Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1922, p. 6

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irts rif j ft t vrs ji- -xrk-r- v nnirfwtttr i nrtirr r imwir v ll wfffir tj w- niwaibt bbe artmtjurtf jhrrflfl thijhmhay jiink jf 113v brief local items jk tha ow hpular in i tr j v jut brllu uii hridil xlijwikm urp i looming ihtwt luiu tim kin u lllithduy mi llulunlay wuu vary iiulrtlv lwrvwl thu uuniitr uunu tm if rrimwii llur niil uurtioi ura dalichtrut now tli- ion biimnii r ldliuyu roe ihti uchhlu will i- hrv 11 u tfoupla of wit a tail mr il nductlou in lmi ul uulatu i prttllrtd by hrutitford city council timtrlul iuitln im wkluauduy jmt 21 ul wuntlarhmtl r- t ur llwmwv thn i talk of contractu for ml mm- ik iiihi i- 1 b built in to ihbt numinw if youn i ho first to surt to tall lliin you ii in the rtiit to mtnrt la sail tin in udvrrtlaa xlr cora lluinlm of iliwkwothl uuva u wall rndeatl uolo in kno churth but ttundsy knoruln humi biuwh straw barrio iuid on lit cut harlot mrbt on ht- urday i ha first of tha pit u how maid by utdautlat that rxcwulv t drink in in canada 1 1 iuumi of tiunun mr a wiui wat moon momulxxly mm wn tha trat month uum iluiu ilolrwl tha prophoy wuu not wu i haul la tti homo k mil ii in uupplyln tphn vaudabta for th tabla klul will contluuu to do ua until th xiiv ni khuln tlm toumamtmt iff tha central luiwmnu auutm latlon will im bald on lb lirmiui of anton atltlotlo aaaoalutlon on jun hi mid 31 kuthln bawiball straw barrio hamfoot hoy blj drop of ulv radio ounoertny barn bauded itlrbl all itm numinir hms oualph now technical school will afford u una opportunity tar vocation ul count by student from ac ion f when u lit noraplolod a rw at llnnwllllam on ho twnnty- fourth of uny will huva tho urtormuth of a caao in lollon court tivxt wwlt ut the olflll yft mr aik kunruiwln 1 kuln in tho tkw aaitotliim ami ooal oil unlu tit tbn o t it mldliis for hlu una ami oil businowm hara ill ailvartlatira all owr ths country rtt inrraaninif thalr appropriations thoy imkt in rnk tnoney out of tholr udvvrtlalna invmtmenu sliuina aruln ar in rirm condition a raw aood bhuwir juat now would kroutly benefit thain and halp to flnlali tha luty to prlmo condition for cutting hlx aaiul of alexander latteraoit of lalnrmo who died at hlu daughter honia ut itronlo laat wkwk raniod hla lwy to tha kravo ut alarmo on uay 31 j ic llarrla founder of the haul it on harold uwl lrwldont of the llontldlhrlntlnjt company died ptay evening- ij mikiv fourth yar the contractor ar enaukad li puttlnc tn oetnqnt rulvorta on the croa j oountry uectlon of tha nnw provincial highway between acton and crowaoom corner lta- time hay tnaklruf rnenoed on tha boulevurdji on the buck rtreebf where they huvn not ihmui trlmmvl by the property resident tha kiddle axa creatly enjoy ine the water ut tha pub la drinking faun tuln ut the ovtrnmnnt ulldlns them warm duyu charred with uellliuc candy uort drlnku etc on uunday itouu cook of ltrownavllle wu lined by majutrte pateraon of inanraoll the tun uf s10 aiiiv coat on tuesday ijr hldnoy oram who mi choaen chief of bt catharine ktre tliisade aavaml nionthu uko out of ovar u hundred applicant a bt maklns kood in that important position lib lonuhlii ktiajiop cyilrlen of ieterborouiih will be in hl joseph church acton on monday june ii to administer lha sacrament of oonhrrna- tlon ut 7 30 that evening tn the june number of the fum- toral wm u newlyensraved portrait of itev vmther tieodrow printed on heavy plate paper which hi par- lahlonep will murh