r twi ass efljc arlnti jtm rrit wraiy nw f7 111 atmj it l 1111 i u r i lil r i rvpry ii ir lay i r u ut tin 1 tee tet ii ill u mill trl a i o lari tin i rlj ii i lu u j 1 rr vr i 0 lw r i ton u 1 r 1 ullll i l in ll i im ii loll i wllrli ill rlilfil4 l 1 u lull kl1 ilui ll uih altvtltriilwo haik 1rtiuu t hlvtrtla- t ikikit ii 1 rihlo i i i rl i i i hcllixlulrrlmil hi ii rl l iirrl iu ly ivxlu i iilrn lrinfiirr imtn if inl lr i i ii i north a vrll wilt ml fdrcluc l will i- i rt i llll i u ill aifcuuit ki1i j presbyterian against iaceyrack gambling hctting at race courses was strongly censured at the meet in t f hi toronto presbytery init week 1 lie memberr of tlio presbytery m parsing a rcsolu tioil njhinst jiamhlnii ut th races went on record ii rivoriiir tliafthls bo made a criminal offence l be cullcnt co operation with the provincial ailthori t lp in a id in j in the enforcement of the ontario lompcrnnlo act win requested in anothcttesolution lvery wotkman should have ju sunday rest on rin c the industrial depression manufacturers mid employers generally have got out of the habit of doing repair work on sunday which threatened to bo one of the ovil heritages from the- war period there hat been little disposition to keep men working overtime now that hu sines- 11 beginning to pick up again it it to be hoped nnfl the practice will not ho renewed sunday should he r day ofresf for as large a proportion of the population as possible ew cmployertt like to have to work that day and they should not ask their employees to do so unless the work to bo done is neceiuiry and unavoidable the workingmen of the country on their part will bo better off in tho loiif run if they resist attempts to break ml upon their day of rest which onca it is gone thoy will never be able to rcgai 1 onllla packet canadas coal supply incon veniently placed ttn ml hill itloi it rlul llm ciif1 mii ly r cunudu if dim of t ur moat lutiri utliitf tinihldtnm 1 ou ummiiiu hm wd do irtimnndouw raanrv u if rout alllnutnl ut 1114 200 million t hh twin of whirl in aml hlitlirn hi i ii urn ii tho uitutlsc h rll n im hllu- mlijouw unli 1 utiiinlnoiih r kidiitd mm o 1 ii 11m nr mo locutnl u lo ih u conuulorublu dlhtuititf from tint nrur himlktm tiuh nxtmnliy 1a till kin lmirtlnl of cuiuidu lintliuluc t pntmrlil mill tlm rmoi 11 seven o clock tea iniatu loa wl h wllll i in knuhnid h bo vn lily m u 1 uittom wh i uh i r mm lliltlwh icmitlm uml v iii- i 101 a 01 1 will i h u ii t i vi thi i ii llill coi 1 u r u tlliflr willi 11 111 1 u lc- ch ly tu tkp lin nl ltnil ni i 1 u tlin thursday moaning junr 8 1022 editorial antiprohibluoii campaign that an organized propagandia in being carried on against prohibition 11 becoming more apparent every day good meaning people whoso sympathies are all on the right tido are taken off guard and may bo heard repeating statements unfavorable to the law 5- statement which havo no foundation tn fact and m which when invcstigutod may bo found to have had their origin in tho otticcs ot tho ant prohibition headquarters the liquor interests realize that it is now or never with them njid temperance people may as well face tho fnct that probably the biggest tem perance fight over waged will bo waged and staged on this continent during tho next two or three years presbyterian witness ncwspapen and crime in connection with tho drive in now york against crime district attorney banton said the other day tho help that tho newspapers havo rend ered tq this drive has been equivalent to an increase in the police force of 2 0qo and a propqt innate increase in my staff and tho judiciary tho news papers have created a seniment in favor taf tho rigorous enforcement of tho law against crimes of violence such as wo have not knownlnageneration and they havo dono this in le3sthan two weolcstlme the newspapers do not receive many bouquets from public officials so tho above is worth noting also this 19 worth saying newspaper publicity is a greater aid in the detection of crime than the public usually realizes or than officers of the luw will usually admit what is often called sensatl6nal in newspaper reports