jjhe artmt 3rtec frcnd iiiiiitlloay junu b 1033 the farmer feeds thum all king ijirl mobil hulk r ut ihlu ths uy lv hf- royally n und l ride llu iho wrtur lhlnlith lol uli u tim craflini mi follows wottdioin tlihuih tim hotilor hfiiu tli lawyer pl tii mlur fn1wu lh pniloiiu udu lint ihlu or thut wliutmr befall tim l-urmii- h imwt f 1 mum ull tho iuhnnru t rutin lit oils at worth ifwpuutuin will hi uky uiil our 111 llhi puuturw willi thn unit utid ruin ami no mull lnuimi rnr lilu iraln an i mi ii iniiv rli mill mi ii limy full lint um vun r h mitpt rxxl them ull lml ii wlni ni may llu llwht iii- rut 1 1 loi blow kii- llf i the mm wlm wiwit tlii wliiul nllk und riult mill in ut i imi huvy itlw imirt im dim itu nit i rliilit h1 lilu imiidn ut full r im in nut fol in ull ft if twentv vi aim ago from the teaue of the free praia of thursday juns 12 i0o2 s titliinluy a ulmwt m wore vary m- f roe ling komn tif tlin fioulii of lint puui wvk ratlin perllou1y nmr in doing uerlniiu dumuge i gurlt n slutf huwuis and plant a buaehull mulch lntwoi tllor ys tnnmry and fttftrey u glnvu tut lory wua pluyinl in tha park monday night tlia ttam from llio tuiinury won ly a score of u to 1 messrs 1 red ulnj lutllo hydor both played with woodntnck lm rumw club nt london in tlxli- huinplonahlp uiuuh on saturday at iho uiiuuul jtesuloti of tha hamil ton conference whltlll clotted ut wood stoeli on tutaduy uv t albert moor wu vwtutl president by a vary flattering majority acton heartily oongrutu lutes her worthy son uh iii preforms n u born tkrhin iii isrln township on uuv si 12 to mr and urs j k lorrln a daughter cltnwbon at c rnwwoliw curnoni on thuray juno c 1902 u mr unl alra morinn crwmoii jr u duul- tnr married joiinhonitacr in johiintown on juno a lioa by juv lu it wiulo anun cfmilmll johnaon furnmrly of acton to mim unrlruda a iuumi of johnbtowq free 8eed tests trarmerm unci aoi mgrchanitt will be cratlfhxl to tiaar that tho xxiralnlon mlnutar of agriculture lion w ii motherwell him datbrmlnod ti reatora tho prtvliko of hnvlntf mawi toated t th aovammnt utborutorioa froe of charge to thnr extent of ten aumploa from each aopucant ttil froo prl- vuejte ooveni a porlon xteidlnv fropi the first day f mny in uno year to uie lut day of january in tho huccuritlnk tar purlnif tho month of tfvbruary march and arll u fw of nfty rent jttor mci teat will conllnuo to ho riudo irtiur f tho ciniroatlon that umually i at uiat poiiimi duo to the tnat- unjr of trade aample und autnploa 1 submitted by oed lnnpotora u nil or l the seed control act while tho free irlvlle la open to 11 the vitality of soed can be roadlty asoertalned by farmeraand othem by pun i tic a hundred or two hundred amdna in a ho war pot or box of noil which is fcnpc tnolnt but not wet and the pot or box placed in a tunny win dow but not subjected to either ex cessive heat er cold xborauriom for seed investigation conducted by thu bead brunch of the ijonnnlon department of agriculture are established at ottawa winnipeg and calgary but thsra are also dis trict inspector hsvlnjc houd quarters at truro n b ror tho maritime pro vince pt quebec dty for quebec province and at toronto for weatem ontario ottapra sevves tor kaatern ontario winnipeg for manitoba and bask tattoo wan r and calgury for al berta and british columbia snakes awatchooas what would you think of keeping a snaka instead of a wauhdcgt if you lived in some parts of bouth amsrlca you would proliubly find one necessary for poisonous snakes are so oommon in ilraall that every year rnore than a thousand persona dlo from snake bites in indja a lutle creature called the mongoose keeps snakes away from nouses but it does nut thrive in bouth america where its place is taken by a harmless snsko known as the mur- urna the tetter is thick and mus cular and about four feet in length one of lu favorite articles of diet is poisonous snake having jjcented a poisonous snake it pretends to bo asleep thus luring the other rcptlfe to an attack no soonsr has this happened than the mursurans seises its truy at the base of the brain tlum it iitves u a bite which proves fatal if this dodge does not succeed tho mursurana