appreciate ulualatrute uflmtub aumeaaed 101- uiter ltutmny huland of decmerton the minimum one of s0o for haylna liquor other tluin in u private house last wek wnlk erton teleacope toll ull the world that hummer hero tufiilti with joy tend sona toll tlium that they may know how on the hillside in the ahlnlna nolda now clump of violet und duuio arow ur v alutthowa corner of ualn btrmit uml knux avenue will hold a wale of household effect etc on uatur- duy june 10 at two oclock instead of ul o clock os previously advertised venerable a roll do con a c mackintosh rector or bt james church uuelph ha bean offered und hu accepted the rootoruhlp of xundaa made vacant by the retirement of llevr k c luley tu bo to onkvllle mr j k ilrown of yimlla sent tha vtaat iwmna a aampltfof the rapid unrowth of veajetntlon in muni lob thu sprliia a limb of u mani toba mule out on may so showed twentyfour inane of now arowth mr ii 1u harrison lute of ker- kus hu opened u utioe storo in arton tn the bulldlna recently occupied by the creamery there ha 1 an onercetlo and procrevslve butt in en man und will be un acquisition to acton store keeper ujoru kxpraa tha jlttle village of knnntvlllo in klool township hu hud a public library for seventy flvo year and la urrsuutlna to hold u celeoruuon tu oommentoralo the four din ut it on july 8 junk miner the blnl man will alvo u lecture tn connection with the celebration i v eff dauunafad a very sucoeeaful aarden party wua held by the lreabyterlan church ut the umim hero lut criday evening the weather wu not very suitable for this sort of fanollon but u kxm1 crowd assemblod i lob wljsory w humorist and ubm oruco lion plot provided a tcoodly part pt tha proirrunune und were wall received boloa by mr and mr huck of oeerftotawn warnutrcat- ty apprecbited and well rendered the acton cltlaena hand waa ulso- an at traction of merit and rendered a num ber of flna selections itev mr wad- dell yery capably fulfilled tho dalle of chalrnun ltat of prix for luoky adrnlaalon tlekau 8l joseph plonlo und anleti party suburban park near acton on jiumi 14 and ltt children imonlp on wednesday june 14 llr of runnlnn atioe at aibbon shoe store boxaf l candy for lra bauebau for boja oarden party wednesday evonlne june 14ypalr of ahoa aa itarrlaona ahoa atora month pas to tho ilex theatre ooorfetown or wonderland aoion box of candy oaardon party thuraday aranlng- june ifc choice of muoi ta bnnooamiardwatfs atom so hamilton conference this intareatind annual gathsflnq j- w hij at 81 catharlrw tin twonty iluhlb uonuul wthuiloii of hamilton c or wu lit id iii hi i uul hi t mttbout churt h mi llurii tl mliltrlul uml lay touiunu w r ihiit on muy 31 unit hie kkiikui luuutoiiu on thursday jinm 1 a vary hit trltula wu miii l tho mlnlhtira of tho rural flods ut thti iulii of lluiiilllon cirrm at lit ciitharliiu luxe wtk whim hnv hnry cullwll of oiford culm wuit lnt xl iuutroi of coiiremiwo by u ry mulwtuotui riujorltyj it v cul iw ii whs mltiliilnr of ihn lhli k cburi and i m n clrt ul in i imirly ministry mru culdw ii tu duuuhur of hi lula john klifhluit f nwkuwyu iurla hi thjilm tn c luv mr caldwtll lm- kldwl with eih und xmuiivii uklll th to ln- or ihu kuy hlt aiummtullon w n h in v wtdlutul avtniin chun h of which lluv tmira w harkor is th buttr itv mr luiiknr hi luwnl und hi rhulr rt- iil thcmimilvcm to niukn tho lutliirtiii llira pltwswnt und oonvenlnnt inv c hrutmr ut lmxui form urly ofactoii rn tlvhl u rlim humlnu tlini of lln imiun renin pnld iioy litm yur hi vtt wu buxt hlhit to