jtt crimo is more oftn than not contributory to both j tho punishment and the prevention of crime of punishment by increasing the chances of criminals v being brought to justice and of prevention by fright enlng beforehand many a person who would other wise thmk himself likely to escape the consequences ottawa journal oennanya good opinion itather tardy germany seems at last to have wakened up to the fact that great britain has the interests of other nations at heart as well as her own chancellor wirth reviewed iho genoa conference in the ttcichstag tho other day it was great britain he said who took the initiative in convoking hid conference for the purpose of bringing tho people of europe to gether to discuss and remove tho differences existing among tho peoples of tho world it was a bold great and sublime idea perhaps too great to bo icalized under present conditions di wirth ex pressed the thanks of the german people and all the adlictod people to great britain for her leadership in keeping the conference alive if germany had had tho good sense to realize- in 1014 that great britain then had tho very same attitude the great world slaughter precipitated by gcrmlfh thirst for wider empires might have been avoided i i thoy are after mr unney tho more tho matter is discussed tho more evident does it become that those who in the legislature and tho press attack mr ranoys method of enforc ing tho law against tho solo and use of liquor cjild never bo induced to approve of nny tmethodand especially any more effective method which mr rgnoy or anybody clso might adopt what they really object to is the law theyrescnt the existence of it thoy feel resentment towards expremier hearst who enacted tho law the people of ontario who voted for it thtv women voters who increased tho majorities the attorney general who enforces jt and tho provincial police who are employed in tho en forcement of it tlis describes tho situation anbvj the peoplo at largo should keep tho facts of the case in mind it is possible that some who listen to tho jxeket made by those who in tho legislature and tho press assail attorney general rnnoy conclude that he must somehow deserve so mo part of tho odium which it is sought to heap upon him but think it ovei would any other man in mr ranoys place who attempted to enforce this law as ho is doing have any fewer or any different enemies than those who assail him those who at all times and in all places denounce mr rnnoy know one thing and know jt well they know that if tho law of prohi bition is to bo defeated m ontario it is not at tho polls that it can bo done thoy are trying auothor plan thoy want a different typo of attorney general tfooy do not iiko tho present ono thoy positively do qot and never will thoy want another kind of man altogether a nice fellow a reasonable sort of man one who will admit that prohibition is 1m- possible of enforcement one who will admit that mr hearst made a mistake in enacting it that the people mado a mistake in voting for it and as iho people will not vote for its repeal they want a reasonable sor of attorneygeneral who will lot the prohibitory law slide rail full into disrepute those who want to see prohibition done away wlti want to seo the present attorney general removed and somebody else almost anybody else put in his place they see no chance of defeating prohibition at the polls the only chance is to defeat the administra tion of it and there isnu much chance of that unless a different sort of attorneygoneral can bo raised intq position a reasonable sort of u man of tho political typo fond of popularity and anxious to stand in well with everybody thfsqwho denounce mi rnnoy cbxlm they have made him veryun- popufur this liowovor remains to be seen there js oftoa much noiso made by those who are compara tively few in numbers the staf i approval of ontario temperance act there is certainly no doubt as to ho strong posl lion taken by tho presbyterian church on the ques tion of prohibition at tho meeting of toronto pres bytery last week the following resolutions were passed a that presbytery reaffirms its unaltered opposition