioni hiiriihk bettor imiovh yoursnlf u iluhfo a ufirk uwuy thun ii genius mid t 1 if you do tmt tlun u uiuii what th use of tolling him sot it only muki a him iilxllko you mo u it it a lifo rulo tiovi to lm dis turbed oi thrown olf your butanro by tiiiythlnif thut oiiu lmppan a oounhy is not liuide great by uie mnnhor of uiiuuro lilies tt contains but by the numlier of wquuro pooido it nm to i uu lu mukhig your living try to make youiunlf iigreoahlo to others und thu holp to limbo tlio world go round mora huriuonlouiily in the uhuuruuoo of strength thuro is strength und kitty urs thsrweaknst liiiwuvrr strong who havo no faith in tliuniwelvtiu or their power thn wlsu mm i enjoys his pre possessions unit docs not waste tlmo wishing for uomethlng pw until lm tins vktntotid from tho old all the joy tiny roo tn inn tho boo tluit carries tlm most hoimy to tlm hive is not the ono thut flits from ittiwur to flower but thn ono tlml extriiat from each all the swnotnius il contains an editors plight a corhettou htibaorlbar in remitting for the- kfonomlht sent tho following rllpplnif ticcnm pun lud by tho mmark hoping it won t coma to this wo hiivo honi informed tlmt aim of our newly married young women kneuils brvitd with tur gloves on nays a small town puu k the oil i tor of this puimi noeds bread with hla shoos on hn ulso needs it with hla trousers on and unless the mdlnouent ruadcis of this old rug of freedom pay uu soon ho will hood hreud without u ituru thing on hhoibounm koonom 1st mrs mury a church ha recently mured wtillun jowol col logo idberty- villo munourl us u oollugn fresh man uftir waiting for thlrtynva year to sutlafy her dnajre for a higher educa tion- hr two uins urn enrolled with hur lu thu frouhmmi cluss while her hvo graiidhflim just beginning their eduditlnu in kludiirgurtan nsid prlnuiry i cbools painted flowers ite ut oxpiirlments luive provoil it lirnctloohlo to biuuo roanbushus ylnrd howwim of uny color desired it must hftwevor lm u himli that would nor- inully ihiur whlto rowus then it is merely a quostlou of watering tho soli with u vury dlltito solution of one oheuitcul ol niiotlltil lohujli will cause tho bush to produoo groun roses alum will glvo thou u llluo huo and muriatic ucld will turn tlmm roil ny llko tnouum tlm longsought blue rose has bliilneil but thu cliemlijil in this case is n secret tho same method with like results cun lie applied to white hydnangoiiu und other white t lowers bargains in babies ilttlo juno hud long wonted u huby iiuiloi and ono t olio came rushing homo in high oxedtunutnt oh mother uouio uulcklyl alio ox olalmeil thu im uro splendid bar gains iii bublos and yoti can get one while they ure olu up wlmt ii the world do you mean deurt the mother uituod in astoulsh- mout homebody luust imvo boon itluylng a jolto on you truly truly tlio uttlo girl do- ularod jumping ui und down in bar oagerness groat big sign about it on thu top of thu pfcttiro palace it says thl wook only children hulf- i rice free to everybody j low hunt it would bu if tho sun shine ramo done up in bundles ami sold at no much a packugo and if fresh lr wure fohtly and if hwoot sleep nd plousniu dreams carnerfeidy to those who slept under u silk coverlet hilt this is not the case tho very red dark blue violet 1 a the rich truo to everybody ace the situation hum uro tlmoh when it i bettor to id thu thought of what im dluagroo- ublu uml them uro times when it 1 bottui to fucn tho nltuutloif 710 puopln who slip through life easily by dodging whutovor is painful in thinking uru frequently inclined to dodge whatever is liurd in the doing there is ho vlrtuo lu brooding oyer painful things but tljoro is lib form of cowardice inoru conducive to un- fortunutu esultm thun tho unwilling- nss to fauo umiloiisuitt ruots no ono tun muster u nlluiitlop whlcli ha 1 nfiiild to fucu a day in a pie ve iybolv knows tlm rhymy of ming 1 his of hlkih ill e k hilt iiihin evil ihidy know what it reully tmuns i tell you im four slid twenty hist m hds i nrsaent tlm iwiity nur imurs tlm bottom if thu ph u tlm woild wl top irnal la ky thut ovrri