that of ibw h caldwell who wu lofted hh intrtmluril tha tnmlileitt in hit roiifomnot thu umiuul luiltiuft of tha ity lil atutoclututi in tin unnortiui way uttniidthl by it i it hundred m rsoilm the uddr by luv umni lult 11 ii a it ik of iolrolt wu a musler- ly wrfortu ltu thtmn wu tht ironjlu of tu morrow thl fu notion i llit social ovt nt of thn confonini 11 j m henyes ii a tho iimihirtor 0 fihoolu for this county wu the honor ett jnmldont of xjiy itiluautow aiomwi gllnu for the your hlu ronuoctutivd t1111 ty und axel utlvo uklll win ull dldly uupluyed bm he pmaldtxl ut tint variou uestiion tha ow mlnlntr uptvolntvtl tu the ihurch here 1 uuv churls jiaxkett of port coltmirna hov mr lluokatt hu just complatatl u vtry huotsiuuful four yuan pustorule ut port col bo rue and tha dnlt uttt ndlna nonfrenru rrnin that iktlnl mihiuk in very hljfli term of hi ublllly uu u lkuutor hi onuuiy uu a rltlann unl uati ruling to tho churuh utid immunity itny mr hurkutt will rocolva u vury cordial welooma to artou ud ha will itnd a unlttsl oliurtli to which to h utnr und u fruitful rtold in wbldi tu direct his tnlnlhturtul urtlvltou tha ntertlou of deltt to tho ion oral cuiihd una tho lulutlvo tmmly of tha chumh which meet onoo nvnry ttitr yt urn wu u imiht intnrostlna fautur of krluy unhslonm twenty una mlnuterlul und tha uulna uumlmr t layman won to in elected a hutnll- oil coafurnncu n prentutlon to tho lanaral conference which inrtetu in toronto tha uamutonu oornmeurlnk u wednesday ucdtombcr 37 nvxt thn follnwliiir un mlnlslorlul dulu- kutam to general confeninoe hov hnnry caldwell oxford centre itev a w iturker ht c itov it h hamilton hurllnifton ltov j if wells wetland hev t albert moore toronto hov it h logiuli oakvlllo itev c 1 hruptr preniou ltov hr a j irwin orlmshy ho v j m hulth korwich itev j a molchlun chou- hov v m wootou hamilton key h m- uoadhounw wootl stock itovj 4h 71 x hjliiir krunltori jtsv 1eteru hart on villa iluv w w prud- hum drayton itav thomajf groan hunnvilla ltv uuvlil a molr blm- coa itav j u wrlshi hurrlaton itev ir j k jjuahson humllton hov w h palilel kloru followlntf lay deleaute were nwted to the uenural con fore noo j hhepporuon hrantford 11 v moore acton llwtreleavon hamil ton m l hull wulkerion j j lrltchurd hurruum tltoa w hllluird waterloo j m imnye milton a hcrulon hrantford 13 undstty blnl- con geo in joneit lit cuthurinn j h poolo wlatton c 1l huger dunn- villa c a hlnce humllton vvad munn hrantford m h bhnll whm1- stock john taylor gult c p mc- grtor wutnnlown c h clnavoi hurl ins ton cupt hoi ton mt wrest ir hum uuelph and c u uoyer bt catharine klrst roaervn bv h molloif wltsonvllle extra rvserve it c hauetwood h h chriatlo j luchurxl- mitl itev j bmlth hav i m the following youn men wore or dained on bunduy austin w guild guelph james h f or ton ar thur hampaon mount fcrit ieo c mulalt nlaura tllm alfred h true- blood trafaucur churlo a pierkliiu kenllworth milton j aiken norval uhlney ii btoke ulrmlnaliam those youna men had the distinction of bav in the hand of hlshop quuylo lulil upon their heads u well oh tho flmnm of tha ministry tn the confer now toe ncy methodbt iahtor bv churfe huokatt o port col- born and rev i m moyer of act on exohano itev 1 m moyer who hu been tho minister of tha methodist church hem for tho past four year hu 1 stationed at port coltkirnn which i a oat doni ruble appointment 1uv churlo huckott of lort col borne will be aoion ttaw pastor hi hu mlnlsteretl to the port colorn conrcutlonu for tho puwt four yoorii to the broat