to tho liquor traffic declares its approval of tho various legislative enactments looking to the total suppression of the traffic and expresses its ap preciation of tho efforts that havo been made by tho luthorlties in the province to enforce the law and then give effect to the will of the peoplo as expressed in these lawa b that presbytery is well aware that there existi in certain parts of tho province a spirit of lawlessness which set tho law 4t defiance and strives to bring it into contempt and that such acts ot lawlessness ore openly encouraged by many other citizens from whom bettor things might well be expected c therefore presbytery calls upon all mtmstorf and elders to keep themselves well inform ed regarding the ovils of the liquor traffic the opera tion of prohibitory laws and the benefits accruing therefrom and to cm hark on a campaign of education to let tho fact be known and in that way to effectu ally offset tho misstatements and misrepresentations that nrb being circulated by the opponents of prohi bition d and furthermore presbytery empha sizes tho importance of cultivating in every com munity a strong sentiment in favor of law observance and law enforcement and to that end urges all citl zens to use their utmost diligence to see that all laws for the restraint and suppression of tho liquor traffic are properly observed and adequately enforc ed r on i- wltlli from tin llnllad htnttit out flt14 n wkhnlumllna hint total ft 4 137 044 tons itt hmit warn mlno1 in cfcnulu in isil tlhrn wum ii ids h3u titliri lm lmiito1 of wkilui 4 ul 170 ton wnt uhltimull tuiil 1jj jmc0 otiu 1 itu iiioum ontario nualomu it r itl iho ltrxeml tmiuittultutm hut mm m urn jumottt to u u fid q mjutti llii fat rliu tin ri in murin rrum ll odlkrlir doltit la qmnlwio uli 1 ifniillilih tuinia koliiff h fur wont um nut 11 ml tuwiurook intuulitanno itixiirh of tlin ivuiitiniit nr inturlor in rofurrlnii t 1 urn rwinl hltuntlim uuy of cuiiuduk r nil irimurlliui lout your albvdm tiid tlin iarsht output ntiiln 6 7tj a ioiim nnvn hnotlu iirmluoo1 cis 0 733 turim tlrllhh columbia 3 j 110 dc t in- haibutciiowjo lot lflt toiih mul now llriinnwjrk 172 714 ton tlia wu u rtnluntlon of tho nutjint furf nucli lirovlpcn mt comtuiri wltli thfl lirxxhllna ynar wltoit u tctitl of lfl odd lioo tonti wbm mliimt timm ura ud inrutita rittfkm nt il on mild canndu h iir hviit ui11i tltmtouuon of miml intiiajvn domutid for tuiatltiir ininwuj in ut rtioul ltho trigbln wlli it u uurtulllna tho output from tnltnl htat- mliim mil wimii of our aiutnni iniim contlntiit foe uny imuf rli it would imvo u rnum rtndl imiii canaillun ki itlatry ilowuvnr iluu to tho roll til ilvlimint of wntr i ihtwni uij tla ilatrlliiitlon of nlnotrlnul nnty luluatry in caiunlu will not 1 nwurly ua uuitly liuiftucuj1 um ilurlia tlin liint frat wul hhnrtubii in mlitltlon imith 4hd natpni uud w4htirn mliithi iirti in u muoji riioru rmiiifiit iirnluotivi cmiiitlitihti mint truiinimi tutlon fin hulttf imvn tmuii vttnlly lmnnvnl altrntlon hux nnn mil ulno to thn twat iuim ut tialnir cuttuillui suil imth tfc iitfavor uul iloin iit lo nunoawi uhil mitihtitdly urh ioibc dnh 11 lnrn inuv ni itlun i iiton uur own ioul rkaourti n y tlmti uuttull ulhikllm u hluk vory httli arid t on i rr gems of yhouoht lhn kditorial notes the increased prlco of cigarettes since the new tariff went into effect is reducing tho sales that will be a salutary result for many one of tho few people 1 public life whovuijoy a supply of optimism equal totho demand for it is david lloyd george washington star vehicles of all sorts using toronto city streets must hereafter carry lights jn front and rear chief cooney would like a similar by law adopted in acton wlmt uin iwt ilnila with our wtrnwt wlmt oin ho dono with our aaw- iii wuatt what can bo dona wth the liquor from our tiulphltn mlllut ilnt urn om at our lituuml r- utrcca a tin to lw tuniml into hionoy tlmrn urn areut nuiipuoa at xjffiilto 1 tlitt woat mnd at ikiut nil ovor can- ndw ilnif can thoy m utlllsod to tnot ir innutnda for fuit hvtiry day can a lit lonea j60 000 000 furth of hnllum o lljclitortlmti air axoiilv uua