catches bald of its enemys lower jaw and breaks its back special breeding farms have been established in south america in order that large numbers of mursurana may be avallsble fur distribution to the owners of snake ridden liouwe wise mothers who know the vlrtuo of mather graves worm exterminator always have it at hand bctuuae it proves its valuo meanest man who wus tho meanest man that ever lived burely the doubtful dls- unction was ewrnud by the irish kulght referccd to iln or loumlew de la hl- bouuos recol lections of a parisian this man whose namu was flott had established an unenviable reputa tion tor avarlc iiik wlff who used to keep a com it in tier bedroom ai tlubun in which sio wlsjinil to tie l fw her death dlod awuy from home plott thereupon dlmuttchthlthe fol lowing dote to hlh stoward kindly sand me her ladyshlpv conin and make us4 of the opportunity by titling it with fruit and vegetables us nothing or the kind can be bought here the order was obeyed tho coffin arrived crammed with eutuhle which were take tot uiyl repuicod with tho remains of iidy klolf a auess a loading cltlsen of an ohio t wus strlokqii with aiipatidlcltls niid operation wus tluomod nocositary the editor of the local paper iy ihimmlmli tic sort hear of this uml printed thin personal iihout it our esteemed follow oltlson lufus o oothem will enter the hospital to morrow to bo inenitwl upon for thn removal of his rtppendls by dr smith vrs he will leavo ft wlfo an two children for oprajna and drulaaa thnre is nothing better ror nprolurt nnd win- tualonm than dr thomua icolectrlo oil it wh reduce tho nwfclllnu that fol- iiwm a sprii will oool the inflnmod flrsl and draw hi l u will take the pchc out of a bruise by twin i acting the inflammation a trial will convince any who doubt its power the sufbay school lesson fon sunday junk 11 1022 juu miah caht inlo 1uihow jr an 4 13 oillim lvtt lui not ufruld jiuiuo of ihtiii fli 1 lu with thos to fit llvo ihut wilt h jehovah jtr 1 u hlloncsl bttln rlih 600 11 c 1 lucii jt i iiuuluni lon comtnanta vfcild 4 jidukliill u un nt joslittl wuu now king jr inlali iud innurroil tint illhpit uiiuia of tlin prliunu by d during out i the cliulil aiiu woul 1 r- luiit und bum tlm city iho iirlntns would ixilwtor lit ooilrugn of tha army by biding tlu truth vatun d tiliuiill thn slhlu b iii jirninlsh anil hml i i hu tiiiiht i h wuu too bin prim erf vr u ii dim imply rlulnii rh h iuvi him tin ie to kliil vtiruu 7 und h 1 lb lly i thk to i pruauiu- ihly u in ii wuu vl lontly a itunlaii if litotll and humumi f ilngu vti 0 i hn uluvn iiiiii t have ihhui ii liitlmute tfriiw with tho king jcvii in ho iiimilfmtci rourugu in pulling lif uuo lmfiro thn lilng lu addition ti ttthor dlutnumlnir inmlltloiiu lu th ity thi r wuh a ncitrclly of bread vi 10 mfiw thit 1 itulmnlsrh mil taknn iho tlrt ulji thn kliur wui sudy to ilit minn thing wo ran not onoilvu or lilu having suhlulnnt ronr- gu in rail tho mnn to unmount who ru treapotimlblo for ihls mtscarrluge of juathti but hit was ready to follow tho uuil ut hlx slave in having jere miah dallvmvd from til lilt vnima hi here wus a tnan who plauntml his work slid thvii lost no tlmo in workjug bis plan though his umiitlonh were wrought up over i h cruelty that hud ihmim practiced he went aliout tho undur taking with cool- tinss und duilslou vir 13 tim thoughtruhieum of kihmi i loch is to iki aoletl if the armpits of jcromluh hud been lrt protnfltoil drawing him out of the would have iwnn a tuilntui prors duro artmi 15 though jornmlah was do- rtxt from the pit still tin was not autn from his enemies ho remained a prisoner though wllh comparative frnwlnm ho wus probabry safer here than he would have been where his enemies could not reach him not lnfruently those experlunoes which abut in thn child or god and abridge hi lltierty have ugaln and again turnod nut to be tor his protec tion it lu interesting ut nolo that in thn final l r hiking up of the kingdom provision wus mude for the surety of tbedmnlch llluatrated truth a oil s agents or deanao are often those which man deaplse v 7 ruustmtloii an influential crowd put jeremiah into tho pit ati kthl- adlan