uullsfuutlun of tho people thero in fact o stroimly doe ha live iti the uttecllon or tha port col- bttnm peoplo thut ha would have boen ttlivderad un luvltutlon to remain for a fifth year tf theru hud bim any um irunoo that u fifth yeur term would lie entertained by the conference itev mr moyr i wall noquulnted with hi haw held it lu not far from hi birthplace unit lu chwut to rnuny nd of the family hu will have a paatoruta on thl ittilil us thu teoplu of tha church then uro ac quainted with hi merits and will wel come him with urikat cordiality hev mr uackntt hu hud u very huocottsful mtnlatry he oominonoed hi work ut car honour newfoundland com pli tod hi course ut mount allison unlvemlty ut buokvlllo n ii ten or twelve year auo lluv mr hucikett wu trunsf erred to humllton cunferaiion tha three nliarsou he tut hud since have pro tie red under hi mlnuitry ho 1 a mutt of com manding upiiearanoe hu the roputu- tlon or be in a sood preacher an ax- cellont pastor und un exceptionally able worker in the hunduy bchool and with the youna ieopl kenerully when he 00 mo to aoton mr hankott will find a united church ready to holrl up tha ias tor hunda to hint und mr hnckett and their two rina sons a cordial welcome await thorn at thu w home here tho exchange of lutator wilt lht erfoctod uiu first sunday in july k kvldcnca of the esteem in which itev mr huckett la held by uifi conference i the fact that hd waa oloctotl chair man nf ouelph dlbtrlct ut the close or the conference on tuesday nlcht he also hold the re pop i bio position of conference secretary of btutlatlcfl r j kerr8 liotof 8aje8 kriduy juna 13 a b da via bower avenue alx oclock household furni ture etc l saturday juna 10 mr p mat- tnowa oornor ualn street and xnbx avenue two oclock trouaaholos furnl- tura ata neighborhood news- town and country gcohcetown many 24th lili 1 tho uolf lltiuu has tukn iiiiotho jump it im now 1 iiiiik in town ut n a unlhin w rk on the nw hluhwuy huu ihui rommrniiml hi rv a km iii t tntil lira muy pultluk in f ulvorlu ut ihn morvul loud und tho tuutom ind of hulih titin u a mithiu of tin unlit howuiik- ild lit thi home ull mn h it hlldf lilluy urttriioon ut 4 ocliirk tho fit ut wotkly him i rmirt tif thw bt uuoii wuu ulvtil ut thu imtid utliud liifwduy evtiiluu ut b it tin woruhliiful muvtni mildrn und niuinlu ru of credit iidun will buy u fiutriiul vlult to kin ilolihixtn uhikk tiioitd on lhurduy june k our rlrtiiuiil hud u run on miturday uvuiiinu in u bniall bluito no churl a ur t no duhi a wtutiru 1 10 11 ha applld for u uroiind thut htir itm- bund hutl lint luki 11 lu 1 to 4 tnoviii i irturti uliow for hvu y urn 1 in ro inuy y t ihi u niovt nifint in fuvnr of pultln into thu niilrrluue imrvli un ohljwatlon on tho purt of lint huuliaiid lo proviil that aort of uh rluliniitint mr a 11 duller of tho hurhy kuy co iiiudti a iiuhiuiu trip lo phli 11 plila luut wtok und atltindxl thn bo 1 ry and uniitrwutr manufuoturvru ex ibl hon mrm vrunk vunutir nt iu ittl wuuh lu vlultln with urn j w kotiiindy ittiald ehin mr h mroulru of ihu oruiiufl villi lluuimr wuu utuoiiu tho crowd a tho sort on the 34tli mr uml mr t ctnw of humllton iihnt ihu woukond with mr und mru w liwlu r und mru mkliinor of quelph call d on frluud lu town on uunday mr john linker liau niovetl into tha run i il no1 ro nntly ocauplotl ty john mccul on mill hlntit ituv 10 ouliorii oruhbovliiii occupied tiii pulpit of icrlu hup tint church huntluy ut 3 tit liwik on thumduy ovoiilnic ihu jtl wurt uturtlmt whtui the ori tiell run out u