can wo not find uomn ui for ut tlnrfl ain nimrmnun qunntttua of low rmi inin hi tlin lomlnloii what jiruotlcwl wuy can imj founitnr de- votoplnu und ualna it in you huvo lx prohtiima wlilnh inauro ciuirmoun waahii 10 tho itry whan tlmy liuvn boon aolvd by tb council for hflletttlna itnaoarob ut otuwa canada is tryfng to induce immigrants who will engage tn farming the authorities evidently possess faith that there are those who still are willing to do real work w p nickle k c was very much alone in ins protest in the legislature againsf the increase of 000 to members in their sesslona indemnity tho motion to pay this extra sum was carried a campaign against grade crossing accidents will begin on all the railroads of the united states and canada to day and continue for four months under the auspices of the american railway association may the campaign be effective the greatest dry campaign ever attompted in great britain is being prepared the campaigners will concentrate on four points first no sale of liquor to persons udder 18 second local option for england and wales third sunday closing fourth licensing of clubs the hearts of the peoplo of canada are m tho right place when appcalled to for tho help of peoplo who are in real distress members of five canadian church denominations have so far given over 100000 for russian famine relief as follows presbyterians 53048 methodist 51701 anglican 44600 hap 1 1 at 12033 and congregationallst 3754 a few days ago the detroit news gave up the publication of its morning edition although detroit is a largo city with a splendid district around if yet this well edited morning paper could not survivor xn canada in the last month two or three weekly newspapers have gone out of business and during he past two yedfs numerous dailies and weeklies the coatsof publication are higher to day than ever be6re u v v not think of hnooklua out unotlmr i m brvlurf thtcitu tin ill torn in opinion from you it would lm iim mount to knock lyanrtmit on llti in ad wtiuu you dlnw from youmalf i n your ukhruu utittn h would bo n cmifdrult roiiunlu- tlon tn tho i too r and ilk ontuntod rould tlmy but dim urn maiim wharuby mm wealth thoy ntvt iimm in- n utvtulrwl or uio mbuny that it cntallulinn it la mm yua of other imjipin thut rtiiii um if ull but myikik wro hltnd 1 ahould llultlina want u thut hoiuu rtna rurn 1 tun vriikllii wn oonfviua mnull faults hi inlur to inmlnuuto that wr imvtt im uriit onod uichnfiurul i tho atw inif void whltttm a tmwiutlful anil clmatit woman in ilia jmrtvit workniuimblp of flod thu triia rlory of ouju thn rum mlraoln of narth und thn molu wumlnr of tho world hnnio cultivate fortwamttco till your itnnrt ytiliti u uio fro of it iruy for u abort niamory of ull unklndnohhiw truly valiant darw vnrytlilna uxca jit loliitf uny othor imihijj on in jury hlr 1 slilntty who ovblwmiwi by foroo hnth nver otun but bulf hu fo mllloi ii oiln r hmul xnmi lu tlu dihik ihn uat in of i of foil drlnbhik huu i n liuioit i tlmru rui ifolliuit whin you ttrat k to ilidluu i ypii a ri w4iwwhut urj ilinid to nod ih it nvryoi knx k i rf wrk t lwti oi ik in th lm rulnit f ir m uiili ut ononuid yary tuil 1 1 nm at flrnl you niuy aiiilln in u uumirloi wuy hit vi ry uoo ymi wjll twkito it unl uk ihut it d you rood tl futt lu that thi olhnutn 1u- uoinntlilnu i do with j drink liahltn llm molut dlmalo at itollmiof utuaa tblu inwd ttr roiyiii wlillnt tho dry h at of auntralitt lirodma tho rruv ii it foi lilli iiiiiuimtina of tin tlio itiiuulun drlnkm tin ut ull houirt of thi d iy but 11 o u whli it h un lllii bint im that whl ii h tukik r wuir il la drunk with ullk im i wool i kiii moat can imuuiiii uwuko ull nlultt yt it rtululy huw not ihut ff 1 mm ii thn kuhhiiui in ivunco italy him in uu t i ortil an otfi lu nervtd with thn flint uivnt if tho duy imhil tho tnnul uoiiaiuth only of rorf u with lullk u roll ainl lionhlhly u llttln htm whin- u th drink miut im tuknii with lh twolvn o i lock du unor mm iuul jiruiikfiial lu mitny aimiolmi houaoholdm cot- tun lu diuuk throw thin u u duy it lu only within llm jiuut twnty yurh or no thut tin itiu oflliu unltnd htutou