slavp- tb means uihhi for big deliverance a morchunt in a cms town round hlmbalf losing crush ml by tha ugehts of a vowerful mon opoly the merchant hud been the friend o the wlpls community hud bmil kind to the lioor and had hnndfwt many vntsrtirlsns forthn towns liettnrment a luxir latorar took money out of blu mougur store and journeyed to tho city whuru thn head if the monopoly lived ho inalstod on hoeing thn great man and on laying his case beforo him und as a result tho ugenis were culled off j topics for raaaaroh and dtaouaalon i tho jrophotu icilomlos vs 4- a 1 who w king ut ihls time and what wus his char act or t j how had jeremluhorfoiidod the princes 7 5 what waft lho kings pcraonalaltltude toward jeremiah t 4iiow did the princes deal with the prophett 6 what wus their punioaet h a friend in need vs 71 ef what do we know of glmhlmolecbt 7 what characteristics did he matil- foutt s what dons his speech to the king indicate 1il the ltnsoue vs 1013 d wliut would you say of the kings plunst 10 what dutalls in the pro ceeding are worthy of mention 11 why wuu jeremluh not given romp into llmrtyt dally rsadlnos for next weak monday june 13 a hervlle king i kings ii 10 tuesday june 13 a cuptlvo king 1 kings 14 10 x0 wednesday juno 14 tho downfall or judah- i klisgs 113 thursday june 16 the temple and the lund doepotlod 3 kings 26 13- 31 krlday juno 18 ood warns his poopls duet 38 1s34 suturday june 17 jos us warns jerusalem uuko 1 4148 bunduy june h bomrw in cap- jlvity ipn 1371 1b ior many yours it has been thought that the only tlmnor that would give a easonabla period ofuorvlne as rence- imhiu wus cedar tho forest 1roducjk laboratories of tho dpurtmont of tha interior cunuda state iiowever that by eajploylng u comparatively simple method it is possible to trout posts of certain hsrdwoodu in auch u way that they will have u life ut leant twice as long us cedar posts tho preservative t nt tit of this truuttnaiit is clearly whhwn n fencing t rooted ut the domin ion komntry lirunch fnroal nursoryi at india li head lu 1917 liars posts of uuhmuii poplar weiti used both treat ed und untruutihl und it is interna ting tn nolo that ull th untrctrtsd pmtm erectod at thut time havo docayed and bain retntlved while thn treated posts are ull atlll in sttrvlce und uipeur as no und us the day they were placed in position no rest with aathms anthma usually uttarks lit night the one lltna when rest is nootled moat lloitce the loss of strength the nervous debility the iohs of lloah am ulhoi evils which must bo expectqd unless relief is se cured porlunatcly roller n iosslble dr j i kvllokgs asuma lteipody has provil iff merits through years of turvlcn a trlul wll surely oonvlnco you a friend op the birds on the bbotland islands there uro vnst numbers of hltda which if they wore not protoctud would bo killed on by those who are groedy for their eggs und llioir skins wholo h puci us might become extinct on one island tho itoyul hocloty for the protofitlon of lllrils koops a watch er for half tho your during ttie period of fuiikcr he llvtui in a little but facing the atlantic gales whore ho bus kpout his nummerti for 33 yours it ih iiih lovn tor the blnls whlnh has helpoii mr tcdwartlaun through these lung uoaunns or exile the birds crowd round the door of bis but to be fed he has the conipunlonehln of his friends und lw bus thu satisfaction nf knowing hut by reason or ills movie idol to do a mountainclimbing marathon r mt wapta in the camadiakfc oocwrie s tests the cliaadcrts sffjix churllti chaplin wants to make a picture in the canadian ferine ltfck- in prvpurullou ir nut h a picture be plans to spvnd his rutut vacation in tramplns over those mountains no little puth wurky climbing- for charlie but u hike right across tha itoakles- he is convinced thut tn the canadian iarldfl itockles he will find the ideal itlon for big pluura somotblng tlmt will tnuko th movie fans sit up tho ndgns of their meats while tlin comedy king bus not a personal knowledge or cunudas wondoruind be is by no mouiih ignorant of its possi bilities and beauty among the books which he studies during his leisure hours are throe huge volumes 