ulurmlntf iuhhuh ntid lu u fow inlnuto toils t of i ho villuutir werti ut thu hcoiio of the trouble mr prun- ciii lrulik wu thn ullfortunuto vii tlm he wu worklnif about hi horuu hi thn mtuhlo and lu houio mumii r tho luutiirti wuu knocked tlwr und li ututilly tho pluco wan in tluinou i fust did the firo tmvol thut mr frank wuu utuililo to reumio thn hoi ui und thi wor atilmal uurfttrvd in tho dunirui hv flwj trimble took tho unrvloe on the krin methotllut circuit on bun duy luxt und tltillhttml the ooiirta- ttouu with hi aplumlul uunnomi mwrchuiit hulf holiday uvory wed- uuutiuy urternooii 1 iio uummur muutln of hw womens instltut wu liold ut tho homo of mr it m holl yrihterduy uftnrnooii thn dopar tine nt htmtiikor wu hur- anirt uildriuiuud tho innetlnif thu lucrntuti tnum havti won two tlxtunu ono with cjilodoii on thu shii und onn on ivlduy juna 3 from calo- 0011 ijujl aitvocato burllfjqton mr uoyd hlngla liuu tteen h uiuiful lu ueourlli hi a a dourae ut momuuter uiilvtntlty toronto mis josnlu itymuc nf wlunlpu natural hospital lu vihhiii ut tho homo of her purontu ut kroumun husaoll hlnttlo huu iwon utiocouiiful lit pauhlplf 111 uoconit yeur nxumli tlnnw lu modloino ut tho won tern xnl- vorsity ilomlon tho hlua ulrd trunslt co huva reduced their furou batwuon hurllrl ton and humllton to 2fo u nlnlu trip and 4 to rctum trip mr harold curr uu old hurllnglon uy huu been muocoasful lu pahln hi vvamlnntlona in tluo0y ut mc- muktor unlvurity toronto obtatnln tho tlnnjo h th a nurd on party will ho hold at 1c1i- brldo on juno h konnuywlluon company of toronto wllj provide tho evenliik cntertalnmont hauubull und sport tn tlip ufturiiimn tho hurllnuton mrtnioua hand uve their drat band concert of thu season in uoru 1urk on kriduy ovculm mr ho qoodull huu ham offered und huu accepted tho misltlon oranst and choir muster of bt al- tllfn u cuthudrul torcnto the docorutln und rnnovutlu of thu mnthodlut church huu now bum iwjfrfplntod uml thu oil u roll wuu opuiiud hunduy with hev h ii clirlutle upd hbthop quuyto otrlolutluu c company lluhou tlldou wilt o to tump on juno h hrlllliiu lu now koiiik 011 in hurllnuton armor li 01 monduy wndnohituy and friday tivoti- iiium ami rtkirullh will lx woluomud nusuttu mimosa the mlmoua prbyturlati oulld mot at mr 4uke mhiera on friday uvenlntr und uncut a aoclut oven hi tim crop roporturu uay a bumper crop while the wllo builder uy pre para for it short crop x would ilka to know if cither ofhoso lu the prtmliet who prop led a hunt winter i tniuulnu that x um sufo in suyin thut about u third of our green folia rowln which wo uill drop im weedu mm lawson mr utul mr tho wren and son law son of ouelpu vultud ut mr and mr v lawson totoiuhip orriulaltl ware around in- mivtictln hrld mi the town unas ir w j aordon und batw of hills- bur vllted hur mother brother and ulster on hie 34th whllo mesaru gordon ijtwinui torrunue und bert ram tor ran co took in the sport ut feceu the beautiful stoiuly warm three- day n ruin in ado rupld growth of at natutlon tiapoolully cornwllah hu lirown very fust a hulf do son of our youn riuti in tend ln to guulph soon to tuko u ouruu on stock inllii tho women hint uu to mat ut mr j v kntwlstle utid after tho usual ouniiidn mr albert ldntwlstlo agent for aluminum utunullh gave a demon utrutlon mr albert smith shipped a car of baled liny from or ton thl weak mr i whoolur kurgum und mr will wheeler of kitchener visited tliolr cousin mr loorge h wheeler wottieduy vo urn hil ulud to her that mr vtobtj downr tu on tho road to reoov- y