huvo tulle i tu lua r w hall jr b a sc architect do you intind to uuild ok make altrjlationb 7 why not conbult an alichitect box 524 brampton phone 166w george has the right idea jvjou tlrioruf it uu ku uu if tlila ywr wonlln t li uurpru it won uu uood uu intr an insects invfintipn wasted wealth hflrtt um u fw of our wauto liroli automodileo and pore8t fires in muny ihihu of tblu nontlnnnt it in found thut kutomobllo roalatrutlonii wnd format nrvu ura lncrujiliitt utumt lirikrtlonutoly a klxjlt muny tontn uro tourlna about tho country uonkliia out iluctk owuy from tlin rnllwuyw und nmln hluhwayu und uaforliiinitaly ibraiikh urulwuintuu with llro uomo of tlmm tnlwuua und don troy tlin foruutu thorn im tin dalm on uio nart of firtutt uutliodtlox to luir ciihkuim from thu foroatm but tlioro lu no rouhon yhy forvst flrvw ahould follow in tho wuk of the uutomohtle all tbnt lu houdod ih thut rtvliry tourlat who trnh tot iiia tilttbt or a to ua ut noon to will hit kottln in the woodm ahould twiraouully tu it thut hla flro im ucud out bo- for jio icuvvu it thouo wo ko into tliv wooli for ulmiur huahioau or tileu- ru nt tliu vuluo of thn ronmlu und nuld cutoli the fnthnlumm for tlio oonaurvuflon und liroimi utluautlon of hlu nr4t cunudlun itutourov taking thouple muny youna iwopln ur ufruld of tiikinjf trouble it miiidi to tlmm thut vwy row thlna ar worth it au u muttor of fact it la oitly thu tlilnau thut coat u trouble thut ura worth las thu aooomiilluhnxpnt thut oullu no uikhiiui unort brlnsu llttlu re- wurd it la tho work whlotr tlrum thu huhuimi that toushenu thm it hi fho ntfrnrluo thut bluttu uu uiixlouu tliouuht und idnnnlna whloh dovolofu uu w muat taku trouhl in onlnr to douiiytlilna worth dulna und to lm ytlilna worth btinc instalment plan ttlmu 1h5 v m bono your fa uur dooau t object u my tuyln you maltar bho no bukl think ha would itnt- fr hnvlna you pay hijm in inatal- arraawraas rim hbu of tlm iiivlna bull wuu r itflmittd by thn ordimtry wutnr ailr rhotiutiuilm of vniitm hofiirt humuii b iiiku thouifln of tblh dvlou for vlutlna hi u a bottom tlm mpijcr wffa lu tlin habit of umlim u i ull tnudu of at if it lu thlmbln uluiimil und lu unnhort t to thu wmdu by ullkon thrniidu with tlm imulnw downwurdu thn wutir lit oh rnli t in ii vary hiionilouu ituinntu i hulra on mm uildoru hoty ur if with u hook ut thn nd uy iiiin of tlu uo mm liiimit la uhlo o round lliiilf with u oiiuhlon of it llva into tho wuttir und mtru nil whtro it irlnuim1 tlm wlr thlu irooau lu mnatod until mm lli u full f uli in tho bill tlm fnmiilii upllnr uyu h r fuun twlctt u ytur lu thu urlv imrt of tlm uiinimi r unl in tlm utumn i lm tliut hutoh ot ku u imtrlmd hy thn uuiiimor bout und mm lit tin unlit i u urn uouu bullilluk boolu for tin uurtlviu jijiimi you ru rlchi buy two l r i rruoki haul woiikl tihiy i oh i ii if t u imttr tl i i y i hut if ami i i t ii tho lluiiih kulthur ih do i moiaa 1 ii imv t ii uu t flurl on that lift y r tint alow anyway r rirr jnoii ha u thn rl iira 1 1 pis inii t u furmoi- lu thlu aactloo wh wollllnt 1 moony iih ad if 1 iiw lid ull hlu ituulhib- with u jvorrf truck iri in ulid uo um tlr iht ii you urn hi t wn i huv mnn llur on huulluu loutu thut will li rov nilulity liilibatlajfj all purpose western parm bodv h acoxe acton ont biihinchb directory mrofcal uk a mcnivin i r llw i ikii hi hi tl tta j lm phyblak o oliwriolj hlmi m r to i h lul 1- lr oruy nlw ul j all i vii t rlrk lit offlix it fa 2 to 4 l ni uol 7 to dk a v w koss fuytulmrt mnd burown i bl uor phuna 22 m lloua murxmi tlrur it hal 1ii atfeut tottluiha if wo- hn nil f hlflw infant in v w s laihd ok otjfi i it i wwlwld uuat yy v a w ullll throo vfv w hr ut su mnn n leqal our leisure time tlin wuy you una youi inluuro tlmo uhnwu what you nro titul docldnu what you nro to bo lm tout no of u uohool or of ii hnnliuuu atwvo docu not jflvi oitiiortuiilty foi vjry widn dlverunnin i ut oni youth wanton hlu utrtniffth in hlu laiuurii hnurw for mil hutmful uu uofllutlonu utarhi ourh duy ut a llu nilvuiituifi nomnurod with tho duy l mrndlnir annthir uuou hlu minn for uood riudlnu lnuilrlna romiuiilou- uhlp hoallhful