itjltn tlidig of llm plr is tho day luwu wh n tlm birds iwgin thlng tho king who la represent d ait lug in bis purlor ountllig out id mil y lu tha nun whllo the golt pletss thut im la ipnl us slip ng througli his nogrs us lm un im ure tlm sol 1 ii uuiiik shm tlm iutii who ullu hi thn durr ultru o is tlm himin uml ho hoi vlth whlih she nguum h ri if is tlml kuulllkht tlm iihlutrlom muld who is he gulden ut work iwforu lor king i hn sun la h iluy dawn und the cloihvs ulm htuigs ou in tlm v lbs clouds tlm bird who so truuhally i hie urn 11 a song by anlpplug tiff her i it oh u the siimurt ho wa huvn hie whole duy if not hi u iiutulu ii lu th to inukn gimhl inm of il attention bring your cream and eggb to acton creamery co oiln hvefjncs xuctmliiy friilny uml katunlay auo wednesday afenuonii i jiichet market iltick at au timks our milli ounlity the acton creamery co k i oneiu iroprielor a handwrittcn bible a tiulitlwilttn illldi foot 3 inchns 1ml hi und a ftit 0 limlms bnudlh lo wldch ldoo pooptg imvii rlbutil la im ing prepared by tha ltlhl vyiihih hocluty ut liigbnwl twtilvo ifout uklns iiuvh boon used to m tho oovirs of ftui liook which is now on exhibition ut tlm mocletys limdiiuurtirs hi ijiiulon those who imvewilttiii purls of tbe hlblu lo ud hrgy of vurluiis dunomlnutlons ii ru und uu n of tho army uml vy urtlimiih iiiglnnrs und bunlnss who u u hue hid hlrlis of the bulk twine ill iioiumi w wurds tlu mounti d pulpit ull the coin tulin to iho lnhik lu oihiimd llut it utmut 7 fyit 11 lurlms across d lu rich rd levant morocco its sheets of stout i m per uro by nieouu of llueu hltigss to uunllur umtorlul which form of iho book h lu sown with tlm old fashioned wiiy it is him oomph ted somotlme to wn trf this your it wilt ira u u motor rur with folding i platform and uent around ry afterwords it tnuy imi thn ov emeus dominions hints for campers in the forest 1 lul ui u smulbcamp tire llnlld it in s open not uguliinl a tree or log or mr hruah hcraie uwuy tlm trend from ull around it never louve a rumpfirs oven for a itort time without quam hlng it with water and then covnrlug it with tartli if you find a flr try to putll out if you ruuuot nxllngulsh it send word of it to the nearest voreat itanger throw plnn ashes und clgur or rlgur- ello stumtm in tlis ilust of lbs roud il stump or pinch out tho tiro iwfom leaving then iont throw tilpo uslies ami clgur fir cigarette stumps into brush leaves or plus tioedute faith tho most jtiihirtunt word lu business to duy is fultli no matter bow wu may dlrfu hi world y matters or what our social tir llnanclul standing may lis thu one outstanding tissuiitlul in our deulliigs with one unotlmr is that we liuvn fulth motley ullliot tuka tha plmo or it neither tan social prumln- uiiro nor education it is the first ronuldcrullnn of every contract and ttvury frhniilulilp tho good mime of every bitulnnsu man is pno of his bent usuelit and tlm fulth tlm world has in him is thin ikuromi ter of his integrity und liuitlniuuimumohs kervlte in b mil ium is neomouiry to success but i vlin without fulth is u sordid tiling olid whllo it may bring tumporury i roflt it novif rwsulls in permanant murovss nor lusting business frtu whips are you interested in piano playing are you auro that tha methods used uro tending to your great- eat development your individu ality and the formation or ap pro veil stvlot tho utmost cure should be ex ercised in tho sotoctlnn or an in structor hattie r kelly toacher and imanlst nf ouoiph lius lately rnturnod from lioudon england after having studied at the matt hay xbuioforto school under such muster mind a uatthsy known u tho kngllah iachatiaky hwlnstoad alox- uiidor also with rvllx vox of huston uuhs eminent american leliigoglcal hpeclallst train hicuvicb appolnt- muntu will lm urranged with out side students to suit train ser vice ulas kelly will reserve a half hour tit which to discuss free or charge with any prospective pupil his or her himofsl difficul ties makn uu appointment at once hummer classes front juno jut to august 30th studio s5 park ave ouatph onl telephone 424j