ut thn jrergua hoapltul mr ju torranco hua mudu quite un lmiiroyement to hi property by planting u number of nice maple this spring und 1 viow erecting un up-to- duta wire fence uluh tha town lino in front of hi huitdlnga ho manugem of mimosa presby terian church have hud carpenter at work thl woak lowering tho calling in thn cntrtinca of the church and sevorul othor improvements which will udd ifrnutly to tho uppourunoe of the hurtm tho community wuu shocked at tho auttden death of mr tho adsutt one otlcratuoruim most iironperoua farmeru un honoat honornblo christian man a member und abler qf munona pros- bjterlun cuuvoh und n member of tho pholr ha leave to mourn hi losu hla wife and hur mothor who made nor homo oifjre rive lam and two daushtera 1 k a evcnton nmuiiiu j tin lul hun ull art tf fultlph who ptutaeil lwsy oiiduy v ul of luul wtk we to nt on 1 ham lay afternoon in u u t jry thn fuutrul inkln fr in hlu lain homi 34 nsrwkli 4 ul j ixiimu htrvlit ut th led by u mu i ml alt vald alton i tty 1 f i 1 i ov 11 tint pull j m huff ltoswt1 wnltk of flutdph kul hiiy oukru und mrk r r limchousr 1 mi win no iv 11 wuu l 11 m tom 1 mr to ov hluni- th wtjk td y wuuon of toroul 0 visit 1 frl mlu li t m 011 bunduy hr ull 1 miuu i in luuy of out iph lultt t rii ida in i luif boo h luut tu mr win muiuhull and will ha lph ollv itlil llwliu wei mtlll 1 on 111 to ovr ihu w k nd mr aitlu lilmo from urt n to on hliuduy mr und mru imi muiulu 11 u il mru uu 1 lun it visit d frit ml in lrin 11 hu inlay 7 b el wood wiuit wuu u iuur truuotly hop in on a furui hi lutat lurufranu tionr ilel- wiul 011 wkiih tiluy wlioti u young furinpr iiiuiiihi hfllwoil wu ubout to go out lo thn fit id with u atonaluuit m wliltih wuu luld u 23 calibre rlfla iiiuiiih rir the purtmwo of shooting gruiiinl it iliu iilulr who p pouki urcoiiipuiiylnu him jumped thu stoii bout and plnkd up lllln uud uukttl htr hrotlit r if it wm louilud it fort he could reply tho rlflti went on the bullet nutwrlng hi mouth and taming out lu hi nuck below thi jaw vorluiuttnly no 1hi wuie hrtikun u wuu tukon to th luruj houpllal whtrn ln lu now do in vnry wt 11 utid it lu hoped thut hu inuy soon ln ubln to return home notice to creditors in ii ctatas of jarwt mclean spin daca arwl of eiu maria elatt married woman qeeeased rv un ru 1 f junt t wrb 11 lute rowtihlrrp f fjuulii in thn or hi 1 1 on tformtily of lh towmhlp of krin tu hi ounty of avlunntoni uphtstur dotieumttl who dim 1 r ultout the 18th day of mry 1d1i ut th lull township of ftutiufa in and also ihn 1 reditu of kllu llurlu uiijuii 1mi of ihn huld township ririli niudlnl wiimidi tlnteuutwl who about the sgth tlay of muy said township of itrtn and huvhitf 1 ulms ukallist thnlr r nliher of thlr rlnls ura rwiiilrl u or liefon h11 uth day of july 103 o at nd by post prepum or otherwise lnvr to ibo iiatirtiikiul solicitor mrltuii f thu township of farmer tbn ailmlntstrator of both t uald pstatnu tholr uddrauhom and if rrlpllon mil particular of th if tlahii und tha nature of tilt uourllu if any held by th tn and notice i hereby further itivoii thai immodlululy afttr thn uald rth duy of july 111 tha kultl udmllil trator will prtxthkl to distribute thn mhwu of tho said two tuttati of juunt mcluii all i kllu maria huouun union ihn purll u 1 ntltlud by law tlor to and ha will pot rvsihinslbui lu ui doing for uny rluhnu of which im uhull not huyi rect ivmi notlca at tinin of siih dlstrlbulum lwiil ut act onturio tu hth tluy of juno a h ull john mcikan h il no 3 aoton otit adminlhtrular