111 lad lb chaplin canululi pictures will ixi along millrely now tltiwj tha rln- lllur iuular and aomawhttt overwork ii tetl coatd uountnl inrllcs will not m fhituroil but momelhliig as intar- chtliiff ul lift mined the mirth pro- vklnn ctinrtl has bis srlous houis liw am n keen iiiliies wetuie that u put t work in teelng tliat um puhllo gt what tho public wants he has s story in view lu which the greater tiirt of tlin action occurs in picturesque parts uf quebeo and usnl- tnlu vultors to the hot kits during tha nasi raw seasons y expoct to tntet httrlla on uttirthe way mountain trulls tby tnay fall to recognise in thu knlckrhorkerml nffltlnnuy shod oung climber tits isaggy rduwfwl splsy footnl atrven favnrlts but u will i charlie i itaplln getting a rlose op of the wonders of the northland h wondorlund tliat b ruutns to put on tbo hllver utmii for ih delight of the ulorlng puhllt ttuvotaes of clisplln untltal arat si- tsdy untlrlpatlns joy in seeing- rnon the screen their idols acrobat la ef forts at mountain limbing and hair- hrwidjh adventures in tits rglan around lunlf und take louisa not without consideration ho you wlali to leave to get mar ried uaryt i heir you have given the matter a serious ronsldnrutlon v ih i have sir wum the earnest reply t have been to two fortune tellers uml a lalrvoyeut and looked lu a sign imok and dreamed on a lock of his hair and have been to one of vhosn uatarrolturora and to a mee jum und thty all tell me to go ahead i aln t one to marry reckless like sir bora has qulcklyv have you a persutsnt sure that refuses to heslt then try lir thomas icclectrlc oil the tesalng it will stop sloughing carry uwuy thn prond heah draw out the pus and prwpam a clean way for thn now ukln it is- i moug oils und numliers of people can certify thut it healed whrre proiierly lied nicknames the teacher of a class in english was explaining the use und the oils in uf nleknumes when uhc thought she given suttlclaut instruction she united that each pupil wrltn a tut of miine and fipposltn each the nlck- nume nsgtne her uurprlso when in tho list appeared the numn oerroan und oppoalle it tbo nickname germ ulllera worm iniwdnru ure com plete in themselves they not only drive worms from thn system but tn- pair the damagn that worms cause unit so invigorate thn conxtltutlon thut it upeedpy recovers from thn disorders of the digestion thut are the result of the work or thuso parasitic in truders they do tint i r work thor oughly und atrength ami soundness follow their use 1 womens varied vocations thern am to day two worm n srchl- tncts lu furls iloth puuwhi tliolr ns- amlnatlou with sunh distinction that thlv fact found speclsl mention in the preaenoo of furtyseven malu wun- lngl iglahd there urn according to the latest statistics among othira 313 woman physicians 310 women journ alist ill women mil bearer si3 fe tus is cab drlvtr 74 women chimney sweater 43 i ferns lo bnlthh 493 fe male drummers and not toss than 3 9 professional painters the parmers friend rcucrvts caked bag eaiv set spider or infection of the teat also thrush in horses feet fistula etc stops bleeding at once removes prond flesh soreness and ewell- infit at all dealer aad drtwgws maaafmtarad ealy by dotjola0 co natambz oat be careful what vou sign an elderly rarer up in arrau tosn- uhlp miik wry nearly italng put out of house and home recently through tho feigning of a document the contents of whkb im- dltt not understand it appears that a tars implement deal er was asked by the hrm he reyrv- vtnltml to have soma responsible per son recommend him us m trustworthy person to hundln their business the prompnrtlve s guilt uuggested lbs farmer in uuatitlon slid the general agent gulng out tu fid i n the farmer secur- ihi bis klgnatunt to a document which im tho farmvr thought wam only a recommendation tiut which in reality wtts a guaruliloo all went well tor the nrt yar uml thn farmer readily signed attain the uoctnul vwsr tbfs hm- the- tare agetrt gu uwuy ih hhul anil tlw nimpny hum forwunl with u claim of sooo against the inlhionnt and ignorant farm or farmer engaged the aarvlceej of lawyer c j mlckla or chesley who