xorolut lirhijtink to tlm now duy u work milled riiuouronu our ii luiiro 1 1 iirt tout wliu t wn uro und tlaoldou what wo nhull bn natural mistake wllllnhi maid n ttmohor to mm of imr imulta i um uurirlund thut you in not know tho dutn jf columbuf du novory of aitinriru itu uotnully orbit td ut tlm of tlio ohniitni 1 um worry mluu uulil william hut i thought it wuu hlu tnlephouu number six times the champion la iba cawju tnwwiiium coimw haabmn awkjnl b uia skaw bwfath july atii i ipii jv ulh pkm ithii vboshsssanois f toronto your hair too may be beautiful tlm natural beauty it there and can easily be brought out by a little caretind the proper treat ment regularly administered koreen natures own rcnitfly ih bomotliinjr different and infinitely better in hair tomesra remedy winch contains no oil freaso coloring matter or alcohol it it made up of nuturcn own ingredients pro cured adjacent to harrison hot springs the coujts it tin u ni mecca of thousands of bealth- secken it is uuuruntcd to stop falling hair and prevent dandruff m phmpahiqi and ioii 11v christie rimmer sales collmited lombard sl toronto khone ad 292 if your druggist cannot supply you write direct 1 50 postpaid 1 lu im xi i o i to 11 harold nash vmmvu m a hatar voutar- notary public convayancaf etc perrvman block acton ont sjowr to wav knur bj0 kjn in t lira h g mfir tarrjt- buucto notary publwi m bell d dsld s dlliat manor ftraduutrt at torint t ttnlvar- ly tha lalrat aimlllti umi if daird om ut rwi vtwjruk trt conur illll o4 m fg gollop ddbtd dawial stjroaom onlm uar tunk of soy sootl ii007w bjo ti km termilnjeu by appolntmant miscellaneous n why why are partridge tiro increafllmr in itopulority amomt our cuatomcra why are we bo cnthttaianlic nbout pnrtrlduo fires and why do wo utromjly recommend them to you because in actual acrvlce partrldjjo tircw nro demonatrathuy their rrcatneaa vhnt we have aoen and heard about these sturdy handbuilt tfr mpvinceti us that for allround economy they are linyurpasscd portrjdire tirea pro hot only aubsunually rcduclrur mlle- iiffe cotith but their rufftsed weariruf qualities eliminate frequent and expensive repairs v partridce iibes came as their nome whl af1x1bd you c0mpletbtsatisfacxion fred blow francis nunan uooiibirwlm acooutit itooka of all kin lu mud a j carvrully hound ituuim noatly uj rrojiti lions wyudluurt i irt guoljih out ovr wlllbtuia storu tt j kekr alklanmf and raal eatata aoant 17 yaru vtimrlonr acton ontario n ntrualfl to il j knrv tw- uttantloti frotii la to of llmtlna t ilatw of uabi llat j our luihij with taa jraaldanca bsur avtniu acum jlhon 3 anton ull at mi extvoium roy hindley auctioneer wvk tockt 1iku kfltatb ano wkitciivnoifji cormoldaud phoha erjn 17 11 r r 3 acton j e cbeevers book blndeit quabao 8l euat qualph ont itoullii iiooku und tttuauulnnu iiuidaom und lulwtuutbil ntlnna lutturil 111 uoltl on itlblda uymti ltooku und ottmr itooku ah work promptly exoutj d alex nivbn ontario land surveyor und ciu englnaar kurvova iiubllvliour v nnit ho- hirth utouorititlonic llhioirliitu oto lrtirioatiu for imirehuuiirj ind hiortkucou kurvjn for vrtliltactu ltuillv rw uud municipal counclbi rulnuci rntmirtu tuithuutou etc molean building dougluu bl ouijliimi tllmino 10ul ont tforowio canada the old and itoliablo granite andjlarbip lhalers voiurn nunufurtuini mid dlroqt tnuiortara uf all klndu of udivum natal und llaudutono work witll dlraot t our tiualutooru ut wlujloaulu rtooa thus uuvjna our cuatomoru 40 lnr oonu ivo havo thn but nnpllnrioom uul thu only mtkihanioa thj tkmlvon who on operuto pmunwtla toola jjitonoriy w can stw rrraiqci from hundroda of our cuatomora m toronto und other ptaoua whan tuaurh hvo to havtt law aulla in orubr to oallcnt wo hvj thu uraturt sad beat atock of prunlui la tho dottflaloti or mora thun uny thre doora tn ttm woal wo oro loalu- nuuo deieru na employ no axon to and do not anrtoy or luwit ouutomaru by aondlna out lnorqt mnnta bollqlt- inr ord wo employ only moohatilc and dafy dotnpetltlon hambulon sons cor ntawfctlavdelwteh bta- qtmlph i ffs1 iwfeiirffiifejitiafi- ilifomjk i ii l i i t i i t cor nirfwfch joolwhj m qmlpk i