tly ii m vurm r at ion onturio hlu hollcllor 49 3 diet m or lift i ut tha fy- jti ijhl dram in town hall en juim 1 thu hlluhur ilrsmuilo club will put on a thrrn utit drama anlltlotl tim fruit of htmoplion lu i lie town liuil hur on priluy tivtii 1 11 juna 14 thlu play huu tenu put on uuv ral tlm 4 lit thn vicinity of hlluhurg and hu b wall retlvhl it tompriim u ust of 10 phiyru sm milton no 14270form 1 enrolmsnl no 3507 vurc lind clydeadale suihnii will tuk thn followhu l rii tlinukhiui 1 tuwluy1 1 own ht abl u lull on i flle u foil rth hi hit 0 krin 1 for th nlifhf waduiduy protv to1 by way and im 1 ht jo llurnal u t two 1 unlink an d till ii by way of llluu htrhiitm to j llll xiclmunllu nuuuu uw yu for t llkll r ah thutaday hy wuy lulllnafadj ida own utabl ii rt and nnuils llu 1 uil followln tuisdsy loliiihlon und mi lut li rn i a ownmi jldoo to lnuiirn fal the jersey dairy 1iionk 114 hourlui your putnnug fur rli li pura milk hallvorvtl vvnry uiorn- ln ut your home if you wunt good i louii wholauoino milk phone 114 wa slvn stirvka h q linqard the aton community house the house of plentv- on tanas famouu tatitik iibco desires to extend to you an invitation to visit our famous dining room special rates to families who desire to cat with us during the summer month- all meals prepared by a hrst cium chef watch pou the announcement of the proposed band concert d v ritchie proprietor boston church anniversary services whi hk hki on sunday june 11 at 11 a m and 730 p m itev mr doddd of cheltenham will coudgtt thu a rv lot a them will lie uptmlal music ut both hurvliu hy kookwotal quurtctte kmclul orfuringu are requuhtntl on monday evening june 12 a garden party will be held on mr jamea murry itlau aijalnlitu tli cliurfli lot t nwcuoun i tlm fiillowltiif wallknowii j urtlt hvu lw4n imtauru james fax humorist una cltaine soprano ciiaiiles stanley luritone uttij june frank child singer mayme mason ppinute and accompanist mountain mtos ohchkstua hawaiian guium franks orchestra llurly comer priviltb to park their nuru w be hiard it frvuhtnont luhith on tho grotimlu chairman admlsbion 25c and 15c 95c specials 95c womens onepiece print iioimedreteten in neat stripes nnd dotted effects regularly 1 50 this wck only 95c allover aprons these are well made aprons of good quality print modium and largo sixes both light and dark shades in tha lot special at 95c shp0ver aprons in light print special price 2 for 95c girls gingham dressea kktcllfcnt quality in bluerand white ami brown and white checks trimmed with plain colored chant- bray sizes 4 5 and 0 years special at 95c r uullt black cotton hose size q 0 and 10 4 pairs for 9ic we stock setter qoods at alower price l starkman acton phono 69 open evanings new goods every week reetr 1 7ateia ttieaot- weatzer fit i iever ts womens strap slippers and oxfords from 25 to 500 per pair mens oxfords 50 500 and 600 per pair misses slippers 200 to s50 per pair our tennis shoos are tha best and cheapest that can bo had here quality counts we win harry harrison the shoe man box 454 phone 68 mill street acton we can use more men and boys in our hhop louniln tlrlvlu ro pulrlu ovkrhaullii motor trut t- or tlurastvt pay in a 10 dally to our succtissful uraduutn iaarn auto tructur knot hunlc lltt eit part lnllon tluhtln turtlnyu- tamx hi wugflh stoutly work you can ourn whllo lournln wrila rrva lutubluu hemphill u hi auto om tractor hchool 1c1 kin ht wast toronto wash goods wa huv in stork full lino of volla jtutlsto and tihsuo oil- tium draa lo oaths hport skirt