arrungotl lu meet representatives nt tha midement company ut walker ton to or 111- mlrkln tkilntml out i list the rsrmfr wau an old man and that take hooo from blm woultl put him the rtkud tha omuny it ap pear could liave msdo tha farmer iti across wllh the full amount if it took til last cent but ur micklom of argument influenced lhara to nulf up with tho farmer uud hcoeptetl payment of fs 6o0 which was the umount thn unfortunate man iald or his experience sport skirts special prices on sport skirls thjd week clearance of all skirts at greatly reduced prices pleated and plain skirts in plaids and stripes in serges prunellas tncotincs and wool flan nels regularly up to 10 thta week 495 tif 795 this is the opportunity you havo been waiting for to obtain a good skirt for tennis and other sports wear voile crepe de chene georgette and tvlcoletie blouues also at cut prices this week vye stock better q00d8 at a lower price l starkmah acton pbone 69open evenings how to fmck strawberries ilckerw shouul tie taught tha proiw jntithnd of plfklnjf strawlierrlea large iuuntltles uf desirable berries may bo ruined by carelessness indifference or inexperinnoa in picking ticking la tlolia hast by the use of thn thumb and fumitngir eafh berry being pinched off with a atom alwut threeeighths to one half inch long and placed in the box rursrully not thrown loaaed or dropped into tbo box to gain speed thttri is always a tendency fur the picker to pull or snatch off the berries and loss them into tha boxes borne picker crush brulsa or squsexs mucb fruit while picking by holding too many herrlon in the hand at one time others pile up berries on full trays tahlrh must latr be taken off and placed lu other luixes buch prac tices result tn bruised iwrrlos as well as many without the hull or cap dumagnd barrios and berries without bulls do hot carry well to the market and in proper picking am not allowed in the boxes unless each row is pick ed oleun of all berries that smt ready at each picking the next packing will contain overripe fruit a slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use efigo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer railway time tables kenney bros full lines or hummer rihitwmr in r mcnu and ladled oxford tennk and itowlfnj shma ijdifh patent kirup slipperd kucklod cirui und itoyu uml children siums fnlcco ag reasonable as the quality is oooa itklmulng mm s uud tuillea sawed work and all bind of iirlug all work promptly flnuliod llrlnif hi your repulis stars open evary evanlntj escept wejrdy kenney bros mill street a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown hat j tint held on attractive opening in his splendid new premises tn tho mcgibbon block the new storo is central and commodious f attractive new stock of latest spring styles equal to the citv shops hest possiblfe seitvices given in ladies tailoring at reasonable prices our customers become our friends wo always have a welcome for them main street a- hirschorn georgetown farm implement repairs bbbbbbesbbsabauasauueaeabaabbbbeuesaau for international flcury toronto wind mills bumps and engines delaval separators and aino other mults secured to your order water bowls water systems installed metallic leuofiiur nine kdt ftoofinfl call at our now btocl building and get prices before ordaring elsewhere c e parker g roszel mill street aclon hwe84 iter ichlng thoy uro lucroanlng in when hollowny corn itamnvarls npldlml tff n com it kills ttm roots und the onlloxlty comes out without injury tu themosh summer necessities screen doors screen windows garden ttose lawn mowers garden tools 0 oil stoves paints you are invited to call in nnd look over our stock 1 water services how about having a water service put in the long dry summer months you would find a lawn service a great con venience estimates on this work cheerfully given we want yourbusiness and guarantee satisfaction i j w kennedy son kenney bros- 0lj stand main street acton phone 05 increasing fish trlqes improving methods of handling and hatching the eggs of the whlteflah are huwlng such results that this ex- iletllngly valuable tluny species is now steadily gaining