clear the way lliafswlintlonfidlb- tatico socms to say heros an important message and even tho busiest man has tens to ansvcr a long distance call usethebelptobeu or buy your voice will brlnftresults when everything else falls asftuourbooaaif ways to speed up ioam the store of quality tannery cooperative demanding explanations vow things ur a bsnlor ti at of frletiilahlp than thn lull it somn totipn have of insisting on explanations when one is held up and required to tell why lis said ono thing or why kw did another or how lie felt in om meantime bis affection for id inter rogator is put under w severe strain would be a good thing for thoae people who are conatant ly domifndjng explanations to reallao that confidence i murh more likely to lie glad and pontanoous if it la not forced tluj fulth which heeds always to lm re- sssuroil by explanations lurks a vital shranont trust our friends nvun in mu iters that you do not fully unw- atuml and leave them to make tlm explanations wlien tlioy urn rwaily lo miss simplicity electric washer operates off an ordinary lamp bucket both washes and rinci qt tha sam time oil moving parti enclosed and will do the inrpcitfbmily w billing for icin thu it a nickel c tint mscliinc is riiarantccd alinoltitcly to wash all clothes clean from thchcqviest hlankck to the llijcat linens or silks without injury to the mott delicate of fabnci and with no after rubbing of any sort to the most stubborn pieces jh0o cah or on tern of 100 down and saso per month for twelve monlhrt a post card will bring tull l a nirchina will bo placed in your homo on trig without any obligation or expense of any sort on your part norman h speight georgetown aluo acent for milton acton brampton proved his case a oentlln imugbt a imtket of clgur- eltes from mr lauun tsuucutuhi his regular tobuioanlst isaac said tha customer after tho tiurchuso hud been rmnpluiod you gave me a lutd shilling in my rmingo the other night impossible answered isaac i never took or gavo a bad eoln in my life with my forty years experience fn handling money i can toll by tho touch at once phyalcal instinct mv boy i suppose you managed to get rid of itr yes wus tho reply i huv just paid it to yuu for these cigarettes ifc- oo ahead ahp do your work tha imniple who find it neoessury to have nil conditions favorable for every undertaking put unnecessary ob stacles in tha way of thole ownluchiovu- rnent vor riu1 lug or study some you g poo pin must have perfect nulut- then are somo who cannot write u friendly latter unless they ur j list du tha mood if you have to walt tin circumstance are exactly fuv- oruble in order to do what need doing your days of satisfactory achievement will ibo few and far between when clrcumstuncvs are favorablo muke the mnht of thorn wbn tlmy are unfav- o ruble go ahead and do your work n spite of thorn farms and town properties dairy oiioitunity v 200 acres splendid buildings well fenced and watered close to georgetown can be bought separately or as going concern will consider town house wanted good 100 acrfcs modern buildings well situated must bo good tidy place and fairly priced wxevans6g0 insuiungf 6 rfal tstat ge aeenbi for otnadisn pacific consnl anchor ancfaovv donoldson linos sleamahlps the shortest thing in the world- isnt a mosquitos eyelash or a gnats whis ker or any other part of any insect wliat- soeverit is the memory of the public if you doubt this ask the first dozen men you incel the following questions when did the rjm cross the atlantic who was her pilot on what datttwas lord kitchener drowned what was the name of the ship that blew up and almost wiped out the city of halifax what german submarine torpedoed the lusi- tauia v it is a safe bet that youwoumnot get one correct answer now do you see lf6 necessity of per sistent advertising when the details of events of world wide importance are so soon forgotton how do you expect the pnhlje to remeniber you and die price of your goods unless you tell em and keep on telling them y advertise in the acton free pres i i

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