ltntui of ltutttinuy in mtrlihul and rhnck ntr twt- ullkc geo soper mill street rir barbour or tiirutnuun will bo in acton to buy wool on the following dotes june 7 june 14 june 21 lllrhwl market irlce will be paid t barbour dealer in all kinds of farm implements hillsburg ont mclean co weekly store news 1 mems navy kkwi- suits if you want to nvc inoniy call und look over our upccial in ui mlii scrj c sim great vuluc good rittmjj puro wool cotiipuru ii with the 35 00 suit thu lily slorc arc r our special price 1h 2000 mhns odd coats at itkduced prices i weed owls in brown iray hlindcs slcj 3t3ji i0 and 42 itckular price 0 10 sjcclal 7jm1 mens 011 vests lu tweed s11ki n 11 regular 3 50 special ata hoys illoomkit pants lu dark wild with ilillilk lura i only 33 3 35 regular price 3 50 special i50 roys cotton and kiiaki hummers hoys troiik cotton hloouicn 1 00 1t and 1 50 hoyi khukl itloomcri 110 115 mens and roys straw hats 1 mens and hoys hatiiing suits mclean co mux street acton ont the imported clydesdale stallion kilwinning jock will imt at hi own stable ktrnlul urm lot ik con 4 tuiuutaln ovary huturday and monday tills horsn huu siw uullly und i bnmmihi liavln unh slr uu iladlun hluwuthlu iturtin huby and huron irlln und i u notott stock horsti will imj uarthur ouuliy u nuuuu i euwayu avftry tuautluy ut nhlll w11 at un hint lot sj fourtli una ltuuiiiuin avt ry i rlduy uftt r- hin from 3 so tu 7 o clock luriir who tntand brthiil ti uhould f thlu horse tn insure u roul hv 4si nkiij oiohch ju onh 1rops saturday treat because ncilsons ice crcmn is so smooth anfl delicious many rial i it tho velvet kind u is made from the purest ingredi ents and under the strict est banitary conditions ncikons ice cream is mora thdii a delicious des sert it is a wholesome food v for your next des sert try neilsons ice the velvet kind cream homemade duttkuscotcii 25c lb our butterscotch is famous for its true butter luvor it is a great favorite with young and old 100 lbs to sell saturday at 25c lb wl weekend chocolates 29c lb such popular flavors as vanilla bordeaux mint lemon gcncvto maple raspberry pineapple globes fig caramels otc roul good centres covered with real godd chocolate regu lar 40c per lb and well worth it weekend special 29c lb satukdaysonday chocolates 49c box a plain neat hoy containing one pound of highgrade chocolates try a boy saturday you will liko it 49c box neusons cream cakes 8 pou 25c bettor value cannot be found in all cunadii assorted flavors regular 5c saturday special 8 for 25c 1 h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton pipe fitting is our specialty n mutter what tlm ulpa phiiiibln jolt luuy be it will imi in ukllled hurt fwhan you utniht uu with thu work all kind und ulkteu of pipe waum- ml tlinutloil cut utid fitted ierftct jolnin uml so til or in uuartintucd ilpa r pairln und roiinwhitr of ull kinds ask for our cutlmutb phone 80 w f mooney acton ont we invite you one and all i to the most popular and most uptodate store in town tannery co operative the pioneers of low prices 24 lb bags pastry flour cholcp qairy pljrrcr per lb laundry qaps al kinds tor seedless raisins ph b canned corn puas tomatoes 3 cans for lidbys pork and beans 2 cans for homemade tomato ketchup quarts ouk prick for sugar is right jtil 100 21 45 20 3 dont forget we have daily arrivals of fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices phone 46 van deliveries daily i ed hariuirf manager mill street acton jliffinht

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