numbers in tha ureat talk os tha work haw been highly ays- tenuitlsttl and is being nonduoted by tho united states fitherles llureau in cttoiknatlon with our own cans dlun uuthorttles the scale on which tho artlrtclal propagation of the white- llbb is oelng urrutl on may be judged from the fact that lu the year 111 tho midierlcs llurvau liatrhoil c 40000 i ijoo egg itit planted 430 000 00o young fry tthauks to thbfworlc the white- hub supply in jim great lakes lias been increasing ever since 117 jt is holp- ijl imhirtauliy by a bow interest which the lake provinces and citato are tak ing in tho matter and which is evid enced by the framing uf laws for the protection of the whitehall and the regulation or the also of mesh allowed in lie uaed ror seines and traits if the ituh be not too- hmult the little ones lllch hsvu ino commercial value van get uwuy and havo u chuueo to grow big not twofaced it wus a little urgumont between two perfect ladles tin re is ajin thing iw one can say out you said una uf the comluit- tu no one can over cdu you two uo they cant neltbtr aiutpjiett th ther no if you hail iw fucia you neyei woul i im mrvu out with tho one you wewrhitf uow wus the rjolndnr hen hoalllilles lhcsinu more furl- friendless flowers ius mrviitly bfeu dl ovareil thnt ingm have trlt nds and kin piicm in tin li w rlil it certain verletlos u logtthir in a vase some or them will droop slnjost um swn us thoy are plnc- id fit tho water hyt peas far ln- stanre will not llvv lu nompany boris flowers auch as bn mlgnonetta illy of thn valley ami ahlrlay puppy havo a bnd i fret on ulmonl ull uelgbthirit and aru practically friendloas castoria for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria alwajys the signature of- iii use for over thirty years castoria ik oaotauaoouv at acton k grand trunk rull way byatsm oelnrj weal mo 19 k13 ajn jj no 30 h if pin no 1c ihmday 10 3sm gelnrj east no 3d 7 ox am no as a ispm no 34 llutidoy itxpm toronto uuburhan electric railway gain j west n 17 u m daily ascept flunday 3 31 p lii hully oxtopt kutlday u 10 p in iully fot pl monday 11 03 u tn 3c p lu sunday only c6 v b holiday only golnu et 1 4h u tn llally oxtx pt llnndsy 3o3 p lu ijally tkcpt monday am p m llullyinrvpt tlunday b c u in huiiilay only r 4 p in humluy only k la p in tlumlay only triilu k 3 which luft toronto at 1 45 p in on liitiinliiyx now runs on duylkht u uvlng tliuo and louves ut 13 it iiilon jfrolght inllvnrml by itwul express rfolght- lltlght plrkul up ut an ad dress lu toronto it t tiikt1 oud agent acton e k cook can 111olty you shirts collari tics handtcr- chlofh buttons ard studs arm bands garters suspenders shoo laces gloves mitts in soles shoo polisji and he doesnt ask biff progui eitjber call and see ekcook mux ijtiuqerr acton speight hardware gutlkhy yilvkhwallis mian itb walth tinwalth siokting co0ds ramoiiiones prices right satisfaction guaranteed c- c speight m1u street acton natures mint makes out of fc c to the 9rs belong tho days wlirtn gold tiuggets could im ulutken from among tho grass roots hut thunk gootlness the dayu of opportunity are not yet gone for the hoy with grit and push to blm nature offers gold green white red yellow all within the little piece of ground which im can call my garden horn ha can raise beans so transparent tender and bitunpy tomatoes mo rat and red corn or molting uwoetnesg all these lie nail sell to mothers far and hoar heeds cost but llttlo wrryu pure bred seeds uro 10c a paper they aru the hluu bloods of bosdom the pick of acres devoted to aclon ttrto growing und woiontum of need lluy thorn ut thn storo around tho corner bond for kerrys seed annual chock tu i or kurtlnn hints tellh whlnh vegutuhlcs ure bent for the home garden writo to day got un curly ulnrt on your garden it the golden idea that pays ferrvb turebned seeds d m ferry co windsor out m edwards co bakers main street acton l next to w m cooper bread buna gikes and pastry wedding cakes a specialty a like or choice canned goods ha- been added to our stock which will mcot with favor by our customers m edwards co acton free press adsbring results children ory for fbetchers o as to r i a